Archive for the ‘Domestic Issues’ Category

Use Your Children to Annoy Liberals

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Intellectual Conservative:

This father had given his sons some truly cool-looking toy guns from his youth, and one day he and his family ventured down to the community pool bearing these arms. When all the liberals’ non-sex stereotyped, wearing-a-feminine-straightjacket sons saw these symbols of authentic boyhood, their eyes got wide; exclamations such as “wow” could be heard. This also has the very positive effect of confirming in deprived liberal children’s minds that their parents really are dorks. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about further alienating them from their (probably divorced, perhaps same-sex) parents/guardians. Unless liberal children can be reformed, they will push the old folks into a nursing home first chance they get no matter what you do.

I also should mention that you needn’t fear liberals’ self-righteous, didactic proclamations. Should they choose to say something to you, it only provides you the opportunity to put the icing on the cake. If, for instance, they say, “I’m really surprised you give your son toy guns to play with” just respond, “Well, let’s be realistic. He’s still a bit too young to have a real one.” This upsets liberals intensely.

On Corporate Income Tax Rates

Saturday, March 14th, 2009

…the claim that the United States has the second-highest rate in the entire civilized world?


Hmmm….the economy is anemic. What to do, what to do, what to do. Household wealth plummeting…what to do, what to do.

Hey liberals. Can you put together a coherent, however-many-words-you-want essay on why any form of tax cut — corporate, personal, any other kind — should not be categorized as one possible (particularly effective) type of economic stimulus? Seriously. Type it in the comment box below and submit it to me…or e-mail off-line if you’re feeling shy. I really want an answer to this one.

If you can’t come up with anything, you know what? I’d like to know about that too. My name is Barack Obama and I live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. You are not being timed. Go.

Perfect Storm

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Victor Davis Hanson, on why Wall Street isn’t feeling the hope:

1) The proverbial Wall Street capitalists believe that, with new federal income tax rates, the removal of FICA ceilings, increases in capital gains rates, decreases in deductions, and simultaneous tax raises, not only will Obama remove incentives for innovation and productivity, but that he does not seem to care about—or perhaps appreciate—he consequences?

2) On the spending side, investors see too many subsidies and entitlements that may Europeanize the populace and erode incentives, while creating so much debt that in the next decade, should interest rates rise, the federal budget will be consumed with servicing borrowing and entitlement obligations. A redistributive economy in which government ensures an equality of result is Wall Street’s worst nightmare. Debt can only be paid back by floating more foreign debt, issuing more US bonds at home, raising taxes, or printing money—all bad options in the mind of the investor.

3) Too many are beginning to think Obama is, well, a naïf—and hence dangerous. He chest-thumps speeches Geithner cannot deliver. He says we are near the Great Depression—but then, after the stimulus package passes, suddenly hypes future growth rates to suggest that we will be out a recession, soon after all? Add in all the talk of high-tax, Al-Gorist cap-in-trade, wind and solar, socialized medicine in the midst of a financial crisis, and at best Obama comes across as confused and herky-jerky, and at worse, clueless on the economy—as if a Chicago organizer is organizing a multi-trillion-dollar economy. Talking about ‘gyrations’ and confusion about profits and earnings, and offering ad hoc advice about investing do not restore authority.

`4) Given the amount of debt the US is incurring (and the decades needed to pay it off), given the loose talk about the ‘rich’, and given the rumors about nationalization, investors are unsure whether the United States will remain a safe haven for investment, or even offer a climate for profit-making, since it would either be taxed to the point of seizure, or its beneficiaries would be culturally and socially demonized. Ultimately perhaps some will accept that as the price of doing business in a socialist US, but for now it creates doubt. This is not a defense of Wall Street (a year ago Richard Fuld and Robert Rubin were our Zeuses on Olympus who strutted like gods), simply a warning that we are going from excess to stasis, and the cure will be as bad as or worse than the disease.

5) Uncertainty. Who is now our Commerce Secretary? Which cowards is the Attorney General talking about? What did Geithner mean about pernicious oil and gas companies? What is with this Solis, and card check? How hard is it to ensure a Richardson or Daschle is clean? In other words, market watchers see after five weeks chaos, and think there is no sure and steady paradigm in which they can make careful business decisions and anticipate with some surety future risk.

So the perfect storm forms, and millions of individuals come to millions of identical conclusions: “Cut your losses with these guys, and get your cash out before it gets worse” rather than “Wow, what bargains! I gotta get in before the window of profit opportunity closes.”

It’s scary how much sense it makes.

I wonder what the other side’s take on it is. I’m perceiving, rightly or wrongly but I think rightly, that there is a point of agreement among persons of all ideological tints and shades that there was a serious downward slide in the third quarter of ’08 that continues today. “On George W. Bush’s watch.”

Well, I’m certainly not flush with biases favorable to The Chosen One. But to a more objective mindset, even, it seems to me when you overlay His prospects of winning the election last year, with what the market was doing, the evidence is damning. Let’s see, He had this long knock-down drag-out with Hillary…the bottom fell out sometime shortly after that whole thing was resolved. There may have been a brief spell of semi-serious doubt from Palin-mania, but perhaps the Palin-mania took root only with the dedicated knuckle-dragging barbeque-breath bitter people clinging to their guns and Bibles, like me. At any rate, Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric did their level best to put the kibosh on it, and they succeeded in short order.

Obama came to enjoy a virtual lock on the presidency, at just about exactly the time the market tanked. If you want to get pinpoint-precise about it, I seem to recall a major avalanche about a third of the way or halfway through October — right about the time word was getting around about what He told Joe the Plumber about “spreading the wealth around.” What does VDH’s Point #2 say up there? “A redistributive economy in which government ensures an equality of result is Wall Street’s worst nightmare.”

Game, set, match. Now, is there a way out of this tailspin, other than impeachment? Because somehow, I have my doubts that a President Biden or President Pelosi will succeed in reversing the trend.

Financial Aspects of the SotU

Friday, February 27th, 2009

Like all dopey ideas, the State of the Union is dealt the most devastating damage when it is taken seriously. Rather like a beached whale suffocating under its own weight — its rib cage simply wasn’t designed to withstand the force.

This is going to be some trick. Even the most basic inspection of the IRS income tax statistics shows that raising taxes on the salaries, dividends and capital gains of those making more than $250,000 can’t possibly raise enough revenue to fund Mr. Obama’s new spending ambitions.

Consider the IRS data for 2006, the most recent year that such tax data are available and a good year for the economy and “the wealthiest 2%.” Roughly 3.8 million filers had adjusted gross incomes above $200,000 in 2006. (That’s about 7% of all returns; the data aren’t broken down at the $250,000 point.) These people paid about $522 billion in income taxes, or roughly 62% of all federal individual income receipts. The richest 1% — about 1.65 million filers making above $388,806 — paid some $408 billion, or 39.9% of all income tax revenues, while earning about 22% of all reported U.S. income.
A tax policy that confiscated 100% of the taxable income of everyone in America earning over $500,000 in 2006 would only have given Congress an extra $1.3 trillion in revenue. That’s less than half the 2006 federal budget of $2.7 trillion and looks tiny compared to the more than $4 trillion Congress will spend in fiscal 2010.
The bottom line is that Mr. Obama is selling the country on a 2% illusion. Unwinding the U.S. commitment in Iraq and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire can’t possibly pay for his agenda. Taxes on the not-so-rich will need to rise as well.

Call me nutty, but this has just the whiff of inspiration for a rather cagey sort of optimism. President Obama, clearly, has meant very little of all the things He has said up until now. Changing America, it would seem, is about the only thing His rhetoric has had in common with His deeds. If He’s just promised to spend money on all these programs He obviously can’t afford, with His track record that’s pretty much the same as not having promised anything at all.

Again: The fault does not rest with President Obama. The fault lies with the rest of us. It’s a non-partisan position that we shouldn’t pass on debt to the next generation, but it’s a blisteringly partisan position to take that we should write to our congressmen or to the White House telling ’em to stop spending so much goddamned money.

No such dichotomy can be embraced by a sane mind. But that’s the mindset of our culture right now. So what’s this little dance people are going through, pretending to be trying to make sane decisions? Who do they think they’re kiddin’?

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Being a Dictator, Being a Bitch…What Else is Left for Feminists?

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Speaking of “Buck,” our good blogger friend down in New Mexico by that name is taunting us, ridiculing our favorite Presidential (Vice) candidate in the title of his latest post.

Yeah good one, Buck. Like you wouldn’t give up some teeth to see her sworn in right about now. In hot pants, Supergirl cape and go-go boots. Hey…for the next three years, ten months and three weeks, that last part is about as likely to happen as the former part…a fella might as well dream.

Well, Californians know how to be snarky too. So I sent him a link to Cassy’s place. In which a feminist is demanding her rightful status, not as a flesh-burning, head-chopping brutal dictator, but rather as a more modest generically-unpleasant female person. A rhymes-with-rich.

As if we’ve had some kind of shortage of those.

Speaking of delusions of supply-and-demand, I hear PrezBO is going to descend from his cloud tonight to tell us the best way to balance the budget is to spend money we don’t have like crazy. Oh yeah, Obambi! That’s exactly the way my household does it! Phone’s about to be shut off and there’s a cardboard thingy from the power company on my doorknob…only one thing to do…run up the charge cards on a whole lotta crap!

That doesn’t seem to make an awful lot of sense, does it?

And yet…there our elected representatives go…the ones whom, I’m told, are so much smarter than the rest of us. Doing that very thing.

You figure this shit out, drop me a line explaining it. Okay? I’ll be snoozing away, dreaming about a certain Governor of Alaska being sworn in, in some kind of getup that would make Stacey Keibler blush.

