Archive for May, 2008

Best Sentence XXIX

Monday, May 12th, 2008

The Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award goes to Shrink Wrapped, of whom we learn via Gerard’s Side Lines

It is very easy, in these days when news is synonymous with entertainment and most people confuse feelings with facts, for our political system to become unbalanced in the face of passionate advocates of the pseudo-science of the day.

In context, the issue under discussion is the hysteria involved in the supposed vaccine-Autism connection, but it could apply to a lot of other things as well.

What Motherhood Is Not

Sunday, May 11th, 2008

My household is a motherless household. My kid has a Mom and my girlfriend has a Mom, so when you spiral outward to extended families that’s about all the Mom-hood you find. So other than reminding all among you who have Moms to give ’em a call, I don’t have too much to say here.

Except for a warning. There are many among our future and past-moms who seem to think class and fidelity are mutually-exclusive things; they’re worshiping Mrs. Robinson, Ann Bancroft’s character from The Graduate, as a role model. Yes, they are; it’s true. Perhaps their moms can do something about this before it gets any further out of hand, and so help to preserve the institution.

It’s not indestructible, you know. Motherhood does have weaknesses and as an attribute of culture, it can become shriveled, withered, twisted and mutated from what it once was. Made useless, in other words.

And anyone who doubts that prospect, can feast their eyes on this find from blogger friend Rick: And gosh…I…just…don’t…know…how…to…tease…this

With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend, Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business, has a message for moms: send us more money. Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, sent out a fund-raising request this week one pro-life advocate says is grotesque.

Richards honored Mother’s Day by sharing part of an editorial her daughter wrote saying she got her pro-abortion views from her mother and grandmother, former Texas Gov. Ann Richards.

“It’s true that I have had lots of rewarding moments in my career. So did my mother,” Cecile wrote in the email obtained. “But knowing that my daughter is carrying on the legacy of fighting that my mother passed to me trumps ’em all.”

Celebrating Mother’s Day by raising funds to perform abortions…thereby stopping motherhood in it’s tracks. Celebrating womanhood by honoring a woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder who betrayed both her daughter and her husband.

Mothers, your daughters are in danger.

When men are being idiots, typically they’re shouting things to each other like “If Iraq is such a good idea, how come you’re not there, you chickenhawk?” Yes, that’s pretty much stuck on stupid right there…it’s a betrayal of what manhood is supposed to be, in which manly men challenge other men to be manly men, rather than belittling third-parties for showing that respect to the manly-men. Manhood is suffering from an ailment in which wimpy men dare to bully real men into becoming wimpy men, rather than the other way around. But there is a common affliction among females, something several orders of magnitude beyond this — although the common thread of betraying the foundation of the gender in question, remains. Our girls, in addition to confusing real-women with phony-women, are also confusing loyalty with treachery, order with chaos, honor with ignominy.

Or at the very least, are tempted to.

Celebrating Mrs. Robinson. My goodness.

Mrs. Robinson has a presence as she enters a room. Her smile radiates the energy that she will share with those who accept it. Most are intrigued as she walks with poise and welcome in her glance. Those lucky enough to join her will be greeted with a gentle yet firm hand, a delicate kiss or a warm embrace. Her words are composed of praise and inspiration. Those who listen will do so intently, and often enjoy great laughter. Her plan to make the environment in which she resides a place of comfort and joy is instantly revealed. Thank you, Mrs. Robinson, for your class within the laws of attraction. I look forward to my continued education in the art of fulfillment. Submitted by Ms. Smith, San Francisco [emphasis mine]

Pure Yang, in other words.

Bat Female Villain RepellantAnd brazen infidelity…

Mrs. Robinson would buy the shoes, seduce the man, kiss the boy, protect the innocent, forget her pantyhose, wear the lingerie, upset the balance, hear the neighbors, play the game, forget her bank account number, lust after the pool boy, decide to remember, desire the wrong one, mistake her pregnancy test and generally, love her unbelievable life. That’s what Mrs. Robinson would do. Submitted by Ms. L. Miller, San Francisco

Mrs. Robinson, in the movie, left a wake of dysfunction, distrust, misery, anger, intense sadness, suffering, confusion, broken relationships, shattered pieces of where a family once stood, and general chaos. To see her celebrated as a feminist icon, to me, is shocking. Just as much so as seeing a solicitation for abortion funds in “celebration” of Mother’s Day.

Anonymous, as quoted by Cassy Fiano in her follow-up post to the whole “real men” exchange, I think nails shut the difference between womanhood as many seem to see it, and womanhood as it can exist to earn the respect they crave:

…from the male perspective, sex is the greatest compliment that a woman can pay to a man. A woman who sleeps around devalues the compliment.

Just something to think about, ladies. Back in the days when timeless legends were written, did we play to the male fantasy by having the knight in shining armor slay the dragon so he can scale the walls of the impenetrable fortress, and wait for his turn to gang bang the princess? Nope. In the same way the princess paid her compliment to the knight, the knight paid the princess a compliment by deeming her worthy of facing down that dragon and near-certain death. It’s a timeless tale about enduring love and respect, not about a roll in the hay. In fact, the closing scenes of your favorite movie, Mrs. Robinson fans, reprises this timeless tale yet again. And Ann Bancroft ends up being one of the dragons. Weren’t you paying attention?

Maybe, just maybe, some of the gals in the Mrs. Robinson Society will follow a trackback here, and learn what they need to learn. If one mind can be changed, so the cliche goes, then it’s worth it.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Fred Thompson on Judges

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Also via Pajamas Media.

Dr. Helen on Push Presents

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

via Pajamas Media.

Hillary’s Downfall

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

H/T: Fake Steve, via Vodkapundit.

Tagger Gets Tagged

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Yes, I like. Hotel Manager Dion Cooper caught the tagger red-handed, which is already pretty good…then he asked the tagger to stop and clean-up. The tagger gave him a bunch of guff.

So he grabbed McKelvey and his thick green paint pen and started drawing on his face.

“I asked him, ‘How do you like that, mate? How do you like being drawn on?’ I put a bit on his clothes, said, ‘Oh sorry, mate, I’ve just wrecked your clothes, like you wrecked my wall, how did you like it?”‘

He then tossed McKelvey into the garden bar, and threw the pen at him.

“There were about 80 to 100 people cheering.”

The story goes on to say the tagger learned his lesson, after being sentenced to 150 hours community service. He’s good & sorry. Yeah…sorry he got caught.

Dion Cooper, I like your style. H/T: FARK.

What Has The Left Done to Reduce Gas Prices?

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Isn’t it about time we started asking that question? So far, I have…

1. Don’t let us build nuclear power plants;
2. Don’t let us drill for oil stateside;
3. Tax our gas purchases, ostensibly for research of “alternative fuels”;
4. Make it more expensive to sell oil and gas, so those companies pass on the costs to US.

Anything I missed?

Well, Phil has been doing some slant-drilling in cartoon land, and he seems to have hit a mother-lode of sorts.

Tuba Player 1, Bratty Kid 0

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Via Boortz.

How Many States

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

You know, I don’t recall Dan Quayle doing anything quite like this:

H/T: Cassy.

Kathryn Jean Lopez put together a lapel pin that maybe, just maybe, the Obamamessiah wouldn’t mind wearing:

H/T: Ace.

Beer: The Conservative Beverage

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

As I’ve written before a few times, it being a recent obsession of mine: Conservatism is all about the symbiotic relationship pre-existing — liberalism is all about requiring a governmental program to make one. Conservatives believe, before we even begin to figure out what we’re going to do on any given day, separate classes are already united in common struggles and laboring under common interests. Liberals believe each class is tearing at the jugular of the next one…or else, is having it’s jugular so targeted by the previous one.

That’s what the issues are all about. All of them. Each and every single one, even the ones that appear to be constructed upside-down from this. Terrorism, for example, in which conservatives say we should carpet-bomb the terrorists and liberals say we should drink tea with them. That isn’t about a symbiotic relationship with the terrorists, you know; the terrorists already decided whether or not that was possible, when they started trying to kill us. That issue is about the inherent right to self-defense: Liberals don’t think we’re worth it. Still think liberals are all about universal brotherhood? Here, try this. Lift up all the pablum a liberal has to say about terrorists, how we need to look for “common ground” with them, hear their “grievances,” “negotiate,” make “peace.” Now take all those empty catchphrases, strip them of all the euphemisms for “terrorist” and in the place of those words, put in “conservative” and “Republican.”

Will the liberal still step up to those words and put his name under them?

I rest my case.

