Archive for the ‘Obamamania’ Category

Twelve Step Program for Obama Supporters

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

A needed public service right now, and bound to become moreso as the year becomes more mature, I should say.

I can’t remember where I saw this, but somewhere I saw someone say “democrats won the elections, and they just need to learn to deal with that.” That captures it, I think. Never in the history of sore losers has any loser been quite as sore as these winners.

They never seem to run out of excuses. But who asked them for any? They won. It’s their policies…that is the problem. The policies don’t work. Those are the best policies that don’t work; the lesser policies, do damage. And they know it. If conservatives still ran things, barely significant things, somewhere, it would be all their fault. But unfortunately that isn’t the case. And so there is a wandering maelstrom of blame looking for a home. Like a frenzy of hungry sharks with no meat around, or a wild lightning storm without a ground.

I don’t know where in the world I can find a conservative nearly as bitter and angry as the most tranquil and relaxed liberal right now. They snap at their perceived opponents, they snap at their own, they snap at disinterested bystanders. And you’d better believe everyone is a racist.

So I would expect the twelve points of advice are best implemented — after things have calmed down. Just a bit.

1. Establish honesty in admitting failure.
2. Show faith in a higher power.
3. Assist in surrender of control.
4. Help in taking a personal moral inventory – Liberals absolutely hate this.
5. Encourage admission that the previously held belief was incorrect.
6. Help recovering Obama supporter accept defects in judgment.
7. Help restore humility.
8. Establish a willingness to make amends.
9. Assist the Obamican in giving and finding forgiveness.
10. Help recovering supporter maintain his progress.
11. Help develop an action plan – Democrats love action plans.
12. Encourage recovering lefty to follow through on action plan.

If there was a walking demigod that was the very incarnation of pure disappointment, I’m afraid Barack Obama would be the guy. There simply is no way to establish higher expectations of something, or to depress the threshold of actual delivery any further. He’s become the “Phantom Menace” of Presidents…and if you’re old enough to have possessed awareness of your surroundings back then, you have to remember how angry, bitter and heated things got about that. A 12-step program would have been a soothing tonic to purge the aftertaste from pod-racing and Jar Jar Binks, so it’s easy to see it’ll be needed now with regard to our latest disappointment pandemic.

Poor, poor, bitter, sad, angry, disappointed people. Poor hurting people, with their bruised, bloated, brittle egos. Good luck to you all. Don’t get too angry at everyone else, mkay? Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering…and that, of course, is a path to the Dark Side.

Palin Got in Trouble for Wearing Nice-Looking Clothes

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

Clothes that cost a lot of money, sure. (The quantity of clothing was never something that was spelled out for me; so like many, I was always at a loss for the information needed to make judgment calls as far as bang-for-the-buck.) But her clothes looked nice.

And she wore them while campaigning. It seems like something so non-controversial, or at least something that should be, to say that people ought to look nice when they’re campaigning for something.

Michelle Obama: Volunteers at a food bank, and for said occasion wears one pair of butt-ugly shoes retailing at $540 (hat tip: Rick).

Yeah, but she’s the President’s wife. First Ladies should radiate, I guess, a sense of fashion hip-and-with-it-ness that borders on the surreal…like they don’t know what a dollar is worth, and something is terribly wrong with the universe if they ever have to. Even when rubbing shoulders with the riff-raff at a food bank. Vice Presidents, on the other hand, should be wearing flour sacks, all the time, even when campaigning for the office. That’s a time-honored American tradition. Didn’t you know?

Silly Sweepstakes

Friday, May 1st, 2009

As far as silly things taking place in the year 2009, the leading candidate can only be penciled in because the year is still so young and so full of hope and promise in the Silly Things Department (STD).

But thus far…this one easily takes the cake.

For last year? I’m ready to hand the trophy to this item, here. The subject matter is similar-to-same.

Post Turtle

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Just go here…and read.

Share it with a tender-ego Obamaton you know & love. Today!

Bring Out Some More Fake Greek Columns

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Via blogger friend Rick, we learn of a different take on The Chosen One’s standing after the first hundred days of His rule:

President Obama’s media cheerleaders are hailing how loved he is. But at the 100-day mark of his presidency, Mr. Obama is the second-least-popular president in 40 years.

According to Gallup’s April survey, Americans have a lower approval of Mr. Obama at this point than all but one president since Gallup began tracking this in 1969. The only new president less popular was Bill Clinton, who got off to a notoriously bad start after trying to force homosexuals on the military and a federal raid in Waco, Texas, that killed 86. Mr. Obama’s current approval rating of 56 percent is only one tick higher than the 55-percent approval Mr. Clinton had during those crises.

Perhaps, now, we learn the real reason why the 100-day benchmark is so artificially important: It affords the media a high zenith of latitude in massaging truth. I’ve watched a lot of Presidents take the oath now, and never once have I ever heard any official news agency say anything even similar to: “Okay, on Day One Hundred, we’re going to go after this poll, over here, look at this statistic, and read it this way…” Nope. The 100-day thing, itself, is most often phrased as a question. Or a bunch of questions. What’s The Boss worried about for His second hundred days? What’s He learned? How does it make Him feel when people say nasty things about Him? The approval ratings He has or hasn’t earned…that really was never anything more than one more bludgeon to use against Republicans.

His policies, at a thirty thousand-foot level? Some Americans feel obliged to murmur empty words of support, having bragged just a few weeks earlier about having voted Him in. But our country is generally not too enthused.

Sixty percent (60%) of Americans say the federal government has too much power and too much money, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Just nine percent (9%) say the government has too little power and money. Twenty-four percent (24%) believe the government has about the right amount of both.

Not surprisingly, the Political Class sees things a lot differently. While 85% of Mainstream Americans say the government has too much power and money, just two percent (2%) of the Political Class agree. Nearly one-ou[t]-of-four members (24%) of the Political Class, in fact, believe the government has too little money and power, but 68% say it has about the right amount of each.

While slightly more than half of those working for both the government and private industry say the government is too big, 79% of entrepreneurs feel that way.

Republicans and adults not affiliated with either major political party are far more concerned about the government’s size and wealth than Democrats are. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Republicans and 62% of unaffiliateds say the federal government has too much power and money. Among Democrats, however, just 35% agree, while 44% think the size of government is about right.

The Republican campaign slogans for 2010 and 2012, they write themselves. I can see the lawn signs now: “Forty-four percent of democrats think government is the right size!” Hey, waitaminnit…what’s a hundred minus 35 minus 44? That means 21% of democrats want more?

Back to the President: Blogger friend Daniel Summers gives the President a charitable D- overall, having failed Him in all the “courses” save for national security. (The pirate head-shot thing…saved His Holy Ass.)

Blogger friend Buck and I have a disagreement about the failed photo op in NYC, the one with the 747 scaring the bejeezus out of Manhattan folks still shell-shocked from the 9/11 attacks all these years later. Buck, and folks like him, are in the “not a news item, move along” camp. They all forget: This was a stupid, sub-rookie, albeit honest mistake — made by folks who are actually pretty smart — and not an isolated incident. So you can’t blame stupidity, you can’t blame insincerity and you can’t even blame chance. How is it that this stupid, stupid thing was done? The political climate. And I’m not talking out here where we’re fighting about conservatives and liberals all week every week. I’m talking about inside the White House…where no mistakes can be made…ever…because the guy at the tippy top is just so wonderful, He has that shimmering halo over His head.

In government as well as outside of it, such a situation leads to brains in the lower echelons that aren’t shut off or dulled down, quite so much as shifted into idle and left there. The Boss has this immunity from criticism, you see, and you’ve inherited some of that. Besides, you aren’t actually owning any one of the chores you’re doing. If it works out great, Mister Wonderful will be there to take all the credit…refer back to the Somali pirate situation, above…and if it goes to crap, some scapegoat will be found somewhere — maybe you, maybe not. Scapegoat-searches are random by nature. They’re just avalanches of crap. They can hit anything or anybody, and there’s nothing deliberate about them.

