Archive for February, 2010

Obama Officials Wrong on Padilla

Friday, February 12th, 2010

An inconvenient truth.

During an interview on MSNBC Thursday morning, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs defended the Obama administration’s handling of Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Gibbs argued that the administration was right to treat Abdulmutallab as a criminal defendant, instead of as an enemy combatant. “Just because you make somebody an enemy combatant [it] doesn’t make them talk,” Gibbs argued. He then pointed to an example from the Bush years to supposedly support his point.

“Jose Padilla was made an enemy combatant so that we could get him to talk,” Gibbs said. “And guess what happened when we made him an enemy combatant, he didn’t talk. He did talk when he was transferred back into a civilian court.”

President Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, made the same point on Tuesday in an op-ed for USA Today. Brennan argued: “Terrorists such as Jose Padilla and Saleh al-Mari did not cooperate when transferred to military custody, which can harden one’s determination to resist cooperation.”

Brennan and Gibbs are wrong. In fact, Jose Padilla only started cooperating once he was transferred into the military’s custody and interrogated.
On June 1, 2004, the Defense Department released a memo summarizing what was known about Padilla both before and after he was transferred into the military’s custody. The second page of the memo contains two paragraphs concerning what authorities had learned about Padilla up until June 9, 2002, the day he was transferred into the military’s custody. As the aforementioned press accounts make clear, authorities had garnered no information from Padilla himself. The DoD cited “intelligence information” and “our information” but no admissions by Padilla. Nearly all of the information on Padilla up until that point came from other al Qaeda detainees and sources.

The memo then reads: “Since that time [June 9, 2002], additional and more detailed intelligence information about Jose Padilla has been developed and made available in unclassified form.”

That additional information includes several pages of unclassified intelligence, including a number of admissions by Padilla, which were corroborated by other detainees.
Here we reach the critical distinction between collecting evidence for a prosecution and collecting intelligence for fighting a war. We know that Padilla was here in May 2002 to carry out al Qaeda’s bidding. Padilla and multiple other al Qaeda detainees have confirmed Padilla’s role. But while Padilla was in the FBI’s custody for one month, we did not learn anything at all about Padilla’s plotting from the terrorist himself. Authorities did not complete the puzzle until he was interrogated in the military’s custody.

But by all means, keep on chattering away about people writing things on their hands. That’s what really matters, right?

“No Point Talking To Them”

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Thomas Sowell is quoted in The Smallest Minority, hat tip once again to Gerard. Now there’s a triumvirate of terrifical-ness…you already know this is going to be good.

Peter Robinson: If you had a sentence or two to say to the Cabinet assembled around President Obama, and this cabinet holds glittering degrees from one impressive institution after another, if you could beseech them to conduct themselves in one particular way between now and the time they leave office, what would you say?

Thomas Sowell: Actually, I would say only one word: Goodbye. Because I know there’s no point talking to them.


Thing I Know #183. When an education has given you the ability to dismiss ideas more quickly, it’s not really an education.

Thing I Know #263. The one thing that’s wrong with higher education that nobody ever seems to want to discuss, is that it is valued through something called “prestige.” Get this prestigious diploma. Get that prestigious degree. Attend a prestigious university. My alma mater is more prestigious than yours. Trouble is that genuine learning has very, very little to do with prestige. It is, arguably, the exact opposite.

The Tea Party: NOT a Revolution

Friday, February 12th, 2010

So there’s this poll out now that tells us a certain unelected, unappointed private American citizen is suffering from a dwindling approval rating, and it’s also telling us that the “tea party” movement is on a similar downslide popularity-wise.

The new poll shows Republicans divided about the tea party movement, which threatens to cause a rift in the lead-up to November’s midterm elections. Two-thirds of those calling themselves “strong Republicans” view the movement favorably, compared with 33 percent among “not very strong Republicans.”

Overall opinion is about evenly split, with 35 percent of all Americans holding favorable views of the movement and 40 percent unfavorable ones. A quarter expressed no opinion. Nearly six in 10 Democrats have unfavorable views, while independents are split, 39 percent positive and 40 percent negative.

One thing that might be fair to notice about the tea party movement, but somehow didn’t make it into the official analysis: If you took a poll among those who identify with it, however many or few they may be, about whether they’re happy with the direction the government is taking lately — the results of that poll would be more-or-less on par with the country as a whole. That may not be good news for President Obama, but it would cut to the heart of the matter of whether the movement speaks with legitimacy on behalf of a meaningful cross-section of the country.

Is that the relevant question?

Well, our Vice-President certainly seems to think it is, and I agree with him about that.

Be that as it may, it seems to me with all these desperate sound bites flying around about the tea-party movement, sound bites clearly meant to dissuade us from lending any support to it, real or perceived — there is slippage taking place with the comprehension of what exactly it is. It is not a “revolution,” per se. If it were that, it might be a legitimate exercise to take a poll and see what it’s favorability ratings are, rather than a stunningly useless waste of energy, time and ink. It would be a good point to say, Look at this! Back here 55% supported it, and now 37% support it. The revolution’s running out of steam! Back to the drawing board, you revolutionaries!

Well here’s a news flash: Our new administration, barely into its second year, is the revolution. Remember that?

The tea party is the Heywaitaminnit for that revolution. The let’s-revisit. The back-up-the-truck.

In fact, the revolution that is really connected to the tea party movement, assuming that any one revolution at all anywhere ever has been, is the one that took place in 1776. The tea party is not a revolution taking place in the here-and-now; it is a point. It is a reminder that, if you really do wish to plow ahead with this dependency-oriented “single-payer health care” scheme, then the stated goals from 234 years ago are in need of serious re-alignment if not outright banishment.

You’ve probably figured out from this that I think it’s fair to conduct a poll on the Obama administration, and blast some headlines trumpeting the fact that its decrease in popularity is nothing short of historical. And also, somehow, that I think it’s silly and irrelevant to do the same with the tea party movement.

Why yes. That is precisely what I mean to say. One’s reasonable, the other is not.

Joe Biden’s boss represents a revolution that simply hasn’t panned out. Its impetus has been exhausted and at this point it is nothing more than a mistake from our past. Now, if the counter-revolutionary movement is also losing popularity at the same time that the 2008 revolution itself is losing popularity, that can only mean Americans are getting tired of the conversation.

Is my point still not quite clear? Let’s use an analogy. A telemarketer breaks the Do-Not-Call law and calls you Monday night, at dinnertime. You, with a gleam in your eye, hang up on the telemarketer, and if feels so GOOOD!. The telemarketer calls back Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each night your final sign-off is worded a little bit more creatively, and your slamming of the phone onto whatever is a little bit more forceful. By Friday night you’re ready to reach through the phone and rip out the guy’s vocal cords, and who can blame you? You’re probably ready to buy a new phone, as well.

Polling the popularity, or lack thereof, of the tea party movement — the “Hold Up There, Barack” movement — is like pointing out that hanging up on the guy on Friday night, somehow isn’t quite as fun as it was on Monday. It’s just as silly as that. Silly and irrelevant. The answer is still no, isn’t it? And the likelihood that this might become a yes, is a tad on the low side, right? Okay then. In both situations, that’s all that really matters.

Not In It For The Attention, Mind You… XXXIX

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

…but The Blog That Nobody Reads got a prominent mention last week, in Webloggin’s farewell post.

