Archive for the ‘Poisoning Western Civilization’ Category

Word Games

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

The democrats have been playing them and Melissa’s been noticing:

Because “government-run health care” — both the phrase and the actuality of the idea — go over like a lead balloon with the American people, the Democrats have chosen new language hoping to obscure their intent to remake the health care system. The new language key word: “reform.”

Reform is a good word. It sounds like making something that’s okay a lot better. You know, get rid of the bad stuff, add some good. Unfortunately, the changes in the system are not reforms which suggest refinements. Rather they’re wholesale changes that will remake the very fabric of American society should they be implemented.

Just as an example, John David Lewis, a college professor read the bill and came up with some questions, the answers from the bill, and the implications.
What is described in the bill here is not simply a reform. The tax code, legal system, hospitals, insurance companies, doctors, and the patient experience are radically changed. Radical change does not suggest reform. It suggests transformation.

The administration, by pushing toward taking the “public option off the table,” is taking quite a gamble here but they really don’t have much of a choice. The country simply isn’t going for it. The hope now is to pass a “Camel’s Nose In Tent” bill so that the government can take over this industry at a later time. That’s good for the hardcore fringe statist crowd, but the matter remains about how to get large numbers of suckers and chumps to go for it. The point to the public option was to get “everyone” covered and take care of those 47 million mythical paupers wandering our streets with their inflamed appendices hanging out of their bellies because they can’t get health care.

Now, the pitch has devolved into something more absurd: There is a pressing urgency in getting our health care system screwed with, just for getting it screwed with.

I look at the “faith” people seem to have in state run health care, and I notice every single one of the advocates either have some kind of exit strategy which would spare them from having to put up with it for their own health care needs, or else they live in another country that has state run health care already. I can’t escape the notion that perhaps, when your own system of values burps out only a tiny bit of value for human life, your tendency is to become resentful of anyone else who places more value on human life. I also can’t escape the notion that this entirely explains this push toward a government/healthcare intermixing that doesn’t really offer anyone any benefits that anyone is willing to openly discuss.

I’m pretty pleased at this point with America’s current, if only momentary, return to her roots. Bureaucrats deciding for us what crooks can enter our homes, what organs will exit our bodies, and later what thoughts are in our heads? No thanks, this is America! And not a single tear shed over how many other “wise” countries have already accepted what we’ve rejected. Well done, America. Let’s lock it in place: How about a “Separation of Hospital and State” amendment? Maybe it’s time.

A Sad, Sad Speech and a Sad, Sad Letter

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Both from people who don’t really exist. But do…

Boortz’ imaginary car-company President first. He calls all his employees to the local hotel, and says:

I would like to start by thanking you for attending this meeting, though it’s not like you had much of a choice. After all, attendance was mandatory. I’m also glad many of you accepted my invitation to your family members to be here as well. I have a few remarks to make to all of you, and then we’ll retire to the ballroom for a great lunch and some employee awards.

I felt that this meeting was important enough to close all 12 of our tire and automotive shops today so that you could be here. To reassure you, everybody is being paid for the day — except me. Since our stores are closed we’re making no money. That economic loss is mine to sustain. Carrington Automotive has 157 full time employees and around 30 additional part-timers. All of you are here. I thank you for that.

When you walked into this auditorium you were handed a rather thick 78-page document. Many of you have already taken a peek. You were probably surprised to see that it’s my personal tax return for 2008. Those of you who are adept at reading these tax returns will see that last year my taxable income was $534,000.00. Now I’m sure this seems rather high to many of you. So … let’s talk about this tax return.

Carrington Automotive Enterprises is what we call a Sub-S – a Subchapter S corporation. The name comes from a particular part of our tax code. Sub-S status means that the income from all 12 of our stores is reported on my personal tax return. Businesses that report their income on the owner’s personal tax return are referred to as “small businesses.” So, you see now that this $534,000 is really the total taxable income – the total combined profit from all 12 of our stores. That works out to an average of a bit over $44,000 per store.

Why did I feel it important for you to see my actual 2008 tax return? Well, there’s a lot of rhetoric being thrown around today about taxes, small businesses and rich people. To the people in charge in Washington right now I’m a wealthy American making over a half-million dollars a year. Most Americans would agree: I’m just another rich guy; after all … I had over a half-million in income last year, right? In this room we know that the reality is that I’m a small business owner who runs 12 retail establishments and employs 187 people. Now here’s something that shouldn’t surprise you, but it will: Just under 100 percent … make that 99.7 percent of all employers in this countries are small businesses, just like ours. Every one of these businesses reports their income on a personal income tax return. You need to understand that small businesses like ours are responsible for about 80 percent of all private sector jobs in this country, and about 70 percent of all jobs that have been created over the past year. You also need to know that when you hear some politician talking about rich people who earn over $200,000 or $500,000 a year, they’re talking about the people who create the jobs.

The people who are now running the show in Washington have been talking for months about raising taxes on wealthy Americans. I already know that in two years my federal income taxes are going to go up by about 4.5 percent. That happens when Obama and the Democrats allow the Bush tax cuts to expire. When my taxes climb by 4.5 percent the Democrats will be on television saying that this really isn’t a tax increase. They’ll explain that the Bush tax cuts have expired .. nothing more. Here at Carrington we’ll know that almost 5% has been taken right off of our bottom line. And that means it will be coming off your bottom line.

Numbers are boring, I know … but let’s talk a bit more about that $534,000. That’s the money that was left last year from company revenues after I paid all of the salaries and expenses of running this business. Now I could have kept every penny of that for myself, but that would have left us with nothing to grow our business, to attract new customers and to hire new employees. You’re aware that we’ve been talking about opening new stores in Virginia Beach and Newport News. To do that I will have to buy or lease property, construct a building and purchase inventory. I also have to hire additional people to work in those stores. These people wouldn’t immediately be earning their pay. So, where do you think the money for all of this comes from? Right out of our profits .. right out of that $534,000. I need to advertise to bring customers in, especially in these tough times. Where do you think that money comes from? Oh sure, I can count it as an expense when I file my next income tax return .. but for right now that comes from either current revenues or last year’s profits. Revenues right now aren’t all that hot … so do the math. A good effective advertising campaign might cost us more than $300,000.

Is this all starting to come together for you now?

Right now the Democrats are pushing a nationalized health care plan that, depending on who’s doing the talking, will add anywhere from another two percent to an additional 4.6 percent to my taxes. If I add a few more stores, which I would like to do, and if the economy improves, my taxable income … our business income … could go over one million dollars! If that happens the Democrats have yet another tax waiting, another five percent plus! I’ve really lost tract of all of the new government programs the Democrats and President Obama are proposing that they claim they will be able to finance with new taxes on what they call “wealthy Americans.”

And while we’re talking about health care, let me explain something else to you. I understand that possibly your biggest complaint with our company is that we don’t provide you with health insurance. That is because as your employer I believe that it is my responsibility to provide you with a safe workplace and a fair wage and to do all that I can to preserve and grow this company that provides us all with income. I no more have a responsibility to provide you with health insurance than I do with life, auto or homeowner’s insurance. As you know, I have periodically invited agents for health insurance companies here to provide you with information on private health insurance plans. The Democrats are proposing to levy yet another tax against Carrington in the amount of 8 percent of my payroll as a penalty for not providing you with health insurance. You should know that if they do this I will be reducing every person’s salary or hourly wage by that same 8 percent. This will not be done to put any more money in my pocket. It will be done to make sure that I don’t suffer financially from the Democrat’s efforts to place our healthcare under the control of the federal government. It is your health, not mine. It is your healthcare, not mine. These are your expenses, not mine. If you think I’m wrong about all this, I would sure love to hear your reasoning.

Try to understand what I’m telling you here. Those people that Obama and the Democrats call “wealthy Americans” are, in very large part, America’s small business owners. I’m one of them. You have the evidence, and surely you don’t think that the owner of a bunch of tire stores is anything special. That $534,000 figure on my income tax return puts me squarely in Democrat crosshairs when it comes to tax increases.

Let’s be clear about this … crystal clear. Any federal tax increase on me is going to cost you money, not me. Any new taxes on Carrington Automotive will be new taxes that you, or the people I don’t hire to staff the new stores I won’t be building, will be paying. Do you understand what I’m telling you? You’ve heard about things rolling downhill, right? Fine .. then you need to know that taxes, like that other stuff, roll downhill. Now you and I may understand that you are not among those that the Democrats call “wealthy Americans,” but when this “tax the rich” thing comes down you are going to be standing at the bottom of the mud slide, if you get my drift. That’s life in the big city, my friends … where elections have consequences.

You know our economy is very weak right now. I’ve pledged to get us through this without layoffs or cuts in your wages and benefits. It’s too bad the politicians can’t get us through this without attacking our profits. To insure our survival I have to take a substantial portion of that $534,000 and set it aside for unexpected expenses and a worsening economy. Trouble is, the government is eyeing that money too … and they have the guns. If they want it, they can take it.

I don’t want to make this too long. There’s a great lunch waiting for us all. But you need to understand what’s happening here. I’ve worked hard for 23 years to create this business. There were many years where I couldn’t take a penny in income because every dollar was being dedicated to expanding the business. There were tough times when it took every dollar of revenues to replenish our inventory and cover your paychecks. During those times I earned nothing. If you want to see those tax returns, just let me know.

OK .. I know I’m repeating myself here. I don’t hire stupid people, and you are probably getting it now. So let me just ramble for a few more minutes.

Most Americans don’t realize that when the Democrats talk about raising taxes on people making more than $250 thousand a year, they’re talking about raising taxes on small businesses. The U.S. Treasury Department says that six out of every ten individuals in this country with incomes of more than $280,000 are actually small business owners. About one-half of the income in this country that would be subject to these increased taxes is from small businesses like ours. Depending on how many of these wonderful new taxes the Democrats manage to pass, this company could see its tax burden increase by as much as $60,000. Perhaps more.

I know a lot of you voted for President Obama. A lot of you voted for Democrats across the board. Whether you voted out of support for some specific policies, or because you liked his slogans, you need to learn one very valuable lesson from this election. Elections have consequences. You might have thought it would be cool to have a president who looks like you; or a president who is young, has a buff bod, and speaks eloquently when there’s a teleprompter in the neighborhood. Maybe you liked his promises to tax the rich. Maybe you believed his promise not to raise taxes on people earning less than a certain amount. Maybe you actually bought into his promise to cut taxes on millions of Americans who actually don’t pay income taxes in the first place. Whatever the reason .. your vote had consequences; and here they are.

Bottom line? I’m not taking this hit alone. As soon as the Democrats manage to get their tax increases on the books, I’m going to take steps to make sure that my family isn’t affected. When you own the business, that is what you’re allowed to do. I built this business over a period of 23 years, and I’m not going to see my family suffer because we have a president and a congress who think that wealth is distributed rather than earned. Any additional taxes, of whatever description, that President Obama and the Democrats inflict on this business will come straight out of any funds I have set aside for expansion or pay and benefit increases. Any plans I might have had to hire additional employees for new stores will be put aside. Any plans for raises for the people I now have working for me will be shelved. Year-end bonuses might well be eliminated. That may sound rough, but that’s the reality.

