Archive for the ‘Southerners Are Bad Mmmkay’ Category

Kos on the Birthers

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Liberal mega-blogger Kos has provided a definition for the term “birther,” and provided some thoughts about what’s going through the birther’s heads. He’s gotten ahold of a statistical breakdown of where they live, and is rallying his troops for the hate-fest to begin:

Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 7/27-30. All adults. MoE 2% (No trend lines)

Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?

Not sure……….12

So 11 percent of Americans are Obama-hating conspiracy theorists. How do they break down?

………………..Yes……….No……….Not sure


Once again, Republicans find themselves outside the American mainstream. And reality.

Because to Kos’ folk, being outside the mainstream is an offense to nature itself…a major sin…if you didn’t wait for the correct people to lead you out of the mainstream. If you did, then it’s quite alright.

Well, I’m glad to have a definition of sorts of what a “birther” is — even if it’s only implied. I notice the Kos crosshairs haven’t zeroed in on the twelve percent that aren’t sure. There must be a difference of opinion about those, since I know of some folks who would take serious issue with this. To them, if you have a single doubt in your head, you are a birther and that makes you a nut.

What’s nutty, though, is using a poll like this to organize a two-minute-hate session in cyberspace. Seriously, what is the difference between any reasonable definition of “prejudice,” and this?

I don’t want to offend anyone and I apologize to all the good people down there fighting the good fight but the South has always been different and basically it’s a separate country. I think we would have all been better off if we had let them form their own country or at least a Confederation of the 2 sections for common defense but for domestic self governing. They could have their own paradise for guns, god, no gays and private insured health care and the North could have their own gun-free atheistic homosexual agenda socialized medicine area. The North certainly would have been better off.

Hat tip to Melissa.

I said somewhere that I’m not going to directly take this one on. I’m thinking I might be breaking that pledge pretty soon…