Webloggin was the byproduct of an earlier blog called Threshold-55. Three years, a bit of burnout followed by a 6 month layoff and then this beautiful site. We had many blogging members come and go. The Machete of Truth whom I miss dearly, Big Dog, Teri O’Brien, House of Eratosthenes, Republic of Biloxi, Jodi 210, The Otto Show (now a group blog called The Inside Straight), The Right Wing Cafe, Right Girl (aka Girl on the Right), Faultline USA, Bookworm Room, Right Truth, Okie on the Lam, Soccer Dad, The Absurd Report and The Intolerant Fox.

I can’t even begin to thank each of these blogs and their respective owners for contributing the finest conservative commentary I have ever read. You have been an inspiration!
Please don’t think that the left has won one here. In fact quite the opposite is true. Webloggin is redundant in nature and it has simply outlived it’s usefulness. I am the acting Watcher at Watcher of Weasels and this has become my central focus in the blogging world outside of Newsbusters. Many of the Webloggin members also blog over at WoW so I urge you readers to follow us there.

As of this week I will begin redirecting readers to Watcher of Weasels and hope you pass on the word. You have all been kind to me and the other Webloggin members and you have my utmost gratitude.

Happy trails, Trip. Thanks for hosting us during those three years before we moved onto our own domain here…and see you at the WoW.

Also, as some of you know, yesterday we managed to snag a HotLaunch, meaning we somehow earned a prominent mention at HotAir and it sent our SiteMeter stats spinning all wonky. We’ve already seen I dunno how many new accounts set up for commenting, so we’ll probably get some new friends out of this. That’s always a good thing. Take off your coats and stay awhile, ladies and gents. Besides, it’s cold and wet out there tonight, and you weren’t thinking of getting back on that highway anyhow.

What brought ’em in? Our post yesterday about a NewsBusters article — drawing our attention to a couple of wrinkly old hippy ladies who were acting like sixteen-year-olds…fulfilling most, if not all, of the things I’ve been noticing about the Palin bashers for awhile. In the space of a few minutes, they managed to hit all the high points. At least ten, maybe more, out of the 25.

There are many these bitter people running around. Most of them have rights and responsibilities on par with those of normal people…and while they’re acting all concerned that “we live in a country where [Palin’s accomplishments are] possible,” it seems to escape their notice that a lot of other people are pretty concerned, legitimately, about them. The ignorance they represent, and the hate. It doesn’t even have that much to do with politics, or liberalism, or Barack Obama. We’ve already managed to find out a few things about what’s taking place here, but it’s still something that requires further inspection. There’s something there that has gone undetected for awhile. Something living underground, predatory, slithering, toxic.

We won’t root it out. People have a right to be prejudiced. But we’ll probably learn a lot of helpful things about it over the next couple of years.

V and W

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

So last month I decided that Victoria Silvstedt did not quite measure up to the Bollywood actress Urmila Matondkar. And the nobodies who don’t read my blog, flooded me with e-mails and comments that I was crazy because Silvstedt was just all that and a bag of chips. Mmmm…well, life would be boring if we agreed on everything, huh. I just can’t get past the porn-star look. Vicky just looks too porny.

So I’ve been trying to come up with a W.

I gave Whitney Port a look-see. Looked her over, again and again. And I thought I found the contender for maybe a few minutes there…but in the end, Whitney’s just too pale, thin, young and stick-like. I’d probably have to say Vicky would win. And I didn’t want that, because Vicky’s all rode-hard-and-put-away-wet and stuff.

And that’s why we’re late, it’s our own indecision. The primary elections in the State of W, they’ve been putting a drag on things.

So here we go.

Victoria Silvstedt, and from the new Friday the Thirteenth remake, Willa Ford.

Oh me, oh my, what a decision. Ah well. Victoria loses two times in a row. Advantage Willa.

Poll: Republicans Gaining Ground on Obama

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Washington Post.

The survey paints a portrait of a restless and dissatisfied electorate at the beginning of a critical election year. More than seven in 10 Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing, and as many say they’re inclined to look for new congressional representation as said so in 1994 and 2006, the last times that control of Congress shifted.

Somewhere in very-very-young-adulthood, like going back into the upperclassman-high school years, people start to become enamored of the idea of building things. You go back any further than that, and it’s not that way quite yet. If you’re in shop class or computer class you’re a “dweeb.”

The liberalism we have today is just an easy, cosmetic way for grown-ups to go through the motions of doing this building — even though, on the inside, they’re thinking about their minute-to-minute challenges in a purely middle-school way. And you know what I mean by that: What’s the cool thing to wear, where’s the cool place to go, what’s the newest cool dance move, which rock band am I supposed to be listening to.

I’m not talking about the hardcore “Bush planned 9/11” types. I’m talking about those who are simply inclined toward a leftist leaning. They just don’t want to be left out (heh!) of anything. They learned how to wear AC/DC tee shirts to middle school so they could be cool, they learned how to date/be the football jock/cheerleader. And then between 17 and 26 they figured out it was cool to have an actual impact on things, to just sample what becomes an obsession to many of us in old age: Leave something behind that wasn’t here when you arrived.

The current administration typifies this — this mistaken thinking that there is no contradiction here. Well, there is a contradiction. People who think this way, are drinking cups that seek to be more inviting on the outside than they are within. It ultimately doesn’t work. Building things is not for the timid; it means you have to absorb some slings and arrows, because it means for a few minutes…hours…months…you’re not going to be any fun to watch. If you’re fun to watch, every single minute, you can’t get anything done. It’s a trade-off. You get to pick one of the two, but you have to pick because you can’t have both.

It’s a pretty heavy thought. But in the decades ahead, it will be possible to express it all, and expect large numbers of people to immediately comprehend every nuance of it, correctly, in just three syllables: Obama. You know, that failed experiment from oh-eight. Check your bearings because I think you’re getting ready to make an Obama decision here, sport.

Eve Ensler’s Take on It

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Need a break from Palin at this point…but it’s important to take a look at this Newsbusters item about Eve Ensler, creator of The Vagina Monologues. She and Joy Behar have agreed that Sarah Palin is one of just a select few idiots sparsely strewn across the landscape who show some skepticism about the global warming thing, and this is strong evidence of insanity.

The post-modern dream continues: Me and my pals are going to draw up some plans that will have a direct impact on everyone, and would all of you who are not part of the “everyone” I happen to like, kindly leave us alone. So we can proceed with not leaving you alone.

ENSLER: Well, I just think the idea that she doesn’t believe in global warming is bizarre.
BEHAR: Every scientist at every note believes in it but Sarah Palin doesn’t believe in it.
ENSLER: And I think we just kind of have to walk around the world at this point and look at what is happening to nature and earthquakes and tsunamis.

How would you like to have some friends like these, huh? Look at the earthquakes and tsunamis and that’s “proof” of global warming…which means we’re spewing carbon, breaking the earth, but the healing will come just as soon as we stop spewing and pay higher taxes so it can be cleaned up somehow. Buy it, buy it all, or else you’re a crazy person.

All these glittering generalities that don’t have a single thing to do with real friendship: Make you laugh, wonderful drinking buddy, fun to be around, warm personality, blah blah blah. Except when you go with them somewhere, the minute you excuse yourself to go take a whiz, you just know they’re going to indulge in a lot of hateful gossip about you, how you’re not one of them because you don’t seem to believe in what they believe. Ever have friends like that?