Thanks For Doing Everything My Way, Now You’re All Dead

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Within the list of guys in world history who got everything done their way, George Soros is my nominee for all-time champion Gloomy Gus.

At Columbia University last Friday, legendary hedge fund manager George Soros shocked his audience, proclaiming …

”We witnessed the collapse of the financial system. It was placed on life support, and it’s still on life support. There’s no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom.“

Soros went on to say that …
The crisis is actually more severe than the Great Depression …

It’s like watching the demise of the Soviet Union, and …

There is no prospect of a recovery any time soon.

Kind of reminds me of Eric Holder’s speech…you know, the “Thanks for electing a President of color who appointed an Attorney General of color, and by the way, you’re all cowards.”

Why are people so adamant about having everything done their way, and then just sit around and squawk that things are so bad, once it happens?

More on Soros

Regulators are in part to blame because they “abrogated” their responsibilities, Soros, 78, said. The philosophy of “market fundamentalism” was now under question as financial markets have proved to be inefficient and affected by biases rather than driven by all the available information, he said.

“We’re in a crisis, I think, that’s really the most serious since the 1930s and is different from all the other crises we have experienced in our lifetime,” Soros said, adding that the Federal Reserve had created several by lowering interest rates.

I’ve heard all these talking points before. With weaker regulation, people looked after their own selfish interests and ruined things.

Trouble with that is, what are we hoping will revive, exactly? Something called “the economy,” right? Can anyone tell me what an economy is…other than a bunch of people looking after their own selfish interests?

In fact, since these greedy selfish people are just people, and regulators are just people — it’s a little like arguing what color to paint a bomb you’re going to drop on a city, isn’t it? I mean, what exactly is it about regulators that makes them wise and un-greedy?

All I can think of is motivation. Those filthy robber barons are motivated toward a healthy bottom-line. Huh. You know, if what we’re bitching about is unhealthy bottom-lines, I don’t see how their objectives are different from ours. People like Soros have had many chances to explain this to me, and I must be too dense to figure it out because it remains a mystery. Regulators, on the other hand, aren’t really motivated toward any one thing…their job, when you get down to it, is to get in the way when decisions are made too quickly for the benefit of the bottom line. To be a fly in the ointment, a pain in the ass. They represent everything-else. They’re the opposition.

But getting back to the subject of this post. How decisively does an election have to culminate in a triumph for Mr. Soros’ interests, before he stops being such a depressing little gnome? This is a guy who has ruined national economies for his own personal benefit. The more I think of it, the more his lecturing us about greed, seems one and the same as Eric Holder lecturing us about cowardice.

I think this needs to go in the memory file, for the next time we’re presented with an opportunity to do things the way these gentlemen want us to. You know, it’s true throughout all of life, anytime someone demands you do something rather than asking nicely…

Thing I Know #52. Angry people who demand things, don’t stop being angry when their demands are met.

Obama’s Bold New Plan to Wreck the Economy

Monday, February 23rd, 2009


I’m very proud to announce the establishment of a new government agency called the Monetary Uniformity Group. This agency will put people to work performing a simple but effective task: Americans who are currently [mimes scare quotes] “earning” too much money will be relieved of all excess cash — by force only if necessary — after which it will be gathered up, bundled into thick, heavy bales, and thrown into a wood chipper.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, but please keep in mind that this plan is flexible. It could be some sort of industrial shredder instead. Or the money might be incinerated with flamethrowers, or weighed down with lead and dropped into the deepest part of the ocean. There are any number of options. The whole idea is to get that money moving away from people who don’t deserve it.

To put it in terms someone like you might be able to understand: Look at your neighbor. Is it fair that he has a nicer car than you? A bigger TV? A younger, more physically fit wife or girlfriend? Well, then, let’s see how he likes it when I grab his wallet and throw it in the wood chipper.

[Smiling, Obama mimes taking a wallet from someone’s pocket with his thumb and forefinger, tossing it over his shoulder, and cringing slightly at the imaginary roar of the machine.]

Just picture that. Doesn’t it feel good? A minute ago he thought he was soooo great, and now he’s all mad because he doesn’t have his iddle-widdle wallet. Look at him, he’s actually crying. Got something to say, Richie Rich? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Only by following this plan can we restore America to the greatness it has yet to achieve. Remember: You deserve better, which means everybody else deserves worse.

Thank you.

Good satire resembles real life. I’m afraid this bears more than just a passing similarity. And just remember, Obamatons, this does nothing to break a campaign promise. There were very few made. You weren’t that insistent on finding out what Chosen One was gonna do. All that mega-awesomeness to be celebrated.

Hat tip: Gerard.

Why We Have Gun Control

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Make sure a gun-grabbing goo-gooder you know & love, sees it. Today. Many times.

“President Obama Has Turned Fearmongering Into an Art Form”

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Bradley Schiller, writing in WSJ Friday:

President Barack Obama has turned fearmongering into an art form. He has repeatedly raised the specter of another Great Depression. First, he did so to win votes in the November election. He has done so again recently to sway congressional votes for his stimulus package.

In his remarks, every gloomy statistic on the economy becomes a harbinger of doom. As he tells it, today’s economy is the worst since the Great Depression. Without his Recovery and Reinvestment Act, he says, the economy will fall back into that abyss and may never recover.

This fearmongering may be good politics, but it is bad history and bad economics. It is bad history because our current economic woes don’t come close to those of the 1930s. At worst, a comparison to the 1981-82 recession might be appropriate. Consider the job losses that Mr. Obama always cites. In the last year, the U.S. economy shed 3.4 million jobs. That’s a grim statistic for sure, but represents just 2.2% of the labor force. From November 1981 to October 1982, 2.4 million jobs were lost — fewer in number than today, but the labor force was smaller. So 1981-82 job losses totaled 2.2% of the labor force, the same as now.
Mr. Obama’s analogies to the Great Depression are not only historically inaccurate, they’re also dangerous. Repeated warnings from the White House about a coming economic apocalypse aren’t likely to raise consumer and investor expectations for the future. In fact, they have contributed to the continuing decline in consumer confidence that is restraining a spending pickup. Beyond that, fearmongering can trigger a political stampede to embrace a “recovery” package that delivers a lot less than it promises. A more cool-headed assessment of the economy’s woes might produce better policies.

I wonder if the spirit of pessimism that enshrouds us after a typical “Hope and Change” Obama speech, isn’t quite so much pure emotional depression, or pure economic analysis, but more a reasoned pondering of the history of executives taking charge of things.

After all, bosses typically pull victory from the jaws of defeat when they take ownership of a given situation. If they spend all their time blaming their predecessors for every little hiccup, they usually preside over disaster.

In the pantheon of hopeful guys, this new President doesn’t seem to have an awful lot to do with hope. And when I hear this new President speak, what I usually hear is a lot of blame. It’s not the rhetoric that comes from a boss who is about to preside over victory. It’s the kind of stuff you hear from a ship’s captain who has made damn sure his name is on the safest lifeboat.

Hat tip to Dr. Helen.

Neo-Neocon on Alan Greenspan

Sunday, February 15th, 2009

She says his ignorance is rather shocking, and I’m going to have to go ahead and agree.

For years, Alan Greenspan was thought to be a genius, responsible for keeping inflation at bay and encouraging our booming economy. He fine-tuned interest rates to make sure all this was going smoothly, and to the best of my recollection he earned resounding praise from almost everyone.

Well, it turns out this emperor had no clothes after all. But when he finally realized something was fishy, somewhere around late 2005, he says there was nothing he could do about it:

“If we [had] tried to suppress the expansion of the subprime market, do you think that would have gone over very well with the Congress?” Mr. Greenspan said. “When it looked as though we were dealing with a major increase in home ownership, which is of unquestioned value to this society—would we have been able to do that? I doubt it.”

Funny thing, I happen to agree with him. That doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have tried, though. Nor does it excuse the rather shocking disclosure of the limits of his understanding of derivatives and the mortgage market and what it all meant.

One of the most interesting quotes from Greenspan is this:

We could have basically clamped down on the American economy, generated a 10 percent unemployment rate,” he said. “And I will guarantee we would not have had a housing boom, a stock market boom or indeed a particularly good economy either.”

In other words, we could have suffered then instead of suffering now. There is no free lunch; ever hear of it? I wonder if Greenspan has.

When a bubble is created, it must burst at some point, because bubbles are inherently fragile things. But just try telling it to Congress, then or now.

Here, let’s take some different excerpts from the story and then I’ll offer my thoughts:

Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, told CNBC in a documentary to be shown Thursday night that he did not fully understand the scope of the subprime mortgage market until well into 2005 and could not make sense of the complex derivative products created out of mortgages.

“So everybody in retrospect now knows that that boom was developing under the markets for quite a period of time, but nobody knew it,” Mr. Greenspan told CNBC’s David Faber. “In 2004, there was just no credible information on that. It wasn’t until we got well into 2005 that the first inklings that that was developing was emerging,” he said.
The Fed’s “easy money” policy created an excess of cash that inflated equity and asset prices, leading to both the technology bubble of the late 1990s and the housing bubble in this decade.

While Mr. Greenspan acknowledges that he could have done something to avert the housing crisis, he contends his hands were tied.

“If we tried to suppress the expansion of the subprime market, do you think that would have gone over very well with the Congress?” Mr. Greenspan said. “When it looked as though we were dealing with a major increase in home ownership, which is of unquestioned value to this society — would we have been able to do that? I doubt it.” [emphasis mine]

NN’s analogy about the Emperor and clothes just seems more and more apt, the more you find out about it, huh? Bubble this, bubble that…bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.

It is the price we pay for fiat currency: The value of money is based on the emotional state of some construct, which in turn consists of millions of strangers who will never be personally met.

