Archive for the ‘Deranged Leftists’ Category

Victory in 2010?

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Byron York:

It’s a possibility many Republicans speak of only in whispers and Democrats are just now beginning to face. After passionate and contentious fights over health care, the environment, and taxes, could Democrats lose big — really big — in next year’s elections?

Ask them about it, and many Democrats will point to the continued personal popularity of Barack Obama. But that’s not the story. “I think what’s going to happen is Obama’s going to be fine, and the Democrats in Congress are going to get their asses kicked in 2010,” says one Democratic strategist who prefers not to be named. “This is following a curve like the Clinton years: take on really controversial things early, fail, or succeed partially, ask Democrats to take really tough votes, and then lose. A lot of guys are going to get beat, but the president has time to recover.”

The only thing I need to have explained, is this sense of shock and irony. Why is anyone surprised about this?

Reminds me of a story:

The story is about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion reassures him that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown as well. The frog then agrees; nevertheless, in mid-river, the scorpion stings him, dooming the two of them. When asked why, the scorpion explains, “I’m a scorpion; it’s my nature.”

Conservatives are still smarting from having the extraordinarily bad idea foisted upon them, by friend and foe alike, to moderate their tone, moderate their tone, moderate the tone some more…and getting their butts handed to them in last year’s election in what is arguably a direct consequence of failing to get any coherent message out. Yes, that is bad, but look to the folks running everything for a view of the alternative.

Liberalism is extreme by its nature. If the left-wing power grab of 2009 is now in its twilight days and the time has come to look back and perform an autopsy on the whole thing, the one thing that stands out is this: There was nothing moderate about any of the things they did, or tried to do, except for their “don’t worry” rhetoric. Which means their lies. They took cookies out of the jar each and every little chance they could get, and when Mom caught ’em doing it they simply told her they weren’t taking any cookies.

That worked — how could it not? Whenever they choose a champion, the champion is selected based on a personal ability to tell Mom one is not eating cookies when one’s mouth is, in fact, chock full of cookie. Think back on the decades…no other talent has ever been applicable. They call it lots of things…charisma…personality…”There’s Just Something About Him I Can’t Explain It!” You’d think there’d be more curiosity about how it is we define the next leader of the free world. Well, the blunt truth of it is it’s all about lying capably. The democrat party always wants to nominate The Perfect Liar, because to them governing a jurisdiction is an exercise in getting away with things. Their discipline is one of selling something contrary to the buyer’s interest, the more of it, the better.

But the strategy was doomed to fall apart when they took on health care. That’s when people really, really want to know they aren’t being swindled. This is to everybody’s discredit. Seek assurances some other guy isn’t going to be euthanized, or some baby isn’t going to be aborted, perhaps tossed in a garbage bin; you can be told lies, tell ya sweet little lies. Spend some other guy’s money, and the sales pitch doesn’t have to be that strong. Seek assurances you won’t be short-changed, and whoa. Time for a much, much higher standard.

So what do the democrats do? Go after health care first.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. We’re just starting to achieve a comprehension of how big and bad the wreckage is, how gaping of a flesh wound has been inflicted on the corporeal form of Obama’s popularity…the faith the country has in Him…the faith His own followers have in Him. It’s just not there anymore. Take His wonderful personality out of the equation, and the problem persists, the situation with distrust unchanged. He has been unmasked as a sales agent, for something that desperately needs a sales agent — which effectively turns His wonderful personality into a “dog bites man” story, since a wonderful personality is something you expect any salesman to have. As Neal Boortz says:

[Y]esterday on my show I repeatedly begged listeners to make a call. Call the show and convince me that Obama and the Democrats are sincerely concerned about our health care. Show me that they really stay awake nights worrying that somewhere there is an American in need of health care yet going untreated. Not one call. Not one solitary, stinking call. Not one caller out of millions would call in to try to make the case that the issue here is health care, not control over the people.

Well…I hope the rest of the country has learned its lesson, a hell of a lot better than they learned theirs. I hope that, but I strongly doubt it.

But why the surprise? To me, the only big question is how can the democrats avoid a huge ass-reaming. As another very wise man said,

We put liberals in charge when we get sick of conservatives, and conservatives in charge when we get sick of the liberals. And we get sick of liberals about three or four times quicker. It’s their solutions, you see. They don’t work.

Hitler Rants About Right-Wingers and Healthcare

Saturday, August 8th, 2009

Update: I see Gerard has a clip up that butchers this fine scene just a little bit more…

“Don’t Get Mad, Get Popcorn”

Friday, August 7th, 2009

Daphne has banished the liberal gadfly commenter at her site and Gerard’s, known as Arthurstone.

This is my house, the only freedom of speech you own here is at my discretion. Shit on my kitchen floor too much and I’m showing your rude ass the door…I call pussy on you, sweetmeat. You dish it out like a bully, Arthur and cry like a girl when your bad behavior gets smacked back in your face. You don’t like rejection? Try behaving like a decent human being when having adult discussions.

Interesting the week that’s gone by, which this inglorious event concludes. All these events, what do they have in common? Ideology. Liberal ideology. It’s supposed to be making people all decent and wonderful and good…and let us not forget liberty-loving…and it’s failing quite miserably. Liberalism, which we were all supposed to be showing off last November to prove we want everyone to stop worrying about health & sickness, prove we’re not from Texas, prove we’re not racists…motivates Congressmen to shut out concerned citizens from “town hall” meetings, it motivates Presidents to create lists of said citizens who happen to have dissenting opinions. And it makes blog-posters act like jerks.

So I added my wisdom, as I so often do. I’m very giving that way. Because, after all, the issue isn’t that liberalism makes people act like jerks. It’s that people tend to forget liberalism makes people act like jerks.

He’s doing the Lord’s work, you know.

When Obama turns out to be a one-termer, it won’t be because people personally dislike Him, or even because they’re fed up with liberal politics. It will be because very large numbers of us will have figured out that professing allegiance to the more adorable position on any issue that comes along, does absolutely nothing to make you a better person.

On this particular week, thanks to Arthur, we have (I think) five reminders of this instead of just four. And then there’s next week, the week after that…fifty-two of ‘em per year. Liberal nastiness, it’s in our faces, all the time, and people will get sick and tired of it thank God. It’s really happening, and it’s happening because of twits like Arthur.

Don’t get mad. Get popcorn.

In fact, perhaps this is an apropos time to ask: Where’s the evidence that liberalism does anything to make people good? That’s supposed to be its one redeeming feature.

We’ve got Clinton flying over and rescuing those two people from North Korea…if you want to fall for that kind of thing. Anything else?

D’JEver Notice? XXXII

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

Separate post for this one, I decided, although what we’re talking about ties in so strongly with the one previous, in which our current House Speaker starts to fantasize about health care plan protesters walking around with swastikas on armbands…

Did you ever notice this thing about liberals? The liberal voter has very, very few things in common with the liberal politician. They don’t think the same way. The politician, who lives out his life in sort of a game of political chess, thinks in terms of cause-and-effect about every little thing — and then pretends he isn’t doing that. Example: Call it “gun safety” rather than “gun control” because the former phrase does so well in front of focus groups. The liberal voter on the other hand, is not inclined toward chess games. He just wants all risk eliminated from everything. What the voter considers to be an unacceptable threat that must be jettisoned from this plane of existence if the dream Utopia is ever to come to be, is simply an adrenaline rush for the politician. You can tell it once in awhile, in the lies they get caught telling. They tell lies that are obviously being told just for the thrill of the possibility of getting caught. “I was named after Edmund Hillary!” What would you hope to gain from saying such a thing?

So the liberal politician and the liberal guy-in-the-street are two completely different animals. But this one thing they have in common —

They don’t have a firm footing on this plane of reality. We saw it with the Nazi thing linked above, and we saw it with the Mike Malloy thing yesterday. The politician and the left-wing political junkie both do this. They’ll start to describe, in detail or at the abstract, things that are going on. They remind us of what we saw, with them…or they give us information that perhaps we’re hearing for the first time. And then —

It happens.

It’s that hairpin turn. That “I expect to see” thing. Malloy and Pelosi both did it. They slip, casually, easily, into this other realm of things that have not happened, and most of the time you can’t point to any evidence of likelihood of the thing happening, but the liberal starts droning on about it anyway as if it did happen. Over and over and over again, we see the only tincture of relevance this latest train of thought has to anything, is that it makes the liberal feel good to think about it happening.

What is that? A propaganda technique? Symptom of a mental illness? A sign that the person speaking spends way, way, way too much time watching modern sit-down comedians like Bill Maher or John Stewart? Some combination of all those, perhaps?

To a normal person, when you stop talking about things that have actually happened and start talking about things you want to see happening…there is a meaningful divide separating those two things because the concepts are entirely different. Not so with our liberals. But here’s the amazing part: They are political animals, skilled in winning arguments in which people are only halfway paying attention. Look what happened nine months ago. You can’t tell a passionate liberal who’s losing an argument, anything about what he needs to say in order to win, that he doesn’t already know. Well, the liberals are losing the health care plan argument right now. It should be intuitively obvious, even to the most obtuse, where they went wrong with this: It was with the revelation that Congress was about to vote this monstrosity into law without knowing a damn thing about it.

Health care is foundering because the middle-of-the-road voters have figured out liberals aren’t very dedicated to reality. The concern isn’t that liberals are going to erode our independence, or that liberals are going to ruin our health care; the concern is quite simply that liberals don’t know what they’re doing. They have a remote shot at maybe recovering this sense of confidence, but what they need to do is convince people that their fastening to reality is healthy. That’s the message they need to get out. And I’m pretty sure they know this.

They can’t do it. Even now when officials like Speaker Nan talk about what they have seen with us…they just can’t help it…there’s that hairpin turn. Swastikas this time. What’s it going to be next time, Republicans disemboweling adorable puppy dogs and roasting their entrails?

Crap, now she’s got me doing it. Well, if you can’t lick ’em, join ’em. Let’s all just make shit up. Hey, I hear the Palins are getting divorced

Mike Malloy: Hoping for Suicide

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Mike Malloy wants people to shoot themselves in the head on live television. More bile from those compassionate, tolerant, peace-loving left-wingers. And their tethering to reality is remarkably durable, too. Clearly, they’re exactly the folks we want to have in charge of everything right?

Hat tip: Sister Toldjah.

Dramatic Re-Enactment of the Malkin/View Matchup

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

…about which we wrote back over here. Although the cheering & jeering from the audience is slightly different and the participants lack a certain aesthetic appeal in this one — other than those two things, it captures the spirit quite nicely. Warning, some language not safe for work…

Outclassed, outgunned, outmatched. Ankle-biters shown their own inadequacies and put in their proper place in record time.

From the comments, an honorable-mention entrant in the “Best Sentence” sweepstakes from Blogger Friend Phil, about how liberals see their opponents…

In their world “right-wingers” are A) Republicans, B) Pro-Everything-About-Bush, C) War Mongers, D) Selfish and Greedy or watch NASCAR in their underwear, and E) Eat little babies sprinkled with dried kitten dust for breakfast each morning.

This is a relatively recent problem. Back in the days of Ford-vs.-Carter and Carter-vs.-Reagan, liberals would be able to discuss cause and effect. Sure, it will still all bullshit…”We already have enough nukular weapons to blow up the world seven thousand times. Now if we keep stockpiling them like this Russia is gonna get nervous, and either Reagan or Brezhnev is gonna push a big red button, it doesn’t matter which pushes it first, now does it?”…but at least they proved themselves capable of saying IF this thing over here happens, it enhances or diminishes the potential of THAT thing over there happening.