Two other things really jumped out at me: It was impressive how many times these two told each other, as well as the audience, what “we” all believe. I’ve never figured out why people tolerate this passive-aggressive rulemaking, this “here’s what we all are thinking” thing. It must be something brought forward out of middle school, something that went flying over my head back then. On a times-per-minute basis, the frequency of this was pretty high. The other thing was class. Behar, obviously, thinks she has some and Palin doesn’t have any. Well, now. Palin went through a period just shy of about a year with reporters flying up to Alaska to go through her garbage cans. They didn’t find anything. There wasn’t even a pre-Todd boyfriend stepping forward to talk about “The Sarah I Knew.” The bikini photos had to be ‘shopped.

Behar, on the other hand, took a shot right there & then at Bristol; a low one that drew “oohs” out of the none-too-Palin-friendly audience…

And between the two of them, it’s easy to see they can make a conversation about a vagina, out of a conversation about damn near anything else. This makes them pretty proud.

It reflects poorly on womanhood in general when “ladies” like this are not lonely. On some level, women like this wish to be. You realize that, right? They certainly don’t want to be around just anybody; they really want to identify the “right” people, and restrict their company to just those. You have to be into their jokes about female body parts, you have to believe in global warming, you have to have voted for Obama, always look for the union label I suppose. What else? The list probably goes on at some length.

Every now and then you see immature young girls behaving like this. They’re “there” — wherever “there” happens to be — to be sociable. They can’t be alone even for a second. Always listening, always chattering, doing both at the same time somehow. But only with certain people. Constantly reaching out, often literally, to grab hold of an acquaintance by the elbow and ratchet them in. And then whisper. “Everybody” thinks what we think, sister. But not any ol’ everybody. Just our everybody. Yeah, that’s it!

But those girls are about sixteen. What’s Joy Behar’s excuse?

Update: Welcome, HotAir readers.


Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

Had this in my stack of to-do things, and The Spyglass jogged my memory about it.

Gerard Alexander: Why are liberals so condescending?

Every political community includes some members who insist that their side has all the answers and that their adversaries are idiots. But American liberals, to a degree far surpassing conservatives, appear committed to the proposition that their views are correct, self-evident, and based on fact and reason, while conservative positions are not just wrong but illegitimate, ideological and unworthy of serious consideration. Indeed, all the appeals to bipartisanship notwithstanding, President Obama and other leading liberal voices have joined in a chorus of intellectual condescension.
This condescension is part of a liberal tradition that for generations has impoverished American debates over the economy, society and the functions of government — and threatens to do so again today, when dialogue would be more valuable than ever.

Alexander provides many examples to support this, most of them recent. If he had the space to do so, he could put together an elaborate treatise supporting the fact that this has been a prominent trait of progressive liberalism within each and every single decade since…maybe World War II. Awhile.

Do all revolutions call for reactionary dismissal of the opposition’s ideas? I doubt it. As I read through the writings of the Founding Fathers, the most frequently recurring theme seems to be outrage with regard to the status quo — much like liberals with our health care, interestingly — but I don’t recall a single peep out of them about those “stupid” Tories and how they’re out to snooker everybody (or have been snookered by somebody). No, the Founding Fathers were fixated on what a viewpoint of one’s own birthright and responsibilities does to his way of looking at life itself; what it does to his way of living it.

Liberals, to the contrary, must avoid any discussion of that. America’s builders wanted people to stop living like dependent veal calves. Our post-moderns want us to start again.

For Adams, Jefferson, Madison et al, there was no need to even acknowledge the opposition, let alone formulate some “cowcatcher” idea to push them out of the way. We, the big “we,” were simply meant for grander things than to plow and harvest the fertile soil on behalf of the King Great Britain. And so there was no need to propagandize against the opposition. Maybe there were some caricatures of King George himself, but I see no evidence of anyone putting forth the argument that if you were a loyalist, you were automatically stupid, a nitwit, a dimbulb, a halfwit…even though that was a revolution too. So what changed?

Maybe it’s the secularism. If we were intended to govern ourselves…someone, somewhere, must have been doing that intending. To dwell upon such an idea nowadays in a public school setting, of course, would be an offense to our overlords and career suicide to the district employee. And so it is out of the question, and liberals don’t seem to be enthused about monotheism of any kind anyway. Other foundational concepts are similarly off-limits to them. Precedent is typically out of their reach. Quick, when’s the last time the earth was in danger, and we cut our carbon emissions and saved it? Actually, being a liberal seems to be mutually exclusive from doing anything anybody ever did before, whether it was found to be a winning strategy or not.

And so I think the process is one of elimination. DO IT MY WAY — because — these other guys did exactly the same thing over here and it turned out to be a smashing success? Liberals can’t say that. Do it my way because if a Higher Power put you here, then that Higher Power must intend for you to take on the responsibility? They cannot say that either. And so all that remains is some litmus test for intelligence, invented on the spot, but the progressive recruiter must pretend it is ancient, established, and canonical.

If you don’t do it my way, you’re a nitwit. According to something…some establishment of True North, some conception of it that is sacrosanct, bigger than you or me. Something cosmic. But not anointed or blessed or any of that “god” stuff. Something secular, something scieyuntifikal, something undeniable.

Do it my way or you are — mathematically — a dumbass.

It’s a messy hodge-podge, because it is the result of grasping at straws.

Helping Bagdad Bob Gibbs With His Hand Job

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

So Bagdad Bob Gibbs wants to make fun of Sarah Palin with his hand. Very clever, Mr. Gibbs. But as Gerard’s seventh comment, from CBDenver, notes — it’s a bit too late for any good comedy. Palin already made any snark her own private domain the day before. She does that. One of many reasons she’s called Sarahcuda.

Nice try, though.

Anyway, you need to represent your boss just a little bit better. He’s about oh so much more than hope and change…isn’t He? So we thought we’d help the press secretary out a little bit (click for larger).

You might want to use an extra-fine Sharpie, and continue on the other hand.

You’ve got a shopping list too, Bob? Aw, that’s a toughie. Guess that’ll have to go on your tie, or your ankle or something.

Update 2/10/10: Ah, I see over at Hot Air, Derek‘s photoshop of Bagdad Bob’s actual hand has been picked up by the Malkin crowd so I suppose that will become the “official” version. Ah well. Mine’s funnier.

But why dwell on it anyway. Oh yeah that’s right — Bagdad Bob Gibbs is the official spokesman of the President of the United States of America. We are impacted, directly, each and every day, by the decisions made there…

Now, on the other hand (har!), why does Gibbs care about Sarah Palin’s hand? Uh, she’s the running-mate on the losing ticket from fifteen months ago. Governor of — oh no wait, no she isn’t, not anymore. She’s a private citizen who wrote a note on her hand before appearing on teevee, and the White House has to take the time to comment on it. The White House. The constitutional government’s ultimate executive authority. They’d like to get the final word on things Palin writes on the palm of her hand.



That isn’t fear I smell?

Who Do I Respect Less Than Meghan?