So the incentive to do a job well, or even adequately, disappears entirely. What vestigial amounts of accountability remain, don’t even match what pulses through your noggin as you make a batch of spaghetti sauce on the stove. You have the presence of mind to say “I’d better not leave the saucepan handle sticking out over the edge of the stove, or someone might come by and knock it off.” Scapegoat Calderon — if, indeed, he really is the poor stupid bastard who should’ve taken the fall for this debacle — didn’t even have that much happening. Check out that film clip one more time. Look at those people. That was happening inside all the buildings, as well. It’s amazing no one got killed, let alone hurt.

And it isn’t an isolated incident. It will happen again and again. If I prepared one of these detailed report cards, that would definitely go in…because to even be on par with our historical barely-adequate presidents, President Obama needs to get a radical new culture-shift going in His White House. And at this point, I doubt it can be done. The problem is inextricably connected to His Greatness. It’s a weakness against which His predecessors have not had to struggle — but it’s also been a campaign asset they haven’t been able to enjoy. And He’s never been shy about exploiting it to the hilt when it suited His purposes.

How else can we gauge His success, or lack thereof, after the first one hundred days? Blogger friend Cassy embeds a video from The NRSC that spells out an important issue: Accountability. On this particular point, student Obama requires some specialized instruction. He simply cannot be relied-upon to perform on this metric independently.

BBC UK embeds a graphic that highlights something interesting: The words used to describe President Obama, upon Inauguration, and in the month of April. “Intelligent”: Down three points. “Honest”: Down four points. “Confident”: Holding steady. “Hope/Hopeful”: Fourteen points before, no longer there. And one particular word I would personally find the most embarrassing, for it’s got “moving goalpost” written all over it. “Trying”: Non-existent in January, now earning twelve points!

“Plane Stupid”

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

New Yorkers received an unwelcome trip down memory lane yesterday, courtesy of the “Change We Can Believe In” crew.

A perfect storm of idiocy led to a frightening 9/11 flashback for thousands of New Yorkers Monday when a jumbo jet and an F-16 fighter jet buzzed lower Manhattan without warning.

A “furious” Mayor Bloomberg denounced the dunces who dreamed up the stunt – and the NYPD officials and bureaucrats who never told him about it.

By day’s end, an obscure City Hall deputy named Marc Mugnos, who makes $60,000 a year, was taking the fall for not telling Bloomberg that the low-flying planes were coming. He was reprimanded.

But there was plenty of blame to go around.

Louis Caldera, the director of the White House military office who sent Air Force One and the fighter jet on an “aerial photo mission,” got slammed by an angry President Obama.

“I approved a mission over New York,” Caldera said in a hastily prepared statement. “I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.”

Under the bus you go.

Yeah, Obama wasn’t on the flight, He wasn’t aware of what was being done, and He was properly “furious” after the poop hit the fan. (Just like He would’ve been if the Somali pirate thing happened to turn into a crap-fest.) For reasons best left unexplored, the “Big We” will keep on buyin’ it.

But President Palin would’ve been able to get just as testy and screechy as she cared to get…she’d never for a split-second get away with this. It’s a double-standard created for, perpetuated by, and enforced by, our weakest thinkers. This is why, back during the presidency of Obama’s predecessor, the only planes that flew this kind of trajectory really were taken over by bad guys and really did want to hit the buildings.

It’s a Jar Jar Binks administration. Nobody in the hierarchy really owns a decision, because the credit for any good decision is going to straight up to the guy at the top, and the blame for any poor decisions will be systematically scattered down to scapegoats at the lower levels. And so anybody with the authority to decide things that really matter, just kinda does…whatever…and then does their very best to hippity-hop out of the way if there’s a boulder of crap rolling down the mountain. The crap-avalanche is quasi-random, virtually disconnected from the conscious decisions that occasionally cause it.

As for when the Big Guy At The Top makes a bad decision — well, it’s just more of the same. And the prospects of anyone in the room saying “Eh, boss, that just might not be a swell idea…” Don’t make me laugh. Hasn’t happened before. Why would it start now?

Better than even odds He was behind this one. Maybe not. But we’d never know, would we? The decision simply cannot be defended, so bring out the spear-catchers…not the first regime to function in such a way…but wasn’t that part of what was supposed to be — uh — “changed”?

You can’t change that when The Boss is a religious figure. Harry Truman’s “The Buck Stops Here” sign is in a closet somewhere, gathering dust. An unused relic from the past, a casualty of the hopey-changey goodness. Say what you want about Sarah Palin not making the best appearance of her career before Perky Katie — but if this call happened on her watch, there would be no spear-catchers. That idiotic stupid dimwit redneck hick from Alaska would’ve taken the fall.

Which is why it wouldn’t have happened.

Don’t Bother Me, Charles

Monday, April 27th, 2009

This has got to be the saddest thing I’ve ever read, by far (hat tip to Boortz). And yes, I’m including the closing pages of Of Mice And Men in that.

It’s about a woman who thinks highly of herself because she’s “always a fighter” and campaigned tirelessly for Barack Obama…for reasons that, if she can explain them at all, she doesn’t bother. Things aren’t working out too well for her or for anybody else in her town, which is dying. She pulls in seven hundred bucks a month or so, blows it on everybody else’s bills — for reasons that, likewise, are left unexplained — and then lies her ass off to her poor husband, explaining to him that their savings account is diminishing because she’s buying herself new outfits.

[A]s Obama nears the 100-day milestone of his presidency, [Edith] Childs suffers from constant exhaustion. In a conservative Southern state that bolstered Obama’s candidacy by supporting him early in the Democratic primaries, she awakens at 2:30 a.m. with stress headaches and remains awake mulling all that’s befallen Greenwood since Obama’s swearing-in.

On Day 4 of his presidency, the Solutia textile plant laid off 101 workers. On Day 23, the food bank set a record for meals served. On Day 50, the hospital fired 200 employees and warned of further job cuts. On Day 71, the school superintendent called a staff meeting and told his principals: “We’re losing 10 percent of our budget. That means some of us won’t have jobs next year, and the rest should expect job changes and pay cuts.” On Day 78, the town’s newly elected Democratic mayor, whose campaign was inspired partly by his admiration for Obama, summarized Greenwood’s accelerating fragility. “This is crippling us, and there’s no sign of it turning around,” Welborn Adams said.

On Day 88, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that South Carolina had set a record for its highest unemployment rate in state history, at 11.4 percent. Greenwood’s unemployment is 13 percent — more than twice what it was when Childs first started chanting.

“We have a lot of people who live in cold houses, with no jobs and no food,” Childs says.
A message near the end causes Childs to wince. It is from Evon Hackett, her younger cousin, who has always reminded Childs a little of herself. Hackett has “never wasted a lazy hour in her life,” Childs says. But now she is desperate and unemployed, and her voice barely registers above a whisper as it plays on Childs’s machine.

“Hey Edith. How ya been? Just calling again to see if you heard from anybody who was hiring. . . . You know me. I’ll do anything. It doesn’t really matter what the work is.”
Just before 1 p.m., she pulls into Greenwood’s normally deserted downtown for a few more errands and notices a large crowd gathered in front of the courthouse. More than 200 people are dressed in red, white and blue and are waving miniature American flags. Childs asks a friend for details and learns that it is a “tea party” to protest Obama’s economic policies, one of about 1,000 similar events coordinated on Tax Day across the country.

“Of course it’s going to be a lot of white Republicans, and mostly men,” Childs says as she walks through the crowd and finds a spot alone at the rear of the plaza. “I want to see this, but I’m keeping my distance.”

In a state that voted 54 percent for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, Childs has heard plenty of anti-Obama rhetoric. “Most people around here know where I stand and let me be,” she says. “People are too polite to be nasty.” So she shakes her head in disbelief as she reads the angry messages scrawled on the poster boards in front of her.

“Say NO to Obama and Socialism!”


“Who cares what Obama says? America IS a Christian nation.”