And so, since we went off the gold standard, and for many years before that, every single universal financial difficulty has been a direct result of a bubble bursting. What happens when a bubble bursts? An exuberant perception of an asset’s worth, is suddenly realigned with the more modest reality of it. It was true in the case of these homes, and the loans attached to them; it was true of the dot-coms, and the practical value of an hour of labor from the geeks who staffed them; it was true of the stocks, the bonds, the petroleum — everything. It’s all evaluated by the emotional state of strangers.

Which means we’ve Yang-ified money. That means, rejecting a more methodical arrival at reasoned inferences based on established facts, in favor of group-think. Nothing is carved in stone because it all depends on what the other fellow thinks. Greenie came out and admitted it word-for-word up there, didn’t he: “If we tried to suppress the expansion of the subprime market, do you think that would have gone over very well with the Congress?” This is why committees make bad decisions. Cause-and-effect takes a back seat to what-does-someone-else-think.

Our twenty-first century economy is one that is prone to bubbling up, because bubbling is what it is. Our money is bubbles, our investments are bubbles, our houses are bubbles. All our property is bubbles. We chose to make it that way — everything is valued according to the way it is perceived, and so this painful alignment of perception-with-reality has become a way of life. Crashy, crashy. Get used to it. We don’t have the proper mindset to confront unpleasantness early — we have rejected that option every time it has arisen — so we have to do our confronting late, when it’s more expensive for us to do it.

The mystery, though, is that I can figure it out and I’m just a guy in his underwear typing on a laptop, enjoying the benefits of a rather lackluster high school education.

This was a surprise to Greenspan?

D’JEver Notice? XXIV

Friday, February 13th, 2009

The print media leans hard-left. If you haven’t noticed this yet, you’ve been living in a cave. If you’ve gone through the motions of inspecting it and you have concluded something different, you are a shill; you have some kind of an agenda, personal or professional, and it has very little to do with the truth.

The talk-radio media leans hard-right. Attempts have been made to launch left-leaning talk-radio vehicles, and they’ve all either run aground or they’re headed there.

The liberal’s solution to the talk-radio-lean-right problem is the Fairness Doctrine. And no, it isn’t just something Sean Hannity screeches about to get people riled up. Fairly regularly, a prominent democrat politician will come out in favor of it, and the frequency of these utterances seems to be increasing under the tutelage of The Holy Administration. Clearly, they’re in a process of dipping their toes in the water and waiting for it to warm up.

The conservative’s solution to the print-media-lean-left problem, on the other hand, is a sigh and an eyeball-roll. This is in my file folder of evidence to offer to the “Dime” people who insist there isn’t a dime’s wortha difference between the parties: The Libertarian spirit is alive and well. At least, there’s a definite overtone of “That’s things the way they are, now do your best” in conservatism, even in what we in 2009 call “conservatism.” A distinction between playing the cards you’re dealt as best you can, and changing the rules of poker in the middle of a hand. It’s good to see.

Getting back to the liberal solution, though. It isn’t just the under-the-capitol-dome liberals who support the Fairness Doctrine. It’s man-in-the-street liberals too. And this is a difference between liberalism and conservatism that often goes undiscussed. Sort of our unofficial, “For Everybody” Fairness Doctrine: We don’t like to notice differences in the ways conservatives think versus the ways liberals think. It makes you look like an extremist. It’s not too hard to be accused of being an extremist, an agitator, someone who thinks about politics ALL THE TIME — for simply noticing these differences, pointing ’em out, and not doing a single other thing. Even if someone else was responsible for bringing up the overall subject on which you were commenting.

There are personal values and there are party values. Liberalism, I see, suffers from an erosion on the barrier that separates those two; they become one and the same.

“People should be required to present ID in a voting booth” is a party value, not a personal one. “No, they shouldn’t,” likewise, is a party value. We feel strongly about these things because obviously they can have an effect on the outcome of an election. That’s the definition: A party value is something that enhances, or diminishes, the likelihood of getting your candidates in charge of things. What’s an example of a personal value? “Abortion is murder”; and “Womens’ right to choose” (not sure if I’m supposed to be capitalizing Right To Choose.) You can win and win and win at those, and it won’t affect the determination of who has authority, and who doesn’t. Abortion has more of an effect on who gets to exist in the first place — not who wins an election. Personal values are things like: Slavery is bad. Things you’d be willing to invade a sovereign nation to enforce. Or, at least, give some serious consideration to doing that.

What we now call liberalism, seems to depend on those two realms melting together, blending in one with another. This is easily demonstrated by placing the liberal in a position in which he’s required to separate them. Try it sometime; so long as you aren’t putting a treasured friendship in jeopardy, it can be great entertainment, not unlike toying with a cat with a bit of yarn, or a laser pen. One of my personal favorites is “If I have an absolute right to vote and to have my vote counted, and women have an absolute right to control their bodies; if, through the unfortunate chaos that governs the cosmos, some mistaken referendum pops up on my ballot that would outlaw abortion forever, do I then have the absolute ‘right’ to vote yes on that?” If liberals made a distinction between party values and personal values, it would be a laughably simple conundrum for them. As it is, it’s like handing the imbecile the card that says “Turn this over and follow the instructions” on both sides. They’ll struggle and struggle, and not do too much to produce anything that could be termed a decisive intellectual triumph. Not even close.

In the case of not proving who you are when you go to vote, that mission masquerades under the sheeps’ clothing of a personal value: Poor people would be unfairly disenfranchised if we required identification. Well, that’s a big crock. The issue is that the democrat party depends on dead and non-existent people to win their elections. Down in Georgia, concession after concession after concession was made to the poor, poor, pitiful poor, so they wouldn’t have an aristocracy of people-with-drivers’-licenses, but the campaigns were organized nevertheless to have the new law voted down, and then slapped down in court. Last I read about it, they were still haggling it out.

When it comes to the Fairness Doctrine, the wall of separation between party values and personal values is chipped down into non-existence — because “The Public Owns The Airwaves.” What this is, is a holdover from the 1960’s, when it was uncool to crusade against communism; and, therefore, cool to defend it, and embrace at least the central underpinnings of it. Chief among those, is the notion of vox populi vox dei, that whatever is good for The People, is cosmically righteous and cannot be enduringly or effectively criticized. And, that whoever is elected to represent The People, is like sort of a statist Pope — one step removed from Heavenly Glory — they’re here to say what’s-what and what-for.

Well, conservatives have one very good reason to adopt opposition to the Fairness Doctrine as a personal value, not a party one. And that reason is this: It would put the Government in charge of balancing right-rhetoric with left-rhetoric. That means, it would put Government in charge of saying what exactly those are.

Here’s just one example of how that would lead to abuse: We need to ban all guns! Is that left-rhetoric…or central-rhetoric? I think it’s left-rhetoric. But there are folks who disagree with me about that. And the folks who disagree with me about that, seem to have won this little thing called an “election” and are now insisting, rightfully, that they ought now be allowed to make some decisions about things. Who is to say the argument is not “Should we ban all the guns or should we not?”…but rather…”When we ban all the guns, should we wait for people to turn them in voluntarily, or go door-to-door and start grabbing ’em?”

The point is, this blending of personal values and party values, is sort of a “borrowed trait” of communism. What it leads to is a crushing of the minority. You see it in the party schisms that erupt now and then. The Republicans made a decision that Fred Thompson had all the opportunity he should’ve required to showcase something called “charisma” or “fire in the belly” or what-not, something John McCain was somehow never called-upon to display, even once. In so doing, they decided against the wishes of people like me. We bided our time, spoke out, wrote to people…yes, we blogged too…and by the end of August, McCain threw us a bone by picking Sarah Palin. Then he got his ass whipped, and now we have to argue about whether he lost because of Palin, or in spite of her. We can quibble about that, but the point is, all this debating between stalwarts and milquetoasts will remain lively and vigorous, in lean times as well as fat.

The democrat party doesn’t work that way. The dust-up between Obamatons and Hillary supporters was heated, enduring, embarrassing…and desperate. Each faction in that schism was in a battle for its continued survival, because each faction understood, once the other one prevailed, the commandment that would emerge would be “convert or die!” And so it was. Once Obama was the nominee, the call went forth for “party unity.” Very much like, once a labor union votes to strike, the wishes of those who don’t want to strike (or cannot afford to strike) are marginalized. Who cares if you, as an individual, don’t want to strike? Who cares if you need to be working? The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few…or the one. We voted on this, and you don’t count anymore; you’ve been effectively “zombie-fied.” The majority needs your body, but not your mind. Yesterday’s desire is today’s requirement. Party values become personal values.

The whole thing works very much like a religious cult that way.

They Monopolize Emotions

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Well, Good For Her!The one thing that made by far the biggest impression on me about the joyful, tragic, thigh-slapping ya-gotta-be-kiddin’-me tale of Henrietta Hughes, is the list of comments under the story at Fort Myers News-Press (hat tip: Boortz). It’s just like Wikipedia — half a quart of relevant information for those willing to study the article itself, plus a five-gallon bucket of it if you’re willing to simply click through to the “Talk Page.” Henrietta’s a plant. Obviously. It’s a little silly that there’s any debate about it. And President Obama saw to it she got everything she wanted…since she was on camera, and he’s a bleeding-heart lib. Then he made sure he got the publicity for it. So far, everyone’s doing what they can be expected to do.

Well, you’re not likely to meet Henrietta Hughes or Barack Obama. What is useful, is to study the behavior of everyday folks. These are the people with whom you have to share a subway ride, or a freeway, or an office building. And this is a fascinating window into the souls of all of us.

Do select the option to read the oldest posts first. Pretty please. See what I see? For the first page and a half, no critical thinking whatsoever — none. Oh joy! She got a house! And she’ll live happily ever after!

