Archive for the ‘Deranged Leftists’ Category

Ten Terraces of Liberalism

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

I must cleanse my soul, for I am about to re-tell a glorious, scrumptious tale of someone backpedaling. But in the last few hours, I have had to backpedal too, so let us tell that story first. I tossed in a quart when a pint was the correct dose.

It happens.

Daphne’s place is being buzz-bombed with a charming, snarky liberal gadfly — which also happens. There seems to be a great epidemic of snarky liberals showing lots of “wit” without saying anything anyone, even anyone sympathetic to their side of things, would find too funny. Daphne had her fill of it but, having a heart of gold, decided to play the Three Ghosts to my Ebenezer Scrooge and whispered the words of wisdom to me —

Morgan, I think most of them are truly well meaning and decent people…its just that they’re stupefied. They can’t see the forest for the trees or make the leap from A to Z without a linear finger tracing of every letter. They’ve been taught to think in a particular groove and never bother to poke their heads out for a glimpse of another side of the equation.

The smart liberals are dangerous, but they aren’t in the majority. Unfortunately, they have too many quislings, thanks to the cesspool of mediocrity known as public education.

The latest example of liberal nastiness still plying its aftertaste upon my palette, I was less than completely receptive, although deep down somewhere in the recesses of my subconsciousness I knew the lady was right:

Daphne, with most of what they’re taught that might be true. To a weak and feeble mind, you say “pass a law to raise the minimum wage” and my goodness, who with a decent conscience could ever oppose that?

However, some of it wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance of taking root, if there wasn’t some internal nastiness in the host to keep it nourished. I’m speaking here of some of the liberal policies that are, overtly, about trying to destroy things. Like the Boy Scouts for example. I am well aware of the euphemisms — but I call bullshit on the idea that anyone, anywhere, in their heart-of-hearts thinks it will make life more bearable for anyone else if a wedge is driven between the Boy Scouts and the United Way. That right there is a desire to destroy something — period, full stop. That’s a “we’ll show you.”

All of these might start with benign intentions (or, to be more accurate about it, an obsequious effort to showcase decency that possesses only a remote chance of actually being there).

There have been lots of folks who started out liberal, and then when the liberalism inevitably twists and mutates into a perverted form of its former self and starts to become evil, becomes all-concerned about destroying whoever doesn’t fit in — leave. Charlton Heston did it. Ronald Reagan did it. That means anyone can.

But when Napolitano put out that DHS report, the only folks I saw protesting, were the ones who called themselves conservatives. If liberals were really about decency, that would have been the point of an irreversible mass exodus.

Now, I’m not going to completely renounce this. There is much truth in it. But some of it needs to go, or at least, to be polished down. I can’t sit here and say, show me a hundred liberals and I’ll show you a hundred people with dark souls. I can’t even say, show me a hundred liberals that have gotten snarky and mean on someone’s blog, and I’ll show you a hundred mean people. There is an overwhelming temptation to play Let’s-Pretend on that one. But it isn’t true. Falling for a bunch of stupid shit doesn’t make you necessarily stupid, let alone evil. Perhaps less than fully attentive, and perhaps incurious. But that’s about all that can really be said.

The problem really is — there are certain milestones on this short, quick bunny trail between the start of the hike, which is “I’m reading a liberal snot-rag newspaper and believing every single word,” and the final destination which is “I hope Rush Limbaugh’s kidneys fail.” From the one point to the other…from “I think I got both sides of the story when I really didn’t,” to “I can’t believe George W. Bush could have ever done anything right, even by random chance, or Barack Obama can ever make a mistake.” There are gradients between these two extremes; there are degrees of corruption. And that’s important to keep in mind. We should work at keeping it in mind because it’s easy to forget.

The reason it’s easy to forget this, is that the hike isn’t quite so much along a level dirt road, as down a sleep, slippery icy slope. Those of us who’ve been paying attention have seen so many turn to the Dark Side, that it all seems inevitable.

But we should recognize the levels. There is an absolute verticality to them; if you’ve slid (or ascended) past this one, but not that one, then you likewise may be safely assumed to have not hit that-one-or-that-one-or-that-one. So by recognizing them, maybe some of us can save some friends.

And to recognize them, we need to identify them.

So here they are.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number One
What I Call Them: Goo-Gooders.
What They Cannot Understand: The Natural Consequence.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: That they have compassion.
How to Spot Them: They think Thomas Jefferson had the right idea but they also think Earl Warren had the right idea. The truth of the matter is, if you could invite both of these gentlemen to your dinner table on the same night, plates would be broken.
Where They Go Astray: They tend to think there’s a certain level of pain that should not be felt by anyone without some artificial intervention to make everything better; then they lower that limit as time goes on. It starts out with a legitimate protest against slavery. Next thing you know, everyone has a “human right” to wait five minutes for a bus instead of ten. There’s no limit to how far the pain threshold can be lowered.

Purple Is LifeLiberal Dimwit Terrace Number Two
What I Call Them: Cutie-Pies.
What They Cannot Understand: Some Cute Things Are Wrong.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: They’re cute.
How to Spot Them: All the things they own, from cars, to furniture, to the stuffed animals on their beds, to their pens, notebooks, and party invitations they hand out, are cute, sassy, round wherever possible, and purple.
Where They Go Astray: They start to systematically buy into any and all ideas that can be articulated or displayed more concisely and adorably than their opposites (which as a general rule, are expensive, unworkable, and not only errant, but profoundly embarrassing to anyone who starts to apply some responsible thinking to their content).

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Three
What I Call Them: Pamphlet Readers.
What They Cannot Understand: You Can’t Believe Everything You Read.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: That they have read something about the issue(s).
How to Spot Them: Having studied up on such neutral and encyclopedic resources as The New York Times, the AARP newsletter, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and e-mails from the chairman of the DNC…they start conversations about politics that it turns out they cannot handle. Because they weren’t expecting their viewpoints to be intelligently challenged, by someone inclined toward and capable of doing so. (More often than not, they recall the conversation later as if the other person started it — which makes them somewhat dangerous.)
Where They Go Astray: It’s the “OJ Simpson Trial” situation. They fail to see someone else might have command of the same facts, and come to a different conclusion about what happened or what should be done about it.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Four
What I Call Them: Secularists.
What They Cannot Understand: That There Just Might Be a God.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: That they don’t go to church.
How to Spot Them: The “Darwin” fish on the back of their car.
Where They Go Astray: They start to believe that non-believers are morally superior, because they do good things just-because, whereas religious people do the same thing to try to appease a judgmental, omnipowerful being.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Five
What I Call Them: Small-l libertarians.
What They Cannot Understand: Drugs Aren’t Good.
Not Men!What They Want to Prove About Themselves: They want to legalize drugs.
How to Spot Them: They really don’t care too much about anything besides legalizing drugs.
Where They Go Astray: They want to legalize drugs.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Six
What I Call Them: Non-Discriminators.
What They Cannot Understand: Men Shouldn’t Be Hooters’ Waitresses.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: They are blind to class membership — which isn’t even close to being true.
How to Spot Them: They talk about “laws that end discrimination,” which, when you think about it responsibly for a little while, you can see is some of the purest nonsense.
Where They Go Astray: Simply put, they start discriminating.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Seven
What I Call Them: Nanny-Staters.
What They Cannot Understand: The Nature of Government Makes Self-Restraint Impossible.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: That they don’t trust “corporations”.
How to Spot Them: They claim the death tax is not a double-tax, using the “it’s the first time that guy saw the money” argument. Also, we always seem to be, as the saying goes, one regulation away from total bliss.
Where They Go Astray: Their arguments start to rest on an unstated premise that government is capable of a balance, a wisdom, and a sense of ethics that is somehow unattainable to anyone who isn’t in government.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Eight
What I Call Them: Peaceniks.
What They Cannot Understand: Sometimes, War is the Answer.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: That they are dedicated to ending violence and conflict (the violence part may be true, but the conflict part sure as hell isn’t).
How to Spot Them: They refuse to acknowledge any problem in human history that was ever solved by a war.
Where They Go Astray: They start to see themselves as enmeshed in a conflict with imaginary ideological antagonists who actually like war. Much in the same way that liberals who are opposed to pollution disease and hunger, seem to start believing that someone, somewhere, enjoying significant power or numbers, is actually in favor of pollution, disease and hunger.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Nine
What I Call Them: Finger-Pointers.
What They Cannot Understand: Not All Tragedies Have a Villain.
Angry, Finger-Pointing HillaryWhat They Want to Prove About Themselves: Their capacity for anger. Typically, they used to be peaceniks, and one day they realized their peacenik-ism left them unfulfilled, and with something they needed to prove.
How to Spot Them: One, and only one, bad guy (or class) for everything about the world they don’t like.
Where They Go Astray: They probably always were astray; they have a thunderhead of frothy rage on hand that finds a convenient lightning-rod in whoever or whatever they’ve identified as the villain. The storm is always there. When the lightning strikes, is the only question, and it’s definitely a “when” and not an “if.” These are crazy, angry people. Keep clear.

Liberal Dimwit Terrace Number Ten
What I Call Them: True Believers.
What They Cannot Understand: Liberal Positions Are, or Should Be, “A La Carte”.
What They Want to Prove About Themselves: Their devotion.
How to Spot Them: They think convicted murderers have a right to life, but unborn babies don’t.
Where They Go Astray: These people have crossed the fourth milestone on the way to complete insanity. They don’t think anyone with conservative recognition can ever have a good idea, or that anyone with proper liberal credentials can ever have a bad one.

Update 5/22/09: I wasn’t aware of the content of this promo for the new V series until this morning when I saw it on IMAO. FrankJ compares the reptilian aliens to Obama.

When the lady in the trailer says the aliens’ weapon is “devotion” — the same word, coincidentally, I used in the final terrace — this helps to capture how the ten terraces work in concert with each other as parts of a simple machine. Like the threads in a screw, or the teeth on a gear.

You say “I want to run everything. Be devoted to me!” You’ll net yourself very, very few takers. But you carve up the mission into lots of smaller incremental tasks and it’s easy. Now go back over those terraces again. Notice how the very first ones, the ones that invite people to climb aboard the bandwagon for the first time, all have one thing in common: They have to do with the new disciple proving something about himself. He’s compassionate, he’s adorable, he’s informed, he’s a critical thinker. This is the point of the screw that is supposed to pierce the hardwood first.

When you get a person’s ego involved, you can get him to do whatever you want; if you don’t, then you can’t.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Apologies to Silverstein

Sunday, May 17th, 2009

The Libbing Tree. Props to Cranky at Six Meat Buffet, by way of Gerard.

One More Word on Those Angry Liberals

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

…whose anger, inexplicably, is on the rise still even as their power has now become dictatorial and uncontested. It defies all reason, common sense, rationalization, explanation — this is exactly the flavor of anger normal people might have when they lose control of things. After a slow and steady buildup throughout the last eleven years, the bile now runneth over…and their glorious revolution did nothing to stop its bubbling up, or even to slow it down. Instead, somehow, due to mysterious engimatic factors that will be studied by social scientists for generations, I think — the bubbling accelerated.