Childs puckers her lips and listens as Greenwood residents take turns stepping to the podium and shouting through a megaphone. Their speeches revolve around the same themes Childs hears in her phone messages, except what she identified as the solution to Greenwood’s problems is what these speakers now disparage as the cause.

“We all know this president is the major problem,” David O. Davis III says. “I’ve got friends with families who are losing their jobs, getting laid off.”

“We’re struggling to pay our bills and get by,” Cathy Heitzenrater says. “We’re feeling disenfranchised from our own country and disappointed about who’s running it.”

“Vote the bum out,” R.J. Fife says.

After each speaker finishes, Childs retreats a few steps farther from the crowd. A part of her would like to go grab the bullhorn and tell these people to “keep their mouths shut and give Obama a little time,” she says. But she woke up at 3 a.m. again this morning, and she can’t go home for a nap until she pays $100 on a constituent’s bill at the water company and stops by a city office to inquire about possible job openings for Hackett.

“Let them have their tea party,” Childs says. “They’re just looking for somebody to blame. My ears are full.”

She walks away from the courthouse as the crowd joins into chorus to sing the national anthem.
Later that night, inside the house on Old Ninety-Six Highway, Childs sinks into the armless chair in her living room. “Don’t bother me, Charles,” she tells her husband. She picks up the cordless phone, where 17 new messages are waiting. One is from Hackett.

“Hi, it’s me,” she says. “Hope you had a good day…No luck over here yet. I’m just wondering if you’ve heard about anything.”

I have a lot more sympathy for that poor cousin than I do for the nurse, the horrible wife, the liar, the thief, the racist. Yeah, I said racist. She’s allowed her disappointments and her exhaustion and her disparaging comments about others, but whoever disagrees with her about who should be President — an issue on which, plainly, she hasn’t bothered to gather any factual information at all, or very little — has to pipe down and shut up because of the color of their skin.

That poor husband. Other than sleeping with someone else, which she more-than-likely is, in what ways can a wife possibly blow it, in which she isn’t already blowing it?

It’s the same old crap from the die-hard radical Obama fan community. I’m a “worker” and a “fighter” because I believe this might-as-well-be-fictional guy is going to solve all my problems. And every week that goes by, wherein real life teaches me this isn’t the right way to go — it’s just all the more justification for my self-righteousness. A little bit of extra license to steal money from my husband and distribute the loot to “poor” people I barely even know.

Meanwhile, the hopey-changey goodness isn’t working out. So when does the time come to admit to a mistake? If the answer is “never”…then who in their right mind wants this kind of person to make a decision about anything?

Obama Worship, One Year Ago Today: April 26

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

This is why they’ve been hungering — hungering! — for a Replacement Jesus. Because when the merit of an idea is decided by the authorship of the idea rather than by the content of the idea, then the content of the idea need not be inspected. Which renders all critical thinking obsolete.

Lots of people don’t like critical thinking. They think it’s a pain in the ass.

Far easier to invent a whole new god.

Obama looks pretty good when we pretend we had to make a decision about whose ideas were best for the country. The truth is, we just made a decision about whether ideas matter at all. Real life, of course, consistently counsels us that they do matter…sometimes, we get tired of seeing that…right now, we’re tired. And so we’ll cling to the vision of fantasy and phony new religions, as long as that vision is more effervescent and vivid.

Right now, it’s important to pretend that isn’t what we’re doing. But a year ago it wasn’t nearly that important, and the dimbulbs spoke out unabashedly, and forcefully.

People have always regarded comets as “messengers of the gods”. The meaning ascribed to a comet’s appearance is comprised of many factors, including the mythological story of the constellation that the comet’s path highlights. This past autumn (2007), a remarkable comet, Holmes, appeared in the nightime sky, as a huge blue sphere (larger than the diameter of our sun). It’s path of maximal brightness carried it through the constellation of Perseus, crossing in front of two of that constellation’s stars in particular- Mirfak, and Algol. Pleases join me below the fold to explore this myth’s relevance for our own time.

The constellation Perseus pictures the story of the Hero Perseus, holding the head of Medusa, which he had just severed with his sword. Perseus was greatly aided by the gods in his quest to destroy the Medusa, whose very glance could turn a person into stone. He was given a magic sword, Athena’s shield, winged sandals with which he could fly, a magic cap which rendered him invisible, and the guidance for him to not directly look into Medussas face as he battled her, but to look at her in the reflection of his shield.

There were two stars that were highlighted by the comet’s passage, Mirfak, and Algol. Mirfak is the elbow of Perseus’s sword hand. Algol, Medusa’a eye, has long been seen as one of the most malifec and evil stars in the heavens.

Obama was born with his sun in Leo, and his story exemplifies the quest of the Solar Hero. His father, who joins with his mother on an island, conceives a child, and soon thereafter leaves the child and mother to continue his own journeying. Obama, a ‘special ‘child, left to create his own internal image of ‘father’, and related meanings of strength, protection, leadership, etc.

The Holmes comet appears just as the presidential race is kicking into high gear, illuminating the concept of the hero vanquishing the monster, a monster that turns people into stone if they gaze upon her. Does it not seem as if our country today is all locked up, constricted, restricted, with ever shrinking mobility and freedom of movement?

Perseus had help from the gods. Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?

The instruction is to not directly look at her, but to look at her reflection in his shield. What is Obama’s shield, in essence? I propose it is his belief in hope, redemption, and his ability to channel the essential goodness of the American people. The Perseus myth clearly indicates he should not confront his opponent by face-to-face, tit-for-tat combat.

Of special significance for me is the star Mirfak, the elbow of Perseus’s sword arm. At some point, he does need to utilize his elbows, and when the moment comes, cut strongly and swiftly.

And lastly, let us not forget that the comet is BLUE.

So let us have hope, the gods are on our side, and the Hero will prevail.

Is this healthy?

Hat tip: Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

President Borat

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Frank J from IMAO, writing in Pajamas Media:

Something is odd about President Obama. I don’t mean the usual silly political stuff that he’s a crypto-socialist. I mean he is somehow different from any other politician. I think I began to notice something was a little off when he first started campaigning to be president — but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. It was just odd to have everyone so excited about him and no one was sure why. Then there are all the weird mistakes and goofs he’s made, which only seem to keep multiplying since he’s become president. On one side you have people trying to blow those mistakes up to show what a liberal politician he is. On the other side you have people defending all his actions. I think both sides are getting fooled here.

BoratI finally had an epiphany when Obama, reacting to the public outcry on runaway spending, ordered that $100 million in cuts be made from the budget. The $4 trillion budget. With a projected deficit of $1.8 trillion. That’s like suddenly gaining a thousand pounds and trying to offset the weight by trimming one fingernail. If Obama’s people can find $100 million to cut every year, they’ll have the budget balanced in the year 20,009 AD, by which time the human race will probably have flown to distant galaxies in an attempt to escape the massive debt that has consumed their home planet.

So why would Obama propose something so pathetically silly? I haven’t heard anyone defend this one, but the usual explanation that he’s politically tone deaf doesn’t quite cover it. This is beyond tone deaf. There is, in fact, only one rational explanation for it: it’s a joke.

There’s a conspiracy theory out there that because Obama hasn’t released his real birth certificate, that proves he isn’t a natural citizen and is thus not eligible to be president. I was dismissive of that, but now I think it’s true. If we found his real birth certificate, my guess is that it would say that he was born in England and that his name is Sacha Baron Cohen.

That’s right; we elected Borat president.


Hmmm…yes, it does make sense, and it seems to make more and more sense the more I think about it. It’s a toss-up between Borat, and Chauncey Gardner from Being There. “Arugula.” “Omigawd!! How incredibly profound!!” “Can’t I just eat my waffle?” “He’s a Lightworker!!”

The idea that Obama’s more-or-less making it up as He goes along, involves far less speculation at this point. It’s all-but-proven. The idea that the whole thing is a joke…well…suffice it to say, at this point I’d like to see someone provide some firm evidence that it isn’t. It would be reassuring.

Image shamelessly swiped from Gerard Van der Leun at American Digest.