You’re going to continue to hear a lot of anti-wealth rhetoric out there from the media and from the left. You can chose to believe what you wish .. .but when it comes to Carrington Automotive you will know the truth. The books are open to any of you at any time. I have nothing to hide. I would hope that other small business owners out there would hold meetings like this one, but I know it won’t happen that often. One of the lessons to be learned here is that taxes … all taxes … and all regulatory costs that are placed on businesses anywhere in this country, will eventually be passed right on down to individuals; individuals such as yourself. This hasn’t been about admonishing anyone and it hasn’t been about issuing threats. This is part of the education you should have received in the government schools, but didn’t. Class is now dismissed.

Let’s eat.

Ashley’s grandfather has similar words, courtesy of Roger Kimball, hat tip to Ace:


I received your request for assistance. Ashley, you know I love you dearly and I’m sympathetic to your financial plight. Unfortunately, times have changed. With the election of President Obama, your grandmother and I have had to set forth a bold new economic plan of our own…”The Ashley Economic Empowerment Plan.” Let me explain.

Your grandmother and I are life-long, wage-earning tax payers. We have lived a comfortable life, as you know, but we have never had the fancier things like European vacations, luxury cars, etc. We have worked hard and were looking forward to retiring soon. But the plan has changed. Your president is raising our personal and business taxes significantly.. He says it is so he can give our hard earned money to other people. Do you know what this means, Ashley? It means less for us, and we must cut back on many business and personal expenses.

You know the wonderful receptionist who worked in my office for more than 23 years? The one who always gave you candy when came over to visit? I had to let her go last week. I can’t afford to pay her salary and all of the government mandated taxes that go with having employees. Your grandmother will now work 4 days a week to answer phones, take orders and handle the books. We will be closed on Fridays and will lose even more income to the Wal-Mart.

I’m also very sorry to report that your cousin Frank will no longer be working summers in the warehouse. I called him at school this morning. He already knows about it and he’s upset because he will have to give up skydiving and his yearly trip to Greenland to survey the polar bears.

That’s just the business side of things. Some personal economic effects of Obama’s new taxation policies include none other than you. You know very well that over the years your grandmother and I have given you thousands of dollars in cash, tuition assistance, food, housing, clothing, gifts, etc., etc. But by your vote, you have chosen to help others — not at your expense — but at our expense.

If you need money now sweetheart, I recommend you call 202-456-1111. That is the direct phone number for the White House. You yourself told me how foolish it is to vote Republican. You said Mr. Obama is going to be the People’s President, and is going to help every American live a better life. Based on everything you’ve told me, along with all the promises we heard during the campaign, I’m sure Mr. Obama will be happy to transfer some stimulus money into your bank account. Have him call me for the account number which I memorized years ago.

Perhaps you can now understand what I’ve been saying all my life: those who vote for a president should consider the impact on the nation as a whole, and not be just concerned with what they can get for themselves. What Obama supporters don’t seem to realize is all of the money he is redistributing to illegal aliens and non-taxpaying Americans (the so-called “less fortunate”) comes from tax-paying families.

Remember how you told me, “Only the richest of the rich will be affected”? Well guess what, honey? Because we own a business, your grandmother and I are now considered to be the richest of the rich. On paper, it might look that way, but in the real world, we are far from it.

As you said while campaigning for Obama, some people will have to carry more of the burden so all of America can prosper. You understand what that means, right? It means that raising taxes on productive people results in them having less money; less money for everything, including granddaughters.

I’m sorry, Ashley, but the well has run dry. The free lunches are over. I have no money to give you now.

So, congratulations on your choice for “change.” For future reference, I encourage you to try and add up the total value of the gifts and cash you have received from us, just since you went off to college, and compare it to what you expect to get from Mr. Obama over the next 4 (or 8 ) years. I have not kept track of it, Ashley. It has all truly been the gift of our hearts.

Remember, we love you dearly….but from now on you’ll need to call the number mentioned above.. Your “Savior” has the money we would have given to you. Just try and get it from him.

Good luck, sweetheart.



A case of great minds thinking alike. But really, what more is there to be said? Someone — a bunch of someones — going through life in a state of perpetual being-oppressed…has caught an inexplicable case of hatred and hostility toward the goose who’s laid the golden egg.

No good can come from this.

Best Sentence LXIX

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Cassy saw fit to showcase a story that we tossed out there…angry breastfeeding women doing their breastfeeding in protest, seeking their social justice.

Our position on this is, we think, the essence of logic, moderation, and cool-headed reason:

It’s up to the restaurant manager. If you disagree you’re a Nazi — period, end of story. I know that sounds a little bit unreasonable at first blush; but if you think on it a minute or two, you’ll see we’re a hundred percent in the right about that. After all…what’s the alternative?

Anyway, breastfeeding-protests represent a rather wrenching separation from the plane of reality. I mean, c’mon. You’re breastfeeding your child in a restaurant where you know damn good and well they don’t want that stuff going on…out of consideration for the other patrons…in solidarity? To protest your “rights”? You’re being kept in some kind of involuntary servitude, but thanks to your civil disobedience you can flop your pink puppies around and this somehow makes you more free? Good God woman. It must be exhausting living out your entire life on a turning point. Is life all just perfect and wonderful for you when the restaurant manager is subjugated to your will? Hmmmm? Nothing to complain about at all anymore? Every li’l thing on Creation, just exactly the way it should be? Didn’t think so.

On with the Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award. It goes to Cassy’s commenter #13, Mat:

It seems to me that the more technologically-modern we become, the more people revert to an animal-like behavior.

Yeah, pretty much.

Except — Mark Twain’s famous quote comes to mind…and this somewhat contradicts the above, but it does so in service of honor and truth:

If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.

So no, not quite animal-like. Not quite. Something a few notches beneath that. It does not gladden the heart to realize this thing about us, but it is true.

Don’t you wish you could just go to one of these breastfeeding protests, and just walk up and down the aisles yelling “Bitches and Hoes, Hoes and Bitches! Bitches, Cunts, Cuntnozzles, Bitches, Bull-Dykes, Bitches Bitches Bitches!” Of course this would be awful, loutish behavior of yours. Of course you should be thrown out on your ear. For engaging in such churlish, not-family-appropriate, over-the-line behavior…behavior that makes the people around you…er…uncomfortable…

Hmmm. Yeah. Yeah, that’s where I’m going with it; kind of a “Jesus said whoever is without sin should cast the first stone.” Who’d be able to step up to the plate — in that crowd?

It’s not a civil-rights issue, it shouldn’t be treated as one, and it shouldn’t even be tolerated. Not unless the restaurant manager says it should be. If the law says different, the law is wrong. This issue has nothing to do with whether breast milk or formula is better for a baby; it has to do with whether we should care, when we do things that make other people uncomfortable. And if the answer is toward the negative, we have become something very, very ugly, and we have surrendered our rights, privileges, freedoms and responsibility to call foul on the things others do that make people uncomfortable. We have, in essence, pulled the plug on every little thing we have ever connected with the word “civilization.”

And Mat‘s right — we do this because, with the mature state of our technological doo-dads and gizmos, life is sufficiently comfy we figure we can afford to do it. Climb up your family tree, to the years when baby formula was a distant dream, and your great-great-grandma never would have dreamed of imposing this way. If it didn’t show proper discretion it wasn’t considered, and that was the end of it. Here we are all these years later, we have far more options, and somehow this means we have to behave like louts. Our response to the gentleman in the next booth who is uncomfortable, for whatever reason, is that he needs to shape up because there’s something wrong with him. Great-grandma had much more of a need to impose, and yet this would have been beyond her thinking.

It really sums up everything that’s wrong with the world, when you think about it.

“I Hear Stories Like This Every Single Day…”

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Our Salesman In Chief, failing to sell the country He rules on all, or perhaps just some, of the health care provisions He desires, takes another crack at it in this weekend’s New York Times:

Our nation is now engaged in a great debate about the future of health care in America. And over the past few weeks, much of the media attention has been focused on the loudest voices. What we haven’t heard are the voices of the millions upon millions of Americans who quietly struggle every day with a system that often works better for the health-insurance companies than it does for them.

These are people like Lori Hitchcock, whom I met in New Hampshire last week. Lori is currently self-employed and trying to start a business, but because she has hepatitis C, she cannot find an insurance company that will cover her. Another woman testified that an insurance company would not cover illnesses related to her internal organs because of an accident she had when she was 5 years old. A man lost his health coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because the insurance company discovered that he had gallstones, which he hadn’t known about when he applied for his policy. Because his treatment was delayed, he died.

I hear more and more stories like these every single day…

I don’t think this is worth blogging because He’s our President, and I don’t think it’s worth blogging because He is the spiritual leader of so many millions.

I think it’s worth blogging because of the tyranny of the anecdote.

Think of a bad idea. Make it an appalling one, as reprehensible a thing as your dark little heart can conjure up. With a little bit of creativity, I can use the power of the anecdote to justify doing it. I can make it sound real appealing.

Thing I Know #297. If we know it’s one guy’s place to decide an issue and not another guy’s, our tendency is to respect the proper ownership of the issue — until we find out about some third guy who’s been somehow slighted or oppressed. Then we lose this respect for proper ownership. Our compassion is our undoing. We favor anarchy over order and we don’t even consciously realize it.

Actually, Thing I Know #297 wasn’t inspired by the tyranny of the anecdote. It was inspired by something that, out of sheer coincidence, in the last day or two has taken place all over again. Excuse the minor topic drift, and accept this as another testament to our common human failing of judgment —

A group of women staged a “nurse-in” at a Winter Park Chick-Fil-A on Friday after a breast-feeding mom earlier in the week was asked to cover up by the restaurant manager.

The gathering was more outing than protest. About 30 parents – mostly moms, some nestling babies close to them in wraps – filled about half the restaurant, chatting and eating lunch. Those who nursed did so discreetly.

Manager Virginia Piter, who on Tuesday suggested Chylain Krivensky cover herself, worked her way through the crowd accompanied by a costumed cow character.

“Everyone makes mistakes, and I made a doozy, and I’m sorry that I did,” Piter said.

Piter had approached Krivensky of Orlando as she nursed her daughter at the children’s play area in Chick-fil-A. Offering her some towels, the manager suggested she cover up.

“I was so embarrassed,” Krivensky said.

She later contacted Chick-fil-A’s corporate office to complain about her experience at the restaurant on University Boulevard. She also told her friends. Word got around on the Internet, and the “nurse-in” was planned.

This is just plain stupid, and that isn’t just my opinion; everyone with a working brain realizes it. You say “should a restaurant manager be the one to decide if patrons can…” followed by just about anything. Swear. Drink alcohol in this section or that one. Chew gum. Wear pants down around the crack of their asses. Be shirtless. And most of us would reasonably answer “of course s/he can!” And some of us will even approach that pinnacle of civilized behavior, which used to be a common realization — finding the hypothetical restaurant manager’s decision to be distasteful but still supporting his or her right to make that decision.