I came up with the words. Blogger friend Phil supplied the labor. Now we have a bumper sticker:

Update 5/13/09: As if the point had not quite yet been made…along comes Karol, and look at what she found (hat tip to Conservative Grapevine).

As that cute old adage says, there are two kinds of people in the world; those who divide us all into two kinds of people and those who don’t. Liberals seem to be unable to make up their minds about it. One minute they want to make a health care system and a tax code that will “work for everyone,” the next minute they want to annihilate half of us.

Update: Back on Cinco de Mayo, Amity Shlaes summed this up very well:

In the past, politicians and policy thinkers tended to be magnanimous in victory. They and their friends focused, post- victory, on policy and strategy — not on trashing individuals.

It ought to be especially true this time, given what wonders are befalling the Democrats. Between Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania and Al Franken in Minnesota, it looks like the Democrats are in the process of making their Senate majority filibuster-proof. Then there’s the president’s new opportunity to mold the Supreme Court, with the resignation of David Souter.

Still, somehow, the magnanimity isn’t there. Indeed, the closer the Democrats get to total power, the nastier the commentators friendly to them have become.

Now to be fair about it, liberals worked just as hard to tell us how much their opponents suck, when the opponents were in power and the liberals were out of it; and although their tactics were childish, there was a certain logic in the strategy.

But, as I’ve said before: I perceive a measurable up-tick in the urgency, the drive, to clue us all in on how much conservatives suck — now that it doesn’t matter. I perceive a certain perpetual-motion device operating on a cyclical current flow. Get the word out that conservatives suck, get more power; get more power, spread the word that conservatives suck to try to get more power.

It seems to be a primal urge, almost a sexual thing. Meanwhile, isn’t there a cockpit at the front of this plane, a place where things have to be done to keep things under control? How come you’re back here in the coach section, Mister Pilot, jabbering away not quite so much about what a wonderful pilot you are, but about how much the other pilot sucks? Who’s flying this thing?

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

It’s Not Angry Liberals

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

Liberals being angry and nasty, is Item #12 on my list of thirty things I’d like blamed for global warming.

It started in ‘98 when Bill Clinton got in all that trouble, and someone established Isn’t that our record-warm-year lately, 1998? Hmmmm…

But I’m going to have to eliminate that as a possible cause. The mean global is leveling off and going down. Like a lawn dart, some evidence says.

The liberals were voted down in ’04, and they got really mean and nasty and angry about it. It’s those Diebold machines! In 2006 they took over Congress, and got the first woman Speaker of the House out of that deal. Which, somehow, made them even angrier. Then Hillary and Obama competed in ’08 to see who would be the party’s nominee. That made them angry. They couldn’t blame any of it on Republicans, and I always got the impression that made them angrier still.

And now they’ve got everything they want. Both houses of Congress. Their guy in the White House is running auto companies, evaluating “empathy” as a qualification for His Supreme Court picks, and doing all kinds of other things the Constitution either doesn’t say He can do, or explicitly comes out and says He can’t do. They’ve got a Department of Homeland Security defining their ideological opponents as potential terrorists, just for disagreeing with them.

Through it all, their anger becomes more pressurized, hotter, steamier, ripe, rancid, sweating, oozing.

And the mean global temperature goes down. I think it’s time to cross off Potential Cause Number Twelve.

As far as the liberals, I really don’t know how they can get angrier about things. I don’t know if that’s possible. It’s not just a quality thing, it’s quantity too. For the last few years we’ve kind of gotten to the point where “angry liberals” is like a product you can order by the palette. “Yeah Bob? Got a problem down here. We need two truckloads, maybe three, of Angry Liberals and we need ’em pronto! that last case you sent down here got dropped and they exploded.”

I almost wish there was some way to put them in charge of more stuff, so we could find out if even more anger is a do-able deal; it seems the more decisions they’re allowed to make about things, the angrier they get. Is it a parabolic curve that has some cresting point, perhaps? Give them enough authority and eventually the anger level drops back down again? The Senate is almost certain to be filibuster-proof the way things are going. I think we’ve trotted about as far out on the X-axis of that graph, as we can possibly get. Liberals are unchallenged, and their resentment has boiled over at a record high.

Or, as Frank says

They have their inexperienced president dismantling America both domestically and abroad, so shouldn’t they be unhappy instead of still all unhinged and deranged? I think they realize, though, that them getting power is a freak accident and is just going to lead everyone to really really hating them and trying to throw them into the sea where they will be Aquaman’s problem.

We’re going to hate liberals? Are we allowed to hate liberals? From what I can see, now that the liberals are in charge of things it is they who are allowed to hate everyone else because they’re such cool people…and the rest of us aren’t allowed to hate anything, least of all the liberals, because we’re just not cool enough to run anything. We put them in charge to do their hating.

I know that seems like a rather strange thing to be writing out there…but hey…I’m just calling it out as I see it. If there’s a more sensible way to sum things up, let me know. But these guys are spending a lot more time and energy hating people, than I thought they would as of January 20. I’ve found it all rather surprising, and I don’t think I’m the only one.

I Made a New Word XXVII

Monday, May 11th, 2009

Malveauxism (n.)

An impetuous utterance, in pursuit of the objective of demonstrating some extreme inner personal decency and extraordinary abundance of compassion that doesn’t really exist — that wishes such a loathsome injury upon a third-party that it immediately betrays the pulsating, rippling, ripening anger and savage, cruel spirit that was supposed to remain hidden.

Named after USA Today columnist Julianne Malveaux, who in 1994 said of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas,

I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease…He is an absolutely reprehensible person.

The true paradox of the Malveauxism is that it is supposed to demonstrate a superlative desire to construct a modern, perfect Utopian society in which no dweller thinks any but the most beneficial thoughts about any other dweller, or for that matter, any other human being. And yet, in their desperation to showcase this desire that doesn’t really exist, they not only cross the line into sadism, but gulp hungrily from that bitter tonic and become drunk on it — making sure they are as visible as possible as they do. The “reprehensible person” line proves this. Malveaux sought to prove her decency as a human being by showcasing exactly how much she detested Clarence Thomas. It is a game of one-upmanship. If you think Clarence Thomas is a “bad” person, you are bested by the fellow who is convinced he is an “awful” person…and Malveaux, in turn, outranks him by using the adjective “reprehensible” and wishing for his premature death. And so their initial objective is ultimately imploded through this silly game of leapfrog.

They seek, not only to become hateful, but to become publicly hateful. So that everyone knows how full of love they are.

The latest example of the Malveauxism is the Sykes incident over the weekend, in which obscure actress and comedienne Wanda Sykes showed off her dedication to the modern Obama-era perfect peace-and-love hope-and-change society by criticizing a certain popular conservative talk show host…

“Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails, so you’re saying, ‘I hope America fails,’ you’re like, ‘I don’t care about people losing their homes, their jobs, our soldiers in Iraq.’ He just wants the country to fail. To me, that’s treason,” Sykes said.

“He’s not saying anything differently than what Usama bin Laden is saying,” she continued, before addressing the guest of honor, President Obama. “You know, you might want to look into this, sir, because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight.”

The crowd groaned, Obama smiled and Sykes may have noticed a little discomfort in the room.

“Too much?” she asked.

But then she piled it on:

“Rush Limbaugh, ‘I hope the country fails’ — I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? … He needs a good waterboarding, that’s what he needs.”

Obama joined the crowd in laughing at the crack about Limbaugh’s “kidneys.”

What makes the Malveauxism possible is that liberals don’t really want a more peaceful, tolerant, loving or harmonious society.

They hate. Just as often and just as efficiently as any human being ever has. So dedicated are they to the Two-Minutes Hate of Orwell’s 1984, that in a society that was genuinely stripped of any & all hostile thought, they’d be truly lost.

Aulinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

Had an older relative e-mail me a link to these. Most interesting seeing put into words, for the very first time in my experience, what I’ve seen in act and spirit so many times…especially lately. Especially items #4 and #12.

RULE 1: Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.
RULE 2: Never go outside the expertise of your people.
RULE 3: Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.
RULE 4: Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.
RULE 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
RULE 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy.
RULE 7: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
RULE 8: Keep the pressure on. Never let up.
RULE 9: The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
RULE 10: If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.
RULE 11: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

I’m just teasing the first sentence of each; you have to read the paragraphs to get the full essence. But I am impressed, not so much by what is present, but by what is missing.

Two things.

Intellectuality. It is used, here, solely for the purpose of winning and for no other purpose at all. In all other aspects, the behavior that is dictated by these rules is the behavior of savage animals.

And that brings me to the second thing I see missing: A sense of unity…harmony…symbiosis…coming together to solve common problems. Everything is strategic. And I mean the classic-dictionary, military school meaning of strategic:

Intended to render the enemy incapable of making war, as by the destruction of materials, factories, etc.: a strategic bombing mission.

Against an enemy. So these are twelve rules that, following the fulfillment of the progressive dream of constructing that utopia in which we “all” can live, would have no place anywhere whatsoever.

So these are rules for hard-left types to use when they lack any semblance of culture, civility, intellectuality, and any intent of living in peace or harmony with diverse points of view. You know, those two things are exactly what “progressives” are supposed to support…everlastingly and unconditionally. Well, they don’t support those things all the time.

But the lefty types we know, do support the above twelve rules — pretty much all the time.

I Made a New Word XXVI

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

Libmus Test (n.)

A test a liberal (supposedly) lays down to (supposedly) test the validity of an opposing argument that has him backed into a corner, to which he will (supposedly) show a decent level of respect if only he can be (supposedly) satisfied that the conditions of the test have been (supposedly) met.

Like here, for example. Where “Rob” schools me in no uncertain terms about tea parties.

I thought I made my position on the protesters’ racism clear, MK. I’ll repeat it in case you somehow missed it:

[Tea party protesters are] racist and stupid only when they speak out against a black president who hasn’t raised our taxes when a white president was responsible for massively expanding the size of our government and national debt. In other words, they’re racist and stupid only when their tea tantrums are clearly hypocritical.

Since you’ve yet to say one word about Bush’s policies, you’ve yet to demonstrate that you aren’t a hypocritical racist. Feel free to address my point rather than repeating your point about how you oppose Obama’s policies.

“Feel free” disguises the intent that this is a command, Colonel-to-Lieutenant (or President-to-automaker), that I should be following, in a mine’s-not-to-reason-why style. And the dressing it up as a command, in turn, shifts the focus away from the terms of the exchange that is ostensibly taking place here. I have absolutely no hope whatsoever of convincing Rob I am not a racist, should I fail to produce this criticism I’ve previously dished out about President Bush’s policies? Or is it more like, Rob will be required to disclaim any of his thoughts that I might be a racist, if I do so produce?

But you see what’s happening here? It’s a subtle topic drift. Rob — poor dumb bastard — created this thread called A big thank you to Janeane Garofalo for calling it like it is. Jeneane Garofalo, you see, thinks tea parties are all about white supremacy. Rob is lending his good name, such as it exists anyway, to the idea that Garofalo hit a bulls-eye.

