Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
Let’s just ignore the merits & demerits of this guy’s argument. His comment-posters are already handing him his own ass, and this is a road we’ve been down before many times.
One more phony-baloney Frum-like lamentation:
These days it’s getting increasingly embarrassing to publicly identify oneself as a conservative. It was bad enough when George Bush 43, the K Street Gang, and the neo-cons were running up spending, fighting an unnecessary war of choice in Iraq, incurring massive deficits, expanding entitlements, and all the rest of the nonsense I cataloged over the years in posts like Bush 43 has been a disaster for conservatives.
These days, however, the most prominent so-called conservatives are increasingly fit only to be cast for the next Dumb and Dumber sequel. They’re dumb and crazy.
Let’s tick off ten things that make this conservative embarrassed by the modern conservative movement:1. A poorly educated ex-sportwriter who served half of one term of an minor state governorship is prominently featured as a — if not the — leading prospect for the GOP’s 2012 Presidential nomination.
2. Tom Tancredo calling President Obama “the greatest threat to the United States today” and arguing that he be impeached. Bad public policy is not a high crime nor a misdemeanor, and the casual assertion that pursuing liberal policies–however misguided–is an impeachable offense is just nuts.
3. Similar nonsense from former Ford-Reagan treasury department officials Ernest Christian and Gary Robbins, who IBD column was, as Doug Marconis observed, “a wildly exaggerated attack on President Obama’s record in office.” Actually, it’s more foaming at the mouth.
They keep popping up, like zits. These David Weigel wanna-bes; it’s as if they want to be caught in the same scam. Donkeys wading into the elephant party, with their cheap paper-mache elephant masks strapped to their donkey heads, “Huh huh! I wish so many of ‘our people’ weren’t racists, huh huh!”
Who’s the left-wing counterpart? Where’s the recovering liberal suddenly realizing our modern leftists are whacked in the head? There were signs being waved around during “war protests” comparing Bush to Hitler…signs saying “we support the troops when they shoot their commanders,” and such. Smiles, smiles and more smiles at these “vigils” that were supposed to “mark” the thousandth, or two thousandth, or four thousandth troop death in Iraq.
And let’s not even start with the “Bush Knew” conspiracy theories. These “conservatives” are really embarrassed about other conservatives? Really?
Pardon me, but I’m concerned about whether my children & grandchildren will have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I don’t think that’s nuts or racist. Anyway. I said let’s not explore merits & demerits, and here I am doing it.
His mask is slipping. Because, to me, if you’re in the six-in-ten who think the country is heading in the wrong direction, you don’t have to defend anything about your personality or psychological profile. This is the reaction a rational person has.
You know what’s scary about liberals nowadays? They know how they want to hate, so much better than they know who to hate. Hate, as in…anger that is not provoked by any specific act. Anger directed at people for what they are, rather than for what they do.
They know how they want to hate, well before they know what the target is. In November of 2008, it was anybody who voted for anybody besides Barack Obama, because these were people who tried to obstruct the Glorious Agenda. But it was a muted hate, because that was a minority and thus ineffectual.
Now it’s six in ten. And now it’s a hate that can melt steel. They’ve got all these well-rehearsed speeches defining what exactly the enemy is…but they don’t know who it is, and they don’t care.
These people are the reason we cannot discuss politics in the workplace. Their plans have been given a more than fair shot, the plans have failed, they’re feeling sensitive about it and they’re looking for an outlet for their rage. All ready to marginalize the other side as fringe, knowing full well they are far more deserving of this.
Do conservatives really have hate? I’m sure there is an individual here & there that is hateful…but for the movement overall, “anger” fits so much better. We’ve got our taxes being ratcheted up at the end of the year, as a panacea for an economic malaise that didn’t start until the democrats took over Congress back in ’07. Our President doesn’t know what He’s doing, and He was supposed to know everything. We were obliged to hand all the controls and power tools off to grown-up children, and we see the wreckage that results today.
Now we’re supposed to blame it all on the people who didn’t want to see it happen, and did all they could to prevent it.
A rational, reasonable person gets angry.