Underwear Gnomes

Monday, April 20th, 2009

I finally figured it out! It’s a case of Life Imitates South Park…specifically, the episode about the “Underwear Gnomes” that steal that little boy’s underpants. I made the connection because of that detail that’s kinda-sorta missing from Step 2. Recall when the underpants gnome explains the business plan…

That’s the answer. The Obama administration, and the media that is so insistent at soft-balling the interviews with them, and covering up for them…they’re just a bunch of Underwear Gnomes. They’re sworn in, they’re still (somewhat) popular — obviously it’s time to activate whatever plan they’ve got in mind to solve all our problems.

But all we get is a bunch of rhetoric about what a great idea it was to put them in charge. As if that was still the decision that confronted us. The time to stop campaigning, never quite seems to come. In a rational universe, there should be so much work to do and so much urgency involved in getting it all done, there should be absolutely zero spare time to circulate paranoid “threat awareness” reports, or sound bites about the Party of No.

This thirteenth-hour campaigning must be part of the plan…or perhaps…it is the plan.

Now if we could just fill in some of that missing definition around Step 2. But I suppose that’s what being an underpants-gnome is all about.

“Step Two,” in fact, seems to be missing from all liberal schemes as well…not just voting for Obama. Everything. “Step One, we sit down and talk to our enemies…Step Two…HEY! Wasn’t that a great idea sitting down and talking to our enemies?? What wonderful great people we are!!”

Forcing states to keep abortion legal, when the people living in those states don’t want to.

Nuclear disarmament.

Gun control.

Increasing the minimum wage.

Saving the planet by imposing a cap-and-trade scheme on carbon emissions.

Closing down Guantanamo.

Making it illegal, or all-but-illegal, for parents to whack their own kids on the butt.

Abolishing capital punishment.

Filing court injunctions to make sure people can keep voting — without proving who they are.

Putting schoolkids through a specialized, medicated curriculum…or…a not-English curriculum.

The stimulus plan, in which we climb out of all this debt by spending money we don’t have.

What do all these schemes have in common? The underpants-gnome thing. There is no Step 2! Step 2, if there is one, consists of patting yourself on the back for engaging Step 1. Step 3 is, of course, the thing “we all agree” is what we want to have happen. But it’s just like that classic joke about the two physicists in front of the blackboard, y’know?

Update: You know where this theory breaks down: The elections themselves. When they’re trying to get elected to something, that gaping disconnect in the middle of the blackboard that always has to be there within all other issues…suddenly disappears.

Liberals that want to win against conservatives, plan their strategy a lot like conservatives. Not when they’re trying to win against terrorists — no, against conservatives. The flow chart on the blackboard, suddenly, is complete, complex, detailed, intricate…foolproof. Suddenly it’s just chock-full of if-then.

No “Then A Miracle Occurs” there at all. Nope. If we can make Sarah Palin look like a dumbass…then we can get the insecure-woman vote back. If we can make fun of John McCain’s inability to use a computer…then we’ll lock up the geek vote.

In all other matters, things that are supposed to help others besides themselves, that chasm of a disconnect has to be there — all the time — smack dab in the middle of the flow chart, where it always goes. Suddenly it’s time to lapse back into “Underwear Gnome” mode, with that big blobby mid-blackboard inexplicable miracle.

Step 1, spend three trillion dollars; Step 2 … ??? . Step 3, Profit!


Saturday, April 18th, 2009

The Anti-Obama?

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Via Gerard: Susan Boyle, the Anti-Obama. William Tate, writing in the American Thinker blog.

I, and apparently millions of other people, have found ourselves watching the video over and over. And I’m struck by our fascination with it.

From the moment she strides resolutely, solidly, on stage, this frumpy Scottish spinster captivates our attention. Not because of her beauty; to call Miss Boyle’s appearance plain would be like saying the U.S. Marines have a lot of firepower. Or her style; she’s wearing a beige dress, dark stockings and white shoes. Not because of her poise; at one point, flustered, she has trouble answering a question from the show’s judges.
Then Susan Boyle opens her mouth and sings.

And her voice sends a shiver through you. Just as it must have the audience, even the jaded judges–come on, you’ve heard Simon Cowell called worse than that–on hand to hear it in person.
It is a remarkable performance that, even now, gives me goosebumps. As Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Cooper says in the clip, we’ve just been given a stunning wakeup call not to judge a person by her, or his, looks.

But I suspect that there’s something more powerful even than that at work, to cause the almost-universal appeal of Miss Boyle’s performance. What we sense is that this plain woman–hair unstyled, eyebrows unplucked, an image consultant’s worst dream sprung to life–is the rarest of things in this age of soundbites and spin doctors and focus groups: a real person, completely lacking in artifice.

At a time when the President of the United States feels compelled to use a teleprompter for even the most minor appearances, when Grecian columns are necessary props for campaign speeches, when public figures are as carefully packaged as your morning cereal boxes, after watching plain Susan Boyle sing with a voice for the ages, you feel like you have witnessed a real person do something that’s real. And right. And good. No, extraordinarily good.

You see what’s happened here? It’s crystal-clear, if only you think on it for a little bit.

Around the 1970’s, it started to become extremely fashionable to indoctrinate school-age kids with the laudable notion that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Indoctrinate…then brainwash. Looking back on it, it seems quite ridiculous, to me. Rather like one of those protestant customs in which the pastor speaks on behalf of The Almighty, scolding the congregation for all the sins they’ve been committing all week long, without knowing a single thing about the personal lives of any of ’em. Just assuming the worst. This was the same thing: The recess bell would ring, we’d go out and play together in a diversity-utopianist’s dream: Kids of all different colors, pushing each other on the swings, playing tag, nobody giving a single thought to anything so boring as skin color. Then the bell would ring again, we’d be herded back in and we’d listen to a few more lectures. Maybe watch a film. Surreal, as if a yard teacher had just overheard a whole string of racial epithets out there and they decided they had to do something about it.

But the kids weren’t the problem. The kids were socializing together with no stratification taking place anywhere…except perhaps for the gender line, which diminished as the years rolled by. Cooties and all that, ya know.

The grown-ups were, and are, the problem. Did you hire enough Hispanic people in this department. How many women are serving in the Senate. Obama’s gonna be the first black President, I want to be part of this thing.

And Susan Boyle has made us realize something not quite so much refreshing, as spellbinding. Two generations have now been indoctrinated not to judge books by their covers…two generations have become intent on showing off that they don’t judge books by their covers.

And they’ve just been caught doing that very thing. With all the decades of snotty lecturing, it would seem someone has forgotten to teach someone else how to open the “books,” and read what’s in there. In this happy utopia we have been chasing, after all, Boyle’s capable command of the melody, her gifted talent with controlling the pitch and tenor of her voice as she delivers measure after measure that sends chills up the spine — it would’ve possessed absolutely no surprise, no shock-value, for anyone, anywhere.

And yet here we are, so easily distracted. We just got done deciding the most important Presidential election ever, with the least serious discussion about “hard” issues, like policies and proposals — ever. We decided it based on looks. Everyone voted for the black guy so they could show off that they weren’t racists.

Why does Susan Boyle pack such a punch? Because she’s a wake-up call. The decisions we’ve been making, the ramifications of the way we have made them, these are things that require exploration, deliberation, debate. That all has to be done across time, and time mutes the message. Susan Boyle makes us realize — well, those among us who still need to realize it — that the way these things have been decided is badly in need of review. That still leaves quite a bit undefined, but it’s a sharp, staccato one-note. Like a slap across the face.

And so many people voted for The Messiah, and as they did so, they were all so sure of themselves. Never looking back. Not until Susan Boyle opened her mouth, and showed everyone exactly how mistaken a first-impression can be sometimes. In this way, this latest experience is unsettling for some. And that’s a good thing; a very good thing.

