Archive for January, 2009

Star Trek Trailer

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Alright! This looks pretty awesome.

Dare I get my hopes up?

Hope Day One

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

It’s like, why is cheese delicious on Italian food, but when you put it on Chinese food it’s disgusting??

From: Fellow Webloggin contributor Bear at Absurd Report.

Teenage Guide to Popularity

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

It needs to be said, and I’ll tell you why: Among the hobgoblins on the innerwebs who want to do some arguing with me about what a great, great President the peanut farmer was, and how Obama is going to make us great like that once again, some three-quarters of them were born after we fired him and replaced him with Ronald Reagan.

The rest of them won’t say when they were born.

We ran from Vietnam like a bunch of scared big girls. The economy sucked. Cynicism and selfish, destructive behavior was rampant. Cars were hideous junk painted ugly “earth tones” like crap brown, condensed-milk yellow, ketchup-stain red, and garbage can green. (My father’s giant boat of a ‘73 Ford LTD was that color. Driving it was like trying to pilot the Hindenburg on the ground.) Fashions made men and women look like clowns.

Actually, my recollection was that fashion made men look just like women, and women look just like men. It was the decade of “Deplore l’Difference.”

I think that sums up the whole thing right there — anybody who was anything, should live out their existence as that thing, with just a hint of regret for being it. Men shouldn’t be happy to be men, women shouldn’t be happy to be women, America shouldn’t be happy to be America, veterans shouldn’t have been proud to be veterans, rich people should’ve regreted being rich, white guys should’ve wished they were black, black people should’ve wished they were white, straight people should’ve wished they were gay, blue-collars should’ve wished they were white-collars and vice-versa.

Remembering The 70’s had some more recollections:

For those of tender age who don’t remember President Jimmy, please do your homework. He remains the worst President in modern history. Inflation at 20% plus,oil prices through the roof, impotent regarding our hostages in Iran, double digit interest rates, the US as the laughing stock of the World, etc., etc. His solution to high oil prices for the winter: “Wear a sweater.” Please, Jimmy, hide for another twenty years! He only came out of hiding the last few years because none of the little yuppies know his record. From his recent comments, he’s either senile or a traitor.

Wear. A. Sweater. Yeah, that’s another one…people who had furnaces had to pretend they didn’t have one.

Live apologetically. That just about sums it up.

It Remains a Good Idea

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

I saw this design on a tee shirt advertisement somewhere, and I’ve been looking and looking for it ever since. Still no go. Google is not built for searching for specific images. The tee shirt might’ve even been yanked down. I don’t want to steal a great idea like this, but it would be an even bigger crime to let it go to waste.

And we’re gonna need it. Big time.

Let all who doubt this will come in handy, feast their eyes on what John Hawkins found on YouTube. View only on an empty stomach.

It’s your favorite movie stars! And they’re going to do…a whole bunch of great, wonderful things…that they could’ve been doing anytime in the last eight years.

But they can only cure diseases and end hunger when a democrat is running the show.

Boys and girls, that is today’s lesson in how to make others look like a wild-eyed, overly-zealous, partisan hack — when it’s really you.

Well, I pledge to remain consistent. I bitched about George Bush’s policies when I disagreed with them. And I’m going to continue with my…whatchamacallit…”real patriotic dissent” or what-not, with the new guy.

Consistency. Let’s see the other folks pledge some of that.

Update: Via Gerard, a great argument from Victor Davis Hanson, writing in Pajamas Media “Works and Days” on why we might go inconsistent in the other direction.

It’s enough to send the Microsoft Word grammar-checker into an apoplectic fit. But it makes a great point. Worth a think or three —

If you are a civil libertarian, if you are in the ACLU or a law professor, or a liberal in good standing who swore that George Bush from Texas, with strut and twang and mangled vocabulary, destroyed your liberties with FISA, with the Patriot Act, and with Iraq, then please extend that outrage to Barack Obama, for whom all such shredding of the Constitution suddenly has become merely complex and problematic rather than fascistic. Please list, cite, name just one instance from 2002-8 in which you lost your freedom, or you were censored on the library internet, or you were followed around by the FBI, or your letter to the editor earned a wiretap, or even one instance of the loss of any freedom under Bush—and if so, just one example of how the election of Obama has once again restored your lost liberty. Nothing in the abstract, please—something concrete, an example both real and personal. [emphasis mine]

Update: Reader Jason wonders if this is what I saw.

Ah…gosh, it really doesn’t look like it. But it could very well be. So long as it’s noted that the idea wasn’t originally mine, as inspired as it is, I’m happy.

And I’m looking forward to adding that shirt to my collection. All those other tee shirts I have imploring people not to vote for liberals — they seem a tad bit dated now.

Hamilton Farms Billboard Watch

Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Washington State residents who are familiar with the area around Exit 72 on I-5, know this billboard well. The older Alfred Hamilton passed away in 2004, but his eccentric billboard habit, and therefore his legacy, lives on.

First time I ever saw the billboard it said —


And the last time I saw it, yesterday, the message was…


Yeah. My kind of people.

Kent Conrad Reads and Learns

Saturday, January 24th, 2009

Me, droning on about Atlas Shrugged coming true:

The phrase “In Times Like These” is repeated over and over and over again. Invariably, it’s placed in front of a proposal that, in another setting, would make no sense at all. And still doesn’t. It’s only discussed in vague, highly generalized terms…right after that magical phrase, “In Times Like These.” We have to “stick together,” “in times like these.”

