Archive for July, 2009

Girl, Texting, Falls Into Manhole

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

It takes two to make a situation like this. The dimwit who left the hole unattended, and the dimwit who fell into it.

I’m reasonably sure the dimwit who fell in will see things fifty-percent my way. She’s the one with the microphone shoved into her face, so it’s not exactly a mind-reading exercise:

It was an accident waiting to happen — an open sewer and a 15-year-old girl who was texting while she walked.

Alexa Longueira, a high school sophomore, was walking along Victory Boulevard near Travis Avenue on Staten Island Wednesday evening when she felt the earth move and was plunged into smelly darkness.

She said the manhole she fell in to was left open and unattended with no warning signs or orange cones. She said two workers with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection failed to secure the area as they prepared to flush the sewer.

“It was just really gross and it was shocking and scary,” she said. “Because of their careless mistake I got hurt.”

Yeah, sweet-pea…their careless mistake, and something else.

Are you paying attention? We’re in the process of building a world tailor-made for twits like this. You think that’s going to be some kind of paradise? Seriously?

You’re Missing a Lot, If You’re Missing…

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

…the thread that opened up when Kevin Baker, over at longtime sidebar resource The Smallest Minority, quoted Yours Truly on the subject of liberals using their I’m-so-offended, you’re-an-obsessed-right-winger, whiny-butt, Lucy-yanking-the-football-away tactic of suddenly declaring they have no belly for the very discussions they wanted to start in the first place.

First some background: I really like Kevin’s site, because it places a great deal of emphasis on gun rights — almost to such an extent that the casual observer could be forgiven for thinking he’s a one-trick pony. But that isn’t really all his site is about. His site’s about all the schools-of-thought that go with the gun rights. You can have the finest emergency services known to God and man, really, and still the job of protecting yourself and your family is as personal as wiping your ass. Know why that is? Because bureaucrats — even cops — work according to rules and not according to outcome. Those are two different things. Two masters. No man may serve both.

You can see that this concerns a whole way of looking at life, at responsibilities. And that is what Kevin’s site is about, as I see it.

Anyway, after pissing off yet another left-wing friend…which means I got her to chirp out yet another bunch of tiresome cliches, to wit, “you’re obsessed and you’re just chewing this thing to death,” “you’re so intimidating,” “I’m so scared,” “looks like I hit a nerve,” “I don’t like to discuss politics (on second thought),” et cetera, you get the idea…I went and jotted down my thoughts. And Kevin linked them.

Quote of the Day

And this one’s not from John Taylor Gatto’s The Underground History of American Education for a change:

I understand good manners involve one side acting completely guilty and the other side acting completely innocent. I understand the protocol expected is for the righty-tighty to leap, chest-downward, on the grenade. I understand the expectation is to repeat the scene where Tom Sawyer gets the whipping so Becky whats-her-name’s glorious butt cheeks remain unscathed. I get all that.

I’m just tired of doing it. It comes down to something very simple. ONLY LIBERALS CAN PRESENT “FACTS” WITHOUT BECOMING EVIL. — House of Eratosthenes, “Tired of the Charade, Pretending it’s My Problem”

The topic was economics rather than guns and gun laws, but the principle is precisely the same. Some more:

I’m tired of ignoring the elephant in the room, and the elephant in the room is this: The abrasive thing I did was to present factual evidence incompatible with the desirable trope. I presented some hard numbers that would compel a newcomer to at least remain open to an alternative point of view. That was my infraction. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise. Did I mention how tired I am of it?

Looking back on it, I could have shortened the whole thing.

Liberals can present…emotional tirades. And when they do, you should listen. It’s from the heart after all. You wouldn’t want to be an insensitive bastard, would you?

Liberals can present…cherry picked statistics and other data. And when they do, you should listen. You don’t want to be some kind of ignoramus who thinks cavemen used dinosaurs as beasts of burden, do you?

When a non-liberal — not a conservative, but a libertarian, an anarchist, a middle-o-roader, a secular humanist, anyone who is not a wild-eyed hard-core lefty-loosey liberal — offers an expression of emotion, that person is out of his fucking gourd. He’s lost his composure, he’s angry, he’s upset, he hasn’t gotten over losing the election, he’s a racist pig, he’s a prick, he’s insecure in his masculinity, he’s hateful, he’s threatening.

And when non-liberals present statistics and other data, that’s treated the same way as when they offer expressions of emotion. Ah…that’s when the tiresome cliches all come out…sorry, I think this discussion has gone too far. Things are getting too heated. Look, we’re not going to agree on this. You can’t discuss politics any-old-place. Oh dear, I think I hit a nerve. You’re losing it. Why are you so angry? You need to get over losing the election!

Once you’re aware of this, it is stunning how little time can pass between “let’s have a civilized, rational exchange of ideas” and “oh my goodness, you’re brow-beating me, I don’t like to argue politics after all.” From the same person. The quickest time I’ve seen is about 45 seconds. That’s what my essay is all about — let’s stop treating these little outbursts as sincere ideas. They aren’t. They are cliches the liberals whimper out when they sense they have been cornered.

They are ways to make the liberals’ problems look like someone else’s problems. Period.

Anyway, I guess Kevin’s been having this long-standing “debate” of sorts with some smarmy stiff-assed Brit about gun control. And if you’re looking for the anti-gun guy to say “I really respect your intellect and the initiative you’ve taken to educate yourself on this matter, but your arguments simply don’t convince me,” you’re going to be disappointed YET AGAIN. Nope. Being properly anti-gun, means you have to think everyone pro-gun is a blithering idiot. And that’s what Kevin’s antagonist, James, did.

Ah, but then James pulled out the card: You’re taking this too far! Let it go!

Kevin, do you ever give it a rest, man? I pointed out to you a number of times that you resorted to emotion far more often than I did in our debate (your inverted commas were fully justified, by the way) – most notably with your cynical juxtaposition of a picture of a horrifically-injured woman with words to the effect of “this is what James Kelly regards as mere ‘bumps and bruises'”. You also resorted to anger (an emotion, I believe) when I pointed out the blindingly obvious fact that the mass-murderer Thomas Hamilton simply would not have been able to kill as many children as he did in the time he did with almost any other weapon or implement. Given the importance you attach to the distinction between ‘data’ and ’emotion’, one can only conclude that you resorted to emotion on so many occasions because your ‘data’ (ie. voodoo statistics) simply wasn’t strong enough.

I also on two separate occasions directed the readers of my blog to a website setting out a barrage of anti-gun facts and statistics that could go toe-to-toe with the contents of your epic dissertations any day of the week. I simply didn’t need to replicate all of that, and I wasn’t interested in that sort of discussion. There was nothing in your honeyed debate invitation to me that would have suggested you had any problem with that – indeed you told me “it’s about the PHILOSOPHY, James”. If it needs to be pointed out, there’s quite a big distinction between philosophy and ‘data’. Except, it seems, in the worlds of Kevin Baker and Karl Marx, who both believe(d) their philosophies are literally provable beyond any doubt. In which case, I stand by what I said – if you’re the one claiming to deal in cast-iron ‘facts’, the burden of proof for you is that much higher.

I wish you luck in finding a willing ‘bull’ for your next gladiatorial encounter. I get the impression that for you it’s like sex – there comes a point when it’s just been too long.

I think most of us, if not all of us, who have deigned to argue with liberals have more than a passing familiarity with this. We are like savage pit bulls who’ve tasted blood and we never know when to let anything go. It’s like sex, there comes a point when it’s just been too long. They, on the other hand, are models of decorum and restraint. If they’re tired of the argument, that means it’s time to get tired of the argument. They’re the adults, we’re the children.

What a damning indictment that is against them. When they want to look like adults, they have to use indoctrination to do it.

I couldn’t believe this was all growing out of a discussion about my stuff…and here was this Cockney bastard pretty much proving every single word I said. Naturally I kept my silence about it, since I’m so restrained and so mature.

Erm, no I’m not, no I’m not, and no I didn’t

Mr. Kelly,

As the author of the original piece, I find it fascinating you’ve led us all around full circle right back to the very social phenomenon that inspired my comments in the first place. Poor guy, Kevin just pummeled you into liquid form and then pummeled you some more. Meanwhile, it’s a matter of record that the two of you engaged in quite an extended debate about ground rules for the exchange you were about to have, that this goes well beyond documenting mutual agreement that the exchange was to take place.

Same shit, different day, folks. Someone who is opposed to freedom, wants to debate the merits of both points-of-view — until, at the drop of a hat, suddenly they don’t. And it’s the other guy’s problem of course.

Except now, a growing number of us are becoming, or have become, tired of pretending it’s our problem when it isn’t. We’re not going along with the pretend-exercise anymore. You shouldn’t either.

And that’s why I’ve given up on coming up with rules for conservatives who want to argue with liberals. My rules, nowadays, are for liberals who want to argue with conservatives — they’re the ones behaving inconsistently. And rule number one is that once you want to start scrappin’, you can’t unilaterally decide all of a sudden it’s beneath you and you’re tired of it, just because you’re cornered. You can’t do that. You can’t do that any better than a girl in the third grade wearing a brand new pretty dress, can decide to wrestle in the mud with the boys, and then all of a sudden want out of it with her dress all pretty and clean again.