But I digress. Liberals don’t think labor shares common interests with management, straights share common interests with homosexuals, women share common interests with men, ethnic share common interests with whites. They don’t believe in any of that stuff. When they want to do something, half the time, supposedly it has to do with making such a symbiotic relationship where it didn’t exist before. The other half of the time, they want to give special privileges and rights to one class, at the expense of another. But they never, ever, ever believe any two classes among us can be swimming in the same direction…can help each other out…can both mutually benefit from a common action.

Voice your belief in Trickle-Down economics, for example — and a whole gaggle of liberals will be down your throat, chastising you, scolding you, bullying you, screeching away. It isn’t that they know you’re wrong. It’s that they can’t afford to have anyone thinking this way.

With that in mind:

Beer: The conservative drink.

Yes, I know they didn’t title it that way, and they aren’t presenting it that way, for they cannot afford to. But it’s true. And there’s a reason this fills you with pleasant thoughts. It’s the way the Good Lord built you. We’re all God’s children. Except for those hate-filled scumbags who walk Creation for no greater purpose than to snuff a few of us out.

Beer: Celebrating our universal brotherhood and our inherent sense of togetherness, Republican style.

H/T: Buck. Although, of course, my raving lunatic liberal-bashing comments are my own, as always.

Too Successful For a Mate?

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Here we go again with this myth…which must look quite reasonable on the female side of the gender line, I understand. But a myth it is. We gentlemen are supposed to be callously rejecting the ladies who make more cheddar than we do.

The majority of my most successful, good-looking, educated, talented girlfriends are still single.

If they had Y chromosomes, they would have been married a decade ago. Instead, like successful single women all over the country, they trek into their mid- to late 30s on their own — experiencing fabulous professional success, buying real estate and making savvy investments for the future, without much going on in the relationship department.
But there’s another factor at work for women at the top of their game: They’re intimidating to men. No matter how enlightened most men claim they are, few are ready to pair up with a woman who is more successful, better paid and better educated — not to mention better traveled, more connected and more socially savvy than they are.

By now, I’ve been out of the dating scene for quite awhile. But I can tell you this is hogwash. It’s a case of women laying out the rejection so naturally, and so easily, that they don’t even realize they’re doing it — chalking it up to the other party as a form of psychological projection.

Men objecting to their wives & girlfriends making more money, is Thing I Doubt Number One, and it is that for a reason. Nobody on the male side has stepped forward to confirm for me this is so, or even to suggest that it is so. I’ve talked to other men about this. So far everyone’s response is the same as mine: I’m virginal to the situation of a woman monogamously involved with me earning more money, and it sounds like a kick-ass change of pace.

No, I was for a brief time a suitor to a lady who was a doctor, making about $30k more than me. That one really didn’t go anywhere. I didn’t even make the first-cut, because I didn’t have anything to offer. That’s not to suggest all the high-earning gals are demanding an opportunity to marry-up — although that certainly is the case with most of them, I think I can suggest…since Dr. Carolyn Kaufman, the expert quoted in the story linked above, comes out and says as much:

She is a perfect example of a woman who has everything except a date. “I have this crazy belief that I have the right to expect my potential partner to be at least as successful as I am, and to have as many things to offer as I do,” she says.

Eminently reasonable. But it substantiates my point. Women are supplying the rejection here, and then rationalizing to themselves that it must be coming from us dudes.

That this is not a universality, might be of some benefit to some charismatic under-achievers hoping to snag a sugar-momma. Fortunately, that’s not me. The high-earning woman who might be willing to consider taking on a beau who earns far less — a very rare breed, that, let’s get that one thing straight — has a short list of adequate substitutes in mind for his compensating attributes. First and foremost, he should be able to change her mood for the better, significantly, and consistently. Be a gift-of-gabber. Be a laughy-talky-jokey guy. A Guy-Smiley. I suppose the relationship could be purely sexual, and on the other hand, I suppose it could be purely compatriotic. He and me against the world, so to speak. That could work; but I fail to see how.

I dunno. Maybe if I was magically transformed into a high earning, single lady for twelve months, my perspective could be changed. I’m convinced that in that situation, it might seem that “men are intimidated by a strong woman”; given the number of such gals who say such a thing, I’m sure that must be the case. But appearances aren’t always reality. Perhaps such women are far less accepting of compromise than their “softer” sisters…and if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be reasonable for the bachelor to favor the more financially humble bride, who would better promise him a future with some domestic tranquility?

Because I can confirm, in a heartbeat, that over on our side of the fence the domestic tranquility has become an ingredient in high demand and short supply. We’ve learned the hard way that our entire personal lives will rise and fall based on this one characteristic derived from our mates. When you’re a guy, and you’re united with a gal who doesn’t appreciate or value your opinion on anything…it’s a walking death. The sun is harsh and not soothing, the food doesn’t taste good, the air is poison in your lungs, and sleep is the only solace around the clock. It’s a miserable existence you wouldn’t wish on your worst freakin’ enemy. Smart guys will avoid the situation like the Black Plague. And it’s late, so we’re pretty-much all smart. We’re not going to stay stupid for too long.

So maybe the gals who earn a lot of money, need to take a few steps backward and ask themselves — seriously, now — how do they treat the fellas who make less, assuming they’re open to dating them at all? And be honest.

The landscape is littered with articles like this one, asserting that men are “intimidated” by high-earning women. Out of all those articles, I’ve not yet seen a single one articulating the challenge written in the paragraph above.

Not one.

Include me out. My salary, when I have it, is higher than my gal’s…and whether that’s what makes us happy together, or not, is a question I’ll leave to the philosophers. I couldn’t care less.

Another Obama Terrorist Connection

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Are you starting to lose track of all these Obama buddies who are connected to America-hating scumbags? I’m at the point where I could use a road atlas, or org chart, or something…

One of Barack Obama’s Middle East policy advisers disclosed yesterday that he had held meetings with the militant Palestinian group Hamas – prompting the likely Democratic nominee to sever all links with him.

Robert Malley told The Times that he had been in regular contact with Hamas, which controls Gaza and is listed by the US State Department as a terrorist organisation. Such talks, he stressed, were related to his work for a conflict resolution think-tank and had no connection with his position on Mr Obama’s Middle East advisory council.

“I’ve never hidden the fact that in my job with the International Crisis Group I meet all kinds of people,” he added.

Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for Mr Obama, responded swiftly: “Rob Malley has, like hundreds of other experts, provided informal advice to the campaign in the past. He has no formal role in the campaign and he will not play any role in the future.”

If you love me like democrats love America, stay the hell away from me.

H/T: Ace, via Michelle.

I Want a Piece of This Pie

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Judging by the dollars they’re sinking into the latest, this is definitely not going to be just another Bond film. And it is going to make an amazing quantum of lucre.

Maybe sometime between now and November my “ship will come in”…and I can somehow get hip deep in this thing. A guy can dream, can’t he?

Eh, the Magic-8 balls says I’m going to keep on being a wage slave until the movie comes out — but it’ll kick some serious ass. Hey, I can live with that. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

D’JEver Notice?

Friday, May 9th, 2008

Here’s my challenge: Think of three or four big areas in which capitalism has let us down. Shouldn’t be too hard, huh? Big health maintenance organizations (HMOs), big oil companies, etc.

Got ’em in your head yet? Okay, here’s my comment on that.

These industries don’t operate on “capitalism.” At least, not to the extent that they can start screwing people over and failing to do what they’re supposed to do, and you can point at ’em and say “Aha! See? There goes a prime example of the FAILURE of CAPITALISM!” No, these industries are hybrids between capitalism and something else. They are cooperatives in which we say, essentially…oh okay, let’s start exchanging goods and services, value for value…caveat emptor. But then let’s mix in a bunch of other bovine fecal matter with that. Let’s add in a regulating board, maybe one that sets prices at a certain level. And then let’s protect the “little guy” by guaranteeing some minimal provision, at the expense of someone else unwilling. Let’s have some people who don’t get any real work done, make rules about the people who actually do all the work.

The common thread is that capitalism isn’t exercised to such an extent that supply-and-demand equations determine prices. There are ceilings and floors and know-nothing pencil-pushers getting in the way.

That’s when the problems start.

And I think you’ll see as you go over that list in your head, that those industries have something else in common with each other. They are held aloft, and discussed a great deal, and inspected at high levels, as glorious, glowing, glittering examples of how capitalism ain’t gettin’er done.

Ultimately, we like to continually debate the best way of injecting a little bit of Marxism into specimens that are already swollen and bloated with it…because we already injected it a generation or two previously…and now we’re going to do it some more.

You know why that is? Part of it is that people who don’t like capitalism, aren’t inclined to admit it’s various successes. And the other part of it is that if you want one of those jobs wherein you don’t do any work, and you get to tell the people who do the real work how to do it — the first skill you need to refine is how to blame your screw-ups on other people. You get skilled at that, you can have that kind of a job. And if you don’t, you can’t — you have to do real work.