This is how people think. It’s the “doughnut rule”: Once someone’s picked out the first glazed, or maple bar, it’s fair game. You can measure the consumption in pastries-per-minute. But until that first one’s been picked out, the box just sits, and sits, and sits. No one wants to go first.

That’s the way with noticing, by President Obama’s behavior, that it’s nearly impossible for Ms. Hughes not to be a plant. And, that if everything’s on the up-and-up, her problems are just beginning because of the taxes that have to be paid on her new home. And — gosh, it’d be nice to have some more details about what happened here, like how she got into this rally, what her 37-year-old son’s situation is, how things got to this point, and that really ugly one…what are all the other homeless people supposed to do, just wait in line for The Divine One to descend from heaven somewhere near them?

This is why I want you to read oldest-first. See the doughnut-rule in action. One or two dozen glittery comments from folks who’ll just let the naked Emperor parade right on by. By the third page, people have been given license to type in exactly what’s unsettling about this, what’s giving them second thoughts.

But the intellectual lightweights continue to lash out.

I think my favorite was AuPouvoir:

2:55:07 PM
I would like to know what else Mrs. Hughes needs, and how I might get it to her.

3:40:56 PM
Replying to wickedlyscarlett:

I am so tired of these gimme gimme gimme types of people. Gimme a break!! They’re leaches!

You need to sit back and reflect.. there but for the grace of God, go YOU!

3:41:47 PM
Replying to grannym1:

I am glad she is getting help, but SHE WAS PLANTED IN THE AUDIENCE. Someone knew of this problem and pulled strinsg so “Obama of the White Momma” would look good. This woman is no
better off then my grandson who can not get disabbilty or health insurance, unable to work, needs a hip repacement more whiney stuff. etc. So excuse me but poltics are just that. Obama of the White Momma, need more that this showy stuff. So get behind me Satan and lets help the economey instead of showing off !

You should be ashamed of yourself. I don’t even know you, and I’m ashamed of you.

You see the pattern I’m seeing?

You have the goo-gooders — and you have the every-man-for-himself s.o.b.’s. You have feel-good emotions — and you have logic and reason.

The goo-gooders do not deal in logic & reason at all. Many among their ranks will admit this readily. Who cares about what causes what, and what is the effect of what, when Ms. Hughes’ story just makes you feel so gosh darn good? Others will put up some kind of phony masquerade pretending that they are, in fact, dealing with logic…or a superior base of knowledge, anyway. We all are, after all, just a paycheck away from living in a car just like Henrietta Hughes, are we not? So you s.o.b.’s need to just think ahead, and anticipate where you’ll end up someday. Henrietta Hughes is you!

Now the s.o.b.’s work with a mixture of logic and emotion. Logic as in: Eh, Obama can’t give anybody a damn thing without taking it away from someone else. If massive blessings are about to rain down on someone due to the blessings flowing from the Substitute Jesus, there will have to be an equivalent plundering from someone else.

Here, we run into a basic fact about people and the way they behave. Parents, telling their children how people work, out of politeness leave this out…along with lots of other things. In fact, it’s right there on the list of Things I Know Now About People That I Wasn’t Told When I Was a Child — Item 16:

People who are overly concerned about their emotions, don’t want anyone else to be overly concerned with thinking.

So you see, this is why AuPouvoir is ashamed of someone she doesn’t even know. She’s overly concerned with her emotions, she doesn’t want grannyml to be concerned with thinking…even if it’s thinking about others who are worse-off than Henrietta Hughes, and/or are perhaps more deserving of assistance from others. This really has very little to do, and probably nothing to do, with helping others worse-off. It’s about a cheap and easy way to “prove” you’re a decent person.

If this reads like I’m picking on AuPouvoir and people like her, I’ve only just begun. There really is no appeal in cheap-and-easy ways to prove you’re a decent person…if, deep down, you already think of yourself that way. In fact, if you’re truly concerned about lightening the load of others, the very last thing you’re going to do is upload a post to the blog of the Fort Myers News-Press saying you’d “like to know what else Mrs. Hughes needs” so you can get it to her. If this was your concern, you wouldn’t even need to have it pointed out that gosh, maybe there are some other folks just as badly off as Ms. Hughes who haven’t managed to attract the publicity. You wouldn’t need to have that pointed out to you. You’d already know.

But the real scolding comes for the every-man-for-himself s.o.b.’s who deign to show their emotions. See, the goo-gooders are unhappy when the s.o.b.’s vocalize their thoughts; but they’re really, really unhappy when the s.o.b.’s vocalize their emotions. That, right there, is encroaching on the goo-gooders’ turf. It’s a turf thing; definitely a turf-thing. To the dedicated goo-gooder, emotions have one purpose and one purpose only, and that’s to showcase to each other what incredibly decent people we are. And goo-gooder is the only way any humans should ever be. All those other ones should just dry up and blow away.

They want a complete monopoly on emotions. They get to have their emotions — you aren’t allowed to have yours. Not unless you join them.

These are not stable people. For a number of reasons. For one thing, if they got exactly what they wanted, they’d be miserable. There wouldn’t be any humans left except goo-gooders…emotional goo-gooders…constantly communicating their emotions about how much they want to help poor people. Which would just stiffen the competition. They’d have to talk & type that much faster, to maintain their “King of the Mountain” status in wanting to get more help to Henrietta Hughes. It isn’t about helping Ms. Hughes, or talking about helping Ms. Hughes. It’s all about relativity. It’s a competition. A race. As in, ha ha, I’m better than you, I want to help Henrietta Hughes more than you do.

The other thing is, they want anyone not like them, to go away. Not to lose arguments…but to disappear. That is always a sign of instability. But as a general rule, every-man-for-himself s.o.b.’s are more productive than goo-gooders. People tend to get bitter about having things taken away from them, when they had plans insofar as what they were going to do with those things.

So the goo-gooders can’t really afford for the s.o.b.’s to go away, because someone has to be fleeced in order to fund their plans to get houses to people like Henrietta Hughes. They want something that, because of their own ambitions, they can’t have.

I suppose I could’ve left these thoughts un-typed. If President Obama’s chosen strategy is to put people like Ms. Hughes in his audiences as plants, I could’ve pointed this out any ol’ time. Indeed, I do think this is the Holy President’s Grand Strategy, and I do think there will be many, many more occasions to comment on it later on.

But when I do, I’ll make a point of observing not so much how He behaves, and how His audience-plant-of-the-month behaves…but how others behave. There won’t be a lot of variation to it. The doughnut-rule will apply, and Item #16 will apply too. So, too, will Thing I Know #266:

People will flock, like moths to flame, to a way of showcasing some inner decency that is costless and doesn’t really mean anything.

These are constants in the human condition.

Lukewarm Reception

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

It amounted to a do-over for tax-cheat and guy-who-runs-the-I.R.S. Timothy Geithner.

For Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner as much as for the troubled government program to bail out the financial system, Tuesday amounted to a do-over.

Initial reviews for the man and his plan were not good, however. Stock markets slid through the day, perhaps spurred downward by withering punditry on the business-news cable channels faulting Mr. Geithner for not providing more details, particularly on stemming home foreclosures. Senators of both parties lodged similar complaints at a hearing.

“I haven’t heard yet how we’re going to solve this problem,” Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee, told the Treasury secretary more than three hours into the Senate Banking Committee hearing.

With a formal speech, live television interviews and then his Senate appearance, Mr. Geithner announced the Obama administration’s overhaul of the Bush administration’s bank bailout program, which had proved largely ineffective at getting credit flowing again.

I have a really thin paperback on my bookshelf. It’s called “Government plans to meddle in the economy, that worked.” It’s up there, sandwiched among “Republicans who survived scandals,” “democrats who didn’t” and “Movies made from video games that don’t suck.”

Seriously. As I just said last night, I’m flabbergasted at how quickly this whole party is over. “Party,” not as in political party, but that huge cocktails-and-LSD bash that was The Annointed One’s inaugural festivities. Where’s all that hopey-changey goodness? I wish I was happy about all this failure as the Obamatons keep saying I/we are. I’m not. I’m about as happy as I am when I’m watching one of those scary movies, and the girl’s walking backwards after the lights have gone out, muttering “Bobby is that you? It’s not funny anymore”…and doing drugs…and fornicatin’…pretty much breaking all the rules. And you have the scary music going on, and she hears a noise but it turns out to be the cat…and then she runs into the REAL KILLER and gets her head lopped off. Yeah, just like that. “*Sigh* Couldn’t have seen that one coming.” How quickly we reach the turning point, is surprising. That we did — not so much.

Practicing Obamanomics in Everyday Life

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Fellow Webloggin contributor Joshuapundit…this needs no further comment from me.

Which isn’t unusual; it’s a little unusual, perhaps, that I can see it needs no further comment from me…anyway, on with the show.

A hilarious way of practicing Obamanomics and `spreading the wealth around…..’:

Today on my way to lunch I passed a homeless guy with a sign the read “Will Vote For Change.” I thought that was hilarious.

Once in the restaurant, I noticed my server had on a “Obama 08” button, so I thought this was a superb opportunity to see how this works in real life.

When the bill came, I decided not to tip the server and explained to him that I was exploring the Obama concept of spreading the wealth around. He stood there in disbelief while I told him that I was going to redistribute his tip as an economic stimulus to the homeless guy outside. The server angrily stormed away …apparently he has no concept of Hope n’ Change.

I went outside, gave the homeless guy $10 and told him to thank the server inside as I decided he could use the money as a stimulus. The homeless guy was grateful and thanked me.