So whether Rob recalls it or not, the topic is really about whether that raging nutbar Jeneane Garofalo is a raging nutbar or not. Pursue that subject too diligently, too accurately, and too long…and Rob will look like a raging nutbar. So we need the topic drift, for Rob’s sake. We have to start going down this bunny trail about whether I’ve ever criticized President Bush for outrageous spending, or not.

The very first post at House of Eratosthenes, from four and a half years ago, would settle that one; many other entries would do the same thing. But I am prevented from presenting these links to Rob by Thing I Know #272:

When people accuse you of doing something or being something and it isn’t true; when it comes as a surprise to you that anyone would think such a thing about you; I’ve found it is a mistake to put any effort into proving them wrong. If they’re sincere, something is coloring their perception, and whatever it is, it’s outside of your control. If they’re not, then they’re trying to get you to do something that’s probably contrary to your interests. Either way — you aren’t going to change their minds. Don’t try.

Why does Rob need to throw down this lib-mus test? Because he “knows” things he doesn’t really know, and he damn well knows he knows things he doesn’t really know. He seeks to prove the unprovable: That you show Rob fifty tea-party protesters, Rob can show you fifty racists. He doesn’t know this, of course. He pulled it out of his butt. Or, rather, Ms. Garofalo’s butt. But he thinks he has a way to make it evidently true…

So we have a “Rob’s Rule.” If you have a word to say against the precious Replacement Jesus in the White House, you have to have said the same things against the last guy or Rob will call you a racist. And you have to have documented proof. Give it to Rob.

Well, I’ve got the proof but there’s my own TIK #272. Rob will have to sit & spin.

But isn’t it strange? Conversations with liberals tend to go this way. They think and do all these weird things that inspire all these incredulous questions from reasonable people…then they turn it around. Suddenly, you’re the guy who has to prove something.

They are exceptionally skilled at it, I notice, even the dimwits. Through repeated practice. Because they just keep on going there. Why do they keep doing that?

Thing I Know #273. When you want someone to do something, and you don’t have the authority to force them to, it’s contrary to their interests, and they’ve figured out it’s contrary to their interests or they’re plenty bright enough to figure out it’s contrary to their interests — accuse them of something. It’s your only option. Make sure they aren’t guilty of it. If they’re guilty, they’ll resign themselves to the fact that you’ve figured them out; if they’re not guilty, they’ll do anything you want to prove it. Then you just tie that in to what you want them to do.

In this case it’s “stop criticizing my Replacement Jesus President.” But it can be any one of a number of other things as well. Support affirmative action; slam the border gates wide open; help us oppose the invasion of Iraq; stop all foreign aid to Israel; send more money to the teachers’ unions; help us criticize Rush Limbaugh; help us make fun of Sarah Palin; support the S&L and auto bailouts; increase the minimum wage; increase taxes; reinstate the death tax.

Do all these things or we’ll call you some kind of an “ist.”

But here’s the funny thing. Here is the truth of TIKs 272 and 273. If you are told “I’ve made up my mind you’re a racist,” you aren’t motivated to do what the liberal wants. If you are told “I’ve made up my mind you aren’t one,” similarly, you aren’t motivated. If you’re told “I’m sort of on the fence about whether you’re a racist or not, but I’m leaning toward you not being one,” again, you aren’t motivated.

And the really funny thing. If the liberal takes that fourth option…”I’m undecided about whether you’re a racist or not, but I kind of think you just might be one”…and deep down you know you really are a racist? Again — you aren’t motivated. You just think, well shucks, I’ve been found out.

TIK #273 only works when it’s practiced on the innocents. That’s why it explicitly says, “make sure they aren’t guilty of it.” Make sure the accusation is false. Make DAMN sure. Make sure it’s false, and that you also impart the message — I’m not saying my mind’s made up on this, mind you, I’m just saying I’m open to it. I’m in the process of figuring out whether you’re a racist or not. You’re on your laaaaaaaaaast chance to state your case, because I’m just in the final stage of making up my mind.

And that completes the circuit. The “mark” then has the poles of his battery plugged in; and however much desperation he has to prove he is innocent of the TIK #273 accusation, that is the “voltage” that now actuates the circuit. Now you’ve got him doing whatever you want him to do.

If he falls for it, that is.

And so we have the lib-mus test. The throw-down. The phony trial. The liberal perches, like the Sphinx by the City of Thebes ambushing the travelers with the riddle — demanding an answer to the challenge that isn’t built to be met. Show me how you’ve criticized Bush for spending money! Heh. I’ve got a list of links he can choke on…but what’s the point? From that moment forward, if he ever ran into someone on the innerwebs carping away about “that mkfreeberg character is a big fat disgusting racist!” he’d chirp in and say “Not so! I slapped him with my racist test, and he satisfied my conditions!” He’d do that? Really?

Because if not…I would think even someone who couldn’t see the logic up to this point, upon realizing that, would find it to be crystal clear. The lib-mus test is a big ol’ pillowcase stuffed with pure phony. It is bullshit pure enough to grow tomatoes the size of cantaloupes, turnips the size of watermelons.

But people have been giving in to it.

So it’s been going on and going on…by now, it’s got a good ol’ bundle of momentum behind it, like a toddler that’s been conditioned to throw around the F-word, or a dog that’s been trained to shit in the middle of the living room. But hey. We’re all sentient creatures capable of learning, and learning is simply a non-instinctive behavioral change.

So folks, here’s the lead for you to follow. Quit giving in to this bovine-feces…and quit it now. If you’re innocent of the charge and you know it, stop trying to prove it, and instead call out these people who are trying to bullshit you like I did here.

And Rob — you’ve just been properly schooled. Next time do your bullying properly, and pick on someone beneath your own size.

Protest Fail

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

One ringleader babbling away about “command hierarchy” and “consensus”…but it doesn’t seem to me anyone else believes in such things. And that includes the people on his side of the conflict. He’s herdin’ cats.

Just like the “real leaders” with such strangely simplistic notions of consensus-building. In many ways. Like, end results, how well it’s thought-out, how well it’s coordinated…how funny it looks (when there’s nothing really important at stake).

Well — I’m off to get myself a glass of Corporate Water and get ready for bed. Night, all.

Liberal Arrogance

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

This one’s getting a little bit of dust, so I wanted to be sure and snag it. Goldberg:

The most remarkable, or certainly the least remarked on, aspect of Barack Obama’s first 100 days has been the infectious arrogance of his presidency.

There’s no denying that this is liberalism’s greatest opportunity for wish fulfillment since at least 1964. But to listen to Democrats, the only check on their ambition is the limits of their imaginations.

“The world has changed,” Sen. Charles E. Schumer of New York proclaimed on MSNBC. “The old Reagan philosophy that served them well politically from 1980 to about 2004 and 2006 is over. But the hard right, which still believes … [in] traditional values kind of arguments and strong foreign policy, all that is over.”

Right. “Family values” and a “strong foreign policy” belong next to the “free silver” movement in the lexicon of dead political causes.

No doubt Schumer was employing the kind of simplified shorthand one uses when everyone in the room already agrees with you. He can be forgiven for mistaking an MSNBC studio for such a milieu, but it seemed not to dawn on him that anybody watching might see it differently.

It would be evidence of a tragic psychological malady if it were running rampant throughout the ranks of the people who are not running things.

As things are…it’s just damn frightening.

Big-Nosed Butterface White Chicks

Monday, May 4th, 2009

We have the five short-list successors for Justice Souter profiled on Huffington Post…sixty percent of which are big-nosed butterface white chicks.

Then we have another butterface white chick that’s got the homosexual community all excited, or at least those who purport to be an advocate for said community. Her nose, for the record, is rather svelte.

And then there’s this year’s favorite big-nosed butterface white chick, the one who says the 9/11 hijackers came into our country through Canada, and returning veterans are a security threat.

There is something about decent-looking pretty women that liberals find extremely threatening. And I think the time may have come for the rest of us to comment on it.

Ugly Liberal WomenWhat is it with liberals and ugly women? Who is it within their perceived constituency that finds old-fashioned feminine beauty so threatening? Isn’t it possible to find some hardcore lefty chick, one that has a law degree, who gets all excited whenever babies are aborted, wants to make up the law as she goes along, who thinks global warming is a threat but Islamic terrorism is not…but one that looks kind of like Elisabeth Hasselbeck? One that I want to see in Hooters’ uniform, or at least a short skirt? Aren’t they out there? They’re all over the place on Boston Legal reruns.

Seriously: What is this apparent correlation between premature aging and modern liberalism? Obviously, there is a relationship; obviously, it is a persistent, enduring one. And it’s not exclusive to the female variety either. You’ll notice there’s a couple of dudes in that line-up and they have faces-made-fer-radio too. Is it kind of like that thing the Dark Side was doing to the Emperor’s face? Pardon me, I realize this is all less than delicate…but you have to admit, if I didn’t at least get curious about it, let alone ask the questions — there’s have to be something terribly wrong with me. It’s the track record, going all the way back to Geraldine Ferraro. It’s just too consistent and too striking.

Palin Still Under Attack

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009


Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s life has changed in a myriad of ways since she became the Republican vice presidential nominee last August, but one aspect of her newfound fame has been more bracing than the others: Since entering the national spotlight, Palin has been inundated by ethics complaints, most of them filed against her after she agreed to become Sen. John McCain’s running mate.

The complaints run the gamut, ranging from the governor’s use of state funds and staff to the workings of her political action committee and even to a jacket she wore to a snow machine race involving her husband.

It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how many complaints have been filed because the state doesn’t keep count and the complaints are kept confidential by the attorney general’s office unless the state moves forward with a public accusation of wrongdoing. But in total there have been more than a dozen, and most of those have surfaced in the last seven months.

That much is clear because the complainants have a habit of notifying the media and bloggers each time they lodge a grievance. It’s evidence, say Palin’s defenders, that there is a clear political component to them.

“As we’ve been saying, the number of ethics complaints filed against the governor and her staff — as well as the tortured logic they contain — continue to constitute the most disturbing trend in Alaska politics,” said Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow in a recent statement after one ostensibly confidential complaint was sent to the Anchorage Daily News and other news outlets.

“In the past several months, we have seen an orchestrated effort by the governor’s opponents to make differences of opinion and ideology almost criminal,” said Mike Nizich, the governor’s chief of staff, in a statement. “Governor Palin has spent a considerable amount of time and money fighting ethics complaints – and no charge has been substantiated. I hope that the publicity-seekers will face a backlash from Alaskans who have a sense of fair play and proportion. I served six previous governors, and I’ve never seen anything like the attacks against Governor Palin.”

You can contribute to Sarah Palin’s defense fund here — for now, so far as I know.

That may change soon, as the fund has now been challenged as a…wait for it…yup, you guessed it. An ethics violation.