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

I think it’s gotta be people who think she’s some kind of Republican. She surfaces, tosses out some throwaway words about how much She Loves This Party, but is really concerned about the blah blah blah of the hour…blows a whistle, imposes a penalty, waggles a fat finger in her self-appointed role as Extremism Cop. And then descends. That’s it. Lather, rinse, repeat.

The democrats are approaching our public debt problem by spending lots of money and bragging about it. They’re ignoring the people to transform our health care system into something that resembles the other countries with lesser systems, the ones who send their sick here to receive the treatment they can’t get there. Within my understanding, McCain hasn’t tweeted a peep of protest against any of it.

Via Riehl World View, we acquire a link to that most sacred of highbrow intellectual cloisters, The Huffington Post. Huffington Post embeds a video from that other highbrow intellectual cloister, The View. And on The View, this chubby girl who was born on October 23, 1984 worries ominously about how much Tom Tancredo’s speech reminds her of what was going on in “the fifties”…

…just damn. These are the people who condescend to Sarah Palin for reasons dealing with intellectual acumen?

Hey Meghan, you know Tancredo has been pushing this civics literacy test for awhile, and his challenge is on the table for anyone, anywhere, to find a single racist question in it. Maybe you should take him up on it. Pull your nose away from Twitter once in awhile.

Last I heard (although my information could be out of date), questions similar to these were being demanded of the legal immigrants who came here and sought to become naturalized citizens. You know…that crowd isn’t all pasty-white either, and if I were among them and having to take the time to learn this stuff, then learning my illegal counterparts were voting without taking the time to assimilate in the culture in any way — I’d be pretty upset about it.

So when are you going to stand up for their interests, cetacean Extremism-Cop lady? Why do you have to be so raaaaacist about it?

And Whoopi. Did I hear you right? Tancredo should get his facts straight because some of the people who voted for Obama knew precisely what they were doing? Like you?


Ms. Goldberg, I think Tancredo’s facts might be just as straight as anybody else’s…

Yes. Civics literacy test. And I got a gut feel it might do us some good to make sure Meghan McCain is the first one to take it. No peeking at your neighbor’s paper!

You’d have to be an insane fool, or gloriously uninvolved and distracted, to say we don’t need something. Sorry if this brings back painful fifty-year-old memories in the impressive noggin of this twenty-five-year-old girl, but the system is missing something. If, indeed, it’s racist to simply point that out, then we might as well shut the whole experiment down.

Vaginization of the Super Bowl

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Got an offline from blogsister Daphne who seeks to commiserate with me about the ongoing pussification of men vis a vis this year’s Super Bowl commercial. We-ll…here’s how the entire day went.



Compare notes on homework the kid’s supposed to do.

Football FailHalf-assed effort unloading the dishwasher.


Change light bulb in bathroom.

Clean off beer bottles from the outdoor balcony table.

Walk to Starbuck’s to get Sunday paper.



Watch re-runs of Tales From the Dark Side with girlfriend.

Watch re-runs of X-Files with girlfriend.

You can read between the lines…yeah…I don’t give two shits about football.

But we here are very concerned about the ongoing vaginization of America. And we know every year’s serving-up of Super Bowl commercials tells us something new. And from our blogsister’s warning, it would seem the something-new this year is not terribly good. So what’s the worst you’ve seen?

Inquiring minds want to know.

What’s a Truffle??

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Hehehe…this still makes me giggle. Very cool.

With a grateful hat tip to blogger friend Buck.

Odd Time to Bring It Up

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

There’s a little bit of a thing going on with the lefty bloggers noticing some scribbling on Sarah Palin’s left hand. Actually it’s more than a thing. It has bounced way up to the tippy-top of the scrolling Memeorandum page. So for today, at least, it is a really big deal.

I’m trying really hard to figure out why certain left-wing blogs are treating this picture of Sarah Palin reading notes off her hand as some kind of major coup. The notes she had written are “Energy,” “[illegible],” Taxes,” and “Lift America’s spirits.” That’s some cheat sheet.

I get that it’s a sort of “turnabout is fair play” from the set that must be very annoyed by now at all the prompter jokes. But it misses the point of why the prompter jokes have caught on. A prompter feeds your remarks to you word for word. The idea that you would need such a device to talk to a room full of sixth graders or a meeting of your own staff is funny.
UPDATE II: A reader writes:

Hi Mr. Spruiell,

I think the “illegible” part you referred to in your post, as best I can tell, originally said “Corpsman.”


Yeah, that last is a reference to this. That’s kind of a real big deal at the moment too. At least, if you are a corpsman, or if you know a corpsman…hard to see how it can be a bigger deal.

I could maybe be sold on the point that scribbling notes on your palm comes off as being a little…rustic…but then again, I don’t have five children, plus a brand-new grandson and a dipshit for an almost-son-in-law, nor have I ever governed an entire state, let alone our nation’s largest.

Be that as it may, as Mr. Spruiell notes above, anyone who tries to make a scandal (or accept one) out of this is missing a point, and rather embarrassingly.

I’m thinking back on my own experiences — when do I not feel quite up to trusting my own memory? When is it that I feel this need to jot down a list on whatever is handy?

Ah…well, when I’m designing an application. Or writing the code. Or debugging someone else’s code. Or…going shopping. Or figuring out what homework my son should have done, when he says he’s done. Remembering to drop off my girlfriend’s shirts at the cleaners, or pick them up again.

Remembering to cover all the bases — in whatever.

See the pattern? Delivering on useful things that help people.

Now if these liberal nitwits want to take this ball and run with it, thereby further substantiating the idea that they’re managing lives chock full of omphaloskepsis — never doing a goddamn thing to help anyone else from one week to the next…and this is what leads to their obsessive-compulsive demands for wealth redistribution in our public policy to promulgate the charity they cannot be bothered to show in their own spheres of influence — they should go right on ahead.

All things considered, if I were a hardcore Bush-bashing pinko-commie hippy-dippy liberal, what with the “corpseman” thing going on and all, I’d just leave it alone. But hey. That’s just me.

“Creeping on my Body Rather Than Condemning a Corrupt Organization”

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Hannah Giles smacks down Bob Beckel gloriously. Bob, you’d better just pull back.

A Republican, socially conservative or not, would never survive such drama. The irresistible tale of a greedy hooker and her Muslim pimp would forever resurface anytime the man entered the spotlight or made a major decision. The media would call into question his judgment, based on past events, and relentlessly attempt to taint his public image. But off Beckel goes, free as a bird.

Hat tip to fellow Right Wing News contributor Lori Ziganto.

“Don’t Forget!”

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Did someone forget to tell Valerie Plame?

How to KILL a Super Bowl Party

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

D’JEver Notice? LII

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

As I explained to Buck when he was asking over at his place…presuming I am representative of those who have been relatively silent about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”…my reasoning is that I just don’t have a dog in the hunt. Beyond being a citizen of the country being defended, that is. We have people who make these kinds of decisions, and my position is that they should decide the matter according to what would provide the greatest defense possible for the nation — period. And not decide the issue according to politics.

Yeah, that’s what I think should happen. You can probably guess how much confidence I have in it.

This puts me squarely in the middle on the issue. Now, we’ve got an awful lot of people running around who call themselves “moderates,” even in the same breath as calling me an extremist, who are extreme on this issue. I’ve heard them say the most asinine things. Like that the military doesn’t do anything in which sexual preference would matter. And that homosexual soldiers are every bit as rough-and-ready as straights, if not moreso. Both sweeping generalizations, commenting on matters well outside the perimeter of knowledge the speaker might possibly have about anything.