Meanwhile, the rest of us keep heading down the road that got us lost in the first place. Ladies, I’d invite you to think how you’d tolerate this if your husband used this technique to get “where we’re going” again when you know damn good and well he’s lost.

Just a good thought to keep in mind this year, in the advent of all the speechifying I think we all know we’re about to see in large, truckload-sized doses.

Spells to be Cast on Marines

Friday, May 9th, 2008


Code Pink members unfurled a pink banner reading “Troops Home Now” Friday and waved signs as they began the protest, which they have promised would include incantations and pointy hats for a “witches, crones and sirens” day.

“Women are coming to cast spells and do rituals and to impart wisdom to figure out how we’re going to end war,” Zanne Sam Joi of Bay Area Code Pink told


Their Presumptive Nominee

Friday, May 9th, 2008

FrankJ gives a rundown of Obama’s strengths and weaknesses:


* Little experience.
* No accomplishments.
* Poor judgment.
* A history of hanging out with anti-American scumbags.
* Lies when politically convenient.
* Wherever he isn’t exceptionally bad, he’s just a typical politician.
* Liberal.


* He’s black, so his election will be historic.

This is part of something much bigger than Barack Obama. Have you ever noticed that when left-wingers “want to be a part of this,” the “this” under discussion is seldom-to-never something that actually needs their support in order to succeed? They don’t seem to want to actually change the outcome of anything when they “want to be a part of” something. You can grow old waiting for liberals “want[ing] to be a part of” something that needs a tie-breaker vote; I don’t recall hearing of any liberals “want[ing] to be a part of” a Gore victory in 2000 or a Kerry victory in ’04.

Maybe it’s their inherent hostility to the individual. It seems they wait for the letters to be carved into the tablet of history, and after that’s been done, they want to have their hands on the chisel so they can claim to be “part of” it.

Another thing I notice is they have a propensity to support unbelievably mediocre candidates for high office, with negative claims to greatness. In other words, candidates who only can claim to not be something else. Carter wasn’t Nixon, and Kerry wasn’t Bush. When the democrat candidate for President is a Senator, it’s a Senator who can plow through a lot of years without doing much of anything. When the democrat candidate for President is a Governor of a state, there’s a curious dearth of conversation or news about how that state is doing.

Conservatives are excited about their candidates when their candidates demonstrate the ability to represent true and effective conservatism. Liberals are excited about their candidates when their candidates demonstrate the ability to lie convincingly. Gosh…it just seems that when you’re looking for entirely mediocre candidates, it should be a simple matter to find one or two with some remarkable, positive competencies — as a garnish on the dish, if nothing else — and, furthermore, free or nearly-free of “baggage.”

How come, across whole generations, they never quite seem to be able to get that done?

Unhappy Liberals

Thursday, May 8th, 2008

UnhappyFound this article via Boortz that says conservatives are much happier in life than liberals, and tries to find an explanation for this differential.

Regardless of marital status, income or church attendance, right-wing individuals reported greater life satisfaction and well-being than left-wingers, the new study found.

Conservatives also scored highest on measures of rationalization, which gauge a person’s tendency to justify, or explain away, inequalities.
If your beliefs don’t justify gaps in status, you could be left frustrated and disheartened, according to the researchers, Jaime Napier and John Jost of New York University. They conducted both a U.S.-centric survey and a more internationally focused one to arrive at the findings.

“Our research suggests that inequality takes a greater psychological toll on liberals than on conservatives,” the researchers write in the June issue of the journal Psychological Science, “apparently because liberals lack ideological rationalizations that would help them frame inequality in a positive light.”

Yeah, pretty much. Except the term “rationalization” seems to me to have been pre-selected as a pejorative one, and this could have a skewing effect even on an educated mind in discerning how all this stuff works.

To my way of thinking, the liberals are doomed to be gloomy, or at the very least perpetually confused. Their world view is full of contradictions.

Let’s start with the perception that there is socioeconomic inequality and that we have to do something about it. By now, it should be no secret to anyone that liberals tend to be secular. Their ranks have been swelled with atheists — not the agnostic kind, passively deprived of faith, humbly awaiting evidence of the Almighty to help make up his own mind about things. But the forceful, pugnacious kind. The kind who says “It is a simple matter of logic that there is no God, for I have decided there isn’t one.” And who further “proves” that anyone who doesn’t agree with him is an idiot.

There is, of course, a residual “Old Guard” of liberals who believe in a Higher Power, or at least go through the motions of so believing. But to them, this is a decidedly private thing. It’s not a truism of the cosmos, because they are adamant that someone else’s perception that the one true deity is Allah, or Gaea, or Ganesh, or chaos — these are all equally valid. And lest anyone start to think otherwise, let us get one thing straight here: A private article of belief is a decidedly inferior one. Their more public articles of belief are clearly meant to reign supreme. Single-payer healthcare is the way to go…we’re too civilized to “torture” our detainees…a woman has a right to choose…and if you think otherwise, you are an indecent person. If I’m a liberal and I believe in God, other people who believe in other gods, or no god at all, are all okay. Private article of belief. But I think we need to emit less carbon, and on that point if you disagree you are a sub-human Bush-loving knuckle-dragging red-state so-and-so…the more denigrating adjectives I can toss in, the better liberal I become. In fact, one can’t help but wonder if I’m going to be demoted or defrocked or spanked at the next liberal meeting if I fail to put in certain adjectives.

“Next order of business: The wooden paddle is for Liberal Bob. Liberal Bob, you were seen arguing with a Bush-toady in your cubicle at work on Thursday afternoon, and although you called him a thug and a fascist and a Nazi and a Freeper and wingnut, a you neglected to call him a chickenhawk. Now step up here, and grab your ankles.”

Their man-made codes and taboos and proscriptions are universal and brook no deviance…sealed shut with not a single loophole. That does not apply in any way to the “religious” dogma embraced by “religious” liberals. The Pope says abortion is wrong — how many pro-choice Catholics do we have, just under the Capitol dome, rolling their eyes, clearing their throats, shuffling nervously and staring at the ground? So it’s pretty well decided by now in liberal-land. Religion doesn’t exist, for the most part. And where it does, it doesn’t really count.

Now, just tuck that away for a minute and consider this:

The dirty little secret about liberals, is that each one of the ones capable of deep, philosophical thinking, is engaged in a highly secretive process of contemplating the costs of their policies. The inconveniences. The “drawbacks,” if you will. This stops, abruptly, at the great cloakroom doors that are locked shut behind them. They treat their ideological peers, in effect, with exactly the same courtesies and senses of discretion, that their fellow Americans have consistently been asking of them — said fellow Americans being consistently denied this. Liberalism loves to air America’s dirty laundry to the rest of the world, but it will not air dirty liberal laundry to the rest of America.

Think about all the liberal policies that have a downside, and how the liberals address that downside. They always address it with dismissal. They don’t even debate it. Abortion results in dead babies…you aren’t allowed to think of them as “babies.” Gun control deprives law-abiding citizens of their constitutional right…that right simply doesn’t exist. Waterboarding isn’t torture…yes it is. We need to know what these captured terrorists know…you aren’t allowed to call them “terrorists,” they’re “detainees.”

Global warming isn’t the end of the world…yes it is, we have scientists, and don’t you dare question them because you’re not a scientist. Okay, well these scientists over here disagree…well they don’t count because they’re “dirty.”

See the pattern? Liberals won’t debate the downsides of the policies they have in mind for us. They always dismiss. They always lecture us that we should be looking at the matter under review, only from one side — the side most beneficial to what they want to put in place. All other perspectives don’t count. The liberal will be drummed out of the liberal-club if he brings up those other perspectives, and also, by extension, if he allows you to even think on them for awhile.

The trouble is, that liberals don’t follow their own instructions here. They do think about the downside…in the privacy of their own craniums. A lot of liberals are poor — and a lot of liberal policies are most injurious to our poor. If you live in a rural area with distant neighbors and a lengthy response time from emergency services, that might not even be available…not being able to have a gun, hurts. If you make minimum wage and your employer’s profit margins are slender, and you’ve got a lot of colleagues who also make minimum wage…when your employer is suddenly forced to pay all of you another buck fifty an hour, just the ones he wants to keep on-board before he sends the rest home…that hurts. When your child is in a failing school district and you can’t apply for a voucher to move him somewhere else…that hurts.

So liberals have to sacrifice things for their own failed policies. And they aren’t allowed to talk to anyone about that, except for other liberals. Who will tell them, to coin a phrase, to “move on.”

