Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
Kelly can be a girl’s name as well as a boy’s name…so poor little Kelly has a problem with Santa Claus leaving him adorable pink girl stuff.
And the feminists have a problem with Kelly having a problem with it.
Okay, one MORE time…what does this have to do with promoting dignity in the stature and treatment of women in a civilized society, and developing and defending the opportunities they have?
Feminists. They want so badly for people to listen to their propaganda. And they want so badly for people to join on in when the feminists say “please help me deplore the latest thing I’ve placed in the crosshairs, today.”
But that ends up meaning they don’t want people to have memories.
Because if you remember all the things that have ever been in-the-crosshairs-today, across any significant swath of time…the propaganda just crumbles. You know what propaganda I mean. The “narrow agenda” propaganda. The “oh no, we’re not here to dismantle gender differences or anything like that, we just want a fair wage.” The a-man-can-be-a-feminist propaganda.
The it-doesn’t-have-anything-to-do-with-being-a-bitch propaganda.
The propaganda that says feminists are just as loving and charming as any other kind of woman. If you aren’t knocking a woman’s tooth out, or swatting her on the butt, or behaving in a way toward a woman that you wouldn’t behave around your own grandmother, then we have no beef with you.
The propaganda that comes out anytime they’re called on their crap. The propaganda we saw when Cassy, Hawkins, myself and others helped Jessica Valenti get that free publicity for her book.
It’s all a crock o’ bullshit. At least, on web sites like Feministing, it is.
Keep sufficient wits about you to observe and remember trends, and you can’t help but form some opinions about these post-modern feminists they aren’t gonna like. They aren’t friends to chastity, or even to any kind of discretion an available young lady might use in choosing her sexual partners or keeping the number thereof down beneath a non-scandalous ceiling. Somehow, that rankles them. It always has. The one exception seems to be the woman who resolves not to sleep with any conservative Republicans — that’s alright. Any other kind of criteria applied…no. If you have something to say about an Aspirin between the knees, or waiting for marriage, or waiting until he meets Mom and Dad, or waiting a few weeks — feminists ain’t gonna like it.
They might like it if you say women can do something.
If you say men can do something, they won’t like it.
If you say women and men can do more things than they’re doing, feminists won’t like it.
If you say women can’t do something, they’ll come out swinging.
If you say women and men can do things together, they aren’t going to be too happy about it. Unless it’s holding a candlelight vigil and calling George W. Bush a war criminal.
It’s pretty tough to get them to opine at length about the draft.
They’re very passionate about gay marriage. I don’t think I’m ever going to understand that one. If a woman wants to support the feminist movement with her time or her money, but she’s opposed to gay marriage, feminists don’t want her support? What’s gay marriage got to do with womens’ rights? It’s just stupid, in my opinion. It’s like starting a movement to promote responsible pet ownership, and spaying and neutering and proper veterinary care for your pet — and oh, by the way, we’re also big Monster Truck fans. If you don’t go to the shows then we don’t want your support. One has nothing to do with the other, so why tie the two together?
Actually, re-defining marriage has a distinct effect of diminishing the role of women in society. So I would say it’s like promoting responsible pet ownership and also owning your own monster truck. But whatever.
When Feministing opined about Sarah Palin for the first time — that is when the site hit the low nadir. That just completes the picture, doesn’t it? A more complete and fulfilling role for women in society, goes off in this direction…progressive politics dashes off in the other…Feministing follows the progressive politics. Embarrassing to watch. Just like when liberals circled the wagon around Bill Clinton when he was trying to stop the women he’d been exploiting from having their day in court — and went on to call themselves staunch defenders of womens’ rights. Based on what? Just plain ol’ tradition? We’re supposed to think left-wingers think highly of women just because they’re left-wingers?