Thanks to Thing I Know #297, we have been losing this quality of our civilization and perhaps it’s entirely extinct. One or two sob stories, and we’re ready to impose our personal sense of “decency” upon some jurisdiction where we damn well know these things aren’t up to us to decide.

President Obama understands this well. So there He is, pushing our buttons. Here’s an anecdote…here’s another one…and another one…clearly we need “reform” so help get my bad idea passed. How many generations have we been falling for this, and passing financially crippling social programs we otherwise would recognize immediately as bad ideas?

There’s something else to President Obama’s editorial I find particularly objectionable though. It is this opening salvo about “the voices of the millions upon millions of Americans who quietly struggle” that we “haven’t heard.”

If there’s one thing I about which I wish people would show some more vigilance when they hear democrat party talking points, it is the notion that democrats have been somehow deprived of a fair hearing for advocating their interests, or represent others who have been deprived of such a fair hearing. Obama, Himself, in a sane universe would never be allowed to use such a talking point in any unrestrained way ever again. The democrat party chooses its leaders according to who can attract the greatest and most loyal following while supporting the logical reason for such a following in the sloppiest, most ramshackle way. They choose such leaders based on personal ability to sell things contrary to the interest of the buyer. They live, breathe, eat and sleep thinking about how to get more attention. It is the central pillar to their existence. They raise money to get that attention and they make sure it is spent very, very well.

The fact is, if their social programs worked as well for the nation as their campaigning maneuvers do for them, we would be living in a very different place. They recruit people who are good at getting attention. They promote people who are good at getting attention. They make damn good and sure this attention-getting works to the benefit of their party, over the country.

And if there is one thing no democrat should ever be permitted to say — at least, and get away with it — it’s that the democrat suffers from, or represents someone who suffers from, a lack of attention.

I recall as last year wound down to a close, a certain family member made it his mission to start conversations with people about what books they were reading. He has a reputation for steering such conversations, once started, toward what he thinks people should be reading instead. A prolonged and unproductive merry-go-round e-mail exchange followed when I refused to indulge the ritual yet one more time. The direction in which he wanted to pull the book-reading list, was toward Barack Obama’s autobiography. I recall that as he refused to let things go and move on, he ended up arguing from the position that it was far better to consume Obama’s written words, whether one agreed with His political viewpoints or not, and see what He had to say about things. The family member’s point was that one proceeded from a background of ignorance if one did not take this step of enlightenment.

The “fair hearing” argument again.

I said so back then and I say it again now: Barack Obama may very well be the one single mortal human living now, or who has ever lived, on this planet — ever! — least entitled to interject more ideas into the discourse, to attract additional attention to those ideas be they complicated or simple, on the basis of the “fair hearing” argument. From all I know about human history, even when I compare Obama to people like Napoleon, Caesar, Thomas Paine, Walter Cronkite…anybody who has ever enjoyed attention for themselves or for the ideas they espouse…I know of not a single true peer for our current President along the metric of capturing and holding attention.

Of course, whether an idea has merit or not is a question entirely unrelated to whether it has successfully captured attention.

But any notion that Obama has been burdened by an undue difficulty in finding a voice, or shares a close kinship with someone so encumbered, or speaks out on behalf of anybody so encumbered — is patently absurd. Whoever wrote these words, knowing full well that His Holiness’ Glorious Name would be carried above it in a byline, ought to feel thoroughly ashamed and abjectly silly. Presuming they were keeping good track of what it was they were saying, which I’m inclined to doubt, they would have to be wondering how far they can push this envelope, deep into “I Can’t Believe We’re Getting Away With This” territory.

We’ve listened too much to the “loud voices” and we’d better balance things out by granting a fair hearing to Barack Obama’s side of the story — hah!

Jail Time for Praying

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

Pensacola, Fla.:

Students, teachers and local pastors are protesting over a court case involving a northern Florida school principal and an athletic director who are facing criminal charges and up to six months in jail over their offer of a mealtime prayer.

There have been yard signs, T-shirts and a mass student protest during graduation ceremonies this spring on behalf of Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and school athletic director Robert Freeman, who will go on trial Sept. 17 at a federal district court in Pensacola for breaching the conditions of a lawsuit settlement reached last year with the American Civil Liberties Union.

“I have been defending religious freedom issues for 22 years, and I’ve never had to defend somebody who has been charged criminally for praying,” said Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, the Orlando-based legal group that is defending the two school officials.

This is an important story, because one of the talking points out there is that nobody ever prohibits prayer at school, the prohibition is against proselytizing.

It seems the Santa Rosa County School District struck a deal as a result of a lawsuit…which, in turn, came out of this prohibition against proselytizing. Lawsuit, to deal, to court order, to jail. Baby steps. Now we’ve got people going to jail for praying, exactly the thing we’re often told is never happening.

The fight involving the ACLU, the school district and several devout Christian employees began last August when the ACLU sued Santa Rosa County Schools on behalf of two students who had complained privately to the group’s Florida affiliate, claiming some teachers and administrators were allowing prayers at school events such as graduations, orchestrating separate religiously themed graduation services, and “proselytizing” students during class and after school.

It takes some legal wrangling to forge a criminal act out of the First Amendment. It’s not a law designed to restrict the actions of people, it’s a law designed to restrict other laws that would ordinarily restrict the actions of people. This is supported by a simple reading of the plain text. “[O]r prohibiting the free exercise thereof” — it’s right in there.

Not that I’m saying anything anyone needs to know, that they don’t already know. The point is that thanks to the wrangling and massaging, a law that was clearly meant to support our central freedoms has been flipped around 180 degrees.

I’ve never been able to accept at face value these stories of students going off to complain to the ACLU. I went to school once; never did know where my local ACLU office was. So how do things like this work? The ACLU lawyer is sitting in his office one day, bored out of his skull, throwing pencils into the cork ceiling over his head…and suddenly he hears a knock at the door! “Hi, we’re a couple of students at such-and-such a school and we’re awfully concerned about some praying we’ve been hearing…”

Um, yeah. Somehow I doubt it went down like that.

Hat tip to Rick.

Are You Fishy?

Friday, August 14th, 2009

D’JEver Notice? XXIV

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Neo-Neocon aptly dissects Camille Paglia, who in turn represents many Obama supporters that are beginning to wake up to the fact that He is slightly different from what He was pretending to be…but still want to cling to some part of last year’s dream, and therefore remain partially clueless.

Obama is a savior for the democrat party, that much cannot be in question. The conundrum that confronts our nation, as it sheds on a massive scale the support it used to have for passage of some kind of health care “reform” this year, is this: What are the democrats all about? Do they want to elevate our standard of living, or are they out to erode our sense of independence? As one analyzes their behavior and confines one’s inspection to pressing issues that would arguably do both of these things, such as HillaryCare and ObamaCare, it is impossible to say.

And so the flaccid mind does what it is told, and assists in the circulation of meaningless platitudes in support of the agendas of strangers. Paglia does not possess a flaccid mind…at least, I don’t think she does…but thus far, she has chosen to go this route, which betrays a failing against the yardstick of potential. Her treatise consumes three sizable “pages” out in the innerwebs, because she indulges in bunny-trails of excoriation against George W. Bush. Makes her feel good, I guess. But it’s still off topic.

The more resilient and capable mind pondering what has distressed Ms. Paglia, continues to evaluate the question and inspects other issues. Concentrating, of course, on new ideas that would increase our standard of living and our sense of independence. Can we think of any?

We can enable people to use firearms to defend their homes from intruders.

We can allow parents to extract their children from failing school districts, to home-school them if that’s the best option for them.

We can make sure “workers” are able to vote on union membership in secrecy, so they can vote no if they want to without being harassed, bullied and intimidated.

Come to think of it, we can stop calling them “workers.”

We can lower their taxes.

We can support their country’s bid to define English as its official language…just as other countries have done.

We can raise the bar on litigation, so that frivolous lawsuits against businesses that pass expenses on to the rest of us, are tossed out earlier in the process.

We can let them inherit money and property from their deceased parents who willed it to them.

How does the typical democrat feel about these things that would elevate the American’s sense of financial security simultaneously with his sense of independence?

And if the resilient mind continues to come up with a consistent answer, what would it then conclude about the primary motivational agent for the democrat party? Is it looking out for us and our well-being? And this rush to pass ObamaCare — did our exercise succeed in soothing our concerns about the motives behind it? And about where such a program might be headed in the years to come, if it should pass? Are we all breathing a sigh of relief now?

End Game

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009

Mark Steyn takes stock of the formerly rabid Obama fan base, such as it is…an eclectic mix of the ones frantically scraping the “Obama Biden” stickers off their bumpers, and their counterparts who are leaving ’em affixed…

The New York Times’ David Brooks stuck it out longer than most: Only a few backs, he was giddy with excitement over the President’s “education” “reforms” (whatever they were). But now he says we’re in “the early stages of the liberal suicide march”. For a famously moderate moderate, Mr Brooks seems to have gone from irrational optimism over the Democrats’ victory to irrational optimism over the Democrats’ impending downfall without the intervening stage of rational pessimism.

The end-game is very obvious. If you expand the bureaucratic class and you expand the dependent class, you can put together a permanent electoral majority.

Morgan and Mahatma

Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Mahatma Ghandi

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the resolve with which it ensures that good guys win and bad guys lose.”

— Morgan K. Freeberg

Fifty Sound Freedom Metrics and One Stupid One

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

President Obama wants anyone saying something “fishy” about His health care scheme, to be reported to Him.

Nancy Pelosi feels free to publicly hallucinate about free citizens, exercising their constitutional right to petition their government for redress of grievances, wearing “swastikas.”

My own Senator Boxer de-legitimizes those same free citizens and demeans their entirely meritorious complaints, for no better reason than that they aren’t dressed like pigs as she evidently expects…

It hasn’t been a good week for freedom. And this helps to solidify, at least in my mind, exactly what was wrong with some of these arguments we heard over the last two weeks about the whole Obama-cop-perfesser-beer thing. I refer here specifically to the argument that in the privacy of your own home, and on your front porch, you should be “free”…to follow the cop around, berating him, insulting him and his mother, and you oughta be able to walk away from that. Failing that, the argument goes, the whole situation plunges headlong into that post-sixties territory of “If one of us can’t do it then we are all enslaved!”

A little perspective, please. There are lots of ways to measure whether we’re still free or not; many things have been placed in compromise, and yet still remain with us at some residual level. That means there are lots of things we can watch to see if we’re still free or not, and if we are, how much.

Whether we can get lippy with cops — it’s a non-issue. Really. Keep a vigilant watch, instead, on some of these other metrics. I count fifty of them. Fifty really sensible freedom metrics.

And that one really stupid one.

