Archive for May, 2008

Big Mac Thesis

Friday, May 2nd, 2008

Big MacHeard it on the radio yesterday morning, I knew I’d heard it before, and used my Madd Googel Skilz to hunt it down.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has pointed out what he calls the Big Mac thesis: that no two nations with McDonald’s franchises have ever gone to war. A nation open enough and developed enough to be a profitable home for an established international franchise such as McDonald’s will generally find war an unattractive foreign policy option.

Of course, free trade does not guarantee peace, just as protectionism does not guarantee war. Enduring human vices such as greed, envy, racism and intellectual hubris, combined with the power of government, can overwhelm the beneficial influence of peaceful commerce. But free trade among nations does make war less likely, bringing us a step closer to the promise of peace on earth recorded 2,000 years ago. [emphasis mine]

I found a literal, quotable search string and was able to verify it’s accuracy word-for-word. It seems the original source doesn’t exist on the web; perhaps it was given verbally. I’ll keep looking.

Some of the “Roots Of Terrorism” folks point out problems with it, which exist only in their minds. They see America as an invading force and can’t differentiate between our invasion of Panama and the Iran/Iraq conflicts; and, they argue that Friedman is confusing cause and effect, since war-torn little hellholes aren’t attractive locations for McDonald’s franchisers. Giving the benefit of the doubt to the latter, McDonald’s (or to follow the spirit of the thesis more closely, capitalism) still deserves credit as a preservative agent for peace, if not an inspirational one.

Iron Man

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Ace says no moonbat content. And mild spoilers. Head on over.

We’ve Been Had

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Phil notices that Christopher Chantrill described it adroitly at American Thinker:

We thought that we were parties to a bargain: that if we shut up and truckled to the liberal race bullies sooner or later we would emerge from the post civil-rights era and its hypocrisies of affirmative action and diversity and we would ascend to the sunny green uplands of post-racism.

Now we hear the ravings of Reverend Wright and realize that we have been had. While we were buttoning our lips and attending compulsory diversity seminars liberals were not holding up their end of the deal and neutralizing the Reverend Wrights of America and their vicious racist bile. On the contrary, liberals were pumping them up!
I don’t think we yet realize what a watershed moment this is in American politics. All of a sudden the veil has been ripped away from a sacred mystery and a horror revealed to an innocent world.

The unpleasant truth here is that, in public policy as well as in personal affairs, there is only one way to “get over” anything nasty, no matter what it is, and that is to stop talking about it.

It sounds like the essence of cowardliness. But the truth of the matter is that it is the essence of cowardliness to avoid admitting it, and to babble onward about great-great-grandpa owning slaves, or women being oppressed for five thousand years, or you didn’t know which way to put the lug nuts on the spare tire when we got that flat on our honeymoon, or you sleep with all my friends, or you didn’t pull out your credit card to “support” me in my multi-level marketing business…or…or…or.

I wish I could jot down something to the effect that we are simply sloshing through this kind of cowardliness, the inability or unwillingness to recognize that to indulge in idle chatter about past episodes of chaos and inequality, is to wallow in them.

In fact, the situation is much worse than that. We aren’t just sloshing through. It’s a rising tide. We were waist-deep in it yesterday, and now it’s up to our ears.

Multiple times a week, now, I hear the word “discussion” being used to propose something that isn’t a discussion at all. The word “dialog” is abused more feverishly, recklessly, and sadistically. I see it in Barack Obama’s call for a “dialog on race” — did anyone, anywhere, think a genuine dialog had anything to do with what he was requesting of us? I see it in Jimmy Carter’s trip to go “talk” with the Hamas leadership — if it was such an amazing victory, and so clearly the right thing to do, then what in the hell did they talk about? I know about a wreath being laid at Arafat’s tomb, and I don’t know of anybody who knows any more about the details than that. But they’re ready to defend it…and re-define the word “idiot” to apply to anyone who disagrees.

I see it in the drive to take down Saddam Hussein and put a new government in his place. Or rather, the attacks on that historic decision. “Diplomacy” would have been a better way to go, I’m told. Really? Isn’t that just a lot more talking about stuff? Wasn’t that already being done?

Forgive me, I grew up in the seventies when it was very fashionable for the middle class to start going to “therapy” to “talk” about their “problems.” Being an unsociable little kid, rather than a well-connected and talkative grown-up, I came to rely on my senses and common sense in coming to grips with what was going on. I noticed everyone I knew, knew several people who were going to therapy or were going to therapy themselves. And were all “making progress” toward solving…you wouldn’t believe what a gamut of problems they were “confronting” in therapy. No finish line crossed. Ever. Nothing actually buttoned-up and put-away.

So after three decades and change, I’m well acquainted with this. Talking-about-talk, to me, is just a huge red flag. Now that I’ve got a head full of gray hair and the center-of-gravity of my lifespan is now in the rear view mirror, I see I’m still waiting for talk-about-talk to lead to something productive and good…ever. I’m still virginal to that. So people talking about solving problems by talking-em-out, to me, is a harbinger of extreme waste. It is a sign that a problem is about to not get solved — and some snake-oil salesmen are going to want immediate credit for solving it anyway.

I’ve never seen it fail.

Maybe we should have a “dialog” about that.