It don’t work. Of course some liberal men are just third-grade girls on the inside, and think that will somehow fly. That’s because they’re pussies.

“‘Cap And Tax’ Dead End”

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Sarah Palin, writing in the Washington Post today…

There is no shortage of threats to our economy. America’s unemployment rate recently hit its highest mark in more than 25 years and is expected to continue climbing. Worries are widespread that even when the economy finally rebounds, the recovery won’t bring jobs. Our nation’s debt is unsustainable, and the federal government’s reach into the private sector is unprecedented.

Unfortunately, many in the national media would rather focus on the personality-driven political gossip of the day than on the gravity of these challenges. So, at risk of disappointing the chattering class, let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and where my focus will be:

I am deeply concerned about President Obama’s cap-and-trade energy plan, and I believe it is an enormous threat to our economy. It would undermine our recovery over the short term and would inflict permanent damage.

American prosperity has always been driven by the steady supply of abundant, affordable energy. Particularly in Alaska, we understand the inherent link between energy and prosperity, energy and opportunity, and energy and security. Consequently, many of us in this huge, energy-rich state recognize that the president’s cap-and-trade energy tax would adversely affect every aspect of the U.S. economy.

There is no denying that as the world becomes more industrialized, we need to reform our energy policy and become less dependent on foreign energy sources. But the answer doesn’t lie in making energy scarcer and more expensive! Those who understand the issue know we can meet our energy needs and environmental challenges without destroying America’s economy.

I’m giving it two-to-one odds that this gets bottled up in the Senate. There is even a possibility, albeit a statistically negligible one, that the Senate passes it but President Obama decides He doesn’t have the stomach to sign off on it given what’s going on, and the political repercussions over the long term.

See, this notion that the hardcore environmentalist measures might do harm to the economy…it is no longer an extremist right-wing nutjob talking point. A year ago, maybe it was. Now, it’s middle-of-the-road stuff. Pain will do that. Pain makes people aware of things. People don’t want to ignore things when pain is involved.

That means there’s a one outta three shot this will become law, though. That’s way too high for my sense of comfort.

I’m from California, so if it’s worth my time to write to my senators, it’s worth everybody else’s time to do the same…and it might help to get the word out to those “moderate” friends of yours. People are in the mood for spooky tales of crumbling ice floes, drowning polar bears, and other signs of Armageddon? Try this: Thirteen dollar gallons of milk, nine dollar gallons of gas, ten dollars for a box of cereal, three to six hundred dollars for your kid’s next pair of shoes.

You need energy to create, package, transport and market all that stuff. You have to emit carbon to buy and sell them. And apologizing for your very existence is an expensive proposition.

Don’t worry, it won’t affect everything you do. Just the things that require energy.

These Pussy Betas Are Killing the Country

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Ding ding ding! Blogsister Daphne takes the prize among all the blogger friends, for updating her sidebar link to our new location first…assuming there’s nobody out there who made the change even quicker, someone I haven’t found quite yet. Thanks Daph! You get a double-dose of linky love, and tonight you’re well worth it.

She’s thinking about eugenics, not from out of your history books, but in the very near future:

It’s too hot do anything more demanding than drink ice cold beer and wonder at the mind bending folly of liberals. I’ve attempted to understand their worldview, mark some sane tatter of rationale for the thought processes that would endorse one John Holdren as our president’s Science Czar. This man has some seriously disturbing views on population control. The whole czar thing is creepy to begin with, populating these pet posts with people of this weird caliber is more than a little troubling.

“If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility—just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns—providing they are not denied equal protection.”

Obama’s okay with this viewpoint? How about this ripe nugget;

“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”

I’m assuming liberals are fine with this scunty prick’s historical opinion, which just so happens to stomp all over the inviolate rights of women’s bodies and reproductive choices…I will never comprehend an individual’s willing subservience to the state. Never. We have too many grown men pining for the safety of momma’s tit and a handful who’d love to control the milk.

I believe women need to start raising more alpha males, these pussy betas are going kill the country.

Time to bring out our favorite Robert A. Heinlein quote. With my custom dessert topping to go with it:

Heinlein’s Observation: The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

Freeberg’s Corollary: Those who want to control tend to want, on some subconscious level, to be controlled; those who lack the desire to be controlled, are similarly disinterested in any opportunity to control others.

What can be more controlling than forcing people to languish away into obscurity and the grave, without benefit of reproduction, because you think there are too many of them?

Daphne continues with this theme

Do you read Roissy? I do. He’s a scandalous piece of work, spilling unwelcome truths about men, women and sex. He’s got a raw style of dealing with a topic that most handle with kid gloves. He calls it as he sees it and, from my jaded viewpoint, he’s usually right. He weighs on politics with this post;

In short, women are voting more Democrat because the Democrat Party is the prime force for turning the government into the world’s biggest provider beta. From the time of the “sexual revolution” (which was really a “sexual devolution” back towards pre-agricultural mating norms when 80% of the women and 40% of the highest testosterone men reproduced) women have been more free to choose mating opportunities based on their gina tingles and the economic and social empowerment granted, respectively, by their pointless humanities degrees and the disintegration of traditional slut shaming mechanisms. The life of serial monogamy and alpha cock hopping has never been more attainable for the average American woman, and the result has been predictable: Women are substituting the beta males they no longer want or need for marriage with a Big Brother Daddy government to help them foot the child-raising bills that their PUA, drug running and serial killer lovers won’t.

Ring any bells?

Yer goddamn right it does. It’s the Morgan Freeberg Theory of the Charismatic Wrecking Ball.

See, here’s what’s going on with these airhead women. They aren’t looking for men who will inject a stronger base of genetic material into their bloodline. Perhaps if they were exposed to danger as frequently as their ancestors from thousands of years ago, they would. But hey. It’s 2009, they’re one debit card swipe away from their next tank of gas, their next pint of Haagen Dazs, their next iced-mocha coffee drink that takes ten minutes just to order, their next feminine hygiene product…there are no snakes underfoot, they were all killed before the swamps were drained before the landscape was prepped before the foundation was laid before the building was built. No saber-tooth tigers. They, like the rest of us, are safe. Not perfectly so, but relatively so. Humankind suffers from a paucity of natural predators.

Boyfriend ShirtHow far into the depths of dumbth can our young Clinton/Obama Sex-in-the-City girl-women descend? Blogger friend Gerard brings us tales, tall tales but verifiable tales, of bored young strumpets forking out North of $200 for a “boyfriend shirt.” Gerard points out the obvious: “Or you can just get a boyfriend and steal it like women with standards since time out of mind. If you take it the morning after, he won’t mind at all.” Stellar advice, but only in an Idiocracy age devoid of natural threats or predators and liberated from Darwin’s purifying spirit, could any humans be in need of it.

And so their priorities change. They need that Bill Clinton charisma…in the next President, in the guy that repairs the copier machine after they sat on it, in the UPS guy. They select the guy who’s going to fix their car based on his charisma. And then bitch about having to pay five times as much as they think they should have.

Charisma, charisma, charisma. Don’t you blame the idiot-girls in my presence; our idiot-boys are just as susceptible, every bit as intoxicated on the elixir, every bit as disoriented and senseless. The charisma that was of such inconsequential value back when someone had to pump the water and churn the butter, and is such a central agent of “survival” now. The nectar of all people who’ve gone too long without really worrying about anything — and because they aren’t truly sane, their thirst for it is never quenched. They don’t really know how much they need or want of anything, for they have never been left for want of anything.

But let’s return to the central theme — now that I’ve qualified exactly how much we’ve robbed ourselves of our own common sense, in this world run by assholes whose hands have never known callouses, and women who’ve adored nobody save for the soft-handed assholes. Let’s inspect this Wrecking Ball theory. Just who, in this atrophied, stultified age, has this charisma? We are divided, fundamentally, into those who want to build things and those who want to destroy things. These two factions of person, do not think of things the same way. They do not live life the same way, so they don’t look at life the same way. Building things is infinitely tougher than destroying things, because things have to fit together with other things — you have to build them just right and line them up just right. You have to measure every step, and you have to adhere to a design. The design has to have taken everything into account that might become a factor during the building process, and this does mean everything. Temperature. Humidity. Slope. PH level. Altitude. Wind speed. Drag coefficient. If it matters, then the design must have taken it into account, and if anything is missing then this is all just a big waste of time.

Builders just aren’t very much fun to watch. They don’t build until they have a line inked in; they don’t ink the line in until they’ve penciled it; they don’t pencil it until they measure it, and measure it again, and again, and pencil it in ever-so-lightly, measure yet one more time, curse heavily, erase…I tell you, watching these people is like water torture.

Wrecking Ball of ChangeWrecking balls are fun to watch. Their mission is far, far simpler, and so they enjoy the benefit of moving in a straight line…to such an extent as they don’t want to move that direction anymore, then they swing back again. With sufficient inertia as to overpower everything else. A wrecking ball can afford to move that way — because it is concerned only with destruction, not with creation.