1. I can eat meat
2. I get to go to a sports bar and drink beer and eat meat
3. I get to go to a sports bar surrounded by girls in skimpy clothes young enough to be my daughter, drink beer and eat meat
4. I can buy a gun
5. I can buy ammunition for my gun
6. I can store a gun in my house, with ammunition, ready to use
7. I can use my gun in my home to defend it from a criminal, if I have to
8. I can pray if I want to
9. I can keep objects of my faith in places where I can see them
10. I can keep objects of my faith in places others can see them
11. I can pray where others can see me doing it, even if it’s on government property or in a place maintained by a government agency
12. I can spank my kid’s butt if he has it coming
13. I can spank my kid’s butt where others can see me doing it, if he has it coming
14. I can blog
15. I can blog in ways that are not politically correct
16. I can blog, and not get fired from my job if people at work happen to find my blog
17. I can stop an echo, and if I’m so inclined, I can start one of my own
18. I can say, write, and e-mail “fishy” things without the White House putting my name on some kind of a nag list
19. I can ride a motorcycle without a helmet
20. I can smoke
21. I can camp
22. I can hunt and fish
23. I can teach my kid to go camping
24. I can teach my kid to go hunting and fishing
25. I can teach my kid to fire a gun
26. I can teach my kid politically incorrect things, like that women and men are different, and the feminist movement is full of crap
27. I can teach my kid to avoid high maintenance, nasty women, so that in his adulthood he could support me as opposed to me supporting him
28. I can earn a living even if I don’t belong to a union
29. I can earn a living even if I don’t believe in global warming
30. I can earn a living even though I’m caucasian and straight
31. I can fight back, anytime, anyplace, about anything; I am never, ever obligated as a free citizen to just sit somewhere and take abuse
32. I don’t have to pay taxes to give someone else an income they’ve decided they don’t want to earn
33. I’m not legally obliged to help anyone out even if they genuinely need it; I get to choose my charities
34. I can have opinions
35. I can have detestable opinions
36. I can have reckless, extravagant, unlikely opinions
37. I even get to have just-plain-wrong opinions
38. I get to have opinions about who’s “married” and who isn’t
39. I can show up to a protest my government’s dumbass healthcare plan wearing clothes just as snazzy or as shabby as I want (within reason)
40. I can emit carbon
41. I can buy things from people who emit carbon
42. I can acquire goods and services that involve the emission of carbon
43. I can leave my child unmedicated when all the “experts” are screaming at me to “get him the help that he needs” to make him pliable
44. If my case is sound, I just might prevail in a court of law — even if I’m a stinker and the other guy is oh so wonderful
45. I can hurt myself
46. I can do stupid things to make it likely that I, and only I, might get hurt
47. I can make foolish purchases and investments; I can buy high and sell low
48. I can buy alcohol on a Sunday, and skip church
49. I can have sex with a willing partner in any position we choose
50. I can be a non-participant; not partake in a prayer, not partake in a fashion trend, not drive a hybrid
51. ……..I can make a complete asshole out of myself in front of a cop?

Cap and Trade Capsizing?

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Ace is cautiously optimistic.

Cap and Trade off the Agenda, Now, Too?

Sounds that way.

Obama wasn’t crazy when he tried to rush socialism on us in one package. Cap and tax was his funding scheme for health care (and expanding the government generally). He was counting on those billions levied on evil energy producer (and then passed on to citizens, but in a hidden, plausible-deniability manner) to fund his spending initiatives.

Without all those sweet, sweet not-well-hidden taxes on the middle class, he is left with the options of either 1) exploding the deficit still further or 2) reneging on that pledge that is oh so important to him, to not tax the middle class further.

Ace points to Hot Air, which in turn points to Politico.

A handful of key senators on climate change are almost guaranteed to be tied up well into the fall on health care. Democrats from the Midwest and the South are resistant to a cap-and-trade proposal. And few if any Republicans are jumping in to help push a global warming and energy initiative.

As a result, many Democrats fear the lack of political will and the congressional calendar will conspire to punt climate change into next year.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, that all their initiatives have to do with making life more expensive and making the people who live that life more dependent. Every little thing they propose has to do with lowering the standard of living — save for the giveaways from the government coffers. That, to the best I can determine, is what makes it all worthwhile. All these hidden costs for being thick and stupid enough to bring things to the marketplace the legal way…the minimum wage, the social security taxes for hiring legal citizens instead of cheap illegal labor, the cap-n-trade scam “contributions”…and the decrease in our standard of living is measurable, for anyone who takes the time to do the math.

Here, let’s try it.

Two generations ago a house cost $8,000 and a skilled machinist got $4.50 an hour. He could buy that house with 1,778 hours. Can you buy a house with 1,778 hours of your time? Milk — three dollars a gallon now. Cap-and-Trade is exactly the kind of nonsense that could push it up to seven. Gasoline — three-fifty. How would you like to pay twelve? And then of course there’s health care…we all *LUV* to bitch and whine and piss and moan about the high cost of health care. That’s why we need ObamaCare! Because then it’ll all be free, right? Hey how about making it cheap instead of free? That’s what I asked at Cassy’s place, citing this article to support the idea that maybe that would be our most meaningful “reform” — tort reform, as opposed to Euroweenie single-payer health care plans. And my opposition tucks his tail under his skirt and cries wee, wee, wee, wee, wee all the way home. Not a single word comes my way in response. I opened up a taboo topic.

How come it’s always like this? Nobody wants to make anything more efficient or economical…at least nobody on the dem side of the house does. It’s always “free.” Way more expensive, and maybe paid-fer by someone else but always way more expensive…

I can’t answer this. But I think, here, we do have an irrefutable argument that liberalism is for people who lack a long-term memory. It is an argument sufficiently durable to be accepted, one piece at a time if not in total, by the most passionate democrat. Step through it with me, one step at a time, and have a liberal-dem you know validate each one —

The plan is, for any given commodity exchanged, that the transactions be conducted more sluggishly and awkwardly and therefore the price will go up, but that’s quite alright because it will be subsidized, offset, or entirely funded by the government…in other words, “free.” (The dem guy agrees.)

This puts the government in charge of things that weren’t under government control before. (The dem guy agrees.)

So benevolent and wise decisions are made, by a government run by decent people we can trust…provided we find them trustworthy… (The dem guy agrees.)

We all tend to trust people more if they share our position on the ideological spectrum. (The dem guy agrees.)

The government has been run by Republicans 28 years out of the last 41. (The dem guy…uh…starts to see where you’re going with this, and probably tries to change the subject.)

There you have it. Liberal-democrat politics are all about placing your most important life decisions in the hands of people you not only mistrust, but loathe down to the very marrow of your bones — 68% of the time. Or else, I was right when I said it’s all about sustaining a stunning ignorance about time, and the passage of it.

Maybe both.

I hope Ace is right, I really do. I hope this is one of those things where the proposed action hits a little bump in the road, and because of that one bump is pushed out of sight for generations and generations and generations. Or, to quote Ace’s commenter #1, lorien1973 — “I’m glad He’s failing.”

“I’d Veto It”

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

Speaking of Blogger Friend Phil — since we’ve said plenty flattering stuff about what the chicks do lately — he’s found something in the blogosphere worthy of attention

If I was President, any time a bill landed on my desk I would randomly pick one Congress member who voted for it, call that member into my office and ask him or her to explain the details of the bill to me. IF the member couldn’t do it, I’d veto it.


Of course, a President Freeberg would make that a secondary test, invoked when the primary test yields an inconclusive verdict. My primary test would be: Does it honor and respect the rights and responsibilities of Americans, and serve their interests as thinking, risk-embracing and life-living citizens of the greatest sovereign nation the world has ever known? If yes, then yes, if no, then no.

In other words, my primary litmus test would be a hundred and eighty degrees turned-around from our current President’s.


Monday, August 3rd, 2009

I got her permission to re-post this from the e-mails. And this doesn’t have anything to do with our previous discussion about how the chicks use parentheses; TAMI is not abusing them nearly as badly as that phony-male Palin-hater guy. She’s got the balls he’s missing. So don’t go there. I asked permission to re-post this because it’s two paragraphs of pure awesome, and she has my full support, girly-parentheses and all.

I am (as my blog plainly states) a mom in support of Sarah Palin. I’m not a columnist, I’m not a professional blogger. I’m a Sarah Palin. I don’t say that to in any way equate myself to the caliber of person that Sarah is, but rather to say that she motivated women like little ole me to throw my two cents into the blogosphere during the election (and beyond) because I desperately wanted to do SOMETHING to make a difference! I am sure there ARE those who support her just because she is charismatic, or because she is beautiful, or whatever the case may be…but anyone I’ve met thus far who supports Sarah supports her because they believe, with all their hearts, in the cause of conservatism. They believe in what is right, and good and true and they want what our founding Fathers wanted for this great nation. They believe that Sarah Palin is an honest woman, who IS who she claims to be. They believe she stands for what is RIGHT, and that is why they support her. I am in a situation here in south Fl where the local paper has covered my blog a few times, and when they have done so, they are boycotted locally because they would report and give credence to such a horrible message as the one put forth on Moms 4 Sarah Palin. They attack me personally. They are unable to attack the message in any way. They cannot.

I am proud that I have the freedom, and have been given the opportunity, to spread the word about Sarah Palin. I may not always be the best writer, I may not always do things as professionally as some others who are backed by some sort of funding, but as long as I have the ability, I will give of my time, between teaching my child here at home and being the best wife and mom I can be, to write and spread the word about not only what is going on with Sarah politically…but to educate others on Conservatism, the real history of this incredible nation, and what she once stood for. On occasion, I might even throw in my two cents on what Obama’s doing, but that became frustrating very quickly as much as he’s overloaded the system!

TAMI is speaking on behalf of me, several others, and dare I say it a slumbering giant that will be slumbering not too much longer. At least, for the good of the nation, I hope that’s true. Check out more of her work here.

Stupidly Drinking Beer

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Pure self-inflicted political damage, from The One who is supposed to be the nation’s premier political genius.

Much discussion about a sit-down taking place. Not a single word about what was supposed to be said, what in fact was said, what came of it, who feels all warm and fuzzy about it who didn’t feel warm & fuzzy before. All symbolism. No substance whatsoever. I’ve kibitzed before about this strange, strange, strange preoccupation our modern liberals have with the act of “sitting down to discuss our differences.” I’ve listened to decades of this bullshit, and I’ve yet to hear a syllable about what this — let us call it what it really is — ceremony is actually supposed to do.

Yet another “teachable moment” with no actual learning taking place.

The one person who did everything right from beginning to end was not invited, apparently because she’s just a chick. This is a day for healing racial division, not gender division.

Biden, who has nothing to do with anything, got a seat at the table…he’s got such a steady track record of saying the right thing, dontcha know.

Sgt. Crowley deserved exoneration, and through this event, he lost every shred of dignity he had.

Prof. Gates needed people to take him more seriously, and ended up looking sillier than before.

