Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
So it was with great interest that I read and reflected upon Jacob Appel’s “It’s Time for an Abortion Pride Movement.” This author and bioethicist emphasizes: “The political and social reality today is that pride is a necessary prerequisite for acceptance and equality. That is why the movement is ripe – more than ripe – for an Abortion Pride Movement.”
I passionately agree. I also believe that the framework for such a movement already exists and is quite powerful. Talking about abortion pride as a social change movement, destigmatizing abortion – and by extension, destigmatizing women – are concepts I have believed in and fought for all of my adult life.
A Republican Party that promotes gay marriage:
Memo to the GOP: Go Gay
by Meghan McCainI am a woman who despises labels and boxes and stereotypes. Recently, I seemed to have rocked a few individuals within my party by saying that I am a pro-life, pro-gay-marriage Republican. So if anyone is still confused, let me spell it out for you. I believe life begins at conception and I believe that people who fall in love should have the option to get married. Lest we forget, our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, grants the same rights to everyone in this country—“All men are created equal.” If you think certain rights should not apply to certain people, then you are saying those people are not equal. People may always have a difference of opinion on certain lifestyles, but championing a position that wants to treat people unequally isn’t just un-Republican. At its fundamental core, it’s un-American.
At the end of the day, speaking at the Log Cabin Republicans’ convention isn’t just about reaching out to the gay community—although I believe doing so is vital to the future success of the party. It’s also about reaching a wider base and redefining what it means to be Republican, and leaving labels, stereotypes, and negativity by the wayside. That more and more people are discussing gay rights speaks positively for the millions of young and progressive Republicans waiting for our party to return to its roots. Personal freedoms are what makes this country the greatest country in the world. And just like the civil-rights and feminist movements before this, the movement toward gay equality and gay marriage is one I have absolute faith will triumph over prejudices. Moreover, I believe the Republican Party has, at this moment, the opportunity to come forward and play an instrumental role in securing gay rights. That’s why I’m speaking at the Log Cabin convention and couldn’t be prouder to be doing so. And yes, I’m still a Republican. Get used to it.
That’s exactly it. The whole problem last year was that the Republican and democrat parties didn’t engage in a mad dash to see who could legalize gay marriage first. If only they had gotten into a meaningless squabble like that, it would’ve been a GOP blow-out.
And we’ll never truly respect women until we have celebrations for baby-butchering. Maybe parades, with some floats shaped like parts of fetuses?
Meghan McCain is quite the piece of work. Of course you can be a Republican and still be in favor of re-defining marriage. But your merely saying so, is not going to get her to go away. She has a more hostile agenda in mind. She isn’t thinking of providing rights to a certain class of person, she’s got another class of person she wants to define, target and banish to irrelevance.
I’ve heard it asked, quite often, “How does your marriage suffer if gays are allowed to marry?” It’s a valid question, but so is that troubling other one: “Without gay marriage legalized, or even with gay marriage outright-banned — what, exactly, are homosexuals left unable to do that everyone else is able to do?” And with that question left unanswered, it becomes crystal clear: Meghan McCain has no burning passion to provide equal status to anyone. She can’t; the equality is already there. Her passion is to poke someone else square in the eye. This matters to her more than anything. And you can see how trivial the idea of Republican victory is, to her, in reality. Look how many paragraphs she managed to grind out without discussing prospects for the next election cycle. Yup, she talks about making the party more inclusive — but that’s as far as she goes. Not a syllable about actually altering the outcome. Just like her old man.
She is a rotten, acrid vat of fetid vinegar with a sickly sweet sheet of frosting on top. The poor girl isn’t nearly as positive of a person as she believes herself to be.
One cannot help but wonder what kind of influences she has at home. Perhaps the Republican champion, who refused to get his hands dirty with his opponent’s Jeremiah Wright controversy, isn’t quite that much into kinder-gentler-stuff behind closed doors.
But at least she has a good excuse; she’s a young, likable dimwit whose father is well-known for putting cocktail-party-invitations above principle. Marcy Bloom, on the other hand, is 57 years old…knows what she’s doing…and, it’s easy to see, has a heart full of hate.
STREETBUZZ: How about your family and childhood?
