Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
As a matter of fact, five minutes after I yammer at the kid to put his jammies on and get his skinny ass in bed, this is pretty much what Freeberg Manor looks like…
…except the computer is a HP mini sitting on my lap, and I’m curled up cross-legged on the couch. The dialogue is pretty much exactly the same.
Update: Our favorite blogsister expounds further about us at Mark’s place:
The three of us, count it four with Mark, aren’t movement conservatives. With the exception of Morgan, I’d classify us as classical conservatives, small L libertarians. I’m not sure where Morgan lands, he’s living outside the box.
That you are unable to discern this simple fact tells me that you’re politically ignorant and poorly educated.That you are rude, unpleasant and belligerent is well documented.
I’m polite, pleasant and belligerent. Anti-Marijuana, pro-states’-rights, anti-abortion-for-profit, pro-child-discipline, anti-tofu, pro-meat, mostly-anti-tattoo, pro-nice-lookin’-lady-in-skimpy-clothes, anti-little-kids’-shopping-cart, pro-clean-new-socks, anti-women-with-short-hair, pro-beer, anti-Hillary, pro-dry-wine, anti-anti-war, pro-soldier, anti-made-up-learning-disability, pro-charcoal-barbeque, anti-communist, pro-Hooters’-waitress, anti-hippy, pro-nuclear-arsenal, anti-carbon-cap-n-trade, pro-family, anti-feminist, pro-Boy-Scouts, anti-needle-exchange-program, pro-Palin, anti-judicial-activisim, pro-Mike-Rowe-Dirty-Jobs, anti-George-Soros, pro-capitalism, anti-woman-politician-in-pant-suits, pro-nice-lookin’-ladies-in-short-skirts, anti-convertible-with-top-down-going-boom-chicka-boom, pro-cute-woman-giving-me-a-cold-beer, anti-Michael-Moore, pro-profit, anti-ObamaCare, pro-free-market, anti-tribal-living, pro-individualist, anti-dickhead, pro-entrepreneur, anti-douchebag, pro-nice-person, anti-sleezebag, pro-law-abiding-citizen, anti-pervert, pro-capital-punishment, anti-murderer, pro-vigilante, anti-rapist, pro-vigilante, anti-kidnapper, pro-vigilante, anti-creep, anti-weirdo, anti-whacko, pro-vigilante…
I like the smell of gunpowder. I like it when the caliber begins with the number 3. I like it even better when the number begins with a 4.
I like pretty ladies much better than ugly ladies, and I like fit ladies much better than tubs-o’-lard — BUT!! — if you’re a female, if your hips are 46″ wide, but you love humans and you love strength and ability, you and I will enjoy a bond those skinny man-bashing bitches will never ever know. If you’re pretty, I’ll like you even better when you bring me a cold beer. I like the pretty gals even better when they bring me a hot plate of appetizers with the beer…especially when it’s basted with something slightly tangy. And when they wear something short that shows lots of leg, I like that even better. Cold beer, hot wings, nice-lookin’ bare female leg…and gunpowder. And when I earn money beyond the sensibilities of magnitude of whoever might be paying attention…I get to keep it all…I’m like a puppy when you rub its belly. I’ll follow ya anywhere.
But don’t literally rub my belly, unless you’re my girlfriend.
When I see little kids figure out how to do something they didn’t know how to do five minutes ago, it absolutely makes my day. I don’t care if it’s my kid or someone else’s — well, I do, but the situation holds irregardless. When I see a crooked psychiatrist invent a new three-letter-acronym so a new weakness can be enabled across the decades, I get sick to my stomach and wanna kill somebody.
I think Indiana Jones, as unrealistic as he is, is a role model. Because he’s all about L-I-C-O-R-I-C-E: Leadership, Initiative, Creativity, Ownership of problems, Resourcefulness, Ingenuity, Courage & conviction and Energy. (Those Skywalker boys, as my son and I have noticed, are a little bit light on the O and the C.) T.I., as gritty and realistic as he may be, is not a role model because he’s a thug. He’s missing his licorice.
In short — I’m pro-freedom. Pro-ability. Anti-co-dependence. Pro-strength. Anti-drug-dealing-scumbag-fuckwad.