Now, think about the implications of all this. There is no God; and if there is one, He doesn’t really count for anything. But even though God doesn’t really count for anything, we still have all these pain-in-the-ass rules that cost us a lot, and hurt us a-plenty. And like any rule from God, we aren’t allowed to deviate from those rules, to think about breaking them, to speak out against them. Worst of all, though, these rules did not come from God. They came from nameless, faceless, anonymous fellow liberals…who are not held accountable for their effects. Nor do they feel those effects, since these nameless faceless liberal mortal leaders are all richer than snot.

So sum it up. There is no God. There are rich people and poor people, and we liberals are here to close up that “wealth gap” — by being the very worst offenders, because when the richest among us make up new rules that hurt the poorest among us, it’s our place to tolerate it. Clearly, we believe in authority when it suits us to do so. But what authority is offended when rich people are richer than poor people? Not God, since He doesn’t exist and doesn’t count. And not the actual mortals we obey, the rich liberals. You don’t see them writing extra checks to the Treasury after tax season because they weren’t taxed enough. So the biggest problem in life that’s supposed to shame everybody, really doesn’t even offend anyone, but we have to pretend that it does, so we can fix it, since it’s our fault if it stays broken, but nothing we do will have any effect on it, and if we do manage to fix it we can’t take credit for it, but of course we’re never gonna fix it. And in the meantime, we should be really angry about it.

Hell yeah. I’d be unhappy too. There’d be something terribly wrong with any liberal who was not unhappy. I mean, worse than just being plain-ol’ liberal. Liberalness is both causative of, and symptomatic of, a most exquisite unhappiness.

This Is Good L

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

The PictureYou really should head on over to American Digest and read up on Gerard’s conversation with the old guy named Frank.

It’s a lesson for us all about living in our designated segments, however long they may be, in the time stream…with a subtle seasoning involving good old fashioned humility. Having lived in that mini-tropolis for a few years myself, I was fully on board with Gerard’s opening quips about “the city thought it needed such a museum in order to qualify as a first-rate city…There’s a lot of that kind of stuff in this town.” That resonated with me, since I got that impression back in my Seattle days. Distinctly.

Now, I have the distinct impression I was sort of led along down a primrose path for the twist ending, to sort of help the lesson settle in a bit better. It’s quite a twist. It might be lost on most, save for those who have something of a natural interest in photography, genealogy, keepers of diaries…and the like. To those who appreciate such things, this goes into the must-not-miss file. Do yourself a favor, and make the time to read from top to bottom.

On Gas Prices

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Stumbled across this short nugget at NRO’s The Corner when I was trying to find some background information on some statements I heard from Sen. Clinton, which I found to be disquieting. You know, it’s the same ol’ Hillary Clinton crap…there’s this problem caused by a bunch of people who are trying to screw you, and I, The Great Hillary, am going to screw them longer and harder and you’re going to smile when you see me do it. (In this case, it’s something called “the big oil companies.”)

Anyway, Andrew Stuttaford makes the point…

Barack Obama isn’t right about very much, but he’s correct to say that the McCain/Clinton idea of a gas tax holiday is a bad idea, not least, I suspect, because it would probably have little impact on the price at the pump.

Then, as Ron Bailey notes over at Reason, there’s this:

Don’t both senators [Clinton and McCain] support imposing a cap-and-trade market on carbon emissions to combat man-made global warming? In a Washington Post op/ed last year, two RAND researchers calculated that a relatively modest $30 per ton of carbon price would boost gasoline prices by 35 cents per gallon (and household electricity bills by 20 to 30 percent).


Obama, here, is not to be given credit for his economic insight; he’s just being a typical liberal. As I pointed out awhile ago, the ideology has been twisted into something (presuming this isn’t what it was in the first place) dedicated to the premise that no two classes of people have, as of yet, any sort of symbiotic relationship. Of the plans you hear coming from liberals, perhaps about half of them are proposed for the purpose of forming such a relationship — Obama’s call for a “dialog on race” comes to mind as an example of this. Each and every single one of those ideas is faulty or disingenuous. That’s not my personal conclusion; it’s a simple article of sturdy logic. Just listen to a liberal talk about people of diverse economic circumstances, or races, or creeds, coexisting sometime. They’ll talk about their dreams in this regard. Never, ever do they say “A and B are living together in peace, and I want to make it easier for them to do so.”

Nope. In the liberal universe, all separate classes are fighting with each other — all the time. The liberal is here to promote a “peace plan,” or else the liberal is here to make sure things are less comfortable for B so they can be made more comfortable for A.

Drilling in ANWR, building power plants, starting businesses, employing people, keeping them. Liberals haven’t made it easy for anyone to do anything — except hostile things. Women getting divorces from their husbands. Unions of employees screwing their management. Lawyers sucking money out of people and employers. That’s all.

In all other aspects, they are here to make life difficult.

To simply acknowledge that two classes of people, with somewhat different economic interests just might have a symbiotic relationship, in some respects, is to make the argument for a conservative libertarian without the conservative libertarian even showing up, let alone saying anything. You pull oil out of the ground and sell it to that guy over there; he refines it into gasoline and sells it to me. The three of us exist in a symbiotic relationship — which the liberal doesn’t want me to think about, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s there. You, he, and I engage in a cooperative effort to pull the oil out of the ground and use it to make my car take me places. Liberals exist to make that whole process more difficult. To make sure that by the time we’re done doing it, we’re all poor.

They restrict. They regulate. They tax. And then they ask for “contributions” to “offset” the “carbon”…which are voluntary…for now. They use this shell game where I’m supposed to pretend your interests, as a oil guy, are antithetical to mine, as a gasoline consumer — so that I consent to you being beaten up financially. But anyone with a brain knows as soon as it happens to you, you’re going to pass it along and I’ll end up paying it.

After which, I’ll drive my car someplace, with an artificial level of difficulty, and when I get where I’m going I’ll be doing something else the liberals have made more difficult. Like parent my kid, for example.

It’s based on lies. It’s based on the idea that it’s every man for himself — except they make it look like the opposite, because they’re doing this with classes of people. Women. Working families. Persons of color. But what they’re talking about, is this-or-that class doesn’t share any common goals with any other class, and so it needs to elect the liberals so they can screw that other guy. After that’s done, then we can live together in harmony.

But they don’t mean it. Because next year, they’ll be back in your face, selling you something else. Because symbiotic inter-class relationships don’t exist — that other guy is still screwing you over — and you need to vote for them so they can screw him over, and he can find out what it’s like.

There’s nothing centrist or productive about these ideas we call “liberal.” They are the nature of extremism, and we never should have gotten started with them.

As Tortured As Logic Gets

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

But good enough to write up in a Sacramento Bee editorial…albeit, by custom, missing the signature of any human on top or below. See if you can spot the tortured logic. It is so in-your-face, it is impossible to state the position & summary without running into the unsolvable conundrum, each and every time.

I’ll give you a hint: The editorial pretends to make sense, by refusing to admit that some of these definitions might be open to interpretation. Simply follow their lead. Pretend there is no room for interpretation, no opportunity to interpret, no duty to do so. See where that gets you.

Editorial: End the tortured logic
Published 12:00 am PDT Sunday, May 4, 2008

When it comes to torturing detainees, the president can ignore or override any law or treaty. Or at least that’s what Bush administration lawyers believe, as outlined in the infamous 2002 torture memos and reiterated in a March 5 Justice Department letter.

That letter, released last week by Sen. Ron Wyden of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asserts that interrogation techniques banned under the Geneva Conventions are allowed – depending on circumstances. Gone is this country’s absolute ban on torture. In its place we have a Bush administration rule that if you have good intentions, torture is OK; if not, it’s bad.

Some standard. If the president’s intention is “to prevent a threatened terrorist attack,” torture is hunky-dory, regardless of laws and treaties.

The Justice Department letter reprises a 2006 exchange between John Yoo, who penned the torture memos when he worked in the Office of Legal Counsel, and Douglas Cassel, a Notre Dame law professor.

Cassel: “If the president deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there’s no law that can stop him?”

Yoo: “No treaty.”

Cassel: “Also no law of Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.”

Yoo: “I think it depends on why the president thinks he can do that.”

That’s clearly stated, if not clearly thought out. Anything goes if the president approves it. There is no law beyond the whim of the president.

It is clear that Congress will have to act to restore some semblance of U.S. values. Sen. Dianne Feinstein has two amendments that would be a start. One requires all U.S. agencies, including the CIA, to follow rules of interrogation in the U.S. Army Field Manual. This forbids the use of waterboarding (controlled drowning), induced hypothermia and other techniques.

Gen. Jeff Kimmons, the senior intelligence officer in the U.S. Army, has explained why: “No good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices. I think history tells us that. I think the empirical evidence of the last five years, hard years, tells us that.”

