Archive for the ‘VPILF’ Category


Saturday, September 20th, 2008

Via Rachel:

She commands us to “review the cultural ideals and models of the radical rurals from the Great White Northwest and find out for sure where Gov. Palin stands.” Based on bits of apocrypha about Palin’s “pro-censorship” positions (?) and selected anecdotes across Idaho, Montana and Colorado. She defines an entire region as being — to boil her various ten-dollar words down to their bare essentials — bad. Not because of the anecdotes she manages to pick out from recent history, but because of a paucity of ethnic minorities living there.

She wrote a hatchet-piece. She is a bitter person (just read the hatchet-piece). She’s an egghead, History Department Chair at Connecticut College. She has two last names.

Gleaning some attributes of her personal favorite stereotypes from what she’s managed to observe, and simply allowing her imagination to fill in the rest. A tenured angry-woman prof with two last names, writing a poison-pen screed…did this.

Failing, apparently on an epic scale, to see the irony; let alone savor it.

Well, I grew up in the Pacific Northwest myself. I wish Ms. McNicol Stock would swing on up there and take a look for a week or so; something tells me this would be a new experience for her (she never does say anything to indicate otherwise). That strikes me as a far more productive use of her time, and a far less abusive use of her emotions and passions, compared to jotting down a bunch of directives to millions of total strangers to hold a vast region of her country in scathing contempt…said vast region probably being something completely outside of her personal experience.

It has been years since groups such as the Montana Militia, the Posse Comitatus and the Sagebrush Rebels, and individuals such as Terry Nichols and Ted Kaczynski have made us wonder why so many “angry white men” populated our rural regions. Many of us have forgotten the threat once posed by domestic terrorists and instead have turned our attention to foreign terrorists. But we should never forget that in the late 20th century, ultra-Christian, antistatist and white-supremacist groups flourished in the states of the Pacific Northwest – called by many the “Great White Northwest” – the very region that Sarah Palin and her family call home.

Wow. That’s just some real higher-level upper-cruster ivory-tower quality thinkin’ goin’ on there. Think I’ll kill shoot me a squirrel for dinner and strike up a tune on my harmoniker while I burn a cross on my neighbor’s lawn, then try to figger out them big words one more time.

Really, I’m just so happy we have these blue-bloods around to teach us how to be more tolerant of each other. Or, at least, to point out when we’re not. Who’d have thought…an entire quarter of the United States, failing to value diversity. We know they/we are all messed up that way, because of where they live. Cool.

There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch. — Nigel Powers, Goldmember (2002).


Friday, September 19th, 2008

James Taranto is noticing some peculiar things about the way the Associated Press discusses the federal crime that is the hacking of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s e-mail account.

The Secret Service contacted The Associated Press on Wednesday and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the Internet. The AP did not comply.

The disclosure Wednesday raises new questions about the propriety of the Palin administration’s use of nongovernment e-mail accounts to conduct state business. The practice was revealed months ago—prior to Palin’s selection as a vice presidential candidate—after political critics obtained internal e-mails documenting the practice by some aides.

Taranto observes:

Let’s step back for a moment and consider what this says about the press’s attitude toward privacy. A few years ago, the New York Times revealed the existence of the Terrorist Surveillance Program, a theretofore-secret effort to prevent attacks by listening in on overseas terrorists’ phone conversations. In defense of the Times’s action, we heard a lot of pious proclamations about privacy: George Bush might want to snoop on your phone conversations or emails, and the press was merely being vigilant in protecting your privacy.

Yes, it’s still fresh in my mind. I’m hard pressed to recall a more egregious euphemism than the label of “Ordinary Americans” slapped onto terrorists who’d never been anywhere near, or held anything close to citizenship in, the America they intended to destroy. The democrat party threw it out there, over and over again, as if waiting to be called on it and questioned about it…something that never took place. Ordinary Americans, Ordinary Americans, Ordinary Americans.

Yet the AP, in reporting on its own role in the current story, tells us that it refuses to cooperate with the Secret Service’s investigation of the privacy breach. Granted, the AP probably doesn’t have that much to contribute to the investigation. But the symbolism is telling, and surely deliberate. It suggests the press places a far lower premium on privacy than on its own privileges and its adversarial attitude toward government (or perhaps toward Republicans).

Can’t remember where I saw this, but someone else was comparing this to the Watergate break-in. What a difference 37 years makes, huh? Now perhaps someone older than me and with a better-working memory, or someone with more ambition in the research department, can take on the task of figuring out what the Watergate burglars found. I haven’t got a clue. I heard it was said to be “a portrait of Harry S Truman and a stack of unpaid bills.” But I can guaran-damn-tee you this: It’s going to be mighty tough to find any AP stories that say “The disclosure raises new questions about the DNC’s use of the Watergate building to secure their sensitive records.”

But it really doesn’t matter what the Watergate burglars did or didn’t find, if you’re going to compare it to the Palin e-mail hack, for the latter of these was an epic fail. The hackers wanted to find something juicy, and they did not.

The AP’s “questions” are, therefore, rather short-lived. Go out and find something else spooky and ominous to question, AP.

Taranto continues:

Especially telling in this regard is the AP’s reference to the emails as “leaked.” (The Boston Globe uses the verb leak in its headline for the AP report.) Usually this term refers to a government agency or other organization’s failure to keep a secret. A leaker is someone who is authorized to possess information but not to disclose it.

These emails were not leaked, they were stolen. Here we have an actual invasion of an American citizen’s privacy, and what is the press’s attitude? If the AP is representative (and given its organizational structure, it should be), it is to regard “questions about the propriety” of the victim as more important than the invasion of privacy itself.

This is no different than blaming Sarah Palin for walking around the Memorial Pool after dark wearing a bikini and getting raped.

Actually, to make that analogy work, the rapist would have to suffer a sudden attack of erectile dysfunction. But the point stands. Liberal democrats demand the status of aggrieved victim, with truckloads of authority and little or no responsibility — nobody else really knows what to say in response to that, so our tendency is to go ahead and let ’em have it. Conservative Republicans, on the other hand, are treated as aggressors (or practitioners of negligence) in situations in which they really are victims. And that’s not whining, there’s really just no other way to describe it. You can mutter from sun-up to sundown how Palin’s use of Yahoo “raises questions” but if these hackers were so obviously interested in finding dirt while they were snooping around in violation of federal law, and never did find anything, then it simply isn’t a valid concern.

Palin ankle-biters, you are now finishing up your third week trying to find some good dirt. When you finished up your first week, you already looked like the coyote trying to cath the road runner. Now, it’s just getting monotonous. Meep, meep.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

AN IDEA BOMB to Lindsay Lohan: Thanks But No Thanks

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

Obama/Biden, which is an anagram of “An Idea Bomb,” just avoided a real idea bomb. Someone who works there and grapples with the real responsibility of making decisions that matter…must have been sick that day. Pity.

Lindsay Lohan wanted to stump for Barack Obama, but was turned down with a polite ”thanks, but no thanks,” the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

The trouble-prone actress offered to host a series of events aimed at younger voters, but the Democratic presidential candidate’s camp wasn’t interested, the paper says.

Lohan ”is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us,” a top source on the Obama team told the paper.

Well, that’s okay. We know Lindsay Lohan is the kind of Hollywood starlet who exemplifies all that hopey-changey goodness An Idea Bomb has in mind for the country.

Lohan and her all-but-confirmed girlfriend Samantha Ronson recently bashed Republican vice presidential hopeful Gov. Sarah Palin on Lohan’s MySpace blog.

“I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin,” Lohan wrote, urging people to vote for Obama. “Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?”

Click here to read the blog post

Oh…goodie…yes, let’s lower our I.Q. by a few points. Click that link. Must…stop…mousey clickey finger of doom…oh no, can’t hold it. ++Click++

I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin.

I couldn’t be more supportive of a woman in office, but let’s face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female.

Is it a sin to be gay? Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?

I find it quite interesting that a woman who now is running to be second in command of the United States, only 4 years ago had aspirations to be a television anchor. Which is probably all she is qualified to be… Also interesting that she got her passport in 2006.. And that she is not fond of environmental protection considering she’s FOR drilling for oil in some of our protected land…. Well hey, if she wants to drill for oil, she should DO IT IN HER OWN backyard. This really shows me her complete lack of real preparation to become the second most powerful person in this country.

Hmmmm-All of this gets me going-Fear, Anxiety, Concern, Disappointment, and Stress come into play…

Is our country so divided that the Republicans best hope is a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe?

I know that the most important thing about this election is that people need to exercise their right to vote, regardless of their choice… I would have liked to have remained impartial, however I am afraid that the “lipstick on a pig” comments will overshadow the issues and the fact that I believe Barack Obama is the best choice, in this election, for president…

Palin’s Desire to “save and convert the gays”-really??

According to this Associated Press story, the church of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is hosting a kind of conference devoted to the “conversion of Gays” — no kidding.

Here’s the AP text:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) ? Gov. Sarah Palin’s church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.

You’ll be encouraged by the power of God’s love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality,” according to the insert in the bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed since she was a child.

Palin’s conservative Christian views have energized that part of the GOP electorate, which was lukewarm to John McCain’s candidacy before he named her as his vice presidential choice. She is staunchly anti-abortion, opposing exceptions for rape and incest, and opposes gay marriage and spousal rights for gay couples.

I feel it’s necessary for me to clarify that I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman.

Women have come a long way in the fight to have the choice over what we do with our bodies… And its frightening to see that a woman in 2008 would negate all of that.

Oh, and…Hint Hint Pali Pal- Don’t pose for anymore tabloid covers, you’re not a celebrity, you’re running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!

And in the words of Pamela Anderson, “She can suck it”..

Lindsay- “I have faith that this country will be all that it can be with the proper guidance. I really hope that all of you make your decisions based on the facts and what feels right to you in your heart-vote for obama!”

Samantha- “I love this country- however i wasn’t born here and don’t have the right to vote- so i beg of you all to really do your research and be educated when you cast your vote this coming november…. and if you’re in doubt- vote for obama! Mainly because if she gets elected my green card probably won’t get renewed!!!”

Lindsay and Samantha

Same brain-dead pap we get from all the other intellectual lightweights in Tinseltown.

Palin is not on record, so far as I know, wanting to lock up homosexuals. Or to parade them in a town square in stocks and chains. Or even to poke jokes at them. Or to force them to convert, or hold them as a captive audience for some religious ceremony intended to so convert them.

She has private views about whether homosexuality is normal or not, and she has an opinion about what to do with this marriage-definition question. And, if she is indeed tied into this “Pray Away The Gay” thing as it’s sometimes called — which, I notice, is not substantiated anywhere — is willing to pray for it. And by the way, that is a right she has as a private citizen, guaranteed over and over again in the writings of the Founding Fathers, and added to our Constitution through the First Amendment.

People like Lohan aren’t willing to tolerate it. They think, in order to be a tolerant society, we have to lock down the people who have these beliefs. Or, not just the people who have ’em, but the ones who are associated with them as well. Keep them from running for higher office, or saying anything. After all…+++chuckle+++…they see it as “intolerant.” +++snicker+++

Daddy Lohan fights back:

For Barack Obama to condemn my daughter for past indiscretions when he admitted to the exact same himself is indicative of what kind of president he would be.
His visions of a positive future for this country should be representative of a positive future for people as well. It is looking beyond the difficult times and letting go of the past…Obviously, Obama can do this for himself and not others, when in fact a good president should have hope for all.

Silly starlet-daddy. Liberals never mean “everyone” when they run around using words like “everyone.” You’re just figuring that out?

Tough break on the An Idea Bomb people, Lindsay. Try calling back a different day and getting hold of a different operator. Maybe you’ll get a different answer. I hope so. Can’t wait to see you on the campaign trail. Just wipe your nose first.

On Palin’s E-Mail

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

First, I’d just like to say “A group hacked into her Yahoo” has got to be the most unintentionally hilarious tagline of the year.

Second, I’m inspired to recall a rather lengthy discussion that took place, of all places, here at The Blog That Nobody Reads. The subject was Barack Obama’s less-than-inspired comments about lipsticks and pigs and newspapers and fish and I had the feeling at the time it would be revisited. Blogger friend Buck’s scolding comments looked reasonable, in their own way, to me from the very beginning:

The Republicans, OTOH, make me frickin’ SICK by assuming the mantle of The Perpetually Offended. That’s the LEFT’S schtik… and a sorry one it is and always has been. To watch the McCain campaign play this game turns my stomach. Besides that… Palin has ZERO need for a frickin brigade of White Knights riding to her defense…damsel-in-distress style. That woman can more than take care of herself, so let her do it. If she chooses to.

The Left was doing a wonderful job of imploding, and then WE come along and help them recover with this idiotic and dumbass move.

Way to go, McCain campaign. And shame on all you that have bought into it.

I steered the discussion away from this, because I was not (and am not) familiar with whatever righteous indignation might have been radiating from McCain HQ. I don’t give a rat’s ass, because I don’t believe in noble, decent public servants. I think they’re all scumbags.

Well, I don’t think that. But I think that’s what we should be presuming, when we cast votes. Trying to figure out who’s pure-of-heart is a Dickensian game…a sucker’s game. It’s Washington, DC. I believe in the power of the beltway crowd to go to bed on Sunday Night as Dr. Henry Jekyll and wake up on Monday as Edward freakin’ Hyde.

But Buck’s sentiments do have merit in places. Like right here. I’m humming his tune, as the right-wing blogomaniacs go into meltdown and “How *dare* you pry into her e-mail??” It’s probably technically illegal. But if she’s transacting state business on a Yahoo account, in violation of policy and in an effort to get around an investigation, that’s much worse.