At the end of my experiment in economic stimulus, I realized the homeless guy was happy to take money he did not earn, but the waiter was really angry that I gave away the money he earned even though the homeless guy needed the stimulus more,based on my criteria. Obviously the waiter was Rich, and doesn’t understand that the homeless guy needed and deserved the money more, based on Obamanomics. The homeless guy,however, was happy with the Change.

I guess redistribution of wealth is an easier thing to swallow in concept than in practical application.

And I guess the waiter just needs to get used to working for the change he voted for, hmmm?

Where the Present Crisis Began

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

Baron’s, via Hot Air, via Newsbusters, via Gateway Pundit:

We are in this mess largely because critical thought and moral judgment have been subordinated to the politicization of our economy, resulting in regulatory gaps and excessive controls of the wrong kind. Government regulations should be limited to those that increase and protect transparency and competition, protect public and private property, promote individual responsibility and enforce equal opportunity under the law. Even if the right laws and regulations could be found, they would prove insufficient to protect freedom and prosperity.
Today’s problems have their roots in programs and financial instruments that shifted the locus of moral responsibility away from private individuals and institutions to wider circles that were understood to end with a government guarantee. Heads of the top banks and financial institutions could approve substandard home-mortgage underwriting — prone to increased default — because those loans could be securitized by Wall Street and sold off to investors or to government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), with no likely recourse to the financial institution of origin.

Our present crisis began in the 1970s, during the Carter administration, with passage of the Community Reinvestment Act to stem bank redlining and liberalize lending in order to extend home ownership in lower-income communities. Then in the 1990s, the Department of Housing and Urban Development took a fateful step by getting the GSEs to accept subprime mortgages. With Fannie and Freddie easing credit requirements on loans they would purchase from lenders, banks could greatly increase lending to borrowers unqualified for conventional loans. In the name of extending affordable housing, this broadened the acceptability of risky loans throughout the financial system.
There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides of the political aisle. But the lesson should be clear that socializing failed businesses — whether in housing, health care or in Detroit — is not a long-term solution. Expanding government’s intrusion into the private sector doesn’t come without great risk. The renewing and self-correcting nature of the private sector is largely lost in the public sector, where accountability is impaired by obfuscation of responsibility, and where special interests benefit even when the public good is ill-served.

It’s not Bush-apologia, it’s just plain truth…and it’s important truth. This conundrum was not caused by a dearth of government meddling, but rather by an abundance of it.

Pretending to Value Experience

Sunday, February 8th, 2009

I thought it was interesting a few minutes ago when I noticed my local paper’s editorial section has four cartoons — all four of them are dedicated to a common theme. That these “Wall Street executives” are receiving huge bonuses and compensation for their experience, and it’s just a big crock.

One sympathizes. Who among us hasn’t worked for a large company, and seen his own division placed under the tutelage of a “seagull manager.” Who among us cannot recall one or several seagull managers brought in from the wreckage of some previous failure, often compensated to ludicrous extremes both in the past & present. Who among us cannot recall the resulting plummet in morale. Yes, experience can be overblown; in fact, the purported effort to compensate “appropriately” for experience, can be a half-hearted effort to camouflage something that could be called, with more than a hint of accuracy, bribery.

What is of interest to me, is Mr. Geithner’s fiasco. It’s just in our rear-view mirror, not too much distance between where that is, and where we are. We just went through it. For those who have been living in a cave, Mr. Geithner had thousands of dollars of unsettled tax issues, bearing the imprint of the weakest excuse there ever was — “I forgot.” The position to which he was nominated, is our nation’s top tax dude. And he was confirmed. Why? Because in times like these, we need his experience.

This is merely the latest example of the oldest rule in Washington: “Do as I say, not as I do.”

So is there anything at all that we could call the Geithner rule, something that takes the news and hardens it into precedent, allowing at least some of us a measure of forgiveness for our own innocent mistakes?

I think so, but you’ll have to bear with me. It goes like this:

Mr. Geithner got a pass on his tax problems because we really, really like him. So he gets a highly individualized form of amnesty. Sort of a personalized “olly olly oxen free.”

Also, we really, really need him. It’s almost like what Princess Leia said in Star Wars: “You’re my only hope.”

So if there’s a Geithner rule, it is extremely narrow. I believe that we should call it the olly olly oxen free, Obi-Wan Kenobi amnesty. If you are the nation’s only hope, you might qualify.

Here’s a simple test: Is your name Timothy F. Geithner? No?

See you at the audit.

Yeah, I think the rule is just a tad different. It has to do with experience. It’s a precious commodity if you work in government, especially if your job is to take money away from people who earned it. Not so much if you work in business and are tasked with making things happen that actually produce the wealth that the government will be taking away.

With its experienced people running the collection proceedings, and what-not.

Do you realize the utter devastation this mindset encounters if it is opened to just a tiny bit of challenge? Let’s try it: Once in awhile, here and there, a businessman will be experienced and his experience will really count for something — compensated or not. Money will then roll in, which means Geithner’s IRS will come knocking. To take that money. The continuing operations of the government will be counting on it, since experienced people like Geithner will be moving the money around, not actually producing it, which is an entirely different thing.

Government's RoleThe experienced people running our government will therefore be tasked with “appreciating” the experience of others…for the purpose of confliscating the money that resulted from that experience. Not for the purpose of compensating it appropriately. Only they, with their experience moving money around, may be compensated for their experience — which, in turn, is useless if there’s no money to be confiscated or moved around.

In fact, they’re about to use their experience to limit the compensation that may be made for experience in the private sector. Yeah, right now that limit is to apply only to firms that accept bailout money. If it passes. But that’s for now.

Bottom line: We’re still in the process of figuring out if there’s really a bunch of “hope in the air” after this changing-of-the-guard last month. Perhaps the status quo is much better now than it was previously. Perhaps it does make sense in the final analysis. Maybe the folks running the show really know what they’re doing. But if that’s the case, experience counts for — something extreme. All, or nothing. One or zero. No fractions allowed.

And it counts if you work in government, which produces nothing, and doesn’t count at all in business — where we absolutely, positively, must expect things to improve if the economy is ever gonna get turned around.

One wonders what these maybe-experienced, maybe-not business people are doing to create that money if whatever experience they have, doesn’t matter for squat. The mind boggles. If your scheme is to fly into Vegas and play the tables, you have to have experience to do that, right? If it involves just doing some kind of rain-dance and hoping it’ll rain dollars and quarters, I would think experience would count there, too. So what is it we think these people do? Just grow hundred dollar bills, like an old man growing hair in his nose & ears?

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

These People Are in Charge!

Friday, February 6th, 2009

…and there’s gonna be some changes around here!

Did you just feel that wave of hopey-changey just now? I felt it!

Stimulus Watch

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Senate version worse than the House version?

Based on economic and legal analysis, the authors conclude that the Buy American provisions would violate US trade obligations and damage the United States’ reputation, with very little impact on US jobs. They estimate that the additional US steel production fostered by the Buy American provisions will amount to around 0.5 million metric tons. This in turn translates into a gain in steel industry employment equal to roughly 1,000 jobs. The job impact is small because steel is very capital intensive. In the giant US economy, with a labor force of roughly 140 million people, 1,000 jobs more or less is a rounding error. On balance the Buy American provisions could well cost jobs if other countries emulate US policies or retaliate against them. Most importantly, the Buy American provisions contradict the G-20 commitment not to implement new protectionist measures–a commitment that was designed to forestall a rush of “beggar-thy-neighbor” policies.

Now, I thought this was a new era in which America would be earning all kinds of respect from her “allies” and her “neighbors” by not going around being “arrogant” and thinking she was all that & a bag o’chips. That whole humble-humble-humble argument, again.

We had a debate last year about whether people respect those who stand for nothing, and just work like the dickens at being luuuuved by others. It ended with a dead-even split; history says the suck-ups aren’t liked very well at all, but the American electorate decided America should go ahead and be a suck-up, and surely it’ll work out for the best.

So where’s the sucking-up? Going all isolationist doesn’t seem to have an awful lot to do with those fawning displays of obsequiousness that the “majority” voted in.

Don’t look at me. I’m a big believer in the Syndrome “That’s How It Works” Paradigm.

See? Now you respect me, because I’m a threat. That’s the way it works.

All men, who are honest, believe in the Syndrome Paradigm. That’s because all men were once boys. And in the world of boys, when the girls and grown-ups are gone…Syndrome’s got it nailed, brother. You’re a threat, you get respect — you aren’t, you don’t.

And I see this thing called the “international community” as just one big locker room. I didn’t start seeing that way because I’d been in a locker room — I started seeing things this way after I’d been reading the news for awhile.

But I’m willing to be proven wrong. So prove me wrong. This doesn’t seem like the right way to go about it. In addition to which…if you must so thoroughly screw up domestic things like the economy, and it’s really that unavoidable, I’d like to respectfully request a little more — focus? Don’t go messing up the foreign-relations stuff as well. Obama’s got four years to be our modern Jimmy Carter, and that involves a lot of screwing-up, at home, and abroad.

Those are big shoes to fill, but forty-eight months is a long time. Pace yourself. Baby steps.


Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

He even quotes him at the end.

As John Maynard Keynes said, “In the long run we are all dead.”

I realize economic concepts can’t really be debated…we’d just end up vectoring off to see what the ekspurts say, and then becoming horribly confused when we discover that not all of the ekspurts agree on these things.

But I wonder if there is such a thing as a “shot in the arm” for an economy? Can you do something that would be reckless over a longer term, and see some “pump-priming” benefit in a shorter term — then real quick reach over and shut it off?

…tax cuts can be enacted quickly, but they won’t result in much new spending. Government spending would spur the economy sooner, but it’s hard to ramp up — and even harder to shut down.