Sen. Kent Conrad, D-ND, defending his decision to join all his fellow democrats in voting to recommend tax cheat Timothy Geithner to become Treasury Secretary — running, among other things, the IRS in the new hopey-changey administration:

One committee member, Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., a former tax commissioner, said in normal times, Geithner’s failure to pay his taxes would have led Conrad to oppose the nomination.

“But these are not normal times,” Conrad said. He said the economy’s not “out of the woods” and touted Geithner’s extensive experience at a time when the country needs a treasury secretary imminently.

These are not normal times. These are whacky times. These are such strange times, that I have to vote to dump a bucket of gasoline on this burning house, that’s just how bad the house is aflame. Wet is dry, up is down, stupid is smart, kids are wise and experienced, and darn it we just gotta have a tax commissioner who could’ve settled his bills with the IRS any time, and chose to finally get ‘er done when Obama was about to nominate him. That actually makes perfect sense, when it otherwise would not, because these are the times that try mens’…brains.

Why not just come out and say it?

In times like these, we need a monarchy. We need paupers and peers. We need two sets of rules, one for the upper-crusters and one for the riff-raff.

This “nation of laws, not of men” stuff is a luxury we can no longer afford, right?

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.


Friday, January 23rd, 2009


Here’s a Worthy Discourse

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

We need one. The comin’-together has gone beyond what’s helpful, and yes I really, really mean that. I’ve been told for the last eight years that the 43rd President was stigmatizing dissent, and now that he’s gone just three days his predecessor’s administration is “quashing” dissent more completely and more effectively than Bush could’ve ever dreamed.

Trouble is, life is motion — eliminate motion, you have to eliminate life. If we’re all sitting around waiting for the Godlike Being at 1600 Pennsylvania to come up with the ideas, there’s no point for any of the rest of us to be here. Deep down, we all know this is true whether we want to admit it or not.

But we aren’t being given the information needed to argue about anything.

So what do we argue about? Here’s a great idea from Buck.

…there was a recurrent theme in the posts the milbloggers I read put up yesterday, and that thought is… “Mr. Obama is MY president, regardless of whether I voted for him or not.” The attitude is both recognizable and understandable to anyone who’s ever served, mainly because the president is also the Big Boss when you wear the uniform. As such, respect for the Commander-in-Chief isn’t just desirable… it’s mandatory… and that respect is something that is instilled in every person who wears the uniform from Day One.

I’m beginning to think Universal Service isn’t such a bad idea, after all. But then again, some people just can’t be taught manners… which includes respect… no matter how hard you try. And don’t feed me any ifs, ands, or buts about someone, anyone, who serves in a position of authority not deserving your respect. I’ve worked for a whole helluva lot of people in my life I didn’t like, including a couple of CinCs, but I damned sure respected their position and authority. It’s all part of being an adult, yanno?

Do we want Obama to fail?

That question deserves much better elaboration before it can be answered. The job is a large, important, complex one. The President is Commander-in-Chief. He is also Propagandist-in-Chief. Obama has the responsibility to see to it the country can weather the latest storm. He will also do his darndest to make sure we have a new generation of people who think it’s good to “spread the wealth around.” The first of those is the continuing survival of the nation; the second of those is toxic to the continuing survival of the nation.

It is therefore self-contradictory to hope Obama succeeds at everything.

My prayer?

That his fuck-ups be confined to the trivial things that don’t matter. And that the citizens take full advantage of this four-year opportunity for learning.

State Megaphones

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson sums up this week nicely. Hat tip to Rick.

As Obama begins to govern and as the public sees that he simply borrowed Bush’s foreign policy rhetoric, jazzed it up with his cadences and pauses, and then took either Bushites or Democratic centrists and called them hope and change…and as the gaffes begin…the fawning media will begin to look embarrassed, then ridiculous, and finally completely bankrupt. They offered no audit of Obama, no tough treatment, no honest examination of his flips, no balance in their treatment of Bush, and they will soon pay a terrible price for that derelection and worse, as the public sees them as the state megaphones that they have so sadly become.

The running family joke is that each morning, as I pull the complimentary newspaper into the hotel room and read the headline on Page A1 above-the-fold, it’s always the same: “He’s Still Awesome!” But there really isn’t too much joke to it. Truly newsworthy events? Just one: He signed something about closing down Gitmo in a year.

The rest of it is just fluff. All of it. New era, Michelle’s gown, hope is in the air, so much work to do, He confronts a crisis.

It has been a long-held tenet within the leftist schools-of-thought that a truly independent and free press is vital to the liberty of those who consider themselves to be living within a free society. This is one of the more respectable leftist axioms (it certainly beats the snot out of — When you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody).

Well, if that’s true then we just lost our liberty.

If I simply traveled back in time a year or two with video footage and archived newsclippings of this nonsense, the people back then would consider it to be humor. And not good humor. The left-wingers back then would pronounce it to be parody, unacceptable parody, ridiculous parody, “beyond the pale.” It would never happen, they’d intone.

And yet here we are.

On Closing Guantanamo

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

The first item of specificity, from the administration that has become famous (in my mind if in none other) for avoiding specifics.

Guantanamo will close in a year. Sounds like a settled agenda item.

But there are problems.

Q: If Guantanamo Bay prison is closed, where will the detainees go?

A: The Bush administration negotiated for many months with countries whose nationals are still at Guantanamo, trying to get them to take in detainees.

Some governments have denied the Guantanamo prisoners are in fact their citizens, while others have been reluctant to agree to U.S. requests to imprison or monitor returnees.

Some of those being held include Chinese Muslim Uighurs who Washington says would face persecution if they returned home, together with Libyans, Uzbeks and Algerians who are also at risk.

Some could be granted asylum by other nations if their own countries refuse to take them.