And that brings me to the third point. And on this point, rubico speaks for me (although I’m inclined to believe the fellow is a likable dumbass):

I read though the emails… ALL OF THEM… before I posted, and what I concluded was anticlimactic, there was nothing there, nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped, all I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor…. And pictures of her family

The most incriminating thing I saw was something where she was bitching at somebody about some guy. I’ve spent a few years in network security, getting my career more firmly wrapped around policy & procedure stuff than around my technical stock-in-trade…which is a completely different story entirely…

Language Advisory…but the point of it is, I do have some understanding of company policies about using business e-mail for business stuff and personal e-mail for personal stuff. I’ve written and edited those policies. This most incriminating tidbit selected from all the Palin e-mail evidence pile I was shown — would fall squarely into the “personal” category (so long as it kept a lid on confidential information, which certainly seemed to be the case). In a nutshell, based on the information that came my way, and I did open Pandora’s box and inspect the contents as best I could…she’s clean.

I have invited left-wingers to float me some examples. They are the “reality based community,” after all. And you haven’t long to wait, when you go looking for some of them to fling their spittle around about what an OUTRAGE!!!! it is that the Governor of Alaska is using Yahoo for government business. I’ve been challenging them to choose, for me, the one single most glaring example of Palin using personal e-mail for business. Preferably, with the effect, intentional or otherwise, of getting around this investigation I keep hearing about.

So far, they haven’t given me squat. It isn’t hard to figure out why. They don’t have it.

That’s not hard to guess. That’s usually the case when lefties are acting OUTRAGED!!!! about something. If the facts are on your side, pound the facts, if the law’s on your side, pound the law. If neither one is on your side, pound the table.

Fourth: Why do I think Rubico is a likable dumbass? Because of this:

…and it finally set in, THIS internet was serious business, yes I was behind a proxy, only one, if this shit ever got to the FBI I was fucked, I panicked, i still wanted the stuff out there but I didn’t know how to rapidshit all that stuff, so I posted the pass on /b/, and then promptly deleted everything, and unplugged my internet and just sat there in a comatose state

Fifth: This “white knight fucker,” likable or not, is an even bigger dumbass.

The “white knight fucker” was the /b/tard who thought that going through Sarah Palin’s email wasn’t cool. He logged in, changed the password, and sent an email to a friend of Palin’s warning her and letting her know the new password. Unfortunately, he then posted a screenshot of this email to let the other /b/tards know their fun was over. He failed to blank the password, and they all tried to log in and change the password — which tripped the automated Yahoo! freeze.

I LOL’d. Really, I did.

Sixth: I must give high marks to the link you find above, from which these excerpts are taken. It’s Michelle Malkin’s site, and it lays to rest an awful lot of rumors that have been floating around about this, which never did make too much sense, with some rational explanations that do.

Here’s the short version: there is a site called It is an image posting site based on a popular Japanese site. The site contains multiple boards, each of which is dedicated to a particular subject. The most notorious of these boards is called /b/. /b/ is the board dedicated to random images. /b/tards, as its denizens are called, are interested only in their own amusement. Their sense of humor runs the gamut from sick to cruel to merely strange. Lolcats, as made famous by, originated on /b/. A lot of memes start there. There is a lot of racist humor — pictures of excited and happy black people in proximity to fried chicken abound. There is a lot of pornography. Sometimes it’s child pornography, although posting that is moderator grounds for banning — no, it’s not a pedophile ring; /b/tards post it because they think doing so is funny.

4chan does not log participants. Most people don’t use or have usernames, and post instead as “Anonymous.” And every so often, a number of /b/’s anonymous denizens decide to make somebody’s life hell. Sometimes it’s a random person who offends /b/’s sense of propriety. Sometimes it’s a forum dedicated to a serious topic. Sometimes it’s Scientology. And Tuesday, it was Sarah Palin. Or it would have been.

Sarah Palin’s email account was hacked by one person. Not a group.

This person read her emails, then posted the username and password on /b/. This happened at about 4 in the morning on Tuesday. The idea was that the sea of Anonymous /b/tards would download the emails, upload porn, and cause all manner of mischief. Anonymous is not a group of hackers. Anonymous is more like gremlins. They are hyperactive adolescents in search of amusement and joy, which they often get by upsetting people and making messes. That’s what was happening here. Anonymous did not hack the account. A hacker tried to throw Sarah Palin to Anonymous. Not all of Anonymous was having it. One person threw a crowbar in the works. Other /b/tards were displeased to miss a chance at the lulz. The moderators stepped in. The thread was deleted.

Later, other individuals created threads reposting screencaps of emails and the inbox, and put together a collection of these files. All mentions of these were purged by the moderators. So then some bright /b/tards decided to email what little stuff they had to the media.

That’s pretty much it.

Karl Rove and Pig Lipstick

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

It Never Was About the Chicks II

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Rick brings us a link to a wonderfully worded piece by Jonah Goldberg which, arguably, stands guilty of belaboring the obvious. But being “plainly linkable,” in Rick’s words, it could have saved me some typing in some places…like here f’rinstance…and perhaps some other works I don’t feel like hunting down at present.

Goldberg’s words speak for themselves and need no introduction. Although I couldn’t resist putting bold on the especially scrumptious tidbits.

Whether or not Sarah Palin helps John McCain win the election, her greatest work may already be behind her. She’s exposed the feminist con job.

Don’t take my word for it. Feminists have been screaming like stuck pigs 24/7 since Palin was announced as McCain’s running mate.

Feminist author Cintra Wilson writes in Salon that the notion of Palin as vice president is “akin to ideological brain rape.” Presumably just before the nurse upped the dosage on her medication, Wilson continued, “Sarah Palin and her virtual burqa have me and my friends retching into our handbags. She’s such a power-mad, backwater beauty-pageant casualty, it’s easy to write her off and make fun of her. But in reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.”

And that’s one of the nicer things she had to say. Really.

On Tuesday, Salon ran one article calling Palin a dominatrix and another labeling her a sexually repressed fundamentalist no different from the Muslim fanatics and terrorists of Hamas. Make up your minds, folks. Is she a seductress or a sex-a-phobe?

But this any-weapon-near-to-hand approach is an obvious sign of how scared the Palin-o-phobes are.

Gloria Steinem, the grand mufti of feminism, issued a fatwa anathematizing Palin. A National Organization for Women spokeswoman proclaimed Palin more of a man than a woman. Wendy Doniger, a feminist academic at the University of Chicago, writes of Palin in Newsweek: “Her greatest hypocrisy is in her pretense that she is a woman.”

It’s funny. The left has been whining about having their patriotism questioned for so long it feels like they started griping in the Mesozoic era. Feminists have argued for decades that womanhood is an existential and metaphysical state of enlightenment. But they have no problem questioning whether women they hate are really women at all.

Since we know from basic science that Palin is a woman — she’s had five kids, for starters — it’s clear that these ideological thugs aren’t talking about actual, you know, facts. They’re doing what people of totalitarian mind-sets always do: bully heretics, demonize enemies, whip the troops into line.

The academic feminist left has scared the dickens out of mainstream men and women for so long, the liberal establishment is terrified to contradict feminists’ nigh-upon-theological conviction that female authenticity is measured by one’s blind loyalty to left-wing talking points. This is a version of the Marxist doctrine of “false consciousness,” which holds that you aren’t an authentic member of the proletariat unless you agree with Marxism. [emphasis mine]

It’s got nothing to do with the broads.

If you’re a dude, and you happen to be the President of the United States, using your office resources and your authority to scare up some oral sex from your office interns, and committing perjury to cover your tracks and deny the other women you’ve abused their day in court…feminism will protect you.

As long as you are faithful to the agenda.

If you’re a strong-willed, intelligent, articulate woman and you manage to shatter a glass ceiling or two…feminism will be there to trip you up, to attack you, to slander you, to lend aid and comfort to your enemies.

Provided you aren’t friendly to the agenda.

It’s all about the agenda. Supporting women, increasing the standard of living of women, safeguarding the rights and privileges of women, looking out for equality of women…that’s got nothing to do with it at all.

There can be no denying this.

And there really has been no meaningful metamorphosis.

Which, of necessity, must raise the question about whether feminism had anything to do with defending or offering any help to the fairer sex, going all the way back to Day One. Women were just a means toward a desired end…the entire time…the entire forty years plus.

And our society fell for it. What a twisted, disgusting, sick joke. What a national disgrace.

Paleofeminism II

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

On the last day of last year, I said

I hope 2008 sees the end of this brand of feminism, I really do. The subject of the link in question is Page 8 of possible reasons Home Improvement jumped the shark, and “Guest” writes in with…

The show jumped with the “sandwich episode” where Jill really started to assert her own special brand of aggressive feminism. It was angering to watch Jill call her son a sexist because his girlfriend did his housework; the problem couldn’t possibly be on the girlfriend’s end, it must be the EVIL MISOGYNIST BRAD at fault because he LET her do his housework. In the end, everything was resolved, of course, when Jill converted everyone over to her point of view, aka the right one, including dimwitted Tim, who, of course, buckled under his wife’s demands yet again. Was there ever a single episode where Tim said, “Tough crap, Jill, this time it’s my way”?

I was watching this episode with my ten-year-old son, and found myself answering some complicated questions.

I went on to point out the flaw in Jill’s logic. I was garrulous, so let me sum it up in a single short paragraph here:

It’s the knight who is drawing this tangible benefit from the lady’s attentions. What, exactly, is he supposed to do according to this moral code handed down on high from matriarch paleofeminist Jill? The answer according to the script of the episode was — STOP the thoughtful girlfriend from making him sandwiches. Yeah that’s right. Snatch the peanut butter and jelly right outta her hands. That’s the scripted answer; the answer, in spirit, was “I don’t know.” That’s the trouble with paleofeminism. Paleofeminists won’t admit that their goal is really to get rid of men — but the elephant comes lumbering into full view in the middle of the room, when they are observed spraying instructions and orders at everyone in earshot, like some fully automatic rapid-fire trebuchet — or to invent a metaphor more functionally fitting, a claymore — and at the same time don’t know what to tell the men to do. We’re sexist pigs if our girlfriends make us sandwiches…how, then, do we remedy the situation and stop being sexist pigs? Catch the samrich-makin’ bitch in a full nelson and force her to drop the mayonnaise? It just doesn’t make any sense.

SardoSo I had good reason for wishing 2008 would see the end of paleofeminism. Very good reason. I like it when pretty ladies make me samriches. That’s because I’m sane.

Good reason…but not high hopes. And rightly so. For the frost is nearly upon the pumpkin, and what did blogger friend Cassy Fiano find for us. That’s right, another screeching screed at Feministing.

Check out this 1970 ad for bath oil (via Found in Mom’s Basement):

The text reads:

Sure. You live with him and take care of him and hang up his clothes. But just because you do the things a wife’s supposed to do, don’t forget you’re still a woman.

One of the nicest things you can do for a man is take care of your skin. That means Sardo. No other bath oil or bead has Sardo’s unique dry skin formula. It’s pure bath oil. The richest. The best. 3 out of 4 women saw and felt and loved the difference after just one Sardo bath.

How about you? Why don’t you do something soft and young and special for him. Feel wonderful all over with Sardo.

Wow, this is really taking some early-nineties Bryan Adams to its sexist extreme. I wonder if, when she wipes her ass, she’s also doing that for her husband?

Cassy unloads. And as usual, it’s pretty priceless:

What’s hilarious is how offensive the feminists say this ad is, but the commenters have zero problem whatsoever insulting and deriding the man for the hair on his arms. So it’s OK to criticize men for their looks but not women? What if a bunch of men were making fun of a woman because of something beyond her control, like her arms being hairier than normal, these same women would be shrieking with outrage.

It’s stories like these that make modern feminism so out-of-touch with reality and the average woman. When you’re worried about trivial bullshit like an ad from thirty years ago, or a Bryan Adams video that’s over fifteen years old, and make abortion the holy cow of your entire movement, and then call it fighting for women’s rights, it makes people not really take you very seriously. The thing is, there is real sexism in the world, and real women who are fighting real oppression. Most of this does not take place in the Middle East, but modern American feminism finds things like thirty-year-old bath oil ads and abortion more important than, oh, say three girls being buried alive for the “crime” of choosing their own husbands.

What motivates these bitter women? It obviously is not the “rights” of the modern woman. If it was about that issue, the girls being buried alive would at least register as a blip on the radar, one would hope. In fact, the samrich issue would not — Brad’s girlfriend wants to make him a samrich, she can go ahead and make him a samrich…the “choice” is hers, you see.

*sniff* *sniff* Smells like…some sort of collective bargaining.

Yes, that’s exactly what I think it is. Start out slow, and slack off. You get hired on to the team, which pumps out eight widgets per man per hour — you start cranking out twenty widgets an hour, boss gives you a big atta-boy, life will be all wonderful. Until you go home from work that day. It’s your co-workers, you see. You’re making ’em look bad.

This is exactly the same principle. You’re a woman, taking baths in oils to make your skin soft for that man o’ yours, make him a samrich or two…you know how those uppity men are, sooner or later they’ll start talking! And this puts pressure on the other jealous wrinkled up old gals. Can’t have that.

Perhaps this is why the feminists aren’t too interested in the teenage girls being buried alive, Cassy. See, not being murdered is an individual right. Forcing one amongst your peerage to start out slow & slack off, so that mediocrity can continue to be confused with excellence, that is a group right. A collective-bargaining right. Don’t do good works as an individual person, because you’re making the group-collective look bad.

Lower the expectations. For the good of the collective.

Just as union management demands to step into the role of the “real” boss…the wrinkled up old paleofeminist harpies are demanding to become the “real” husband. That hairy ape you’re living with, he’s just in the way. Don’t do anything to please him, or we’ll make you sorry.