President Obama desperately needed to save face from this public relations setback He suffered — probably for the very first time in His life! — and made an ass out of Himself.

The one single word that was used so unwisely, to blow this thing way out of proportion? It’s an adverb. “Stupidly.”

And what an able word for this attempted closure. Stupidly. Four men stupidly partaking in a photo op, which is failed even before it begins.

FacepalmIf you were to have jotted these events down in manuscript form before they actually occurred, no publisher of fiction would accept it. It’s all too surreal, too absurd, too astonishing, too preposterous. It would never happen in real life. This is a new low nadir. This takes the cake. It descends beneath “[illegal aliens] are doing the work Americans won’t do.” It descends beneath Howard Dean yelling “YEEEEAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!” It descends beneath John McCain suspending his campaign to fix the mortgage crisis. It descends beneath John Edwards screwing around on his cancer-stricken wife, and Gov. Sanford hiking in the Appalachians.

Our national Absurdity Engine has burst a gasket and thrown a rod. Too much gas, too many revs, and that premium grade of bullshit fuel burned way too fast.

If this is a typical “teaching” moment, kindly leave me un-taught thankyewverymuch. Just lend me a Sharpy so I can make a new hash mark on the door jamb, and hopefully we have to wait awhile before this newest record of extraordinary depth is broken yet again.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

“It’s Insane There’s an Argument”

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Ted Nugent speaks on the Second Amendment.

He should just stop beating around the bush and tell us how he really feels about these things.

You Don’t Talk About Healthcare

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Ignorance is Strength.

Thanks to blogger friend Phil.

Young is Hip, Old is Lame, Rude is Cool

Monday, July 27th, 2009

Garry Hamilton sends some e-mail to our blogger friend, who in turn reveals its wisdom to the blogosphere:

Many years ago, I began to notice a pattern in TV programming. I noticed that in popular “comedy” there was a mantra of “women are smart, men are dumb; kids are smart, parents are dumb.”

In kids’ programming (Nickelodeon and the like), there was a series of cartoons emerging that not only pushed this “kids are smart, grown-ups are stupid” theme, but added a layer of “rude is cool.” South Park, Ren & Stimpy, Invader Zim, and others. And it wasn’t subtle.
Now, during this same period (and earlier, actually) the concept of “children’s rights” became a prominent issue in schools. That would be public schools (as opposed to entertainment). I heard that kids were being taught that, if they thought their parents were being “mean,” they could turn them in for “child abuse.” Ground your kid? Child abuse. Impose at-home sanctions for misbehavior? Child abuse. Now, I took that with a grain of salt because, hey, you know how people exaggerate. Until one of my own kids brought that crap home from school. “You can’t yell at me or ground me, because that’s child abuse.”
This has been going on to a greater or lesser degree for decades now. Young is cool. Old is lame.

Hat tip: Rick.

The Macho Response

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

UglySo Gerard sent us a link in an offline, to a politically-incorrect blog out in the Bay Area…and we hadn’t checked it out too long before it became an imperative to slam it into the sidebar.

There is an occasional picture that is not quite appropriate to an office environment, although I’m not sure this by itself justifies a “NSFW” warning…language isn’t fit for family viewing. The ideas are definitely dangerous. Unsuitable opinions. Terrible taste. Pictures of strange ugly creatures. Yup, we’re cousins, alright.

And this link, which we got here, is definitely not to be missed. It’s one of my favorite subjects: Our continuing efforts to somehow motivate the limousine liberals to live up to the same standards they slap down on the rest of us…and our ongoing failure in this effort, as they continue to impose their aristocratic, stratified, two-yardstick solution on society…

You know all those fevered editorials they churn out over there at the New York Times editorial board? Like, for instance, the hot fury published on June 30 wonderfully titled “Firefighters and Race.”

In this jewel the Times editorial board makes its displeasure plain in the very first sentence, huffing that the Supreme Court decision in favor of the New Haven firemen has “dealt a blow to diversity in the American workplace.” This was followed by a July 14th column by Times columnist Dowd titled “White Man’s Last Stand,” to which we will return shortly.

But first, let’s get the meat into the stew. You can just smell that sizzling hypocrisy, can’t you?

It seems the “American workplace” (to use the Times description) that is the New Haven fire department has a higher percentage of minorities than the American workplace that is…yes indeed… the New York Times editorial board its very self. To be quite specific:

• The New Haven fire department, according to press accounts, is 43% black and Latino. Or, if you prefer the term of art, 43% of the fire department is “minority.”

• The New York Times editorial board, according to the information provided by The New York Times, is — wait for it — 12% black and Latino. Or, again, 12 % “minority” if you prefer the term.

• The New York Times Op-Ed page team of columnists, an elite group of which Ms. Dowd is a star, is 19% black and, again according to the Times listing of its Op-Ed page columnists, 0% Latino.

That’s right. At the core of the beating intellectual heart of the left-wing establishment where such things are studied with the detail of Talmudic scholars, the New Haven fire department is doing more than three times better on race than the very liberal elites who have set themselves up as its sniffy critics. Perhaps instead of seething about “Firefighters and Race” the Times would have been better served by pondering “Editorial Writers and Race.” Or perhaps: “Too Black to Write; New York Times Column Writing and Race.”

One set of rules for Manhattan, and a different set of rules for everybody else.

Our society-at-large hasn’t been getting serious about tackling that particular problem because we’re too worked up about the planet on which we live getting too hot to sustain life, due to our not being taxed enough. The responsible thinker cannot help but wonder if the two problems are not somehow related. Anybody know off the top of their head what the annual net carbon footprint is of the New York Times? Just throw me a hint. For all I know they could be printing it on every damn page; I seldom-to-never read the thing.

But I’m certainly gonna read this “Macho Response” guy.

Braveheart Wept II

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Blogsister Daphne has had all she can stands and she can’t stands no more —

Prometheus’ Rock

The fight was lost before most of us were even born, now we howl at the wind to retain the last straggling vestiges of our cultural heritage, thinking we’ll be reassured by these spectral semblances of freedom if we can only keep our guns, teach our children as we please, express our views and get a slippery grip on changing social constructs…Brave men died to give Americans the power to control government, craven bastards freely gave it away for soft pats and false promises.

I can already hear the choir winding up for a stream of stuttering buts. But we’re so much freer than so and so, our standard of living is comfy fine, we have rights, a free press, a system of law, religious freedom, we can abort, buy organic and vote! Yes, we’re freer and better off than most of the world. No doubt about it, we’re still blessed to be Americans compared with numerous harsh places populating the marginalized corners of our globe.

But these blessings are a pale shade of our founding father’s true vision…We’ve created an insatiable, fanged beast that’s forgotten [its] original role of servitude and stewardship.
We can’t cross the goddamned street in the middle without facing a ticket or argue with the implacable ignorance of IRS auditors without incurring steep bills. The constitution lists only three federal crimes — treason, piracy and counterfeiting, but we’ve somehow managed to rack up around 4,450 offenses for the books, with fifty new ones added every year. The states have grown into monster fiefdoms, regulating every last move we make from our food consumption to yard art.
The victories we win feel hollow because they are; the barbarians we’re fighting aren’t at the gate, they already hold the keys…

We’ve become a nation of stunted pygmies ruled by rapacious moles. The founders would weep witnessing our self imposed chains to a rock of implacable misery known as the United States government.

By the way, I gutted that thing like a fish and I probably made a real hack job out of it. Do yourself a favor and go read the whole thing, with the comments underneath too. What’re you waiting for, permission from someone? Is the point achieving that much clearance as it goes flying over your pointy little head?

“It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.” — William Wallace, Braveheart (1995)

Two Governments, Two Directions

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

Michael Barone writing in RealClearPolitics with some edifying thoughts on the international scene…specifically, contrasting Great Britain with the United States. We, here, are rushing headlong into a direction from which we see our birth mother running away back the other direction, arms flailing over her head, screaming. Perhaps this should be telling us something.

Barack Obama is trying to move America considerably to the left, while David Cameron, whose Conservative Party is leading Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s Labor Party by wide margins in the polls, may be aiming to move Britain some distance to the right.

It’s not clear now whether Obama will succeed or what precisely a Prime Minister Cameron would do. On Capitol Hill, the labor unions’ card check bill looks to be dead, the House cap-and-trade bill seems to be foundering in the Senate, and the Democrats’ health-care bills are in some trouble.

One reason is that American voters are wary of the prospects of vast deficit spending. Britain faces an even bigger budget deficit, about 14 percent of gross domestic product. The Blair and Brown governments in good macroeconomic times slowly raised government’s share of gross domestic product from 37 percent to 47 percent by enlarging the public payroll with teachers, nurses, diversity counselors and the like. Yet Britain’s financial sector suffered a collapse worse than ours, and in a country where it is a significantly larger part of the total economy.

Up to this year, Cameron and his team have pledged not to cut public spending significantly, while opposing tax increases. The current fiscal situation makes those pledges inoperative — Cameron has even accepted Labor’s 50 percent tax on the rich. So while Democrats struggle to make American government larger, Conservatives are pondering whether they can make British government smaller.

The lesson that seems to emerge consistently, is that socialism is strongly appealing to those who haven’t tried it yet, or haven’t tried it in awhile. It’s a little like that freaky girlfriend with the incredible long legs who just rocks your world under the sheets — but keeps losing her cool, yelling at you in the middle of the night, calling you at work to yell at you some more, throwing your clothes on the lawn, setting them on fire, running up your credit cards, shaving your dog’s ass and keying your car.

It just has a way of wearing out its welcome, but by then it’s too late.

What Problem Are We Solving?

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

NY Daily News dissembles this number of which we’ve heard so, so much…47 million. As in, uninsured. What’s in that number? The answer may surprise you.

Maggie’s Farm, linking to the above, ponders that which tends to go unpondered as these hardcore lefty proposals are debated: Exactly what problem is this bill supposed to be solving?

What a silly question to be asking right now, Maggie’s Farm. You’re supposed to actually pass the bill…watch everything go sour for a decade, maybe a whole generation…and then ask that when it’s far too late. You’re breaking form.

Nevertheless, Boortz has an answer in his latest newsletter, but don’t read it. Not unless you think you can handle it. Remember what Jack Nicholson said about the truth…

The Democrats want to make people more dependent on government. They are going to do this by offering something that more Americans now value above all: stability. Americans think they want freedom. What a crock. Americans will whine about their freedom to choose which sports team to root for or which Hollywood gossip magazine to buy. But when freedom requires any ounce of personal responsibility, people immediately wipe their hands clean and want someone else to do it for them. This is where the Democrats come in .. the Democrats will make sure that the government is there to do the things the people of this country no longer feel is their personal responsibility. The reason why the Democrats are willing to do this is also simple: power. Ensuring votes. Not hard to figure out, is it?

The New York Times has a thought-provoking entry (hat tip again to Maggie’s) about why health care m-u-s-t be rationed:

You have advanced kidney cancer. It will kill you, probably in the next year or two. A drug called Sutent slows the spread of the cancer and may give you an extra six months, but at a cost of $54,000. Is a few more months worth that much?