Another Feinstein amendment bans outsourcing of interrogations to contractors. The Senate Intelligence Committee approved both amendments last Tuesday.

A bill by Sen. Christopher Dodd also is important. It makes clear that presidential authority to interpret the Geneva Conventions and other treaties is subject to congressional oversight and judicial review.

By passing these pieces of legislation, and overriding a sure Bush veto, Congress would be making what should not be a controversial statement: The President of the United States is subject to the law of the land.

Did you figure it out? It should have hit you like a ton of bricks by the last paragraph.

It’s exactly the same problem as the entirely unrelated issue of Net Neutrality.

The underlying premise is that there are things that are against the law, and so to make sure people follow the law, we need to pass a new law to force them to follow the laws that are already on the books outlawing things that are against the law.

If you respond to that with “well, okay then, we admit there are things left up to the interpretation of the President and that’s what we’re trying to change” — and that would at least be honest — it raises a whole new package of problems. How come the President doesn’t get to interpret laws as they apply to the Executive Branch? That’s supposed to be his job, isn’t it?

I’m pretty sure if you traveled back in time and quizzed the founding fathers about it, they’d be wondering why “congressional oversight and judicial review” are not only influential, but supremely so, upon these interpretations that take place with regard to “all U.S. agencies, including the CIA.” Those are part of the Executive Branch. In fact, I’ve got a feeling more than a few of the founders are going to wonder aloud just when Congress got in the business of interpreting anything.

People who write rules, shouldn’t be the first or the last to say what the rules are intended to mean. That’s why the United Nations flubbed things so thoroughly with Iraq; it’s why we stopped listening to them. That’s what Separation of Powers is all about.

General Kimmons’ comment is particularly disingenuous. Have you been noticing what I’ve been noticing about things that “history tells us” and that “science tells us”…things that are “settled”? They’re called that — because they are anything but. No, I don’t know that “no good intelligence is going to come from abusive practices.” I don’t know that at all; in fact, that’s Thing I Doubt #15. It’s been on the Things I Doubt list for a long time now, and since then nobody’s put so much as an ounce of energy into delivering evidence to me to make me stop doubting it. All I’ve seen is a crapload of people who want me to stop doubting it. But there’s no reason to.

I do know Khalid Shaikh Mohammed lasted much longer under waterboarding than most — just two or three minutes. I know the information we got from him, then, was by all accounts, what one could reasonably call “good intelligence.”

If there’s a grain of truth to that, I could get bad intelligence from interrogation subjects for the next ninety-nine years, and I’d still say it’s worthwhile to keep on keepin’-on.

Who hates us because of our torture practices, anywhere on the face of the globe, who’s ready to like us again if we stop? Oh, scratch that — we did stop. Okee dokee: Who thinks we’re wonderful people now, who was not yet so convinced back when the CIA was still doing this? And who still thinks we suck green eggs now, who might just come around and admire us to pieces if we pass Feinstein’s legislation?

Name just one of each.

And what kind of unbridled hubris does it take to use a high-falutin’ but entirely empty phrase like “law of the land” to describe a bunch of politicians who happen to have opinions you like?

You People Need to Let Go of This

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Thing I Know #112. Strong leadership is a dialog: That which is led, states the problem, the leader provides the solution. It’s a weak brand of leadership that addresses a problem by directing people to ignore the problem.

Psychotic Dagny

Sunday, May 4th, 2008

Striving to answer the question asked by many early yesterday morning, Where Have All The Real Men Gone?, I commented…

Our feminists decided it was oppressive for fathers to decide what men their daughters would marry, and so they fought for the rights of women to determine their own destinies. By screeching and bitching; and, predictably, we did exactly what they wanted. Unfortunately, another taboo, unstated, set in: It was equally oppressive to assess how good of a job these “brides” were doing at picking out their men. Well the fact of the matter is, if we wanted to elevate the quality of life of our women, the first thing we’d do is reverse course, and put their fathers back in charge of picking their husbands. The evidence is unmistakable. Were we to conduct an even-handed survey on how competent the marriageable girls have been, over the last fifty years, picking out their studs that their daddies were no longer picking for them…were we to be as harsh in such a survey as we are toward the decisions made by young boys…we’d be reaching for the “FAIL” stamp and bringing it down with a mighty whallop. It’s not just mild failure. It is a scathing verdict of failure. They’ve thoroughly bolluxed it up. They’ve ruined their lives, on average, along with the lives of others far more innocent.
Who pays? Well, the Dagny Taggarts of the world, embarking on what turns into an exquisitely frustrating search all the world over for the Men of the Mind. Dagny becomes piqued, then mystified, then upset — the Men, the Capital-M Men, seem to be gone. Except…and this is exceedingly tragic…in our world of reality, they didn’t pack up and scamper off to Galt’s Gulch in Colorado. They aren’t on strike. They really are gone. Gone, or mostly gone. We made it clear to men that so long as they developed and used their male gifts, they would not be welcome…so the gentlemen did exactly what was requested of them.

If my observations are true, then what would have to culminate from this would be a widespread and mighty hunger tormenting our females, as, just like the referenced heroine from Ayn Rand’s magnum opus, they search in vain for the real men who used to roam the earth in abundance. This depends on the notion that women can be left unsatisfied, after being provided exactly what they have demanded from one moment to the next. That seems far-fetched at first…

…but a cursory reading of classical literature, going back to Greek and Roman times, will confirm this has been a failing of humans throughout recorded history. Being less than cautious about what to request under the provisions of the latest Faustian contract, and suffering subsequent damnation from the consequences. And women are human.

They’ve been getting exactly what they want. And, so goes my theory, they are left dismally unhappy by the results. Like Dagny, they can’t find what they want and what they need. Unlike Dagny, who is a fictional literary device, they are missing the magical granite-hard shell of her sphere of perpetual sanity, which was used to move the story along throughout a thousand pages. Women are real people — when they’re left too frustrated for too long, bad things happen to their abilities to interact with the environment around them.

And so, if my theory works, we are due to be engulfed by a rising deluge of psychotic Dagny Taggarts.

And as if some cosmic, omnipowerful and omnipotent Kismet had been reading about this theory and decided “You know what we need, we need some events to make this Morgan Freeberg guy’s nonsensical ramblings look like there’s something to ’em”…look what wanders in on the news blotter from my old stomping grounds of Washington State.

Kitsap County deputies were called to the apartment on the 11800 block of Majestic Lane NW at 2:38 a.m. after a neighbor overheard yelling, crying and slamming doors, the report said.

When deputies arrived, the woman denied any assault had taken place, and repeatedly, without sparing a vulgar euphemism, told the deputies about how unsatisfied she was with her sex life — some of the time carrying around a half-gallon of whiskey while doing so.
The woman resisted being arrested for theft — her screams were described as “blood-curdling” by one of the deputies. The deputy who drove the woman to jail reported she questioned his manhood, asked God to forgive him because “he knows not what he does,” and “donkey-kicked” him in the shin while he attempted to walk her from his patrol car to the jail, reports said.

My goodness. What on earth inspired such a tirade? The first two paragraphs nail it down:

Highly intoxicated and dissatisfied with her sex life, a 28-year-old woman was arrested Tuesday for stealing her husband’s wallet and later assaulting the deputy who booked her into jail.

The meltdown, which deputies witnessed along with the couple’s 3- and 4-year-old children, started when the husband, 24, had told his wife they had three hours to quit smoking, drinking, swearing and engaging in some sex acts because “they were going to be good Christians now,” the woman said.

I think we can take the young lady at her word, that she’s frustrated with a dearth of real men. It’s plain to see she’s developed an obsession about manhood. Sure it’s in the context of engaging in sex acts to keep her carnally satisfied, but it’s obvious that’s a metaphor for broader issues.

I have a more outlandish theory, and therefore a more fragile one, percolating away in my cranium. It’s an absolute, and therefore susceptible to logical destruction — still in the testing phases. My theory is, that pretty much anything and everything wrong with the world today, has been caused by a shortage of traditional masculinity in some area or another at a critical time…and with a re-infusion of manhood, could, in most cases, be fixed without damaging something else.

It’s true of most of our domestic policies as well as our foreign-relations policies. Yes, the prevailing viewpoint says Iraq is a sewer and a “quagmire” because of our “cowboy mentality”; but what really caused Iraq to happen? My memory says Iraq came to be what it is, because of twelve years and seventeen “strongly worded letter[s]” from the United Nations. Crime takes place in our inner cities, first & foremost the ones that have the most stringent gun control laws — and when it happens, the carnage is blamed on “all these guns lying around” and the call goes out for more gun control.

We do tend to call for masculinity to be further restrained, right after suffering from problems that result directly from the restraint that was already there previously. The thinking problem-solver can’t help but wonder what would happen if the genie were let out of the bottle again. But this is all going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better.