That’s how people are. If you’re out to destroy things and not build things, you get to move in a straight line just as long as you want. Your actions are utterly predictable, since it’s a physical impossibility for you to abruptly change course or speed. And yet you’re so much fun to watch.

And so our destroyers…our hardcore liberals, our eugenicists, our shrinks, our lawyers, our politicians, our hopey changey “There’s Just Something About Him!!” Christ-replacement iPresidents, they’re just so much fun to watch. Because they’re charismatic. Their movements are unalterable. Their mission is one of destruction.

They come off looking like alpha males, but that’s only because they enjoy the luxury of moving like a wrecking ball. Being fun to watch. They aren’t really alpha males though; alpha males are nerds. Alpha males build things.

These are destroyers. They are pussy betas, and Daphne’s right, they’ll kill the whole damn country if we let them. They don’t know how to do anything else. They cannot design, they cannot build, they cannot preserve…all they know how to do is go through the motions of doing those things, for campaigning purposes.

Their real passions always have to do with destroying things. That’s all they know how to do.

Update 7/14/09: Ah, I was afraid this would happen. Blogger friend Phil got his link updated at about the same time and probably deserves to split the first-place spot, but I shorted the poor guy. Ah well. We’ll wait to see who else climbs aboard and then figure out what to do.

Crowder Checks Out Canadian Healthcare

Monday, July 13th, 2009

You’ve got to watch this from beginning to end, folks. Especially about two-thirds of the way through where he starts exploring how the Canucks go about financing these “free” health services. Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

This is what gets me so pig-bitin’ mad about almost anything that’s got to do with government services — down here. I’m looking across the desk at this government bureaucrat…usually one who’s renewing my registration tabs. And what’s the story every single time?

I’m frazzled.

He’s frazzled.

I’m having a bad day.

He’s having a bad day.

He’s got control of what’s going on…because…once upon a time, someone had a vision of a perfect Utopian society wherein everyone is the same.

His shitty mood — is the difference between life and death.

My shitty mood — means nothing. Less than nothing.

It’s that glaring contradiction that just wears on me. It would improve my outlook so much if the pencil-pushing bureaucrats just admitted it: They are there to support, and they benefit from, a society structured more like something straight out of Robin Hood. Those who work for the Sheriff of Nottingham, are the aristocrats who get to crush us lowly peasants on a whim. Just admit it! I can stand having to do business with someone who thinks he’s way better than I am…believe me, I have some experience in that matter…as long as he just admits it. It’s this phony-baloney, pretend-game at “I’m building an egalitarian society like something you’d see on Star Trek” that I can’t stand. It makes the veins bulge out right in the middle of my face, it really does. Just this craven dishonesty. Nothing at all unlike what Crowder found north of the border…again and again and again. It really does something to me. Something ugly.

And I’ve got some laminated pictures from old drivers’ licenses to prove it.

The Godfather in One Minute

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Sansone, Behind the Scenes

Monday, July 13th, 2009

She’s not just pretty, she’s actually fun to watch.

Playing with Fonts

Monday, July 13th, 2009

We just switched it to Poor Richard Palatino Linotype, based on multiple comments that the new blog is harder to read than the old blog. The challenge we have here, is that we who are writing the blog are apparently not operating with the same set as some of you who are reading it. We were pretty taken aback when we read these comments, because on our system the font back at the old place (Tahoma) smashes things together pretty tightly. Frankly, we were pretty surprised nobody’s complained up until now. It’s pretty clear we’re not seeing what you’re seeing.

The optical equipment in our face isn’t working the same way, either. We’re among the fortunate few grinding along through middle age (we’re forty-three day after tomorrow) without any need for visual enhancement at all…and this turns into more of a hindrance than a help. We’ve spent that lifetime honing a preference for microprint. We find the bloaty stuff to be distracting. We thought the Bookman font would be pleasing to everyone, and it’s clear we were wrong.

The Palatino may not last for too long either. To work the right way, the font has to exist on our platform and on yours too. What we really need is a generic platform — the laptop is the closest thing we have to that, and that’s what I’m using now. It looks somewhat okay; compact, still easy to read. I just don’t like that name. Doesn’t ring a bell, seems exotic.

So I’m going to assume we’re not done yet.

Here are some samples. Let me know how they jive…

Bookman Old Style



Palatino Linotype


Poor Richard




And now we do the same thing, embiggened…

Bookman Old Style



Palatino Linotype


Poor Richard




Leave feedback in the comments below.

Twilight of Honeymoon IV

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Doyle McManus, writing in the Los Angeles Times:

Barack Obama has fallen back to Earth.

When he ran for president, Obama said his election would be “the moment the rise of the oceans began to slow.” And when he made his first big foreign trip in April, he was hailed by adoring crowds — and almost-as-adoring politicians — in Britain, Germany, France and the Czech Republic.

But last week, in Russia and Italy, Obamania was little more than a pleasant memory. Yes, his international polling numbers are still high, but the president encountered hardly any adulation in the streets of Moscow or anywhere else. Instead, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin reportedly gave him a tongue-lashing over a two-hour breakfast, and the tent-bound refugees from Italy’s April earthquake mostly wanted to know whether he could rebuild their homes. (“Yes, we camp,” their banner said, pointedly.)

And the oceans are still rising too. At the Group of 8 summit, the developing countries said no to a timetable to stop global warming, the reason for the waters’ rise.

That’s not to say the trip was a bust; it wasn’t. But it was far from a triumph, and that’s a new experience for Obama’s foreign policy team.

The hard reality of international affairs is that, just as the United States has interests, so do other countries. And when those interests conflict, all the charm and charisma in the world can’t resolve the differences.

At the G-8 summit, the United States, Britain and France had hoped for a tough statement on Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The closest they got to a warning was this: “We sincerely hope that Iran will seize this opportunity to give diplomacy a chance.”

“And on the pedestal these words appear: `My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains.” — Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelly.

Small Dead Animals…and Juxtaposition

Monday, July 13th, 2009

Let’s just read this one in letter-for-letter link-for-link, shall we?

Associated Press, February ’09 – “President Barack Obama promised a nation shuddering in economic crisis Tuesday night that he would lead it from a dire “day of reckoning” to a brighter future, summoning politicians and public alike to shoulder responsibility for hard choices and shared sacrifice.”

Accuracy in Media, July ’09 – Barack Obama’s White House is spending more than $80,000 a week to staff its old and new media offices. Add the price of speechwriters and the White House communications tab reaches nearly $100,000 a week, or nearly $5 million a year-and that is for salaries alone.

(Via The Virginian)

Blogging is Bad for the Environment

Monday, July 13th, 2009

But you knew that already didn’t you? Yup, it’s bad. Bad when you’re putting your posts up, like I’m doing, and bad when you’re reading stuff — like you’re doing. Right. Now.

Twenty milligrams; that’s the average amount of carbon emissions generated from the time it took you to read the first two words of this article.
How green is your website? Calculating all the factors involved in a website can be tricky.

How green is your website? Calculating all the factors involved in a website can be tricky.

Now, depending on how quickly you read, around 80, perhaps even 100 milligrams of C02 have been released. And in the several minutes it will take you to get to the end of this story, the number of milligrams of greenhouse gas emitted could be several thousand, if not more.

This may not seem like a lot: “But in aggregate, if you consider all the people visiting a web site and then all the seconds that each of them spends on it, it turns out to be a large number,” says Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross, an Environmental Fellow at Harvard University who studies the environmental impact of computing.

Wissner-Gross estimates every second someone spends browsing a simple web site generates roughly 20 milligrams of C02. Whether downloading a song, sending an email or streaming a video, almost every single activity that takes place in the virtual environment has an impact on the real one.

I’d suggest you go write a pleading apology for the damage you’ve caused, seal it up in a time capsule and bury it someplace where your own great-grandchildren will find it…but, of course, that would emit so-many-milligrams of you-know-what.

“Environmental fellow”? WTF?

That Wet, Slimy, Steep, Slippery Trail

Monday, July 13th, 2009

I’m going to try to make that a recurring headline. The trail of which I speak is much shorter than a lot of people think, and it ends in bondage. It begins wherever an individual’s desire to Make The World A Better PlaceTM becomes a little bit more brilliant than that individual’s understanding of human nature, history and current events.

It’s a reliable progression, one I personally find fascinating.

Today it’s a quote by Mark Levin, in his book “Liberty and Tyranny,” discovered by Boortz during some quiet-reading time.

For the Statist, liberty is not a blessing but the enemy. It is not possible to achieve utopia if individuals are free to go their own way. The individual must be dehumanized and his nature delegitimized. Through persuasion, deception, and coercion, the individual must be subordinated to the state. He must abandon his own ambitions for the ambitions of the state. He must become reliant on and fearful of the state. His first duty must be to the state – not family, community and faith, all of which have the potential of threatening the state. Once dispirited, the individual can be molded by the state.

It has been ever thus. And yet, this is a correlation shrouded in deep and widespread human ignorance. A clear majority among us fail to realize that there’s any danger involved in utopian fantasies whatsoever, let alone how treacherous the wisdom of hindsight has shown this danger to be.