The complainant, Kim Chatman of Eagle River, claims Palin is misusing the governor’s office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts.
Chatman’s complaint cites as potential donors the 500,000 supporters signed up for Palin’s Facebook account and various political organizations.

“Gov. Palin is perched to improperly receive an enormous amount of money for herself and her family and position a pool of pre-paid defense lawyers organized to deflect consequences of wrongdoings,” the complaint says.

Chatman told The Associated Press in a phone interview that she voted for Palin as governor in 2006, but now sees her as unethical. Palin “is not holding up her end of the bargain,” she said.

Elsewhere in the news, Wikipedia’s Astroturfing page is still filled to the brim under the “Examples, Political” section with anecdotes about right-wing organizations pushing right-wing agendas through phony or motivated right-wing individuals. It has absolutely no examples whatsoever of any astroturfing going the other direction. This has led to a vigorous debate under the talk page about why this might be.

I’m thinking if the truth of the Palin complaints ever gets out, Wikipedia just might be able to remedy that, and therefore enhance/preserve/salvage its reputation as a centrist, complete and unfiltered information resource. But that’s a pretty big “if.”

Irony, Over the Head, Under the Radar

Sunday, May 3rd, 2009

I continue to be impressed by how many conservatives have rejected all thinking and live only to offend liberals.

Tweet from noted potty-mouth hardcore lefty blogger Amanda Marcotte, about 1300PDT today. If abortion is worse than torture or war, then is jerking off worse than negligent homocide?

Tweet from exactly the same twit, four hours later.

Also lost on Clueless Mandy: That babies come to be by means of sperm meeting egg, that some people are innocent and others are guilty, that unborn babies are obviously absolutely innocent by definition, that there just might be two viewpoints of “moral compasses” on the torture debate, that…aw hell, what’s the use.

Also on the torture debate: Mike McConnell was replaying a call he took from one of those “Losing Our Moral Compass” types, and it was great the way he backed the guy into this corner. Suppose a guy kidnapped your entire family and put them somewhere. Can’t remember how he phrased it…I remember comparing it to an old CSI episode where the bad guy abducted an innocent-guy and buried him underground with a limited supply of air and it was up to the good guys to find the innocent-guy before he ran out of air.

Anyway, McConnell pointed out the obvious. My way, the bad guy experiences some discomfort for awhile, your family is found, the bad guy is put under arrest, everyone else lives, all’s happy. Your way, your entire family is dead so the bad guy can enjoy complete comfort. What kind of moral compass is that, exactly?

You’ll never swing that horse’s head so far over the water that he’s forced to gulp it down, ya know. But that was pretty good. That one came pretty close. Close enough to reduce the pansy to a hyperactive spewing-out of meaningless thoughtless bromides.

Mission Accomplished

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Greg Mitchell is a very silly man. Over the course of six years, he’s seen with his own two eyes how incredibly wrong the prevailing sentiment of “everyone” can be, and he’s decided to write about it.

The lesson he takes from it?

“Everyone” was wrong back then…but they’re absolutely correct now.

I think that’s a fair summary of his article. So tell me — how do people like this get dressed in the morning and start walking around?

On May 1, 2003, Richard Perle advised, in a USA Today Op-Ed, “Relax, Celebrate Victory.” The same day, exactly six years ago, President Bush, dressed in a flight suit, landed on the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln and declared an end to major military operations in Iraq — with the now-infamous “Mission Accomplished” banner arrayed behind him in the war’s greatest photo op.

Chris Matthews on MSNBC called Bush a “hero” and boomed, “He won the war. He was an effective commander. Everybody recognizes that, I believe, except a few critics.” He added: “Women like a guy who’s president. Check it out. The women like this war. I think we like having a hero as our president. It’s simple.”

PBS’ Gwen Ifill said Bush was “part Tom Cruise, part Ronald Reagan.” On NBC, Brian Williams gushed, “The pictures were beautiful. It was quite something to see the first-ever American president on a — on a carrier landing.”

Bob Schieffer on CBS said: “As far as I’m concerned, that was one of the great pictures of all time.” His guest, Joe Klein, responded: “Well, that was probably the coolest presidential image since Bill Pullman played the jet fighter pilot in the movie Independence Day. That was the first thing that came to mind for me.”

Everyone agreed the Democrats and antiwar critics were now on the run.

He then lunges in for the kill: The death toll on that date was such-and-such, and in the years since then it went up to so-and-so. Ergo, mission-not-accomplished.


What he has seen — what we all have seen — is a story as old as mankind itself. Tough, resourceful and strong warriors work in concert with each other, sacrificing their very lives to destroy something so that something else can be built on top of the ashes, that otherwise could not have been.

If the world spun sanely upon its axis, every May 1 would be a “Mission Accomplished” day and the banner would be hung in miniature form from every storefront, every lamppost, every house, with not a tincture of sarcasm or pejorative shadowing behind it. The troops were given a mission, they achieved it, and their commander thought it would be a good idea to hang up a banner and make them feel good.

The Hardcore MoveOn Left thinks they’ve metastasized this into a symbol of incompetence, by beating us over the head for six years with their absurd doctrine: Whatever isn’t free isn’t worth having. Nothing is “accomplished” anywhere if it involves sacrifice. Sacrifice is for suckers and losers. Nothing, anywhere, is available to sacrifice for anything else…except maybe the life of an unborn baby, America’s military readiness, and perhaps the careers of a few straight white guys. All other things are so sacred that they cannot be placed into marginal jeopardy — let alone sacrificed for any prize, no matter how precious that prize may be, or the other things that would depend on it.

That’s the message, apparently. Because that is the only mindset by which it makes any sense whatsoever to declare the mission something-besides-accomplished, on Mission Accomplished day. If you acknowledge even for a moment that there might be something heroic or noble about a soldier laying down his or her life for the success of a mission, whatever that mission might be, then the “Mission Accomplished” banner made perfect sense back then, does so now, and anyone heckling it in any way is a traitor.

So The Hard Left doesn’t believe in any of that.

They think missions are for suckers. People, inside the military or outside of it, aren’t really supposed to accomplish anything. (Except, perhaps, win elections, if they’re democrats.) Sacrificing your own life to make a mission accomplished, is unworthy of a banner, and in fact might very well make you a something of a schmuck, or a loser.

And they’re desperate to get the word out, and make sure everyone knows they feel that way.

Well, mission accomplished.

Now, Everyone Wonders About Republicans

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

The New York Times must have been reading the pages of The Blog That Nobody Reads yesterday (or, far more likely, John Hawkins’ fine column which got us onto the subject).

More of the New York Times big-lie about Republicans. The schism is supposed to be exactly what got President Garfield assassinated in 1881, between the moderates and the “stalwarts.”

A fundamental debate broke out among Republicans on Wednesday over how to rebuild the party in the wake of Senator Arlen Specter’s departure: Should it purge moderate voices like Mr. Specter and embrace its conservative roots or seek to broaden its appeal to regain a competitive position against Democrats?

To even ask the question, is to answer it. To stand for nothing…to sacrifice everything for the sake of whatever the latest poll numbers say is important today…to sail the seven seas in a raft without any oars, just heading wherever the tide takes you, rather than in a sailboat or a motorboat with a destination, a map and a plan. Why, exactly, does America need two political parties doing that? What would be the point?

I can only think of one: Competition for its own sake. A whole lot of screaming and yelling and finger-pointing and blaming, when in reality there “ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the two of ’em.” In other words, exactly what people most often complain about the status quo right here and now.

Just plain stupid.

No, here’s what the difference should be. Here’s what the difference really was, back in the old days when the democrat party was about as popular as ferret farming.

This party, over here, is all about what’s hip and cool right now. They’ve got a bunch of plans that don’t work, that they’re trying to sell. Plans that have been tried before, throughout modern history, by many countries, and have always failed. That party is going to make all these plans popular, by giving away taxpayer money to whoever might otherwise remember the plans suck so much. If they give away enough taxpayer money, or if enough people forget history and traipse off to the polls thinking about whoever’s younger-lookin’ and sexier, they just might take the place over for two-to-four years.

That other party, over there, is more concerned with what works. They get accused of doing “favors” for their “rich buddies” a lot, but that’s because — well, all that stuff Party #1 says about “getting a tax code going that works for everbody“? This other party actually lives up to it. It isn’t out to punish success. It’s not going to force you to pay for everybody else’s hangnails, dandruff, octo-kids, halitosis, new radiators, crotch-rot, learning disabilities and big-screen television sets just because you happen to have worked hard to build a successful small business.

That’s the divide: What’s cool versus what works. American Idol versus Dirty Jobs.

Now, how does that win elections? How do you get cool and stay cool, if you aren’t concerned in the first place about what’s cool?

Answer: And it’s a big stinky dirty secret nobody wants to discuss. Hard work is cool. Yes it’s tiring, and the time always comes when you don’t want to think about it anymore. That’s where we are right now. But that’s always a pretty short recess…all people have to do, is put up with the natural consequences of screwing-around for a little while…and it always turns out the same. Hard work is cool again, and people are much more interested in what actually works. That’s when “reality” teevee shows start getting canceled.

By coincidence, blogger friend Buck put up yesterday a cartoon that captures this extraordinarily well.

So keep spewing your venom and your confusion, New York Times. Deep down, people understand when they’ve chosen strong leaders and when they have not. When all the rhetoric is about “that isn’t my deficit” and “I won” those other guys at the other side of the ring are just so awful…I think most folks understand. This isn’t how strong leadership talks. The time has come to revisit this choice we thought we made half a year ago.

But…we can’t. We have to wait another eighteen months. At that time, people will still be happy with their little vacation-from-reality, like they were before? Really?

Conclusion: Republicans don’t need to do a damn thing. They don’t need to change a damn thing. They don’t need to broaden their appeal. They need to wait, and that’s all. Time is on their side. If they are so stupid as to do something above & beyond that, then the time will come for a third party.

Here’s your new Republican motto: “I don’t care if you’re gay or straight, if you’re male or female, what color your skin is, or if you drink booze or smoke pot. Just help me chisel this government down to a sane size. Here’s a hammer.” That message would bring out a Reagan-Mondale blowout. Not years from now. Tomorrow.

The Bitter Conservatives

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

I see the “Republicans Throwing Tantrums Because They Lost the Elections” talking point is still out there in full force. I briefly entertained the idea that it was reverberating so strongly because there was an element of truth to it — until I realized, to date, the most impressive tantrums I’ve seen lately came from Perez Hilton and the rest of the No-On-Prop-8 crowd.

But it’s our nation’s leaders telling us this; they’re even putting out official Department of Homeland Security reports about it. So it must be true. In this country, when we have elections, we are voting on what’s true — and those other guys won the elections. So you have to believe everything a left-winger says. So let us entertain no further doubts. The report is out, it is official, it must be true.

Besides, who can doubt the wisdom of the Garofaloracle?