MARCY BLOOM: I had an older brother and younger sister. As was common, my brother was clearly favored as the male and first born. I feel that our parents loved us all very much, but my brother clearly got favoritism simply by virtue of being a male. Thus feminism was born somewhere in my heart and soul (laughter) even though I was obviously too young to have true awareness of what that was. I simply felt there was something intrinsically unfair about any kind of favoritism based on gender.
MARCY BLOOM: Brooklyn N.Y., woo-hoo! Sociology and healthcare administration, Long Island University, Brooklyn campus. Yes, serious as one could be during the sixties and seventies. I knew I needed training to be able to function in the world. even though all I wanted to do was march against the war, march for women’s rights, and march against the oppressive U.S. adminstration (LBJ and Richard Nixon!) Nothing’s changed, huh? Goes around…
There’s a lesson here. When you’re motivated by the negative, you become inclined to come up with wombat-rabies bollywonkers crazy ideas…ideas not the slightest bit likely to produce the positive outcomes you say, and you just might possibly believe, they are supposed to fulfill. You become just a tiny bit insane. All you really understand with clarity, is which class of asses you want kicked, and how hard you want to kick them. You become a sort of zombified person who can’t really be trusted with anything else.
I wonder if these ladies ever look at what they put down in print the next day and, in a moment or two of quiet and clarity, think to themselves “What in the hell was I thinking?” I wonder if that’ll happen to them someday?
“Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.” — Michael Corleone, Godfather III
Both links via Hot Air.
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A. Best response to Marcy Bloom is her first commenter:
“Abortion pride” — “I have the coping skills of a guppy, so I destroy my own young. Somebody validate me before I throw a tantrum!”
B. Meaghan McCain goes off the rails with her first breath:
“I’m a woman….” No she’s not, she’s a spoiled little girl.
And really, must we refer to these harpies as “ladies?”
- rob | 04/14/2009 @ 14:55I’m sure many will bristle at the idea of conflating the messages of these two hateful…um…let’s call them “sirens.” One’s pro-abortion — not pro-choice, but pro-abortion — the other one is an addle-brained twit who shares delusions with her poppa about what’s moderate versus what’s extreme. Gay “rights” really don’t have that much to do with abortion “rights,” other than 1) feminists seem to be in favor of them both and 2) neither one of them has much to do with any cause that should rightfully concern feminists…certainly nothing to do with empowering women.
The common patchwork between Bloom and McCain is this: They’re both being intellectually insincere by interlacing a personal pet-peeve cause with “civil rights.”
Abortion is an opportunity to opt out of natural consequences that result from a recreational activity. This isn’t what people need to be free. If that actually defined freedom, you could “win” your right to ride a motorcycle without a helmet but then still be “enslaved” when you aren’t given a “right” to have your head stitched back together if/when you need it. That’s not freedom. Freedom, in fact, means the liberty and ability to engage in things that might entail some risk, a burden which will be borne by the free-person if indeed it comes to pass.
And the trouble with the gay-marriage crusade is that it is a utopian ideal; the trouble with utopian ideals is, that since there is no utopia, they’re all trailheads onto slippery-slopes. Every last one of ’em. We’ve been trained now to regard anyone who says “What’s next? Threesomes? Bestiality?” as some kind of a kook-burger. But there’s a lot of validity to that, for the only other eventuality would be a situation in which we legalize gay-marriage, and then achieve Nirvanna — it STOPS there. Our civil rights are complete and no more revolutions need to be thrown.
How unbelievably absurd is that hypothetical alternative. All these married-couples running around, some of different-sex, some of same-sex…but always always always, that magic number TWO. A generation would die off, a new one would spring up, and nobody would get the idea that this stiflingly orthodox number is ripe for a zesty egalitarian neo-revolutionary challenge? I can hear it now: What is this, Noah’s Ark with the whole two-by-two thing? And then, just to be consistent about things…you’ll be identified as a “hater” if you don’t hop aboard the let-’em-marry bandwagon. Of course it has to work that way. All these revolutions have worked that way. Why would the trend stop in 2009?
Wouldn’t it be rewarding if a middle-aged Meghan McCain ends up being the stuffy old fuddy-duddy in that equation, having “All in the Family” type arguments with her own liberation-minded, three-husbands-already-picked-out granddaughter? But alas; the hardcore-hippy seems strong with this one. She’ll be imbibing deeply from the intoxicating “Who’s To Say What’s Normal?” elixir until the time comes to pick out her tombstone.
- mkfreeberg | 04/14/2009 @ 17:08