Okay that explains everything — except one thing. With all this Sarah Palin news floating around, we’re already getting a crash-course that the feminist movement is pulling a bait-n-switch on us. They’ve been pissing and moaning that not enough women are winning high offices because not enough women are seeking those high offices…and that must have something to do with us grubby, awful, icky sexist men. Along comes Gov. Palin. To a rational mindset, she would appear to be the fulfillment of everything the feminists had been demanding all these years. Well, the feminists don’t like her, which proves the “womens’ rights” movement never had anything to do with women, and most certainly didn’t have much to do with their rights. It was all about a political agenda. Putting pressure on people to vote for unqualified angry women, was just a tactic for enacting that agenda.

What’s really awful for the feminist movement, is that Sarah Palin and the attacks against her don’t clearly state this for the understanding of whacky bloggers like myself. These events make all this plain to the average, Main Street voter. It’s the kind of damage only self-evident truth can do.

So why now for the attack on the Sardo ad? Why choose right here-and-now to really solidify that message to us…that feminism is all about marginalizing men, and driving a wedge between the sexes — that it has little or nothing to do with womens’ rights? It’s as if Feministing is terrified someone out here was not quite clear on things, and wanted to make sure the message was really spelled out for everyone.

Heyyyyyyy, here’s an idea. Let’s make the 2008 elections all about this. Vote McCain/Palin if you want men and women to get along, vote Obama/Biden if you think whenever a lady is softening up her skin or making samriches for her man, someone should jump in and force her to stop, whether she wants to stop or not. In the name of womens’ choice.

Meanwhile, if any nice-lookin’ ladies come along and start making me hot juicy pies and fetching me cold beers, I fully intend to support womens’ rights. I intend to let them. Sorry if that offends anyone.

D’JEver Notice? IX

Tuesday, September 16th, 2008

Two hundred twenty-one years, and a little bit of muddled, underdeveloped thinking from our leftist-secular super-duper-activist types, and…we go from no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States…to exactly that.

GIBSON: Are we fighting a holy war?

PALIN: The reference there is a repeat of Abraham Lincoln’s words when he said — first he suggested never presume to know what God’s will is. And I would never presume to know God’s will or to speak God’s words. But what Abraham Lincoln had said, and that’s a repeat in my comments, was let’s not pray that God is on our side in a war or in any other time. But let us pray that we are on God’s side. That’s what that comment was all about, Charlie.

GIBSON: But you went on and said there is a plan and it is God’s plan. [emphasis mine]

PALIN: I believe that there is a plan for this world, and that plan for this world is for good.

We could quibble about whether fine hairs are being split here, are whether the distinction has disappeared altogether. But let there be no mistake about it: Gov. Palin was grilled by our Fourth Estate for seeking a high office without properly embracing a virtual state-sponsored religion of atheism.

Methinks, if you’re cool with that — the object of the entire exercise must have escaped you at some point here. The country’s supposed to be all about freedom to worship as an individual and not be barred from public office by doing so, and we seem to have a lot of enthusiastic individuals working extremely hard to jettison that most cherished of individual freedoms.

“[A]ll men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.” — Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 1779.

Best Sentence XL

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

The Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award goes to Mike_M, commenter (#1) on the cross-posting at Right Wing News of the What’s Barry To Do Now? piece. The subject under discussion is this massively deep hole into which The Chosen One has ensconced himself — at last report, The Messiah has forsaken Will Rogers’ advice and is still digging — due to no external factors whatsoever, besides the meanness endemic to his “tolerant” supporters. His stockpile of electoral ammunition and tools, lackluster and lightweight from the beginning, is notably lacking in any instrument that can effectively deal with this situation and he’s left twisting in the wind, three or four percentage points behind, as Election Day hurtles down the road like a juggernaut, with no way to turn this thing around at all.

Mark’s point, as I understand it, is that the situation is even worse than that because — well, it’s a little silly that Obama is put in the position of competing with the vice-presidential nominee on the oppositing ticket, but since he is — we get to see every single week how differently he deals with a crisis, compared to Sarah Barracuda.

Palin is for all intents and purposes invincible because she’s not going to play the victim or go crying to the media for a break. The media has savaged her and her family in an unprecedented fashion, and she barely seems to notice. Obama calls the Justice Department when someone runs an ad he doesn’t like. [emphasis mine]

What better way to hammer that point home, than to offer an honorable mention in the BSIHORL award handouts to Dennis Miller for something he said earlier this summer on his “Miller Time” segment.

Again: The perspective changes; what is noticed, remains constant.

I don’t even notice the color of his skin, I do note the thinness of it though.

It Never Was About the Chicks

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

Lynda Carter, the former TV Wonder Woman, is the latest celeb nitwit to confirm for us that this whole thing about empowering women had very little to do with the women.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, you see, even though she’s doing exactly what the womens’ libbists told us women should be able to do…is the anti-Wonder-Woman.

Don’t get me started. She’s the anti-Wonder Woman. She’s judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how they’ve got to live their lives. And a superior religious self-righteousness … that’s just not what Wonder Woman is about. Hillary Clinton is a lot more like Wonder Woman than Mrs. Palin. She did it all, didn’t she?

No one has the right to dictate, particularly in this country, to force your own personal views upon the populace — religious views. I think that is suppressive, oppressive, and anti-American. We are the loyal opposition. That’s the whole point of this country: freedom of speech, personal rights, personal freedom. Nor would Wonder Woman be the person to tell people how to live their lives. Worry about your own life! Worry about your own family! Don’t be telling me what I want to do with mine.

I like John McCain. But this woman — it’s anathema to me what she stands for. I think America should be very afraid. Very afraid. Separation of church and state is the one thing the creators of the Constitution did agree on — that it wasn’t to be a religious government. People should feel free to speak their minds about religion but not dictate it or put it into law.

What I don’t understand, honestly, is how anyone can even begin to say they know the mind of God. Who do they think they are? I think that’s ridiculous. I know what God is in my life. Now I am sure that she’s not all just that. But it’s enough to me. It’s enough for me to have a visceral reaction. And it makes me mad.

People need to speak up. Doesn’t mean that I’m godless. Doesn’t mean that I am a murderer. What I hate is this demonization of everybody but one position. You’re un-American because you’re against the war. It’s such bullshit. Fear. It’s really such a finite way of thinking about God to think that your measley little mind can know the mind of God. It’s a very little God that way. I think that God’s bigger. I don’t presume to know his mind. Or her mind.

Let’s review. Gov. Palin is “judgmental and dictatorial, telling people how to live their lives.” She’s all about a “superior religious self-righteousness.” She hasn’t done it all, like Hillary has. She forces her personal religious views on the populace. She’s opposed to separation of church and state. She wants to put religion into law. She thinks she knows the mind of God.

Sources, please, Lynda?

One wonders how Ms. Carter feels about the cheesehead doc who lashed out at Gov. Palin, in that cute way media-connected docs do, by expressing “concern” over her decision to carry Trig to term.

As a vocal opponent of abortion, Ms. Palin’s widely discussed decision to keep her baby, knowing he would be born with the condition, may inadvertently influence other women who may lack the necessary emotional and financial support to do the same, according to André Lalonde, executive vice-president of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.

Dr. Lalonde said that above all else, women must be free to choose, and that popular messages to the contrary could have detrimental effects on women and their families.

“The worry is that this will have an implication for abortion issues in Canada,” he said. [emphasis Sister Toldjah’s]

I would suggest that anyone who fails to see the bullying and bludgeoning in that little news-bit, doesn’t know enough to recognize controlling behavior when it’s right in front of ’em. So that’s my piece of evidence to bring to the table — people are trying to control Gov. Palin, whether or not she’s trying to control other people. That’s my hand. What’s Lynda Carter’s?

I mean, her whole argument is based on this image she has of Palin. So where’s the proof?

A 1970’s feminist icon has run into a real flesh-and-blood functional feminist in 2008…and doesn’t know what to make of ‘er. Can’t see real feminism when it’s staring her right in the face. How sad. It never was about rights, opportunities, responsibilities or power for women. That never had anything to do with it. It’s about a political agenda, to which Real Feminist Sarah Palin is less than friendly. She’s shattering a ceiling alright. It’s like a giant Cone of Dumb that has encased us all these decades, pretending to be something it isn’t. It never was about the chicks. It was just a cynical tool to promote liberalism.

I think the comment I left in the Philly News sums up the balance of my thoughts on it…

We have a need here to turn WW’s golden truth-lasso around on her. Central to her argument is that Gov. Palin wants to control how other people live. Source, please?

Take the Obama/Biden position on any issue…any issue at all…and within that position, there is a desire to define a class of person (usually rich people) and destroy everyone in that class, or at least hurt them. It may be veiled. But it’s always there. There’s always a Snidely Whiplash due for a come-uppins’. Always. I can’t even say the same thing about every old WW episode.

So who’s really more controlling?

Women Can Be Dumb, Too?

Friday, September 12th, 2008

Prairie-doggin’ gadfly Mike R., who occasionally sticks his head out of his burrow over at Rick’s place Brutally Honest, suggests a change to the media meme about baby-boomers & younger gentlemen being smart and brilliant if they’re liberal, and dense and stupid if they’re conservative. Actually he’s trying like the dickens not to look like he’s “suggesting” anything at all…just bludgeoning and brow-beating with his opinion that Sarah Palin is a dimwit. But suggestion is the core of his offering. That’s the way trial balloons work.

[T]he pig with lipstick didn’t even know what the Bush Doctrine was.
Ready to lead?
[S]he wasn’t even ready for the interview.

I’d dare say that (and don’t let this go to your pin-head) even Rick Rice is smarter that [sic] Palin!

Someone’s already let something go to his pin-head, for I doubt like the dickens that Rick’s lying awake at nights trying to think of ways to convince Mike R. of his smartness.

Here’s the clip of which Mike R. speaks.

This is fueling a recent effort to portray Gov. Palin as a lightweight sort of chucklehead. See, you could interpret this as meaning she’s never heard of the Bush Doctrine before, and therefore she’s a complete stranger to the arguments that have been raging back and forth about the invasion of Iraq, and whether that’s proper. Where the hell’s she been living? Well the trouble with that is, that’s a little ambiguous — you could interpret it to mean she couldn’t recite the four pillars identified by Norman Podhoretz, or maybe she could but she expected to be drawn into some kind of “gotcha” over whether Podhoretz’ reinterpretation was correct. Her demeanor clearly indicates, to me anyway, that she expects this to be a line of questioning that is not only hostile, but unproductive.

For that, we have this cute little sound bite flying around to day that she’s a “moose in the headlights.”

So she doesn’t immediately identify the idea of pre-emptive military action. Huh. I wonder if Obama and Biden, between the two of them, can lay down the distinction between the nuances of pre-emptive action between the Bush Doctrine and the Wolfowitz Doctrine. Nobody’s wondering about it. They just call Palin stupid.

Interesting times. For twenty years, this has been working for our lefties whenever a hero rises on the right side of the fence, who happens to have been born sometime after Pearl Harbor. Say he’s a dimwit a few times, people will believe he’s a dimwit. Pre-Palin, however, the dumb idjit had to be a dude for this to work. Maybe that’s still the case. Maybe our young conservative ladies can, if the Big Lie technique works well enough, stop being slutty and bitchy like Ann Coulter and start being dense paste-eaters like the fellas. That’s the drawback with the Big Lie technique. The only way to tell if something works is to give ‘er a try.

Our most high-profile public officials born before Pearl, however, never were stupid (Reagan could be regarded as an exception, since he was supposedly senile and dim). Dick Cheney is Darth Vader. Strom Thurmond was a hick, but his enemies didn’t often comment on how stupid he was. He was just evil. Lauch Faircloth was evil. Jesse Helms was evil.

Don’t worry, conservative Baby Boomer men. Our moonbats won’t smear you as being evil, no matter how strong and effective you become. You’ll just be slandered as a moron. And if things go alright this year that’ll become an equal opportunity smear — it’ll work for the ladies too.

You know, the older I get, the more I see human brains as batteries; they can be used by themselves, or coupled up with other batteries. With one critical exception — batteries are designed for interachangeable use. A TV remote might take one, a flashlight might take six or eight. You may move one battery from one to the other, and back again. The battery doesn’t care.

Brains are a little different. People condition themselves their entire lives to think independently, or to think as part of a crowd. Wouldn’t this be living proof? It doesn’t make sufficient sense, to pass the high threshold of demand imposed by the individual thinker, to suppose that prominent, promising conservative women are dimwits…and are starting to be dimwits in 2008. To suppose, up until Gov. Palin came along, conservative women were God-worshipping gun-carrying hicks who were bitchy and wore short skirts and spewed racial epithets but at least had some respectable intellect…and all of a sudden, after Labor Day of this election year, they’re as stupid as the conservative men. As if an asteroid came crashing to earth and somehow made things that way. No, you need group-think to accept an idea like that.

Well, I understand. Desperate people have to do what they have to do. And it seems we have an awful lot of people running around who can do only that. The meme is how they do their thinking. All the time. About anything. There is no other kind of idea worth pondering. You could say their battery can be used only when clipped in to a common device with other batteries.

Welcome, new political meme, new “idiotic right-wing woman” meme. The first step to your surviving the exigencies of infancy, is that Gov. Palin actually has to show herself to be a dimwit. Not just once or twice, but a few times. Good luck on that. If reality confounds this, and it surely will, you can always bullshit your way through. We’ll just see if you’re still around next year. You read about it here first, folks.

Not that it’s likely to count for much in the broader picture of history. My money says by the time Sarah Palin removes her hand from the Bible in January, we’ll be back to the competing talking point of “Stepford Wife.”

Update 9/13/08: Via NewsBusters: Mark Levin got hold of a copy of the complete interview transcript, and underlined & bolded the parts that were edited out. Give it a read.

She’s not quite so much a dimbulb now, is she?