Last month, Portugal’s foreign minister urged other European countries to take in Guantanamo prisoners, saying such a move could make it easier for Obama to close the prison. Switzerland has said it is open to taking in detainees.

Q: What other problems does Obama face in closing the prison?

A: There are a host of legal and practical problems, particularly concerning those who are deemed “too dangerous” to free. More than a third of the prisoners left are from Yemen and the State Department has still not been able to reach a deal with that country on either security assurances or guarantees that prisoners would be treated humanely.

The Bush administration wanted to try about 80 Guantanamo prisoners on terrorism charges and held a few dozen others it did not intend to try but believed should be kept locked up. Those facing charges include five accused Sept. 11 plotters.

Biggest problem of all, is political:

The consensus among those who have most feverishly backed The Chosen One to become our next President, is that war, along with all strains of human conflict, should have been banished to the ash heap of history. Kumbaya, peace-and-love, let’s-all-get-along.

These are tie-dyed hippies who think, when two sides are in conflict, one side or the other can unilaterally decide hostilities shall cease and the other side will follow suit. Jean-Luc Picard diplomacy. No such thing in this big loving happy universe as a genuine badass. The question that must arise, is what happens when their vision of human affairs is put to the test?

I doubt the terrorists are of the proper mindset to learn much from the peace-and-love murmurings of othes, even as their jail cells are opened. That isn’t just my opinion, the Dalai Lama has said as much:

“It is difficult to deal with terrorism through non-violence,” the Tibetan spiritual leader said delivering the Madhavrao Scindia Memorial Lecture here.

He termed terrorism as the worst kind of violence which is not carried by a few mad people but by those who are very brilliant and educated.

“They (terrorists) are very brilliant and educated…but a strong ill feeling is bred in them. Their minds are closed,” the Dalai Lama said.

Maybe this would be a good debate to have right now. What does a belligerent person, dedicated to the destruction of others, do when he encounters other people who treat him with mercy? I know what the fairy tales teach me about that. What does reality say?

And how many of us are truly ready to heed reality’s counsel?

Memo For File LXXX

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

We aren’t big on the SNUL (“Sorry No Updates Lately”) here at The Blog That Nobody Reads. However, some of the reasons for our light blogging lately are worthy of comment.

First, we’re on vacation. It’s not that we’re being militant about our relaxation, far from it. Folks who’ve been on vacation will know what I’m talking about; the hours have a way of just going somewhere, y’know?

But the other reason is a bit more important, we think. Millions of others see cause for hope, where we see cause for dread. The sense of urgency we feel in posting the latest thought is much greater, on those other occasions on which others see dread and we’re the ones seeing the hope. Hope is a far greater help than hindrance. You folks are feeling all hopey about your hopey-changey-goodness — far be it from us to urinate upon your parade.

However, along those lines…it’s worthy of pointing out once again. Responsible hope is a product of thought and not feeling. That goes for responsible dread, too. What we have here is a situation in which feeling inevitably leads to hope, and thought inevitably leads to dread.

Let’s comment specifically on some of the news bits. There aren’t very many of them this week, in fact, I think this list will be easier to make now than it ever will be again in my lifetime.

Millions Feel Hope: Yeah, because they were told to. Let’s ‘fess up: The news writer who jots down something that is entirely unrelated to You-Know-Who will become a pariah in the journalism community (something that shouldn’t exist in the first place); we will hear nothing about starving people in Burma, drought in Chad, earthquakes in India. A meteor could be thirty hours away from Earth, with apocalyptic consequences for us — and we’d never know. Let’s get candid about something else: If a news guy does jot down something about Whats-His-Face, and it isn’t flattering, that guy will be “on the outs” as well. Every single newspaper looks like the most-popular-kid’s yearbook at graduation time. Hugs! Kisses! That’s news now; may it rest in peace.

Government Will Become Transparent: Could be a good thing. But it doesn’t start-and-stop with transparent government. It’s intended to reduce the tactics and methods available for keeping the nation safe. To provide income for lawyers. Injunctions, suits, writs, et al, about to rise exponentially. That is the point.

The “Angry Black Man” Theme Being Put Out To Pasture: Yes, here, I’ll say something nice about Barack Obama and His Holy Event of being crowned as our new Holy Emperor. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes…A-freakin’-men. Young men of all races, stop pretending you’re Tupac Shakur or Notorious B.I.G. when you’re not Tupac, you didn’t know Tupac, you don’t know anyone who really is like Tupac, and nobody wants you to end up that way. Look people in the eye, stand up straight, say please and thank-you — and if your feet are size eighteen, people will see that without you fanning them out when you sit down like some urban peacock. Stop strutting. Offer those around you some identity (since you’re so desperately in search of one) that has something to do with something besides rage — your President can do it, you can do it. This is a great contribution The Annointed One has made to our culture, and we should make the most of it.

Curious, Introspective, As Contrasted With His Predecessor: I’ve been showered for two years with quotes from speeches, Dreams of My Father, Audacity Of Hope, et al. I’ve yet to hear of a single thing Barack Obama knows about anything culminating from some tidbit of information some person, named or unnamed, gave him. To the best I can find out, He simply “knows” stuff and “thinks” stuff. Is there some anecdotal evidence to the contrary? There is much being written about Him this week, and I have yet to see any of it. It comes down to this: I don’t really know this is a guy who can be told anything He isn’t already prepared to hear.