The other side, to be fair about it, is also extreme. It is unethical, immoral, makes us a less moral people. This treads into that treacherous territory of human social theory that the people living in a country become more sinful, or more pristine, depending on the laws under which they live. And that just doesn’t work with me. I don’t even respect it as true thinking. It is quinine taken by those who, for whatever reason, don’t feel right about themselves.

This issue, more than any other, needs to be decided by eliminating the outliers. If you’re like that jackhole in the Saturday Night Live audience who was cheering and banging his hands together at the mention of repealing DADT, there is something wrong with you and you probably shouldn’t be deciding anything.

Cobb calls these people out with glorious sarcasm:

The Great and Powerful Oz commands that homosexuals report front and center. You have lived in the shadows for too long and now must proudly show off your sexuality in military splendor. Why? Because we are not interested in your service, we are interested in your identity. By we, we mean the royal we. The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken.


In fact, between the two types of extremists, I think I’d sooner trust the folks on the other end of the spectrum, the “Cure the Gays of their Illness” folks, to watch children over a weekend. At least there might be some among them who are concerned about the ultimate effects of whatever law is being put in place, or repealed. So they might be a little bit obsessed but they might think something out like “real” people. Not zealots.

One Revolution AwayPeople cheering for the repeal of DADT on the other hand…these are people waiting for some revolution to make life fair. Like I said: They shouldn’t be deciding anything. We all saw it for the last year and a half. They want a revolution that will make everything perfect, they get it, next thing we know they’re all grumpy and upset because they need another revolution. You must understand this about them: Laws have an effect on the level of “humanity” within all of us, because laws do not have an effect on anything else. Things do not happen because of other things. All roads lead back to where we are right now, One Revolution Away From Happiness. They live out their entire lives on a turning point.

They shouldn’t even be allowed to own pets or houseplants.

She Adroitly Rewrote History

Sunday, February 7th, 2010

Me, making my predictions for 2010 (#4):

Speaking of Palin, she will stump for five GOP candidates, four of them will win, everyone will talk about the one who didn’t.

Now, there’s this writer-of-editorials who goes by the name of David Wiegel. We recall him as the guy who put together a special column just to announce he would not talk about Palin’s Facebook updates — no matter what! What followed was very little more than a manifesto that demonstrates David Wiegel does not like Sarah Palin.

Naturally, he got the gig of informing us about her speech when she appeared at a commemoration of Ronald Reagan’s 99th birthday.

“I am a supporter of this movement. I believe in this movement,” said Palin. “America is ready for another revolution.”

Palin adroitly rewrote the history of the past three months of elections, giving the Tea Party movement credit for Scott Brown’s election in Massachusetts and calling the White House “0 for 3″ in recent elections — leaving out the New York special election where her candidate, the Conservative Party’s Doug Hoffman, lost in a last-minute upset. [emphasis mine]

Wow, can I call it or can I call it?

I had earlier given Wiegel some props for managing to form some criticism of Palin that made some sense. It’s become a pretty rare thing. Well, maybe I should pull back on that. His hatchet piece ends up being rather incoherent and rambling, suffering from the “mass murder and overtime parking” problem. Every single paragraph drips with resentment and criticism, and it isn’t always clear what exactly the criticism is supposed to be.

I’m wondering how he got the assignment, frankly. Wiegel seems to owe Palin much for whatever definition currently exists with regard to his career: Resident Palin Hater. I don’t think it would be very good policy to assign a Palin fan to cover a speech like this. But it doesn’t make too much more sense than that to assign the guy who comes right out and admits he can’t stand her.

Maybe it’s Wiegel’s move to make. If so, it was a bad one. He comes off looking rather petty and jealous. Like a scorned wife writing an editorial about her husband’s much-younger mistress.

Prepare For Your Defeat!I got a feeling David Wiegel is much, much angrier at Palin than he would be if there was some doubt about what she was saying. But the Obama/Biden “Hope and Change” ploy has been put to a more-than-fair test, and it’s an enormous bust. History in the making. And perhaps this is the kind of thing that is burying print journalism in a tar pit while we watch: Lately they are a perfect reverse barometer of what to take seriously, and what not to. Ideas that deserve serious attention, they treat with derision and ridicule; to the ideas that deserve derision and ridicule, they offer the most solemn and studious worship, and expect the rest of us to do the same.

Update: Althouse (hat tip to Gerard) shares her thoughts on the ordinary citizen “quitting” her job last year…and being “toast”…

What I love about all this is the extreme contrast to the way Palin was mocked when she resigned as Governor of Alaska. I, myself, did not think it was stupid, because I pictured her doing something like what she is actually doing, but I certainly remember the derision. Her political career was over. She was “toast.”

A big difference between what I pictured and what she’s doing is that she’s staying in Alaska. I thought she needed to get out of Alaska (in order to run for President). It’s innovative the way she’s staying in Alaska. As a blogger, operating from my remote outpost in Madison, Wisconsin, I love that she’s working through Facebook and staying rooted in Wasila, Alaska. Fox News is building a TV studio in her house in Wasila. That’s so not toast.

“The Science is Settled”

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Okay, it’s like this…

…if it’s just me leaving a message for Joan of Argghh! to the effect of “I demand to know where I can get ahold of that shirt,” with pretty-please, thankyews, et al, it’s almost a given that nothing will come of it.

Maybe some of you can help me out.

Gotta have it.

The science is settled.

This Is Good LXVII

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

IMAO has a story — believe it if you want — about an apology being issued by private citizen and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin:

In a brief statement, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin apologized for describing White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as “Obama’d”.

“All I meant to say,” said Palin, “was that sometimes Rahm says things that are kind of Biden, and in the heat of the moment, I slipped and said he was ‘completely Obama’d’. It’s a phrase that many people who are sick of the government’s liberal, nanny-state agenda toss around as a casual epithet. I didn’t stop to consider how hurtful it is to people who, because of some tragic mental handicap, actually embrace the Obama agenda.”

“It was a very Reid thing for me to say. I Pelosied up, and I’m sorry for being such a complete Axelrod.”


Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Blogger friend Andy lays it down:

PussywhippedModern woman is not evil, and modern man is not weak, but the new assertion of the former has met the humble acquiescence of the latter, and the consequence of that convenient tryst is a shrinking of the places that men have for the making of things.
It is difficult to know, but it seems that with the decreased room to work has come a decreased estimation for the work that does get done. The builders are no longer the heroes of our society. For far too long now we have been watching men span great distances with improbable technology for the nobility of human exploration, so the bridge maker has been rendered just another guy doing another thing in another place. It is passe exceptionalism in a culture full of people grown weary of celebrating a few hyper-acheiving world builders among throngs of everyday souls. There is no longer any accomplishment too great to be ignored, no myth too beautiful to be spurned, and no sedentary self-righteousness too complacent to be hailed as brilliance.

Tea Party Manifesto Candidate #1

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Because hey, I’m willing to keep an open mind on it. The innerwebs are a great big place, and if you should happen to come across something you think is more suitable, you’re more than welcome to drop a link in the comments below.

But I don’t think you will.