Daily Kos Sees America as a Woman

Saturday, April 18th, 2009

The left-wingers on FARK are just giddy over the creative-writing genius of bernardpliers at Daily Kos, who came up with the idea of envisioning the Republican party as a deranged ex-boyfriend of a woman who was America. Said FARK libs found this so uplifting, they celebrated in one of the few ways they know how…they got in a silly fight about it (some twenty or so comments submitted between 10:03:08 and 11:11:09 EDT).

As a side note, someone else did the “America as a woman” thing first, and better. Just sayin’.

Obama DeficitAfter all this interest throughout last year about what exactly it is liberals think of America, I see this little treatise offers a rather clear, concise answer in the form of this hypothetical and fickle female. She must be terribly naive, perhaps young…perhaps exceptionally stupid. Let’s see, she gave the Republicans the old heave-ho because they were going through her purse, is that one of the complaints? So now the new boyfriend is pulling hundred dollar bills out, whereas the old one was lifting twenties and tens. That’s alright — oh, and the new boyfriend sweet-talked her into going on a vacation because it would help “stimulate” her, and it turned out what he put on her credit card was just a bunch of expensive gifts to his illegal-alien buddies.

Another interesting angle to this is the idea that America is finally finished, once and for all, for good, finito, with that no-good whacked-out crazy crackadoodle latent homosexual of an ex-boyfriend. Wow…so it seems liberals are not too fond of homosexuals either. One wonders if they have more issues with Republicans for being closet homosexuals, or with homosexuals for being closet Republicans. This must be that liberal tolerance I hear so much about. But anyway — is she done with that ex-boyfriend in all aspects? As in, while she sails around the world with her sexy smooth-talking melanin-gifted dude and her old pantywaist ex stews in his white-boy latent-homosexual racist venom…keeping his distance because of that soon-to-be-filed “restraining order”…he can cancel that credit card she’s carrying around? She doesn’t need his money anymore?

So far, it doesn’t look like America is quite that “done” with him.

Okay, so in liberal-eyes the country is a gold-digging bitch, in addition to everything else.

And a little bit of a bore. As DarthBrooks said:

It’s more like the woman at your office who got a divorce last year and just keeps droning ON and ON and ON about what her ex-husband is doing somewhere else and wasn’t he just plain awful and wait don’t go I have to tell you what else I didn’t like about him…

Liberals don’t seem to be conscious of how silly they are made to look, by this argument of theirs that the conservative movement is now just a relic of history, like the silver-standard movement. We’ve said before, many times, that if an argument is weak enough the worst thing you can do to it is take it seriously. This argument, once taken seriously, not only makes itself look ridiculous, but those who keep pushing it, as well. Lessee: They were elected on this platform of “change,” and now my gosh there is all this terrible wreckage to be cleaned up, a big mess made by those stupid other-guys. But — nobody’s grabbing a mop! Darth Brooks nailed it: It’s just “Here’s something else wrong with him…and here’s another thing…and another thing…and another thing.”

Usually, in that situation, it’s the bitter divorced-woman who wants to go on and on like that. “Wait don’t go I have to tell you what else I didn’t like about him…” If there’s a new boyfriend in the picture, his preference is that the topic be changed to something else. What we’re seeing right now is a situation in which America isn’t in that big of a hurry to get into a bitch-pitch about what a terrible awful latent-homosexual the old boyfriend was — she’d rather see the new boyfriend get busy cleaning up the mess, like he said he was going to do. But it’s the new boyfriend that keeps it up with the whining. And doesn’t seem to have an awful lot of anything else to say.

Other than, y’know, “Honey…where’s your purse?”

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Update 4/19/09: Clearly, the whole point to the Kossack piece is to catalog the personal shortcomings of the right-wing ex-boyfriend, not of the lady who seeks the restraining order. And so I have to wonder if they consciously realize what a dizzying array of vices they have fastened to this imaginary female. She is weak and vacillating in choosing her men; she has been complicit in this fiscal recklessness with her ex (and with the current one too), and is therefore a spendthrift; she files restraining orders on men, while continuing to live off them, so she’s a parasite; the new guy is motivating her to spend three or four times as much money just by being cool, so she’s something of a dimwit; it takes her forever and a day to figure out her boyfriend is more into guys than her; she tolerated, for an extended period of time, his racism.

And by now it’s very well-established that if you quiz a faithful liberal about the wonderful things America has done in her history — not the wonderful heights to which he plans for her to aspire, after he re-makes her into something different from what she currently is, but what past deeds she has done in which she can show some legitimate pride — you just get back a deer-in-headlights look and a hasty change of subject. He “loves” her in the sense that he wants her to justify her existence; but she hasn’t done it quite yet.

In sum, I think of all the things that could be wrong with a real, flesh-and-blood woman…try to make it as complete a list as I can…and from this, I subtract the list of things that are wrong with this imaginary woman, which is America as the Kos kids see her…and I’m only left with one thing, a venereal disease. Everything else is represented in their vision. The fickleness, the meanness, the inconsideration, the hypocrisy, the excessive materialism. And most of all, that gritty determination to make herself happy at the expense of the happiness of all those she knows, coupled with a dazzling ignorance of what is needed for her own happiness.

That’s how they see her. That’s the image flowing from the poison pen of bernardpliers and cheered on by his ideological compatriots. A woman whose approval is sought by many, especially at election time; but who is wrong in every single way a woman can possibly be wrong.

Let’s just suspend that question about whether liberals love America. Are they even capable of tolerating her for more than a minute or two?

Numbers Are More Resistant to His Charms

Friday, April 17th, 2009


Franklin Roosevelt gave us the New Deal. John Kennedy gave us the New Frontier. In a major domestic policy address at Georgetown University this week, Barack Obama promised — eight times — a “New Foundation.” For those too thick to have noticed this proclamation of a new era in American history, the White House Web site helpfully titled its speech excerpts “A New Foundation.”

As it happens, Obama is not the first to try this slogan. President Carter peppered his 1979 State of the Union address with five “New Foundations” (and eight more just naked “foundations”). Like most of Carter’s endeavors, this one failed, perhaps because (as I recall it being said at the time) it sounded like the introduction of a new kind of undergarment.

Undaunted, Obama offered his New Foundation speech as the complete, contextual, canonical text for the domestic revolution he aims to enact.
Obama DeficitIn the New Foundation speech, Obama correctly (again) identifies the skyrocketing cost of Medicare and Medicaid as the key fiscal problem. But then he claims that Medicaid and Medicare reform is the same as his health care reform, fatuously citing as his authority a one-day meeting of hand-picked interested parties at his “Fiscal Responsibility Summit.”

Here’s the problem. The heart of Obama’s health care reform is universality. Covering more people costs more money. That is why Obama’s budget sets aside an extra $634 billion in health care spending, a down payment on an estimated additional spending of $1 trillion. How does the administration curtail the Medicare and Medicaid entitlement by adding yet another (now universal) health care entitlement that its own estimate acknowledges increases costs by about $1 trillion?

Which is why in his March 24 news conference, Obama could not explain how — when the near-term stimulative spending is over and his ambitious domestic priorities kick in, promising sustained prosperity and deficit reduction — the deficits at the end of the coming decade are rising, not falling. The Congressional Budget Office has deficits increasing in the last seven years of the decade from an already unsustainable $672 billion annually to $1.2 trillion by 2019.

This is the sand on which the new foundation is constructed. Obama has the magic to make words mean almost anything. Numbers are more resistant to his charms.

Actually it’s the “covering more people costs more money” point that I think is worthy of greater emphasis, if only for the reason that so many supposedly smart folks seem to incapable of absorbing the spirit of it even after multiple encounters with it. The mathematical concepts involved are elementary to say the least.

It’s also decidedly off-topic from the larger vision of electing Obama as The Change We Can Believe InTM as a protest against, and retreat from, an expensive invasion of Iraq and (at the time) unprecedented deficit spending. Change from the deficits of George W. Bush…by means of…universal health care. It’s like saving money on your car insurance by switching to a more expensive cell phone carrier.