Information Revolution: With all due respect, don’t be such a silly ass. Obama as an electoral phenomenon, as I’ve been pointing out for the better part of a year, is the antithesis of specificity. How does even the laziest mindset reconcile this? Details flying around in the air, thick and fast, during the Bush Presidency…Katrina…Waterboarding…Weapons of Mass Destruction…North Korea…380+ ppm of carbon in the atmosphere. Suddenly, now that we’ve got a new guy in, it’s all just good feelings — NO hard data anywhere. But we’re supposed to believe facts are being grappled-with now, and weren’t before? How ya figger? Seriously? The only answer I can produce, is that these are grown-up children doing the talking. They want the facts confronted and used for responsible decision-making, but they want them confronted and used by someone else — some “daddy” somewhere — keeping all that hard work away from them. Proxy thinking. We’re being told what to think, by people who are accustomed to dutifully thinking what they’re told to think by yet others.

Michelle Wore (Fill-in-the-Blank): Gag. The sidebar that mentions this should be a sidebar and nothing more, the size of a book of postage stamps. The stories that mentioned this about Laura Bush, if I recall, were the size of a large cup of coffee lying on its side. These stories about Michelle’s dresses cover multiple pages. I don’t really know what her husband is going to do about Guantanamo, or global warming, or what his position is on bailouts, or the Fairness Doctrine, and neither do you. I’m told people shouldn’t be blogging because they don’t have the credentials to prove they’ll be doing journalism right. Is it too much to ask that we see some of that so we know what it looks like? I ask for specifics, I get a link to The Holy One’s web site. Web sites are the dream communicative medium of the public figure who wishes to avoid specific commitments; they can be changed overnight, in an hour, in the blink of an eye. And Obama has a history of such deceipt. The history He does not have, is one of telling us specifically what He’s going to do, in such a way that He’ll be compelled to stick to what He says through thick & thin.

How (Obama/Michelle/Some Movie Starlet) Spent (His/Her/Its) Day, Hour-By-Hour: The demand for this kind of information must exist. It must be keen enough to supplant any demand for other more worthwhile bits of information, that have been evicted from these pages to make room. If you think that isn’t a problem of some kind, you’re nuts. This is why the bitching bloggers are doing their bitching. Yes, they have nothing to bitch about; that much is true. That’s why they’re/we’re bitching. And it’s worthwhile bitching, because things should not be this way.

So Busy, So Much To Do, He Confronts Long List, Confronting a Crisis, Lots of Work, et al: If I hear or read it one more freakin’ time…so help me…SO HELP me…

D’JEver Notice? XXII

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

If right now, right this very minute, I were to run a post with the following headline, or a newspaper were to run an article with the following headline, or a television news special were to run on your idjit box with the following promo:

Al Gore Won Florida After All

You’d want to see it. Why? Because you’d know someone was off his meds. Someone tripped across a six-year-old story, thought it was brand-new, and goofed. Or, if no mistake had been made, wonder of wonders miracle-of-miracles, someone was making some information known with undeniably pure motives. This is the one single bunch of hours in which there would be absolutely nothing to gain, for anybody, with such an act.

That’s because deep down, persons of all ideological stripes understand that nonsense never had anything to do with pure motives.

Here’s another thing I’ll bet you’ve noticed, but might not have registered with you consciously:

When a Republican wails away about a “stolen election” his complaint has something to do with a directional shift. A change in rules in the middle of the game. Courtroom hijinks. Bug-eyed judges staring at ballots under magnifying glasses to “divine the will and intent of the voter” when such a thing never would have happened under a different scenario. Stacks of ballots “discovered” in someone’s car. Someone in an ivory tower, be it a judge, or a lawyer, or a secretary-of-state, or a governor, intervening to alter the outcome by means other than simply casting a vote.

When a democrat uses those words, it means the democrat candidate lost narrowly. That’s all that has to happen to produce the complaint. The democrat won 49% of the vote, 48% of the vote, maybe even less than that…the election must have been stolen. Bring on the lawyers.

And so we have a new rule in effect. If the democrat comes within a percentage point or two of winning, you have to give it to him.

Three Thousandth One

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Three-thousandth post, that is. That works out to about 1.7 or 1.8 per day.

Have a wonderful inauguration, everybody.

Godspeed, George.

Good luck in the new job, Barack.

Obamaniacs, I hope, in the week ahead, you learn to accept things as they are — practice makes perfect. It’s one of the prices to be paid for having your guy in charge of things: You can’t whine about being disenfranchised anymore. Kind of a defeat-disguised-as-victory thing…you’ll just have to learn to adapt.

See you in a few days, hotel innernets permitting.

Update 1/19/08: Workin’ pretty good here, and the accommodations/facilities/services are worthy of recommendation overall.

Common theme in all the magazines and newspapers: He’s Still Awesome And Great!!

So odd. The question I think would be on the minds of everyone who still has questions, is: What exactly is He going to do? How He goes about making His decisions, and how His upcoming coronation makes everyone feeeeeeel, by now would be sinking to the bottom of the list. I would further think that among those who would be true converts to the cause at this late date, those not yet on-board such as yours truly, this sequencing would be even more acute — decision-making content first, decision-making how-He-goes-about-it last. Don’t wanna know how He makes decisions. Heard it. Heard it all. Been saturated with it for two solid years.

And yet it keeps coming at us. All of us. Not like a drip drip drip out of the faucet, more like a zoom zoom zoom on the freeway at rush hour. What He’s thankful for. What’s important to Him. How He thinks. How He feels.

Oh well, what else is to be expected in the first year after American journalism truly died. It’ll be fascinating watching the fatigue inevitably set in. Nothing bores so many, so acutely, and so quickly, as a monarchy.

American Press

Satellite Images

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Another treat from Neal. Click pic…

I Made a New Word XXIII

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Emmett (n.)