That’s Great, Now Fix the Economy

Monday, July 13th, 2009

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
That’s Great Now Fix the Economy
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Joke of the Day

Thanks to Donald Sensing, who has many salient thoughts and some pretty but depressing charts, with a hat tip to Gerard.


Monday, July 13th, 2009

LogoYup, this is the new place, welcome to our virtual house-warming party. We made some minor aesthetic changes, hopefully you’re finding things a bit more readable. New furniture isn’t here yet, just toss your coats on the bed…

I didn’t run through a complete test script, so consider yourselves beta-testers. The “Items of Interest” in the sidebar — they aren’t done yet, they still point back at the old place. That last item was more a note-to-self for my sake, than anything else…we’ll be covering that… (Update: We got off our lazy fat asses and took care of it.)

Anyway, let us know what you think. Glad you could make it.

Big thanks to Terry “Trip” Trippany, the CEO, head waiter chief cook & bottle washer of Webloggin. For all his help getting things exported, cut over, set up, and last but not least all the free rent for the last three years.

For those who are just discovering us, here are the key dates:

11/12/04 – We get started on Blogger, with its big, soothing sans-serif font letters that say “Create a Blog. It’s Free.” We go for it, and the first post goes up.

Summer ’06 – By this time we’re several hundred blog posts into the experiment and we’ve started our Sitemeter account to keep track of who’s hitting us. Trip discovers us, says something about liking our writing, and we start swapping links.

10/20/06 – We become an official member of Webloggin, a community of bloggers scattered across the country, promoting blogging excellence. At about that time, Trip really starts hammering us about moving off of Blogger and getting onto WordPress, which we’d been thinking about doing for quite some time. (Blogger, in those days, was far less speedy & reliable compared to the way they tell me it is now.) When he volunteers his hosting space, we greedily accept.

A jump-command is left back at the old Blogger domain, which ricochets visitors there to the Webloggin address. It still works as I write this.

Late ’07 – We purchase the domain here and start misusing it horribly, using the FTP services to put it to work as pretty much just a 5GB virtual thumb drive. But you can tell from the domain name what our ultimate plan is…we’re just not getting around to things very well.

Last week – Our hand is forced when Trip announces he’s getting out of the hosting business.

Sometime soon – Another jump command will be left back at Webloggin, forwarding any visitors there, to here.

Any further details desired, probably the best way to get ’em is to poke around, peruse the Items of Interest, starting with the FAQ.

Neglected Keystrokes

Monday, July 13th, 2009

“HI I’M CAPS LOCK!!!” — heh. This is one of her better ones.

Ten Commandments For Liberals Who Want to Argue About Politics

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Looks like my thoughts about liberals wanting to debate politics, and then once cornered turning on-a-dime and announcing to all within earshot that they’re being hussled, hassled, brow-beaten, fed up, saturated, being held as a captive audience, victimized, et cetera, has struck a nerve with some others who’ve gone through similar experiences.

This makes me feel kinda bad, actually. It wasn’t so long ago I was going to blossom forth with some great ideas about how to argue with liberals. Little lists of rules, rough drafts, on my smart phone, on my thumb drive, on Google Docs…all torn to shreds by experience. I find out my rules aren’t quite right, and then I go back and re-do them and re-do them some more. It’s my nature. Rules are for you; not for the other guy. Because if the other guy doesn’t want to follow the rules, then whaddya do? No, you keep your corrections for yourself. Change what is in your power to change. If something could be your fault, and might not be your fault, the thing to do is make it your fault so you’ve got the power to change it. That’s a good piece of advice right there, and it has served me well.

Except here. My drafts have been revised and revised so many times they are nothing.

The trouble is, I think, that liberals are people…and people are different from one another, predictable as bouncing footballs. The task of figuring out who, exactly, is trying to get into a “friendly discussion” about politics with you becomes so demanding and so energy-consuming, that it becomes everything. Customization is the order of the day. Identifying your colleague/antagonist, his or her motives, phobias, et al, becomes the entire equation.

And so I’ve been forced to take a different approach.

The rules, now…have to do with what the liberals should & shouldn’t do when arguing politics. The job that falls to the other fella, is to take his marbles and go home if the liberal doesn’t sign on. This is contrary to conservative thinking. But that’s the price of stepping outside of Olympus. Simply negotiating how the “exchange of ideas” is going to take place, brings you in contact with someone who, if they don’t fit the mold of a dedicated agent of destruction, has been sold a bill of goods by someone who does fit that mold. It is a different world. Style over substance, feeling over thinking, and everyone’s a victim. See, that’s the problem right there. Liberals declaring their victim-hood, is like a skunk spraying its ick. And of course you’re the asshole if they’re the victim. Wherever there’s a victim someone must have been victimizing.

And so this is the only approach that works, I think: Arrange a pact, and if the equivalent of a wet signature isn’t forthcoming then change the subject to who’s going to win American Idol.

This list, I think, has a better chance of doing someone some good. It seems there are quite a few conservatives, or non-liberals, trying to figure out how to have these conversations with left-wingers. Not so much to change minds, but to emerge unscathed. There are more people engaged in this struggle than any of them realize, and we’re all on the same stupid merry-go-round. We’re all Charlie Browns, after Lucy pulled away the football yet again. So this one goes to Lucy…

Ten Commandments For Liberals Who Want to Argue About Politics

1. This is the First Commandment for a reason, because it is the most important: IN, or OUT. Your preference is to argue politics, or not to. One or the other; drop the “nuance.” You aren’t a little girl on the elementary school playground, so you don’t get to punch, bite, hit, kick and then run screaming to the yard-duty teacher when someone returns fire.

2. You get to change your mind later if you’re out and then want in. But not vice-versa. In is in.

3. If you thought it would be a great idea to start a discussion about politics with your conservative friend — as in, you initiated, he responded — remember it that way later. Don’t go spreading gossip about how he “started it,” “always starts it,” “is obsessed with politics,” “creates a hostile work environment,” “doesn’t seem to understand it isn’t suitable for the workplace,” “doesn’t get that some people don’t wanna hear it” or “won’t leave it alone.”

4. If you’ve found some “facts” to bolster your argument and want to use them here, you are almost certainly reciting the same facts somewhere else too. And it shows. Oh, Lord, more than you could possibly imagine, yes it does show. If there are some contrary facts, then, it is to your benefit for you to be told about them. Your conservative colleague/opponent just might involved an effort, as any true friend would, to stop you from making an enormous ass out of yourself. Check the list of Thirty Ignorant Opinions That Are Nevertheless Somehow Popular. If your position appears on this list, be advised that you don’t know some things you should be knowing, if you’re going to be talking about this stuff.

5. Just admit it, because it is almost certainly true: You have selected your political beliefs not as the conclusion of any fact-finding or information-pondering mission, but rather, in an effort to display yourself to various communities as a Really Nice PersonTM. You are to remember that this does not, repeat not, mean that anyone who brings up contrary points is a nasty person.

6. Nor does it mean they’re doubting your nice-ness. Just because this is your chosen method of showing how nice you are, doesn’t mean this is the only way. You might very well have overlooked a lot of other ones. That could very well be all that your opponent is trying to get across to you.

7. You’ve got some facts on your side; your “opponent” might have some on his side. Don’t be too surprised when he gives you some. That’s the whole point to having the discussion, isn’t it? If you are shocked by this, don’t take it out on him. If you find some facts agreeable and others less so, even though they’re all verifiable, that means you’re passionate about this certain issue but receptive to only half of the facts pertinent to it. This next point cannot be stressed enough: This selective sensitivity of yours is your problem. Yours. Not his. Yours.

8. Of course you think the world is a better place if & when your ideas prevail. Just remember, if you think the ends justify the means in whatever you’re saying or doing — your noble goals have metastasized into something that isn’t good. That includes, after the discussion is over, talking about your opponent in unflattering terms to a third party behind his back. You are heading down a steep, slippery road to a very dark place. You. Not him. You.

9. If you really want a civil discourse, stay away from the “the other guy did it too” defense. That isn’t a valid defense and you know it. Also, don’t tell your opponent what he should be reading, what he shouldn’t be reading, what you’ve been avoiding reading. If Malcom Forbes is dead and the National Enquirer says so, that doesn’t bring him back to life; once a fact is verified or verifiable, it really doesn’t matter who bothered to mention it.

10. The Boston Legal Alan Shore technique of “I find such-and-such to be odious therefore you should too” — doesn’t work in real life. It does not change minds. It doesn’t work with juries, or at least, it shouldn’t. It doesn’t work with anyone except people who already agree with you. It won’t work on your conservative opponent. And no, this does not mean your opponent is in favor of dirty air, dirty water, little kids getting shot by gangs, people staying poor, old people dying in heat waves, more people becoming homeless, more troop deaths, more AIDS, more teenage pregnancies, the planet dying out, or anything of the like. Don’t make him clarify this, he shouldn’t have to.