Now, how did it work. Us bitter right-wingers, already clinging to our Bibles and our guns, and driven half-crazy because of the “global climate change” Karl Rove made happen with that giant machine he used to cause Hurricane Katrina, became even more unhinged when a black guy became President. So we formed our extremist groups, recruited some veterans who were just returning from The Iraq and Such As, and because of their youth, lack of experience, the trauma they’d been through, found them to be extremely pliable. We dressed them up as Somali pirates, ordered them to abduct Captain Phillips, but that plan fell through when Barack Obama bravely ordered the head-shots. So we took the gullible veterans we had left, had them spread some swine flu down by the Mexican border to try to force the government to close it down, and then we had them buzz-bomb people in New York City in Air Force One and an escorting F-16 fighter jet.

We’re just so bitter, you know.

It’s got nothing to do with the Treasury being forced to borrow an unprecedented $361 billion just for the second quarter of ’09, or what completely unpredictable things that is going to do to our inflation rate. It’s got nothing to do with leaving post after post unfilled in the executive branch, when dealing with perhaps the most friendly Senate in modern times…just because the executive is so busy with granting interviews and appearing on magazine covers. It’s got nothing to do with approaching tyrants on foreign soil, appeasing them, giving them the photo-ops they want, initiating conversations with them about American culpability — when said tyrants haven’t even asked for apologies yet. It’s got nothing to do with what all this says about dedication, or lack thereof, to forming a coherent and sensible plan, or to a true love of this country. It’s just black skin, that’s it. If it was a white guy signing off on all this stuff we’d be completely cool with it.

And so we’ll continue to slowly poison this country to death…with our toxic suggestions that, if it really is so awful to pass debt on to future generations (refer to State of the Union Speech, 2009)…maybe we should make a better effort to avoid that. And, that when people run companies that earn money, they ought to be able to keep some of it.

You Don’t Know What You Want

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

This is exactly what’s been happening to the Obama supporters.

WE HAVE all heard of experts who fail basic tests of sensory discrimination in their own field: wine snobs who can’t tell red from white wine (albeit in blackened cups), or art critics who see deep meaning in random lines drawn by a computer. We delight in such stories since anyone with pretensions to authority is fair game. But what if we shine the spotlight on choices we make about everyday things? Experts might be forgiven for being wrong about the limits of their skills as experts, but could we be forgiven for being wrong about the limits of our skills as experts on ourselves?

We have been trying to answer this question using techniques from magic performances. Rather than playing tricks with alternatives presented to participants, we surreptitiously altered the outcomes of their choices, and recorded how they react. For example, in an early study we showed our volunteers pairs of pictures of faces and asked them to choose the most attractive. In some trials, immediately after they made their choice, we asked people to explain the reasons behind their choices.

Unknown to them, we sometimes used a double-card magic trick to covertly exchange one face for the other so they ended up with the face they did not choose. Common sense dictates that all of us would notice such a big change in the outcome of a choice. But the result showed that in 75 per cent of the trials our participants were blind to the mismatch, even offering “reasons” for their “choice”.

With some of these issues in which President 44’s policies are identical to, or insufficiently distinguished from, the policies of President 43…they’ve been thrown into exactly that kind of tailspin. “Oh, uh, well we need to scale down from Iraq in a responsible, intelligent way…” “We need to get past the issue with aggressive interrogations, and prosecution of the Bush administration officials would be a distraction…”

As we’ve mentioned in these pages before: They live in a universe in which the worthiness of an idea is determined not by its content, but by who authored it. And so they get taken in by this double-sided card trick, over and over again.

What Makes Liberals Smile

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

Smiling at TyrantsToday is April 26, 2009; my Things That Inexplicably Make Liberals Laugh and Smile list has just been modified, to include the following.

The pattern that seems to emerge, is that when you hear a liberal politician giggle you should worry about things. A whole lot.

Dignitaries and ordinary-folks on the political left, are known to laugh and smile…

1. When meeting dictators who are known to oppress the basic rights of their people;
2. When talking about hostage crises that involve pirates;
3. When spending good taxpayer money on worthless “toxic assets” to bail out the banks;
4. When talking about how unpopular the auto bailout is;
5. When portending severe injury, or doom, to all life on the planet due to global climate change;
6. When attending ceremonies that “mark” (not celebrate) the <n>thousandth casualty in Iraq.

I have yet to understand what they think is so darned funny. This is one of those mysteries of life I doubt I’ll ever be able to figure out…

Nailing Jello

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

There are two kinds of liberals, I’ve noticed: The kind that demand answers out of you for questions that are of convenience to them, and then do everything they can to make damn sure you can’t get a full sentence out. Blah, blah blah, blahblahblah, blah blah blah blah blah. Talking point talking point talking point talking point. They seem to think it’s a contest regarding who can get the most words out in the shortest amount of time.

And then there is the kind that learned just enough about logical fallacies to attach labels to things, often incorrectly. You point out they’re using questionable logic and they say you’re using an “ad hom.” You recite a list of things liberals seem not to want anyone to be able to do, and they call it “begging the question.” Their college professor, you see, has taught them these magic phrases they get to use when they’re backed into a corner and just want out. They labor under a misconception that these tags are interchangeable; it works like “Shazam!” or something.

Neo-neocon, from here on in, is my candidate to deal with that second type of liberal. For reasons that the picture below should make abundantly clear…

Well done!

Regarding the former type…well, that’s far more common. Ultimately, right now, it comes down to reminding them that this is a discussion about what ideas actually work, and with regard to theirs, since their folks are the ones in charge — sadly, just waiting.

The Great Big Validation Hole

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

The most wonderful thing an adventure movie can ever do — other than make sure the good guy wins — is to offer a fleshed-out psych profile of the BigBad, or, even better, of The Dragon. Tombstone would’ve been a better movie if it spent a few more minutes doing this. But the few seconds it offered was plenty good enough

Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
Wyatt Earp: What does he need?
Doc Holliday: Revenge.
Wyatt Earp: For what?
Doc Holliday: Bein’ born.

This week, I notice, the democrat party has gotten itself into a fit. And they really shouldn’t have. They’ve won an election and a clear mandate for their ideas — which they have yet to carry out, even to such a cursory extent as the rest of us can stop arguing over what those ideas are. Maybe they want us to keep arguing about it; they’ve always behaved as if the longer this uncertainty can be carried out, the better it is for them.

But that doesn’t explain why — now, at the end of Barack Obama’s first hundred days — the time has come to convince the electorate that democrats are the right people for the job, and conservatives & Republicans suck so much. Polls, more polls, opinion pieces by Bill Maher, et cetera. What’s the occasion? What’s the point? I thought all this stuff was settled and it was time for that change-we-could-believe-in.

It’s like that boorish woman’s-vision of a worst-ever blind date: “But enough of me talking about me; you talk about me for awhile.” Now that it’s settled that Republicans suck so much and should be driven from power, let us say a few words about how Republicans suck so much and should be driven from power.

Perhaps this is a natural consequence of building a political party around the concept of seeking external validation for one’s virtues. Perhaps it truly is the “Ringo Party”; they’ve got a hole, right in their middle, that they can’t ever fill. They can’t ever seek or find enough approval or validation.

Geez, if it’s that bad, this raises questions about whether these people should own pets, let alone run anything. But why is it especially bad now? The elections are over. Isn’t now right about the best time to, y’know, get some actual work done? I imagine, in a sane universe, the following exchange:

Editor: You again. Whaddya want?
Bill Maher: You’re gonna die over this. I spent all night on it, and it’s so hip and edgy!
Editor: What’s it about?
Bill Maher: (Squealing a little) Republicans suck a whole lot!
Editor: Pass.
Bill Maher: WHAT??
Editor: You heard me. Pass. The elections are over. Where ya been?
Bill Maher: But-but-but…
Editor: Bring me something with meat. Bring me a list of reasons why Congress should pass Obama’s latest proposal. The democrats are trying to fix stuff right now, they’re not running anymore. Republicans suck? What the hell, like I was planning to put them in charge of something? Kid, you’ve gotta learn to figure out what people are thinking, before you write stuff. Now go away, I’ve got an electronic news-zine to get out.
(Maher’s lower lip trembles as he is led out of the room.)

Like that. That would be sane. A time to tell everyone how much the other guy sucks, and a time to show everybody how wonderful you are.

But no. Campaigning is always current. The time never quite arrives to actually achieve anything. It’s always time to talk about it, instead.

In fact, lately the need to champion liberal thought over conservative dissent, has peaked. This creates a mystery, and it is one not resolved by the Ringo Hole. This need for affirmation is an endless, constant thing. It is inspired by a colossal vacuum, and vacuums do not pulse. This is a pulse. What caused the pulse?

I was thinking on this, in my mind’s eye skimming back over the headlines of the last week…and suddenly, it hit me.

The Miss California and Perez Hilton thing.

To an audience in the Miss America community, Miss Cali really blew it. But to the broader electorate as a whole, Mr. Hilton managed to showcase everything that is wrong with the party that just won the elections five months earlier. He’s a piece of degenerate filth — by which I mean, not that he’s gay, not that he’s openly gay, not that he’s out of the mainstream, not that he’s a rebel. But that he’s an intolerant, rude dimwit.

No, not rude; cultured people can be rude. Uncouth. And a few steps beyond uncouth. More than one uncouth person has had it pointed out to him that he lacks manners, he ought to change, people would like him better…and as a direct result has made up his mind to learn them.

Perez Hilton is not in that camp. He’s unrepentant. Worse than unrepentant, even, for unrepentant people frequently desire to be left alone, and in return leave others alone. Perez Hilton exists outside of the mainstream, as one who seeks to re-define that mainstream. He’s a rude, uncouth asshole the same way he’s gay: He aspires to change all the others. The scathing, angry intolerance is simply a consequential outgrowth from that.

I think that answers the question of why it has become, lately, unusually necessary to showcase the supposed dysfunction of those Republicans who aren’t making any decisions about anything anyway. I think Mr. Hilton has dealt the democrat party a severe injury. He’s taken all these things people don’t really trust about the liberals, all the ugliness, the dysfunction, the intolerance, the bad manners, all that hidden, churning anger, and he’s put a great big bright spotlight on it all.

Contrasted with that: Carrie Prejean’s attitude — which, as is evident to everyone paying attention and that’s just about everybody — neatly captures the spirit of conservatism that was so handily defeated at the polls last fall. This question is cultural, therefore the jurisdiction in which it is settled, should be territorial and not global. I not only respect, but support and celebrate the right each man and woman has to decide this according to his or her value system…but…for myself, this is what marriage means to me.

Courage and class. Vividly contrasted against Mr. Hilton’s control-freakishness, meanness, childishness, and schadenfreude. Which one would you like making important decisions about things in our country?

It really hurts, because the liberal’s perception of his own righteousness doesn’t come from within. Deep down, I think they understand they want the same governmental structure as the most despotic regime: Our way or the highway, you don’t have the right to disagree, if you say the wrong things we’ll throw you in jail…et cetera. And deep down, I think they understand the only thing separating them from those despots, is being “right.” All these left-winger Hollywood movies about the hero living in fear of becoming the very thing he has sworn to oppose — that’s projection. Our hole-in-the-middle leftists live in fear of that every day.