Looking Back at the Somali Pirate Situation

Friday, April 17th, 2009

This video went up a week ago, before that bold rescue supposedly ordered by President Obama. Perhaps the President managed to catch this segment and see the wisdom in Ambassador Bolton’s remarks:

The President’s response to a reporter’s question at 0:44 is one of many reasons I’m convinced he’s a one-termer. Nobody voted for someone to talk to people constantly like the school Vice-Principal talking to the stupidest third-grader who’s just been sent down to the office for the eleventh time in a week. Alright…maybe some people did vote for exactly that. But for those who ever did find that appealing, how long does it remain so? Four years or more? I’m skeptical. Skeptical at best.

Steven Crowder call this out, and does his customary excellent job doing so —

Don’t be too tough on President Obama. If I were Him, it would be awfully tough to convince me the typical American voter had any intelligence at all.

Getting back to this rescue operation, though: Fellow Webloggin contributor JoshuaPundit has a few more questions about what exactly went on here…

[W]e already know that the US forces involved (either Marine Scouts or SEALS) were under orders to hold off while negotiations with the pirates were continuing.Aside from this factoid being released by the Department of Defense, this was confirmed by the fact that Captain Phillips made an escape into the water and started swimming for the USS Bainbridge. The Naval/Marine forces involved thus had a clear shot to take out the pirates, but held off and did nothing to interfere with Phillips being recaptured by the pirates.

They were obviously under orders not to shoot. So if there was a White House call, it was to remove previous restrictions on our military placed on them by personal order of the President.

I still give him kudos for that if that’s how it went down, but it leads to other questions.

I wonder… just why did this drag on for so long? Piracy is the only thing Somalia can claim as anything like a growth industry, and in the past they’ve hijacked cargoes and collected ransoms with impunity. Was President Obama planning to emulate the Europeans and pay ransom? Was that why the pirates were allowed to chat with CNN and their cell phones were not jammed?

What if the lifeboat Captain Phillips was being held on had started to make for shore? Were the men on the Bainbridge authorized to stop them? I have a feeling they weren’t., based on the rules of Engagement and the probable orders from the President.

And finally, why exactly is Somali piracy still a problem?

The locations of the pirate bases are known, and the President has supposedly pledged to work with other nations to stop Somali piracy and protect the international waterway at the Horn of Africa. So why haven’t there been decisive attacks on the pirate bases and the pirate’s Islamist protectors like the local al-Qaeda affiliate Al Shabab, which takes a share of the loot as ‘taxes’? It could easily be done from the air or the sea.

Why haven’t the navies of interested parties participated in a joint naval blockade, with instructions to interdict any ship approaching Somalia with suspicious cargo or to blow any Somalian craft that strays out of a clearly marked safe zone out of the water?

I keep hearing that President Obama is more “curious” and “open-minded” than His predecessor. Well, actually…it’s been a few weeks since I heard that. But still, that’s supposed to be the prevailing theme. Nevertheless, when questions like these are brought up, and “Pee Wee” dismisses them all with some flippant comment about “we’re talking about housing right now,” it helps to cement His reputation more and more as the President of non-curiosity.

Does He have a shot at re-election in 2012? Of course He does. He can answer some questions that aren’t completely to His liking and stop controlling what “we’re” all talking about from moment to moment. Or…He could still have a shot…but only in a country that has lost any & all respect for ideas and information. Within a society that has embraced the paste-jar and devoted itself to a return to Kindergarten days, where the rules were simple, a teacher was constantly telling you what to think & what to say, and they even had nap-time.

For the time being, His methods are well-defined. No more questions need be asked, President Obama orchestrated a brave rescue, now move along folks there’s nothing else to see here.

Why Obama Will Be a One-Term President

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

What interests me about this article — other than where in the hell the paragraphs are supposed to begin and end — is that it was not written by a tighty-righty wild-eyed conservative, but rather by someone who seems to be among our modern socialists. By “modern socialist” I mean not quite so much a practicing one, as one who seeks to promote socialism by stigmatizing against anyone calling it what it really is. In fact, much of the verbiage is not quite so much an assertion that Obama will be a one-termer…although he does say that…but a rant against the tea party movement.

Again someone rails against the tea party movement with that tired, dishonest, “Where Were You When Bush Was…” argument.

I continue to be amused and amazed: President Change does things that simply cannot be defended, and yet, to some people, they must be. So in grasping at straws to defend the indefensible, they come up with this gem: Here’s something President Change’s predecessor did, that in some ways, could be regarded as similar to what is being done now. President Change can be defended, after all, because President Change is…consistent. President Change is good, or at least, you are not allowed to say or imply President Change is bad. Because President Change is not changing anything.

Raspy sigh. I saw a protest sign somewhere yesterday that said it best: How can debt be both the problem and the solution?

On That Homeland Security Right-Wing Extremist Group Report

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

The report, entitled “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,” is here. I’ve noticed a trend in how it is typically headlined: The event worthy of note is not the publication of the report, but rather the “reaction” from something called the “conservative blogosphere.” Conservatives are tweaked, angry, howling, spitting, sputtering, going apeshit, freaking out, and most importantly, spinning.

Michelle Malkin, typically offered as the example, reacts:

The “report” was one of the most embarrassingly shoddy pieces of propaganda I’d ever read out of DHS. I couldn’t believe it was real.

I spent the day chasing down DHS spokespeople, who have been tied up preparing for a very important homeland security event later today: The First Lady is coming to visit their Washington office. Priorities, you know.

Well, the press office got back to me and verified that the document is indeed for real.

They were very defensive — preemptively so — in asserting that it was not a politicized document…the piece of crap report issued on April 7 is a sweeping indictment of conservatives. And the intent is clear. As the two spokespeople I talked with on the phone today made clear: They both pinpointed the recent “economic downturn” and the “general state of the economy” for stoking “rightwing extremism.” One of the spokespeople said he was told that the report has been in the works for a year. My b.s. detector went off the chart, and yours will, too, if you read through the entire report — which asserts with no evidence that an unquantified “resurgence in rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalizations activity” is due to home foreclosures, job losses, and…the historical presidential election.

I skimmed through the left-wing blogs to find out what their reactions would be. Yglesias, ThinkProgress, Raw Story, Pandagon, Anonymous Liberal and Balloon Juice. A consistent and recurrent meme emerged: Troubling issues that arise from a government agency’s suggestion of terrorist motives on the part of free citizens “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority” (p. 2) were left unexplored…even untouched. The subject matter turned, instead, to tit-for-tat, howzitfeel type of nonsense. Silly conservatives didn’t say a word when Bush was trampling on our civil liberties, why are they piping up now?

Awesome! The new administration was elected in on a glossy, glittery platform of “change.” And now it’s doing things that can only be defended by implying they’re the same as what the old crowd did. Some change.

If only it were true. The argument is defeated — as left-wing arguments usually are — through an exercise known as reading things. As Malkin says:

[T]hose past reports have always been very specific in identifying the exact groups, causes, and targets of domestic terrorism, i.e., the ALF, ELF, and Stop Huntingdon wackos who have engaged in physical harassment, arson, vandalism, and worse against pharmaceutical companies, farms, labs, and university researchers.

Don’t take her word for it, or mine. The report to which the liberal bloggers point with their “the other guy did it too” defense, “Left-Wing Extremism: The Current Threat,” is here. You won’t need to study long. The difference between the 2001 report and the one that just came out, is structural. The older report gives facts…and more facts…and more facts…dates…cities…statistics…the history behind each of the more pertinent groups, who founded them, why, what their methods are, what they’ve been caught doing, some intelligence suggesting who funds them. It even does a decent job of inspecting the possible dangers posed by right-wing extremist groups.

This month’s report from DHS boils down to one thing: “Hey, we’d better be worried about this stuff! You know how those tighty-righties are when they lose their jobs, especially when black people are elected President!” Yes, I’m putting words in their mouths, but not unfairly. Go on, read the piece-of-crap report and tell me if they’ve got a message that goes beyond that…or if they’ve produced any firm evidence to support such a message. It’s gossip. And that’s not my opinion; come up with a workable definition for “gossip” before you read the report, then read it. There’s nothing to back up any of what they’re saying here.