Opposite of a Cuckodox. The stock movie character destined to be paired up with the female central figure by closing-credits; except, unlike James Bond, he isn’t basking in the limelight with her at his side, quite so much as standing at her side while she does the basking. His character has absolutely no depth or definition whatsoever. He is shown knowing how to do very few things competently, what he does know how to do has something to do with sweeping the leading lady off her feet but usually it has very little to do with making a living, or anything else practical.

The one thing that makes his character the most stuffy and boring, is that he has no passion about anything in life except to make his gal whole, healthy and happy. This fulfills all the requirements of making him decent, and none of the requirements that are more concerned with making him bearable to watch. Especially if you’re going to have to be watching him over and over again.

And again. And again. And again and again and again…Yeah we get it, he cares about her, MOVE THE F*!$ ON! (Throw styrofoam brick at television or movie screen.)

I expound further on this point at Cassy’s place…responding to a confession of sorts from the hostess there, that central characters in chick-flicks are somewhat self-absorbed and she’s apparently just coming around to realizing this. What I jotted there, is excerpted blow verbatim, but with some helpful Internet Movie Database links added…

There is this movie about a ditzy girl with a dog-in-a-purse called “Legally Blonde.” There is a character in that movie called “Emmett.” Emmett, I’ve found, is a supreme model caricature, around which nearly all men-in-chick-flicks are built. The ones that came after Emmett, are crudely photocopied from Emmett; the ones that came before Emmett, were simply building up a huge tidal-wave of Emmett-ism, of which Emmett is a cresting.

He’s played by Luke Wilson, who is the only actor on the face of the planet capable of using his eyebrows as nine-foot-wide bookshelves (other than a handful of actors and actresses who appear on “Smallville”). He has no interests in life other than the well-being of whats-her-face. He has no ambition, other than her happiness, even though he’s supposed to be some kind of mega-successful mega-knowledgeable lawyer. He makes no decisions without checking with her. He has no opinions about anything that aren’t either directly dependent upon, or directly conducive to the well-being of, her. In short, as a “character,” he fails because he has none. One gathers the distinct impression that if she came at her dear Emmett with the time-honored womens’ question of “which color dress do you like best” he’d just stand there and stammer, twitching his nine-foot eyebrows, waiting to be interrupted.

EmmettI do not cite this mind-numbing snoozefest as a movie to start some kind of list. Believe me, if I did so, I would never have time to fill it out properly. I cite Emmett, because I choose to cite the archetype. Emmett is it. A close second after Emmett is that roly-poly guy in “Fried Green Tomatoes” who had not a single peep of protest to utter when his wife started knocking down walls in the house. After those two, come all the rest.

In the world of chick flicks, men do not have opinions, unless they’re there to be cuckolded like Billy Zane’s character in Titanic. Or, I suppose, there’s always that long-haired guy ripped straight off the cover of a Harlequin Romance Novel, who can ride horses, deliver babies, beat up bad guys, and save a kitty-cat from a tree all at the same time. Sometimes even the no-flaws can-do-anything Adonis isn’t very opinionated; sometimes even he just stands around waiting for her to tell him what to do. Sure, he’ll lunge across the room to throw his body between her and the gun that was just fired at her, to catch the bullet. Or mail her a letter every single day for a year, or build a house for her. Something about her, her, her. Other than that, he takes no initiative about anything whatsoever.

Chick flicks are called chick flicks not so much because the audience is anticipated to possess a certain gender, but a certain mindset. The level of empathy that exists between those who produce the film, and the audience, is so sky-high that there is a thick volume of unspoken but agreed-upon protocol that is in full effect, before a single page of the script is started. And within this unspoken protocol, the male character is already fully developed to the degree desired by the intended audience. That is to say, almost not at all. They DON’T CARE. The Dudley Doo-Right who marries her at the end, and the Snidely Whiplash who tries to marry her right before the end, are both purely “stock” characters. Like the strange-looking guy with the red shirt “beaming down with the landing party” on the old Star Trek…the one that makes you go “Uh Oh!” out loud the first time you see him. Therefore — yes. Of course. Chick flicks ar all about the one-at-the-least, four-at-the-most central female characters around whom the chick flick revolves.

I have to assume you are far more seasoned in watching this genre than I am. So are you saying your experience has been different? Really? How many exceptions to this can you name? I’d really be surprised if you couldn’t count ‘em on one hand.

My incredulous sign-off has to do with Cassy’s belated realization that the female “main” characters of these chick-flicks, tend to be concerned about themselves and what they want, and about nothing else. Silly Cassy! Of course they aren’t concerned with anything else. The audience isn’t.

See, there is a reason for all this, and that reason has to do with why I juxtaposed this with the cuckodox. It’s a simple fable. The fella she was “s’poseda” marry represents tradition, and the other guy who makes her heart really go boom-boom-boom represents a rejection of it. By design, the story is supposed to expose pre-teen and young-teen girls to all the allure and glamour of rebellion, without poisoning their passions by examining the burdens that go along with it. It is therefore an absolute necessity that all the characters, save the conflicted bachelorette and perhaps her mother, be kept paper-thin. Her suitors are metaphorical of real-life-concepts that cannot be scrutinized — this is not about real-life, cause-and-effect, actions-and-consequences. That stuff is all off-topic.