On Perfection

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Blogger friend Virgil sends along his thoughts about Bill Maher’s asinine monologue — the one that ridicules, among other things, Baby Trig and his big sister Bristol.

Virgil writes:

Basically for many many years, we have [always] hired PERFECT people who have no baggage, defects, etc..

Problem is, as I get older and wiser, I now realize that they are perfect because they have NEVER done anything outside their comfort zone.

Hopefully I will get the names right here, but give me people like Lincoln who failed 6 or seven times.
With those failures, comes wisdom which you can’t get from a book or a college.

Give me people like grant who drank way too much, but when people approached lincoln about him he said “Find out what he drinks and send a case to all of my officers”

you ask for perfect, you get nada…

You know what? I’m going to put aside what, exactly, offends me about Maher’s comments…although those items of offense are significant and numerous.

What Virgil is addressing when he says “ask for perfect, you get nada” — is — bathosploration.

Opposite of Exploration. A progressive movement over time which endeavors toward an ideal, rather than toward a frontier. This makes fulfillment of the Exponential Growth Instinct absolutely impossible over the long term.

Which is important, because the Exponential Growth Instinct is…

The desire endemic to the human condition, to achieve something on par with what’s been achieved before, but on a more massive scale. This compulsion has a symbiotic relationship with the health and vitality of the human spirit; neither one can truly thrive without the other.

To bottom-line it — we are programmed by a deity…or, if you prefer, we are molded and shaped by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution…to try to do tomorrow what we did yesterday, plus a whole lot more. If we can’t do this, we end up unhappy.

And any time you hear someone using the word “perfect” you have to watch out for comes next. You have to be wary even if you detect a sense of that objective, even if no one actually uses the P-word; and I certainly catch more than a whiff of that when people complain about Alaska’s “mooseburger” governor. They want perfection.

The trouble with perfection, is not that it will everlastingly elude you. You might actually catch up to it — and that is where the trouble starts. Perfection is antithetical to exploration. It is bathosploration; a ludicrous descent into a downward spiral of nit-picking away at ultimately meaningless flaws that aren’t even flaws.

Whether we’re talking about selecting candidates for high office, or cleaning up a house, the predicament in which we ensconce ourselves is the exercise in Trudging Toward Zero:

That part of Bathosploration that endeavors toward an ideal rather than toward a frontier. It is a sanitizing process, that starts from some measured level of contamination and endeavors toward eradicating as much contaminant as possible. Activities of this type can be gratifying to some personality types, because they are definite in scope, and achievement against pre-established goals is always measurable. If there are hazards to be involved then they are absolutely predictable in magnitude. However, trudging toward zero can be boring for other personality types, and regardless of who is involved it is ultimately susceptible to the Bathosplorific Crash

Read over that first sentence again. It endeavors toward an ideal rather than toward a frontier. There is, therefore, some “ground zero” of what the thing is supposed to be. And once reality aligns with that, the dog has caught the car. We end up frustrated because our exponential growth instinct can no longer be fulfilled. All we can do is detect more and more minute bits of residue in the reality-to-ideal delta, and eradicate them on a more and more surgically-precise scale.

Which leads, inexorably, to the bathosplorific crash.

The depressing and frustrating sensation people experience when they have been engaged in Bathosploration and realize they cannot fulfill the Exponential Growth Instinct without re-defining their goals.

And THERE is the treachery of perfection! It is not an infinity. It is a zero. You do not acquire it by accumulating things; you acquire it by getting rid of things. It lies at the end of a sanitizing process, and therefore, has very little to do with existence itself. It has little or nothing to do with life. It is a low nadir. It is cleanliness. It is stillness. It is death.

What does this have to do with Gov. Palin? Is this yet another plea that we should lower our sites, and excuse her little imperfections? Kinda. Sorta yes, sorta no. The case against Gov. Palin has not yet been made. Look at Maher’s clip minute by minute, second by second, frame by frame. What’s his argument? He calls her a redneck, makes fun of her youngest child with the birth defect, announces that he doesn’t quite yet know how to pronounce her name (?!?). Calls her “mooseburger.”

The theory of the Bathosplorific Crash says if you indulge in the labors toward an ideal rather than indulging in the labors toward a frontier, you will indulge in a patently absurd exercise of sanding off burrs that stick out from the pattern of a stencil — and, ultimately, achieve nothing of note, because you will have succeeded in systematically expunging anything remarkable or extraordinary in the raw material you were given. You will ultimately succeed at nothing, save for reproducing a pattern that was defined elsewhere. And throughout this, you will nurture and incubate within you the instincts of an explorer — which will come into conflict with your actual achievement after you’ve completed the work of a walking, talking, breathing copy machine.

And then you have your bathosplorific crash. That moment when you realize the goals toward which you have been working, frustrate the passions within you.

I think we’re at that point. We’re actually several years past it. Barack Obama represents the zero. As it comes within our power to be able to elect him President, it comes within our power to be the dog whose teeth graze up against the bumper. He puts on a good show of resembling a “Perfect Being” — although for a modern Messiah, he is quite dirty in many places. But he talks his talk. He enunciates. He articulates. He wears a suit well.

And he’s inexperienced. Inexperienced in a way that really matters. He is as clean as he is…which isn’t very clean at all…because he hasn’t really held a lot of jobs in which there is a real potential to measurably fail at something.

He says he is the change we have been waiting for. He’s absolutely right; that is exactly the problem. He is not, contrary to the rhetoric of his followers, a remarkable person. He is wholly unremarkable. He’s a soft-spoken, articulate, presentable, outgoing average-man who is not spectacular, and that’s his appeal.

Bill Maher has found some comedy sound-bites he can throw out that make it sound like it’s a good idea to trash Sarah Palin, and support Barack Obama. These sound bites are valuable and precious to him, and to his audience. I find that telling. Things become valuable and precious when they are rare. If these people were backing a decent candidate, the sound bites that make that evident, wouldn’t be so valuable and precious because they wouldn’t be rare. But for that to come about, that candidate has to stand for something…be something…offer himself or herself to us, after trudging toward a frontier rather than toward an ideal. Into infinity rather than toward zero. Which means, as an interesting person with some stories to tell. Like Sarah Palin.

Not like Barack Obama.

He doesn’t offer the cleanliness that is the least we should have in hand after a bathosplorific pursuit. But he offers the zero in abundance. He matches the cookie cutter. He is unscrupulous and stands for nothing. Palin, although a neophyte to politics, is a neophyte in ways that are good. And we know what she’s all about, because she’s done stuff. We can debate it, but at least we have something to debate — because she has had jobs in which it is possible to fail.

Glad I got that off my chest. Next, sometime soon, I’ll go through what was in Maher’s monologue that crinkled my eyebrows up together and made my teeth grind. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Uppity Rednecks Need to Mind Their Place

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

…seems to be the underlying sentiment of Women Against Sarah Palin. “No Redneck, No How.” Yeah, now yer talkin’. Maybe we should prove permit numbers to proper blue-blood New Englanders who see fit to run for important seats in our nation’s capital…makin’ big important decisions and junk. The rednecks think they’re up to it. How dare they!

I got the link off of Dr. Casino’s page, which you should really check out if you get the chance. The Blog That Nobody Reads has been getting a little bit more traffic from there as of late, even though it’s only mentioned there one time.

Dr. Casino has taken steps to register legal protection on his original image. It’s still okay with him that the photoshopped version fly around far and wide, though. He uses words designed to imply, but will not categorically state, that “Elizabeth” is on board with those of those wishes. This will be interesting to watch — lots of folks would like to discuss the origins of the ‘shopped image that (Palin-bashing) Dr. Casino would love to see repeated ad-nauseum, and when they do, displaying a reduced version of the original just seems natural. But Dr. Casino says no. Don’t. Dr. Casino’s lawyer’s pager is about to explode.

By the way, the discussion blogger friend Phil and I have been having about the word “uppity” is a rather interesting one. We pretty much see eye-to-eye on it so there’s not much of a debate to be had. But furthermore, I think it fits in well with the headline of this post, because the consensus-driven definition of the adjective seems to include –

1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance;
2. Said exaggerated sense rises to the level of simple significance;
3. The norm, against which this sense is contrasted, descends to the level of insignificance;
4. Therefore — the implication is, people are uppity when they think they matter, even though they belong to a class which should preclude this from happening.

I don’t think this all necessarily follows from a simple use of the word “uppity.”

But I do think it all necessarily follows from the “Women Against Sarah Palin” website’s criticism of Gov. Palin. I don’t see how you can get around it. She thinks she should count. How dare she??

Best Sentence XXXIX

Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Lileks, commenting on Heather Mallick’s screed, funded by the Canadian treasury. Let’s set it up first. You saw our link to it here. Our neighbors to the North, of all political stripes, whether they like it or not, get to pay out of their own pockets for such well thought-out wisdom as this:

I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have the stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans didn’t already have sewn up, the white trash vote, the demographic that sullies America’s name inside and outside its borders yet has such a curious appeal for the right.

So why do it?

It’s possible that Republican men, sexual inadequates that they are, really believe that women will vote for a woman just because she’s a woman. They’re unfamiliar with our true natures. Do they think vaginas call out to each other in the jungle night? I mean, I know men have their secret meetings at which they pledge to do manly things, like being irresponsible with their semen and postponing household repairs with glue and used matches. Guys will be guys, obviously.

But do they not know that women have been trained to resent other women and that they only learn to suppress this by constantly berating themselves and reading columns like this one? I’m a feminist who understands that women can nurse terrible and delicate woman hatred.

I’m a blogger who understands that from that point onward, the Mallick bitch-fest heads downhill. Fast.

WhippedSo is James Lileks.

Consider the joy that would reign if someone wrote that “Democrats, racial guilt-mongers that they are, really believe that African-Americans will vote for an African-American just because he’s an African-American.” Of course Republican men don’t believe that women will vote for her just because she’s a woman. It’s surely a factor, but there’s the possibility that they will vote for her because she is not a woman like Heather Mallick.

Then he lays the smackdown. Yes, it’s more than one sentence; it’s an entire paragraph.

But how glorious it is. Richly deserving of the Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) award.

You have to love the “Sexual inadequates that they are” line as well; if there’s one thing that’s amused me in the last two weeks, it’s the screechy distaste of Ms. Palin coming from men who embodied the Modern Alda Paradigm of masculinity, which is to say they are nervous around cars, think guns are icky, had their own Snugli, have wives in corporate jobs who make more money than they do, and still get dissed behind their backs because they can’t figure out how to make the bed. The Lost Boys, if you will. Now, some women can’t stand Sarah Palin for their own reasons, personal or ideological; same with men. Some men, however, are made deeply uneasy by her, because she’s the one who ignored the sensitive poet-guys in high school for the jocks, and didn’t seem to grasp the essential high-school truth that it’s cool to be a loser. But that’s rank psychoanalysis, and we won’t stoop to that.

And then…drum roll…he does. Well, not really. But he goes chasin’ after this meme that has been the elephant in the room, for a generation plus — some men aspire to become real men, other men go into politics. We haven’t been allowed to talk about it, and now we are. Lileks makes full use of the opportunity.

H/T: Buck, who adds:

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is world-class snark. Good snark. Great snark. Biting and oh-so-on-point snark. No one, and I mean NO ONE on Planet Gaia gets on a roll quite like Mr. Lileks. You’re truly missing something if you don’t read the whole thing.

Yeah…gonna have to go ahead and agree with you on that one.

Palin and the Common Good

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Mike has come up with the most valid reason to question the wisdom of voting for a ticket with Sarah Palin on it. The most valid one expressed so far.

That, of course, says very little. But the point is, Mike’s opened a dialog that I think is worth having, and I hope Gov. Palin is questioned on it. Firmly.

And he’s right — she did use that dreaded phrase 10:10 into this video.

I’m not going to brush this off or pretend it didn’t happen. I do think Mike’s reading way too much importance into this, since her small-government credentials are established now both in rhetoric and in fact. I just think it’s a phrase ripe for abuse, is all. She should address this.

Don’t You Dare Call Him Judgmental

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

I think freedomanddemocracy needs a more prominent forum in which he can express his views. He makes my point for me; I could type and type and type, all afternoon long, and I couldn’t express on purpose what this guy is expressing by accident.

He says because he’s a liberal, he isn’t being judgmental. Then he goes through the entire video being exactly that.

He’s a liberal after all. I’m not calling him that — it’s his word.

Very much like a guy who wants to molest kids, becoming a volleyball coach. Or a guy who likes to beat people up, becoming a cop. Or a guy who likes to give orders to others who make more money than he does, becoming an airport security screener. If you want to judge people you become a liberal; then, you get the situations in which you can practice your chosen craft, along with no insignificant degree of what would be called “cover.”

Phil adds a link to this cartoon to a comment. Seems appropriate to the subject immediately under discussion:

Bigotry is subtly different from sexism. Kate, living North of the border, gives us a taste of what kind of bigotry her Canadian tax dollars buy for herwhether she wants them to or not:

…Sarah Palin … fit of pique … the white trash vote … sexual inadequates … she isn’t even female really … Alaska hillbilly … “white trash” … trailer trash … rural, loud, proudly unlettered … toned-down version of the porn actress … overtreated hair, puffy lips … “pramface” … roughneck fuckin’ redneck … prodding his daughter … ratboy … fizzing with rage and revenge … vicious and profoundly dishonest … good fast listing… nervous wreck with deeply strange hair … the hick vote … ordinary hillbilly … racism? … racism … “rectal fissure” … tense no-hoper ladies … white female marginals …

On the other side of the coin, Cassy is getting some help out, and this movement is really starting to take off. Wunderbar! Watch and learn, freedomanddemocracy.

John Hawkins gives a rundown on the credit due for this clip, here.