That’s why the hole is there. They are godless. Their entire moral code depends on their nobility…and in their world, nobility is unmeasured, or measured only by popular decree. How else could it be done? There is no moral compass, no scripture, no deity, no organized set of values.

Send Cheney Home!And so they always have to campaign. Like the teachers’ pet that is given the job of helping to grade papers — and doesn’t even trouble herself to uncap the pen, instead, continues to sit there chirping away about how she’s the right girl for the job, and how right the teacher was to pick her. While the teacher does all the grading.

This is the supreme embarrassment. We didn’t have an election about who can solve the nation’s problems; we just had an election about who ran the best campaign.

Update: Related: The democrat party just sent me — since I’m on their mailing list — a pitch to contribute some of those Obama-economy bucks their way, so they can buy a bus ticket home to Wyoming for Dick Cheney.

These are the people who made fun of George Bush because one of his generals thought it would make the troops feel good to have a “Mission Accomplished” banner flying on the USS Abraham Lincoln. I never understood what was wrong with that. Now I think I get it: There’s something within what passes for liberal value-systems, within liberal thought-canon, that is stridently opposed to ever declaring a job done.

They live out their entire lives on a turning point. A revolution is always taking place. Today, it’s that our former Vice President is out there…powerless…but sayin’ stuff, and in so doing exercising the very rights as a private citizen that The Angry Left claims to be dedicated to defending and championing. So they want to raise $200 to get him a bus ticket. One simply can’t help but wonder, once that’s done, what comes next. They behave, in victory, exactly the same way a sane man behaves in defeat. Because of that colossal hole.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

I Submitted That FARK Headline

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Nobody reads this blog…certainly not those kollege kids on FARK, they’re just way too smart.

So don’t tell them I submitted this, whatever you do. It’ll get in the way of that…that…you know, it’s Friday night, I don’t even want to think about what they’re doing, while they log in with their FARK accounts and yell “Shut Up!” and “Out The Submitter!” It’s got something to do with hitting the “refresh” button on the web page every few minutes and debating with conserva telling non-liberals how stupid they are, whatever it is. Quantity of alcohol, and quality, to be determined by the “tuition-and-textbook” budget.

The great tragedy here is that the meanings of “gullible” and “skeptical” have been switched around — a perfect 180-degree angle, as if with a surgical-precision instrument. I wouldn’t dread what’s coming nearly as much, if the cream of tomorrow’s leaders showed off for each other clinging to the same tired old ideas, ideas far older than their teeth…and irreversibly infected with CBTA with regard to the newer ideas…if only they admitted that this is what they’re all about.

Smoking Hot WaitressBut they cling to the tired old ideas, never once re-evaluating them. And dismiss anything new, before they even examine it to a cursory detail. And show off for each other as they do it. Then, when they’re done, they pat themselves & each other on the back for being “open-minded” and “thinking for themselves” as they open another bottle of Jagermeister.

A few years down the road — and that’s your boss. Filling out your reviews, deciding based on which testicle itches that morning whether your name is on “retention bonus, whatever it takes,” or the “that asshole’s making photocopies until he quits” list.

So don’t laugh too hard.

Update: Still lots of activity but it’s degenerated into three things. Calling each other morons over comparisons between carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide; uploading pictures of nice looking women not wearing too much by way of clothes; telling me to out myself and/or to shut up.

I have unkind feelings toward 67% of those.

I swear, it’s just like having an aquarium. Except it doesn’t take up quite as much room, the fish are actually entertaining, and there’s no fish shit to be cleaned out twice a week.

Update: Forgot to go back and link the article itself. There were so many comments within just a few minutes, I thought I’d check back & see if it would “go green” which means no TOTALFARK membership needed to read it…and therefore to open the linked article…I labored under no delusion that this was a likelihood, but I forgot to do the necessary housekeeping.

Your linked article is here. Quite good, although the real entertainment is those drunken college kids in the thread I can’t show you.

101 Freedoms and Rights the Progressive Left Doesn’t Want You to Have
1. The Freedom to keep what you earn and spend it as you please.
2. The Freedom to take risks, and live with the consequences.
3. The Right to participate in the political process by donating money to causes you support (like Proposition 8 in California) without being harassed by radicals
4. The Freedom to work in a shop without belonging to a union.
5. The Freedom to use a secret ballot when voting to unionize.

Et cetera.

Hat tip for that one to Moonbattery.

Thanks to Gerard for pointing out my error.

Should President Palin Bring the Obama Administration Up on Charges?

Friday, April 24th, 2009

AOL News editor is having some fun…or not.

At the White House, Press Secretary Adam Brickley said that President Sarah Palin stands firmly behind the decision. “It’s not as if we relish the thought of prosecuting members of the previous administration,” Brickley said, “but, at this point, there is a clearly established precedent – set in place by the Obama Administration themselves – which says that government officials must be held accountable if they contributed in any way to major breaches of the law. In this case, the individuals under investigation do appear to have purposefully allowed these terrorists to continue their actions – prioritizing international public opinion over the lives of the American people. So, while this may be a politically charged issue, there is a real need to prosecute.”

Best of the Web, yesterday, spelled this out as nothing less than a constitutional crisis — and, toward that end, made an unexpectedly strong case:

If officials pay for policy mistakes not only by losing elections but by losing their freedom, that would amount to a fundamental change in America’s form of government. As The Wall Street Journal notes in an editorial:

At least until now, the U.S. political system has avoided the spectacle of a new Administration prosecuting its predecessor for policy disagreements. This is what happens in Argentina, Malaysia or Peru, countries where the law is treated merely as an extension of political power.

What Obama is offhandedly contemplating, then, amounts to a step toward authoritarian government. The impulse behind the push to prosecute is an authoritarian one as well. Matthew Yglesias of the left-liberal Center for American Progress writes that “large-scale punishment for the perpetrators of Bush-era war crimes is less important than establishing some form of political consensus that torture is wrong for the future.”

Yglesias blames this lack of “consensus” on “the existence of a large and powerful conservative media apparatus,” including the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal, and he quotes approvingly from a blogger called Neil Sinhababu:

I don’t think that we’re going to be able to establish any such consensus anytime soon. It used to be that we were worried about Fox News defeating us in elections, or beating the drums for another Bush Administration war. Winning by big margins is nice, because we don’t have to worry about those particular horrors for at least a little while. But now we have to worry about how Fox and the rest of the right-wing noise machine are going to continually sustain a substantial minority of crazy people, preventing the formation of an anti-torture consensus, an anti-war-of-aggression consensus, and anti-warrantless-spying consensus. Even if there’s majority support for these views, anybody scrapping for power within the Republican Party will find reason to oppose them, just to get a majority of Republicans.

I think the impossibility of consensus on these issues is part of why nobody thinks about consensus and there’s so much left-wing attention to judicial punishments for the perpetrators.

What troubles Yglesias and Sinhababu, then, is the existence of disagreement and debate–the essence of democracy. They seem to imply that prosecution is a method by which to force the consensus they would like to see. But a forced consensus is no consensus at all. If those now in power yield to the temptation to use authoritarian means–however well-intentioned their ends may be–they will set a precedent that their opponents, perhaps equally well-intentioned, may one day use against them.

To be sure, most of what we have written is speculative. Perhaps we will make it through the Obama years without being attacked, so that the dire consequences we imagine will never materialize. Perhaps, too, the current frenzy will blow over and will prove to have been only a distraction. But the president’s noncommittal words have fueled the Angry Left’s demands for recriminations.

It may be that the president can put out this fire only through bold and irreversible action–to wit, by issuing a blanket pardon of former officials and intelligence agents for their actions in the war on terror.

Obama, on this issue, is the perfect illustration of the hazards involved in confusing mediocrity with excellence, especially when investing power in candidates who are ideologically strangers to us. He looks — or at least, looked last year — like a walking triumph of order and reason over weirdness and chaos. But the theory that Obama is the triumph of order over chaos, is based entirely on the premise that a sensible Captain’s hand is upon the tiller of the ship-of-state. Whatever decision He makes about this issue, or that one, is bound to be sensible. This has to be the case. The dude talks kinda like Walter Cronkite, how can it not be true?

But nobody really knows what He’s going to decide. We don’t even know if, behind closed doors, the decision really belongs to Attorney General Eric Holder, as President Obama has said out in the open.

Our walking triumph of over-over-chaos, on this issue if on none other, is a loose cannon. We’re literally waiting to see if we still live in a representative democracy, or a banana republic. And it comes down to the itches one or two guys have between their ears.

Link Roundup: Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

Making the rounds this week: The Roots of Liberal Condescension, from the Claremont Institute.

Thus, if patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, snobbery is the last refuge of the liberal arts major. The striver may wind up with the bigger house, better car, and nicer vacations, but the very meretriciousness of these aspirations confirms the liberal arts major’s belief in the striver’s inferior taste and barren inner life. Conspicuous consumption advertises not the wealth but the cluelessness of the consumer who acquires to flaunt. It has been supplanted by conspicuous disdain for conspicuous consumption. The Toyota Prius is a testament to its driver’s virtue, not a mark of his prosperity. Its distinctive homeliness has made it a hit, at a time when Honda has cancelled production of the hybrid version of the Accord: it turned out nobody wanted to buy a hybrid that was indistinguishable from an iceberg-melting V-6.

To complement it: Liberals and Conservatives Hold Different Moral Foundations.

The research, published in the May 2009 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, suggests that liberals consistently identify with two sets of moral foundations — those that emphasize harm (harm/care) and fairness (fairness/reciprocity). Conservatives, on the other hand, consistently used all five sets of moral foundations more equally.

“In all four studies we found that liberals showed evidence of a morality based primarily on the individualizing foundations, whereas conservatives showed a more even distribution of values, virtues, and concerns,” noted the researchers who were led by Jesse Graham at the University of Virginia.

The harm/care foundation, according to the researchers, reflects the “widespread human concern about caring, nurturing, and protecting vulnerable individuals from harm,” while the fairness-reciprocity foundation is concerned primarily with fairness, reciprocity and justice.

The other three foundations measured by the researchers included ingroup/loyalty (virtues associated with loyalty, patriotism and self-sacrifice for the group’s greater good), authority/respect (virtues associated with obedience and respect for authority, leadership and protection), and purity/sanctity (virtues associated with religion, hygiene and marking off a group’s cultural boundaries).

In four separate experiments that included more than 12,000 participants from across the United States, researchers found consistent support that people who self-identified themselves as holding “liberal” political views were more likely to emphasize the importance of the harm/care and fairness/reciprocity foundations. Conservatives, on the other hand, identified more equally with all five foundations.

This may be the repair of an egregious mistake committed about a year and a half ago: Brains of Liberals, Conservatives May Work Differently, plainly put out by some dedicated liberals who’d missed some of life’s more important lessons.