Left-wing politics, in general…and the feminist movement, in particular…these are, at a breakneck pace, rapidly degenerating into places that are ideal for a lifelong male chauvinist pig to join, places where he can feel at home. I mean, just stand back and look at it. If a male politician supports the right policies he should be able to exploit women, shove his penis into the faces of perfect strangers, and that’s okay. The whole world should be his glory hole. If women are offended by that and want to sue, they shouldn’t have their day in court. They aren’t entitled to it. Because the right political agenda is worth exploiting a few broads, if they’re good lookin’. Wives aren’t special. Housewives aren’t special. Stay-at-home-moms aren’t special. There’s no need to feel appreciative about any of these women or what they do. Actually, when they get down on their hands and knees and scrub your toilet so it sparkles, you should behave as if it just happened…by magic. Like Tinkerbell flew in and sprinkled some pixie dust on it. Anything but show the goddamned minimal gratitude your mother eventually insisted you start showing.
And wives are disposable, because now we’re going to re-define marriage as being whole and complete if there aren’t any women involved in it at all. Two guys can raise a kid just as nicely — which means mothers are disposable too — and oh by the way, if you dare to disagree with us about it, we’ll crush you.
Anything a woman can do a man can do better. Including playing with pink toys.
Looks like a chauvinist pig platform to me.
So after today, let’s not have any further discussion about whether modern feminism, or Feministing anyway, is all about erasing the gender divide, trying to make men and women the same. We don’t need to wonder about it anymore. It’s settled. That is what it’s about. And it’s about eradicating masculinity. They don’t like it; they want to see it go away. I guess when a boy is unfortunately saddled with fluffy pink toys, he should just turn gay on the spot.
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Gay marriage is easy. The Feminists know they have destroyed marriage, so by pushing Gay marriage, they have men set up to take the hit if a backlash happens. Clueless men are often doormats for evil women, and it looks the the Gays are not exception.
- Robert Mitchell Jr. | 12/10/2008 @ 12:20Morgan. Dude. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it yet again… you’d be MUCH happier if you avoided the idiots in life, which includes visiting sites like FeministFisting. Their rants and raves are essentially harmless, given the fact they’re (a) such a small community who espouse a discredited ideology and (b) enjoy trading meaningless rants among themselves. Unless and until you consider the effect they have on your blood pressure.
- Buck | 12/10/2008 @ 16:13Happier, yeah. But ignorance is bliss sometimes. I have to confess, I’m undecided about whether, in situations where happiness is inseparably shrink-wrapped with ignorance, I want both or neither. I think we’re all undecided that way. Or at least most of us…those of us who aren’t living in self-imposed exile in Portales, NM, or someplace like that. 😉
I think what we see happening over the last fifty years, is mass communication bringing down a mighty society. It works by conferring the bulk of the political power upon the dimbulbs. Wherever information travels rapidly, it logically follows that those with the greatest power are going to be those to whom it comes most naturally to organize; dimbulbs, by their very nature, organize more quickly and efficiently than others. And so — to take your eyes off the dimbulbs is to disclaim knowledge about where we’re headed next. Maybe that’s the right way to go. I agree with you, it would lower my blood pressure. But is that a net gain? The Chosen One’s going to be sworn in as our next President on January 20, in no small part because of uptight control-freakish over-feminized single women just like the harpies getting all pissed off at poor li’l Kelly here…and if that event were taking me completely by surprise, I can promise you it wouldn’t lower my blood pressure.
I wish that logic lost its structural coherence somewhere. Alas, it seems to be durable, and it seems to be proven more and more every day. This cheerful thought brought to you by The Blog That Nobody Reads. 🙂
- mkfreeberg | 12/10/2008 @ 21:48A feminazi is just a creationist with no God to bitch at. It disagrees with their agenda, it can’t be true.
- mythusmage | 12/11/2008 @ 05:14I have to confess, I’m undecided about whether, in situations where happiness is inseparably shrink-wrapped with ignorance, I want both or neither. I think we’re all undecided that way. Or at least most of us…those of us who aren’t living in self-imposed exile in Portales, NM, or someplace like that. 😉
I’m undecided, as well. But I also know which things piss me off and which don’t… and I tend to avoid the former. Keith Olbermann is a good example of my avoidance, Wolf Blitzer another. And those freakin’ “feminist” blogs. The “feminists” really piss me off because I LOVE women, have always loved women, and will continue to love women until my dying day. But not THOSE women. They are abominations. A pox on them.
- Buck | 12/12/2008 @ 16:08