That’s why “Emmett” has little-or-nothing to do with masculinity. Masculinity looks good in the real world, where there are real problems that can only be solved through its implementation. In the world of fantasy, there is nothing bad being done anywhere…except someone has formed some opinion about the central-character female-dingbat that isn’t flattering enough, or someone is threatening to rob her of some kind of “choice” that belongs to her. Perhaps there’s a side plot about a corporation dumping pollutants into a river or a wetland or what-not. Point is, in this fictitious realm it is quite safe to chuck masculinity into the junkpile, so in it goes. “Emmetts” therefore tend, generally, to be effeminate “dreamboat” waifs. Eyes that are cast, and positioned, and illuminated, for maximum appeal to a twelve-year-old dimwit girl buzzed out on candy from the concession stand. The forementioned awning-sized “Smallville” eyebrows over said eyes. Smallville-boy-eyebrows, and Charmed-boy-eyes. Other than those, no prominent features, aside from perhaps some beestung lips to dilute, depress and reduce that threatening machismo even further.

Incredible-Hulk-biceps? Fugettabawdit.

The depthless characters therefore defined to this minimal extent, they are carried over into other girl-movies that do not concern themselves with the heroine-tradition-rebellion love triangle. (Legally Blonde itself, for instance, has something to do with…oh, I dunno, just something else.) And this thing Cassy saw that opened her eyes, I can’t comment on that because I haven’t seen it. It seems to have something to do with a bimbo fighting with another bimbo about weddings.

So the complaint is that men in womens’-movies have no depth, and this becomes tedious quickly when the script calls for those characters to participate actively in more than a handful of scenes. But isn’t that somewhat contrary to what you’d expect? The quitessential “fleeing the orthodoxy to live forever after as a rebel” sequence was — it’s never been defined any better than this — that bunch of climactic scenes at the end of The Graduate, in which the audience was invited to share the insecurities, hopes, fears and revulsions of Dustin Hoffman’s Ben Braddock; no paper-thin character, he. And when Hollywood saw fit to couple up Helen Hunt with Jack Nicholson’s egotistical and eccentric Melvin Udall in As Good As It Gets, the paying audiences rewarded Hollywood in a big, big way. The nameless-faceless-judges followed suit: 25 wins, 25 nominations. Lesson taught, right?

Why, then, the persistence in plying the silver screen with these big-eyebrow liferaft-lipped hollow men, even in high-budget, big-ticket, Oscar-trolling vehicle projects? The Good-As-It-Gets formula can’t possibly be any more expensive than the Legally-Blonde one, can it? Take a jackass and reveal something about him to make him adorable. True, Nicholson doesn’t work on the cheap; his talent is formidable; it was relevant to the film’s success. But you don’t have to hire Jack Nicholson for every male character that is interesting to watch.

Nevertheless, Hollywood retains its fascination with monotonous, mass-produced male creampuffs. They stand around, they’re given throwaway lines, perhaps allowed to ask a question already on everybody else’s mind, to provide the starlet with the opening she needs to prove her intellect. They communicate no feeling or emotion about anything other than crying when they found out she’s dorking someone else. And beyond that, nobody cares what they think about anything. Even when this is taken to such an absurd extreme, as to imply that the real star of the film is inflicted with a stultifyingly severe case of narcissism and self-absorption. Who cares if the audience is weakened in the ability to identify with her; so long as it’s kept unable to identify with him. The Emmett is supportive. The Emmett is decent. The Emmett is non-threatening. That is all.

I’m really surprised at Cassy for just figuring this out now. Don’t be hard on her, she’s deservedly known as a very articulate, intelligent, courageous and observant young lady. So much so, that I guess we do need a reminder from time to time that she is a girl. Ah well. I’m reasonably sure she throws a baseball decently.

New Deal Wasn’t Big Enough?

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson takes a look at some more sudden hairpin-turning liberal looney logic that subtely deluges us lately:

Traditional conservative custodians of the budget can’t say much. They are largely discredited on matters of finance. During the last eight years of Republican prominence in Congress and the White House, the government borrowed as never before.

Liberals in turn have suddenly rewritten their own economic history. They used to claim the great surge in government under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt got us out of the Great Depression with deficit spending and federal jobs programs.

But many historians have argued instead that unemployment and slow growth remained high throughout Roosevelt’s first two terms — until the Second World War scared us all into a fit of national mobilization that alone ended the ongoing 13-year depression between 1929 and 1941.

Now here’s the irony: Liberals suddenly agree that only the Second World War stopped the Depression, after all! So they now argue that we need a new New Deal far greater than the old New Deal. In other words, they want to re-create the urgency of World War II to get government to grow and spend big-time.

Their argument is that if FDR failed to stop the Depression, it wasn’t, as conservatives insist, because he turned to unworkable government solutions, but rather because he didn’t try big enough ones.

We No Longer Need to Kill Osama, Says Obama

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Another intriguing link we find thanks to Neal.

“My preference obviously would be to capture or kill him,” [President-Elect Obama] said.

“But if we have so tightened his noose that he’s in a cave somewhere and can’t even communicate with his operatives then we will meet our goal of protecting America. I think that we have to so weaken (his) infrastructure that, whether he is technically alive or not, he is so pinned down that he cannot function.”

Some will find it worthy of note that the litmus test for success has just changed…like…now.

Some won’t.

Which camp would you say it’s fair to categorize, as filled to the bursting point with wild-eyed, extremist partisan zealots?

Legs, Legs, Amazing Legs

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Why? Because Gerard‘s out taking a breather…and when the cat’s away the mice will play. Our friendly competition continues.

That, and just because. To break through those winter, pre-Obamessiah-annointing doldrums.

Wiretapping: LEGAL

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Decided five months ago, decision made public this week. Obviously in a desperate attempt by this lame-duck President to re-make his public image so he can selfishly trample away on our Constitutional rights in the last hours of his presidency:

The New York Times reported: “A federal intelligence court, in a rare public opinion, issued a major ruling validating the power of the president and Congress to wiretap international phone calls and intercept e-mail messages without a specific court order, even when Americans’ private communications may be involved.”
The Times noted: “In validating the government’s wide authority to collect foreign intelligence, it may offer legal credence to the Bush administration’s repeated assertions that the president has the power to act without specific court approval in ordering national security eavesdropping that may involve Americans.”