But that’s the kind of thinking you have to do to live real life. Leave the rake lying on the ground teeth up, something bad might happen. Why wait for it to happen. Store things properly.

Since it has a lot to do with living real life, they lost interest in that right-quick.

Now it’s all “You have to support X, because X is a plan to do good things; therefore if you oppose X, you must be in favor of bad things.”

In other words, they’re no longer trying to sell people on what their plans will make happen, and/or stop from happening. Instead, they’ve ensconced themselves in the judge’s seat; you are to appear before them, and prove to them your decency as a human being, so they don’t yank that red lever opening a trap door under your feet. You are supposed to sell something to them; their plans are too vast, complex and intricate for your miserable mortal little pea-brain to ever fathom, so nevermind whether you approve of the plan or not.

Culture of Corruption

Monday, August 3rd, 2009

Malkin in the lion’s den. Christ said to go where the sinners are, after all.

Moral equivalence, moral equivalence and more moral equivalence. “Whaddabout Bush? Whaddabout Bush? Whaddabout Bush?”

The depths to which some descend to avoid admitting they made a mistake…just amazing.

Here, here’s a shot of perspective. What do they say about us, and refusing to admit a mistake? Invading Iraq, right? Just so obviously the wrong thing to do, and we draw snickers when we refuse to admit it. Our tender fragile egos just get in the way, huh.

But — you don’t hear us yelling “Whaddabout Johnson?”

That’s because our side considers doing the right thing, to be several magnitudes removed from acquiring license to do the wrong thing. We haven’t been spending our entire lives looking for these licenses, so we don’t have this overstuffed inventory of excuses…”Yeah but that’s my private life so it doesn’t count”…”You’re a racist”…”I was abused in my childhood”…”Aw gee the other guy did something just as bad”…”I’ve only been President for six months”…”It was a botched joke”…”Yeaaarrrrggghhhhh!”

Right’s right. Wrong’s wrong. Conservatives are unreasonable and rigid that way. Just like life.

About That Tax Cut

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

Those CNN fact-checkers who you trust oh so well, last year, about The Chosen One’s tax cuts:

Obama, on his Web site, promises to “cut taxes for 95 percent of working families.” He and his campaign officials have, at times, inaccurately described his plan as a tax cut for “95 percent of Americans.” His economic policy adviser Jason Furman told CNN that the figure applies to working people and leaves out retirees.

Ah, but it wasn’t just on His web site — although it certainly was there. This is the dishonest politician’s twenty-first century flim-flam. How many times were you called a stupid idiot for noticing Kerry, Kucinich, Dean, Obama, Clinton, et al lacked a coherent policy about this-or-that thing…and the ardent supporter snottingly and sneeringly recommended you “go to their web site”? The problem with that is obvious: There’s absolutely nothing save for Google caching to offer that tomorrow’s web site will bear any resemblance to today’s. It’s a weighty issue in this modern age when a democrat can look all big and tough and bad and hawkish, screaming Let’s Go After Saddam Hussein, and then suddenly it’s the fashionable thing to become all peace-and-dovish and yammer away about how George W. Bush fooled you.

Being a democrat has a lot to do with lacking any concept of the passage of time. So with regard to that particular party — and really, in general — “Go To His Website” is complete bullshit.

But the 95 percent thing is bullshit too. Look what’s going on up above. Click on that CNN link and read it all. Barack Obama can’t get His own campaign pledge straight…not some tangential, decorative campaign pledge, but the primary centerpiece one…and McCain is called out by the fact checkers for not repeating Obama’s pledge the way Obama meant to say it. I would add here that, as we’ve pointed out before, “ninety-five percent” is a popular figurative expression as well as a literal one. This is a point CNN seems to have missed. When you say 95%, you could be talking nineteen-measured-out-of-twenty…OR…you could be using this popular backwoods idiom to say “not quite all, but as a practical matter might as well be all.”

Ninety-five percent of the time when a politician tells me to go to his website, his website is different the next day.

Ninety-five percent of the time when someone says “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help you,” he may be from there, but he’s certainly not here to help you.

Ninety-five percent of lawyers are crooks.

Ninety-five percent of the time when a child is being put on medication, it’s a male child, and it’s his mother putting him on the meds because she can’t relate to men.

See? Like that. When Obama & crew were running all over the country jibber-jabbering about this “tax cut for 95% of Americans” someone should have at least asked the question: Literal, or figurative? If it’s all about what He meant to say, it could plausibly be suggested that He could’ve meant either one.

Too late now. Not that it matters though (hat tip: Ace).

To get the economy back on track, will President Barack Obama have to break his pledge not to raise taxes on 95 percent of Americans? In a “This Week” exclusive, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner told me, “We’re going to have to do what’s necessary.”

Geithner was clear that he believes a key component of economic recovery is deficit reduction. When I gave him several opportunities to rule out a middle class tax hike, he wouldn’t do it.

“We have to bring these deficits down very dramatically,” Geithner told me. “And that’s going to require some very hard choices.”

“We will not get this economy back on track, recovery will be not strong and sustained, unless we convince the American people that we are going to have the will to bring these deficits down once recovery is firmly established,” he said.

You Obama zealots are really something else.

They didn’t even kiss ya first.

“‘Arianna’ Must Be a Greek Word for Stupid”

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

The Macho Response:

“[Arianna Huffington’s] desire to be different became,…clear when I looked at her views about health. In her 2006 self-help book, ‘On Being Fearless,’ she provides her own definition of preventive care, one that’s indistinguishable from Evans’ blog post. ‘In today’s world, where thousands of chemicals are being used all around us, it’s essential both to protect against exposure and to maintain some kind of detox program,’ Huffington wrote. In the New Yorker, Collins revealed that Huffington has undergone ‘mercury detoxification, fire-walking, est, microdermabrasion, infrared saunas’ and a long list of fad diets. In ‘On Being Fearless,’ she gave a description of her own experience with mercury detox, saying she was ‘stunned to find how much mercury I had in my body.’

Eating FootWhat Huffington may not know is the test used to determine the amount of mercury in the body is a sham, as proven by medical researchers at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Emory University and other public health institutes. The test artificially elevates the levels of heavy metals in one’s body, falsely leading one to believe that they’ve been poisoned by toxins. In fact, a doctor who routinely prescribed the test has been investigated and disciplined.

In an e-mail to me, Huffington touched on her long and winding road through alternative therapies, dropping the names of major universities (Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, UCLA) with centers for complementary and alternative medicine, where she has been a patient. But health coverage on the site goes beyond complementary medicine. In fact, the more I read the site, the more I realized its health writers were being chosen not in the name of diversity or on the basis of their qualifications. Rather, as Collins revealed in the New Yorker, they appear to be picked by Huffington on a whim.”

Rahul K. Parikh, M.D., on the piss-poor NewAge medical advice you can find on The Huffington Post – which is the same nutty nonsense he found coming from Oprah Winfrey – which isn’t a surprise, except all of this looniness is being covered so well by Salon.

Why Isn’t the Whole Left Neocon?

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

James Lewis, writing in The American Thinker, via Gagdad Bob at OneCosmos, via Gerard’s Sidelines.

Remember that neocons like Norman Podhoretz and Daniel P. Moynihan were former left-wingers who saw the light — which only seems like common sense, after witnessing Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, the Kims (Dad and Junior), and the whole mass-murdering gang of cutthroats.

After the Soviet Union crashed and no one could possibly ignore the bloody mess the Left kept making over seventy long years. So why didn’t all the decent Leftists just read their Milton Friedman and grow up?

That’s what the so-called neocons did, and more power to them. I take it as obvious that they were correct and morally decent, in learning to see how wrong they had been. They grew up. My question is: What happened to all the others?

My guess is, you’re dealing with an old & a young. The young weren’t born early enough to go through what’s described above. Not all of it, anyway. It is not lost on me that in this list of watershed events, the ones that happened most recently were the ones that got the least attention; you have to be a bit of a news junkie to understand what’s wrong with the Kims. All these verifiable stories of atrocity — they are drowned out by the pulsating desire to vent hate at the right people…like American Southerners for example.

And the old? Those who can tell you where they were when Pearl Harbor was attacked?

Simplest reason first: It’s the Ted Kennedy crisis. They learned if they can give away truckloads and truckloads of other peoples’ money, or visibly support such massive giveaways, they’ll look like decent human beings when they really aren’t. Path of least resistance.

Kos on the Birthers

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Liberal mega-blogger Kos has provided a definition for the term “birther,” and provided some thoughts about what’s going through the birther’s heads. He’s gotten ahold of a statistical breakdown of where they live, and is rallying his troops for the hate-fest to begin:

Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 7/27-30. All adults. MoE 2% (No trend lines)

Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?

Not sure……….12

So 11 percent of Americans are Obama-hating conspiracy theorists. How do they break down?

………………..Yes……….No……….Not sure


Once again, Republicans find themselves outside the American mainstream. And reality.

Because to Kos’ folk, being outside the mainstream is an offense to nature itself…a major sin…if you didn’t wait for the correct people to lead you out of the mainstream. If you did, then it’s quite alright.

Well, I’m glad to have a definition of sorts of what a “birther” is — even if it’s only implied. I notice the Kos crosshairs haven’t zeroed in on the twelve percent that aren’t sure. There must be a difference of opinion about those, since I know of some folks who would take serious issue with this. To them, if you have a single doubt in your head, you are a birther and that makes you a nut.

What’s nutty, though, is using a poll like this to organize a two-minute-hate session in cyberspace. Seriously, what is the difference between any reasonable definition of “prejudice,” and this?

I don’t want to offend anyone and I apologize to all the good people down there fighting the good fight but the South has always been different and basically it’s a separate country. I think we would have all been better off if we had let them form their own country or at least a Confederation of the 2 sections for common defense but for domestic self governing. They could have their own paradise for guns, god, no gays and private insured health care and the North could have their own gun-free atheistic homosexual agenda socialized medicine area. The North certainly would have been better off.

Hat tip to Melissa.

I said somewhere that I’m not going to directly take this one on. I’m thinking I might be breaking that pledge pretty soon…

“Just Shoot ‘Em”

Friday, July 24th, 2009

The next couple of elections, I propose we make it all about a referendum on this particular flavoring of rhetorical combat. I think anyone who would disagree with me on that one, would have to concede the point we’ve seen a fair amount of this, it isn’t productive, it doesn’t lead to good decisions, it isn’t widely appreciated, and yet it keeps coming and coming because we haven’t stopped to take a breath and compare notes on what we think about it.

It comes from the hardcore left wing. Here, and generally. This classic False Dilemma of — implement our ramshackle dumbass policies or get the body bags ready. Also, anyone who’d dare breathe a word against our bad ideas wants…all together now…kids to die, old people to die, poor people to die, levees to collapse, everyone to get AIDS, dirty food, dirty air, dirty water, nuclear explosions day and night, poverty, starvation, blight, pestilence, blood in the Nile and the death of the firstborn.

Hat tip to Boortz.

I’m not falling for it and I’m sick and tired of it. Just wanna see if I’m alone in this. Call it an “Am I The Only One Who” query…my curiosity is sincere, and I think a lot of other folks would like to know the answer too. So let’s have a referendum.

To anyone who needs to be told: You don’t make yourself a better person by affixing your rear end to some selected point on the ideological spectrum. Yes, maybe you can make some “friends”; you can alienate other ones. You can use this to broadcast a message that you are sensitive to some values, although some folks might think, with some justification, that you are also communicating an ignorance with regard to other ones. Each and every soul gets to make his or her own decision about this stuff — we’re still unregulated on the thoughts between our ears, today anyway — but the grim fact is most people will decide your decency or lack thereof isn’t that important to them and leave the matter entirely undecided.