Phil starts out trying to figure out of His Holiness is a “socialist” or not…and by the time he’s done, he’s stated the case beautifully.

This, folks, is what it’s all about. Seriously, someone should get up at the next assembly and read it top to bottom. Well, you know…picking it up right after the part where he’s done talking about us. But this captures it. Captures it well.

Got Her Fooled

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

Blogsister Daphne thinks there is something regal about me.

She also thinks something else

Not gonna work darlin’ man. You don’t have an evil bone in your body, Morgan.

Oh, dear. Well…if the compliment is proven wrong (to say nothing of woefully outvoted), can I still accept it? She seems to think I’ll just be waltzing past St. Peter’s desk barely slowing down enough for a high-five. Somehow I think the conversation might be a tad more complicated than that.

Can’t be that squeaky clean. I have facial hair after all.

Imitation is the Sincerest Form XXX

Saturday, February 6th, 2010

At the beginning of this month I identified what is very likely to be the all-time champion SCIHOWL (Sickest Commercial I’ve Heard Or Watched Lately). Actually, I split it two ways because it was a tie. And the second of the two was that sickening pinko-commie Census commercial:

Little girl asks her mommy what the census is about, and momma gives her this big ol’ speech about how this is the only way they can make it known to Washington that they’re out here, needing their goods and supplies, that they have needs — and get what’s theirs. Get their fair share.

Pure communism. That used to be an evil thing, remember that?
The idea that we’re all just out here in the wild frontier…suckling away at a Washington momma-piggy’s teats, fighting over each other for the sustenance. Have to tell our Washington overlords that our tummies are empty, so they can use their infinite wisdom to figure out whether it’s time to raise taxes on the evil rich people again. What the hell is this? Castro’s Cuba?

Now, I do not know if the radio guys read my blog. I’ve always assumed hardly anybody ever does. But how, then, do you explain this glorious tirade of theirs that is being replayed for the weekend as I type these very words.

They’re not covering too much that I didn’t cover, except for one thing. And it’s probably because they’re reading this story over here — about the census officials trying to build trust with the illegal aliens.

What a quandry! The illegal aliens think the census officials are representing some government agency that will get them deported. If I was an illegal alien, I’d probably be suffering from this misconception as well. We have this government full of all these agencies…which is going to pretend to police our border, but actually try like the dickens to avoid doing it. So if this agency finds out you’re here illegally, you can only get away with it if there’s nothing on the record. Garfield the cat plays card games with the mice, so long as owner Jon Arbuckle isn’t watching.

If that other agency finds out you’re here illegally then you don’t have anything to worry about at all, no matter what.

I don’t really know how you explain that to a newcomer to our country.

And I don’t know how you explain this effort to build trust with the illegal alien community, to anyone at all. Let me paraphrase one of the radio guys: We are out of money. We are just flat-out beyond broke. So we are going to…spend money. To send people with clipboards out into the field. So they can find the illegal aliens that are hiding from them. So they can build trust with them…so they can get the illegal aliens their “fair share.”

By C-O-U-N-T-I-N-G them. We’re really burning the midnight oil, to make sure our government is aware of the illegal aliens in the right way, but not in the wrong way. So it knows just barely enough to get the illegal aliens their “fair share” but not enough to give them what they really deserve. Which is a one-way ride out of here.

They’re here to work hard and send money home to their families, and not to hide from authorities because they’re sex criminals? Really? You’ll promise me that, twenty million times? Not knowing a single blessed thing about who or what you’re talking about…which is what words like “undocumented and “illegal” really mean. They mean you don’t know. They mean you’re playing Russian Roulette. So no, you won’t promise me that millions of times, you won’t promise me even once. You’ll just call anyone a racist who might have a suspicious or negative word to say about anyone who isn’t white. That’s as intellectual and as studious as the shouting match ever gets.

I don’t manage my household this way. Never. No sane individual does. You go through some lean times, you don’t say “hey I think the cable company undercharged us, let’s make sure they’re counted so they receive their fair share.” Aw sure, that might make the bottom line even bleaker still, but that’s just the way it’s going to have to be. Got to get everyone their fair share!

This is a practice that would end the very minute it began to be widely discussed, and I think it would be widely discussed if only it had a name. This thing about going out looking for people who might be “eligible”…when the government’s already broke…because it would be just so awful for someone, anywhere, to fail to file a claim when there might be some reading of the rules that would make them eligible. That kind of detective work. “Out of place” doesn’t even begin to describe it. We should come up with a name for it, and then give a fair hearing to the merits and liabilities of it. Maybe it’s appealing to some, but to me it’s just a big black poisonous arachnid, the kind that thrives and survives only in the most concealed and dark places, where large rocks have not been overturned for a very, very long time.

Update: If you need some perspective on exactly how much loot we’re spending, to, uh, get money spent — Cassy’s post is a must-read.

“Racism is Totally Cool Provided You’re of the Correct Political Stripe”

Friday, February 5th, 2010


I’m just gonna — you know what? That’s it. I can’t think of anything to say. Nothing to add.

After umptyfratz decades nobody can figure out why there’s still any racial tension. But they know I have to pay for the problem and the solutions…they know that much. Just can’t figure out why it still lingers on.

Enema with crushed glass is too good for ’em. Fucking assholes.

Hat tip to News Real Blog, via Gerard.

Update: Jammie Wearing Fool figured out what to say about it (hat tip to Michelle):

Could you imagine the media meltdown if Fox did something so stupid?

Yup. Whoomp there it is.

“Hot Chicks Playing Football? Fail”

Friday, February 5th, 2010

I have a very short list of “exhibits” to enter into any argument in which someone asserts that a lady cannot be classy when she’s wearing skimpy clothes. Ahh…let us refine that shall we…

…a very short how much time have you got?? list of “exhibits” to enter into any argument in which someone a thoroughly unpleasant, frumpy-looking female person asserts that a lady cannot be classy when she’s wearing any time after someone somewhere has seen her wearing skimpy clothes.

Anyway. Marina Orlova is certainly at, or near, the top of the list. She could certainly stand to eat a samrich or two. But I’m completely wild about her slogan, “intelligence is sexy.” That puts her on another list…that two-column ledger, of people who are helping our current society and people who are hurting it. She goes into the “helping” column. It’s a situation I personally don’t find all that funny. But funny or not, it’s certainly a message for the times.

And I like the way when I’m done watching one of her videos, I know maybe just a little tiny bit more about things than I knew a few minutes before. So both of my heads get something out of it. <bseg>

“Fumble” is Scandinavian in origin? Uff-da.

Best Sentence LXXXII

Friday, February 5th, 2010

The eighty-second award for Best Sentence I’ve Heard Or Read Lately (BSIHORL) goes to The Blog Prof, writing about local politics in Macomb County, MI.

The first rule in a Democrat hegemony is to threaten public safety to either 1) raise taxes, or 2) continue to fund overgenerous benefits to unions and thus avoid making necessary cuts. This is what I termed the “human shield” strategy, and Macomb County has trotted it out many times. How many more examples does the electorate need that Democrats simply have priorities backwards? The first role of government is the protection of its citizens. First role! Numero Uno. The prime directive. Yet, when faced with budget crises of their own doing, the Democrat modus operindi is to cut public safety, but also to wrap golden union benefits in an impenetrable shield of bureaucratic red tape.

Hat tip to Proof Positive.