So you could fairly headline this entire thing as “left-wingers freak out about right-wingers and then accuse right-wingers of freaking out.”

As polished as the prose is, and as crisp as the computer fonts look, when you inspect it at the thought-level it has a look and feel that I have come to associate with subsequent organizational backpedaling and apology. Not that I’m terribly sure it’ll happen this time. This is a report put out by someone who spends lots of time with other people who think exactly the same things already, and can’t be told much of anything…which suggests his or her superiors are in the same mold. We know the guy at the top fits that profile too, so it’s doubtful anyone in a position that matters, will see the need to retract anything.

Of course perhaps their eyes could be opened by such kind, colorblind, all-inclusive, tolerant comments from lefty-blog-commenters as “Can’t wait to see the TSA, state police, NYPD profiling pasty White guys” (CParis, commenter 4, Yglesias link) and “Seriously, this [Glenn Beck] is a man who just needs to have a massive heart attack and die for the good of the country” (DTG in STL, Pandagon). Oh, you lefties! I’m so glad you’re in charge now, busily putting together that society that’ll work for everyone!

Maybe some peaceful and loving outbursts like that that would give the DHS report author a whole new perspective on things. I’m just not ready to bet a lot of money on it.

Would’ve Landed Hardest on Obama?

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

Phil finds a fascinating piece of slobber-fest from the AP…

The U.S. economy is showing only glimmers of life and two costly wars remain in the balance, but President Barack Obama’s “no drama” handling of the Indian Ocean hostage crisis proved a big win for his administration in its first critical national security test.

Obama’s quiet backstage decision to authorize the Defense Department to take necessary action if Capt. Richard Phillips’ life was in imminent danger gave a Navy commander the go-ahead to order snipers to fire on the pirates holding the cargo ship captain at gunpoint.
…[I]t goes some way toward dispelling the notion that a liberal Democrat with a known distaste for war — Obama campaigned on his consistent opposition to the Iraq invasion — doesn’t have the chops to call on U.S. military power.

The sniper operation Sunday, with pirate guns aimed at Phillips, was a daring, high-stakes gambit, and it could have easily gone awry. If it had, the fallout would have probably landed hardest on Obama.

Okay, I’m in full agreement with every sentence right up until that last one. It was certainly a test, and Obama did pass it. But President Obama would’ve gotten slimed if things didn’t work out? He’d have taken the fall? Really? On what planet?

Now I realize Obama has been President for less than three months by now. Still and all, it’s a fair question to ask — when has anything “landed hardest” on Obama?

He has a way of speaking that influences the weak-minded — be willing to admit it or not, but that’s some 75%, maybe 85% of us — to come to the opinions He wants them to reach, nevermind how problematic the facts may be. He has this talent, and He uses it. It is why He is where He is.

Things don’t “land hardest” on this type of boss. This is the kind of boss who ends up being the boss, and I think we’ve all had at least one of these…because nothing is ever His fault. No matter what. Ever. No, if this whole thing had gone south it would’ve been on the Commander.

Go on. Find something in that much-discussed community-organizer resume, or even better, in those autobiographies. Prove me wrong.

Update: The best article on the web I’ve seen that illustrates how far removed is this mindset from reality, is at Blackfive. Yes, it would be equally offensive to reality to deny President Obama any credit at all; He does deserve some. And, let the record show, I did give it to Him. Maybe not in the way a democrat voter would like me to, but I did.


Saturday, April 11th, 2009

Larger version…

Based on an off-line comment (with attachment) from blogger friend Phil, who wanted to make sure I saw this one below, but doesn’t remember where he got it.

Noticing certain common phrases have the letter “O” in them is a little bit generic, kind of like copyrighting the note F-sharp. But the idea is a good ‘un, still, and I do want to give proper credit if it’s possible to do so…so leave a name or link in the comments if you know something.

Apologizing For Its Own Sake

Thursday, April 9th, 2009

The radio guys are talking about Obama’s apology for the United States last week. You know the one; the one that got Charles Krauthammer all ticked off, that he called “disgraceful.”

A nation always loses face when its leader apologizes for what that nation has done — especially when other nations bear some of the blame as well, and their own portion goes unmentioned. The implication is that the apology has been provided for being. But to me, that wasn’t what was particularly annoying about Obama’s apology. What annoyed me about Obama’s apology the most, was that the apology appeared, to me, to be the point of the exercise. I’m unconvinced, in other words, that we had anything to gain diplomatically from this apology. I don’t think any other nation had anything to gain from seeing us diminished in this way, either. I think the point of it was to drop a virtual business card…to accumulate some more identity for Obama…as if He needed any more. To make Him into “The Apologetic President.”

This is what really gets under my skin about it. That it was off-topic.

The other night my girlfriend and I were discussing whether or not it was time to go shopping for some meat. I couldn’t shake the feeling that if Barack Obama knew about our conversation, He’d find it an irresistable temptation to astrally project Himself into our kitchen so He could say “I’d just like to interject one thing — America bears more than its share of the blame, for your meat being gone.” And then vanish again.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: As far as leaders go, the ones who are elected specifically to inspire us to look forward & not backward, with renewed feelings of hope & not despair — Obama is remarkably obsessed with finger-pointing.

I wonder if that’s going to be His downfall? Maybe someday He’ll have an open meeting with someone, and the next day people will say “Did you see what I saw? That other guy had all the ideas about how to fix the problem, and President Whats-His-Name didn’t say a single thing about anything other than how the problem came to be. Some leader.”

On Teleprompter…Off Teleprompter

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Comment in thread under Boortz — from commenter Club-a-Liberal:

I can’t stomach hearing this guy [President Obama] talk anymore. I don’t even have to look at the TV anymore to know whether he is reading a teleprompter, index cards, or lying bare on stage without the props.

When on teleprompter, he has the strong, confident tone, with his head up high, looking down his nose on everyone. Off teleprompter, his head is down, eyes are closed, and it takes him 20 seconds to spit out a few words in between the umms and ahhs.

I call him the Milli Vanilli of Presidents. [emphasis mine]

I’ve seen & heard some Obamafans protest that Obama can deliver a speech better without a teleprompter, than George W. Bush can, with one.

I suppose that’s true.

George W. Bush, however, was never (and never would be) offered as a proficient candidate for the office of President, solely because of his ability to give a speech.

Oh and one more little thing — trying to dismiss the shortcomings of your idol based on an off-topic comparison to His predecessor…is practically the very definition of lame-o.

“I Have Become a Symbol”

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Waiting for the separation-of-church-n-state crowd to pipe up on this one…but not holding my breath.

The 5:20 TBA turned out to be his adoration session with lawmakers in the Cannon Caucus Room, where even committee chairmen arrived early, as if for the State of the Union. Capitol Police cleared the halls — just as they do for the actual president. The Secret Service hustled him in through a side door — just as they do for the actual president.

Inside, according to a witness, he told the House members, “This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for,” adding: “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”

The tip of the hat goes to What’s Wrong With The World, via Becky the Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever.

I’m going to win that $100 and a steak dinner in 2012 when Obama becomes a one-termer. I’m sure of it now. These nasty rumors flying around…that someone in Obama’s camp figured out “Hey, we’d better damn well knock off this Messiah bullshit right now.” Those rumors may very well be true. Someone may very well have pulled their heads outta their asses and put a voice beside what is obvious. It could’ve happened…

…but if so, it’s not having any effect whatsoever. It’s The Symbol. He just can’t stop Himself.

We’re going to have four years of this, and not get a little bit tired of it?

I’m going to look up some steak restaurants right now.

Barack’s Bow: Weak

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

Obama BowYou might’ve missed the goings-on last week when our new Hopey-Changey internationalist world-community-citizen President got a little bit too caught up in the diplomatic festivities and salutations, and bowed before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

And the Nine Inch Nails broke out in song: Bow down before the one you serve, you’re going to get what you deserve.

The new internationalist fervor has exacted yet another ugly price.