You know all those high-res photographs of the nighttime sky with all those stars and planets, and the people waving ’em around inviting everyone to think about how truly insignificant we are compared to the vastness of the universe? Yeah. That fits into this. That’s what I’m talking about. Your raging case of GoodPerson FeverTM amounts to just one more way to crank out harmful policy decisions, Montel. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now if I need to figure out whether you’re a decent person or not — and there are better than even odds I’ll never give a fig — the first question with which I’m going to grapple is this: How did you catch your case of GoodPerson Fever in the first place? Let’s just forget that other question of, if we do exactly what you want, how long will it be before you have something else to prove about your inner “goodperson,” and ours. The average answer is about thirty seconds. Point is, people who really do think well of themselves, who know for a fact they are decent people, don’t get on this stupid treadmill. The time comes to make an important decision about their own lives, or about public policy, and they take on the challenge like adults. What do they know about what’s going on; how do they know that’s what’s going on; what are the available options; how would each one of those options affect the situation, positively or negatively, in the short term or in the longer term.

You don’t have that kind of inner strength. You get started on the task at hand, and within eye-blinks & heartbeats you’re fantasizing about Republicans ambushing people in hospital emergency rooms and shooting them. Well, now. I don’t think you should be dismissed so lightly. People who think the way you do, are running everything right now. You’ve proven you don’t have what it takes to run a nationwide talk-radio network; in fact you’ve proven you can’t even run local talk-radio networks.

But we’ll let people with your mindset run the whole damned country.

For now.

Memo For File XC

Saturday, July 18th, 2009

I was over reading in “The House” and I ran across the line “Republicans don’t need to broaden their base…”

and I thought to myself….

No…. they need to deepen it.

Blogger friend Phil.

I just heard Joe Scarborough on the radio, and I guess he has a book out about how Republicans can get back into the swing of things. To his credit, he does not belong to the Meghan McCain camp of “Keep The ‘R’ But Lose Everything Else”; but from his comments, I don’t think he is altogether correct either. I view him as a tent-embiggener, and I think the former Congressman Scarborough would agree with me on this.

This is not to say I think all his points lack merit. Quite to the contrary: Some of what he says really has to be taken seriously. His emphasis seems to be on localizing control as opposed to keeping the decision-making power at the higher levels and then pushing for “morality policing”; on this point, I agree. He pushes for a moderation in tone, a less cantankerous tone of discourse, which I also think is a good idea. On this point though, he’s drinking kool-aid. As I pointed out earlier, it has emerged as a favorite left-wing tactic, both in cloakrooms at capital buildings and in water-cooler chats among ordinary wage slaves, to declare the conversation has become uselessly heated and then falsely blame the conservative for starting it…either the discussion itself, or the inferno of unfriendly remarks that erupts within. (More often than not, the liberal has taken the initiative in both of these.)

So Scarborough’s advice is a mix of the healthy and the not-so-much. What I think he has done, is construct a house with some good architectural ideas and a sturdy foundation, on a site of shifting sand.

Scarborough argues that right-wingers seeking to recapture Ronald Reagan’s box office mojo need to embrace environmentalism (they should be “Going green for God”); acknowledge the permanence of troubled entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare (“Everyone is going to have to give until it hurts”); and pursue a humble foreign policy (except when they don’t: “Most Republicans, including myself, were steadfast in their support for the war” in Iraq).

On contentious social issues like abortion and gay marriage, the heirs to Edmund Burke and William F. Buckley Jr. should push for decisions to be made at the state level — not necessarily because localized decision-making provides better answers but because “that is the only way to protect the advances conservatives have made over the past generations.” Most of all, Scarborough counsels, conservatives need to channel their inner Gipper by “following the advice of Jesus and the example of Reagan, by trying more often to turn the other cheek” during fractious policy debates.

So he’s been duped into a lot of things here. That it has become antithetical to Republican-ness to “turn the other cheek” infers, or at least implies, that we have a lot of Republicans out there seeking revenge against perceived slights, and doing the party harm by being seen seeking this revenge. That may be happening here and there, but if one is embarking on a quest to find vengeful people who never heard of turning the other cheek, one can hardly do better than making a bee-line for the nearest gathering of hardcore left-wing liberals. On the radio, I hear him implore the conservative movement to show better support to the New England intellectual-snob set; we should be asking ourselves how welcome Buckley himself would feel in modern conservative ranks.

Again: He’s drinking kool-aid, without knowing that’s what he’s doing; and in so drinking, he takes the defensive prematurely. Conservatives need to make people feel welcome? Conservatives do? How ya figure? Take a look at what I need to do for liberals to show me contempt, and engage their blizzard of “You’re So Stupid” attacks. Some would say I have an unusually natural way of attracting such an onslaught; and in some ways they could be right. But from all I have managed to observe, it really doesn’t take much. I’m a six-foot-tall straight Protestant white guy who hasn’t served in the military and still possesses all his limbs.

From that starting point I don’t need to do an awful lot to bring on pit bulls. Failing to support fully-taxpayer-funded abortions on demand from sea to shining sea — that is plenty enough to throw the feeding frenzy into high gear. Or, I could fail to get behind an initiative to forever banish intelligent design from all schools public & private. Or…I could support these things, and just be a little bit pokey about it. It’s not that I’m placed under a magnifying glass for being a white male; I can see from the experiences of Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes, Condoleeza Rice and Sarah Palin that my white-male-ness in fact spares me from some of the worst of the viciousness. But my point isn’t the intensity of viciousness, it’s the ease with which one becomes a target of it.

America has a party that is obsessed with properly qualified membership, and once that party’s decided you’re on the outs, you’re on the outs for good. That party is not the Republican party.

Republicans need to confront some phony “truths” that Scarborough, judging from what the former Congressman has seen fit to bring to my attention, is failing to confront.

There is no need to prove that conservatism has something to do with a “big tent.” Conservatism is a big tent by its very nature. The notion that some among us possess a group membership that makes them better than anyone else, is a hallmark among those other guys who want to sieze control of the tax code so they can loot from the undesirables and ply a bunch of phony “government program” benefits onto the desirables. True, conservatives would like to do something similar with businesses — to the extent you think it’s a phony-government-program-benefit to lower taxes, that is true. But what color is a business? Anyone of any color, gender or sexual preference can start a business.

Conservatives need to confront some mistakes in the national thinking that even the Great Ronaldus failed to confront. That the guy who wins, is the guy who can show off a veneer of patience, cheerfulness, good humor and cheer, for example. Reagan won that one by being that guy.

You want some “rising star” to emerge in 2012 and pull that one off against Obama?

Best wishes to ya. You won’t see my weekend-beer-money in the kitty. I’ll be sitting that one out.

No…the thing that has to be challenged, is this notion that a position on the ideological spectrum makes you cheerful and patient. This profound absurdity has been allowed to endure plenty long enough, I’d say. We’ve got to get rid of it. NOW. If we don’t, someone is going to come up with the bright idea that we have to stop the women from voting in elections — they are, without a doubt, the demographic that predominantly finds this appealing — and I don’t want to see things diminish to this point. Women should be allowed to keep voting. And to make sure they don’t lose this right, it has to be shown that they can be allowed to vote, without the country being condemned to repeating some terrible, awful mistakes. And let’s be honest, that has yet to be demonstrated.

Not that a whole lot of men aren’t also falling for it. But it doesn’t matter. It’s just a fact: Your decision to support Cap-n-Trade, or Universal Healthcare, or a Second Stimulus — or to oppose those things — none of this makes you a Good PersonTM. Nor do such declarations of ideological positioning make you a rotten nasty person. These are debates about policy, and they should be treated as such.

The identity politics is also something Scarborough seems to support, or at least, fails to oppose with the level of vigor I’d find encouraging. If you’re from Delaware, a conservative spokesman from Missouri can support your interests just fine and dandy, better than our Vice President Mouthy Joe. If the Delaware guy somehow can’t see that, the problem belongs to the Delaware guy. Any conservative kingmaker who’s got some say in making-or-breaking the spokesman from Missouri, needs to stand up for that principle rather than trying to soothe the agitated feelings by embarking on some journey to find a New Englander saying the same stuff.

Why? Because that’s called prejudice. And conservatives are supposed to be united in opposing it, in all its forms. That means opposing identity politics in all its forms.

Scarborough’s examples do little to highlight this critical distinction. So here’s another one: Voter ballots printed up in Spanish.

That is a pickle. The easiest way to embrace the Scarborough-big-tent-ism is to select a path identical to Meghan-McCain-big-tent-ism: Crank up the presses por favor! Because pushing for a truly conservative point of view would be excluding people. Conservatism has to waver. Perhaps this is why I’m not hearing of Scarborough highlighting this particular issue. There’s a lot of heat there, so who could blame him?

But the kind of conservatism that is really on the line here, has nothing to do with excluding people. It has more to do with an intellectually honest argument about what equality really is. What’s being discussed is a country’s right to have the one thing that has been best proven to make all countries strong, and to weaken them when it is taken away: A culture. France has a culture. Spain has a culture. Lots of countries in Africa have a culture. Great Britain and Canada could have a culture…if they wanted it…

Why can’t the United States have one? That’s the question that should be asked. And even in these racially-sensitive times, it shouldn’t be that tough of a point to argue. I asked, a few paragraphs ago, what color is owning-a-business? Well, what color is English? Other countries get to define, and defend, their culture; the United States should be able to do this too.

Gay marriage, that’s another one. The lazy, predominant, wafting, prevailing theme is that it’s some kind of a civil rights issue. We all have to bless same-sex marriage or else people are being denied their constitutional rights to love each other. Just a little bit of honest, responsible thinking will reveal this is wombat-rabies bollywonkers crazy. The issue is the civil rights of the churches, who would surely be litigated into non-existence in an all-gay-marriage nation for refusing to conduct same-sex wedding ceremonies. What if we take the “don’t do it, and say we did” route in legalizing same-sex marriage? Those who want to get married are denied nothing. Marriage is all about elimination of options for the individuals who enter into it; it doesn’t grant anybody any “rights.” What it does is eliminate the rights. Like any other declaration of something in front of a community of witnesses, just like any other signature, it exists for that very thing — to eliminate options that would otherwise be open to one party, for the benefit of other parties. In the case of marriage it is a mutual exchange, but that doesn’t mean someone’s been deprived of civil rights just because the state hasn’t been muscled into re-defining something.

With regard to Phil, I don’t know if he agrees with all my points here — they aren’t my most politically-correct ones, some of them could be quite controversial. But I’ll definitely place my stamp of approval on what he said. In fact, broadening the tent is not only different from what Republicans need to do, it does great harm. These ideas about embiggening, far too often, result in a subtle collapse of some of the principles conservatives are supposed to be defending.

Clearly, from the lesson that was taught last November, the goal should be how to define that line that separates conservatives from liberals. Perhaps that’s why it rankles me so much to hear people talk about letting more people in. If you do that just to make the tent bigger, without safeguarding the principles, that’s when the tent pole snaps. I think the message needs to be “no, conservatives aren’t eager to include more people, but we aren’t eager to exclude people either; it’s those other guys who are passionately engaged in doing both of those.” That really is the point that has to be made. Anyone, regardless of place of birth, color of skin, sex or creed can adopt the right principles and be a conservative. But you must adopt them.