There. NOW you are ready for your friendly, civil, high-minded, reasoned exchange of ideas. And if any liberal friends of yours started reading this, and didn’t make it to the bottom, get this across to them: They need to stay away from arguing politics. Them. Not the other guy. Them. For their own good. Theirs. Not his. For theirs. Their sickness has a lot to do with alcoholism. They need help, they need to acknowledge they have a problem, and the longer they go pretending the problem isn’t there, the worse it’s gonna get.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Update 7/12/09: Right Wing News link was busted. I fixed it just now. Got a tad distracted last night doin’ other stuff…

Commenter HammerNH (over there) brings up a good point:

I would point out to the author that liberals do not observe or obey the rules. Rules are for the rest of us, not them (see Obama, ACORN, Geithner, Pelosi et al)

I don’t think, when you’re talking about the everyday-ordinary-liberal guy living next door and hob-nobbing with you at work, that you’re dealing with anyone more likely to break a promise or violate a rule. Liberal politicians, maybe. But the “I’m A Good Person Because I Drive A Prius” types who smell their own farts and talk with their eyes closed…no. They aren’t likely to break rules just because they disrespect rules.

It’s the structure of their beliefs, that make this a likelihood. They have their beliefs because they want to display some inner decency, which may or may not exist. So violating a “rule” to showcase that inner decency — it’s like one step back and two steps forward. So yeah, he’s right. This is a problem.

But depending on the subject under discussion, it can & will be a problem for the liberal as well. Keep in mind that so many of their misguided opinions depend on the idea that nobody ever violates laws, ever. Gun control, arms treaties…think about what lures the “moderate” into supporting a liberal belief. A lot of them are lulled in by a thought something like: “Well yeah, another country can pretend to be dismantling weapons but in reality hide them somewhere…but people are overall leaning toward good and virtuous by nature, and if nobody trusts anybody then there won’t be any peace.”

This Jenga tower suffers a sledgehammer blow when it is demonstrated that a pact can be accepted, and then violated within moments just as soon as it gets in the way of an agenda. By an everyday lefty-leaning person struggling to prove she’s a fairly decent trustworthy person, and overall is accepted that way by her family and friends.

That just makes the point a lot better than anything you could say.

Memo For File LXXXIX

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

snul. (I have so little respect for this practice that I refuse to grant it a capital ‘S’.) Regarding the domain move, we are now at the point that whatever new stuff goes up, is going to have to be done-and-redone. Truck’s loaded up, padlock’d shut, nobody can find their toothbrushes or underwear.

Lots of stuff about Noonan’s wonderful Sarah-Palin-bashing column. I really do think I’m in the majority on this time around; not quite so much with the “she’s the best hope for the country” stuff, but with the “man, I’m kinda sick about talking about her” stuff. I find it to be rather silly. She, herself, doesn’t want to be talked-about…so that’s one thing. Celebrities get that way now and then, but they still choose to be celebrities so I see some legitimacy with telling them “Hell with what you say Tom Cruise, you’re still raking in the bucks at the box office and this just comes with it.” It’s not that I think we owe it to her to pander to her feelings; it’s more of a — what’s the reason for talking about her? To remind others that she has no future and she’s not worth talking about? It’s an unworkable contradiction. If she has no future and she’s not worth talking about, show me that.

And that brings me to the second point: Both sides, the pro-Palins and the anti-Palins, demonstrate by bothering to say their stuff, that there’s a need for it to be said…and both sides in some way diminish the point they’re trying to make by doing this. Being a pro-Palin maybe I’m biased in saying this, but the anti-Palins are guiltier. From where does the necessity of telling me Palin’s a dud, arise? It’s a redundant exercise to try to convince Palin to bow out; she done it. If you’re trying to get the message across to the star-struck dimbulbs like me, that we shouldn’t be hoping she comes back — you’re tacitly acknowledging there’s some critical-mass of us…which, in turn, is tacitly acknowledging that her future is there, waiting for her if she wants it. But from there we get into some stuff that was already covered in Point #1.

Third point…if it is really beneficial to the future of this nation to talk about bouncing Sarah Palin out of any consideration for national office — for good — then my suggestion is to make her irrelevant. This is why people like me want her back in. Because she’s a chick? Heck no. Watch a Star Wars movie sometime; look close at what happens when the chicks take charge of things. It always leads to a disaster, always.

Nope, we want the policies the white-guys would be afraid to bring to the table, that she wouldn’t be afraid to bring. There are sound bites she uses that they’re afraid to use, or can’t use — they’re too busy implicitly apologizing for being white men. That, I can’t help but think, is metaphorical for what would happen in the alternative realities after each one of the candidates is sworn in as our next President.

As I said last night, in my reply to a certain blogger pal who admired Noonan’s column to me in the e-mails, trying to coerce me into coming to my senses…

[S]tep into my shoes for just a quick second. Be concerned with what concerns me: Policy. And be concerned with what forms the policy. Sound bites.

Read up: Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech as John McCain’s running mate.

I invite you to look at this speech the way I look at it. Contrast it with what the six-foot-tall straight-white-Protestant guys would say. You see, this six-foot-hetero-Protestant-white-guy-with-twenty-one-digits stuff has a real bearing on what the cand[id]ates do & do not have the BALLS to say. In my opinion, this is really the Number One issue. It’s not that I’m anxious to elect a woman. It’s what Sarah Palin has the balls to say. She’s a chick; so she can criticize. The time has come to admit that us white-straight-guys, unless we have testicles that require wheelbarrows and use them to substantiate our God-given rights, which most white men don’t have and don’t do — simply can’t say this stuff. We abrogate our rights and privileg[e]s to say these things, before the first syllable comes out of our mouths.

“But listening to him [Obama] speak, it’s easy to forget that this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform – not even in the state senate.”

What six-foot twenty-one-digit straight white guy has had the balls to say that?

“This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word ‘victory’ except when he’s talking about his own campaign.”

Bulls-eye again. What seventy-two-inch straight white guy can say that?

“[When] those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot – what exactly is our opponent’s plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he’s done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger…”

Again, I ask you. What Protestant white dude can say such things?

“America needs more energy … our opponent is against producing it.”

Have you heard of a six-foot twenty-one-digit good-lookin’ white dude saying such a thing? On that national stage?

“Victory in Iraq is finally in sight … he wants to forfeit.”

…This is as obvious as the elephant in the room. And as dudes, we can’t say it out loud because of some bizarre, post-modern, ultra-sanitized protocol. The Good Lord, I think, constructed us to not be so hyper-sensitive to such a thing. But as descendants of those unfortunate two who bit into the apple, it seems we have achieved more “knowledge” than we should have. Yes, Sarah Palin is something of a thief…she has stolen our masculinity. But she stole what we failed to lock down, indeed, what we failed to put behind closed doors. And she stole it to do good things — the things the male sex should have been doing. I say, stop blaming her for our negligence. She’s only doing what needs to be done.

“Terrorist states are seeking new-clear weapons without delay … he wants to meet them without preconditions.”

Did Romney say something like this? Rudy? Huck? When? Where? Aw…tragedy of tragedies…our need to apologize for our very existence, for being six-foot non-amputee hetero white men…it got in the way. Good thing Sarah Palin did what we couldn’t do!

“Al Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America … he’s worried that someone won’t read them their rights?”

Again, she’s stating the obvious. Because it falls to her to do so, and nobody else will do it. This is her fault somehow? How?

“Government is too big … he wants to grow it. Congress spends too much … he promises more. Taxes are too high … he wants to raise them.”

Nostradamus never had a prophecy that was realized quite like this one!

“The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes … raise payroll taxes … raise investment income taxes … raise the death tax … raise business taxes … and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars. My sister Heather and her husband have just built a service station that’s now opened for business – like millions of others who run small businesses. How are they going to be any better off if taxes go up? Or maybe you’re trying to keep your job at a plant in Michigan or Ohio … or create jobs with clean coal from Pennsylvania or West Virginia … or keep a small farm in the family right here in Minnesota. How are you going to be better off if our opponent adds a massive tax burden to the American economy?”

This, in my mind, is the paramount disgrace heaped against the male sex. And Ms. Palin didn’t even try to insult us; she was just saying what had to be said.

Now it could very well be that I’m just carping away about political realities. They are what they are. Not the fault of Thompson, Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, et al. But what of it? Palin can, does, and did say these things. I look at the six-foot non-amputee Protestant white guys to see what they have to say — and all I see are worthless bromides.

We need a woman to show the world the balls the men should have.

Fourth point: Show me someone who wants to talk about that disastrous performance on Katie Couric’s interview, I’ll show you someone who really has no point to make worth making.

If you click on Noonan’s piece, then go to the “Comments” tab, you’ll find a worthy exchange at the top of it…

John Pacheco wrote:

You’re basing your assessment of how thoughtful she is on a couple of hostile TV interviews?

Doug D. replied:

… and any single public appearance since or before those ‘hostile TV interviews’; she’s inept.

John Pacheco replied:

We can disagree on that, but Peggy either bases her criticism on the Couric/Gibson interviews or doesn’t substantiate them at all. She also misrepresents or just misses what Palin’s supporters see in her. Kind of ironic given that Noonan contends Palin is not thoughtful, and, amazingly, that Palin lacks the ability to become thoughtful.