What are needed are programs that will stem the decline in jobs, boost spending and restore confidence to consumers and business as quickly as possible. In other words, address the short run needs of the economy.

Seems to me short-term benefits are cosmetic, by definition. The American economy has shown a marked tedency to build up “bubbles”…stock market bubbles, housing bubbles, dot-com bubbles. Things that are blossoming in appearance, but in reality, are ultimately revealed to have had massive invisible sinkholes building under them. We don’t like bubbles. But aren’t they the very picture of “address[ing] short run needs”?

Gods & angels, it seems to me, would be perplexed to be watching us right now. We spent the last year hollering “change is comin’, change is comin’!” Now the change is here. Nobody thought the change had anything to do with allowing business, transactions, hiring, manufacturing, contracting…transpire any more easily or quickly. So yeah, the economy’s in the shitter. That’s exactly where we wanted it to be. An economy is people buying stuff and selling stuff, and we’ve sent an unmistakable signal to the folks who are responsible for doing it, that we’re about to put our government in charge of making it a whole lot tougher. We’ve not yet wavered in that approach.

The economy’s doing precisely what we asked it to do. Why, the Gods-n-angels would wonder, are we so unhappy with it? We sent it a signal and it responded, just like a faithful horse, the kind of horse you’d want to keep for a long time. Why’d we tell it to go where we didn’t want it to go?

With Peeling Removed, How Long Does an Orange Last?

Friday, January 30th, 2009

I agree with Fat in Indiana. It’s like the folks writing this nonsense, don’t want the country to succeed — difficult to see how anyone could deny or question it, and remain intellectually diligent and honest about the matter.

You wanted change. Looks like you’re getting it. Suckers.

Here’s some more change you said you wanted…

Well … at least the Republicans stood fast yesterday in the House. They were joined by several Democrats in opposing this $825 billion government growth bill. Now it’s off to the Senate…I love what House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said yesterday in response to criticism of the government growth plan. “Americans voted for change.” There you go. The Democrat’s answer for every objection to a Democrat atrocity? Does Obama’s focus group created slogan give Democrats a clear field to destroy our free market economy and burden your children and grandchildren with a bill they may never be able to repay? Oh yeah…we did all of this because Americans voted for change. What a jerk. What an asinine and arrogant response to the valid concerns of many Americans.

Just think about this stuff for a minute or two. We imagine this as a discourse between the weak and the strong, who in turn are positioned oppositionally…what benefits one side automatically injures the other side. We imagine it that way not because reality counsels us to, but because the democrat party counsels us to.

Even those who say they are championing the cause of the weak…the voiceless (hah!) weak…acknowledge the weak are dependent on the strong. Hell, they’re the ones making it that way.

Now, how would you destroy a civilized country? I really can’t think of a better way. Make the degenerates dependent on the functional, pump up the ranks of the degenerates to the point where they outnumber the functional, then use those votes to see to it the functional can no longer function.

You couldn’t do this kind of damage to a country in an entire century — overthrowing Saddam Hussein over and over again, every five years.

The 2003 Tax Cuts Worked

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Read up.

You shouldn’t have been wondering about it anyway. Republicans and capital-L Libertarians agree on it (and where those two agree, you’ll notice, nobody else is really arguing, they’re just rushing to change the subject): You want less of something, you tax it. You want more of something, subsidize it.

If we were to tax income at a hundred percent, the revenues from such a tax would be next to nothing. We don’t need to start doing it to find out for sure, do we. It’s something that simply is. If you have zero tax receipts at zero percent, and zero tax receipts at a hundred percent…there is a Laffer Curve. There is. Stop wondering about it. Stop deliberating. Some things are simple.

The only question that remains is whether we’re past the apex of the Laffer Curve. Well, after you descend past a certain depth in the House of Eratosthenes BOHICA Cycle, and California and the nation are certainly past that critical event horizon…it’s time to reckon you’re probably past the apex of the Laffer Curve. If the 2003 tax cuts worked, then that is further evidence.

Hat tip: Boortz.

State Deficits Looking Bad, Bad, Bad

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Government spending! It’s what’s in style! Our problems are so bad, that nothing else will do.

But it doesn’t seem to work well (in addition to, maybe, just maybe, that’s the cause of the problems)…

State and local governments are facing even greater budget deficits than were expected a few months ago, according to a new study released Monday by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

GAO estimates that state and local governments will face a cumulative operating deficit of $131 billion in 2009. Deficits are set to mount in 2010, with the GAO predicting a cumulative deficit that year of $181 billion.

“The current results represent a significant deterioration from our November 2008 update,” according to a GAO letter to Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). “In November, our model depicted an operating deficit in the $100-$200 billion range.”

But the Golden State is looking better than average, right? Right?

Oh, dear

Golf course owners and some of their customers are teed off at Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. So are veterinarians, auto mechanics and amusement park operators.

Their anger is directed at the Republican governor’s proposal to extend the state sales tax to cover more services, an idea that has surfaced in other states as they race to plug crippling budget deficits. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a research clearinghouse, predicts such deficits nationwide could reach $350 billion by 2011.

In California, Schwarzenegger wants to help close a nearly $42 billion budget deficit by taxing rounds of golf, auto repairs, veterinary care, amusement park and sporting event admissions and appliance and furniture repairs.

Democratic Gov. David Paterson in New York has proposed levies on MP3 downloads, taxi rides, movies, concerts, sporting events, and personal services such as haircuts, manicures and massages.

Best-comment-award in that thread, goes to Thomas Paine (#8) —

One of the dirty little secrets of social welfare agencies is that they are under NO incentive to reign in the number of people or the scope of services that they provide. You have a classic positive feedback loop. The more people on the dole, the more kids with an ADD diagnosis, the more illegals they can give a Medicaid Tax ID number to so they can get free medical care for life, and the more crackheads who can get signed up for SSI benefits, the more social workers get hired, with larger and larger budgets.

And don’t forget the biggest scam of all: if you’re pregnant, you come to the good ol’ USA illegally, get free prenatal care, get your baby delivered for free, and to top it all off, your baby is set for life with guaranteed Social Security benefits! Then you, your spouse and all of your relatives apply for citizenship to help with raising your baby, and YOU ALL can get benefits, too!

There are PLENTY of goodies to go around, ,even for older kids who missed out on citizenship. Just come to America and get free K-through-12 education! And when it’s time for college, don’t worry. The liberal legislators of many states allow you to get the lower in-state tuition rate! To think, not even an American citizen war veteran from the next state can qualify to get the same perk for his or her kids!

You don’t even have to be smart to figure this out. You just need a decent memory.

You get to wallow hip-deep, shoulders-deep, neck-deep, in news about how bad your state’s treasury is doing. Budgets late, state workers furloughed, deficits forecast…

…and then you read some more news about your government spending money to make sure people who are eligible for a program, know about their eligibility, so they can cost the state some more money. Yeah. Just like the way you balance your household budget. Spend money to spend money. Of course you’re doing something like that, right? When you have more outgo than income? You call the phone company or cable company and complain they forgot to include a past-due balance in your bill?

Alarm bells ought to be going off. There’s something wrong with you if they aren’t.

Slashee Slashee

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

Poor Britons. Looks like this is my day to pick on ’em. I don’t mean for things to be that way…I didn’t make ’em that way…they did.

Life in Britain:

A teenager was repeatedly stabbed in front of his 13-year-old brother before dying in his sister’s arms.

Stephen Lewis, 15, was attacked by a gang of youths as he left a charity event aimed at campaigning against youth violence.

The irony… It is KILLING us. Fortunately for us, only in a figurative sense. Poor Stephen was not so lucky. He died as a victim of “sensible gun laws” etc. etc. etc., all aimed at rendering the subjects of the socialist nanny state utterly helpless in the face of vicious predators. And we’re not just talking about their own government here.

That link goes to Rachel Lucas, who has two other stories to go with this one. Equally disgusting.

Tea. Crates. Ships. Boston Harbor. Ker-SPLOOSH.

Obligation of Carry

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

I haven’t watched all 17 minutes yet, and don’t have the time. Just wanted to bookmark it. Yeah, I’m an “Obama-Age Gun Buyer.” We’re looking seriously at some 9mm. Neighborhood’s okay, but the comments about police response definitely apply…at least, if traffic is any indication, and I think it is. People drive however they want, not a cop to be found anywhere. So we’ll be getting some protection while we still can.

Hat tip: Odecko.

House of Eratosthenes BOHICA Cycle

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

BOHICA…at work, in California. Yay!!

While it has the sixth highest tax burden in the nation, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, California is facing a breathtaking $40 billion budget deficit this year. This comes on the heels of a decade-long spending spree. Last year the state budget was $131 billion, up from $56 billion in 1998.

Citizens are burdened by all manner of state regulations. To mention just one example, this year a new law enacted by ballot initiative bans cages chicken farmers use on the grounds that it is inhuman to put birds in cages that prevent them from spreading their wings. Complying with the new law will cost farmers hundreds of millions of dollars, which will force many to leave the state. And that will force us to buy our eggs from other states and, possibly, others nations, such as Mexico.

And just as a fallen tree can divert the flow of water in a creek, bad economic policies divert the flow of investment. Entrepreneurs and investors, seeking the path of least resistance, leave when it becomes easier to make a living in more business-friendly states. In 2000, according to the state’s Department of Finance, about 150,000 people moved into California. But in the years that followed the in-migration slowed, and in 2005 it reversed, when a net 52,000 people moved out. In 2008, the outflow topped 135,000 people.

Consequently, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming all have unemployment rates around 5% at a time when California is suffering an unemployment rate of 9%. Californians are moving east and creating jobs in their new home states.