You have to adopt the right principles to be a liberal too. But nobody notices that, even though the challenge is stiffer on the liberal side because it’s enduring. Be a liberal, so that liberals will let you in their “big tent,” say all the right things so that they let you in…and you’ll get in. But thirty seconds later you have to prove your devotion all over again. It’s never enough. Deep down, they know it to be true. Listen to them argue sometime. Even the ones that run things, even Barack Obama Himself, they never have any confidence that their Good-person-ness has been validated with any permanence and the whole thing’s a done deal. The sloppy, obsequious arrangement has always looked to me rather like eating egg drop soup with chopsticks, with your pants on fire. The desperation to keep on proving inner personal decency over and over again, persists, becomes cyclical, then dizzying. It’s beyond distracting. It’s how they manage to stumble upon their very worst ideas.

Do we need an example of that? Look no further than the idea of supporting Sotomayor. There’s nothing to recommend her to the Supreme Court, and contrary to popular belief, she has speechified about the “Wise Latina” not just once, but repeatedly.

It’s not a silly idea to argue that this is racism. It is the very definition of it. What’s a silly idea is to seat her on the Supreme Court. There’s no reason to do it, none whatsoever, except to “prove” that whoever’s making the decision possesses some streak of innate personal goodness, that that person himself doesn’t really believe is there.

Prove it. For thirty seconds.

Condescending and Godawful

Friday, July 17th, 2009

Not sure where to put the hat tip because it’s going up everywhere. But I first found out about it at Cassy‘s place.

This Californian really wants an explanation. What was the intent here? I suppose I should be thankful my hippy-dippy Senator was sufficiently savvy to skirt past saying “this is what your kind of people are supposed to be thinking”…takes some skill to retreat back from that brink, after such a determined and speedy march toward it. Think she got the toothpaste back in the tube? Perhaps. But not elegantly.

It’s nice to see someone pay a price for identity politics. But it’s shameful to see how much damage is done before it happens.

With apologies to William F. Buckley, I daresay we have a more racist bunch of thugs in charge of the really big decisions, than we’d have if we simply went through the first two thousand names of the Boston phone book. And no, that’s not a compliment to Boston. I’m just thinking we put a lot of effort into something with our electoral process and we’ve managed to achieve the exact opposite.

Chuck DeVore 2010.

Going Bankrupt if We Don’t Spend Money

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

In one of the early jobs many years ago, I was one of two software engineers in a little start-up on Mercer Island that employed us, three-and-a-half salesmen, and nobody else…with a silent partner and ruthless venture capitalist shark thrown into the mix. I swear to fucking God, if I live to be hundred and fifty years old I’ll never forget it. Think Glengarry Glenn Ross on steroids except with the coders as convenient whipping boys, as a replacement for “the leads are shit.” We wrote what the sales guys referred to as “magic code,” and got all of the pressure and none of the authority or ability to do anything to positively impact the situation. No layers between software design and software marketing…none. Actually, there’s a difference between marketing and sales, and this wasn’t marketing. Looking back, that was the number one problem. Lack of buffering layers. Market research…requirements documents…design…project management…all non-existent.

One thing that stands out to me more than anything else, was this plan a couple of them were making together on a Friday afternoon. Wanna go deer hunting? Sure. Hey tell ya what. Let’s leave the rifles at home, and talk the deer into committing suicide.

I think, twenty years ago, I was gaining some insight into the planet on which Vice President Joe Biden lives: Selling things to people that will ultimately hurt them, is a form of sport. The Big Reveal? You’re much better off buying something from someone who doesn’t care one bit about you, than you are buying something from a guy like Joe Biden. And you know why that is? Because the guy who doesn’t give two shits about you, will sell you stuff that will make himself a profit…which may be to your benefit, or it may be to your detriment. It’s random. And because it’s random, there is opportunity for you to jump in there and leverage control of the situation. You can say to yourself, “this guy claims to be representing my interests, but I can tell he’s a bullshitter; nobody else is representing my interests so I’ll take care of that part of it.”

But guys like Joe Biden go a few steps beyond this. I’ve met them before. They aren’t true bullshitters, because they care enough about your interests to sell you things reliably contrary to them. They talk the deer into committing suicide. That is where the sport is, you see.

“And folks look, AARP knows and the people with me here today know, the president knows, and I know, that the status quo is simply not acceptable,” Biden said at the event on Thursday in Alexandria, Va. “It’s totally unacceptable. And it’s completely unsustainable. Even if we wanted to keep it the way we have it now. It can’t do it financially.”

“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden said.

“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.”

Because talking the deer into running off to live another day, would be boring.

And telling us that yes, the way to go bankrupt is to spend money and the way to avoid it is to save money — that would also be boring. So it’s out of the question. Salesman Joe has to have his fun.

Out comes the irony. Poison is healthy, the way to outrun a monster is to walk really slow, you have to spend all the money you can grab to avoid bankruptcy, and dumping a bucket of gasoline over your head & lighting a cigarette is a wonderful skincare technique. Gotta sell those ice cubes to the Eskimos to have your fun. Leave the rifles at home, talk the deer into offing themselves.

The issue here is the difference between the liar and the bullshitter. As Harry G. Frankfurt wrote in one of our favorite hardcovers, On Bullshit,

What bullshit essentially misrepresents is neither the state of affairs to which it refers nor the beliefs of the speaker concerning that state of affairs. Those are what lies misrepresent, by virtue of being false. Since bullshit need not be false, it differs from lies in its misrepresentational intent. The bullshitter may not deceive us, or even intend to do so, either about the facts or about what he takes the facts to be. What he does necessarily attempt to deceive us about is his enterprise. His only indispensably distinctive characteristic is that in a certain way he misrepresents what he is up to.

This is the crux of the distinction between him and the liar…A [liar is] responding to the truth, and he is to that extent respectful of it…For the bullshitter, however, all these bets are off: he is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all, as the eyes of the honest man and of the liar are, except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says. He does not care whether the things he says describe reality correctly. He just picks them out, or makes them up, to suit his purpose.

Joe Biden. Liar. Not bullshitter.

Are you still glad you kept that hockey mom outta there? Have any doubts left that she might, perhaps, maybe, just maybe, have been a tad more economical?

You’re Missing a Lot, If You’re Missing…

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

…the thread that opened up when Kevin Baker, over at longtime sidebar resource The Smallest Minority, quoted Yours Truly on the subject of liberals using their I’m-so-offended, you’re-an-obsessed-right-winger, whiny-butt, Lucy-yanking-the-football-away tactic of suddenly declaring they have no belly for the very discussions they wanted to start in the first place.

First some background: I really like Kevin’s site, because it places a great deal of emphasis on gun rights — almost to such an extent that the casual observer could be forgiven for thinking he’s a one-trick pony. But that isn’t really all his site is about. His site’s about all the schools-of-thought that go with the gun rights. You can have the finest emergency services known to God and man, really, and still the job of protecting yourself and your family is as personal as wiping your ass. Know why that is? Because bureaucrats — even cops — work according to rules and not according to outcome. Those are two different things. Two masters. No man may serve both.

You can see that this concerns a whole way of looking at life, at responsibilities. And that is what Kevin’s site is about, as I see it.

Anyway, after pissing off yet another left-wing friend…which means I got her to chirp out yet another bunch of tiresome cliches, to wit, “you’re obsessed and you’re just chewing this thing to death,” “you’re so intimidating,” “I’m so scared,” “looks like I hit a nerve,” “I don’t like to discuss politics (on second thought),” et cetera, you get the idea…I went and jotted down my thoughts. And Kevin linked them.

Quote of the Day

And this one’s not from John Taylor Gatto’s The Underground History of American Education for a change:

I understand good manners involve one side acting completely guilty and the other side acting completely innocent. I understand the protocol expected is for the righty-tighty to leap, chest-downward, on the grenade. I understand the expectation is to repeat the scene where Tom Sawyer gets the whipping so Becky whats-her-name’s glorious butt cheeks remain unscathed. I get all that.

I’m just tired of doing it. It comes down to something very simple. ONLY LIBERALS CAN PRESENT “FACTS” WITHOUT BECOMING EVIL. — House of Eratosthenes, “Tired of the Charade, Pretending it’s My Problem”

The topic was economics rather than guns and gun laws, but the principle is precisely the same. Some more:

I’m tired of ignoring the elephant in the room, and the elephant in the room is this: The abrasive thing I did was to present factual evidence incompatible with the desirable trope. I presented some hard numbers that would compel a newcomer to at least remain open to an alternative point of view. That was my infraction. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise. Did I mention how tired I am of it?

Looking back on it, I could have shortened the whole thing.

Liberals can present…emotional tirades. And when they do, you should listen. It’s from the heart after all. You wouldn’t want to be an insensitive bastard, would you?

Liberals can present…cherry picked statistics and other data. And when they do, you should listen. You don’t want to be some kind of ignoramus who thinks cavemen used dinosaurs as beasts of burden, do you?

When a non-liberal — not a conservative, but a libertarian, an anarchist, a middle-o-roader, a secular humanist, anyone who is not a wild-eyed hard-core lefty-loosey liberal — offers an expression of emotion, that person is out of his fucking gourd. He’s lost his composure, he’s angry, he’s upset, he hasn’t gotten over losing the election, he’s a racist pig, he’s a prick, he’s insecure in his masculinity, he’s hateful, he’s threatening.

And when non-liberals present statistics and other data, that’s treated the same way as when they offer expressions of emotion. Ah…that’s when the tiresome cliches all come out…sorry, I think this discussion has gone too far. Things are getting too heated. Look, we’re not going to agree on this. You can’t discuss politics any-old-place. Oh dear, I think I hit a nerve. You’re losing it. Why are you so angry? You need to get over losing the election!

Once you’re aware of this, it is stunning how little time can pass between “let’s have a civilized, rational exchange of ideas” and “oh my goodness, you’re brow-beating me, I don’t like to argue politics after all.” From the same person. The quickest time I’ve seen is about 45 seconds. That’s what my essay is all about — let’s stop treating these little outbursts as sincere ideas. They aren’t. They are cliches the liberals whimper out when they sense they have been cornered.

They are ways to make the liberals’ problems look like someone else’s problems. Period.

Anyway, I guess Kevin’s been having this long-standing “debate” of sorts with some smarmy stiff-assed Brit about gun control. And if you’re looking for the anti-gun guy to say “I really respect your intellect and the initiative you’ve taken to educate yourself on this matter, but your arguments simply don’t convince me,” you’re going to be disappointed YET AGAIN. Nope. Being properly anti-gun, means you have to think everyone pro-gun is a blithering idiot. And that’s what Kevin’s antagonist, James, did.

Ah, but then James pulled out the card: You’re taking this too far! Let it go!

Kevin, do you ever give it a rest, man? I pointed out to you a number of times that you resorted to emotion far more often than I did in our debate (your inverted commas were fully justified, by the way) – most notably with your cynical juxtaposition of a picture of a horrifically-injured woman with words to the effect of “this is what James Kelly regards as mere ‘bumps and bruises'”. You also resorted to anger (an emotion, I believe) when I pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that the mass-murderer Thomas Hamilton simply would not have been able to kill as many children as he did in the time he did with almost any other weapon or implement. Given the importance you attach to the distinction between ‘data’ and ’emotion’, one can only conclude that you resorted to emotion on so many occasions because your ‘data’ (ie. voodoo statistics) simply wasn’t strong enough.