Noonan is normally pretty thoughtful herself, but you’d never know it from this particular piece.

Pacheco speaks for me. Palin’s handicap with teevee interviews, to whatever degree it exists at all, is limited to looking bad when someone in charge is chomping at the bit to make her look bad. Anyone want to belly up to the bar and connect their sterling name & reputation to the idea that the Holy Man in the White House is any better? The question shouldn’t be how & why she can be made to look bad, or how bad she can be made to look. The question is, instead, how come it is there are these people who want to make her look bad? What are their motives? Noonan missed out on that. She was too busy echoing the cliche: Couric had Palin for lunch, Palin’s a dunce. Not worthy of having the Noonan name placed on top.

As a practical matter, there is no reason to discuss it. Everyone knows about the interview. Twenty-four hours after the interview, everyone who was concerned about it had their mind made up about it one way or the other. It was impossible to change the mind of anyone who thought it was important, back then; it’s doubly impossible now. It’s just a silly thing to bring up.

And that goes double for Charles Gibson’s interview — since Palin got it right and Gibson got it wrong. You knew that already, didn’t you?

I am disappointed, I must say, with the ability people have to follow instructions. I’m disappointed that they have it…when the instructions are something along the lines of “don’t think X.” As a modern culture, we have become far too obedient here. And I notice the obedient types are the ones who are most passionate about VOTING. They can’t wait to get out there and vote. Don’t you dare take their votes away! Don’t you dare fail to count their votes, or fail to count the votes of anyone who votes the same way.

What is it about voting? Seriously, I wonder, why do they care about it so much? If they care nothing about policies, they’re so casual about being told how who they’re supposed to like and who they’re not supposed to like, what Charles Gibson asked, what answer Palin gave in response how much it is wrong and how stupid this means Palin is and how much you’re supposed to hate her…why be so fired-up about casting a vote that simply says you’ve gotten your instructions and you’re obeying them? I really want to know.

Do they want to send the message that the indoctrination works, so more of it will be coming out later? Seems, to me, like it’s a little bit late for that. Message sent, message received.

Peggy Noonan needs to take a good long look in the mirror, and seriously ask herself what is so urgent about getting this message out. All these lightweight Republicans do. If the policies have to be muted and toned down so we can get Republicans elected, get some more legislators in there with the letter “R” in back of their names…but they don’t have the testicular fortitude to say Barack Obama is forfeiting things when that’s plainly what Barack Obama wants to do…what’s the point? Seriously. It’s complete nonsense; whatever the explanation is, it must be primal and psychological.

“They Won Their Freedom”

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

In 2012, it may be Palin or it may be someone else. Either way — independence strikes to the very heart of the soul of humanity. All thinking persons, be they pious or be they secular, I think, realize this down to the very marrow of their bones — we have been put here by a Higher Power, to realize this independence, even at the cost of our very lives. It is in our programming. It is how we define civilization…or it is how we are intended to identify civilization.

Imagine with me if you will, a 2012 campaign season constructed around this central pillar:

In the year of our lord thirteen fourteen, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom.

That’s what it’s really all about, right?

Okay, it’s alright if you were thinking about Sarah Palin in a short Highland kilt. Whatever brings in the votes.

If Palin Were President

Friday, July 10th, 2009

Link sent in an offline from blogger friend Phil.

Update: My favorite passage, on the subject of choosing the leaders of our government and therefore of the entire free world:

Former sports reporters certainly won’t do. We need former constitutional scholars. Who else, after all, has a better understanding of how to undermine the document?

Tired of the Charade, Pretending it’s My Problem

Friday, July 10th, 2009

Well, did it again. Offended another liberal friend.

It’s a dicey, personal subject and I don’t like to vent about such a thing on the innerwebs…even on my own, personal pages, which as we’ve said many-a-time before — altogether now — nobody reads anyway. But this time, the aggrieved party was sufficiently gracious to explain her feelings very early on. Not so early that she behaved with consistency. But early enough that it’s pretty simple to retrace what happened here.

I wanted to know if we had a wager in effect about the 2010 midterms. Or if our first upcoming bet was about the President being re-elected.

She presented a chart showing the public debt (as a proportion of GDP) has been going up when Republicans were office, and down when democrats were in office, from Truman onward anyway.

I questioned which party had Congress during those times, and sent her the chart exploring where the debt is projected to go from here-on-out.

She sent back a soothingly scolding retort observing that she “must have hit a nerve,” counseling me that her husband likes to argue but she does not.

How else do I put this? I’m tired of pretending it’s my problem. I understand good manners involve one side acting completely guilty and the other side acting completely innocent. I understand the protocol expected is for the righty-tighty to leap, chest-downward, on the grenade. I understand the expectation is to repeat the scene where Tom Sawyer gets the whipping so Becky whats-her-name’s glorious butt cheeks remain unscathed. I get all that.

I’m just tired of doing it. It comes down to something very simple. ONLY LIBERALS CAN PRESENT “FACTS” WITHOUT BECOMING EVIL.

So I replied as courteously as I possibly could. Bearing in mind, on the previous installment I did tease, and perhaps that didn’t go over as positively as I thought it would. Clearly I had done something unintentionally abrasive. But I’m tired of ignoring the elephant in the room, and the elephant in the room is this: The abrasive thing I did was to present factual evidence incompatible with the desirable trope. I presented some hard numbers that would compel a newcomer to at least remain open to an alternative point of view. That was my infraction. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise. Did I mention how tired I am of it?

Uh oh, I was genuinely afraid of that. The wise thing, I think, would be for me to let that go without comment, but it occurs to me that this would be dismissive on my part…perhaps even unfriendly. And that is not my aim. So I think the well-mannered thing to do here is to offer one of the half-apologies, so meaningless when offered by politicians, perhaps more genuine when exchanged among friends: To the extent my remarks caused offense, I apologize.

Let us endeavor not to repeat that type of exchange again. Lord knows it’s taken me long enough to learn my lesson(s). But I’m going to need some assistance from your class, the one that continues to be offended. Be consistent — FACTS ARE IN OR FACTS ARE OUT. Just call it my own personal weakness: I can’t deal with this rapid oscillation…your charts and graphs are wonderfully educating, mine drip with bile, make no point, instantly cause the exchange to turn ugly.

Xxxxxx and I have been making a habit out of watching “Boston Legal” reruns. The show has earned a stellar reputation for presenting both sides of the most contentious issues of the day. I have found it to be entertaining, and we have plowed our way through quite a few of them. After twenty thirty or so, I turned to Xxxxxx and said, sadly, “you know…I don’t think I’ve seen a single conservative idea expressed on this program, at least the way someone sympathetic to it would look at it, even one single time. So why do people give it high marks for presenting both sides?” After watching some more episodes it became clear: There are a lot of liberals out there who think this is what “honestly arguing both sides” looks like. They only want their side presented. The other side is just supposed to be lampooned. They don’t think there is a school of thought on the other side of the fence, there’s just lecherous old men who like to sexually harass the office help and shoot people.

And then I realized all those times Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx came into the office, wanting to engage me in an even-handed, open-minded, highbrow dialogue about politics — I really did violate rules of etiquette, from his point of view. Presenting hard information that illustrated why people had a different take on things, which is exactly what he was supposed to be wanting me to do, was an act of incivility. Wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing. I was supposed to just sit there like Denny Crane and say things to make myself look foolish.

Like I said, if you want a conversation to go that way you need to explain the rules at the outset. People are NOT going to anticipate them; it isn’t as natural as you seem to think it is…You’re a decent person, and it seems you’re trying to form a bridge between two worlds that aren’t compatible. Not between conservatives & liberals, but between people who are destructive, and people who aren’t.

The conservatives & liberals, once they form an honest and decent respect for how the other side “ticks,” can respectfully get along with each other. The destructive and not-destructive…not so much. Anyway. Now you know, save the charts for people who aren’t likely to have something else to show you in return. Really sorry if I upset you.

Now on this one, like I said it’s crystal clear what happened. She presented fact, I presented fact, and wham-bam oh dear now we’re in something that has just turned ugly. It isn’t too hard to infer from that how things work: I can’t present fact. You can’t draw any other conclusion.

But this is one of the easier exchanges. I brought up the conversation. Sometimes, it’s the liberal that brings things up. What to do? I shouldn’t have said anything. If she offered some illusion of being interested in commenting on current events, I should have, for her benefit, doubted her. That is what I should have done. I recognized the dichotomy at work, demanded that she clarify the rules, and simultaneously offered my counterpoint. Obviously, that wasn’t good enough. I should have stood my ground on that virtual-disclosure-form, demanded something equivalent to a signature on it, before I said one single thing. Or sidestepped the entire thing altogether. Apparently, what was required of me, was nothing less than one of those two things.

Or go the Crane route: Sip some scotch, polish a shotgun, and make some comments about shooting people. Fit into the stereotype, in other words.