Diane, commenting in the thread below (#34) has some bumper stickers available on eBay. You need to go look at the bumper sticker, just to see her comments. Just a sampling:

I woke up this morning to people on the radio speculating on the exact time, place and moment that Bristol Palin became pregnant. This was being talked over as a way to attack Governor Palin as an unfit mother, who should never had been Governor. “If we just prove that she was ‘being Governor’ at the time of conception, then we’ve got her”.

What on earth has happened to people? Only women who remain childless can run for public office? Only women with perfect families can run for office? The mothers’ of special needs kids are disqualified? If a teenage girl gets pregnant and her mother should quit her job in disgrace?

I will not allow Sarah to stand alone. I am Sarah Palin!

No, no freedomanddemocracy guy. No way are people like you being sexist. No…freakin’…way. Just keep slingin’ that liberal slop, and we’ll think the best of you. We’ll be forced to. You’ll make sure.

That’s what it’s all about, right?

We’ve Lost

Monday, September 8th, 2008

Blogger friend Duffy brings to our attention the lamentations of a principled progressive, wondering where all those high-minded progressive principles went, and whether they were ever really there. He says you have to read this if you don’t read another thing. I’m a-gonna go ahead and agree with that…

The battle cry of liberals used to be “tolerance, diversity, and freedom of speech for all, and if anyone says anything to the contrary we will crush them.”

In the third quarter of ’08 it’s more like “nobody gets to pick on women except us.”

The Huffington Post, already in full blown Palin Derangement Syndrome, ran every possible rumor, variation and invented more lies to compliment the original. And the main stream media, who for a solid month refused (absolutely refused) to reprint or broadcast a single word of the John Edward’s affair, ran with the verifiably fake Palin story within hours of it’s publication.

All of a sudden, “Did you hear what they wrote in The Kos” became an acceptable substitute for fact checking. Of course, since one single phone call could disprove the story, nobody in the mainstream media could be bothered to pick up a phone.

Finally, Governor Palin was forced to issue a statement. She had no choice. She advised the salivating media of her teen daughter’s pregnancy. And that’s when we finally surrendered our all of our most cherished principles.

Armed with an official statement, nothing could possibly hold the main stream media back and the liberal blogosphere went berserk. The full fledged gang rape of Bristol Palin was underway. Any shred of decency that remained in the liberal blogosphere was gone.

Author the WIZARD, fkap further adds, in comment #3,

I don’t think Sarah Palin is the loser here. It’s the liberals and progressives who have lost. We have lost our integrity.

We are not honorable opponents…. not today at least.

Which earns this retort in comment #4 from dicentra63,

Hate to break it to ya, wiz, but y’all haven’t been honorable since the Florida recount.

Zing. That-un’s gonna leave a mark.

The situation makes me think of a comment RobCase left here over the weekend, because I’m thinking this is the genesis of the conflict heartfelt by today’s liberals —

The idea of angels taking care of everything for those of the superior heart is a recurrent theme in the novels of one of the most popular liberals of all time – Charles Dickens. It always amused me reading his heroes, how often characters like Oliver Twist, Pip and Esther – those who had the correct conscience – invariably relied on the easy money flowing from wealthy benefactors and inheritances. Somehow he had trouble connecting purity of thought with the practical business of housing and feeding oneself.

That’s the paradox that ultimately defeats that ideological camp. It’s about coming together and building a utopian society which functions day to day for the benefit of “everyone.” But within this utopia, conflict is supposed to have become a thing of the past. Many pieces of the dream depend, completely and utterly, on banishing conflict to history’s ash bin. How do you banish conflict? You banish conflict, not by “talking things out” as liberals like to tell us we need to do, but acting like someone to the political right of Genghis Kahn; by waiting for someone to say something out of line, and giving ’em a good rap across the knuckles.

And making sure all the other subjects see you doing it. That’s what you have to do. Get the message out that this egalitarian society we’re building that works every day for the needs, requirements and demands of “everyone,” is not ever going to be friendly with this jackhole over here. Or anyone like him.

In flinging about their superlatives that concern universality, liberals are particularly exuberant in discussing universality of ideas, especially ideas expressed. Freedom of speech for the least among us; don’t you dare question my patriotism; chill wind; dictatorship; blah, blah, blah. dicentra63 is correct — this kind of hypocrisy precedes Sarah Palin by a good stretch. Throughout my lifetime, liberals have told us “anybody ought to be able to say anything they want to, and if anyone dares to suggest otherwise we’ll make ’em sorry.” What is new with Gov. Palin, is that the story is told. Broadcast far and wide, within a narrow scope of time, in such a way that you can’t escape the message unless you put a lot of effort into your attempts to remain ignorant.

And even that doesn’t work. They’re telling us to lash back at sexist white males who spread lies about women who don’t deserve such treatment, to keep their white male power — and to get the message across, they send out a bunch of powerful liberal white males to do exactly the same thing to Bristol Palin.

Update: dicentra63 is a chick. A chick with a blog. And what a worthy blog it is. Don’t be fooled by all the flower artwork and girly crap, there is some hard-headed reality-type stuff and good meaty substance at this corner. I like.

Voters: The Left Hates Her? Oh, She Must Be Okay Then

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Via Little Green Footballs, we learn of the latest Rasmussen:

A week ago, most Americans had never heard of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Now, following a Vice Presidential acceptance speech viewed live by more than 40 million people, Palin is viewed favorably by 58% of American voters.
The new data also shows significant increases in the number who say McCain made the right choice and the number who say Palin is ready to be President. Generally, John McCain’s choice of Palin earns slightly better reviews than Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden.

Perhaps most stunning is the fact that Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%.

What methods have been used by the “leftist attack squads” to achieve such stellar levels of ineffectuality? Blogger friend Phil has a great round-up. Traitor…holy warrior…connected to Jack Abramoff…pregnant daughter…and a lot of others.

Alaska's Hottest GovernorHe forgot one, though. Palin is inexperienced. You’ve heard that one, right? It just goes to show how desperate John McCain is, because if he wants to pander to the female vote there are a whole lot of other women he could have named who are far more experienced.

A couple days after hearing this, I noticed this is one of the few anti-Palin talking-points on which the left is not being sexist. Or creative. It’s the “Dan Quayle” rule, twenty years old this year, and it goes something like this: Born after Pearl Habor, got it goin’ on upstairs, conservative — you may have two out of those three. No baby-boomer Republican who achieves national importance is allowed to be smart.

This particular talking point crashed and burned with Palin, because experience counts in just two different ways: It suggests you learned how to do your job by doing it; and it suggests others have had the opportunity to learn something about you. Neither one of those can be pondered, with regard to Gov. Palin, and diverted toward a conclusion about her that is negative. Therefore, in all the ways that matter, she’s as experienced as any balanced aribiter would wish for her to be.

It would appear that this “The People” of whom the pollsters and power-brokers are constantly speaking, has figured this out. And I don’t think they did it by listening to rhetoric from one side or the other. They done it all by themselves. But there is something far more significant happening here. This time, the message came through starkly, clearly, and within a relatively short period of time; just a little over a week. The dialog was something like this.

The Left: We hate her! She’s inexperienced and incapable!
The People: Huh. She seems to be pretty capable. And besides, those guys hate her. Cool.

In these post-Carter years, The People have repudiated The Left fairly often in our national elections. Seven out of the last ten presidential elections have gone that way; so have five of the last seven. A couple of years ago The Left managed to take Congress. From listening to them crow about it, it would seem they’d have no qualms at all with the election of 2006 being held aloft as the template for the narrative in which The People grow weary of Republican leadership, and decide to entrust the workings of government to those better, nobler guys. The problem that comes up, though, is that this is the “Mark Foley” Congress; it wasn’t elected on the issues, or on the superior innate goodness of the democrat slate of humans. What happened was, the elections were right around the corner, and in late September the Los Angeles Times dropped a Babe Ruth bar in the punch bowl. That’s it. Hello democrat Congress — manifestation of The People’s modern and passionate desire for progressive government.

So The People have had their shot at showing their support for progressive ideology. Here and there they nibble at it. But overall, they don’t want it. Now we just have more proof to this; The Left says you can’t be a good leftist in good standing if you show any support for Gov. Palin, and The People say: Okeedokee!

But the real reason why Sarah Palin is so popular? Her supporters. People like me.

You see, for the last forty years The People have been buried in all these images of supposed sexism and non-sexism…in our politicians…in legislation…in our teevee sitcoms…at the water cooler. They’ve been lied-to the entire time, and they know it. Sexists claim to be non-sexists perpetually, 24 hours a day, seven days a week — half the time, when they do that, they point to some other guy as a sexist, who really isn’t one. And it’s widely understood that that’s a lie, too. It’s been flying around thick and fast.

That’s what is so refreshing about the Palin movement. Here, you see gender-blindness for real, and probably for the very first time. We are for McCain/Palin…emphasis on the last two of those syllables. We’re for them, because we’re for her. It’s the “Sarah Palin and that old guy she’s running with” movement. And the fact that she’s a woman, counts neither as a plus or a minus, in our eyes. We really don’t give a good goddamn. In modern times, nobody has ever seen a woman in politics draw this kind of support, from supporters who manage to arouse from themselves such a stunning, blinding apathy toward the fact that she is one. And that is what is so inspirational to everyone else.

The leftist attack soldiers say the pick is a cynical, pandering move, made for the express purpose of attracting women. The truth is, the pandering of which they speak, is the status quo. We’ve been neck-deep in it for generations now; culturally bludgeoned into saying out loud this-woman or that-woman was picked for her abilities and not because she was a woman…in fantastic, surreal situations in which no thinking person believes that to be true. The Left just doesn’t get it — people are rallying around Gov. Palin because her selection is the end of this kind of nonsense, not the beginning of it.

This point is nailed — as in, bulls-eye — by Jeffrey Bell, writing in the latest issue of The Weekly Standard. He buttons this one down in just two sentences:

But it was precisely the venom of the left’s assault that heightened the drama and made it a riveting television event. Palin benefited from her ability to project full awareness of the volume and relentlessness of the attacks without showing a scintilla of resentment or self-pity.

We like her politics. We like her dedication to the principles behind them. And we love how she doesn’t apologize for this. We admire her for her drive, and for her scruples. After those, the experience she does have, is just frosting on the cake; it is more than sufficient for the task at hand. Keep arguing with us on that point, leftist ankle-biters, and you’ll just drive up her approval ratings even higher.

I can’t wait to watch it happen.

Rod Lurie Didn’t Plan Ahead

Saturday, September 6th, 2008

Dirty Harry’s Place, which reviews films from a right-wing perspective, has an interesting entry to make on that flick from eight years ago about the uppity female Vice-President. Remember that one?

It was the brainchild of that guy…who has something to say about what’s going on now. It might not be quite what you expect.

This quote will take your breath away, and not in a good way. Remember The Contender (2000), the Joan Allen film about a female vice presidential pick? When faced with the reality of his own idea, here’s what writer/director Rod Lurie had to say about Sarah Palin:

People who understand politics know anything is possible,” he said. “Picking a woman is an absolute strategic idea from McCain’s point of view. He’s not talking about governing right now. The idea of this woman actually facing down [Vladimir] Putin and negotiating with [Dmitry] Medvedev is idiotic.”

This is the same guy who cynically produced that short-lived love letter to Hillary Clinton.

Nope. No Palin Derangement Syndrome going on there. Just another case of not being careful about what you wish for.

The narrative never does change very much, does it? The first female Vice-President might very well be a conservative Republican — and they just can’t handle it. They say it’s about experience, and they fully expect people to take ’em seriously — what the hell? How stupid do they think people are?

They just want liberal politics. Period. Getting a woman in there, that’s just a way to make it happen. It was never anything more than that, to these people.

They wanted women to be put in office…but not to do whatever made sense to those women. They didn’t want the women to use their judgment. They just wanted them as figureheads. To…well, to do what they were told. That was the real vision all along.

Now the Republicans are running with a strong, smart, capable woman in the Veep slot. And she’s no moderate. Nor should she be. Like I keep telling people…you got one guy who says humans breathe air, another guy says humans breathe water, you don’t go sticking your face in the toilet half the time to achieve compromise. But there’s a real possibility here that the first woman in the White House in that capacity, will be a stalwart Republican. And the hysteria it’s creating is like one of the Ten Plagues of Egypt. It is palpable.

These people never had any respect for women from the get-go or for whatever authority those women could justify for themselves. It’s like this: The Hollywood crowd wants powerful women to decide things in whatever way seems fitting to those powerful women…the same way Henry Ford allowed his customers to pick out whatever color of car they wanted. Exactly like that.

Just figureheads. Figureheads for hardcore left-wing politics. With pretty china-doll faces.

But unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last eight days, you already knew that.

Hating Sarah Palin

Friday, September 5th, 2008

This post is pure rehash. Deal with it.

Liberal gadfly Zossima, commenting at Rick’s place…oh, by the way the subject under discussion is Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush. That’ll become relevant.

I believe conservatism is common sense. Tell me what is “conservative” about running up trillions of dollars in debt? What is being conserved when we outsource jobs and depend on foreign oil that depletes natural resources? What is being conserved when the president issues signing statements and executive orders that are unconstitutional? What is being conserved when we have our military in the wrong war?

I could go on and on.

Whereupon, I wisely pointed out

“Popcorn”; that’s my new name for you.

Because when the heat gets too much, you explode into this puff-ball of talking points about unconstitutional blah blah blah trillions dollars debt blah blah blah.

You’re cornered, and you cannot stick to the subject. All that butter makes you slippery, I guess.

To which Zossima Popcorn retorted

Huh, lesseee. Morgan stated conservatism is common sense. I used facts to say that it is not. That means I can’t stick to the subject. Morgan quoted Obama to say that Obama is unqualified. I pointed out that his “logic” would mean that Palin is more unqualified. Again, apparently, that direct response is not sticking to the subject.