I also on two separate occasions directed the readers of my blog to a website setting out a barrage of anti-gun facts and statistics that could go toe-to-toe with the contents of your epic dissertations any day of the week. I simply didn’t need to replicate all of that, and I wasn’t interested in that sort of discussion. There was nothing in your honeyed debate invitation to me that would have suggested you had any problem with that – indeed you told me “it’s about the PHILOSOPHY, James”. If it needs to be pointed out, there’s quite a big distinction between philosophy and ‘data’. Except, it seems, in the worlds of Kevin Baker and Karl Marx, who both believe(d) their philosophies are literally provable beyond any doubt. In which case, I stand by what I said – if you’re the one claiming to deal in cast-iron ‘facts’, the burden of proof for you is that much higher.

I wish you luck in finding a willing ‘bull’ for your next gladiatorial encounter. I get the impression that for you it’s like sex – there comes a point when it’s just been too long.

I think most of us, if not all of us, who have deigned to argue with liberals have more than a passing familiarity with this. We are like savage pit bulls who’ve tasted blood and we never know when to let anything go. It’s like sex, there comes a point when it’s just been too long. They, on the other hand, are models of decorum and restraint. If they’re tired of the argument, that means it’s time to get tired of the argument. They’re the adults, we’re the children.

What a damning indictment that is against them. When they want to look like adults, they have to use indoctrination to do it.

I couldn’t believe this was all growing out of a discussion about my stuff…and here was this Cockney bastard pretty much proving every single word I said. Naturally I kept my silence about it, since I’m so restrained and so mature.

Erm, no I’m not, no I’m not, and no I didn’t

Mr. Kelly,

As the author of the original piece, I find it fascinating you’ve led us all around full circle right back to the very social phenomenon that inspired my comments in the first place. Poor guy, Kevin just pummeled you into liquid form and then pummeled you some more. Meanwhile, it’s a matter of record that the two of you engaged in quite an extended debate about ground rules for the exchange you were about to have, that this goes well beyond documenting mutual agreement that the exchange was to take place.

Same shit, different day, folks. Someone who is opposed to freedom, wants to debate the merits of both points-of-view — until, at the drop of a hat, suddenly they don’t. And it’s the other guy’s problem of course.

Except now, a growing number of us are becoming, or have become, tired of pretending it’s our problem when it isn’t. We’re not going along with the pretend-exercise anymore. You shouldn’t either.

And that’s why I’ve given up on coming up with rules for conservatives who want to argue with liberals. My rules, nowadays, are for liberals who want to argue with conservatives — they’re the ones behaving inconsistently. And rule number one is that once you want to start scrappin’, you can’t unilaterally decide all of a sudden it’s beneath you and you’re tired of it, just because you’re cornered. You can’t do that. You can’t do that any better than a girl in the third grade wearing a brand new pretty dress, can decide to wrestle in the mud with the boys, and then all of a sudden want out of it with her dress all pretty and clean again.

It don’t work. Of course some liberal men are just third-grade girls on the inside, and think that will somehow fly. That’s because they’re pussies.

D’JEver Notice? XXXI

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Liberals like to call themselves the Reality Based Community. It’s a popular term used especially among liberals who despise George W. Bush.

Perhaps the time has come to re-think that.

They won the last election. Hugely. They won, and now run, freakin’ everything. They act like they lost. They snivel, they whine, they complain, they bitch and carp and moan and bitch some more about some big ol’ power player, some big omniscient omnipotent boss-man not giving ’em a fair shot. Earth to liberals: You are the boss-man!

Now Sarah Palin has ceased to be a threat to them, at least for the immediate future.

They behave as if she has only just begun. Freaking out. Like a sleeping puppy having some terrible nightmare, its little paws waving in the air as fast as they can possibly go. Their story is that this is a real change because Palin doesn’t have a chance now…and didn’t have a chance before…so her resignation is a huge event. Or something. And the country’s dodged a bullet because she would be such an incompetent leader. Although she never had a shot at getting in. And doesn’t have one now. Or something.

These reality-based people are something else. They know for a fact that our oceans are going to boil over due to man-made climate change, somewhere around 2050 or 2100. But they haven’t got a clue about whether it’s going to rain this weekend. They know for a fact that Sarah Palin will be nothing but a pitiful punchline in 2012…but they can’t see three months down the road that a $700 billion “stimulus” plan is going to take off like a scale-model F-18 Hornet made out of wombat shit.

Reality? I’m having an Inigo Montoya reaction. “You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Update: This must be preserved for posterity. With our reality-based people running everything, we are losing our grip on…yeah…reality. Losing our grip so instantly, relative to the tapestry of history, that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will hunger to know how & why.

Josh, this has got to be the blog post of the year. By which I mean — if time capsules took blog posts, and I was invited to contribute to a really tiny one, choosing one item to illustrate to our great-grandchildren the historical backdrop against which the Grand Mistake of 2008 was made…plop. Your three paragraphs with links attached. In they go.

Those are my words. My words to describe…this

Palin to Andrea Mitchell: ‘You’re not listening to me’

Gov. Sarah Palin granted interviews to the legacy media yesterday, and each outlet added its own spin to its presentation of the story. One thing is obvious from watching the various videos and reading the stories: they don’t get it. Palin had to scold NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, for instance. “You’re not listening to me,” she admonished the ditzy reporter after Mitchell asked the governor a question she had already answered.

The Palins’ commercial fishing business requires them to be on the water at the peak of the salmon run, which occurs each year around the 4th of July. The media hacks were clearly out of their element, one reporter describing the experience of being with real people while they are doing real work as “surreal.” From the safe cocoon of the New York studio, Diane Sawyer thanked ABC correspondent Kate Snow in Alaska, “Thanks so much for going up next to the fish,” to get the interview. During the interview, Snow pointed out to Palin: “You have some fish guts on you.” Yes, Kate, that tends to happen to people who work on commercial fishing boats. Flyover country is an alien planet, and those of us who live in it are extraterrestrials to the chattering class. They are still looking for their first clue and not even getting warm.

Video of the Mitchell interview is here, CNN here and ABC here. Write-ups of more interviews by Fox News here, TIME magazine here and the Anchorage Daily News here.

There are updates. Overall, they continue with this faux-reality-based theme…especially with regard to the Manhattan blue-blood know-nothing media theme. Go read the whole thing. These are the people who bring you the news, so it’s important to keep reminding ourselves how little they really know. About anything.

Here’s your video. “I can see Russia.” Aw, a subtle dig, how classy. How balanced and objective. Keep on informing us, you journalists, you. You’re the guys who put Obama in where He is today, and you can’t even admit that you did it…so you must be really, really SMRT!!

*sigh* There are certain professions that have never, ever, in all of human history, attracted real venerability…least of all, from those folks with brains, who knew what they were doing. Journalism seems to have had this problem for awhile.

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” — Thomas Jefferson

Going After Jenny Sanford

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

When I say the GOP doesn’t need to change a single thing in order to turn things around in ’10 and ’12, this is exactly what I’m talking about. The terrible, terrible anger the Democratic Underground posters have for…Jenny Sanford, the betrayed Governor’s-wife?? Liberals, you see, have just as much anger as conservatives, plus a whole lot more — and the anger they have makes very little sense.

Now, it is my opinion, and that of many others as well, that Jenny Sanford has handled herself remarkably well. Unlike most political wives, she has not stood by her man in public as a show of support and solidarity. Most political wives mindlessly stand by in press conferences as their husbands blabber on about how sorry they are. Jenny Sanford did not. Kudos to her. She’s managed to retain some dignity and self-respect in this humiliating affair.

Of course, that means nothing to the DUmmies. Across multiple posts, she is being smeared and insulted.

The democrat party had this huge rout last year because they were able to convince the typical voter to stop caring about policy, and start caring about personalities. Promote not just the idea that There’s Something About Barry, and that our new iPresident is a godlike being, and “Nobody messes with Joe” and that the Delaware Dimbulb is some wonderful wise Supreme Elder Statesman…but that the lowliest democrat is a better person than the most esteemed Republican. They promoted their party as a sure cure for Goodperson Fever.

We must have some folks in the electorate who don’t feel terribly good about themselves. Because they fell for this in November, and it should be clear now that not a single thirst has been quenched.

Angry LiberalHow could it be? It should be obvious to anyone who uses his head as something besides a hat-hanger. There’s nothing about being a left-winger that can make anybody a better person. The quotes that Blogsister Cassy has rounded up here, are from hardcore types that are not only unfulfilled and unhappy — but angry, pissy, petulant, acrid, shrill, nasty and, worst of all, frenzied. Just like sharks at a feeding frenzy. The more blood they get the more they want. And if Cas wanted to make her list twice, three times, ten times as long, you know she’d be able to do it. She’d find the quotes. They’d be there. These people have the venom, and the need to spew it.

Republican campaign strategy: Just stop helping the enemy to keep all this bile a secret. People don’t want to talk about policy? People don’t want to talk about issues? People don’t want to talk about cause-and-effect? They’d rather be thinking about which political party makes you a Good PersonTM? Hey…don’t lick ’em, join ’em. Let’s have a nationwide debate about which ideology makes you a better person. Just stop cherry-picking the evidence.

I really wondered as I read these posts… how did these people get this way? I’m serious. How do you get so angry, deranged, and hate-filled? What happened to them? There must have been something.

I’ve got a few years on Cas and I have no curiosity about this whatsoever. But if you’ve been reading her pages for awhile you’ll understand my reluctance to conclude I’ve figured out something she hasn’t; this is a wise young lady with a wonderful head on her shoulders who has a lot going on upstairs. If she’s still asking questions and I’m not, it’s probably because she’s trying to figure out something I’m not.

But I know the answer to her question. It isn’t pretty.

In life, we have a lot of Proper Things To Do that offer us a only a delayed reward, or no reward whatsoever. Push the grocery cart someone left in the parking lot back to where it belongs; offer your seat on the bus to the pregnant woman; ask your stuffy old great-granduncle about the good-old-days, even though you don’t really want to know (yet) about them; help the lost child find her Mommy; open the door for the lady; donate your money to help soldiers who are coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan with some limbs missing; show your support for invading Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place; go to church; do your homework; say “excuse me”…the list goes on and on.

It’s not easy to teach a child to do these things, and so parents have picked up a lot of ways to get it done. The easiest way is to teach them this stuff while they’re still in toddlerhood, while the personality is still forming, at an age when they’re most accepting of the taboo. Obviously that doesn’t work for everything. Unfortunately, as kids get older, they become fascinated in their own growing understanding of cause-and-effect, and start to want to figure things out that way…the unreasonable little bastards. So some parents wait until the pre-teen years and have conversations with their children about cause-and-effect. But cause-and-effect is an advanced topic. As I said, above, many among us opted not to think about it at all in the last election. Many among them opted out simply because they don’t know how to think about it, and many among them, unfortunately, are parents. And so a lot of them skip this stuff altogether. Their unfortunate children grow up to be hardcore left-wing secularist liberals.

Real ManNow here’s the ugly part that smears all of us whether we’re liberals or not. When you know deep down inside that you really ought to be doing something, and you decide, for whatever reason, not to do it — deep down inside, what’s going to happen to you is you conceive the rage that has no home. You become bitterly angry, already, in that moment, but you don’t know it yet because your anger hasn’t yet found a target. When someone else comes along and does the thing you know darn well you should have done, just like an electrical storm finding a lightning rod, your anger finds the target. Think about the guy in Irreversible watching the woman being assaulted. Imagine the feelings he’s feeling, the thoughts going through his head. Now imagine some Dudley Doright jumping in and, well, doing right. Imagine how this would change the social-acceptance issues involved in ducking-and-covering. Imagine how angry that cowardly fellow would become, being shown-up like that.