And…the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round, ’round and ’round. Our treasury is awash in red ink, and there aren’t too many folks left who can be taxed. Better raise those rates.

Over the weekend I had made some observations — actually, I had observed what someone else observed — regarding Atlas Shrugged coming true.

Politicians invariably respond to crises — that in most cases they themselves created — by spawning new government programs, laws and regulations. These, in turn, generate more havoc and poverty, which inspires the politicians to create more programs…and the downward spiral repeats itself…

You know, it’s often said that as California goes, so goes the rest of the nation, and it’s true here. We’re several loops ahead in this silly downward cycle. Same stupid things being said: “In times like these…” “The money’s gotta come from somewhere, and it can’t come from anywhere else…” “They’re millionaires, they can afford it.”

BOHICA, the acronym? Just go Google it.

Massachusetts’ Universal Coverage Law

Monday, January 12th, 2009

Yay! His Holiness is about to take up residence in the White House, where He belongs, and He’s going to start guiding us…especially with regard to requiring us all to get health insurance. With His friendly Congress already seated, it’s a sure thing. Universal health insurance is on the way!

We’re gonna be doing it just like they do it in Massachusetts already…

Small businesses with more than 10 employees were required to provide health insurance or pay an extra fee to subsidize uninsured low-income residents, yet the overall costs of the program increased more than $400 million — 85 percent higher than original projections. To make up the difference, payments to health care providers were slashed, so many doctors and dentists in Massachusetts began refusing to take on new patients. In the state with the highest physician/patient ratio in the nation, some people now have to wait more than a year for a simple physical exam.

The irony is that Massachusetts officials reluctantly admitted that, despite increased enrollment, the state is still far from universal coverage — the original goal of the landmark law. To make matters worse, Massachusetts is grappling with a multibillion-dollar deficit while Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick desperately tries to slow down those still-spiraling health care costs, which he said last week were “not sustainable.”

Don Surber delivers the highlights…

The D.C. Examiner examined it after 2 years and found:

1. Subsidies cost $400 million — 85 percent higher than original projections.

2. Premiums that are double the national average (they were already high).

3. Slashed reimbursements which led to…

4. …doctors and dentists refusing to take new patients.

The Examiner noted: “In the state with the highest physician/patient ratio in the nation, some people now have to wait more than a year for a simple physical exam.”

This is just like any other issue. The liberal looks at exciting, good-feeling things like safety, security, new programs, bad things never happenin’ ever again, and making everybody the same, same, same. The conservative looks at boring things like cause-and-effect, historical precedent, and human nature. Mister Average Voter sends his votes wherever Oprah Winfrey tells him to, and we end up doing things the liberal way. Even with a Republican Governor at the helm. Common sense is out; feelin’ good is in.

Then it becomes much more expensive to employ anybody, and the people who are employed, are forced to blow their paychecks on things that should cost one-fifth as much, now that everybody’s required to do everything.

Which they don’t do.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Is His Holiness really going to be forcing us into something like this? Not only with regard to health care, but all other issues with regard to government, services, taxes and subsidies, across the board?

Count on it

Remember what I, and others, said about Atlas Shrugged coming true? Sacrifice for the Greater Good, here we come.

Hat tip to Gateway Pundit and Maggie’s Farm.

No Respect for Homemakers

Friday, January 9th, 2009

Ah, I like BlueCanary for her candor. Be sure and save this for the next time someone doubts the existence of a “homosexual agenda to destroy homes.” I’m sure some of their bedfellows really do care about individual rights and freedoms. I’m reasonably sure the homosexual-agenda isn’t even the predominant view, among Prop-8 opponents.

But boy howdee, friends and neighbors, it is out there. It is definitely out there. Something about a man and a woman declaring their love for each other and living together happily, just rubs ’em the wrong way.

The subject under discussion is a Google Maps “mash-up” with Prop 8 donors. Yeah. That’s so you can find the name, occupation and location of anybody in the San Francisco area who donated money for Proposition 8, which passed successfully on November 4, defining marriage in the State of California as a union between a man and a woman.


Ugh, lots of “homemakers” donated. I didn’t know it was possible to respect such people less than I already do, but yes, yes it is.


What’s wrong with “homemakers?”


I have no respect for anyone who surrenders their financial independence/employability to another person in the hope they won’t be in the 50% of marriages that end in divorce.


bitter much?

let the nannies raise the kids!

i’ll get you my pretty … and you’re little dog, too!


I agree–I think we can safely say that at least 100% of homemakers have no interests other than getting fat and mooching. I definitely think that they certainly wouldn’t be involved with volunteering or creative pursuits, and people who might choose to stay at home with their kids are easily worthy of scorn and hate.

Nothing counters bigotry like a little more bigotry!


wait, what?
I have no respect for anyone who surrenders their financial independence/employability to another person

Not everyone needs to be monetarily directed, nor would I want to live a society in which everyone was.


It has nothing to do with monetarily directed. It has to do with being able to support yourself and your children should your spouse decide to leave you/gets hit by a MUNI bus. It is reckless and foolish to gamble with something as vital as your security. Period.

I didn’t say I hate these people. I said I don’t respect them. But feel free to flame away because I voice an unpopular opinion.

I’m not gonna flame at all. I think it’s wonderful she spoke up and made her feelings known.

One thing though.

How is she so sure that when gay marriage was briefly legal, and by default recognized, in the State of California, at least some of the homosexuals weren’t “surrender[ing] their financial independence/employability to another person in the hope they won’t be in the 50% of marriages that end in divorce”? Does sexual preference have some kind of bearing on such a deplorable phenomenon? I don’t recall anyone stepping forward to say so. I don’t recall any evidence of such a thing.

I wonder if she does.

Tons of Guns

Monday, January 5th, 2009

…in North Dakota, but few, or no, murders.

North Dakota experienced only two murders in 2008. Both were stabbings. Not a single firearm murder in the state. Meanwhile, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership has ranked North Dakota 44 out of 50 in gun control.

Update: Similar trend in gun-friendly New Hampshire:

Two murders non-justifiable homicides (10% of all homicides) committed with a gun in the entire state of New Hampshire (population 1.32 million).

Hat tip: Inst.

Ban All Guns

Wednesday, December 31st, 2008

He certainly does seem sure of himself.

The Founding Fathers of our country made a mistake when they said we had the right to bear arms. They did not know we would be allies with the British and no longer have to worry about them coming over to oppress and colonize us. The British found greater spoils in Africa and India and never looked back on the United States after the Revolutionary War.

The right to bear arms is killing all of us. In 2005 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported 3,006 children and teens killed by gunfire, most of them young, black men in inner-city neighborhoods. And CNN reported yesterday that black-on-black murder of young black men is up 40 percent from last year. The harder the times get, the higher these statistics will go.

Do people really not recognize the danger involved in this mindset, that when times get tough we should expect people to kill each other because it’s only natural, like perspiring on a hot day?

Hat tip to Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.

Thing I Know #252. If there are some rich people who steal, and there are some poor people who don’t, then you can’t justify or explain crime with a bad economy.

Memo For File LXXIV

Thursday, September 18th, 2008

Quoting myself over at Cassy’s place, as usual, nurturing my bad software-developer’s habit of leaving absolutely nothing unsaid. The subject is this weird article written up by some asshole by the name of Nicholas Provenzo, who is “troubled by…[Gov. Palin]’s decision to knowingly give birth to a child disabled with Down syndrome.”

I do not know how Mr. Provenzo feels about other issues we are debating hotly, nor do I very much care. For he is in some very impressive company on the “should’ve aborted Trig” platform, and that platform splices into some other platforms in a way that can no longer be denied by anyone honestly studying the polling and demographics. Elaborating further, I radiate my wisdom thusly…

It’s really damned peculiar when you start looking at other issues: The people who support these kinds of eugenics — that’s exactly what this guy is talking about — are the same ones who are constantly working at making people as expensive as possible, once they are here.

The minimum wage has to be automatically boosted. Everything’s gotta be a union shop. The “workers” deserve more vacation time, more medical benefits. Welfare benefits aren’t extended enough. You have the RIGHT…to family and medical leave, to sue your employer for looking at you funny, to sue him for not firing someone else who looked at you funny, to sue that guy who owns the house you were breaking into when you hurt yourself, to inspect the coins jingling around in your pocket and not see those horrible letters G, O, D.

Wouldn’t it be more logical if we were divided according to — make this enormous smorgasbord of rights available to every baby from the moment of conception…versus…people cost too much, so let’s cut these rights to the bone *and* institute a draconian code of eugenics. That kind of a divide would make a lot more sense. But instead, it’s flip-flopped. And these lefties are all twisty like a Mobeus strip; they say you have this enormous buffet of “rights” legislated in, a handful at a time, in response to random populist rage. But only if you make it across that vaginal finish line. Until then, you don’t get your vacation time, you don’t get annual bonuses, you don’t get the Bill of Rights, you don’t get to live and you aren’t even entitled to a humane demise…because you don’t exist.

It’s like they know. Their enormous accumulations of artificial “rights” are so expensive, that after awhile they can only be afforded if strict controls are put in place regarding who’s entitled to live in the precious utopia they’re trying to construct. Abortion is like the turnstyle to their precious little domed city.

It fascinates me endlessly that the same people who want the tree we call “humanity” to suck away at water and nutrients at an excessive rate through this exploding nanny-state, are the same people who want said vegetation…properly trimmed. Quality over quantity. There has to be something tying these oppositional motivations together. And they themselves cannot explain what it is, so it has to be something psychological.

Update: Provenzo himself replies, again, over at Cassy’s place. He says we’ve misstated his position — but then, every time he refers to the situation at hand, he’s careful to couch it in terms of a woman who would choose to abort the baby, and is perhaps about to be forced to carry it to term by some thuggish masculine martinet.