I was noticing this myself. As a philosophy, the democrat worldview seems to have a lot to do with giving up freedom and opportunity in order to bolster personal security to unrealistic levels — so many of their identifications of deficiencies in the status quo seem to revolve around bad things that might conceivably happen — but they flip over like a pancake the minute a threat becomes genuine. Or measurable.

Here, I’ll sum it up in a single sentence:

Global warming is a real problem we have to solve but jihad-based terrorism is a nuisance.

Maybe they really don’t give a rip about freedom or safety…they’re just opposed to reality.

Or maybe they’re just telling people whatever they have to tell them, to get hold of more loot to distribute to their friends. That would explain just about everything. Except then, the democrat politician becomes, uh, well, pretty much exactly what he says the Republicans are. Just with different friends. The Republican is the friend of that awful guy with the mustache in the pinstripe suit smoking his cigar in the corner office…who is accountable to the court system and to the shareholders. The democrat is the friend of the union boss who is accountable to nobody. Everyone who might possibly do something to him, is bought off with money taken from other people. Money that represents wealth the union boss did not create.

Perhaps we don’t need to be concerned so much with the democrat who tries to be Robin Hood. Maybe the nightmare scenario is the democrat who plays the part of the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Snow Angels in Bikinis

Friday, February 5th, 2010

EMBED-Girls Make Snowangels In Bikinis – Watch more free videos

Hat tip to John Hawkins by way of his Linkiest site.

So If You Wanna Be a Socialist, Whaddya Gotta Do?

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

A new poll has really got a lot of people chattering around the innerwebs and elsewhere. It says two thirds of self-identified Republicans believe President Obama is a socialist. Those who would like more people to be receptive to President Obama in general, and to His policies in particular, have responded the way they always do: Like a six year old who has no arguments. Yoooooouuuu’re Stooooooooopppiiiidddd!!!!

This argument was already hashed out a couple months into Obama’s term. Similar technique. Identify the attack as a “myth,” pick out some factoids that pose a little bit of a problem for the attack, and then act as if you’ve rained down a devastating salvo upon the argument and pronounce it “debunked.” Don’t treat it with any respect at all; that way, you can start out precisely where you want to end up, and not do any intellectual work at all.

OF ALL THE inane accusations about President Obama, the silliest has to be this: The president is a socialist.

Obama’s plans are “one big down payment on a new American socialist experiment,” asserts House minority leader John Boehner. He’s “the world’s best salesman of socialism,” says Republican Senator Jim DeMint.

“Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff,” declares Mike Huckabee. Sean Hannity derides his agenda as “socialism you can believe in.” Obama is “a radical communist,” warns kooky Alan Keyes.

“Epithets are substituting for thinking,” observes Marc Landy, professor of political science at Boston College.

Are they ever.

Well…funny thing about that. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term rather broadly.

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

And I’m thinking Definition #1 qualifies Him pretty easily. President Obama is generally not neutral on the question of centralizing decision-making authority, particularly when it comes to running businesses. And He certainly isn’t generally hostile to such centralization.

If you want to assert that Obama is taking us down a road that would, if pursued to the end, ultimately lead to communism — and I’ve got a feeling a great many of those polled would say precisely that — then it becomes reasonable to qualify Him under the third definition as well.

The dictionary definitions all mirror each other so perfectly, it seems they are xeroxed from a common prototype. There is one exception: Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Unless the “mods” don’t like the edit that you did, in which case you are a “vandal” and they’ll revert it right back again.

Socialism refers to the various theories of economic organization advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterized by equal access to resources for all individuals with a method of compensation based on the amount of labor expended.

Not centralized control, not collective control, not government control; worker control. Got their material out of a socialist pamphlet, it would seem.

Turn to the talk page, and you’ll find a real party goin’ down.

Barack Obama is not a socialist. Anybody with even the most basic knowledge of socialism is perfectly aware of that.

Like I said. Yoooooouuuuurrrr’e Ssstttooooooooooopid!!!

And there’s more.

And besides, “national socialization” is a nonsense phrase. Get an education!
If we’re calling Obama socialist, we’d might as well call Bush fascist by those standards
I think that the widespread description of Obama as socialist is an important factor in society, particularly among the political right, but at the same time I think that it should be noted as largely baseless accusations and not as widely accepted.
Obama is not particularly seen as a socialist. The political right just uses it as a meaningless buzzword for anyone they don’t approve of. Bill Clinton was called a socialist plenty of times as well.
Obama is no sort of socialist. Period.

That is the form and substance of the counterargument. Shut up!

But this one has gotta take the cake:

Another Vandal Oh dear. While we are over here on the talk page discussing the fact that Obama is nearly as far from Socialism as Reagan yet another vandal was linking Obama into the Socialism page. I can tell this one will be on my watchpage basically indefinately.

You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I’m sure the ostensible reason for the “watchpage basically indefinately” [sic] is so that Wikipedia preserves its value as a resource, to enhance the reasons people would have for going there, and diminish the reasons they would have for going somewhere else. Simonm223‘s achievement, I’m afraid, is the polar opposite of the intent behind it.

And no, before anyone asks: I’m not the vandal. I guess there are quite a few of us getting snookered by this.

I’m still waiting for something to save me from being hoodwinked. So far I’m not saved. One thing you will not find at that talk page, or anywhere else so far as I can see, is this: What, exactly, do you have to do to fulfill a minimalist litmus test for this word, that the Obama administration has not, in fact, done?

The whole question, once evaluated logically, would boil down to essentially that. Wouldn’t it? What am I missing here?

Apple-Milk Cycle

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

I was just wondering about this comment I put up at Old Iron & KC’s place. Background: Old Iron was noticing (with great glee) that yet another member of Canada’s upper crust elite is doing the southward walk-of-shame, turning his back on the glorious canuck ‘free” health care system to partake of some of our own services. You remember our health care system, right? That horrible awful one that needs changing so badly? And so he proceeded to grill KC about it and make her squirm a little. Or maybe a lot.

And I made the point that when you remove the meaningless details from our recent health care fiasco — I don’t know if I can write about it in the past tense or not, but God I really do hope I can — the whole thing is nothing more than another ride on the same stupid merry-go-round. And health care itself is one of the meaningless details. It’s just the latest thing to be “reformed,” or for them to try to reform, and the reform always goes the same way.

The “health care” aspect of it really doesn’t matter, because it’s the same story as any other commodity. Just name one. Education for your children, legal services, barrels of crude oil.

Trickle Up Poverty“The rich” can get ahold of it and the poor people cannot, so someone gets the idea of “reform.” No one defines what the R-word really means, because anyone who’s in a position to communicate with the public about it understands reform is only appealing until people understand what it is. So some new laws are created to make the commodity “equally available to everyone.”

Which, it turns out, doesn’t mean the poor can get it. It means the rich people can’t. And was anyone wondering why people refer to socialism as “trickle-up poverty”?

Except if you get to watch how the politicians live, up close, you see something rather interesting. Whatever the commodity is…they can get ahold of it a lot more easily than the rich people were ever able to. Proceed to re-enact the scene with Squealer and the milk & apples from George Orwell’s Animal Farm…

This cycle [is] absolutely consistent, event for event, with each and every market the United States has semi-nationalized…and the U.S. has semi-nationalized quite a lot. My country’s gutless this way; we like to go halfway on things. That way we don’t have to admit that some things work and other things don’t.