That is exactly what we saw on the left wing just before we invaded Iraq, lasting all the way up to the 2004 elections and beyond. Anchorless rage finally finding an anchor. The craven isolationist looking upon, not quite so much an Adonis of perfection, or a Perseus, or a Hercules, or a Superman, or even any kind of hero — just someone else who made a better decision, and did what everyone else knows damn well needed to be done.

Call it what you will. Call it the product of lazy parenting. Call it a “If I Don’t Help Put Out The Fire, You Can’t Either” instinct. Once aroused, it arrives with a white-hot rage that knows no equal. And we all have it, or at least, the ingredients of it…

It is extraordinarily damaging to our implied social compact. Left unchecked, it turns otherwise decent people in to extremist liberals. It also is caused by being an extremist liberal. It feeds itself, feeding on itself, and makes itself bigger and hungrier.

Go on, read some of the comments Cassy found and tell me I’m wrong.

Republicans have the next election sown up. Really, they had the last one sown up, they just chose not to go for the kill. Just stop keeping secrets for the benefit of the enemy. Stop keeping secrets about the tremendous harm liberalism does to people’s souls.

Are You Feeling Stimulated?

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Stop The ACLU:

May’s numbers out of Ohio are dismal. The Buckeye State’s unemployment rate hit 10.8% and the national rate is 9.5% with today’s numbers for June. In Dayton, Ohio, a company which has been in Ohio since the 19th century, NCR, has decided to relocate to another state. Columbia, SC, is using money from the President’s Stimulus Package to lure NCR away from Ohio. I’m sorry people, but all the road projects in the world won’t replace those long-term high paying jobs.

So my question to all of you is – Are You Feeling Stimulated?

According to the latest Gallup numbers – you aren’t.

63% are unsatisfied with the state of the nation
58% have a negative consumer mood
49% believe that economic conditions are poor
59% believe that things are getting worse

So it seems that none of you are feeling the least bit stimulated by all of Obama’s spending.

“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” — Winston Churchill

“You Keynesians are all the same, with your beady little eyes and flapping heads!” — Morgan K. Freeberg

Like Celebrating the Birthday of a Frog You Are About to Dissect

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

Fellow Right Wing News contributor William Teach is beating the snot out of a hardcore lefty-loosey “progressive” type who’s suddenly interested in celebrating the Fourth of July.

As I discuss in my book, The Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be, the Tories who opposed American independence were the conservatives of their day. They revered tradition, and proudly followed orders from the king and the aristocracy in London. They hated and feared the idea of democracy, and thought the idea of equality was laughable…

Um, no, Mike. You can spin it all you want, but, the Progressive movement hadn’t even been born at the time. It is actually a product of the late 1800’s-early 1900’s, which had massive links to and much in common with the rise of fascism in Europe.

Nor were [the Tories] really Classical Conservatives, since they were supporting a monarchy, part of an authoritarian model. America’s brave revolutionary founders were, in fact, somewhere between Classical Liberals and Classical Conservatives. American conservatism is otherwise known as neo-conservatism, ie, Classical Liberalism.

And, since you folks despised patriotism and everything Americana, denigrated your country, pissed on the Flag, and dismissed July 4 for 8 years, you can’t suddenly take it for your own.

Familiar Blog That Nobody Reads visitor and commenter Smitty has a bit more to add back at his home-turf, The Other McCain

From Wikipedia, emphasis mine:

Progressivism is a political and social term that refers to ideologies and movements favoring or advocating changes or reform, usually in a statist or egalitarian direction for economic policies (government management) and liberal direction for social policies (personal choice). Progressivism is often viewed in opposition to conservative ideologies.

In the United States, the term progressive emerged in the late 19th century into the 20th century in reference to a more general response to the vast changes brought by industrialization.

As you watch the Obama Administration trainwreck pile up, the term “egalitarian” seems a jape, and “statist” seems to mean something akin to “banal Chicago thugocracy”, as Scare Force One is followed by the IG-Gate is followed by the Imaginary Legislation (HR-2454), etc.

There is much, much more there. Good learnin’s if you’re like Mike Lux…or, not quite quite so agendized and progressively-pious, or outspoken, but somewhat likewise ignorant, or not quite as ignorant but still could use a little bit of brushing up on this Independence Day.

How and why does a committed hardcore left-winger become interested in celebrating our country’s birthday? It certainly has to do with the proper people being in charge. But it’s still cause for serious introspection, I think, and given their less-than-accommodating reception to the true values of our nation, there’s something less than sincere about it. And more than a little bit silly. If you “love” something because of the potential it has to be remade into something else in your hands, it must be a surreal, incomplete kind of love, right? Why would you celebrate that object’s birthday? It’s somewhat akin to a junkyard owner celebrating the date one of his new additions rolled off the assembly line, or a seventh-grade biology student celebrating the birthday of a dead frog about to be placed under his knife.

Why bother? Other than to waste time…or deceive somebody about your true intentions…why bother?

Best Sentence LXVII

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Ann Coulter, once again, snags the Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award. She could make a clean sweep of these things in her sleep. Writing on the now-famous Ricci v. De Stefano case, which was decided in favor of the plaintiffs by a 5-4 vote on Monday, she concludes

[Justice Ruth Bader] Ginsburg and the other dissenters made a big point of pretending there was some flaw in this particular test. None adopted [nominee Sonia] Sotomayor’s position that unequal test results alone prove discrimination.

This suggests that a wise Jewess, due to the richness of her life experiences, might come to a better judgment than a Latina judge would.

There are other such gems in there, including one ongoing theme that has long been one of my favorites: How hyper-liberal legal professionals, such as ham-and-egger lawyers, ambulance chasers, county superior court judges, appellate judges, legal pundits, et al…out of some supposed sense of inner decency…continue to saddle other professions with bizarre rules, regulations, codes and taboos that dare not come within a hundred and fifty yards of their own mahogany doorways.

They’re vultures. Which means you can’t really blame them. It’s contrary to a vulture’s nature to scrape a bone only halfway clean. Them getting away with it — that’s our fault.

Best Sentence LXVI

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

The sixty-sixth award for the Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) is hereby presented to John Hawkins, who is ruminating on the Mark Sanford scandal.

What is impressive is not a single sentence, but a passage that consists of three of the best.

Christians fall short of perfection on a regular basis. The Netroots alternative to that seems to be, “You should be completely and utterly without morals and then you’ll never be a hypocrite.” Of course, if you come back and say, “So, you’re admitting that you’re not as good a person as a Christian,” they’ll get offended.

This is an important point. It’s one of the most potent ways that people who don’t care about politics, become liberals, often without realizing what is taking place. Many a soul apathetic to both ideology and religion has muttered those fateful words, “I do the right thing because it’s the right thing, not because I believe fairy tales about a Flying Spaghetti Monster looking over my shoulder.” Using this Spaghetti logic they come to believe what they have long wanted to believe: That a denominational identity injures your character.

But it’s really all about not trying. Just plain laziness. And whether they wish to believe it or not, living life just for yourself inclines one, once one has caught oneself performing below par, to make a habit out of it. Rather than striving to do better next time.

That is it in a single word, right there — strive. That is all imperfect beings can do. And that’s not to say Mark Sanford was striving, or that should his marriage somehow work out the kinks he will strive from that point forward. I don’t know the man. All any of the rest of us can do is mind our own garden, and strive.

Rush Limbaugh Called Chelsea Clinton a Dog

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

The latest left-wing response to the whole David-Letterman-Joke-Problem thing is that Rush Limbaugh did something just as bad. He’s supposed to have called Chelsea Clinton a dog back in 1993, during her father’s first year in office as President.

Let’s just delay addressing the verity of that statement, for just a quick second. Instead, the brand of response is worthy of inspection because this is such a consistent thing with left-wing types. Every single argument, at the time it is dropped and we all go on to the next one, has to be left with the realization that left-wingers are morally superior. Every single one. No exceptions. No matter what awful thing you saw a lefty do, somewhere there was a right-winger who did something far worse…and the right-wingers lack the moral standing to make the same type of counterclaim.

My point is, if left-wing policies were sound — if they produced positive effects just once in awhile — it wouldn’t be necessary to spend so much energy sustaining this. As the twentieth century drew to a close, our left-wing President was enmeshed in a sex scandal and on that one occasion, the defense was a little bit different. It was: A public servant’s private life is separate from his performance in his public office. This, I think, actually made sense on some level. They were flocking to the editorial pages and the airwaves, to lecture us that this guy from our nation’s history was a complete ineffectual dimbulb even though he was faithful to his wife, and that other guy cheated on his wife constantly but without his service, our country never would have gotten past some crisis or another.

Here’s what’s funny. On no other general topic does this argument make more sense, than political correctness. Certainly, it makes a lot more sense there, than it does on the subject of the most powerful man in the world sticking his dick down the throat of a girl young enough to be his daughter. But the editorialists and the pundits and the talk show hosts and others with the “heavy voices” that carry so much influence with the rest of us, never seem to challenge the political correctness codebook with that challenge.

Perhaps it doesn’t happen, because it would make too much sense. Perhaps, if someone with a golden name and platinum reputation worth defending, lent that name and reputation to the idea that hey — you can be politically incorrect as all get-out, and still show some capacity for leaving the world, and your local responsibilities, in a state better than the way you found them — that would be the beginning of some kind of end. The one loose thread that undoes the whole sweater. Just a thought.

Now then. Is it accurate. Or did the liberals, in their embarrassment, their agitation, their eagerness to lash back, dredge up yet another false chestnut. How come it is that when conservatives complain about Letterman’s joke, they have some video to show us, and when liberals take up their righteous indignation about Rush Limbaugh and Chelsea Clinton, all they have is fourth-hand rumors and hearsay? Is that because Letterman engaged his hijinks just this last week but in Limbaugh’s case it was sixteen years ago?

Or has someone’s imagination been working overtime?

You be the judge.

I’m not terribly interested in the whole thing because to me, none of this is about personal character. There are decent liberals…I know of a few. There are scumbag liberals, and there are decent and scumbag conservatives. Unless you’re trying to assert that one side or another has a complete monopoly on this character issue, in one direction or another — which is ridiculous — what is the point?

No, to me, the point is the extreme lengths to which one must go, to make a bankrupt ideology look good. That, and this psychotic fixation some of our more prominent lefties have with Alaska’s eleventh Governor. That is the point.

So to me, the whole Limbaugh/Chelsea thing…even if I was open to the idea that liberals are inherently superior to conservatives morally…even if I believed every single word of Al Franken’s urban legend here, uncritically…would be, and is, a change in topic. I would have to hope there was an intent to deceive involved in bringing it up. The alternative explanation is that the liberals bringing it up, don’t realize how off-topic it is, because the whole point to the Letterman kerfuffle went whistling over their heads.

Update: Study in contrasts. Don Surber is, if I’m reading him right — I’m not certain about this — ready to accept the Rush/Chelsea/Dog legend uncritically:

And yes, Rush, love ya but there is no statute of limitations on such stupidity.

One has only to follow the link above to understand why I would consider that to be a little bit of a mistake.

Don Stott at Musket Balls brings us a video embed that captures Keith Olbermann’s take on it. Admittedly, it’s an apples-to-goofballs comparison to draw parallels between Surber and Olbermann…and I realize I already owe Don Surber an apology for it. But Olbermann’s argument is “Alright let’s get this straight, WE are the political-correct folks, those conservatives aren’t allowed to complain about any of this. Even if my side had any flaws. Which it doesn’t.”