Ah-Bump, Bump, Bump…Another One Bites the Dust

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

And Misha’s pretty pleased about it.

Aden Hashi Ayro was killed when the airstrike struck his house in the central Somali town of Dusamareeb, about 300 miles north of Mogadishu, said Sheik Muqtar Robow, a spokesman for the Islamic al-Shabab militia.
Another commander and seven others were also killed, Robow said. Six more people were wounded, two of whom later died, said resident Abdullahi Nor.

Say hello to your buddy Zarqawi, dickhead.

J.R. Dunn on Jimmy Carter

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

In American Thinker. This is a story that really needs to be told.

Carter was indirectly responsible for putting the mullahs in power in Iran (kicking off the violent confrontation between Jihadism and the West in the process). He was directly responsible for handing Nicaragua to the Sandinistas (Carter refused to sign off on a plan to replace the dictator Somoza with a government of moderates) and Zimbabwe to Robert Mugabe. (Abel Muzorewa, the centrist opposition figure first elected president, was pushed aside with Carter’s acquiescence and a new election arranged that Mugabe was guaranteed to win.)

JimmahCarter’s weakness for goons has had horrendous historical consequences. Khomeini’s takeover of Iran led to a major war in which millions died, the birth of two terror organizations dedicated to the annihilation of Israel, the deaths of thousands of others across the world — including hundreds of Americans — and the encouragement of the Jihadi terror movement. The Sandinista takeover resulted in chaos across Central America for over a decade and the slaughter of thousands of Nicaraguans, including a large number of Miskito Indians in a process indistinguishable from genocide. Zimbabwe, once one of the richest states in Africa, is today an economic basket case suffering chronic famine and one the lowest life expectancies in the world. The end game is being played out now, with a distinct possibility of a climax to rival in horror and blood those of Rwanda and Cambodia.

Carter learned nothing from this, nothing even from his own unprecedented humiliation by the mullahs he helped put into power, who waited until the exact hour of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration to release the American hostages they had held for the better part of Carter’s last two years in office. To this day, he continues embracing killers, repeating the process endlessly as if, eventually, it’ll come out the way he pictures it in his heart of hearts, in some impossible lion-and-lamb reconciliation. But it always ends otherwise, in disgrace for himself and misery for third parties. Yet he cannot see it.

Dunn lists all this in substantiating something I’ve noticed about Carter, what he calls his “proclivity for thugs.” Across a third of a century, Carter has indeed been consistent in this way. What causes this?

This weakness is often found in educated men, who, apparently out of fear that they’ve missed out in experiencing some of life’s rougher aspects, strike up acquaintances with hard-edged figures they encounter.

Makes perfect sense to me. Blame…America…FIRST.

H/T to fellow Webloggin contributor Bookworm. Credit for the (original) image goes to John Cox, of Cox & Forkum fame.

Begin, It Has

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

H/T: Ace.

Super Delegates

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Like it says…and you thought Republicans were stealing elections. No, no, no…in democrat-land, elections are only stolen when the “good” people don’t win.

H/T: Cassie.

I Made a New Word XVI

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

PIDD (n.)

Persistent Interior Denial Disorder: A cognitive deficiency present in what has become a significant number of self-loathing, white, hetero liberal men. The most prominent symptom is a compulsion to wear outdoor clothing indoors, as if in a state of denial of the obvious fact that a comfortable interior is now being occupied.

It invariably turns out to be metaphorical for a veritable bouquet of other cognitive failures as well.

The most prominent victims of this disorder include such left-wing guilty-white-male luminaries as indoor-baseball-hat-wearer Michael Moore

[Y]ou have to ask yourself, Larry, what’s it like to be black in America? And what kind of rage would you feel? And if you did feel that rage, what kind of things would you say that, at times, would be outrageous, crazy even, because you’ve had to live through this for so long. And I do not believe, as a white guy, that I am in any position to judge a black man who has had to live through that.

…obsessive/compulsive sunglasses-wearer Richard Belzer

By the way, Richard always wears sunglasses— not to be cool, but because his eyes are very sesnsitive to the light. He doesn’t need sunglasses to be cool! See if your parents have a copy of Billy Joel’s album Turnstiles. There’s Richard on the cover, in the upper right, wearing his shades.

…and, fellow compulsive wraparound-shades-man Bono.

Bono is almost never seen in public without wearing sunglasses. During a Rolling Stone interview he stated:

[I have] very sensitive eyes to light. If somebody takes my photograph, I will see the flash for the rest of the day. My right eye swells up. I’ve a blockage there, so that my eyes go red a lot. So it’s part vanity, it’s part privacy and part sensitivity.

Experts say the rising trend of liberal white heterosexual men wearing outdoor clothing indoors, is recognized as one of the chief causes of global warming. After all, it did become popular at the same time that scientific instruments recorded a distinct increase in the global temperature…and as is the case with carbon dioxide, correlation IS causation. Except when it’s not.

Anyway, experts say there isn’t an awful lot you can do about a case of PIDD. It’s brought on in childhood. There are two things that lead to it:

1. A mindset that symbolism equals substance. This seems to give way to an impression that the sufferer can change his basic character attributes by choosing what kind of clothing he wears…and therefore becoming inseparably fused to one item of outdoor clothing or another. For example, Michael Moore apparently feels he’ll be betraying his loyal-supporter working class men and women, if he takes off his baseball cap, even as a sign of respect while appearing on a nationally-televised program.

2. The notion that the suffering person can unilaterally determine what is “okay” and what is not. Michael Moore feels certain designated victim groups, such as black people who live in America, suffer from backgrounds conducive to legitimate rage. He says he’s in no position to judge, but this is the opposite of the truth. In the history of non-judgmental people, he may very well be the most judgmental. He is in a position to judge, for example, that if you’re a member of a non-legitimate victim group, you have no rage and can’t have rage. Women are more legitimate victims than men. However, they are less legitimate than blacks. So there’s a hierarchy of sorts here. But the one-dimensional spectrum isn’t the point, the point is that Michael Moore decides this unilaterally, just as he decides unilaterally that it’s okay to wear a hat indoors. This is exactly the problem suffered by Belzer and Bono when they wear their sunglasses.

It is vitally important that we take steps to fight PIDD and fight it now, since the cognitive shortcomings that interfere with the perception that a person is indoors are linked to the cognitive failures that cause victims to apparently ignore the consequences of failed public policies. The evidence to support this connection is, quite simply, overwhelming, and the science is settled on it.

Where Have All the Real Men Gone?

Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

WimpWe have a real-man shortage, which implies a surplus of wimps.

Rachel points to Dr. Mel, Cassy, and Helen; Dr. Mel then points to Vox. The subject under discussion is whether, and how, men need to “butch up” after getting vaginized and soft for a generation and a half. Good heavens, I thought conservative women were docile. What a lot of bitching! You’d think they were liberals!

Actually, I agree with the bitching and think, personally, it’s too little too late. The genuine, dyed-in-the-wool liberal women are the real source of my confusion over this. Their response to the subject at hand, should it be brought up in their presence, is perfectly lock-stepped. Things, here, are just fine. No — scratch that. Liberal women don’t say things are “fine” when the current President is a Republican; it’s like a rule with them, nothing is “fine.” I should say instead, that you’re really stupid if you think things aren’t just fine even though the liberal women won’t actually come out and say “things are fine.” But there are no complaints to be had — or tolerated — here. Men are behaving more-or-less the way the liberal women want them to…and that’s a huge red flag all by itself.

There’s a lot of reading in the four posts above, so rather than excerpt from it all way down toward sea level, I’ll just agree while skimming across the mountaintops that in general, yes something is terribly busted in manhood, perhaps beyond repair. It’s a little meaningless to start debating “What Is A Real Man” since we all know what a real man is: He takes a woman, starts a family, and provides for that family.

Where are we going wrong? First and foremost, I would argue that our problems with quality are derived from issues with quantity:

It wasn’t the life Tara Bailee had in mind. Pregnant at 20, she had to resign herself to growing up quickly and learning about motherhood.

Then, at 36, she became a grandmother.

Her story may sound surprising, but Miss Bailee’s is not an isolated case.

As a result of Britain’s high teenage pregnancy rate – the worst in Europe – many women are becoming accustomed to looking after their grandchildren while still in their thirties – and without any sign of a husband.

The new phenomenon raises questions about the social consequences of generations of children being brought up without fathers.

