Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
This November I’ll have to figure out whether or not I want to support a democrat. I predict the outcome of that decision will be the same as all the others, but just in case I decide to throw a vote to the donkey party and that guy happens to win, I’d like something to be understood:
If the democrats end up ruling over me, I want them to govern me exactly the way they govern their own party. This, I think, is exactly what America is missing.
Look how democrats run their own party. When there’s a position available, and there’s a person available to be appointed to it, all they seem to care about is whether he’ll be effective in that position. Nothing else matters. They want to win. If you’re available, and your skin color would inject some much-desired “diversity” into the ranks that’s missing now but you’re likely to fuck it up, then out you go. White, black, red, yellow, green, purple, gay, straight, male, female — if he can do the job, then what the hell, hire him.
If the law could be interpreted to interfere with victory, that’s not good enough for a defeat; that’s when the tweaking and massaging begins. The democrat party never embraces defeat to prove how wonderful and decent they are. They take a very George S. Patton attitude toward that stuff: “Let the hun do that.”
After the victory, when it’s time to party, nobody gives a flying crap about a carbon footprint.
It is quite alright, when a democrat runs up against some enemy of the democrats, to allow his passions to run unchecked and wild. They feel no shame about the fantasies they have about making that enemy sorry his parents ever met. It is commonplace that a democrat waxes lyrically about the day he’ll be able to waterboard Sean Hannity, and all of a sudden waterboarding isn’t quite so bad. I’d like to see my country defended with that kind of passion.
Nobody ever, ever, ever, ever, ever gets to “a point where you’ve made enough money.”
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You noticed that, too, didja?
- philmon | 06/22/2010 @ 07:24[…] Freeberg cuts to the chase. Look how democrats run their own party. When there’s a position available, and there’s a person available to be appointed to it, all they seem to care about is whether he’ll be effective in that position. Nothing else matters. They want to win. If you’re available, and your skin color would inject some much-desired “diversity” into the ranks that’s missing now but you’re likely to fuck it up, then out you go. White, black, red, yellow, green, purple, gay, straight, male, female — if he can do the job, then what the hell, hire him. It is quite alright, when a democrat runs up against some enemy of the democrats, to allow his passions to run unchecked and wild. They feel no shame about the fantasies they have about making that enemy sorry his parents ever met. It is commonplace that a democrat waxes lyrically about the day he’ll be able to waterboard Sean Hannity, and all of a sudden waterboarding isn’t quite so bad. I’d like to see my country defended with that kind of passion. […]
- DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » I Want a democrat To Rule Over Me | 06/22/2010 @ 09:58To be honest, it doesn’t really matter who gets in because not much will change. I disagree with my fellow conservatives when they say that “once we get these Democrats out, things will be a-ok again.” In fact, I would go so far as to say that it’s a friggin’ pipe dream. The GOP has already said that they’re not going to really change much in the health care legislation, even if they do win a bunch of seats. In fact, I suspect that post-November, the lame-duck Democrats will shove as much legislation as they can through before there is any shift in the power balance. And since Obama will still be there even after November, there’s no way that it’ll change before 2012. Two years is a long time to get people used to the “goody train.” It’s harder to wean them off of it. Yeah, it’s pessimistic and pretty cynical, but that doesn’t mean there’s a good dose of reality pitched in there as well, and reality is something very much lacking in our thought processes currently.
- Mat | 06/22/2010 @ 10:03And this is why the GOP continues to be the Stupid Party — they take the Democrats at their word. Democrats claim to want civility, diversity, all that stuff, but, as you note, any and all supposed “principles” are ditched the second they threaten electoral defeat. The GOP response to this is to run blander, “nicer,” and more “diverse” milquetoasts, with the occasional tepid criticism of Democrat “hypocrisy” thrown in.
But that’s the thing — the Dem’s aren’t hypocritical by their lights. They understand their identity all too well. They’re the Vanguard of the Proletariat, for whom any lie, any treachery, any underhandedness at all is justified, because the end justifies the means. And they know their voters will swallow it, because everyone involved knows that any talk about “rights” or “principles” is just a smokescreen for raw power.