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This is part of that give-no-quarter, cede-no-territory, admit-no-wrongdoing strategy embraced by the left. Which I guess must ultimately work. But it sure looks silly when you watch it in operation, especially within its intended forum which is in competition with the other guys. Here’s Don Surber making something of a sincere effort to be consistent. He says, yeah, if Rush did the same thing, then that was wrong too. Olbermann’s point is logically absurd; it attacks itself. “It isn’t bad taste when we do it,” or, “It isn’t an unfair attack if it’s done to them.”

And that’s why I don’t think these people are going to be in power too long. The nation is hungry for leadership by grown-ups. I know it doesn’t look that way when a flim-flam man comes along and offers everyone free house payments, free groceries, free gas in the car, the world will love us and we’ll each get a unicorn — and the voters say “Heck yeah, we want this guy!” But I think everyone’s a little sick and tired of the team-team-team stuff. On both sides. The our-guys-can-do-no-wrong, those-other-guys-can-do-nothing-right stuff. I think the nation’s hungry for a discussion about which policies work. I’ve been hungry for that for a long time now, and I know back in November I was shown to be in a decided minority on that.

But since then…we’ve talked about everything else haven’t we? Michelle Obama’s fashion, Michelle Obama’s arms, Barack Obama’s apologies, Barack Obama is still awesome, stimulus plan we oh-so-much-hope works, executives paid too much money, Julia Roberts and Keith Olbermann still hate Republicans…et cetera…et cetera…et cetera…

I think Obama is a one-termer because I think in short order, significant numbers of people are going to be fatigued in the same way I am. It really doesn’t seem like too much of a stretch.

I Made a New Word XXIX

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Spew·mor (intang. n.)

Hatchet LettermanSimply put, it is humor that isn’t funny.

There’s more to it than that. A joke that is supposed to be genuinely funny, and then fails, doesn’t qualify. This is a narrower definition applied to jokes that were never intended to be truly funny. It applies to tidbits of “humor” that are called “humor” simply to avoid criticism, to apply a thin veneer of plausible levity to what is intended to spew, and has the effect of so spewing, bile. Jokes that are intended more to ingratiate the person telling it with a desirable fellowship, than to elicit a good sincere belly-laugh. This type of joke inspires nothing more than courtesy chuckles, which may be artificially amplified into a booming obsequious horse laugh if the person laughing truly shares the venomous sentiments with the person telling the joke. But nobody really laughs at this kind of a joke.

The object of the exercise is to identify the common bond between the person telling the joke and the person hearing the joke, by defining a common target of hate. It offers a message of leading-by-example. It says “See, in my presence you do not need to treat this person with respect or decency; look at me; I don’t.”

As Greg Gutfield at The Daily Gut observes: “[I]deology clouds what you find funny. If you’re a lefty, then a Palin joke is priceless. If you’re a righty, it’s lame. That’s just the way it is.” That is at least halfway true. But what’s left out is, in the case of Letterman’s joke at the expense of Sarah Palin’s daughter, lefties don’t find it funny either.

If they’re extra-extra motivated by ideological spite, and extra-extra visceral in acting out on it, and exceptionally juvenile in their public antics — they visibly sympathize with it. That’s all. They don’t find it truly “funny” in the classic sense. They just feel good that someone is going after what they consider to be a morsel of low-hanging fruit, and a deserving target. That isn’t the same as finding something funny.

Week Ending June 12, 2009

Saturday, June 13th, 2009

Do you realize what an incredible week this has been? I’m ready to go ahead and call it right now: In the months and years ahead, when Republicans and democrats try to figure out when the national scene all turned around, there will be bipartisan agreement that the fickle wheel of fortune did its spinning in the week ending June 12, 2009. That is when the Republicans really returned to power; when the democrats really fell out of it. When mainstream America figured out the Obama experiment was, in all the ways that mattered, a complete failure. Time to absorb the lessons of reality and let the tender bloated easily-bruised ego receive the punishment that had been coming.

There is, I confess, some wishful thinking involved in that. But that’s not really a bad thing. Every triumph against the odds, in human history, has started with that. And there certainly have been some. I’ll presume, for the thinking reader, no listmaking is necessary to bolster that point.

Let us instead fixate our list-making obsession on the week just departed. And in doing that, let us start with the big kahuna:

David Letterman’s sad, pathetic, stupid joke. Does Letterman have a Republican plant on his writing staff? The damage done here was incalculable. The joke delved down deep into what everybody knew, in their dark subconciousnesses, and brought it bubbling up into the light where it all had to be consciously acknowledged: How humor itself has been re-defined in the early part of the twenty-first century. Blue-blood super-liberal Manhattan comedian makes a conservative look like a buffoon, and the rest of us give a courtesy laugh. Even though it’s NOT FUNNY. This has been a seriously powerful weapon in the liberal arsenal, because if you respond to this the way a reasonable person does — roll your eyes — in our modern, twisted culture, you’re a die-hard lunatic extremist. In a more reasonable environment it is acknowledged that it takes a die-hard lunatic extremist to do the laughing.

The punchline simply didn’t pack any humor. Nobody’s waltzing into a bar and saying “Hey, didja hear the one about Alex Rodriguez and Sarah Palin’s daughter?”

What Letterman did, was wake up the “mainstream” Americans who don’t give a rip about conservatives or liberals — but who could’ve easily been suckered into voting liberal with some well-placed signals that Republicans are subhuman, beneath contempt, it’s okay to abuse ’em so it certainly should be alright to vote against ’em without bothering to study up on the issues. Well from here on out, maybe that will still work, but I think America will have a little bit better idea of what’s being done to it now. And that can’t be good for the plan.

Elsewhere on the Manhattan-lib fashion-plate front, Katie Couric’s ratings plummeted some more, and fellow fashion-plate blue-blood Manhattan-lib Jon Stewart actually had the balls to made fun of her about it.

Paul Krugman, seldom correct but never in doubt, tried to lead a charge against right-wing hate by fastening the identity of the Holocaust Memorial shooter to the conservative movement. And everly ambitious, he thought as long as he was at it he’d try to revive some credibility for that discredited Homeland Security report. He failed on both counts; as is usual for Mr. Krugman, his point failed when it was discovered the facts simply weren’t on his side. Hating George Bush, hating John McCain, being a registered Maryland democrat…these are not traits that typically apply to conservative-movement agitators. But they applied to this nutburger who’s supposed to be our new icon for conservative hate. Swing and a miss.

By now, there had arisen an urgent need to prove what was supposed to have already been proven seven months ago: that the democrats were innately nice folks, and there was something about human nature that made Republicans inherently mean. Typically, democrats like to pursue this with an objective of purity: Everything anybody does that is nice was inspired by a progressive movement somewhere, and every anecdote about man’s inhumanity to man has some conservatism in it somewhere. The Letterman joke all by itself was plenty enough to upset that applecart, so now the effort was to recover the sentiment through saturation. President Obama’s former Pastor and spiritual advisor Jeremiah Wright demonstrated his impeccable timing by choosing this as the week for his comments about talking to his former spiritual pupil: “Them Jews aren’t going to let me speak to him.” Good one! That guy we elected President to start our new Hopenchange good-time rock-n-roll chapter in history, who’d inspire us all to do better and love each other — he received spiritual counsel from this bigot for two solid decades. Republicans tried to warn ya. Ya didn’t listen. It was, and is, a reality. Yet another reminder.

And the week was still young.

Ah, but our country certainly knew what it was doing. We had a skeptical, energetic and free press filling us in on what was going on, and letting us come to our own decision about who would get our vote. Right? Well…hope you didn’t put too much faith in that. If you did, it might have come as a bit of a shock when Evan Thomas went on record to say President Obama “is sort of God.” Chris Matthews agreed. Yup. Real balanced and objective, there, gentlemen. I don’t understand why anyone ever doubted you. They must have been a bunch of unreasonable, lying, irrational, bitter angry conservatives.

Perhaps this is why — also this last week — a San Francisco Chronicle editor said “Obama and the fawning press need to get a room.”

After all that, the solid meat is still just ahead of us. Remember back in January when, if the world went to war and caught fire, you’d never have heard a single thing about it because the news was all filled up with stories about Michelle Obama’s gowns, Barack Obama’s ten balls (!), and hope was in the air? About how much the economy sucked but it was all going to get more better because we had our hopey changey iPresident now and He was going to fix everything? Nowadays the hardcore liberals, the mildly liberals, and the main-street guys who don’t care or say they don’t care — still defend that because hey, it’s only been five months since then. Give Him a chance! He’s trying His best! It’s too early, and He inherited all this! Well…sit down for this one…now, according to Rasmussen, by a six-point margin Republicans are more trusted than democrats on economic issues. Yup, that’s from this week too.

Now how’d that happen? I see a link between that story, and the one about the study from Ohio that found conservatives are more open to opposing arguments than liberals. Call me Pollyanna, but I think even the Main Street folks who don’t give a crap about any of this, intuitively understand that you can’t make good decisions in life if you already have your mind made up about something before you gather the facts. What I’m trying to say is that people want to follow a good leader, they know in their guts what a good leader looks like, and they don’t want to see someone locked into a mindset and with that mindset, a narrow field of options from which to choose for any given situation. Which, ironically, is what the democrats keep saying, citing reasons why conservatives can’t be trusted. But it turns out, in reality as well as in public opinion, liberals are the narrow-minded ones. This was aptly demonstrated when the study hit the innerwebs, and some cloistered communities of liberals aired their reactions to it. It typically looked something like this.

It’s not news to anyone who’s really been paying attention. But liberals are not open-minded, they’re not receptive to all points of view, they’re not willing to listen to new ideas, and they damn sure aren’t tolerant of anything called “diversity” unless, by diversity, you’re referring to monochrome concentrations of dark skin.

President Obama also thought He would demonstrate His impeccable political timing. Now that the country He was supposed to be leading was showing its reservations about investing in Him all this godlike power, He thought He’d appoint a czar to limit executive compensation at private firms. Now, He may have found it politically expedient to limit the effects of this to corporations accepting taxpayer funds in the form of bailout programs…and He may want to promote that…but you just can’t get around that it raises serious questions about the relationship between government and the private sector. And how long would such a policy remain limited to bailout firms? We’ll have to wait a few weeks for the polls to come out, I think. But my gut says most people are on my side on this thing, or at least, are similarly concerned. This is an alteration of the fundamental relationship between our government and the people it purports to govern. The party hacks get to decide if I’m making too much money, and cut me off at the knees if they think I’m getting as big as they are? What country is this again?

The point is, I thought it was Obama’s predecessor who was supposed to be making us ask that question.

Affirmative Action was in the news this week. You know what that is, right? That’s where, if your racial makeup is caucasian and you try to make something of yourself, you are artificially injured to help make up for the abuse that was heaped on persons of darker skin in times past. It’s a tit-for-tat thing. No wait…it isn’t…supposedly, it’s an effort to help the disenfranchised and underprivileged, and it’s entirely color-blind, any thoughts muttered to the contrary are purely hardcore right-wing agitprop. It’s long been my impression that a bare majority of the country does support Affirmative Action, but because and only because they believe that last summation. In other words, by a bare majority, we are on board with helping the underprivileged but we do not want special race-based privileges to apply. So it was further damaging when it came out that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayer ‘fessed up that she is an “Affirmative Action baby” in comments released by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Affirmative Action baby…as in…her test scores were not comparable to her classmates’ test scores. She leapfrogged ahead in line because of her racial background. Her statement that says that.