The story is accompanied by an utterly sickening album of photographs of male-less, multi-generational “families.” I haven’t thoroughly skimmed through it for signs of disgust and frustration from these thirty-something grandmothers, nor have I seen any glimmerings of any of these barely-walking papooses being male. Oh, what a paradigm shift that would be…and since the story is about social consequences, it’s a little strange what it chooses to leave out. It’s pretty heavy on the “It Was Hard” stuff, across multiple stories there’s a consistent dwelling on the financial sacrifice that took place fifteen years ago as the thirty-something grandmother first struggled with single-motherhood. So it’s interesting to me — the fingernail-nibbling about what is now to happen to the newer generation, which has also split with the Dad, is what you’d call on the skimpy side.

We have this tendency over a long term to always do things the left-wing way, and then re-define our “wings” so the goalposts are moved, and it seems we’ve been “centrist.” So as our left-wingers capture the prevailing viewpoint one more time, the contradictory messages involved there confuse me. Men are to be deplored for being so unreliable…in this case, not taking care of their families. Heh. Almost sounds like right-wing Christian fundamentalist stuff there. But — single mothers can raise their kids by themselves “just fine.” Why, if that is the case, are unreliable men to be deplored?

Nevermind, let’s avoid so tastelessly backing these left-wing ideas into the corner. Might make ’em feel bad. Let’s just do everything exactly the way the left-wingers want us to, one more time, so we can find out what demands they want to make of us tomorrow.

But I digress.

The point is, if you are the papoose in a family that has now gone two, three, maybe even more generations without any men…what are you going to think? What if you’re a girl? Or what if — horror of horrors — you’re not? What kind of message does that send you about what your ultimate ambitions should be, and what you are ultimately to become?

I’ve often been perplexed at this dwelling on single mothers having it hard. How it so conventionally fails to morph naturally into a “so don’t become one.” Yes, it’s really hard. And yes, it can be done…you can do a lot of things that don’t make a lot of sense. From what I’ve seen of it, I would compare it to camping, without a tent, in a month with an “R” in it without consulting the weather charts. Yes, you can do it. Yes, you can get through it. But I’ll bet when you get through it you aren’t going to be so quick to do it again. And, should you see your own offspring or anyone else preparing for the same adventure, I would hope out of a sense of human decency you’d try to stop them.

I expect these thirty-something grandmothers, behind closed doors, have had these conversations with their daughters. But the story linked is awfully light about that. Maybe the single mothers have the decency to try to dissuade others from the mistakes they’ve made…but Mail On Sunday reporters do not.

The upshot? As long as there are things that need to be done, that men do, we will always have a definition for “real men.” Whether the blokes come along to fill that role, is another question altogether.

The problem comes up because definitions can be cultural as well as logical, and our cultural definition of “real men” has been up for passionate debate for decades now…during which time, true to form, we let liberals make the decisions and then define their liberal viewpoints to be centrist, so we can find even more liberal dictates and directives to accommodate tomorrow. Something to do with something called “progressive.” In generations past, we were pretty clear about what men did, but our liberals sold us on the idea that spousal abuse was a big part of that package. Now, I’m not old enough to recall the way things were before, say, World War II — but from the information that has come my way, this is a big ol’ bag of moose feces. From reading what was written back then, from talking to older people while they were still around, it seems to me that slapping your wife ’round was highly frowned-upon. The best I can gather is that the conservative viewpoint on “real men” is conservative in the truest sense; it reflects our roots.

Men don’t beat women. They take care of stuff. They do it loudly, or quietly, but one way or t’other they take care of things. Fixing the car, twisting the lid off that jar of pickles. Teaching the boy how to throw the ball. Fixing the porch.

Men who didn’t do these things, in my grandparents’ time, were called “good fer nots” and “ne’er do wells.” These were nebulous terms, by design. They were intended to be imprecise. The guys who just went through life, doing what they wanted, leaving chaos and wreckage behind them were conflated with the fellas who actually broke the law. What was not prohibited by an actual statute, was regulated instead by scorn, and it worked.

Since then, I have a theory about what happened to real men. Yes, I think the one about feminism is right…the feminists said it was oppressive for men to take responsibility for things, and so we accommodated them. That’s true. It’s an unfortunate aspect to human behavior: Someone points out “if we do this that’ll happen, but if we do that this’ll happen” and it seems we move mountains to deny the cause-and-effect being pointed out to us — if someone does some screeching, bellyaching and complaining, we’ll move mountains to do exactly what they want. Feminism is all about complaining. That’s why we do what they want. But I have another theory.

My theory is this:

Parenthood became an activity that you just wouldn’t do, unless you were stupid.

A century and some change ago, a large family was a sign of wealth. You needed to make money to feed it, but because you had it, wealth would surely come your way. People had a natural admiration for you, because your were the patriarch of a large clan. You had to show you had a lot on the ball in order to get that family started. The wife would not become available, until her father determined that the stud was good enough for his little girl…and of course he never was. The foundation of the future family livelihood was always a key issue in the negotiations. The friends of the in-laws would be talking a lot about whatever it was — what are you doing? where did you go to school? were you the valedictorian? got anything lined up? — but the final word went to the father-in-law.

Our feminists decided it was oppressive for fathers to decide what men their daughters would marry, and so they fought for the rights of women to determine their own destinies. By screeching and bitching; and, predictably, we did exactly what they wanted. Unfortunately, another taboo, unstated, set in: It was equally oppressive to assess how good of a job these “brides” were doing at picking out their men. Well the fact of the matter is, if we wanted to elevate the quality of life of our women, the first thing we’d do is reverse course, and put their fathers back in charge of picking their husbands. The evidence is unmistakable. Were we to conduct an even-handed survey on how competent the marriageable girls have been, over the last fifty years, picking out their studs that their daddies were no longer picking for them…were we to be as harsh in such a survey as we are toward the decisions made by young boys…we’d be reaching for the “FAIL” stamp and bringing it down with a mighty whallop. It’s not just mild failure. It is a scathing verdict of failure. They’ve thoroughly bolluxed it up. They’ve ruined their lives, on average, along with the lives of others far more innocent.

The patchwork on the quilt has been more punitive measures to “make” the men provide for their families. At this juncture, feminism ceases to be merely destructive, and begins to contradict itself logically — being a “ne’er do well” had been normalized in our society, and here we were going back to punishing it. This is laughable. It’s a simple matter of logic to say, if nobody needs you, there’s no imperative for you to do anything. Feminism had been all about men being unneeded. Now it was all about making sure those guys who hadn’t been doing anything, were rightfully punished. Which is it?

But the feminists bitched. So okay. Custody was ritually awarded to the mothers, and the fathers paid. It was very seldom referred to as “supporting” a “family”; those terms were always used when the judgments had not yet been rendered, and the reasons were listed as to why the cad should be made to pay. Once that was accomplished terms like “support” and “family” were tossed out. The real agenda was to MAKE MEN PAY. Welfare of the children was a decidedly subordinate issue.

Now, what happens when a man’s children cease to be assets, and start to be liabilities? This is where my theory comes into play. He’ll avoid having them…if he’s smart. And so a disturbing reverse-Darwinism set in here. Smart people — smart men — don’t procreate. Dumb ones do. The smarter men are, the fewer kids they have, and the dumber they are the more they have.

That would be plenty damaging enough. In fact, it has been. In 2008 we’re pretty stupid: We think we can solve the problem of global terrorism by ignoring it. Not only that, but some snake-oil salesmen are telling us the planet will become unsuitable for sustaining life until we agree to some higher taxes at a whole bunch of levels, and it looks like most of us are buying it. Chalk it up to the dumb people having the most kids, after kids have become something only dumb people have. But there’s more. Remember what I said about left-wingers and feminists — we tend to do exactly what they want, over a longer term if not over a short one. So we have a whole bunch of other new conventions. Rules. Proscriptions, allowances, conventions, leanings, flavorings, interdictions. Call them what you will.

The men who are dumb enough to start families, must be friendly, pliable, agreeable, not too happy…kind of stand around waiting for someone to ask them a question, get something done, or leave the room so others can keep secrets from them. As Rachel pointed out, a new set of conventional norms has emerged on the female side and they seem to be directly opposite

A woman shouldn’t solve man’s problems. This prerogative is male. A man is the one supposed to take care of a woman.
A real woman can let herself twist men round her little finger. She may stay mysteriously silent, complain that she’s bored, act stupid or start a passionate scientific argument. Nobody can make a woman answer a question if she doesn’t want to, and nobody can force her explain the reasons for doing/not doing this or that. Acting so capricious and unbalanced is a simple way to get a man attached to a woman. Don’t hesitate to make a man spend as much money on you as he can afford – he will never leave an object of capital investments.

A woman knows her worth, but makes everyone believe she’s priceless…She knows how to make men dance to her tune and she really enjoys it.