The work, to be reported today in the journal Nature Neuroscience, grew out of decades of previous research suggesting that political orientation is linked to certain personality traits or styles of thinking. A review of that research published in 2003 found that conservatives tend to be more rigid and closed-minded, less tolerant of ambiguity and less open to new experiences. Some of the traits associated with conservatives in that review were decidedly unflattering, including fear, aggression and tolerance of inequality.

What an embarrassment that was. Rather like the blonde protesting that she cannot write dates on her tupperware because the damn things won’t fit in the typewriter…you moron. Anybody of moderate disposition and sound mind, who’s watched intelligent conservatives and liberals go at it, understands it implicitly: Conservatives comprehend history and are ready to write off ideas demonstrated by history to be bad. Liberals, because of a charitable nature, lack of attention to detail, faulty memory, perhaps all three — wanna give it another go. History always began yesterday.

My take on it overall?

Liberals are choreographers. They have these expectations of how people around them, within line-of-sight as well as outside of it, will be doing their dancing. They are grown-up versions of the girls who played with dolls too much, and the boys who didn’t play with their flesh-and-blood friends nearly enough. There’s always this script about what the other person is going to do. Because they have these expectations, they have visions…and because they have these visions, to the weak-of-mind, they sometimes appear to be stronger.

Trouble is, they count on these visions coming to fruition. These plans they have, they depend on it.

Employers will keep hiring after we make it unworkable and exorbitant, in all kinds of ways, to hire people.

As soon as we dispose of our nuclear weapons, that nutbag over there will dispose of his.

People “hate” our country because we “torture,” so if we stop doing it they’ll like us moar-better.

If we stop emitting carbon, the earth will cool down again.

Note: It is exceptionally rare you will hear of a liberal actually saying any of this. Instead, it is much more common for them to say negative things about the status quo: Employers won’t hire people because they’re greedy, that nutbag has nukes because we’ve got ’em, people hate us because we torture, the earth is warming because we’ve emitted.

It is a bandwagon upon which people can hop, when at heart they long to destroy things, and desire to conceal themselves under the disguise of a builder. All things that the liberal wishes to preserve, are, in some ways, destructive agents; all things the liberal wishes to destroy, exist either to build things, or to destroy something that so that something else can be preserved or built. The long-term vision is always that something beneficial or admirable is to be diminished.

United in Hate with America’s Foes

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

Dr. Sanity revisits her Four Pillars of Socialist Revival:

In the few short months that the dedicated leftist Barack Obama has been in the White House, we have seen a rapid acceleration of the “forces of revolution” rising to overth[r]ow this country. Obama’s World Apology and America Bashing Tour is nothing if not a crystal clear delin[e]ation of the sides of this battle. There is no dictator or tyrant he won’t abase himself to, or belittle his country for; there is no ally that he is not willing to give up or betray in order to demonstrate his willingness to submit to Islamic bullying.
All four of these strategies arose from the metaphysical, epistemological and ethical dead-end that traditional Marxism found itself in toward the end of the 20th century. Fortunately, postmodern philosophy has led them out of the “wilderness” of rational thought and objective reality, and brought them to the promised land; which, as it turns out, is a neo-Marxist revival, accelerated by the fascist goals of leftist environmentalism.

The intellectuals of the left have been unable to abandon their totalitarian/collectivist ideology, even after communism and national socialism proved to be crushing failures in the 20th century. But the new face of their same old tired ideas has been rehabilitated and madeover by their clever adoption of postmodern metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Slowly, but relentlessly, the dogma of multiculturalism and political correctness has been absorbed at all levels of Western culture in the last two decades–and after the end of the cold war, it has been accelerating. Slowly but relentlessly they have found new ways to discredit freedom, individuality and capitalism.

Hat tip: Gerard.

D’JEver Notice? XXVII

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

There is no re-definition taking place about conservatives, right now, or for that matter about liberals either. The history involving these two camps stretches backward through the generations, quite far, and remains essentially unchanged.

The liberal says “If I can make it sound appealing enough to try my idea, it doesn’t matter how many times it’s been tried already or how badly it turned out. You have to go through it again to prove you’re a decent person.”

The conservative says “If you can’t give me some firm evidence that this makes things better, or at the very least leaves things unharmed…let’s just not try it, and say we did.”

The year 2008 didn’t change any of that. That’s Surprise Number One. Surprise Number Two is, that out of all these ideas liberals want us to try that conservatives don’t…very few of them even approach something you could legitimately call “new.” Nearly all of them have been tried before. Here, or elsewhere.

Underwear Gnomes

Monday, April 20th, 2009

I finally figured it out! It’s a case of Life Imitates South Park…specifically, the episode about the “Underwear Gnomes” that steal that little boy’s underpants. I made the connection because of that detail that’s kinda-sorta missing from Step 2. Recall when the underpants gnome explains the business plan…

That’s the answer. The Obama administration, and the media that is so insistent at soft-balling the interviews with them, and covering up for them…they’re just a bunch of Underwear Gnomes. They’re sworn in, they’re still (somewhat) popular — obviously it’s time to activate whatever plan they’ve got in mind to solve all our problems.

But all we get is a bunch of rhetoric about what a great idea it was to put them in charge. As if that was still the decision that confronted us. The time to stop campaigning, never quite seems to come. In a rational universe, there should be so much work to do and so much urgency involved in getting it all done, there should be absolutely zero spare time to circulate paranoid “threat awareness” reports, or sound bites about the Party of No.

This thirteenth-hour campaigning must be part of the plan…or perhaps…it is the plan.

Now if we could just fill in some of that missing definition around Step 2. But I suppose that’s what being an underpants-gnome is all about.

“Step Two,” in fact, seems to be missing from all liberal schemes as well…not just voting for Obama. Everything. “Step One, we sit down and talk to our enemies…Step Two…HEY! Wasn’t that a great idea sitting down and talking to our enemies?? What wonderful great people we are!!”

Forcing states to keep abortion legal, when the people living in those states don’t want to.

Nuclear disarmament.

Gun control.

Increasing the minimum wage.

Saving the planet by imposing a cap-and-trade scheme on carbon emissions.

Closing down Guantanamo.

Making it illegal, or all-but-illegal, for parents to whack their own kids on the butt.

Abolishing capital punishment.

Filing court injunctions to make sure people can keep voting — without proving who they are.

Putting schoolkids through a specialized, medicated curriculum…or…a not-English curriculum.

The stimulus plan, in which we climb out of all this debt by spending money we don’t have.

What do all these schemes have in common? The underpants-gnome thing. There is no Step 2! Step 2, if there is one, consists of patting yourself on the back for engaging Step 1. Step 3 is, of course, the thing “we all agree” is what we want to have happen. But it’s just like that classic joke about the two physicists in front of the blackboard, y’know?

Update: You know where this theory breaks down: The elections themselves. When they’re trying to get elected to something, that gaping disconnect in the middle of the blackboard that always has to be there within all other issues…suddenly disappears.

Liberals that want to win against conservatives, plan their strategy a lot like conservatives. Not when they’re trying to win against terrorists — no, against conservatives. The flow chart on the blackboard, suddenly, is complete, complex, detailed, intricate…foolproof. Suddenly it’s just chock-full of if-then.

No “Then A Miracle Occurs” there at all. Nope. If we can make Sarah Palin look like a dumbass…then we can get the insecure-woman vote back. If we can make fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer…then we’ll lock up the geek vote.

In all other matters, things that are supposed to help others besides themselves, that chasm of a disconnect has to be there — all the time — smack dab in the middle of the flow chart, where it always goes. Suddenly it’s time to lapse back into “Underwear Gnome” mode, with that big blobby mid-blackboard inexplicable miracle.

Step 1, spend three trillion dollars; Step 2 … ??? . Step 3, Profit!

Garofalo Says Tea Party People Are Racists

Sunday, April 19th, 2009

Is Janeane Garofalo the author of that goofy Homeland Security “report”?

I have to ask, because the logic is so similar. You know: I have this bad thing to say about those people…I have that bad thing to say about those people…I can’t substantiate any of it, I just sorta pulled it out of my rear end.

So even if she isn’t the author, she is to be thanked for giving us a face paired up with that kind of mindset. Which could come in handy — in case anyone was tempted to put too much faith in that mindset being in any way stable.

These people won. They won just about everything. That’s supposed to mean, in addition to all this authority, they’ve got the responsibility that goes with it. Why all the hating? Why all the fear? Don’t they have something more pressing to do with their time?


Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Daily Kos Sees America as a Woman

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

The left-wingers on FARK are just giddy over the creative-writing genius of bernardpliers at Daily Kos, who came up with the idea of envisioning the Republican party as a deranged ex-boyfriend of a woman who was America. Said FARK libs found this so uplifting, they celebrated in one of the few ways they know how…they got in a silly fight about it (some twenty or so comments submitted between 10:03:08 and 11:11:09 EDT).

As a side note, someone else did the “America as a woman” thing first, and better. Just sayin’.

Obama DeficitAfter all this interest throughout last year about what exactly it is liberals think of America, I see this little treatise offers a rather clear, concise answer in the form of this hypothetical and fickle female. She must be terribly naive, perhaps young…perhaps exceptionally stupid. Let’s see, she gave the Republicans the old heave-ho because they were going through her purse, is that one of the complaints? So now the new boyfriend is pulling hundred dollar bills out, whereas the old one was lifting twenties and tens. That’s alright — oh, and the new boyfriend sweet-talked her into going on a vacation because it would help “stimulate” her, and it turned out what he put on her credit card was just a bunch of expensive gifts to his illegal-alien buddies.

Another interesting angle to this is the idea that America is finally finished, once and for all, for good, finito, with that no-good whacked-out crazy crackadoodle latent homosexual of an ex-boyfriend. Wow…so it seems liberals are not too fond of homosexuals either. One wonders if they have more issues with Republicans for being closet homosexuals, or with homosexuals for being closet Republicans. This must be that liberal tolerance I hear so much about. But anyway — is she done with that ex-boyfriend in all aspects? As in, while she sails around the world with her sexy smooth-talking melanin-gifted dude and her old pantywaist ex stews in his white-boy latent-homosexual racist venom…keeping his distance because of that soon-to-be-filed “restraining order”…he can cancel that credit card she’s carrying around? She doesn’t need his money anymore?

So far, it doesn’t look like America is quite that “done” with him.

Okay, so in liberal-eyes the country is a gold-digging bitch, in addition to everything else.

And a little bit of a bore. As DarthBrooks said:

It’s more like the woman at your office who got a divorce last year and just keeps droning ON and ON and ON about what her ex-husband is doing somewhere else and wasn’t he just plain awful and wait don’t go I have to tell you what else I didn’t like about him…

Liberals don’t seem to be conscious of how silly they are made to look, by this argument of theirs that the conservative movement is now just a relic of history, like the silver-standard movement. We’ve said before, many times, that if an argument is weak enough the worst thing you can do to it is take it seriously. This argument, once taken seriously, not only makes itself look ridiculous, but those who keep pushing it, as well. Lessee: They were elected on this platform of “change,” and now my gosh there is all this terrible wreckage to be cleaned up, a big mess made by those stupid other-guys. But — nobody’s grabbing a mop! Darth Brooks nailed it: It’s just “Here’s something else wrong with him…and here’s another thing…and another thing…and another thing.”