Is America on board with that kind of Affirmative Action program? An outcome-based one that confers the same prestigious position — Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, in this case! — upon members of beneficiary-groups with mediocre achievements, as it would upon a boring-old-white-guy who can offer spectacular achievements? Don’t forget, across all racial classifications, mediocre people vastly outnumber spectacular people. So what are the ultimate consequences of this? More to the point, could the country possibly become worried about such consequences? Want to have your next brain surgery done by someone who’d never been called on to truly distinguish himself, except by his or her race? Does Main Street USA’s support for Affirmative Action extend that far? Maybe we’re about to find out.

Congressman Barney Frank…whom nobody thinks is a Republican…demonstrated that much-lauded progressive-liberal patience and tolerance for diverse points of view during a live television interview. Wonder if they factored this in to that above-mentioned study.

And then we had that progressive-liberal respect for the rule of law demonstrated by our Climate Queen — yeah, that’s another matter, our liberals-in-charge want to control our weather. Climate czar Carol Browner apparently violated the Presidential Records Act.

So the picture’s pretty complete — as it has been for awhile, but in this damaging, damaging week, it was pencilled in, painted in, tinted, shaded, and framed to perfection in such a way that the apathetic mainstream centrist voters can understand it. And understand it well. These people are in power, uncontested, out of control, as closed-minded as any Republican has ever been, hateful, intolerant, impetuous, as pissy and resentful as any loser of elections has ever been. They are as dim and incurious as George W. Bush has ever been. They cannot get along with anyone else, even their own. They cannot deal with important decisions because they cannot deal with facts. They just want to have power over everybody else, and that’s all. Well, that and accumulate magnitudes of personal wealth as lofty and imposing as what they would deny to others.

The only thing missing from this week…and this may have happened too, if I missed it…was the usual, regularly “scheduled” embarrassing gaffe from Vice President Joe Biden. Other than that one cherry on top, everything else was there this week.

Small wonder that Biden’s old contender for the #2 spot, apparently felt so justified in saying I told you so.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Something We Have Internally Decided Not to Address

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Well, that takes care of my question about how & why liberals and progressives have a better rep for sympathetic, compassionate, and respectful treatment of women. When the opposite takes place, it simply goes unreported — by fiat.

AOL News has been bending over backwards lately to make sure that they do not cover the controversy surrounding writer Guy Cimbalo’s vile attack on conservative women. AOL News has taken some drastic steps to censor any mention, let alone criticism, of Playboy’s screed. They have deleted posts about the article, banned contributors from mentioning it, and even fired one of their liberal writers over it.

The fact that banning reporters from, well, reporting is so contrary to the purpose of a news organization it really is puzzling. It seems to be in direct contrast to their commitment to “traditional journalistic values”.

The evidence is stacking up quite high that AOL News fired liberal writer Tommy Christopher today due to his repeated attempts to get coverage of the Playboy attack list on AOL’s Politics Daily.

Christopher had first attempted to post this criticism of Playboy’s sick list the day it was published on their website. However, he was surprised to find that shortly after putting his article on Politics Daily it was deleted by an editor.

His surprise stemmed from the fact that in his two years of writing for the site not one other post had ever been deleted by an editor.

Another former Politics Daily writer NewsBusters spoke with, Caleb Howe, confirmed that fact. And while Tommy Christopher released a statement to NewsBusters criticizing AOL’s decision to let him go Caleb Howe went further than Tommy in his opinion of AOL’s motives.

“His coverage of the Playboy “hate f***” list must have had a lot to do with Tommy being fired, if not everything to do with it” Howe told NewsBusters. “It would be absurd to think the timing is coincidental” referring to the fact that Christopher was fired three days after his original Playboy story and only hours after pitching a new story on the same topic. Further allegations of AOL censoring coverage of the Playboy controversy came to light when Christopher and Howe appeared on Media Lizzy’s show this afternoon.

At the 74:50 mark of the show Media Lizzy (Elizabeth Blackney) claimed that her editor, Michael Kraskin, sent her an email regarding a question she submitted for the AOL Hot Seat Poll. Her original question was going to be “does Playboy empower or exploit women”. In his response email Media Lizzy claimed that Kraskin asked for a different question and said “This Playboy story is something we have internally decided not to address”.

Tommy Christopher claimed on the show that AOL told him the story was pulled because the Playboy story was too profane. However, Christopher’s story censored out all of the profanity and given Media Lizzy’s claims it seems that no mention of the Playboy story would be acceptable to AOL. Plus there is a post by Christopher that has been on AOL’s Politics Daily (until recently called Political Machine) for nearly a year with several uncensored curse words and was not mentioned as a problem by anyone NewsBusters contacted.

NewsBusters contacted Politics Daily’s editor in chief, Melinda Henneberger who both deleted Tommy Christopher’s original story and fired him, for comment but she never returned our email.

As Christopher notes in the statement he released to NewsBusters he was a productive and successful writer for AOL. He is a well respected, widely read, and widely linked writer. His stories and opinions have been featured on Bill O’Reilly, Hot Air, Red State, The College Politico, The Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, and even NewsBusters. It seems highly unlikely that AOL fired him for lack of performance and it is important to note that nobody has claimed that as of now.

With all of this it seems that coincidental timing is an extremely hard sell for why Tommy Christopher was fired by AOL News today. It appears that Christopher was intent on covering a story which he found to be particularly important but that AOL News had “internally decided” was off limits.

What has the liberal/progressive movement done for women lately, anyway? At this point it seems a more than fair question to ask. Last summer the democrat party had a formal convention that specifically addressed — specifically addressed, I say again, as a priority above all others — who has the superior victim-cred, between women and persons-of-color. It is quite absurd to offer the idea that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama represented significantly different policy positions, on much of anything. The dust-up was about victim-cred, and very little else. Which of the two candidates could stand behind spectacularly bad policies and then get away with it, accusing any & all critics of engaging in some kind of “ism”?

Anyway, the gals were found to be lacking. Better to accuse the critics-of-bad-policies of racism, than of sexism. That would do a better job of avoiding reasoned scrutiny and debate. And so Hillary was asked to step down. Typical party shenanigans: Ask not what the party can do for the people, ask instead what the people can do for the party.

The rest is history. The democrat party went on a tear, spending vast sums of Soros money convincing the public that the opposing ticket was dangerously inadequate because the vice-presidential candidate on that ticket was a dumb ol’ girl. Stupid inbred midwestern-accent redneck hick from Alaska who could see Russia from her house, and all that.

Bottom-line: They haven’t been pro-women — in any way other than advocating more baby-butchery — in a very long time. To actually defend women when someone comes along to harm, or to threaten, is an agenda that has fallen by the wayside.

Of course, officially, AOL isn’t really supposed to be a liberal advocacy group. And neither is Playboy. They’re just doing things that are considered, rightfully or wrongly, to be politically correct and “mainstream.” And because of that, this disrespect is a poor reflection on all of us. It speaks to who we have been allowing to win arguments, and who we have been determined to see lose the next argument. This late disrespect toward women shows how our sense of civility has come full-circle, and we have now devolved downward. If you could thaw out the average English knight from eight hundred years ago, he’d be our superior in every single way when it comes to treating women with decency…and the representative from our age would be left stammering “uh yeah, but, but I would support her right to end a pregnancy and…and…” …and that would be it.

Well, during a divorce, we award women custody of the kids even if the mom is a coke-fiend. And we give her lots of her ex-husband’s money for no reason. We make movies about stupid idiot dads, and we make sure movie moms are never, ever stupid or incompetent — just unpleasant. Other than that, our society hasn’t really shown much old-fashioned respect to the fairer sex. Once our liberals say it’s in their interests to abuse or threaten women, such as compiling a hate-fuck list against good-looking conservative ladies — AOL does an adequate job here of representing our prevailing societal response. We have internally decided not to address it. If it’s female-friendly enough to our left-wing progressive politically-correct types, well then surely it must be female-friendly enough for the rest of us.

Toward the objective of becoming more P.C. and more civilized, we’ve become, in some ways, a culture of uncultured, uncouth clowns. Women who don’t occupy the correct spot on the ideological spectrum, are now fair game.

Playboy Removes Conservative Woman Hate F*ck List

Saturday, June 6th, 2009

Hat tip to Right Wing Video, via Conservative Grapevine.

What are we going to do about all this hatred felt by those guys who won all the elections and are running everything? They act just like bitter, whiny, hateful losers…even though they won everything and are running everything. Is it possible they could hurt themselves with all this hatred they feel even though they won everything and are running everything? How can the rest of us stop them from hurting themselves, after they’ve won everything and are running everything (and apparently have yet to figure this out)?

How can we get them to be as accepting and tolerant of females, blacks, homosexuals and minorities as they claim they want to be…regardless of the ideological persuasions of those females, blacks, homosexuals and minorities? All that hatred. It’s almost a national crisis. I wonder if it’s a possible cause of global warming. Really, we do need to do something about this, and soon.

Poor, poor, hateful bitter angry people. Who won everything and are running everything.

Keith Olbermann Smacks Down Steven Crowder

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Hat tip to A Johnny Reb in a Yankee World.

Straw Man Argument From Talking Points Memo

Friday, May 29th, 2009

And the “straw man” is the conservative

Earlier today, our diligent front page editor Justin Elliott picked up on a curious article in The Hill about conservative critics of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

As you may have noticed, those critics have repeatedly cited a speech she delivered in 2001 at U.C. Berkeley’s Boalt Hall School of Law, in which she said, “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”

The right is, of course, outraged. In the same speech, though, she also got a bit more personal: “For me, a very special part of my being Latina is the mucho platos de arroz, gandoles y pernir – rice, beans and pork – that I have eaten at countless family holidays and special events,” she said.

My Latina identity also includes, because of my particularly adventurous taste buds, morcilla, — pig intestines, patitas de cerdo con garbanzo — pigs’ feet with beans, and la lengua y orejas de cuchifrito, pigs’ tongue and ears.

Good lighthearted fun, right? Wrong.

According to Hill reporter Alexander Bolton, “This has prompted some Republicans to muse privately about whether Sotomayor is suggesting that distinctive Puerto Rican cuisine such as patitas de cerdo con garbanzo — pigs’ tongue and ears — would somehow, in some small way influence her verdicts from the bench.”

Curt Levey, the executive director of the Committee for Justice, a conservative-leaning advocacy group, said he wasn’t certain whether Sotomayor had claimed her palate would color her view of legal facts but he said that President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee clearly touts her subjective approach to the law.

Slightly gobsmacked, I called Bolton earlier today and asked him whether this was for real–whether any conservatives were genuinely raising this issue. He confirmed, saying, “a source I spoke to said people were discussing that her [speech] had brought attention…she intimates that what she eats somehow helps her decide cases better.”

Bolton said the source was drawing, “a deductive link,” between Sotomayor’s thoughts on Puerto Rican food and her other statements. And I guess the chain goes something like this: 1). Sotomayor implied that her Latina identity informs her jurisprudence, 2). She also implied that Puerto Rican cuisine is a crucial part of her Latina identity, 3). Ergo, her gastronomical proclivities will be a non-negligible factor for her when she’s considering cases before the Supreme Court.

Got it? Good. This is the conservative opposition to Sotomayor.

I’m “slightly gobsmacked” myself. Wouldn’t it be just as reasonable, in fact far more so, to simply cite the Sotomayor quote about reaching better conclusions than white males…and then say “Got it? Good. This is the argument for confirming Sotomayor.”

Is it possible to make liberal ideas look good, without misrepresenting something?

The Goode Family

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

“Is that what we’re supposed to call them now?”

My other favorite moment was that thing with the toilet paper. Priceless. Setting up the DVR now.

Hat tip: IMAO.

More info here…

Into which of the ten terraces does this family fit?

Looks to me like a raging case of Goodperson Fever.