Ray BaroneA real woman hasn’t grown up yet, and has a head full of what used to be called “attitude problems.” Ah, I know that isn’t the real intent. The real intent is something like: Men are warm flexible rubber, women are cold hard steel.

The rest of it flows pretty naturally once you get the pump primed. Women can do anything; men can get injured and damage property trying to make a bowl of cold cereal. Guys know nothing and women know everything; guys are repentant, although they know not what for, and their gals are constantly fed-up, weary, fatigued, cross, upset, busily making plans to fix what their beau just ruined.

A man is manipulable. A woman manipulates…but we don’t really call it that. In mixed company we avoid that entirely, and when it’s just the girls around we use phrases like “make men dance to her tune and she really enjoys it.”

What keeps this going is dating habits, it seems to me. A man of dating age, young dumb & full o’cum, is like a dog around table scraps. He’ll scarf down just about anything. Girls are more discerning. They don’t know how they want to do this discerning, they only know that they want to do it. When they do it, they tend to do it very poorly — tossing out the good fruit and feasting on the rotten pits. But by and large, women apply standards to men, men do not apply standards to women.

One of the key pillars to feminism, was to take this piece of historic “inequality,” and — relegate it to the dustbin of history? No. Quite to the contrary. Exacerbate the hell out of it. Make it even more unequal. Make women insist on even more things; make men settle for even fewer things. The first target was the “ideal” woman. Barbie was scorned. Those loathsome, oppressive men were to be made to be more accepting — somehow — of more “realistic” body styles.

Like Rush Limbaugh said, it was all about making sure homely women could get dates. Well, he was right.

And then it was all about making sure the single moms could get dates. With single dads? No. That would make way too much sense, and it would involve way too much compromise…remember, men warm pliable rubber, women cold hard steel. Men were held to higher standards — in the body department. And rhythm. Men had to have good bodies and know how to dance, if they wanted to get dates. Intelligence, good judgment, practical skills…no, those weren’t on the list. If those were to be valued commodities, then somewhere down the road someone would have to place a premium on what the man thought needed to be done about something. And we can’t have that, can we?

The female side, during this time, has been going through something of a vicious cycle. Men were thought to be too demanding of sleek, slim female body styles. And so all of society would be pressured to accept a “Cathy” style, something involving less of an hourglass. To be more accepting of women who didn’t exercise. To make women feel good after neglecting their bodies.

It worked, too. Pretty soon, during your weekend peregrinations, you’d start to notice the couples were looking different. The men were tall, broad-shouldered, sleek, and wearing clothes that looked like they were handed down from an even-bigger brother…shirt tails dragging on the ground, “shorts” dangling at the hemline, closer to ankle than knee — as well as at the waistline, showing off plenty of butt crack. Gold chain. Backward baseball cap. Buzz cut. But muscle-bound, and in-shape. The woman with him would look like a pig. Double-chin. Raggedy old sweats. They’d tow around a big old herd of kids, which she had by a previous marriage/relationship, and you heard her tell her extremely athletic Adonis what to do and he’d do it. Then scold him for not doing something else.

Higher standards for the male, lower ones for the female. That’s what feminism was all about.

And so, when the woman gets to be choosy, and she doesn’t know how to choose…the ideal picture that emerges of the chosen ends up being rather hodge-podge and dysfunctional.

Men, such as they now were, had lost a precious gift. That gift was to fulfill the desires of the female, after giving her guidance on what those desires should be. To show her she wanted things, that she didn’t know she wanted until she saw them. Women, we see, once left entirely in charge of figuring out what is to be sought, and given the market-posture strength to demand anything they care to demand, by-and-large do a piss poor job of it. Indiana Jones, the picture of a man who is after something, knows the history behind it, where it is, and can figure out how to triumph over living and inanimate barricades and booby-traps tossed in his way…is relegated to the silver screen. He becomes a work of fiction. In real life, Indy would have as tough a time finding a date as anybody else; maybe even a tougher one. He’d be deemed an inferior specimen, being “cocky,” “arrogant” and “headstrong.” Back at home, these things simply aren’t wanted. When the movie is over and the minivan goes home and it’s time to pile the babies and associated gear out of the minivan, the Lady of the Manor really wants a big dumb guy who’ll do what she tells him to do. Courage…resourcefulness…ingenuity. Pfeh. Whaddya want with any of that.

What happens? Well, the women get bored. A warm gooey Gumby is only an enticing toy for a few minutes or so. When everything around the house is done the way they want it done — there are no challenges. And so they become interested in girl stuff, like for example, fashion. They become obsessed with dieting, since it doesn’t involve exercise. And then they want to know what clothes will look good on them once they get super-thin. The fashion moguls accommodate, put skinnier and skinnier models on parade down the runway.

Cycle complete. Someone notices the models are still thin, and they blame it on the men, as if the men have had so much to say about it.

Nope. Men don’t really decide too much now. They aren’t expected to, let alone allowed to. They decide things on the “All Guy” camping trip, or in the workshop if they’re lucky enough to have one. Or in the toilet room.

It’s a great way to live, if you’re a dog. And in modern times, it seems that’s the way guys are treated. Like dogs. You get ahold of one, you keep it around, you get amused by the funny expressions it makes on its face, you get exasperated when it makes a mess, and when you don’t have time to deal with it you just keep it out of the way. Occasionally you take it for a walk. What the dog thinks should be done about this thing or that thing, well, that doesn’t matter.

It is a cultural prerogative. Men are treated like dogs. And whether they’ve realized it or not, women, and men as well, have been quite accommodating.

I remember reading an article about how fewer people were going to school to get into engineering fields. There was a forum underneath the article, and a member of the fairer sex came on, obviously peeved about something. She opined that there was no point to becoming an engineer, or going into any discipline related to engineering. Essentially, her point was that everything worth inventing or discovering, had already been invented/discovered. She had some advice for the fellas: “Drop out of school, learn to rap, and do your crunches.”

Who pays? Well, the Dagny Taggarts of the world, embarking on what turns into an exquisitely frustrating search all the world over for the Men of the Mind. Dagny becomes piqued, then mystified, then upset — the Men, the Capital-M Men, seem to be gone. Except…and this is exceedingly tragic…in our world of reality, they didn’t pack up and scamper off to Galt’s Gulch in Colorado. They aren’t on strike. They really are gone. Gone, or mostly gone. We made it clear to men that so long as they developed and used their male gifts, they would not be welcome; this was based on bitching and not on cause-and-effect. And so the gentlemen did exactly what was requested of them.


Saturday, May 3rd, 2008

Duffy notices our anti-war leftists have adopted a habit of couching their war protest behind some supposed “concern for the safety and well being of our troops.” And so it is with some bemused and frustrated curiosity on his part, and mine as well, that he links to the following clip:

Reactions from the Olbycrowd? Time will tell. If it was a betting pool I’d be putting my money on the square that says “RIGHT, and this is just further evidence of the corruption of BushHalliCheneyBurtonBlackWater blah blah blah…”

Just because I’ve seen that pattern hold up so well. Nobody who has anything whatsoever to do with these operations can ever actually be helped as long as the current President has the eighteenth letter after his name. Nothing can be done…ever…about anything…except a lot of complaining, and that name “Bush” always has to be stuck in there somewhere. That’s all they’ve done. About anything.

But I have an open mind. Let’s see what they do.

I just find it really amazing. If you’re out here, by which I mean you’re a civilian…good heavens. Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. Even if we dispense all the stuff for which people pay out of pocket and look only at the things to which they are “entitled.” Labels with big bold letters about MSG in their food, more labels about this-and-that may have been chopped up with machines that might’ve touched peanut products. Braille on the touch-keys of the drive-through ATM. Wheelchair ramps freakin’ everywhere. DO NOT USE THIS HAIRDRYER UNDER RUNNING WATER.

And then, on the other side of that green line, these guys are crapping on toilet seats that are half gone, and sharing their living quarters with big patches of mold. Hello?

Ocean Cooling to Briefly Halt Global Warming‏

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

It went out today at 10:20 PDT:

Greetings. I was really interested in your story, and I’d really like to feature this in my blog.

But before I do I’d like to get ahold of the evidence that supports the following two claims in your story, specifically, about carbon dioxide:

1. That it is “produced mainly from burning fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas”;
2. That it “is the chief pollutant blamed for global warming.”

Both of these claims were made in the same sentence, and I see there is ambiguity involved in both of them because they both could be subject to multiple interpretations. Mainly — among human activities, not natural ones, that produce CO2? Chief pollutant…in terms of effectiveness as a greenhouse gas? Blamed…by who?

Your story doesn’t revisit these claims after making them, so I wanted to get clarification before writing it up. Thanks so much in advance.

Morgan K Freeberg
House of Eratosthenes

Sent in regard to the story here.

Haven’t got a reply yet…