But anger is nothing like hate, especially liberal hate.
And a professor should know, this universe runs on facts that are indisputable…two and two are four…arctangent of 1 is 45 degrees…therefore, on principles. If you care about the principles you really don’t care who is representing them — ya phony.
Liberals make lousy paper mache masks.
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What a pretentious, elitist asshole. If Freeman Dyson wants to lecture me for being “anti-science”, I’ll listen. When a self-absorbed douchebag JC sees fit to tag me as such, well, let’s just say that I have taken Bainbridge’s measure and found him wanting.
- Physics Geek | 08/02/2010 @ 09:41Once they get on that PhD-pedestal they won’t be told anything. They cease all learning and simply begin to argue and debate – it’s all podium-pontificate, all the time.
- DirtCrashr | 08/02/2010 @ 10:05Professors have achieved their elite status as members of the ruling class. Everything else is petty academic jealousy and infighting.
[…] Peek in the Well has a look at Liberal anger and hate and hateful anger, and angry hatefulness, and well, you get the idea! This entry was posted in Dougs creations and tagged Rule 2. Bookmark the permalink. ← Daily Benefactor News – Rep. Maxine Waters To Face Ethics Charges – More Articles […]
- Monday Rule 2? Why the Hell not? | The Daley Gator | 08/02/2010 @ 12:16What a complete douche. I’m sick of people like this. I’ve been doing my best on the “innerwebs” to run people like this away from conservatism and/or the Republican Party. I don’t want them carrying any of our labels, voting with us, or otherwise identifying. It’s part-and-parcel of the same snobbery and elitism that infected the last GOP-led Congress, and was directly responsible for them getting booted out of power.
These “moderates” pride themselves on disassociating themselves with us redneck-ish, country-listening, gun-toting NASCAR fans, and frankly they can stick their Manhattan cocktail parties where the sun don’t shine. Most of them seem to think we lost the last election because our message wasn’t watered-down enough. I have no use for “conservatives” like this. I’d rather have them among my enemies, where I don’t have to pretend to like them.
I found the comment section much more entertaining than the actual article.
- cylarz | 08/02/2010 @ 23:31I got news for him. It’s pantywaist, noodle-spined, appeaseniks like him that fretted and fumed and hand-wrung, and threw Reagan under the bus, and “compromised” endlessly with the Democraps that drove me out of the Republican party and to the Libertarians.
If people like him have their way, I won’t be voting for a Liberal Republican.
And I noticed the coward turned off comments. Asshat.
- Gonzman | 08/03/2010 @ 06:41Oh for Heaven´s sake. We are responsible for Tancredo? Who then is to be blamed for Grayson, Stark, Etheridge, Frank, Waters, Rangel, … the list could be very long before we even get to the Senate. Every one of these psychos is nuttier than Paul or Tancredo and they are actually writing laws right now. Nor do I don´t see why I´m supposed to be ashamed of Palin or Limbaugh just because some people take that for granted.
Note whom Bainbridge also doesn´t mention. He hankers after Charlie Crist, who in recent months has destroyed what was left of his credibility. He doesn´t mention Rubio, who is a very attractive candidate. He doesn´t mention great conservative governors and reformers like Christie, Daniels, Pawlenty, Jindal, McDonnell. He doesn´t mention congressmen like Paul Ryan.
I agree that Sharron Angle isn´t as electable as, say, Sue Lowdon would have been. But any Republican candidate would have been vilified and smeared, and yes, Bainbridge would have fallen for it. Fact: Angle is a better human being than Reid by several orders of magnitude. She cannot fail to be a more honest and diligent Senator than the utterly corrupt Reid. That is the choice we have and Bainbridge failed to choose wisely.
- El Gordo | 08/04/2010 @ 03:28[…] You Notice When You Watch Tron Again “Reception Problems” I Made a New Word XXXIX Where’s the Left-Wing Counterpart? “Republican Tax Increase”? Cool Navy Stuff Retro Digital Watch Commercials Dave Allen […]
- House of Eratosthenes | 08/06/2010 @ 06:13