So let’s see. We have the tax cuts, Guantanamo, and now we have “illegal” wiretapping. Just off the top of my head, that’s three things “everyone” has known are bad things, on which we have to form some new policies to turn things around…and suddenly we “know” something completely different now that the time’s come to actually form the policies.

We aren’t really reviewing the legality of wiretapping. We’re reviewing human nature. This is why, until you drive off and hit the freeway on-ramp you have nary a thought in your noggin about whether you left the stove on, but as the miles zip on by, at the very least practical time for you to be contemplating such a thing — you can’t think about anything else, can you.

Oh and one more little thing: George W. Bush does suck, in some ways, just like anybody who disagrees with me on this issue or that one. You know that, don’t you? Everyone who disagrees with me about anything sucks. That’s why Bush sucks. But one by one, these other treasured, dusty arguments about why George Bush sucks so much, memorized so faithfully by many a moonbat, are…well…

…aw, screw the awkward metaphor. Just think of them as balloons and watch this video clip of the crazy doggy one more time.

Yeah. Like that. They’re tumbling. Tumbling, because the typical anti-Bush bumper-sticker slogan never had too much logically holding it up. Since Michael Moore’s propaganda drive defined what it is, it has generally been found lying at the intersection of the political ambitions of people we will never actually meet, and a hot fashion trend.

Folks, those are the two very worst reasons for carrying a thought in your hat-hanger, right there.

Thing I Know #164. Some ideas look serious, only because they’re never taken that way. The most devastating thing you can do to a dumb idea is to take it seriously.

Hat tip: Boortz.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

The Road to Serfdom

Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Yeah, you really should put down what you’re doing and go read up. If, after skimming, you don’t agree it was worth your time to do so, I can pretty much promise you weren’t doing anything worthwhile when you got interrupted.

It was written by one F. A. Hayek between 1940 and 1944, and effectively predicts the world’s struggles with socialism in the years after World War II. The trailhead is the wartime necessity of “coming together for the greater good”; from there, even after the cessation of hostilities, the slope just becomes steeper and more slippery. People become acclimated to the notion that any challenge can be overcome we if can just be persuaded to put aside our sniveling, greedy little individualist ambitions and somehow be bludgeoned into following a few more rules.

But whose rules? After the last shovelful of earth falls on the casket holding the shattered remnants of libertarian spirit, we come across a problem of Too Many Chiefs Not Enough Indians. A strong opinion, it turns out, is not such a rare and precious thing; if it were, we’d seek out a wise man. But there is much power available to whoever came up with the plan that shall reign supreme, and this culminates in quite a different state of affairs. Endless bickering, squabbling…a wise man isn’t what’s needed, we just need someone strong. We need unity, gosh darn it, and if it doesn’t come naturally we will force it. That will make things better.

The prosperity and happiness of “everyone” depends on it.

It’ll really make you think about things. Or it should.

Hat tip: Classical values.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Olbermann Summarizes Eight Years of Bush in Eight Minutes

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Six months from now, it’ll be just like a bunch of tapioca pudding haters getting together to launch endless rants about how much they hate tapioca.

Super Heroines

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Mean Kitty Song

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Star Wars, Retold by Someone Who Hasn’t Seen It

Friday, January 16th, 2009

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.


Five Top Sex Scenes From Action Movies

Friday, January 16th, 2009

I agree with some, disagree with others.

I thought Thief of Hearts was underrated, but the last time I saw it wasn’t too long after it came out.

Batman to Die…

Friday, January 16th, 2009

…and the pictures supposedly prove it beyond all doubt. Spoilers within, of course.

No-Pants Subway Ride 2009

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

It’s that time again. No-Pants Subway Ride 2009:

And here’s last year’s No-Pants Subway Ride…it would seem this year had a better representation from the more angelic sex, and that would’ve been an improved thing. Guys’ legs, y’know, they’re just not built to be seen. That’s my opinion, and after watching the vid below it’ll be yours too.

Hat tip to Neal Boortz.

Doing It Eric’s Way

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Eric Holder, President-Elect Obama’s Attorney General Designate, testified before the Senate, and within the article talking about it, something caught my eye:

Hmmm. It’s purely a value judgment. They don’t talk too much about that in the article because if they did, that would hurt the argument.

But I thought of something. Suppose we re-word that slightly.


Did I re-word unfairly?

Or is that maybe perhaps an apt analogy…and the United States should stop doing both things. Just sort of be the puffball-of-the-globe.

Just come out and freakin’ say so. I don’t mean to defeat people with logic here; the election’s over, my side lost. But that’s all the more reason, isn’t it.

Enough of the self-important righteous bellowing. Just continue a fairly simple thought with some old-fashioned logic. If you please.

A Green Inauguration — Only Green on the Surface

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Not really green at all.

“Everybody wants to be part of history, but as a result you’re going to have people flying in on their private jets, limousines and SUVs cruising around Washington, D.C. keeping everybody warm, and that’s going to have a big carbon footprint,” said Brian Darling, director of U.S. Senate Relations at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

“For people to make believe that somehow they’re making this a carbon-friendly Inauguration is really just a joke. If they really care that much about the environment, they would not have these millions of people coming to Washington, D.C.”

Well that’s really unfair though, isn’t it? Barack Obama won’t be spending all four years having an inauguration ceremony every day. This is just the marking of a truly exceptional event, right?