If you can afford it, you probably would pay that much, or more, to live longer, even if your quality of life wasn’t going to be good. But suppose it’s not you with the cancer but a stranger covered by your health-insurance fund. If the insurer provides this man — and everyone else like him — with Sutent, your premiums will increase. Do you still think the drug is a good value? Suppose the treatment cost a million dollars. Would it be worth it then? Ten million? Is there any limit to how much you would want your insurer to pay for a drug that adds six months to someone’s life? If there is any point at which you say, “No, an extra six months isn’t worth that much,” then you think that health care should be rationed.

Somewhere in the basement of some liberal headquarters, perhaps the DNC, perhaps the Speaker’s Office in the House of Representatives, perhaps the White House, where all the old stuff is stored, someplace between a giant portrait of Sam Rayburn and a stack of unpaid bills…I’m convinced there is a chart, and there may not even be any dust on the chart. I’m thinking across the bottom of the chart, there are days, maybe weeks, marking off the time some bold new initiative like health care has been in the public eye…one…two…three…four…etc. And then on the left side, counting up, there’s a percentage of interested voters who have figured out The Truth. The curve is something that starts out on the left side, a third of the way up that Y-axis, and then snakes up farther north, toward 100%, as you go out to the right. That curve is of pressing interest to your typical democrat politician. I envision a chart that has gobbled up reams of data to verify the accuracy of this curve, one that is revised constantly. So maybe it’s not in the basement after all. Just well hidden, very well hidden.

What is The Truth that people figure out? That some 30 percent of us already know, and that more and more of us learn as we debate back and forth on the latest “gimme”? Simply this: That the government doesn’t really have money; it spends only what it has taken from others, plus what it borrows on the credit of others. Which naturally means that one man’s “right” is another man’s burden. That when we debate these proposals, we aren’t debating how to make life more secure, we are in fact debating how to make our country less free.

Hillary-care was debated for an extended period of time, IIRC. Someone was saying quite a lot about it in ’93, and they didn’t nail the lid on that boondoggle until ’94. That really is what killed it. People talked for awhile about how wonderful it would be when no one “would have to worry about health care.” And then someone mentioned a rule…someone mentioned another rule…before you knew it, there were all these pages and pages of rules, naturally some noise was made about them, and people got concerned. It started to look like what it was: Just another hardcore liberal democrat way of making people dependent on government for their daily needs.

This time, they’re going to do it the right way by golly. Get that reeking shit sandwich sold and shoved down our throats before we even know what we’ve swallowed.

And then hussle down to the basement, and get that chart updated.

“‘Cap And Tax’ Dead End”

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Sarah Palin, writing in the Washington Post today…

There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won’t bring jobs. Our nation’s debt is unsustainable, and the federal government’s reach into the private sector is unprecedented.

Unfortunately, many in the national media would rather focus on the personality-driven political gossip of the day than on the gravity of these challenges. So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be:

I am deeply concerned about President Obama’s cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. It would undermine our recovery over the short term and would inflict permanent damage.

American prosperity has always been driven by the steady supply of abundant, affordable energy. Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. Consequently, many of us in this huge, energy-rich state recognize that the president’s cap-and-trade energy tax would adversely affect every aspect of the U.S. economy.

There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn’t lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America’s economy.

I’m giving it two-to-one odds that this gets bottled up in the Senate. There is even a possibility, albeit a statistically negligible one, that the Senate passes it but President Obama decides He doesn’t have the stomach to sign off on it given what’s going on, and the political repercussions over the long term.

See, this notion that the hardcore environmentalist measures might do harm to the economy…it is no longer an extremist right-wing nutjob talking point. A year ago, maybe it was. Now, it’s middle-of-the-road stuff. Pain will do that. Pain makes people aware of things. People don’t want to ignore things when pain is involved.

That means there’s a one outta three shot this will become law, though. That’s way too high for my sense of comfort.

I’m from California, so if it’s worth my time to write to my senators, it’s worth everybody else’s time to do the same…and it might help to get the word out to those “moderate” friends of yours. People are in the mood for spooky tales of crumbling ice floes, drowning polar bears, and other signs of Armageddon? Try this: Thirteen dollar gallons of milk, nine dollar gallons of gas, ten dollars for a box of cereal, three to six hundred dollars for your kid’s next pair of shoes.

You need energy to create, package, transport and market all that stuff. You have to emit carbon to buy and sell them. And apologizing for your very existence is an expensive proposition.

Don’t worry, it won’t affect everything you do. Just the things that require energy.

These Pussy Betas Are Killing the Country

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Ding ding ding! Blogsister Daphne takes the prize among all the blogger friends, for updating her sidebar link to our new location first…assuming there’s nobody out there who made the change even quicker, someone I haven’t found quite yet. Thanks Daph! You get a double-dose of linky love, and tonight you’re well worth it.

She’s thinking about eugenics, not from out of your history books, but in the very near future:

It’s too hot do anything more demanding than drink ice cold beer and wonder at the mind bending folly of liberals. I’ve attempted to understand their worldview, mark some sane tatter of rationale for the thought processes that would endorse one John Holdren as our president’s Science Czar. This man has some seriously disturbing views on population control. The whole czar thing is creepy to begin with, populating these pet posts with people of this weird caliber is more than a little troubling.

“If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility—just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns—providing they are not denied equal protection.”

Obama’s okay with this viewpoint? How about this ripe nugget;

“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”

I’m assuming liberals are fine with this scunty prick’s historical opinion, which just so happens to stomp all over the inviolate rights of women’s bodies and reproductive choices…I will never comprehend an individual’s willing subservience to the state. Never. We have too many grown men pining for the safety of momma’s tit and a handful who’d love to control the milk.

I believe women need to start raising more alpha males, these pussy betas are going kill the country.

Time to bring out our favorite Robert A. Heinlein quote. With my custom dessert topping to go with it:

Heinlein’s Observation: The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

Freeberg’s Corollary: Those who want to control tend to want, on some subconscious level, to be controlled; those who lack the desire to be controlled, are similarly disinterested in any opportunity to control others.

What can be more controlling than forcing people to languish away into obscurity and the grave, without benefit of reproduction, because you think there are too many of them?

Daphne continues with this theme

Do you read Roissy? I do. He’s a scandalous piece of work, spilling unwelcome truths about men, women and sex. He’s got a raw style of dealing with a topic that most handle with kid gloves. He calls it as he sees it and, from my jaded viewpoint, he’s usually right. He weighs on politics with this post;

In short, women are voting more Democrat because the Democrat Party is the prime force for turning the government into the world’s biggest provider beta. From the time of the “sexual revolution” (which was really a “sexual devolution” back towards pre-agricultural mating norms when 80% of the women and 40% of the highest testosterone men reproduced) women have been more free to choose mating opportunities based on their gina tingles and the economic and social empowerment granted, respectively, by their pointless humanities degrees and the disintegration of traditional slut shaming mechanisms. The life of serial monogamy and alpha cock hopping has never been more attainable for the average American woman, and the result has been predictable: Women are substituting the beta males they no longer want or need for marriage with a Big Brother Daddy government to help them foot the child-raising bills that their PUA, drug running and serial killer lovers won’t.

Ring any bells?

Yer goddamn right it does. It’s the Morgan Freeberg Theory of the Charismatic Wrecking Ball.

See, here’s what’s going on with these airhead women. They aren’t looking for men who will inject a stronger base of genetic material into their bloodline. Perhaps if they were exposed to danger as frequently as their ancestors from thousands of years ago, they would. But hey. It’s 2009, they’re one debit card swipe away from their next tank of gas, their next pint of Haagen Dazs, their next iced-mocha coffee drink that takes ten minutes just to order, their next feminine hygiene product…there are no snakes underfoot, they were all killed before the swamps were drained before the landscape was prepped before the foundation was laid before the building was built. No saber-tooth tigers. They, like the rest of us, are safe. Not perfectly so, but relatively so. Humankind suffers from a paucity of natural predators.

Boyfriend ShirtHow far into the depths of dumbth can our young Clinton/Obama Sex-in-the-City girl-women descend? Blogger friend Gerard brings us tales, tall tales but verifiable tales, of bored young strumpets forking out North of $200 for a “boyfriend shirt.” Gerard points out the obvious: “Or you can just get a boyfriend and steal it like women with standards since time out of mind. If you take it the morning after, he won’t mind at all.” Stellar advice, but only in an Idiocracy age devoid of natural threats or predators and liberated from Darwin’s purifying spirit, could any humans be in need of it.

And so their priorities change. They need that Bill Clinton charisma…in the next President, in the guy that repairs the copier machine after they sat on it, in the UPS guy. They select the guy who’s going to fix their car based on his charisma. And then bitch about having to pay five times as much as they think they should have.

Charisma, charisma, charisma. Don’t you blame the idiot-girls in my presence; our idiot-boys are just as susceptible, every bit as intoxicated on the elixir, every bit as disoriented and senseless. The charisma that was of such inconsequential value back when someone had to pump the water and churn the butter, and is such a central agent of “survival” now. The nectar of all people who’ve gone too long without really worrying about anything — and because they aren’t truly sane, their thirst for it is never quenched. They don’t really know how much they need or want of anything, for they have never been left for want of anything.

But let’s return to the central theme — now that I’ve qualified exactly how much we’ve robbed ourselves of our own common sense, in this world run by assholes whose hands have never known callouses, and women who’ve adored nobody save for the soft-handed assholes. Let’s inspect this Wrecking Ball theory. Just who, in this atrophied, stultified age, has this charisma? We are divided, fundamentally, into those who want to build things and those who want to destroy things. These two factions of person, do not think of things the same way. They do not live life the same way, so they don’t look at life the same way. Building things is infinitely tougher than destroying things, because things have to fit together with other things — you have to build them just right and line them up just right. You have to measure every step, and you have to adhere to a design. The design has to have taken everything into account that might become a factor during the building process, and this does mean everything. Temperature. Humidity. Slope. PH level. Altitude. Wind speed. Drag coefficient. If it matters, then the design must have taken it into account, and if anything is missing then this is all just a big waste of time.

Builders just aren’t very much fun to watch. They don’t build until they have a line inked in; they don’t ink the line in until they’ve penciled it; they don’t pencil it until they measure it, and measure it again, and again, and pencil it in ever-so-lightly, measure yet one more time, curse heavily, erase…I tell you, watching these people is like water torture.

Wrecking Ball of ChangeWrecking balls are fun to watch. Their mission is far, far simpler, and so they enjoy the benefit of moving in a straight line…to such an extent as they don’t want to move that direction anymore, then they swing back again. With sufficient inertia as to overpower everything else. A wrecking ball can afford to move that way — because it is concerned only with destruction, not with creation.

That’s how people are. If you’re out to destroy things and not build things, you get to move in a straight line just as long as you want. Your actions are utterly predictable, since it’s a physical impossibility for you to abruptly change course or speed. And yet you’re so much fun to watch.