It really can’t get any simpler than that. Any questions?
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I am so relating to this post. HEH!
- Kini | 04/29/2010 @ 19:21I do so love you, Morgan. You fucking rock the casbah, my friend.
- Daphne | 04/29/2010 @ 20:01It’s mutual, Blogsister. The innerwebs are richer for having you, and I hope they realize it.
- mkfreeberg | 04/29/2010 @ 20:09You have saved me many keystrokes. Thanks.
- vanderleun | 04/30/2010 @ 09:45Whew! I was having an uncomfortable Family Feud moment there. My buddy Morgan and a most highly respected female blogger with my favorite female blogger’s name in a dust-up over … something. I didn’t get in on it. I didn’t want to know!
I know Morgan wouldn’t have been so bugged if Daphne’s opinion meant nothing to him. I’d wager deep down it means quite a lot because he respects her so. I’ve been there myself. Well … now with Daphne in particular, but with others.
It’s nice to see them slap palms and move on.
Now I’m just going to sit back and say “Daphne” a few times because I like the sound of it that much.
- philmon | 04/30/2010 @ 14:10By the way, am I the only one that finds the graphic just slightly creepy?
Probably the Catholic in me. 🙂
- philmon | 04/30/2010 @ 14:11Phil, I was going off on Mark’s obnoxious brother, not my sweet, cuddly Morgan.
I don’t think he was mad at me (were you?) for saying he was out-of-the-box politically. He is and I like it, it was a compliment because he doesn’t deserve to be pigeonholed.
The cartoon was a compliment, too. Morgan is a top notch blog brawler of the highest order.
- Daphne | 04/30/2010 @ 14:19Faceless cartoons are always creepy, Phil.
Maybe Gerard could photoshop a leer on it.
- Daphne | 04/30/2010 @ 14:31Oh, I loved the cartoon the first time I saw it on this blog a few years ago. The stick man cartoon. Showed it to my wife. Figured she’d appreciate it. Kept a copy of it myself.
It’s the Virgin Mary Hooters waitress and Baby Jesus Hot Wings that I was raising an eyebrow about. It’s a little … incongruous for me.
As far as being mad at you, Daphne (*sigh* … D-a-p-h-n-e ), it never crossed my mind :-). I just kept seeing references to some argument between the two of you about something, and I noticed that it wasn’t going away.
Since I think we’re all three of an age that we could actually be close siblings, I wasn’t going to be able to bust out the “Dad” or “Grandpa” card, either.
- philmon | 04/30/2010 @ 14:38Yeah I was wondering if the painting might cause offense. Hope it didn’t. I appreciate that slight irreverence to it…kind of a “If this Hooter’s girl doesn’t offend you, then none of them do, and if none of them do then you’re probably a friend of mine.” Which is at least close to the kind of logic we’re getting at here. Although our meaning is more like…if you want some distance between that fine restaurant chain and yourself, we probably want some distance between yourself & us.
Hm, maybe the “WOMEN ARE NOT FOR DECORATION” pic would’ve been better.
As far as being mad at Daphne, no it didn’t happen. Even if I was piqued at her, I could never stay that way for long. Joe, on the other hand…in his mask, or out of it, he’s an apt symbol for what’s wrong with the country. People cannot think in a straight line, wanna argue politics anyway, run out of arguments, turn all bitter and acidy and of course it’s the other guy’s fault because they can’t take responsibility for a goddamn thing. It was peculiar from the start, by the second lap it got real old. THEN, they did it thirty gazillion more times.
- mkfreeberg | 04/30/2010 @ 15:01I didn’t even notice the Hooter Mary until now – yeah, it’s kinda icky. Blame my Catholic roots for the basic aversion.
Phil, I truly like Morgan. He’s a good, decent man. One of the best in my book. Sometimes we disagree on politics, that in no way diminishes my abiding affection or respect for his positions, opinions and gigantically wonderful self.
The man’s a keeper.
- Daphne | 04/30/2010 @ 15:09Joe is a Napoleon. Short in every sense of the word.
- Daphne | 04/30/2010 @ 15:11Well, I wasn’t going to threaten to blow anybody up over it. 🙂
That’s not the Christian way.
- philmon | 04/30/2010 @ 21:05