- Severian | 06/22/2010 @ 10:54Its the double-standard. Rules for thee, but not for me. It’s the paradox Morgan has brought up before. You can’t have everybody be equal and have them ruled by experts. The existence of experts means that not everyone is equal, and the experts will always insist on special treatment for themselves — of course, to better enable them to rule the peons.
I don’t trust the GOP either. But I trust them more than I do the Dems at the moment in this: Time. The only way America will get off of this track its on is if we re-assert our cultural heritage — and no, I don’t mean white European racial heritage — I mean self-reliance, independence, and a respect for liberty and a thirst for freedom. We need to bring the Constitution AND the documents that put the original intent into context back front and center.
And that, my friends, is up to me and up to you to do. At least the GOP will mean the foot is off of the gas pedal, and there is far more in the GOP platform that is compatible with that intent (not that it’s a ton anymore) than there is in the current Democrat platform where progressive radicals are firmly in charge.
Evangelize for the Constitution, and Stop an Echo when you can.
- philmon | 06/22/2010 @ 11:18Morgan typed:
“This November I’ll have to figure out whether or not I want to support a democrat. I predict the outcome of that decision will be the same as all the others, but just in case I decide to throw a vote to the donkey party and that guy happens to win, I’d like something to be understood:”
And here I thought your didn’t have a sense of humor Morgan.
‘..just in case I decide to throw a vote to the donkey party…’
That’s rich.
- Arthurstone | 06/22/2010 @ 15:45Annnnnnd…. right on cue, a leftist shows up to nicely illustrate my point. Because, you see, to one of the Proletariat’s Vanguards, actually examining issues and voting on principles are impossible, because the “issues,” like the “principles” behind them, are whatever the Party says they are. Thus War was Bad, and Dissent was Patriotic, up until noon EST on January 19, 2009. Then War was Good (or at least OK), and Dissent was the highest form of raaaaacism.
To normal people, that’s gross hypocrisy and shameless, reality-tv-level opportunism. To the VotP, however, it’s just business as usual, because the end always justifies the means.
- Severian | 06/23/2010 @ 10:37There’s something to that, but I think all dear Arthurstone is trying to do is to call me out for my failure to have ever supported a democrat. In their world, that defines justice, compassion and decency, and it proves I’m a hardass bigoted extremist type when you note that I’ve never voted for a democrat ever, not even once. This just proves I’m being rigid and unreasonable. Of course, anyone who’s never supported a Republican, that’s quite alright. The lodestar is whether democrats receive support. Always. If a democrat wins an election with 50.01% of the vote, The People Have Spoken; if it goes the other way, there must be some kind of skulduggery afoot.
The idea that any reasonable people anywhere might have absorbed what this bankrupt party has had to say & seen what it has to offer, and rationally decided that its values are inherently incompatible with America’s, is just something they cannot bring themselves to consider. And in a way that gets right back to the original topic of this post. It would be nice seeing someone defend the country with this magnitude of passion. Refreshing.
And if I ever make it really big, it would be wonderful being treated by the democrats exactly the same way they’ve been treating the Kennedy Clan. I’d like it, but it isn’t gonna happen.
They want equal consideration, equal privileges, equal rights, for “everyone” but only some among us get to be part of “everyone.”
- mkfreeberg | 06/23/2010 @ 11:12“The idea that any reasonable people anywhere might have absorbed what this bankrupt party has had to say & seen what it has to offer, and rationally decided that its values are inherently incompatible with America’s, is just something they cannot bring themselves to consider. “
You know, I’ve always longed to hear a leftist explain how so many people, including some of the Right’s best and brightest, start off liberals but then go conservative. Hell, it’s pretty much a given that everyone’s a liberal until they graduate from college, or start paying taxes, whichever comes first. Does that punched-in-the-nards feeling you get when you see your first FICA withholding cause false consciousness? Does the ghost of William F. Buckley haunt us Scrooge-style? Or what? Since it obviously can’t be that we’ve examined the issues and come to conclusions based on facts and reason, I’m curious as to how edjamakated fellows such as ourselves have come to such a sorry state….
- Severian | 06/23/2010 @ 16:08