Consider the ramifications. Not only is He a more evolved Higher Being and Lightworker than the rest of us…but the Constitutions says He is also our President. If He’s underneath a foreign nation’s King, then so are we all. This is one among many reasons why United States Presidents do not bow before Kings. They simply don’t.

Greg Cotharn, addressing the incident in The End Zone:

Conservatives look at Barack and see someone who doesn’t fully get what makes America great. Barack would not faux pas over the symbolism of a black man bowing to a white man; would understand the symbolism of a woman bowing to a man; yet lightly forgets the blood which has been shed – is being shed at this very moment – so an American need not bow to anyone’s King? It’s not that Barack doesn’t understand the symbolism. It is, rather, the symbolism appears further down his priority list (so far down that he momentarily forgot about it) than it would have been for almost any other POTUS in history. Even writing this, I notice myself becoming angry about the apparent casualness regarding American sacrifice and principle.

It’s not that the bow will have any immediate practical effect. It is, rather, sort of like a filthy bathroom in a restaurant: what ELSE about America’s greatness is Barack casual about? If Barack doesn’t understand — deep in his bones — what makes America great, what principles is Barack basing his decisions upon?

An Obvious Connection, but Maybe I’m the First to See It?

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Mister Bossy Himself…

…and that little shit from The Twilight Zone (Original Series): It’s a Good Life. You know, the all-powerful little boy that was wishing people out to the cornfield.

This is not a constitutional separation-of-powers rant. Forget congressional oversight. Think, instead, about subordinates. Or forget about Obama’s subordinates…think about His casual acquaintances. Other than that bigoted asshole preacher of His, I don’t know of anybody who’s given Him any knowledge…or opinions, that’ve managed to sink in…or advice…or anything. Anybody. That means His sainted grandmother, mother, and Michelle.

What He knows, it would seem, is limited to what’s germinated in His cranium.

He is supposed to be heaven-sent to replace His predecessor, His poorly-read Texas-hick predecessor, who is supposed to have been a remarkably incurious man.

As far as curious savants go that are supposed to be taking the place of, and providing a contrast to, incurious village idiots…President Obama does not seem to have learned anything, from anything. And His is the brand of arrogance that can blossom only after a lifetime of having none of His ideas seriously challenged by anybody. He’s the answer to President Bush, who aroused all this anger and angst by casually referring to himself as “The Decider”?

Would you be able to explain that one to a cherubim or seraphim, or to God Himself, or any other cosmic kismet?

I don’t think I would. Like they say, if you want to make the angels laugh, tell ’em your plans.

Obama Has Delivered Positive Change That George W. Bush Never Could…

Monday, April 6th, 2009

…Jimmy Carter has been exceptionally quiet.

Crowder on Biden

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

The current administration is being given special treatment?

Say it ain’t so, Joe.

It Really Does All Make Sense

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson explains the actions of The One, who was elected to install a morally clean and fiscally sane government, and is going through money like a horse goes through water and nominating a bunch of druggies, perverts and tax cheats to His top slots:

In just the first 70 days of the new administration, a number of Obama supporters have expressed some dismay at their new president. Some find his ethically challenged appointments at odds with his soaring moral rhetoric.

Others lament his apparent inability to stir up supporters in impromptu speeches, at least in the manner he did with set oratory on the campaign trail. And they worry about his occasionally insensitive remark.

Many cannot quite figure out why, after lambasting George W. Bush for running a $500-billion deficit, Obama has outlined eight years of budgetary red ink that would nearly match the debt run up by all previous U.S. presidents combined.
Welcome Back, CarterIf you believed that highly educated and sometimes distracted liberals occasionally slip on rather mundane questions of taxes, lobbying, and conflict of interest — but not at all in the felonious, premeditated manner of the corporate hierarchy — then it would be necessary to overlook such minor lapses for the greater good of marshalling talented and well-disposed experts into progressive government.

If you believed that socially minded liberals are tolerant and extraordinarily empathetic, then their rather impolite speech is not at all offensive. Constant disparagement of the previous administration, and jokes about fellow Americans — ranging from the physically or mentally impaired, to Nancy Reagan and her séances, to the stereotyped religion and culture of a clinging middle America, to the purported prejudices of a “typical white person” — are not insensitive, let alone callous. No, the evocation of these occasional infelicities reflects the tally-sheet of nitpicking right-wing agitators, keen to bring down a hard-working progressive sacrificing for the people.
If you believed that wars, crises, and international tensions are brought about by miscommunications, misunderstandings, and Western insensitivity, rather than by despots trying to advance illiberal agendas whenever and wherever they sense an opening, then you would blame past administrations for our present ills, with all their bellicose and retrograde talk of preparedness, deterrence, and pre-emption. You would grandly proclaim a new age of harmonious relations, and count on your rhetorical abilities and charisma to persuade past rivals and mischaracterized enemies that, at this rare but opportune moment, there are no real differences between us — and thus no reasons for future disputes.

In other words, if you believed as President Obama and many of his advisors do, then you would do what Obama and his advisors are now doing.

Caveat Emptor.


Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

This is not ours. I know it looks like it could be…but it isn’t.

It’s put out by Chicago-based Devil’s Due Publishing, and their passions, allegiances and true affections lie…elsewhere…like, for example, with a certain “Barack the Barbarian.”

Those aren’t ours. Those are theirs. Original artwork, one would presume.

Chicago-based comics publisher Devil’s Due announced a pair of projects today that will involve Obama-related storylines, and released promotional images for the comics featuring the US President and a very, well… unique take on former Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

Like the massively popular issue of “Amazing Spider-Man” #583 that hit its fifth printing last month, the comics feature Obama prominently on the cover — but Devil’s Due president Josh Blaylock said they’d offer a very unexpected take on the fist-bumping president.

This one is ours…and it’s an edit of an old Red Sonja cover, “Devil with a Sword,” with the hair coloring changed and the signature eyeglasses added on. It’s not one of our best chop jobs; we should’ve left a hint of auburn coloring in place, but our eyeballs were almost bleeding by the time we got done with it and we neglected to compare the product to the celebrity. Nevertheless, it still retains the flattering depiction of determination and strength that is missing from that top DDP cover.

Keep the “change,” Devil’s-Due. We’ll hang on to our fantasies, about what a certain luminary is going to be wearing to her swearing-in on January 20, 2013. I’m thinking that out of all the outfits we’ve depicted, the Supergirl blouse with the puffy sleeves would provide the superior protection against those wintertime gusts rolling in off the Atlantic and Potomac. Not much of an issue for an Alaska native who knows how to field dress a moose, I’m thinkin’.

Obama Memorabilia for the Time Capsule

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

In three and a half years, I’m going to win my $100 and my steak dinner when Barack Obama becomes a one-termer. I’m more and more convinced of this every day. And I’m further convinced that a few decades after that, historians will be scrambling to figure out how we could have whipped up so much enthusiasm behind a presidential candidate who was so shockingly bad.

This one’s for them. I know it’s a little dusty by now…but it’s great viewing. All three women are so gorgeous, it’s almost painful to look at ’em. And boy do they get into it. But more important than that, it captures what was wrong with our national thinking, just how diseased we were. And it probably captures it better in hindsight, now, when we know how much stumbling-outta-the-gate the new administration has been doing.

Just listen to this “defense attorney.”

People just don’t make sense when they’re trying too hard to please other people. Even the brightest ones. They have trouble staying consistent. They get worked up into a frothy frenzy, and they can’t even follow their own rules.

The kids are black, so they should support Obama. That’s her logic?

I wonder what she’d say about an all-girls’ school making such a video in support of Hillary? Or of Sarah Palin? Pity nobody asked the question. Of course, the cross-talk is so bad, maybe someone did and I missed it.

Don’t F*ck With My President! Don’t F*ck With My President!

Saturday, March 28th, 2009

The perils of having elected a President just because He’s a popular guy…not because He would’ve made a good President. That’s regarding this:

I expect the Samuel-Jackson-Secret-Service-Fantasy guy speaks for many.