And here we have it, the GOP brain at work. Can’t address the real issues? Call names. Someone actually arguing with indisputable facts? They must be changing the subject. It’s just a bizarro world of propagandist relativism over here.

Call me whatever you want. You still haven’t made one single positive statement about why Palin is qualified to be Vice President of the USA. Pathetic.

And at that point, I had to set Zossima Popcorn straight.

Can’t address the real issues? Call names.

As worthy as the public debt may be for further discussion, along with outsourced jobs, foreign oil, signing statements, et al, may be — they are off topic, Popcorn.

Someone actually arguing with indisputable facts? They must be changing the subject.

Signing statements being unconstitutional, is certainly a disputable “fact.” I believe if we were going to pursue it, it would be up to you to cite what controverts the Constitution. And what part of the Constitution that would be. Which you can’t do. Popcorn. But that presumes it’s got something to do with the subject under discussion. Which it doesn’t, Popcorn.

Call me whatever you want. You still haven’t made one single positive statement about why Palin is qualified to be Vice President of the USA. Pathetic.

There’s nothing to address. She’s the governor of the LARGEST state in the entire nation — she is a highly successful one, too — and some of our very best Presidents have been Governors. Republican or democrat, they make the best Presidents. That’s because being a Governor has to do with executive decision making, whereas being a Senator has to do with legislating, which is ultimately pandering. It’s John McCain’s hidden weakness. He mitigated it appropriately by bringing someone to his ticket who actually has experience running things.

Barack Obama augmented his ticket by bringing someone into it who’s just another Senator. More legislative experience. More pandering. Thirty-five years worth. A lifetime spent in the good ol’-boy club. And that, there, is an indisputable fact, Popcorn.

I have no intention of demeaning Palin. (Nor can you point to a single demeaning thing I’ve said.) It is not demeaning to say she isn’t as qualified as other women. It’s just fact. This is no matter of opinion.

So you can’t tell the difference betwen the two. No news there, Popcorn.

I think my wife is the best mother in the world, but she is not qualified to be vice president. And if anyone picked her to be veep over those more qualified women, I’d be saying the same things. Please, develop some common sense and a spine to deal with this thing the rest of us call FACT. McCain and the GOP and YOU! are exploiting Sarah Palin. Own up to your exploitation of women and we can talk.

There’s nothing to talk about, Popcorn, because the FACT of it is Sarah Palin has shown herself to be a strong, dynamic, experienced and principled leader. She has shown, word for word, and articulately, how her ideological preference soundly addresses the problems our country has to face. Liberals cannot do this, because liberalism has to do with solutions to things that do not work. Even worse — it has to do with solutions to things that have been tried, and proven not to work. Palin lives what she believes.

And if you’d bothered to go reading my link and inspecting what you found there, from top to bottom — it’s not one of my more abbreviated pieces, so I knew you wouldn’t do this, Popcorn — what you’d find is that I agree with you that Palin is inexperienced at some things, and this inexperience is an asset. She does not piddle on peoples’ shoes and tell ’em it’s raining, like you do, Popcorn. She doesn’t do that because she has no experience doing it. And the truth of the matter is, if she was nine hundred years old and the option had been available to gain “experience” doing this, she’d pass it up. She does not care to learn how to sell ice to the proverbial Eskimo. She does not want to learn how to say it’s a sunny day outside when it’s stormy, or vice-versa. This simply isn’t her schtick. It isn’t what she does, it isn’t what she’s all about. She’s keepin’ it real.

Go on, Mister Reality Guy. Try to tell me the same thing about Joe Biden with a straight face.

Here’s the truth: The United States of America is a glorious, wonderful country. If we had to pick and choose which countries on the globe are worthy of an impassioned, deadly defense — and we do not — the US of A would be at the top of the heap. It is worth a lethal defense, a terrible defense, a patriotic defense. McCain/Palin agrees with that. Obama/Biden does not. And so, they will lose.


Now, coincidentally — or not, depending on your point of view — Jim Ryan delivers an amateur psychological diagnosis that is most apropos to the situation at hand…which I thought was interesting…

Hating Sarah Palin

If you are animated, excited and indignant at the presence of Sarah Palin, if you wish for her candidacy to crash and burn in a shameful spectacle, then you resent and hate Sarah Palin.

This is a problem for you. It’s a problem within you. You are hypnotized by an impulse to rage against people who stand up to you politically and morally and who are calm, confident, unafraid of you, unashamed of themselves, and aware of your own craven state. She shames you. This feeds your rage. It’s a vicious circle.

The reptile brain within you, the part of the brain responsible for stupidly driving you forth in rage an resentment, is running the show within you. The higher-order intellectual faculties, those responsible for formulating political and moral stances, are beholden to your reptile brain’s bidding because you have relinquished control of the ensemble. You have relinquished control because you are stricken by your anger and resentment and have allowed those impulses to control you. You are mesmerized by them. You don’t realize this, on one level. On a deeper level, of course, you do. You mourn the loss of your composure and decency. The pain of this mourning feeds the resentment, unfortunately. You are left angry, unhappy, and dimly aware that things are not right for you.

I think it fits pretty well. Over the last week, I have yet to see anyone, anywhere, cheerfully attack Sarah Palin’s experience. It seems to be a thoroughly miserable enterprise, embarked upon by thoroughly miserable reptile-like people.

Megyn Kelly Interviews Weasel from US Magazine

Friday, September 5th, 2008


What a shyster.

He admits he left out the fact that Todd Palin’s DUI was from 1986; he admits the “LIES” referenced on the cover, are lies told by liberal bloggers about the Palins. So I’m glad I don’t have to pick up his smut-rag to figure out what’s going on. It’s already pretty damn clear.

I see the weasel’s talking point matches perfectly this boilerplate letter being put out by the US Magazine’s spin-office:

We apologize you are upset over our cover featuring Sarah Palin. Every week our editors select what they feel are the most compelling stories, regardless of the controversy it may create. In all fairness, we ask you please take the time to read the story before deciding to cancel. After reading should you still wish to cancel, please let us know and we will honor your request.

Michelle headlines it as US Weekly Begs Readers to Stay. Heck yeah. That’s exactly what I saw in the video clip. Lest anyone think the erosion to US’ subscription base is overblown or exaggerated, blogger friend Rick points to a story in MSNBC that lays it out in graphic detail. Of course Mr. Weasel wants you to read the story before forming any judgments. Needs the money for the weasel coffee fund.

Frickin’ weasels. I thought you guys bit it at the end of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Outrageously Wealthy People Who Don’t Want a Woman Elected

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Party at Jon Bon Jovi’s house:

Turns out Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s speech did not just electrify the Republican faithful inside the Xcel Energy Center Wednesday night.

Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is reporting that it has taken in $8 million over the Internet since Mrs. Palin’s speech, in which she tore into Mr. Obama.
Hoping to continue the momentum and “livin’ on a prayer,” Mr. Obama will be collecting cash at Jon Bon Jovi’s home on Friday in an exclusive dinner where the entrance fee is $30,800 a person.

Well, did my headline lie? All those thousands of dollars were just as well applied to the next pedicure, or the boat payment coming up…until they realized their Messiah just might get his ass whipped by a girl! And now it’s time to pass the plate. Seems to me the way I headlined this is far more truthful than “tore into Mr. Obama.” After all, I saw that speech.

Let’s recap.

America needs more energy; our opponent is against producing it. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he wants to forfeit. Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay; he wants to meet them without preconditions. Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights? Government is too big; he wants to grow it. Congress spends too much; he promises more. Taxes are too high; he wants to raise them.

Oh yeah, she just tore poor li’l Barry a new one. As in…told the truth about him.

Don’t be late, you super-duper rich people who want to keep that woman out of office. Go to Bon Jovi’s house. So you can stand up for the oppressed women, and for the “little guy.” ++heh++

“Dramatic Backlash!”

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Via Ms. Zanotti, we learn Oprah has a problem.

A problem she would not have, if the left wing placed one-fifth as much value on the free expression of ideas, as they have always claimed to.

Last time Oprah decided to choose ideology over her audience, her viewership went into the toilet and her magazine lost 12% of its circulation. After this, she’ll be lucky to be a guest on Rachel Ray.

“Half of her staff really wants Sarah Palin on,” an insider explains. “Oprah’s website is getting tons of requests to put her on, but Oprah and a couple of her top people are adamantly against it because of Obama.”

One executive close to Winfrey is warning any Palin ban could ignite a dramatic backlash!

I’m not sure I’d want poor Sarah exposed to that, anyway. All that crying and fake religion; all those weird women with exactly the same haircut and polyester stretchpants looking serious for the camera. It doesn’t seem like Sarah’s scene. She’s more of an Ellen girl, if you ask me.

Ah, well. If Sarah can handle herself around thousands of pounds of elk, I’m sure she can handle herself around Oprah & crew. The real question is what kind of wreckage she’d leave behind.

Probably like Dorothy after that scene with the bucket of water, only without the mournful apologies.

But whatever. It won’t happen. E.M. goes on to provide a link to TMZ, in which Oprah insists it isn’t true, and she’s got a great excuse anyway.

The item in today’s Drudge Report is categorically untrue. There has been absolutely no discussion about having Sarah Palin on my show. At the beginning of this Presidential campaign when I decided that I was going to take my first public stance in support of a candidate, I made the decision not to use my show as a platform for any of the candidates. I agree that Sarah Palin would be a fantastic interview, and I would love to have her on after the campaign is over.

Kind of reminds me of the Clinton defense(s). There isn’t a shred of truth to it, he never did it; and everybody does it all the time.

Your Sexism Voucher FAQ

Friday, September 5th, 2008

People are starting to find out about the Sexism Offset Voucher, and in our post introducing it there is way too much reading to be done. And so we’ve come up with this handy FAQ.

1. How does this work?

The sexism voucher regulates your Female Flattery Footprint (FFF). What we are asking people to do is to anticipate the pollution (saying positive things about females, particularly regarding their ability to lead), and purchase an equivalent number of sexism offsets…thus bringing their net FFF to zero. In order to be a responsible steward of the environment, of course.

2. And that helps how?

When you purchase a sexism voucher, what you are buying is the knowledge that someone else will be committing one or several offsetting acts of sexism. Using demeaning words like “chick”; patting a nice-looking girl on the rear end; yelling for the lady of the house to get you a cold beer without saying “please.”

3. Why is this important?

It’s important to our environment for many reasons. First of all, our feminists — as they have made it abundantly clear since August 29th — have riveted their mental and emotional well-being to the far-fetched notion that we have some epidemic of pig-minded males running around, unready, unwilling and unable to notice competence in females. Sarah Palin obviously places that notion in extreme danger, and with that, the sanity (what there is) of our radical post-modern feminists. Our movement, by preserving chauvinism and placing a limit on how much positive and sincere rhetoric can be used with regard to women, helps to keep this situation in check. We’re doing it for our feminists. Because we’re compassionate that way.

Also, it’s important to keep Morgan Rule #1 enforced: If I’m gonna be accused, I wanna be guilty. In this case, we’re being accused of sexism, so we have to find a way to keep ourselves guilty of it. Even though we’re noticing Gov. Palin is an awesome candidate for all kinds of high offices, and a natural born leader. Which she is. But the Morgan Rule #1 must be upheld, so we have to coordinate our theatrical infractions of egalitarian dogma.

4. Aren’t you afraid you’ll get in trouble?

The central premise to Morgan Rule #1 is that if people accuse you of something, they’ve got their minds made up already anyway. So you might as well go ahead and do it. Because being falsely accused of things really sucks.

5. Do I need to buy a sexism offset voucher if I say something positive about Sarah Palin?

You have to buy a sexism offset voucher if you say something positive about any female. Don’t forget — feminism was able to become popular based on the notion that there are those of us who lack the capacity to do this. It is an accusation; therefore, it has to be proven right. No matter what challenge is involved in that.

Sarah Palin is Awesome6. What if I just think something to myself about how awesome Sarah Palin is?

You do not need to buy a sexism offset voucher unless you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, then it’s still possible for feminists to walk around believing in this boogeyman of an epidemic of chauvinist males, who are incapable of acknowledging positive attributes in women. That keeps them from freaking out. There’s only a potential crisis involved if you say what you’ve been thinking; then you have to buy an offset voucher.

7. How can I buy these sexism offset vouchers?

The price is negotiated between the buyer and seller, and it need not involve any actual money.

8. What do you do after you sell me a sexism offset voucher?

Something sexist.

9. Like what?

Are you female?

10. Maybe.

Then get yer goddamn fat ass in the kitchen and make me a samrich.

11. Okay, I think I get it. But what would happen if we didn’t have this kind of system?

Well, we already know the answer to that. We tried saying nice things about females with wild abandon since the 1960’s, and since we had no mechanism for keeping these “emissions” in check (the FFF Female Flattery Footprint) everything got out of hand. We got a whole bunch of man-bashing hippie music like “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar”; we got a whole fistful of empty-headed made-for-TV movies on Lifetime and other cable channels ruminating on what towering assholes men are; we got lots of “family friendly” movies about fathers who just run around telling lies and making problems, that the smartass kids have to solve. During this time, real-life children learned to disrespect and talk back to their fathers — and, somehow, incidents of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and related disorders went through the roof. And we had global warming. Coincidence? I think not!

Now, we’re doing the responsible thing. We’re keeping our FFF’s under control, and this cap-and-trade scheme is an instrumental way of doing that.

12. Are sexism offset vouchers paper?

No, they have never existed that way. Although you could always print one up and cut it out.

13. How do I keep track of how many sexism offset vouchers I have?

That’s your problem. Just like a carbon offset voucher. You buy them, then it’s up to you to keep track.

14. Is the sexism offset voucher voluntary?

Just like carbon offset vouchers, it is completely voluntary…for…now…

Palin15. Won’t this make it more expensive to say nice things about Sarah Palin?