Goldfish Rights

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Via Gerard:

Government control over the citizens does not come about just through the legislation of the large issues a la the Canadian Hate Speech Tribunals. It also happens — and much more frequently — by the assumption of the government by fiat of the right to control all manner of little things. The recent best seller, “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff,” has it exactly backwards. The small stuff is what has to be sweated. All the time.

If you are of a certain age you’ll remember the arguments against seat belt laws and motorcycle helmets mandates. In general it ran, “If they can do this to these things, they can do it to bigger things and everything.”

Nonsense, was the rejoinder, this is simply “for your own good.” An extension of this rationale was, “It is for the good of the children.” Fast forward a few decades and take a searching and fearless inventory of all the things you simply cannot do that are just things that involve you own personal behavior. You’ll find that they are numerous and growing. The new argument for laws and regulations that diminish your freedoms and liberty centers around “saving the planet.” This one is perfect since, simply by being alive, there are many things you do — such as exhaling carbon dioxide — that threaten the planet.

What inspires this tirade?

What indeed

Under a new Swiss law enshrining rights for animals, dog owners will require a qualification, anglers will take lessons in compassion and horses will go only in twos.

From guinea-pigs to budgerigars, any animal classified as a “social species” will be a victim of abuse if it does not cohabit, or at least have contact, with others of its own kind.

The new regulation stipulates that aquariums for pet fish should not be transparent on all sides and that owners must make sure that the natural cycle of day and night is maintained in terms of light. Goldfish are considered social animals, or Gruppentiere in German.

Good ol’ Europe; yeah liberals, let’s become exactly like them. Must! Ought! Should! Have to! Got to! Gotta gotta gotta! Must! Your dreams are coming true — we haven’t that far to go. Makes me want to put a brand new wreath on the tomb of the gentlemen who chucked the first crates of tea into Boston Harbor, or toss in a bag or two all over again.

Or as Gerard elegantly and expertly summarizes in the money quote…

In a way, it is a symptom of a civilization that has just ground to a halt. The Swiss have simply run out of rational things to regulate and so they move on to the world of compassionate bullshit.

How to Use a Dishwasher

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Simpler than you might think.

Global Warming to Cause Increase in AIDS

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

If this isn’t a sure sign that grant money is handed out for best buzz-words, I don’t know what would be.

Via Boortz.

What the Media Decided For Me About Wright

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

That’s the Wright Fiasco, as in Jeremiah, as in Barack “Don’t You Mention His Middle Name Anymore” Obama. When Ace is good, he is very very good:

What the Media (The People I Trust To Make Decisions) Decided for Me about Wright

1. Wright’s anti-semitic, anti-American, hardcore Marxist radical hatred was entirely occluded from Obama, the world, and most especially the NYT until yesterday. It came as a complete shock to one and all, and no one should hold it against Obama that he cultivated a mutually advantageous political partnership with a Nazi for 20 years. Now he’s “repudiated” the Nazi, and we all know that you can consort with Nazis for almost all of your adult life and then simply “repudiate” them at a press availability and the issue goes away entirely.

2. Obama’s 20 year political partnership with Wright may raise questions about his judgment, but it is wrongful for his political opponents to raise such questions in campaign ads. Some questions, it seems, are properly raised, but silently, in deep personal meditation, perhaps on an alpine hill while reading Rilke. Certainly we do not need to audibly ask questions about a presidential candidate. That’s just hurtful and corrosive of our political process, which relies, at its core, of utter trust in our political leaders without question.


H/T: Rachel.

Update: The Anchoress notices more-or-less the same thing…

…the man keeps running his open sore of a mouth and the press keeps saying, “home run!” while trying to downplay what the rest of us see and hear with our lying eyes and ears.

Soledad O’Brien, quite by accident, points out the problem:

He was funny, he was witty. This is a guy who’s got two masters and his doctorate in divinity. Here is a guy who speaks five languages, they took pains in his introduction to point out all his accomplishments.

This points me down a little bit of a tangent, but it’s a worthy tangent to pursue.

I’ve often thought that the human experiment, should it be thought of as a success at all and allowed to run its course, has staggered only a fraction of a percent closer to the goal it is supposed to reach prior to Armageddon than it was at Creation. Our demise could, therefore, be millions of years off, with our performance so sluggish it must be measured across Jurassic dimensions of time.

What goal would your Selected Deity have in mind for us that is lifted so loftily above all we have achieved since the day we discovered fire…or bit into the apple? A far simpler one than you might think: The capacity to embrace education, and humility, at the same time.

I continue to see sheepskins paraded before my eyes, not to instill genuine confidence that a particular individual is strongly tethered to truth, wisdom, stability and competence — but rather to lift that individual above the heavy fog of legitimate criticism.

Higher education will be a badge of shame before this trend has run its course. It’ll be widely recognized that if you haven’t said anything stupid, you have no need to brag about a Master’s, Bachelor’s or Ph.D. Those who are held in the highest esteem will be the ones who are clean, or perceived to be clean, of any such disgracing blackhead or pockmark. Those who have them, will keep quiet about them, and beg any who know about them to stay equally silent. The diploma will be reduced to a skeleton in the closet.

It’ll happen in my lifetime. If this keeps up, I swear it will.