And so our destroyers…our hardcore liberals, our eugenicists, our shrinks, our lawyers, our politicians, our hopey changey “There’s Just Something About Him!!” Christ-replacement iPresidents, they’re just so much fun to watch. Because they’re charismatic. Their movements are unalterable. Their mission is one of destruction.

They come off looking like alpha males, but that’s only because they enjoy the luxury of moving like a wrecking ball. Being fun to watch. They aren’t really alpha males though; alpha males are nerds. Alpha males build things.

These are destroyers. They are pussy betas, and Daphne’s right, they’ll kill the whole damn country if we let them. They don’t know how to do anything else. They cannot design, they cannot build, they cannot preserve…all they know how to do is go through the motions of doing those things, for campaigning purposes.

Their real passions always have to do with destroying things. That’s all they know how to do.

Update 7/14/09: Ah, I was afraid this would happen. Blogger friend Phil got his link updated at about the same time and probably deserves to split the first-place spot, but I shorted the poor guy. Ah well. We’ll wait to see who else climbs aboard and then figure out what to do.

Going After Jenny Sanford

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

When I say the GOP doesn’t need to change a single thing in order to turn things around in ’10 and ’12, this is exactly what I’m talking about. The terrible, terrible anger the Democratic Underground posters have for…Jenny Sanford, the betrayed Governor’s-wife?? Liberals, you see, have just as much anger as conservatives, plus a whole lot more — and the anger they have makes very little sense.

Now, it is my opinion, and that of many others as well, that Jenny Sanford has handled herself remarkably well. Unlike most political wives, she has not stood by her man in public as a show of support and solidarity. Most political wives mindlessly stand by in press conferences as their husbands blabber on about how sorry they are. Jenny Sanford did not. Kudos to her. She’s managed to retain some dignity and self-respect in this humiliating affair.

Of course, that means nothing to the DUmmies. Across multiple posts, she is being smeared and insulted.

The democrat party had this huge rout last year because they were able to convince the typical voter to stop caring about policy, and start caring about personalities. Promote not just the idea that There’s Something About Barry, and that our new iPresident is a godlike being, and “Nobody messes with Joe” and that the Delaware Dimbulb is some wonderful wise Supreme Elder Statesman…but that the lowliest democrat is a better person than the most esteemed Republican. They promoted their party as a sure cure for Goodperson Fever.

We must have some folks in the electorate who don’t feel terribly good about themselves. Because they fell for this in November, and it should be clear now that not a single thirst has been quenched.

Angry LiberalHow could it be? It should be obvious to anyone who uses his head as something besides a hat-hanger. There’s nothing about being a left-winger that can make anybody a better person. The quotes that Blogsister Cassy has rounded up here, are from hardcore types that are not only unfulfilled and unhappy — but angry, pissy, petulant, acrid, shrill, nasty and, worst of all, frenzied. Just like sharks at a feeding frenzy. The more blood they get the more they want. And if Cas wanted to make her list twice, three times, ten times as long, you know she’d be able to do it. She’d find the quotes. They’d be there. These people have the venom, and the need to spew it.

Republican campaign strategy: Just stop helping the enemy to keep all this bile a secret. People don’t want to talk about policy? People don’t want to talk about issues? People don’t want to talk about cause-and-effect? They’d rather be thinking about which political party makes you a Good PersonTM? Hey…don’t lick ’em, join ’em. Let’s have a nationwide debate about which ideology makes you a better person. Just stop cherry-picking the evidence.

I really wondered as I read these posts… how did these people get this way? I’m serious. How do you get so angry, deranged, and hate-filled? What happened to them? There must have been something.

I’ve got a few years on Cas and I have no curiosity about this whatsoever. But if you’ve been reading her pages for awhile you’ll understand my reluctance to conclude I’ve figured out something she hasn’t; this is a wise young lady with a wonderful head on her shoulders who has a lot going on upstairs. If she’s still asking questions and I’m not, it’s probably because she’s trying to figure out something I’m not.

But I know the answer to her question. It isn’t pretty.

In life, we have a lot of Proper Things To Do that offer us a only a delayed reward, or no reward whatsoever. Push the grocery cart someone left in the parking lot back to where it belongs; offer your seat on the bus to the pregnant woman; ask your stuffy old great-granduncle about the good-old-days, even though you don’t really want to know (yet) about them; help the lost child find her Mommy; open the door for the lady; donate your money to help soldiers who are coming back from Iraq or Afghanistan with some limbs missing; show your support for invading Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place; go to church; do your homework; say “excuse me”…the list goes on and on.

It’s not easy to teach a child to do these things, and so parents have picked up a lot of ways to get it done. The easiest way is to teach them this stuff while they’re still in toddlerhood, while the personality is still forming, at an age when they’re most accepting of the taboo. Obviously that doesn’t work for everything. Unfortunately, as kids get older, they become fascinated in their own growing understanding of cause-and-effect, and start to want to figure things out that way…the unreasonable little bastards. So some parents wait until the pre-teen years and have conversations with their children about cause-and-effect. But cause-and-effect is an advanced topic. As I said, above, many among us opted not to think about it at all in the last election. Many among them opted out simply because they don’t know how to think about it, and many among them, unfortunately, are parents. And so a lot of them skip this stuff altogether. Their unfortunate children grow up to be hardcore left-wing secularist liberals.

Real ManNow here’s the ugly part that smears all of us whether we’re liberals or not. When you know deep down inside that you really ought to be doing something, and you decide, for whatever reason, not to do it — deep down inside, what’s going to happen to you is you conceive the rage that has no home. You become bitterly angry, already, in that moment, but you don’t know it yet because your anger hasn’t yet found a target. When someone else comes along and does the thing you know darn well you should have done, just like an electrical storm finding a lightning rod, your anger finds the target. Think about the guy in Irreversible watching the woman being assaulted. Imagine the feelings he’s feeling, the thoughts going through his head. Now imagine some Dudley Doright jumping in and, well, doing right. Imagine how this would change the social-acceptance issues involved in ducking-and-covering. Imagine how angry that cowardly fellow would become, being shown-up like that.

That is exactly what we saw on the left wing just before we invaded Iraq, lasting all the way up to the 2004 elections and beyond. Anchorless rage finally finding an anchor. The craven isolationist looking upon, not quite so much an Adonis of perfection, or a Perseus, or a Hercules, or a Superman, or even any kind of hero — just someone else who made a better decision, and did what everyone else knows damn well needed to be done.

Call it what you will. Call it the product of lazy parenting. Call it a “If I Don’t Help Put Out The Fire, You Can’t Either” instinct. Once aroused, it arrives with a white-hot rage that knows no equal. And we all have it, or at least, the ingredients of it…

It is extraordinarily damaging to our implied social compact. Left unchecked, it turns otherwise decent people in to extremist liberals. It also is caused by being an extremist liberal. It feeds itself, feeding on itself, and makes itself bigger and hungrier.

Go on, read some of the comments Cassy found and tell me I’m wrong.

Republicans have the next election sown up. Really, they had the last one sown up, they just chose not to go for the kill. Just stop keeping secrets for the benefit of the enemy. Stop keeping secrets about the tremendous harm liberalism does to people’s souls.

Best Sentence LXVIII

Monday, July 6th, 2009

It’s about time Neal Boortz snagged a Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award. And today he picks up the sixty-eighth one. Well done, Neal.

The best sentence:

Does it seem just a bit absurd to you to be celebrating freedom while the government tells you that you aren’t allowed to have fireworks?

So Did Janeane Make It to Dallas?

Monday, July 6th, 2009

I hope she did. This looks to me like an education she could use.

Hat tip: My Pet Jawa.

“Palin/King 2012” Has a Nice Sound To It

Monday, July 6th, 2009

As in, Congressman Peter King. I know a lot of misguided souls are out there saying Republicans need to embiggen the tent, but it seems to me the tent can remain tiny enough to exclude…y’know…moonwalking child molesters who aren’t even capable of looking at their own hideously mutated mugs in the mirror.

Rep. Peter King Unloads on Michael Jackson and the Media Circus Covering his Death

TMZ has the video. A soon to be classic where Rep. King asks why the media isn’t covering the dead in Iraq and Afghanistan with the same enthusiasm as the one-gloved-one. Some excerpts:

“He was pervert. He was a child molester. He was a pedophile.”

“The media has disgraced itself.”

“Would you let your child or grandchild be in the same room as Michael Jackson?”

One thing from Yours Truly regarding this tent-embiggening. The jibber jabber around it has lately crescendo’ed into a thunderous din, with the speculation about whether or not Palin’s career is over. You’ll notice nobody’s wondering about the democrat party embiggening their tent, and if you live on a sane planet or sub-planet as I do, you may have been wondering how-come-that-iz?

Because, of course, the democrat party isn’t under this magnifying glass. Nobody’s wondering about whether their tent is big enough for this-or-that. Is that because they have a universal tent? No. They exclude all kinds of people. They exclude more classes, and noses within the classes, than conservatives have ever thought about excluding. Housewives. Homeschoolers. Boy Scouts. Gun owners. Frank Ricci and people just like him. Meat lovers. People who want to pay extra money for a private health plan. Small business owners. People who don’t want to join a union. Catholics. Protestants. Parents who favor abstinence-education. Real men who want to raise their sons into even better real men. I can add to this list all day and night if I wanna.

It’s the irony. There’s some genetic weakness we all have — you see some leftist weirdo welcoming a pervert like Michael Jackson with open arms. Or some scumbag who’s on death row because he butchered a little girl and left the bloody pieces out in a field somewhere. We have this tendency…to which the weakest minds among us rapidly succumb…to think that leftist weirdo dude is equally accepting of all other bits of humanity. Why are we tempted to think such a thing?

Love your wife and kids, let ’em know it, take them to church, work hard and buy an insurance policy to cover them just in case — and these same leftist kooks won’t give you the time of day. They like perverts, degenerates, and terrorists who’d kill themselves to take a few innocent office workers with ’em. But the leftists aren’t called-upon to make their tent any bigger. Nope. Just the other guys, who are ready to stand up for law and order. They need to learn to flex.

Just freakin’ insane. It reflects poorly on any among us who choose to accept it.

Update: Here’s a link for any of the child-molester-defending, liberal, pro-kiddy-diddlin’, democrat, pro-degenerate, anti-decency, blue-state, liberal, democrat, pro-weirdo, anti-sensible-person, left-wing, liberal, democrat, anti-child, pro-child-exploiter, pro-pervert…did I remember to say liberal democrat? …concerned twisted strange activist/citizen types can donate their loot to punish Congressman King for his comments against a wonderful pop sensation. Who happened to molest little kids.

I stand by my comments. Up-with-decent-people, down-with-perverts — versus — up-with-perverts-down-with-decent-people, really is a left-wing right-wing issue. Even if there are some left-wingers who don’t quite get that.

Keynesian Bumper Sticker

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Bumper sticker slogans are really tough, especially for a windbag like me.