As a mother, Gov. Sarah Palin chose to carry Trig to term. This is not only the point Cassy was trying to make — although it is that — it renders Mr. Provenzo’s various summaries of the situation utterly invalid.

Provenzo clarifies himself in this follow-up:

In affirming a woman’s absolute right to abort an unwanted fetus, it seems I have triggered the wrath of the anti-abortion lynch mob if the recent death threats in my inbox are any indication. Such is life when confronting the morally ignorant with their irrationality, yet all their “pro-life” death threats aside, the fact remains: a woman has the unqualified moral right to abort a fetus she carries inside her in accordance with her own judgment.

What is the basis for this claim? What facts of reality demand that a woman enjoy the freedom to exercise her discretion in such a manner? At root, it is the simple fact that until the fetus is born and exists as a separate, physically independent human entity, the fetus is potential life and the actual life of the woman grants her interests and wishes primacy. As an acorn is not the same thing as an oak tree, a fetus is not the same thing as an independent human being. In the case of the fetus, its location matters: inside the woman and attached to her via the umbilical cord, its position in relation to the woman subordinates its status to her wishes; outside the woman, welcome to life in the human race.

But why is biological independence the defining factor of personhood in both morality and under the law? Why isn’t it the moment of conception, or the first instance of fetal heartbeat, or the first instance of fetal brain wave activity (just to name a few of the benchmarks often put forward by anti-abortion activists)? Again, it is the nature of the direct physical connection between the fetus and the mother. Physically attached to a woman in the manner a fetus is, the woman’s right to regulate the processes of her own body is controlling. Unattached and physically independent, the fetus is thus transformed; it is a person no different from anyone else and enjoys all the individual rights of personhood.

Needless, to say, this truth offends the sensibilities of some. They cannot fathom that something like the physical presence of the fetus inside a woman grants a woman power to control it as she controls the affairs of her own body. In a more just world, such people would simply choose not to have abortions, which is their every right. And leave it at that. Yet justice is not the aim of the anti-abortion mob. They simply seek to sacrifice unwilling women upon their altar of the unborn, reducing a woman to a mere birthing vessel the second a fetus exists in her body.

Here’s the flaw with Provenzo’s argument: It depends on the breezy conflation with moral sensibilities and facts. Now granted, perhaps he is so conflating so that he can stand atop the dais of intellectual superiority over his antagonists, as well as ethical superiority. It seems his ego gets a great charge when he does this. But it’s quite a simple truth that the two concepts he is so conflating, are quite different, so the conflation is a rather egregious abuse of logic and common sense.

Whatever you might make of the matter at hand — whether the mother’s right to choose supersedes the right of the “fetus” to live, or the right of the baby to live supersedes momma’s right to choose — this is a conclusion you have drawn, and it’s not a conclusion solely of logic. In using words like “truth” and “fact” Provenzo is essentially confessing to not sticking to the plane of reality and common sense, but rather departing from it. He’s arrived at his own moral code, and as icing on the cake has insisted, with no rational justification whatsoever, that whoever doesn’t agree with him is in possession of an inferior command of the facts.

Additionally, Provenzo has outlined his argument as the very definition of an invalid logical shortcut. It boils down to “babies are not babies until they have matured to the point they can exist outside of the mother; it is so, for I have decide that it is.” It’s fine fodder for those who already agree with Provenzo, who sympathize with him in the desire to feel superior to those who disagree! But it fails the most rudimentary test of a logical argument, for it isn’t even a compelling one. It has absolutely zero potential for winning reasoned converts.

There are a lot of people running around with this idea in their heads. I think what’s going on, is they’re just starting to understand why the Declaration of Independence was written the way it was; they’re just barely grasping the concept that rights can come from something, and of necessity, must come from something. They understand people can have “rights” that may offend those around them.

But they don’t know where to take that thought, because they won’t permit themselve to think of a Higher Power to whom the human race is accountable. That would interfere, you see, with this sacrosanct Right To Choose. I’ve hit on a favorite way to trip them up, and so far, not a single one of them has found a way out of the netting, in spite of their much self-professed intellectual horsepower.

It’s a simple question.

If a woman has an absolute right to abort a pregnancy at any instant in the term, and it’s non-negotiable, but some “mistaken” referendum pops up on my ballot in November that would criminalize abortions, do I have the “right” to vote yes on such a bill?

They don’t know how to answer that. About the most coherent answer I’ve ever gotten to that one is “yes, provided it doesn’t actually pass” or some such…yeah, you got it. At some point I have to stop challenging them, because I’m not sure their brains can think on this too long without melting down.

But the lesson here is, rights have to come from someplace. That’s how God does, after all, get involved in politics. If rights just come from people because there’s no God…then our rights are simply products of self-important snots like Nicholas Provenzo, jotting down words that say “this person has a right to do this, that person has a right to do that.” And this is the opinion of — whom, exactly? Provenzo? A majority? A minority that should be a majority? How long do we have these rights? Forever? Until next week? Until someone gets really, really grumpy and upset that these people have these rights? Until it costs someone some money?

It’s a fair question to ask. Because rights aren’t really rights, if you can only hang onto them so long as it makes someone happy that you’ve got ’em.

Perhaps, in the sitaution where a “fetus” continues living only in contravention to the wishes of the mother, what we are seeing is the very most emotionally jarring test possible of these things we call “rights,” and that attribute they have of enduring against the desires of others. And some of us have what it takes to continue a rational discussion past the point of realizing this, while some others do not.

Update: Cassy Fiano responds to Nick.

Nick’s argument seems to be that all he was saying is that it’s a legitimate choice to abort a child with severe retardation. But poor Nick seems to forget that we can still access what he wrote. And that wasn’t his argument. His argument was never simply about whether or not a woman had the right to choose. Nick’s original argument was that it was morally wrong and selfish for a woman to carry a disabled child to term, not to mention sheer disgust and condescension towards people with disabilities. You can see him saying that here:

Given that Palin’s decision is being celebrated in some quarters, it is crucial to reaffirm the morality of aborting a fetus diagnosed with Down syndrome (or by extension, any unborn fetus)—a freedom that anti-abortion advocates seek to deny.

And there’s more. You should go read it all, really. I can’t do it justice.

Cassy lives in a somewhat different world from me. This “what the liberal meant to say” stuff requires empathy, something I don’t have. So when I say “nurturing my bad software-developer’s habit of leaving absolutely nothing unsaid,” I mean leaving nothing unsaid regarding the subject at hand, according to the text of what the offender (Nicholas) actually wrote. Being empathy-challenged I’m unable to engage in a discourse about what he meant to say, should he so challenge…and, obviously, that is his game. “I never meant that.” Having talent in this area that I lack, Cassy is ready, willing and able to nail his ass to the wall.

I live in a universe that is much more about cause and effect. Nicholas’ argument boils down to one of — as I’ve said — “this right exists because I have decided that it exists.” It is the ultimate weak argument, because it is the ultimate non-argument; it purports to prove exactly what it presumes.

Without being able to empathize with Mr. Provenzo, however, I do believe I can define exactly where he has confused himself. When he says “inside the woman and attached to her via the umbilical cord, its position in relation to the woman subordinates its status to her wishes,” he is not so much stating a fact or a conclusion of sound logic, as announcing a personal value system for the purpose of accumulating a fellowship. If you agree, he’s ready to be your friend, if not, then move on.

That’s not truth. That’s not fact. It’s a belief, nothing more and nothing less.

No, in my world when we debate “rights,” we discuss the ramifications from all sides. Once a right is proposed for a specific class, obviously there is an interest held by the membership of that class in having the right. If there is a debate about the right at all, there’s probably another class that has an interest in the right not being granted. Here’s a great example — freedom of speech. I can think of all kinds of speech I’d like to have suppressed. What speech Mr. Provenzo would like suppressed, should be obvious. But if society is to work that way, it has to be a society with regulated speech. We sit down and vote on who gets to decide what, and whoever is in the minority has to just lump it and shut up.

You have the right not to be beaten up, and not to be killed. This is uncontested (or mostly so). Does that mean it’s impossible to find someone who would have an interest in you not having this right? Ah, no. Normal people, every week if not every day, feel that irrational impulse to clock somebody now and then. But we respect the rights of people not to be abused, not because that is the law, but because intelligent people know that’s what is needed to have even the beginnings of a civilized society.

Here we come to the central handicap of Provenzo’s argument(s). Most rights are accorded after some deliberation regarding whose desires are going to be thwarted. Provenzo sidesteps this deliberation and debate with the prized tactic of the forensically weak: You identify whoever would have an interest in not-granting the right Provenzo wants granted, and you define them out of existence.

In the 1700’s, the “negro” didn’t count.

In the 1800’s, the “injuns” didn’t count.

Post-Roe-v.-Wade, the “fetus” doesn’t count. It’s not a person. It’s tissue. Just like the people with black and red skin in centuries past…they didn’t count.

Provenzo’s argument(s): It sounds good, to a significant number of people, to say this stuff. Therefore, it must be so.

We do not want rights decided this way. In my cause-and-effect universe, if that’s the way they are parceled out then none of us really have ’em.

Update 9/20/08: This radio interview is a good one, by no means a softball session. Provenzo is confused, he says, about why he is being criticized. If he’s sincere in this, then he possesses a stunning apathy and ignorance about the concept of “choice,” such that I find it surprising he’d choose to write an article that’s supposed to be all about this.

The point of the opening line in the first essay, was to criticize a choice someone made. The opening line. Contextless. I really don’t see what else has to be deliberated about it, or why Provenzo finds it appealing to spin it the way he’s trying to.

Good interview. I recommend a listen or two…although it didn’t change my mind much.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.