Yes, that last part is worth re-reading again. Admitting that there’s a right way & a wrong way to do something, really does take balls. Some people just don’t have ’em. They don’t want to admit this is true about anything — even though, in reality, it’s probably true about damn near everything. And so everything is “middle of the road” because of the balls these people don’t have. These loud, loud people. Their one consistency ends up being “I am absolutely opposed to the death penalty”; and then, given enough time, they’ll come across a situation that requires an exemption from even that.

So they don’t want any rules; they’re anarchists who don’t want to admit that they’re anarchists. They want every little thing to be decided on a case by case basis. They are gregarious, friendly, trusting people, and they seem to have gotten it in their heads that any “common sense” decision anybody ever makes about anything, will be to their liking. I don’t know where they get this. I don’t think they know either. But it isn’t stopping them.

Let us count all the other things worth mentioning, shall we?

1. The “Status Quo”: Irony be here. One of the hottest squares in Obama Speech Bingo is the one captioned “false choice.” As our President uses the phrase, it has diminished to the level of a thoughtless verbal tic, a reflex. He can’t stop Himself from saying it anymore. What He’s really talking about is the False Dilemma Fallacy: “When two alternatives are presented…[t]his can lend credence to the larger argument by giving the impression that the options are mutually exclusive, even though they need not be.” The irony is — quick, what’s the best possible example in recent memory? Why, it’s President Obama’s favorite dichotomy! If you’re not for the “reform”…you must be among “those who want to preserve the status quo.” How’s that work out? Can you find me a hundred people who are opposed to the reform? Won’t take long to round ’em up…now, once you have those hundred, can you promise me each and every single one of them is tickled pink with the status quo? Cross your heart & hope to die, stick a needle in your eye? Of course you can’t. At least sixty…and probably eighty…are wrestling with avoidance-avoidance conflict. President Obama’s choice is false. But he continues to repeat it. This is part of that cycle that continues to play out, across all those other events involving semi-nationalization of those other commodities. That is how they were done. You had to support the “reform”…or else you must be in favor of the “status quo,” and nobody liked the status quo. So reform it is. Except — in each and every single case — things didn’t really go so hot in the long run.

2. Debunking “Urban Myths”: Since vagueness is the best friend of the proponent of the “reform,” no one is in a position to definitively state what exactly is involved in the final “reform” plan until it has been signed into law. By which time, of course, it’s too late to talk about anything. And so as the critics do what critics are supposed to do, and enlighten the public about some of the things that really deserve attention as the details are being hashed out, the proponents highlight these concerns as “urban myths” and start to “debunk” them. Case in point? Sarah Palin’s “death panels.” Politifact named it “Lie of the Year.” I seem to recall more than one left-leaning commenter pointed out that hey, it can’t be true, the legislation hasn’t even been written yet. Well no duh…that’s kind of the point isn’t it, Sparky? Wherever there’s an unknown, you have to figure out who you’re going to be asked to trust, and how much you trust them. Even as of today, to my knowledge, the debunkers have yet to come up with a single example of a country with socialized medicine that doesn’t have some kind of Death Panel — call it what you will.

3. Aristocracy. There always is one, after all the dust has settled. The people who write the legislation that ultimately defines what kind of [insert name of commodity here] we are going to be consuming, and how it is to be apportioned among us, never, ever, ever use the same machinery to get theirs. They enjoy the exclusive use of a bypass gate. From time to time we all make a bunch of noise about it, and people get really upset. But it blows over.

4. Half a Loaf. The people who are “for” the plan, after it has been put in place, end up making such an incredible weak show of their apologia that it hardly sounds complimentary at all. Go back and read KC’s commentary about the Canadian health care system. That’s precisely what I’m talking about. The waiting is interminable and the “free” services aren’t really free, they’re expensive as all holy hell. BUT — well, but something. It’s a mix of good-and-bad. The road always leads back there…mix of good and bad. Now ask yourself this: Would you ever, in a million years, be able to sell “reform” that way to a country that hadn’t yet signed on to the reform? I can just see Obama with that one now: “Folks, Let Me Be Clear. Make No Mistake. After we enact my ‘reform,’ things are still going to suck a whole lot and suck large. It’ll be a mix of the good and the bad. But For Far Too Long, as a country we’ve been tring to make things better than they were before when we try to fix things. We need to have the courage to change, even if it’s scary change, change that makes things worse. Even bad change is better than no change at all. For you little people, I mean. I don’t need to change of course, I’m perfect as I am.” It would be honest. But I don’t think the pundits would gather the following Sunday morning to proclaim “His last speech was the Best Speech Evar, until this one, and now this is the Best Speech Evar!!” At least, I think they probably wouldn’t say that. But at this point who the hell knows.

5. NOW! President Obama took a lot of hammering over his strong-arming Congress to pass health care “by Christmas.” And after it became clear it was costing Him some support, He kept right on doing it. That’s because this is part of the cycle. It always goes this way. It happens to you, you’ll see, when you think back on your own personal past events. It’s how salesmen sell shitty things. “Of course you don’t have to sign today, but I have another couple interested in this house, matter of fact they came by here just the other day…hey why don’t we go to my office for some coffee, and you can sign some papers and at least get your name in? Have you got your checkbook?” This is starkly at odds with the other thing that happens, about the status quo. It’s supposed to be such a widespread realization, an undeniable one, that the status quo reeks so much. If that was really the case, and a point presented honestly, you’d be able to put your “reform” on a table and let it just sit there, while the representatives eventually come ’round to the unavoidable conclusion that buying-in is just the smart thing to do. See, that is how good products are sold. But the Apple-Milk bandwagon cannot afford to tolerate it. It’s like a “gorgeous” actress whose time has passed, one who is overly-reliant on the perfect makeup and lighting. Up close, she doesn’t look that good and she damn well knows it. So it has to be sold now, now, now! When we buy things for our household, a lot of us raise a red flag when we hear that pitch. Somehow, with public policy, a lot of us don’t.

6. Bad Examples. Even though nobody can say anything good about this “reform” after all’s been said & done, other jurisdictions will seek to emulate it as if it had been wildly successful. The results here will be far superior to the results there, the proponents (in the new country) will say. The same basic framework may have been tried a dozen times…a hundred times…and failed each and every single time. Still people will want to go for it. They’ll say the reason it didn’t work out too well in whoozeewotsitplace is — well, the right people weren’t in charge. Some variant of that theme. You know why that is? It’s because the proponents aren’t really proponents of the plan per se. They are proponents of a lifestyle that is associated with the plan; the lifestyle that has to do with sacrificing opportunity and freedom for the sake of a little temporary security. There is something obsessive-compulsive and manic-depressive about viewing life through this lens. People who do it that way want everyone else they know to do it that way, too. So the plan is to the lifestyle, you might say, as a man-carved idol is to the deity it is supposed to represent. It’s just a manifestation. If prosperity surrounds the idol, this is testament to the power and the benevolence of the deity. But if there is suffering wherever the idol goes, it ceases to carry any symbolic weight and is no longer representative of the will or karma involved in the deity. The stupid sculptor must not have carved it right. Our village is dying, and our suffering has been most acute since this idol was put up, but our deity is a good one.