Well if you have a working long-term memory, not really. One trait that binds all left-wing initiatives to a common theme is…commonality. How many ideas do they have over there that aren’t really ideas at all, just proposals to “come together” to do something unspecified? Yes, they will only be inclined toward a true inauguration once or twice. But the coming-together is constant and forever. It is a vital part of what they do. It is their prefered method for making bad ideas look good, and making bad ideas look good is something they have to do fairly often.

So it’s rather incriminating that the thing that spews all this carbon they say is so toxic, is the shuttling of butts to a central location. Is that something the Obama administration will be doing once-and-once-only?

Inquiring minds want to know. The survival of our planet depends on it…that’s what they tell me.

Hatred for Men

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Get ready, feminists. Anytime someone points out that men sometimes don’t receive a fair shake on things, the standard reply is to cast the complaint in a light of “whining,” to discourage anyone from giving it a hearing. It’s what you do. Reliable as a well-wound clock.

So I won’t whine, I’ll just ask the question…throw it out there. Is this reasonable?

The Hatred Men Have To Put Up With….

A couple of months ago, KTLA.Com posted a story about a woman who attacked her sleeping husband with a meat cleaver. Nowhere in the article is there mention of self-defense on her part, or a history of abuse on his part, yet a large proportion of the comments posted about this story support the woman’s actions, one even calls for other women to follow her example.

In case the link dies here is the story in full…

Cops: Wife Attacks Sleeping Husband with Meat Cleaver


November 19, 2008

VICTORVILLE — A local mother is accused of attacking her sleeping husband with a meat cleaver.

Officials say 33-year-old Olivia Geatian hacked at her husband’s head three times with a meat cleaver as he slept early Sunday in the couple’s Oro Grande home.

Geatian appeared in Victorville Superior Court Tuesday where she was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon, domestic violence and attempted murder charges.
When deputies arrived, they noticed Geatian was intoxicated, officials said, and arrested her for domestic violence and assault with a deadly weapon.

The District Attorney’s office later filed attempted murder charges against her.

The woman’s husband was hospitalized at St. Mary Medical Center where he received numerous staples and stitches to his forehead.

He was also able to speak to deputies and tell them what happened.”

and here are the more egregious comments…

All women should follow this example. We are beaten down by the system of men. Let us set ourselves free through action. I 48 years old and almost have an associates degree from a Kentucky community college, I can see the bigger picture. Let this woman go, let her be the part of the revolution.
Posted by G.B. at 4:48 pm Nov 25, 2008”

Good for her!
Posted by Boo-Bear at 1:00 am Nov 23, 2008”

“he probably deserved it.
Posted by MARCI at 12:12 pm Nov 21, 2008”

i bet he deserved it
Posted by jessy at 1:34 pm Nov 20, 2008”

“getting crazy
This lady must of put up with a lot of his crap, before she got to this point of attacking her husband I am sure the public will find out more details to the story.
Posted by edna r. at 12:00 pm Nov 20, 2008”

Perhaps there is more to this story than there appears. However…….what if the man was flirting with another woman, or worse? We dont know what kind of party it was, after all.
Posted by Yami at 8:27 am Nov 20, 2008”

Posted by FLO at 7:36 am Nov 20, 2008”

I wonder what he did. You know she had to have a good reason to get him like that. Don’t judge till you get the whole story.
Posted by melissa at 1:43 am Nov 20, 2008”

“only 3 whacks!
she should have hit him harder
Posted by noinabo at 10:31 pm Nov 19, 2008”

From the spelling errors, it’s probably safe to presume these are not influential pillars of society, in spite of the education from such prestigious universities as a community college in Kentucky. But the people who are in charge, listen to this kind of anger, and we are reminded once again that there is no actual experience necessary to get it aroused. A lot of pinheads out there just want to hate men. Maybe they were wronged once upon a time…maybe they find it’s just an effective way to make new friends.

But this wouldn’t be such a bad thing if it was only the hateful people who were engaged in it. As it is, a lot of folks are generally supportive of men, or at least think they are — and somehow, irrationally, inexplicably, find it necessary to insert some transgression committed by the man. As blogger Porky points out, there is no mention in the story of such a thing taking place. Some of the other comments speculate that gosh darn it, he must’ve done something to tick her off. Maybe did some groping at the party held earlier, that inspired some jealous rage. Nice compromise. The attempted murder was a disproportionate response — but it was justified, somehow, nevertheless. We “know” it.

We don’t know it. This may come as a shock, but it’s not at all a rare thing in the dealings between the male and the female, that a less-balanced female will occasionally get-it-in-her-head that the male is supposed to do something. And she’s quite agreeable about the negotiations that must ensue. She’s agreeable as long as he does it.

Trouble is, it isn’t common knowledge just how quickly that veneer of agreeability can fall away, and how completely, if he doesn’t do what she wants. That’s because it isn’t common for men to refuse.

So no, I’m afraid we don’t know he “must’ve done something” to cheese her off. I’ve dated my share of imbalanced females…perhaps, before they find me appealing, something has to be slightly off-kilter up there. Whatever the reason, I’m in a position to state: A lot of times the provocation doesn’t really matter. Anger follows anger, like links in a grisly chain. It’s every bit as likely the altercation was about something he wasn’t going to do, as about something he did do.

And there is something terribly wrong with people who feel the compulsion to insert that bit of fiction into stories like this. Something so wrong, that it would interfere with any and all decision-making, even the most basic kind. And I don’t care what community college you went to in Kentucky, it’ll leave you less capable of dealing with life, and getting along with people.

Go ahead. Come at me with the standard defense of “Yeah but all women who swing axes at their husbands skulls aren’t like that.”