Usually, in that situation, it’s the bitter divorced-woman who wants to go on and on like that. “Wait don’t go I have to tell you what else I didn’t like about him…” If there’s a new boyfriend in the picture, his preference is that the topic be changed to something else. What we’re seeing right now is a situation in which America isn’t in that big of a hurry to get into a bitch-pitch about what a terrible awful latent-homosexual the old boyfriend was — she’d rather see the new boyfriend get busy cleaning up the mess, like he said he was going to do. But it’s the new boyfriend that keeps it up with the whining. And doesn’t seem to have an awful lot of anything else to say.

Other than, y’know, “Honey…where’s your purse?”

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Update 4/19/09: Clearly, the whole point to the Kossack piece is to catalog the personal shortcomings of the right-wing ex-boyfriend, not of the lady who seeks the restraining order. And so I have to wonder if they consciously realize what a dizzying array of vices they have fastened to this imaginary female. She is weak and vacillating in choosing her men; she has been complicit in this fiscal recklessness with her ex (and with the current one too), and is therefore a spendthrift; she files restraining orders on men, while continuing to live off them, so she’s a parasite; the new guy is motivating her to spend three or four times as much money just by being cool, so she’s something of a dimwit; it takes her forever and a day to figure out her boyfriend is more into guys than her; she tolerated, for an extended period of time, his racism.

And by now it’s very well-established that if you quiz a faithful liberal about the wonderful things America has done in her history — not the wonderful heights to which he plans for her to aspire, after he re-makes her into something different from what she currently is, but what past deeds she has done in which she can show some legitimate pride — you just get back a deer-in-headlights look and a hasty change of subject. He “loves” her in the sense that he wants her to justify her existence; but she hasn’t done it quite yet.

In sum, I think of all the things that could be wrong with a real, flesh-and-blood woman…try to make it as complete a list as I can…and from this, I subtract the list of things that are wrong with this imaginary woman, which is America as the Kos kids see her…and I’m only left with one thing, a venereal disease. Everything else is represented in their vision. The fickleness, the meanness, the inconsideration, the hypocrisy, the excessive materialism. And most of all, that gritty determination to make herself happy at the expense of the happiness of all those she knows, coupled with a dazzling ignorance of what is needed for her own happiness.

That’s how they see her. That’s the image flowing from the poison pen of bernardpliers and cheered on by his ideological compatriots. A woman whose approval is sought by many, especially at election time; but who is wrong in every single way a woman can possibly be wrong.

Let’s just suspend that question about whether liberals love America. Are they even capable of tolerating her for more than a minute or two?

Today’s Krugman P0wnage

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

That headline means — let us be clear — Paul Krugman of the New York Times is the one that got p0wned. He did not do the p0wning, although I’m sure he thought in that weasel-reptile brain of his that’s exactly what happened, as his scaly/furry clawed digits glided over the keys.

“P0wn,” or “pwn” means…

12. pwn

1. To completely dominate an opponent, usually in video games.

2. To beat beyond recognition.

3. To make someone your bitch.

Often used with the slang “Noob”

Well, that n00b Paul Krugman just got p0wned:

I’d rebut Krugman’s arguments, only he doesn’t make any. Does he ever? Krugman doesn’t argue, he just vents. This is what we used to call “mailing it in.” If Krugman spent more than 20 minutes writing this column, I’d be shocked.
[Krugman’s writing is pulled out, pieced together, quoted, sliced up, put on a slide, studied under a microscope…or rather a microfiche reader]
[W]hat facts–what arguments–are presented in support of this invective? None. It’s just hyperventilating. I know it’s only the New York Times, but wasn’t there a time when even that paper expected its columnists to expend at least a little effort? Krugman might as well have written “I am a Democrat” over and over again until it added up to 750 words.

This wouldn’t be such extreme p0wnage if it was descriptive only of Krugman’s latest column and of nothing else. As it is, the two paragraphs I extracted could just as reasonably be festooned upon — with some exceptions — anything in the Krugman archives. At least, most of what has come to my attention. It is a generic p0wnage, and therefore, a devastating one.

But devastating p0wnage can result from specifics, as well. Crossing Wall Street lifts up a particularly incriminating chestnut for closer inspection. Krugman fans should skip this, for the sake of their own mental health…

Going back to those tea parties, Mr. DeLay, a fierce opponent of the theory of evolution — he famously suggested that the teaching of evolution led to the Columbine school massacre — also foreshadowed the denunciations of evolution that have emerged at some of the parties.

These are the kinds of the things Krugman writes that are so frustrating. He’s a brilliant economist but too often drives off the reservation into dishonesty.

After reading Krugman’s account, are you led to believe that Tom DeLay said in a clear declarative sentence that Columbine was the result of the teaching of evolution? That he repeatedly said it and would say it again today if asked?
Krugman has an unusual fixation with Delay and blaming Columbine on the teaching of evolution. He’s mentioned this several times.

Enough of Krugman’s take. Here’s the full story. One week after the Columbine massacre, Addison L. Dawson wrote a letter to the editor to the San Angelo Standard-Times which mocked the idea that guns were to blame:

For the life of me, I can’t understand what could have gone wrong in Littleton, Colorado. If the parents would have only kept their children away from the guns, we wouldn’t have had such a tragedy. Yeah, it must have been the guns.

It couldn’t have been because over half our children are being raised in broken homes.
It couldn’t have been because our school systems teach the children that they are nothing but glorified apes that have evolutionized out of some primordial soup of mud by teaching evolution as fact and by handing out condoms as if they were candy.

It couldn’t have been because we teach our children that there are no laws of morality that transcend us, that everything is relative, and that actions don’t have consequences. What the heck, the President gets away with it

Nah, it must have been the guns.

The letter was later read by Paul Harvey on the radio and then by Tom Delay in Congress on June 16, 1999 during a debate on gun control. (You can see the in the Congressional Record on page H4366.) The words are often credited to DeLay and not Dawson, though DeLay’s reading of it certainly implies an endorsement.

After DeLay spoke, Barney Frank lambasted the letter by saying it was blaming the teaching of evolution for the shooting. That’s where Krugman got his line.

Which brings us back to one of the classical House of Eratosthenes philosophical questions, that ongoing events on the plane of reality compel us to ask. We’ve asked this one before and we’ll be asking it again:

Is it possible to make liberal ideas look good, without misrepresenting something?

On That Homeland Security Right-Wing Extremist Group Report

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

The report, entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” is here. I’ve noticed a trend in how it is typically headlined: The event worthy of note is not the publication of the report, but rather the “reaction” from something called the “conservative blogosphere.” Conservatives are tweaked, angry, howling, spitting, sputtering, going apeshit, freaking out, and most importantly, spinning.

Michelle Malkin, typically offered as the example, reacts:

The “report” was one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I’d ever read out of DHS. I couldn’t believe it was real.

I spent the day chasing down DHS spokespeople, who have been tied up preparing for a very important homeland security event later today: The First Lady is coming to visit their Washington office. Priorities, you know.

Well, the press office got back to me and verified that the document is indeed for real.

They were very defensive — preemptively so — in asserting that it was not a politicized document…the piece of crap report issued on April 7 is a sweeping indictment of conservatives. And the intent is clear. As the two spokespeople I talked with on the phone today made clear: They both pinpointed the recent “economic downturn” and the “general state of the economy” for stoking “rightwing extremism.” One of the spokespeople said he was told that the report has been in the works for a year. My b.s. detector went off the chart, and yours will, too, if you read through the entire report — which asserts with no evidence that an unquantified “resurgence in rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalizations activity” is due to home foreclosures, job losses, and…the historical presidential election.

I skimmed through the left-wing blogs to find out what their reactions would be. Yglesias, ThinkProgress, Raw Story, Pandagon, Anonymous Liberal and Balloon Juice. A consistent and recurrent meme emerged: Troubling issues that arise from a government agency’s suggestion of terrorist motives on the part of free citizens “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority” (p. 2) were left unexplored…even untouched. The subject matter turned, instead, to tit-for-tat, howzitfeel type of nonsense. Silly conservatives didn’t say a word when Bush was trampling on our civil liberties, why are they piping up now?

Awesome! The new administration was elected in on a glossy, glittery platform of “change.” And now it’s doing things that can only be defended by implying they’re the same as what the old crowd did. Some change.

If only it were true. The argument is defeated — as left-wing arguments usually are — through an exercise known as reading things. As Malkin says:

[T]hose past reports have always been very specific in identifying the exact groups, causes, and targets of domestic terrorism, i.e., the ALF, ELF, and Stop Huntingdon wackos who have engaged in physical harassment, arson, vandalism, and worse against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs, and university researchers.

Don’t take her word for it, or mine. The report to which the liberal bloggers point with their “the other guy did it too” defense, “Left-Wing Extremism: The Current Threat,” is here. You won’t need to study long. The difference between the 2001 report and the one that just came out, is structural. The older report gives facts…and more facts…and more facts…dates…cities…statistics…the history behind each of the more pertinent groups, who founded them, why, what their methods are, what they’ve been caught doing, some intelligence suggesting who funds them. It even does a decent job of inspecting the possible dangers posed by right-wing extremist groups.

This month’s report from DHS boils down to one thing: “Hey, we’d better be worried about this stuff! You know how those tighty-righties are when they lose their jobs, especially when black people are elected President!” Yes, I’m putting words in their mouths, but not unfairly. Go on, read the piece-of-crap report and tell me if they’ve got a message that goes beyond that…or if they’ve produced any firm evidence to support such a message. It’s gossip. And that’s not my opinion; come up with a workable definition for “gossip” before you read the report, then read it. There’s nothing to back up any of what they’re saying here.

So you could fairly headline this entire thing as “left-wingers freak out about right-wingers and then accuse right-wingers of freaking out.”

As polished as the prose is, and as crisp as the computer fonts look, when you inspect it at the thought-level it has a look and feel that I have come to associate with subsequent organizational backpedaling and apology. Not that I’m terribly sure it’ll happen this time. This is a report put out by someone who spends lots of time with other people who think exactly the same things already, and can’t be told much of anything…which suggests his or her superiors are in the same mold. We know the guy at the top fits that profile too, so it’s doubtful anyone in a position that matters, will see the need to retract anything.

Of course perhaps their eyes could be opened by such kind, colorblind, all-inclusive, tolerant comments from lefty-blog-commenters as “Can’t wait to see the TSA, state police, NYPD profiling pasty White guys” (CParis, commenter 4, Yglesias link) and “Seriously, this [Glenn Beck] is a man who just needs to have a massive heart attack and die for the good of the country” (DTG in STL, Pandagon). Oh, you lefties! I’m so glad you’re in charge now, busily putting together that society that’ll work for everyone!

Maybe some peaceful and loving outbursts like that that would give the DHS report author a whole new perspective on things. I’m just not ready to bet a lot of money on it.