PASS on that question.

16. Do left-wingers have to buy sexism offset vouchers?

You know, in order for that question to come into play, they have to say nice things about what individual women are capable of doing, MORE OFTEN than they say something sexist…like that Sarah Palin should be home taking care of her family instead of running for office…or that women need special programs in order to compete with men. So we don’t know. The situation has never come up.

17. What if a feminist criticizes Sarah Palin, and then I criticize the feminist? Do I need to buy a sexism offset voucher to do that?

We’re trying to find that out.

18. Could it be that by beating up on the feminist who criticizes Sarah Palin, I have a sexism offset voucher I can sell to the market?

We’re trying to figure that one out too. We just don’t know yet.

19. Can I buy sexism offset vouchers from myself?

Of course you can! Al Gore buys carbon offsets from himself all the time.

20. How many sexism offset vouchers do I have to buy to call Sarah Palin a VPILF?

None. You’re being a proper sexist pig at the same time that you are polluting the environment by correctly noticing her inherent awesomeness, and in so doing you are unleashing two equal and opposite forces that cancel each other out.

Phil’s Sexism-Voucher Question

Friday, September 5th, 2008

This sexist voucher thing is giving me a little bit of a headache.

Blogger friend Phil, through a chat session, asks me if I saw a Gloria Steinem article which he refuses to link. Now that he’s picked on Ms. Steinem, he thinks he has some sexist vouchers to sell into the system, to make available for purchase by someone else. If that is the case, then of course under my rules, someone could purchase the “right” to say nice things about Sarah Palin, or some other woman, without polluting the landscape by eroding the institution of chauvinism.

Twenty-five sexist vouchersIt’s a pretty important question. For decades, now, feminists have been running around treating sexism like it’s some kind of ooze that’s “everywhere” and behaving as if anyone who doesn’t agree with them about something, is just evidence of more-of-the-same. If the last week has taught us anything, it’s that the mental stability of our modern feminists is placed in danger when they see hard evidence that this just might not be so. They have to believe in it. Men like me, who think males & females are actually different (and do all that other yucky stuff…go to Hooters, drink cold bear, eat hot spicy meat, go to archery & gun ranges to hit things with projectiles, etc.) are the boogeymen in which they have to believe. Therefore, we are determined to do our part. Hence, the voucher system.

You can read the Steinem piece here, although Phil’s right — you already know what it says. Sarah Palin is the wrong woman!

Which, of course, is precisely why feminism is dead. It isn’t about looking out for women at all; it is about promoting a specific political agenda. Palin is not friendly to that agenda. Wrong woman, indeed.

Here’s the good news: Women have become so politically powerful that even the anti-feminist right wing — the folks with a headlock on the Republican Party — are trying to appease the gender gap with a first-ever female vice president. We owe this to women — and to many men too — who have picketed, gone on hunger strikes or confronted violence at the polls so women can vote. We owe it to Shirley Chisholm, who first took the “white-male-only” sign off the White House, and to Hillary Rodham Clinton, who hung in there through ridicule and misogyny to win 18 million votes

Heh. Try again, Gloria. I’ve got my reasons for supporting Sarah Palin, and they really don’t have a great deal to do with Shirley Chisholm. But anyway.

But here is even better news: It won’t work. This isn’t the first time a boss has picked an unqualified woman just because she agrees with him and opposes everything most other women want and need. Feminism has never been about getting a job for one woman. It’s about making life more fair for women everywhere. It’s not about a piece of the existing pie; there are too many of us for that. It’s about baking a new pie.

Well, you don’t really mean “women everywhere,” do you. You clearly are not referring to Gov. Palin; she’s part of “women everywhere,” isn’t she? One would presume so, but it seems you don’t agree, Ms. Steinem. And since blogger friend Cassy Fiano is Sarah Palin, you don’t think Cassy is part of “women everywhere” either. So I’m going to go waaaay out on a limb, and guess you don’t think that other Michelle is part of women everywhere, or Rachel, or Dr. Melissa Clouthier, or Dr. Helen, or American Princess, or Karol, or Phil’s wife, or my girlfriend, or Laura Bush or Cindy McCain or Lynne Cheney or…or…or…

This is the bogus thing about “everyone,” and it isn’t just liberals who abuse it. Everyone, as I have noticed more than a few times, is a concept that hardly ever is intended to mean what the culturally unacquainted might expect it to mean.

Most of the time, what it means is “the person speaking, and those who agree with him/her.”

This is one of those times.

Her down-home, divisive and deceptive speech did nothing to cosmeticize a Republican convention that has more than twice as many male delegates as female, a presidential candidate who is owned and operated by the right wing and a platform that opposes pretty much everything Clinton’s candidacy stood for — and that Barack Obama’s still does.

Okay so it does nothing to address your complaint when the Republicans pick a woman for the Vice-President job. And yet, the substance of your complaint is manifested through the fact that there are still twice as many men as women.

You know what? I think I’ll check back with Ms. Steinem in a another decade or two, to see if she’s made up her mind whether she wants to be a bean-counting quota queen or not. In the meantime, I’m done. She can’t stick to one side of that question, or the other, consistently throughout a couple of paragraphs. Why in the world do I want to waste some of my precious hours reading the words of some flibbertigibbet like that?

I’m much more interested in Phil’s chat-session question: Does he have a sexist-voucher or two he can sell to the marketplace, now that he’s picked on Ms. Steinem?

Oof. Um…I dunno. Gloria Steinem is a chick. But Gloria Steinem is kicking around Sarah Palin, who is also a chick. To attack Steinem for attacking Palin, you’d have to defend Palin, and in so doing you’d be creating a need to purchase sexist offset vouchers. The object of the exercise is to preserve our national heritage of chauvinism, sexism and general male piggery. Perhaps engaging in such an exercise unleashes two equal and opposite forces upon each other, producing a zero net result.

I’m stumped on this one. Anybody got any ideas?

Why Giddy

Friday, September 5th, 2008

Our sexist voucher program, by which established pinhead misogynists like myself can retain our sexist identities while saying good things about Sarah Palin, is off to a great start. I was worried people would be confused by the concept, but it seems this is an idea whose time has come: Delegating someone else to help preserve our fine institutions of discrimination and ugly slang that degrades women, thus purchasing the “right” to further pollute the environment through ancillary inflation of the female ego. Sort of a “cap and trade” system of letting those uppity women think they might be capable of running things.

Much more civilized than those dark times of thirty years ago, when we ran around with wild abandon, singing along to “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar,” with no thought whatsoever as to the long term consequences. **shudder** Nowadays, thanks to my voucher program, we keep it all under control. And maybe this way, through our marketplace-driven scheme to contain our emissions of female fluffery and flattery, the planet won’t burn out.

This blogger has noticed our little scheme — hey, look, someone actually reading The Blog That Nobody Reads — and commented…

…obviously some liberal bloggers with an agenda have propagated some false rumors. But at the same time, are any of her noted positive qualities valid? That question, along with the obvious “in case the old man were to die, is she ready to be president” question seems not to matter at all; these smitten flag-wavers seem ready to knock over the old man right now and put her in the top spot (for example here’s a great logo sitting right next to thoughtfully giddy praise for her).

End judgement: the “base” gets electrified any time someone with some sort of (manufactured or genuine) down-home public persona gets on the ticket. What would this look like if the Dems started playing this ballgame? Here’s to four more years of personality politics, kids…

Hmmm. I have mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, I would not hold that particular post aloft as a statement of my reasons for supporting Sarah Palin. To me (and really, this seemed pretty obvious) the purpose of it was: How can I retain my identity as a sexist pig after all those pro-Palin arguments had been proffered elsewhere, with my name virtually etched underneath such flattery? How to resolve that vexing conundrum. Hence the title.

On the other hand, I do think I’m guilty of lavishing what might be called “giddy praise,” albeit “thoughtfully giddy praise.” Thoughtful is always good; the same cannot be said of giddy. In other words, perhaps the exuberance has outpaced the substance. I think this is the spirit of the blogger’s complaint, and I find it to be legitimate.

I don’t know what the blogger’s been watching if he thinks the Obama campaign has been anything but personality politics from the very beginning. But that’s a whole different discussion. To me, Sarah Palin is an electrifying candidate because she makes conservatism look like the essence of moderation; and she makes it look like the essence of moderation, because that is precisely what it is. She makes it look like life itself, and liberalism look like death itself, because that is precisely what they are. She does this because she can’t help it. She is virginal to the beltway art of making extreme ideas look moderate & vice-versa, and simple things look complicated & vice-versa. Let’s look back over the best and beefiest parts of her speech one more time.

America needs more energy; our opponent is against producing it. Victory in Iraq is finally in sight; he wants to forfeit. Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay; he wants to meet them without preconditions. Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America; he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights? Government is too big; he wants to grow it. Congress spends too much; he promises more. Taxes are too high; he wants to raise them.

What is powerful about this style of speech is that it is unanswerable. Oh sure, that isn’t entirely true, you could answer it. You have two options. You can change the subject subtly through the use of emotionally charged rhetoric, and engaging in what’s called “spin”; or you can appeal to the ignorance of someone completely unacquainted with these situations.

And our liberals, or anyone who wants to disagree with Gov. Palin about the right thing to do here, would have to spin. They’d have no choice. Think about it — how far would you get by saying “No! America does NOT need more energy! Victory in Iraq is NOT in sight! Terrorist states are NOT seeking nuclear weapons and Al Qaeda does NOT seek to harm America! Taxes are NOT TOO HIGH!”

Those would all be very silly things to say.

Palin’s argument is unanswerable. It is unanswerable because it is life itself. Life, from time to time, requires defense; defense requires that danger be named. It requires — read that as, “is synonymous with” — motion; motion requires fuel.

If you’re reading this as yet another anti-beltway argument, well, you’re reading pretty accurately. As to why our beltway crowd doesn’t talk like this — I really don’t know. President Bush used to speak this way all the time…specifically, with regard to this bit about Al Qaeda seeking to harm America. He still does. But only rarely now. The beltway just doesn’t talk like this. The beltway functions, not by sustaining life, but by building larger coalitions out of mini-coalitions, each of which seek to conquer each other as rival factions. It does not seek to sustain life — it is up to We, The People to do that, by means of wise selection of those tasked with steering this apparatus.

Now, I’m told John McCain is the very picture of the kind of man who can do this. I dunno ’bout that; explain the Gang-of-14 to me, if that’s the case.

So that’s why I’m “giddy” about Sarah Palin. And I think that’s a good reason all by itself, but of course in my case there’s more. I’m one of those hold-outs who was snubbing McCain all summer long, while the old man tossed and turned over whether he needed people like me to win. Palin, therefore, is vindication for the folks like me. If McCain could get away with choosing someone else, Mister Gang-of-Fourteen would’ve chosen someone else. We gave you Sarah Palin. Those other guys, who declared allegiance to the McCain ticket from the very first day, unquestionable and unshakable, don’t like talking about this. But it’s true. And Gov. Palin, in turn, gave McCain tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations he otherwise would never have seen.

But why am I giddy about Sarah Palin?

Because when she talks about why her party should run things — she doesn’t go running headlong into the weed patch that is “marriage is between a man and a woman.” She makes it look like the other folks are the control freaks; and she makes it look that way because that is exactly what’s going on. We aren’t debating what marriage is or what it isn’t. We are debating whether food should be grown and used to feed people, and fuel should be pulled out of the ground and burned; or whether food should be burned up to make our cars go, and fuel left in the ground. We are debating whether evil is to be confronted, or invited over to Camp David for “talks” over some mint julip. And in this country, most people think people should eat food, fuel should be burned to make our cars go, and evil should be confronted.

Experience Matrix

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Cassy points to what is probably the best one…the contrast is between the VPILF and He Whose Middle Name Must Not Be Uttered.

For easy reference by those of you still trying to make up your minds.

Both of you.

Restoring Our Sexist Credentials

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

I’ve been saying over and over again how worried I am about this problem, but of course that does nothing to actually solve the problem. The problem is this…waitaminnit…before I get into that, all the women and girls leave the room. Just get out. For a little bit. Okay? Okay. I’ll wait.

Dum de dum de dum…

Okay, are they gone? Alright, gentlemen, here’s the situation. It’s not good for us at all. There’s this uppity woman Sarah Palin, you know…and the problem that arises is that, Sarah Palin is awesome in so many ways. And that wouldn’t be a problem at all — except, and I think I speak for many, I’ve been actually noticing it.

And that wouldn’t be a problem either. Except I’ve been saying so out loud. Many times. I’m not the only one. In fact, since she was named as McCain’s running mate last week, I haven’t seen any conservatives anywhere express a wish to support her ideas, coupled with grudging recalcitrance about doing so, on account of the fact that she’s a woman. I haven’t seen anyone on the right wing actually discriminate against her.

In short, we’ve been given this gift of a smart, competent, effective politician who isn’t even a politician…someone who believes in our values and demonstrates an effective ability to promote them…who happens to be a chick. And we’re actually being open-minded about it.

The problem this creates is that it violates Morgan Rule #1. And this is a hard-and-fast rule. I do not violate this rule, ever — it is a primary directive — until the few days since this last Friday morning, at which time, I have busted it repeatedly. That rule is:

If I’m going to be accused, I want to be guilty.

Got it? It means do not pander. Do not, under any circumstances whatsoever, at all, at any time, try to disprove things about you someone just got done announcing they believe about you. There is a good reason for this. First of all, when people accuse you of being something you aren’t, and doing something you didn’t do, usually they had their puny little minds made up since long before they said anything about it and nothing — NOTHING — will ever motivate them to question it. That’s the way people are. Secondly: Since Roman times, and centuries before that, accusing people of being things and doing things has been a political tool. You ask someone to do something, he says no; you accuse him of something he hasn’t done, and suddenly he’ll do it. It works even better than what the Corleone family did to Sen. Pat Geary. Oldest story in politics. On whether he really is what you say he is, you don’t give a rat’s ass. (We covered this when we invented the word bullcuse last year.)