But Paul Krugman’s educated-man-delusions of grandeur put the big reveal on the situation: It’s dire. It is heart-attack serious. We truly are witnessing the greatest country the world has ever beheld, thrashing around in agony, suffering a disease that is about to turn terminal. And the docs around the deathbed are quacks. We’re talking leeches, bloodletting, pigeons pecking at the feet stuff.

Time for a bumper sticker slogan. I make no claim to authoring the best one possible, or possessing the talents necessary for such a thing. I’m just offering something to the public domain. Something must be done. The public must be exposed to what is truly going on, and it has to be done in a language the public can understand. And the word that applies, that has seldom found the benefit of ink or voice, must be put in the slogan. It must, like all effective bumper sticker slogans, mix what is familiar with what is not yet familiar, and must be researched, with gusto, diligently, and in a great big hurry.

So here’s my humble offering:

You Keynesians are all the same, with your beady little eyes and flapping heads!

With heartfelt and profound apologies to Trey and Matt. Had to do it, guys. Word needs to get out, and we can’t depend on bad results to teach the lesson. The student has to have some humility in order for that to work, and it obviously isn’t there. The time has come to borrow some points from the Alinsky playbook (this one would be making use of Rule Twelve). We have to use what works.

The stakes are far too high to dick around with anything else, and too much damage has already been done.

Update: And here we go.

These people need to be ridiculed, to be lampooned. Their position is today — and it was exactly this position in the thirties! — “the reason our plan didn’t work is because you didn’t do it big enough.” The bucket of gasoline didn’t put the fire out, so go get a bigger bucket.

The concept of “Out of Control” has no more vivid an incarnation on this plane of reality; nor can it. Seriously.

Make fun of the Keynesians. Make fun of them as hard as you can. We know in that direction lies victory, for they themselves know they cannot afford to call themselves what they are. They cannot articulate their argument for what it is, and they cannot mention the name of their founder; either one would enable the common man of average intelligence to see through the smokescreen and the lies.

That Canadian-Ambassador dude looks kind of like Mr. Krugman, viewed in the right light, doesn’t he?

Update: For those who have greater belief in How the World Works than in me, you should be aware he’s on my side on this thing. In fact, he states the case much stronger than I ever did.

He’s right. Krugman’s record of being on the wrong side of things, is about as impressive as it can possibly be. Him and his Keynesian flying monkeys too.

A Nothing Masquerading as a Something

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Blog sister Daphne would like someone — anyone — to explain eco-feminism to her.

EcofeminismIt’s a pretty tall order. Eco-feminism is inherently incoherent because as a collection of alternative values and scruples, it is designed to oppose something else. And it isn’t willing to admit this. This is why it consists of so many things that are bound together even though they are unrelated. Rather like a homemade kitchen gadget built from oil filters, band-aids, coathangers, silver dollars and cotton swabs. The parts don’t fit together; ecology has very little to do with upholding equal rights and privileges for women.

To think on what brings these unrelated elements to a common juncture, you have to first acknowledge that someone values them for their oppositional power to something else. Which in turn means you have to acknowledge that it is an assault on something.

As I said,

Sometime soon after JFK’s assassination, it became very fashionable within the hard left to deploy a strategy of pretending to build things while laboring in actuality to destroy things…Turns out it feels real good to destroy things while pretending to build things, when there are a lot of people of like mind participating in the same effort with you.

Ecofeminism, therefore, is simply the latest chapter of this, a nonsensical and sloppy modern hodge-podge of values antithetical to something else, disliked, that existed before. It is a nothing masquerading as a something. It is defined, not through what it is, but what it seeks to eradicate — cultural items, spiritual items, work and play items. Specifically: Private industry, strong gender definitions & relationships, private enterprise & industry, whiskey, beer, meat, guns, Christianity, clinical medicine, the list goes on and on. If it was invented by someone masculine, and it helps people, eco-feminists don’t like it. They prefer the nothings pretending to be somethings that stand in opposition: The occult, holistic therapy, aromatherapy, smoking grass, men dressing and acting like women, women dressing and acting like men, socialism, veganism, tofu and henna.

That’s my explanation for how all these unrelated parts end up scooped into the same “lint trap” of sorts. Those hated men eat their meat and then invent disposable diapers and baby formula; the awful truth that must not be realized, is that the men who can’t get pregnant, nevertheless have a lot to do with building and sustaining life. And so the eco-feminists who feel they aren’t worth anything unless they can nullify the existence of any & all men, must champion veganism…cloth diapers…and breastfeeding. As they engage in that slick fantasy of pretending to build something when they’re really destroying something, they erase the common bond. People like Daphne are forced to stand around going “WTF?” because browbeating your relatives on Thanksgiving that they should buy a “Tofurkey” has very little, and arguably nothing, to do with whipping out a tit in the middle of a crowded restaurant for your brat’s feeding-time, and taking the restaurant manager to court when he asks you to stop.

To understand what ties it all together, you have to understand that the effort engaged here is to bring an assault down on something else. That’s the only way it makes sense. Yogurt and astrology don’t have a lot to do with each other.

I should add that earlier this week, as I presume she was struggling to figure this out, Daphne e-mailed me a link to the home page of the always-delightful Dennis the Peasant; and he, in turn, had a fisking up that was pure blogger comedy gold. It’s still there, but we opted not to link it right away because Dennis didn’t provide a link (that we could find) to the original work…and the Google Godz did not answer our prayers for it. Not that we doubt Dennis’ word. But when you examine the material he’s slicing apart so mercilessly, you’ll understand. Priceless stuff like this has to be viewed first-hand — where it can be. Having failed in that mission, we’ll have to bring it to you in whatever form we can…

I write this entry because it is my passion to begin a deeper conversation with feminists [and others] about women’s rights, animal rights and the interrelationship between the two. I am vegan and believe that my passion for “rights” in general encompasses all individuals, including those that are non-human or nature for that matter.

Nature is an individual? Who knew?

So is there a difference between us (women) and them (nonhuman animals)? This leading question is a profound cornerstone in many philosophical and social conversations. As a very proud feminist and vegan, it was always clear to me that there was a distinct connection between both feminism and vegetarianism. Throughout my career as a social activist, it has become increasingly fascinating that there are many feminists who are not vegetarian and vegetarians who are not feminists. In addition, there are many women who are part of the feminist movement, but not part of the animal rights movement and vice versa. Although, some individuals are not simultaneously part of both movements, the objective for both feminism and vegetarianism works to create a society that is equal for all living beings [and the environment], that is not oppressive and exploitative.

You know, I read the above paragraph and wonder just how much difference there is between a femnist and a cherrystone clam… At least in terms of higher brain functions.

Vegetarianism is deeply connected to the Women’s Suffrage Movement. This connection illustrates a long desire for social equality for all (Leneman 1997). Many leaders in the Women’s Suffragist Movement were vegetarian and advocates for other progressive movements (Leneman 1997) (George 1994). Vegetarianism is deeply connected to the Women’s Suffrage Movement. This connection illustrates a long desire for social equality for all (Leneman 1997). Many leaders in the Women’s Suffragist Movement were vegetarian and advocates for other progressive movements (Leneman 1997) (George 1994). Many women during this era made the connection between the killing of animals for food and the killing for fur. One woman, Maude Arncliffe- Sennett (1913) remarked on an advertisement of a model wearing a fur coat: “these women all seem to me hateful – they represent so much killing!”

“Many women during this era made the connection between the killing of animals for food and the killing for fur…” So did the neanderthals, sweetie, so I’m not sure it constitutes a bragging point.

Bring out the Che Guevara posters…and the incense and henna.

The other piece of comedy gold — Comment #1 in Daph’s thread. Doctorate Upholder wins, hands down:

Ecofeminism (n) – The study of the global warming of the feminism movement due to menopause.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

I Need Forgiveness From God, Not From You

Friday, June 26th, 2009

It all comes down to apologies for being. Not apologies for doing, but apologies for being.

Surely you’ve noticed, haven’t you. Anytime an issue comes up that has something to do with belief in a Capital-C Creator — it happens just as simultaneously and just as suddenly as if someone yelled “Go.” We line up left versus right. Crisply. There’s absolutely no question about who should go on which side, and it is purely a piety-versus-secularism schism. It absolutely, positively, has to do with whether you believe or whether you don’t. The disagreement is absolutely irreconcilable. And nobody, anywhere, no matter how weak and vacillating they may be, is wondering where they belong.

Do you know why that is? It’s because we’re debating something without really debating it. Do members of our modern aristocracy…our Hollywood celebs, our Obama-class demigods, our Household Names, our Congressmen, our Senators, our talk show hosts, our published authors, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera — possess the power, prestige, authority and privilege to demand apologies out of the hoi polloi simply for being? Not for barging into the elevator car before the passengers have had a chance to get off. Not for changing lanes without signaling. Not for taking a cell phone call in the middle of a movie. But simply for…existing? Taking up space on the globe? Breathing oxygen and turning it into that awful…dirty…toxic…polluting…carbon?

That is what today’s vote in the House of Representatives was really all about.

Just imagine. A tax on anything that consumes energy…which means…a tax on anything that requires energy in order for it to be manufactured, transported, used or discarded. Which means everything. A tax — read that as, apology — for being, carefully disguised as a tax on/apology for doing.

People on the “left” side of American politics, by the way, are to be congratulated for their laudable consistency. Everything that has to do with apologizing for being, they have been utterly consistent for the last two generations in saying — yes, we can! Yes, we should…apologize. Apologize for being, as if we should be apologizing for doing. The record is stunning and spellbinding. Abortion…minimum wage…gun control…carbon tax…cigarette tax…liquor tax…death tax. Any time we can express our profound regret for taking up space in this godless cosmos, through our taxes, yes we should absolutely express it. Not that we’ll recoup any salvation for doing so. Nothing can be done anymore according to the classical definition of “liberty.” Nothing except — getting married if you’re gay; joining the Boy Scouts when you’re an atheist; getting an abortion without your parents finding out when you’re fourteen. Freedom, it seems, is only championed on the left side of the aisle when it has to do with eroding a previously-existing definition of something. Our leftists are regular Bravehearts on the freedom issue, when it comes time to play Pretend — when children want to pretend to be grownups, when men want to pretend to be women, when Barack Obama wants to pretend to be humble, when women who despise their husbands pretend to “love” them so they can head on in to divorce court when the timing is most beneficial.

Meanwhile, Republicans are supposed to be scrambling around in vain, looking high and low for an identity? It’s simple. Nobody owes an apology to anybody else — not for simply existing, anyway — save for those substandard scoundrels who demand apologies from others for simply being. They, and they alone, reveal by their actions exactly what they are.

They are walking, living, breathing offenses to God. For it is only God’s place to demand apologies out of us…just for being. Mortal man has to wait for us to do something offensive or deplorable, to enjoy the slightest bit of justification in demanding apologies out of us. It’s a narrow distinction, but an all-important one.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.