We have an entire generation of decent, otherwise-intellectually-capable people — actually multiple generations! — who have been lulled into thinking they have mentally noodled something out. Vote for this Replacement Jesus, get-on-board, be-a-part-of-this-thing…oh and here’s a cherry-picked graph, or statistic, that makes it look like the outcome of a deliberate cognitive process. Presto. They’re all rocket scientists and they know what they’re doin’. But they cannot withstand an idea that doesn’t fit in, even if it’s better supported. They cannot withstand a challenge to what they have decided to do..either the outcome of it, or the way it was decided. They cannot withstand any doubts about their inner decency, or the decency of their iPresident, or Mouthy Joe.

Cumulatively, all those things add up to the problem that cannot be mentioned in polite company: They cannot withstand anything. They want to “good-naturedly” talk some politics. Until they don’t.

“Populations That We Don’t Want to Have Too Many of”

Friday, July 10th, 2009

That’s right. A sitting Associate Justice on the Supreme Court thinks a preposition is a perfectly wonderful thing to end a sentence with. But then maybe there’s something else about that sentence that strikes you as a little odd.

Draw your own conclusions. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, discussing the 1980 Supreme Court decision Harris v. McRae, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions. Excerpted, from NY Times Mag, without further comment…

Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe [v. Wade] was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong. [emphasis mine]

We learn of this via Ed Whalen, via Creative Minority, via Deacon’s Bench, via blogger friend Rick.

Boortz is Desperate

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

The Radio Show To Whom Everybody Listens…doesn’t seem to think it’s getting quite enough attention quite yet. So The Blog That Nobody Reads will help the old man out. He’s given us a lot of material over the years, it’s the least we can do.

The Talkmaster pleads his case —

Obama Tax Pledge Unrealistic

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

And it’s from the AP. With the snarky dig “promises, promises” right in front of it. All in the headline.

President Barack Obama promised to fix health care and trim the federal budget deficit, all without raising taxes on anyone but the wealthiest Americans. It’s a promise he’s already broken and will likely have to break again.

Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress have already increased tobacco taxes—which disproportionately hit the poor—to pay for extending health coverage to 4 million children in working low-income families.

Now, lawmakers are looking for more revenues to help pay for providing medical insurance to millions more who lack it at a projected cost of $1 trillion over the next decade.

More signs that the honeymoon is nearing an abrupt end, or is already expired:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –8.

Two weeks ago, or thereabouts, big news was made when this approval index slipped to -2. The record low for it had been -1.

For those three-in-ten still driving around with “Obama Biden ’08” on the bumper sticker, jaws slack, wondering why so many others are scraping off the same vehicular adornment as best they can…when there’s a dash in front of the number, that means it’s getting lower when the number after the dash gets bigger, and that’s called a negative number. Remember when the teacher had you subtract a bigger number from a littler one, and you figured out you couldn’t do it, and just sorta spaced out and stared out the window? This is what she was trying to teach you about.

But hey, that’s a real charismatic Guy breaking all His promises to us. It’s so much fun to watch Him. So that makes it all okay, huh?

White House Spells Obama’s Name Wrong

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Oops (with pic).

Good thing we kept that tundra dimbulb, Sarah Plain or whatever her name is, outta there. Huh?

Why Palin Quit

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Very well written. It belabors the obvious, and although I suppose there are some people who still need to be told, if they have the need they probably can’t be told. Also, it relies on unnamed “confidants,” although the reason for that is fairly obvious as well.

This is becoming a rather silly month news-wise, isn’t it? Everything’s either “Michael Jackson is still dead” or “Why Palin Quit.”

Anyway, on with the excerpts…

Contrary to most reports, her decision had been in the works for months, accelerating recently as it became clear that controversies and endless ethics investigations were threatening to overshadow her legislative agenda. “Attacks inside Alaska and largely invisible to the national media had paralyzed her administration,” someone close to the governor told me. “She was fully aware she would be branded a ‘quitter.’ She did not want to disappoint her constituents, but she was no longer able to do the job she had been elected to do. Essentially, the taxpayers were paying for Sarah to go to work every day and defend herself.”

This situation developed because Alaska’s transparency laws allow anyone to file Freedom of Information Act requests. While normally useful, in the hands of political opponents FOIA requests can become a means to bog down a target in a bureaucratic quagmire, thanks to the need to comb through records and respond by a strict timetable. Similarly, ethics investigations are easily triggered and can drag on for months even if the initial complaint is flimsy. Since Ms. Palin returned to Alaska after the 2008 campaign, some 150 FOIA requests have been filed and her office has been targeted for investigation by everyone from the FBI to the Alaska legislature. Most have centered on Ms. Palin’s use of government resources, and to date have turned up little save for a few state trips that she agreed to reimburse the state for because her children had accompanied her. In the process, though, she accumulated $500,000 in legal fees in just the last nine months, and knew the bill would grow ever larger in the future.

The question for Palin-phobes, at least those who successfully pass off the patina of being open to an opposing reasonable argument, then becomes one of: If you were the Governor of Alaska, what percentage of your time could you spend day-to-day in this defensive posture before you figured out the situation was unworkable and something had to change? If Palin’s decision says something so derogatory about her character, her resolve, her determination to fulfill a responsibility, her basic drive, then how high is that percentage, minute to minute? Fifty? Sixty? Eighty?

Some of the critics not only fail to remain open to opposing reasonable arguments, but they remain locked into the wishful thinking that pronounces SCANDAL! Most of those types are busily filling in the details. The question for them is somewhat different: What is this scandal? Are you remembering to take into account that it is now Thursday, nearly a week after the announcement, and the scandal has yet to bubble over? It has remained hidden beneath the most frothy and energized scandal-search, perhaps in this country’s history…lawyers, reporters, tabloid hacks, photographers tipping over trash cans in Juneau. They had ten weeks before the election, many months since then, and they missed whatever it is. Either the details eluded them or they didn’t give the details the same weight the Governor did. Once you fill in the nooks and crannies of that germinating theory, will it capably address all these dichotomies?

More Palin Comments

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

James Taranto, this weekend, officially went on the record hypothesizing that when Sarah Palin dishes out the traditional “I’m resigning to go home and spend time with my family” cliche now commonly associated with the scandal-plagued set…she actually means it.

“Go ahead and laugh, we can wait,” he says.

Knowing there is a heavily-populated and exceptionally loud chattering class of ankle-biters desperate to prove such a theory wrong, he set up a Facebook discussion page to do exactly that. The very first response reflected in a high-quality way, I thought, on exactly what is bollywonkers about all the shenanigans going down this year just in general, with things Palin-related as well as not-Palin-related:

I won’t even try to prove you wrong. The only thing I know for certain about Sarah Palin’s decision, is that it has proven to me that she has all the right enemies, while Barack Obama has all the wrong friends.

Zing! That’s gonna leave mark — on us all. In generations past this was how you figured out if a fellow was going to do right by you, or not: The company he keeps. “You can tell a man who boozes by the company he chooses.”

We done got away from that pebble of wisdom, or allowed it to get away from us. The results seem to indicate our grandparents were a little bit smarter on this issue than we are. And let us think, not just of Sarah Palin’s enemies, but her friends. She entrusted some close inner circle, for some time it would seem, with this secret that she was going to step down. Quite the bombshell. We all proved trustworthy, as tough as it was for us not to let you in on it, at times.

No, seriously. Whoever was on the ins with this, was given trust and they repaid it. This speaks well of them, and of her. For a Caribou Barbie dimbulb, she seems to know and understand people quite well, and in a way that really counts for something. One wonders how many politicians still serving don’t have such a talent, although one is inclined to believe that one will not have to wait long to find out. Leaks? In Washington? They’re like bottle caps in a beer factory. They happen all the time. Brought in by the truckload, stacked by the palette. Because people don’t know who to trust.

Cassy thinks there was a contest here between Palin and the media, and the media won. The commenter familiar to us here at The Blog That Nobody Reads, Larry Sheldon, goes on record to say…

They won to the extent that they denied to the sate of Alaska what the voters there have a right to,

But they didn’t beat Palin.

Not b[y] a long shot.

All of your “she’s beaten” evidence is from the least credible sources in the history of language. [emphasis mine]

He’s right. Take another reading of the Palin-related sound bites, and keep track of who’s saying what. Everyone who says “stick a fork in her” possesses a Paul-Krugman-esque record of correctness, which is to say a non-existent one.

They shouldn’t be correct about anything, anyway; as we pointed out yesterday, the logic they employ is hideously unsound. We are, this week, consumed in discussing the future of a retiring politician who has none. Their logic says she’s too stupid to ever have had a shot at national office, she sure as hell doesn’t have one now, and yet a profound metamorphosis has taken place in American politics this last Friday. They want it both ways, in other words. The notion that Republicans are just a bunch of losers, because they lost their last, best hope — applies. But they are also to keep their stigma of trying to saddle us with a tundra yokel who can see Russia from her house. That they fail to take note of the obviously dazzling depth of her incompetence, speaks to their political myopia.

Well…you can’t have both of those. You have to choose one: Palin is a promising and effective champion — or she isn’t. I would expect any child claiming the logical grasp needed to graduate from seventh grade, to pick up on this in record time.