So the Morgan Rule #1 says, you do not play to this by trying to earn an exoneration that will not be forthcoming. If your energy goes into anything, it goes into doing the opposite of exonerating yourself. In fact, the Morgan Rule #1 says you go right ahead. Your accuser already has his or her mind made up. So you prove ’em right. Because, to be realistic about it, you might as well.

You accuse me of breaking something I didn’t break, I’ll make sure it’s broke.

You marry me and accuse me of forgetting our anniversary, I’ll make sure I never remember it again.

You’re missing something, you accuse me of hiding it, I find out where you put it before you forgot you put it there, I throw it out the window.

Because I hate being falsely accused of things. We-ell…we’re conservative Republicans. Regularly accused of being sexist pigs because we happen to be straight men. And we have this awesomeness that is in Sarah Palin…some of us have been pointing it out, making nary a hint about her gender, save to occasionally observe this is the kind of woman all women should be. We have been seeing positive things about her. We have been saying them out loud. We have been envisioning her, seriously, as a candidate for our future leader, with the potential to make that happen, and the personal attributes that would contribute toward being a good one. Some of us have even been using our own words, excluding it as a possibility that we might have been reciting the words of others just to masquerade in phony notions of equal opportunity. Simply put, by recognizing Palin’s decency and her leadership qualities, we’ve proven that we have the capacity to do this. THAT is what creates the problem. That is what violates Morgan Rule #1.

So the time has come to restore our sexist credentials. If you’re like me, and you’ve been noticing the things that I’ve been noticing, pointing out the things that I’ve been pointing out — you need to worry about this. You’ve managed to build up an identity attached to being a sexist pig, and for the last six days you haven’t been pulling your load.

So I was racking my brains trying to figure out how to solve this, and I came up with an idea. Actually, I stole the idea. Stole it from Al Gore, I did.

Here it is. Print and cut.

It works like this: You pay me some money. Or not…maybe you do me a nice favor, link to The Blog That Nobody Reads with some glittery prose. What really works for me is something like this: I was sure Freeberg was wrong and I was right, then I realized he’s right and I’m wrong. That works best of all — but there are other things that work just as well.

And then — on your behalf — I’ll do some sexist pig stuff. It’ll probably involve yammering at my sweetheart of a girlfriend to get me some beer without saying “please.” Or, I’ll just generally act like a creep. Maybe do some discriminatin’. Peel off a slur here and there. I’ll find a way to do these things, as your proxy.

And by my doing this, I’ll earn for you a license to genuflect before this long drink of cold water after weeks of wandering in the desert, that is Gov. Sarah Palin, to your hearts’ content. Or, at least, to the limits granted by your “purchase” of these vouchers. If you buy a big enough stack of these sexist offsets, maybe you can even use that horrid and threadbare catchphrase (makes me cringe just scribbling this down) “YOU GO, GIRLFRIEND!” Our identities will remain intact, we’ll keep this apocryphal epidemic of societal misogyny alive and well. And we can still support this female-type-person who champions our passions better than any male politician in recent memory.

It’s a completely capitalist exchange of sexist offsets. Solves all the problems. Everybody’s happy.

Like Han Solo, sometimes I amaze even myself.

Update: I’m going to buy the very first one — er, from myself…wait…does that work? It’s supposed to be a proxy thing, isn’t it? Oh well, Al Gore buys his carbon vouchers from himself, so I figure I can buy sexist vouchers from myself. Okay then. I buy the first one from myself, so I can point out what an awesome bundle of awesomeness is blogger friend Cassy Fiano — who, in fact, is Sarah Palin.

And see? Here I am putting a dollar in the cookie jar…here I am taking the sexist offset voucher from one tray, moving it to another tray, then moving it back again. Sexist heritage preserved. Now those uppity women won’t get all full of themselves as we notice out loud that some of them are…how do those young squirts say it…Da Bomb.

Now, leftists don’t have to buy any of these. There aren’t that many people accusing them of sexism, and so they don’t have to follow Morgan Rule #1; and besides they’ve demonstrated over the last few days that they’re plenty sexist enough.

When I want to be reminded what mean-spirted, small-minded, nasty, toxic, insulting sexism really looks like, I’m making a bee-line straight toward them. I think, over the last week, anybody who hadn’t already figured that out has learned it pretty well.

Coulter Nails It on Palin

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

It can be a little tough to tease a Coulter column properly. She usually winds up and then delivers a smashing uppercut at the end. Which is good, strong writing. Trouble is, that has to go into the teasing, and it’s so central to her overall thesis that once it’s teased, it removes much of the necessity of anyone reading the rest of it. Which breaks the cardinal rule of teasing.

Well — you’ll just have to take my word for it, the rest of it is worth your time.

But here’s the uppercut. Says all that needs to be said.

Attacks on McCain’s “vetting” process require the media to keep claiming that Palin has a lot of problems. But she doesn’t have any problems. Remember? Those were all blind alleys.

Unfortunately, for the ordinary TV viewer hearing nonstop hysteria about nonspecific “problems,” it takes a lot of effort to figure out that every attack liberals have launched against Palin turned out to be a lie.

It’s as if a basketball player made the winning shot in the last three seconds of the game and liberals demand that we have a week-long discussion about whether the player should have taken that shot. WHAT IF HE MISSED?

With Palin, McCain didn’t miss.

Another woman gets it right, and here I am noticing it and pointing it out. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: This week is shaping up to do terrible, damaging things to my credentials as a loathsome misogynist sexist male chauvinist pig. Someday, I shall have to find a way to recover those again.

Mocking Community Organizers

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

What is in the water that left-wingers drink? Their ideological opponents say something, and their first response is to be horrified and indignant; this is to be expected when being horrified and indignant is the one weapon in your arsenal you’ve been hauling out most often over the last 75 years or so. I can get that. What I don’t get is when left-wingers level some spurious charge at those ideological opponents — the opponents respond — and out comes the horror and indignation. The theatrical shock, dismay, etc. etc. etc. even knowing full well that the last guy who spoke isn’t the guy who created the situation; the horrified and indignant people are the ones who created the situation. Knowing that. Full well. Putting on the little puppet show of OMIGAWD!!! anyway.

I guess it comes from a rich legacy of saying whatever bullshit has to be said, in order to win an election. After a few cycles of observing that people are somehow buying it, I would imagine it’s in the human nature to push the envelope and see what other assortments of crap-ola you can sell, while calling it chocolate pancakes or whatever.

The obsequious longueuers of phony outrage this morning have to do with “mocking the community organizers.” The Campaign for Obama, lurking in my e-mail inbox, sniffing around for five bucks to be donated by loyal democrat Morgan K. Freeberg who somehow made it onto their mailing list…

I saw John McCain’s attack squad of negative, cynical politicians. They lied about Barack Obama and Joe Biden, and they attacked you for being a part of this campaign.

But worst of all…they insulted the very idea that ordinary people have a role to play in our political process.
Both Rudy Giuliani and Sarah Palin specifically mocked Barack’s experience as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago more than two decades ago, where he worked with people who had lost jobs and been left behind when the local steel plants closed.

Left-wing talk-show hostette Taylor Marsh, writing in Pajamas Media…

Does Sarah have a clue what community organizers do in cities across this country? Especially in inner city neighborhoods, whose people can’t survive without them?

Roland Martin, commenting on CNN, to whose video clip Marsh linked in her column, repeating the meme…

And many more I’m sure, since it’s clear to me something was written up at a central location and faxed out, to be repeated word-for-word. AGAIN.

What do the “community organizers” do anyway? The uninitiated do what we always do, we turn to Wikipedia:

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Huh. Well, what I heard Gov. Palin say, was something like this

Before I became governor of the great state of Alaska, I was mayor of my hometown. And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves. I guess…a small-town mayor if sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities. [notations about cheers/applause omitted]

Now I would imagine, if you want to quibble over this, you would be expected to come up with some actual responsibilities community organizers have. And I would add, further, that a responsibility is much different from an agenda. A responsibility is something you’re supposed to get done, usually within a certain time or prior to some event, to some threshold of satisfactory achievement; and if you don’t, there is some music to be faced. An agenda is simply something you’re trying to get done…or, it can be something you’re not trying to get done at all, but simply pretending you’re trying to get it done.

So according to that, then, C.A.L.W.W.N.T.Y. (Come A Long Way, We’re Not There Yet) is an agenda, but it is not a responsibility because it isn’t objectively measured and nobody gets in trouble if the thing doesn’t get done within a certain timeframe. It’s just a merry-go-’round that spins decade after decade after decade.

Regarding the populism appeal of community organizing. To counter-criticize Palin for criticizing this, is somewhat like criticizing her for being a Republican. Which I imagine is the real point. But it’s phony. Conservatives are supposed to be hostile to populism. That is their purpose. Quoting myself, in the latest horseshoe-configuration debate here at The Blog That Nobody Reads, as some of my fellow McCain/PALIN! supporters dogpiled me and held my feet to the fire for not being a better supporter of His Maverickness earlier this week:

Conservatism, to me, is a rejection of populism; populism is the premature abridgement of reasoned discourse, based on the flawed notion that if enough people agree on something, then everybody should.

And when McCain goes populist on an issue, it grates on my nerves, just as it grates on your nerves when I don’t fall in lock-step with him on everything.

Now, go back and read the Wikipedia definition again. This is exactly what’s been wrong with the country for the last hundred years or more. And listen to Roland. “Act in common self-interest.” “Don’t you dare critize people who fight for community people who have community issues.”

This is exactly the trouble with populism. The fighting. Fifty-one of us think this thing; the other forty-nine think that thing; the forty-nine people ought to just go away. WIN, WIN, WIN! Grind those other people into the dust, because they’re wrong. They have no rights. They’re in the minority, after all.

So it goes without saying the forty-nine shouldn’t be allowed to criticize anything. Roland Martin said exactly that. Don’t you dare.

While our left-wingers are insisting on that, they’re holding themselves up as paragons of free speech. How can they possibly do this? The same way they insist they’re championing the “rights of the little guy” while they support abortion rights. It’s all in the definitions. Anyone caught in the crosshairs of the community organizers, is less than a human being, just like a baby in the final trimester of a pregnancy is “tissue.” The targets of liberal hate are always defined out of existence, just before they are targeted for elimination.

Meanwhile, the liberal activist groups, themselves, and the people heading those groups up, have the right not to be criticized. Don’t you dare.

I’m aware these are controversial thoughts I have in my head, that I scribble down here at The Blog That Nobody Reads. A lot of people disagree with me about them. I know of one who did, and then changed his mind

This is very very disconcerting:

I am prepared to do whatever is necessary to destroy the Republican Party as it exists today as well as everything it stands for.

That means Republicans are not just wrong but evil and must be destroyed. Literally, destroyed. Freeberg spoke of Eliminationism[.] I thought he was wrong and was overstating the danger. As usual, I was wrong.

Don’t worry, Duffy; I’ll try not to let this one go to my head. But you weren’t alone in disagreeing with me about it or thinking I was overstating the danger.

But in the end, among those who disagree with me on this point, if they are clear thinkers, they’ll be forced to admit they made a mistake. That I was right all along — just as Duffy had to. That’s because, in 2008, The Left is all about populism, and populism is all about destruction. It really is death. You can’t be a good populist, if you aren’t looking for things to target, defining those things out of existence, and then stigmatizing those things into oblivion. It is the means of propulsion of the populist vessel; it is how it moves. Death, destruction and chaos. They call it “fighting for issues” but it has very little to do with the issues and a whole lot more to do with the fighting.

Thing I Know #217. Populism, according to the hard evidence that has managed to come my way, has a tough time staying positive. It seems there has to be a dirty so-and-so who’s due for a come-uppins, behind every energized populist movement. That might be because populism seeks to decide issues according to the satisfaction of the majority, and most of us like to feel our way to a decision rather than think our way through. Naturally, laying the smack down on an enemy feels a whole lot better than actually solving a problem.

Update: The subject of populism is a little bit of a tangent, I’ll concede. Although it does have heavy overlap with the topic under discussion so it isn’t a complete bunny-trail. It is worthy of discussion on this occasion and it is worthy of a bit more critical thinking on any occasion, because by the time we emerge from the school system most of us have been thoroughly indoctrinated to the idea that pure democracy is a pathway to decent justice. And it takes some quality thinking to figure out that not only is that idea flawed, but it’s seriously bollywonkers and gunnybags.

A flashback seems apropros. Quoting from one of my favorite paragraphs out of that nightmarishly bloated novel…

Well, anyway, it was decided that nobody had the right to judge his own need or ability. We *voted* on it. Yes ma’am, we voted on it in a public meeting twice a year. How else could it be done? Do you care to think what would happen at such a meeting? It took us just one meeting to discover that we had become beggars – rotten, whining, sniveling beggars, all of us, because no man could claim his pay as his rightful earning, he had no rights and no earnings, his work didn’t belong to him, it belonged to ‘the family,’ and they owed him nothing in return, and the only claim he had on them was his ‘need’ – so he had to beg in public for relief from his needs, like any lousy moocher, listing all his troubles and miseries, down to his patched drawers and his wife’s head colds, hoping that ‘the family’ would throw him the alms. He had to claim miseries, because its miseries, not work, that had become the coin of the realm – so it turned into a contest among six thousand panhandlers, each claiming that *his* need was worse than his brother’s. How else could it be done? Do you care to guess what happened, what sort of men kept quiet, feeling shame, and what sort got away with the jackpot?

Community organizers.

Don’t you dare criticize them!