Update: Blogsister Daphne has the balls to state a truth avoided by the craven types of lesser substance, in a post called “Hate Is Fun.” She brings to mind a few things I already know:

Thing I Know #34. We are a tribal species, although we’re loathe to admit it, and it comes much more easily to us to bear silly grudges against entire cultures, than legitimate grudges against individual persons.

Thing I Know #40. We are a tribal species, although we’re loathe to admit it, and when people extoll the virtues of “diversity” they tend to talk about skin color and nothing else.

Thing I Know #53. We are a tribal species, although we’re loathe to admit it, and we have very little to say to our neighbors who enjoy a different set of luxuries or who labor under a different set of burdens.

Thing I Know #269. We have a strong tendency to confuse pulling your weight with fitting in. We’re therefore easily confused in the presence of people who pull their own weight but don’t fit in…as well as people who fit in but don’t pull their own weight.

That’s your substandard writing that’ll put you to sleep; now wake up, we’re returning to the subject at hand. Get ready for some far superior written stuff. Daphne’s comments:

Sarah Palin is not of their tribe, culturally or ideologically. She hasn’t played by their rules or bought into their code of narrowly defined group conduct. She’s a renegade anomaly, wielding all the power and benefit of every last feminist tenet without ever stepping foot on that particular reservation. She proves the current batch of young feminists wrong and obsolete, pulling the curtain back to reveal their lack of substance and relevance in the current game of sexual politics. Women have immense power. All the power they want is sitting in the palm of their hand, Sarah knows this fact and lives her life accordingly. She’s no victim of the patriarchy, she’s her own glorious force of life, putting to lie the vaunted despised vagina status many feminists preach all women are cursed with at birth as some delusional high truth of basic female existence.

Tribes get off on viral hate fests against the others, it’s massively fun stuff. Tapping into that primal vein creates unity, crafts a little momentum and fans the flames to chase down and roast rogue elements threatening the group’s comfortable mindset and debatable version of truth. The hate fueled hunt is a bacchanal most humans never pass up given the right conditions – we like a little slaughter with our communal feasts, women particularly enjoy delivering the verbal coup de grace over wine and cheese. We’re well skilled in that form of pack warfare, ripping an objectionable bitch to pieces is one of our ancient talents. Palin’s found herself on the wrong side of some fierce bitches and they’re having a damn fine time flaying the skin off her hide one strip at a time. I see no mystery to these hypocritical feminist attacks, the young ladies are just hewing to their basic natures and having themselves some good old fashioned, primal fun.

I do find it a damn shame that these women will probably never see the irony between their committed dogma and how they’ve treated a woman who’s achieved everything they glorify as the epitome of female success.

Moving Day

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

We-ell…if Sarah Palin has the decency and candor to come clean and let the people of Alaska know that they need a change if they’re going to get their money’s worth…I think the nobodies who never make time to not stop by and not read The Blog That Nobody Reads, are deserving of the same decency. I think we could handle this behind the scenes, make it invisible, take the veil-over-the-statue approach, but what’s the point. I don’t see the upside. Might as well spill the beans now.

We’re moving.

For the last three years, we’ve been squatting on Terry “Trip” Trippany’s domain, which he runs as one of his many pursuits. You may know him from his Newsbusters column. Back in the summer of ’06, he approached us about the idea of converting to WordPress, which we’d already been thinking about for quite some time because we were on Blogger. As an added bonus, he offered to do the hosting duties as well, which is more than what it sounds like. He does a very able job of not only keeping things going, but enabling countermeasures against the sampbots, the beasties, the hackers, the vandals…et cetera. We’ve been thrilled to benefit from such a capable hand in this. Plus, in response to those who come asking, we’ve been able to say we get our hosting services from a real fan. He approached us because he liked our stuff. We like the shop he runs. It’s been a good match.

Well, there’s some money involved in this, which has been coming out of his wallet instead of ours. That never was fair, and with the economy the way it is, it’s no longer workable. It’s not like we’re being kicked out, the fact of the matter is Trip is spread thin.

MugWe already have another domain. Had it for a few years now. The bottleneck here, has been — nothing but — our huge fat ass and the attendant laziness associated therein. So now we got a deadline.

Knowing how well I work under pressure, along with how the inertia in my ass works, my crystal ball says…and this is just a best-guess…we’ll probably have a practice run this weekend, followed by an actual cutover the weekend after that, worst-case scenario. That’s my rough-ball-park timeline. I think. I know, you’re just in awe at my sense of certainty. I are an experienced projek manager, don’t forget.

Anyway, now you know what we know. We’ll try to make it as smooth a shift as possible. But one other thing that’s gonna be absolutely certain…the URL is going to change. Sorry ’bout that. But it’s okay…there’s only one coffee mug that has ever been manufactured with this old link, which is at work as I write this (pictured, to the right). That’ll be my private collector’s item.

Wish us luck. And let us know if you have any extra cardboard boxes.

Money Hole

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?

Just found this via Another Rovian Conspiracy.

I have got to get quicker about this stuff. Last month, when it went up, it was good satire. Now it’s three weeks later, and…uh…well what can I say. Good satire has a serious shelf life now. Nowadays, it’s more like a slightly surreal illustration of some bullshit that is really happening.

I see there are some real consequences to my laziness. I’ll try to do better.

D’JEver Notice? XXXI

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Liberals like to call themselves the Reality Based Community. It’s a popular term used especially among liberals who despise George W. Bush.

Perhaps the time has come to re-think that.

They won the last election. Hugely. They won, and now run, freakin’ everything. They act like they lost. They snivel, they whine, they complain, they bitch and carp and moan and bitch some more about some big ol’ power player, some big omniscient omnipotent boss-man not giving ’em a fair shot. Earth to liberals: You are the boss-man!

Now Sarah Palin has ceased to be a threat to them, at least for the immediate future.

They behave as if she has only just begun. Freaking out. Like a sleeping puppy having some terrible nightmare, its little paws waving in the air as fast as they can possibly go. Their story is that this is a real change because Palin doesn’t have a chance now…and didn’t have a chance before…so her resignation is a huge event. Or something. And the country’s dodged a bullet because she would be such an incompetent leader. Although she never had a shot at getting in. And doesn’t have one now. Or something.

These reality-based people are something else. They know for a fact that our oceans are going to boil over due to man-made climate change, somewhere around 2050 or 2100. But they haven’t got a clue about whether it’s going to rain this weekend. They know for a fact that Sarah Palin will be nothing but a pitiful punchline in 2012…but they can’t see three months down the road that a $700 billion “stimulus” plan is going to take off like a scale-model F-18 Hornet made out of wombat shit.

Reality? I’m having an Inigo Montoya reaction. “You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Update: This must be preserved for posterity. With our reality-based people running everything, we are losing our grip on…yeah…reality. Losing our grip so instantly, relative to the tapestry of history, that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will hunger to know how & why.

Josh, this has got to be the blog post of the year. By which I mean — if time capsules took blog posts, and I was invited to contribute to a really tiny one, choosing one item to illustrate to our great-grandchildren the historical backdrop against which the Grand Mistake of 2008 was made…plop. Your three paragraphs with links attached. In they go.

Those are my words. My words to describe…this

Palin to Andrea Mitchell: ‘You’re not listening to me’

Gov. Sarah Palin granted interviews to the legacy media yesterday, and each outlet added its own spin to its presentation of the story. One thing is obvious from watching the various videos and reading the stories: they don’t get it. Palin had to scold NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, for instance. “You’re not listening to me,” she admonished the ditzy reporter after Mitchell asked the governor a question she had already answered.

The Palins’ commercial fishing business requires them to be on the water at the peak of the salmon run, which occurs each year around the 4th of July. The media hacks were clearly out of their element, one reporter describing the experience of being with real people while they are doing real work as “surreal.” From the safe cocoon of the New York studio, Diane Sawyer thanked ABC correspondent Kate Snow in Alaska, “Thanks so much for going up next to the fish,” to get the interview. During the interview, Snow pointed out to Palin: “You have some fish guts on you.” Yes, Kate, that tends to happen to people who work on commercial fishing boats. Flyover country is an alien planet, and those of us who live in it are extraterrestrials to the chattering class. They are still looking for their first clue and not even getting warm.

Video of the Mitchell interview is here, CNN here and ABC here. Write-ups of more interviews by Fox News here, TIME magazine here and the Anchorage Daily News here.

There are updates. Overall, they continue with this faux-reality-based theme…especially with regard to the Manhattan blue-blood know-nothing media theme. Go read the whole thing. These are the people who bring you the news, so it’s important to keep reminding ourselves how little they really know. About anything.

Here’s your video. “I can see Russia.” Aw, a subtle dig, how classy. How balanced and objective. Keep on informing us, you journalists, you. You’re the guys who put Obama in where He is today, and you can’t even admit that you did it…so you must be really, really SMRT!!

*sigh* There are certain professions that have never, ever, in all of human history, attracted real venerability…least of all, from those folks with brains, who knew what they were doing. Journalism seems to have had this problem for awhile.

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” — Thomas Jefferson

Confused Voter

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Posted without comment, hat tip to Boortz.