Archive for the ‘About Me and My Blog’ Category

Irked by Flo

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Neo-Neocon is annoyed by Flo, the Progressive Insurance lady on the teevee. Others find her strangely appealing but they can’t explain why.

I can explain why. Flo comes off as if she’s about to be “sassy,” in a negative, nasty-goth-girl sort of way. And then everything that comes out of her mouth is positive. It’s like if you introduced Rose McGowan to your mother, fearing the worst, and then ended the evening utterly befuddled as you realize the actress did a perfect job of minding her P’s and Q’s.

This sweet-and-sour combination achieves a formula that always works: Serve up a contradiction, in the space of a heartbeat. It sends an electrical bolt deep into our subconsciousness that there’s something complex here, something worth investigating.

Why am I irked by Flo? I’m not, not really anyway…she just reminds me of some older acquaintances that are not, and will never be, my type. As a formerly-available straight male I’ve put up some barriers so as not to waste my time or the time of others, and there’s no doubt Flo trips ’em.

The commercial gets the job done. Without a doubt.

Father’s Day, 2009

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Hehe. Someone thinks I’m good. (Insert smiley here.)

Rick’s Anniversary Skydiving Adventure

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

I keep thinking “damn what a lucky dude” every time I catch a glimpse of the radiant Mrs. Brutally Honest. Wonder if I should be mentioning that. Come to think on it, I seem to recall asking myself the same question last year. Somewhere over at his place. When I was commenting.

Well this year, those two plucky kids celebrated their anniversary in a way that’s worth talking about over here.

Wheee. Brings back memories.

Tandem’s an interesting concept. I’ve never done that before, and perhaps I should’ve. My own turn up there was an entirely different setup. The plane was a single-engine, a rickety kind of thing with all the back seats removed. I had the impression the engine was supposed to be muffled by something that was no longer there. The engine was so loud you couldn’t think, and you could feel the vibration coming off it. There were holes in the fuselage and you could see the daylight streaming in. Three of us would crouch down hanging on to something for dear life, decked out in sweaty nylon jumpsuits soaked with someone else’s sweat, boots older than me at the time (26). “Norb,” my long-haired, humorless, motorcycle-gang-lookin’ kinda instructor would be crouched there with us right by the Door of Dread, yelling some last-minute instructions at us at the top of his lungs. What a character was Norb. Norb was about 5’9″, looked kinda like a Sons of Anarchy character except not quite so impeccably groomed. The mannerisms of a drill sergeant, for I expect the same reason; someone screws around, someone gets killed. Every 500 feet of climb, Norb would yell back at us how high we were, while the plane rocked back and forth in ways you wouldn’t expect a plane to do.

At three thousand feet Norb turned to me and said “Alright! Get the fuck out of my plane!

Here, too, things were ramshackle and spartan. Static-line-yes; tandem, no; reinforced footbar, no. We were to grab onto the wing strut and let the headwind flap our bodies around, like flags. “It’s just air, it easy!” Norb would yell at us. “Just like riding a motorcycle!” Then let go. That would seem to be the tough part, but the thin film of sweat that coated our palms by then, made it simple.

Tandem probably would have been a help here. My instructors always bitched about me not looking up, like you’re supposed to. I really tried, but the impulse to look down is powerful, and some of us are more susceptible to it than others. Once the chute is open — it’s like being knocked into a whole different universe. Dangling by your armpits and your crotch at three thousand feet. Rick says “from the ride up in the plane to the landing in the grass field, it was sensory overload,” and I recall that too. My most vivid recollection? The little dots on the highway that were cars, kinda spread out to the left of me and to the right of me, and all bunched up dead ahead. They were slowing down to look at our canopies. Second-most-vivid? The cows. They were little dots, too. They made an impression on me because that was my tip-off about how great a distance three thousand feet really is. “Holy shit, those little tiny dots are cows,” I thought.

Fear? No, not really. I had a parachute on. Hand-packed by Norb himself. Norb of the massive, unwashed hair and the eyes pinked-out with whatever the hell he was drinking the night before. Or were they naturally that way? I don’t care, I survived.

No footage at all from my event, and perhaps it’s tasteless for me to go into such detail about it in someone else’s limelight. Adrenaline Junkie Rick has many more videos on his YouTube account.

Congratulations on making it through, Mr. and Mrs. Hope the anniversaries ahead are happy and many, and welcome to the club.

Ah, Hell YEAH…

Thursday, June 18th, 2009

Get your own. And no, I’m not on commission, I’m doing you a favor. Say “thank you.”

I’m gonna go set up the coffeemaker right now.

Happy Man Day

Monday, June 15th, 2009

It’s today.

A pair of Indiana brothers, Joel and Aaron Longanecker, have convinced more than a quarter-million males to promise to “stand up and do manly things” on June 15 in observance of their proposed new holiday — National Man Day.

Their National Man Day page on Facebook urges men across the country to take time to get in touch with their masculine sides on Monday. Suggested activities include playing football, camping, hunting, eating 18-ounce steaks, blowing things up, shooting guns, punching each other for no reason, pumping some iron or “watching every Rambo movie from beginning to end. Straight through!”

The purpose of the proposed holiday, according to the National Man Day page, is to acknowledge that the time has arrived “to take back the crown of masculinity.”

Huffington Post has a link to the official page.

Pretty cool idea. I have two suggestions: Put it on a weekend, and make it kid-specific. Little boys can be taken outdoors to do guy-stuff with their dads and his goofy guy-friends — like Boy Scouts activities, but sillier. Things that provide that mysterious attraction to the male genome. Like dropping things off a tall bridge, trying to hit floating things in the river below. Taking that old computer you just replaced that is really not worth anything, hauling it out to a rock quarry, and blasting it with a 12-gauge. Water balloon fights. Little girls can be tasked to write some essays listing out what’s good about boys and men. Why not? Nobody will ever ask ’em to do it again, and it would be good for them. They could make some arts and crafts, maybe a coaster that says “DUDEZ R COOL” (an edible one) and then give it to their favorite fella — along with a chicken drumstick covered with sauce and a cold mug o’ beer. Kinda like an un-Valentine’s Day.

I don’t know if this is spot-on or not, because I don’t have a Facebook account so I can’t view the page. Not too interested in getting one going. In my house, every day is Man Day.

Big Wins, Epic Fails

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Purple Avenger is posting on Ace’s blog, inviting comments: Among your purchases, what are your big wins and epic fails? One of each, please.

As of now there are 547 comments, so you know there is some interesting/entertaining reading in there.

For my money — the same way George Washington was posthumously promoted to outrank any & all officers in any military branch, past present and future, Bessie is going to have to take her place at the top of the stack of big wins, now and forevermore. Nineteen years and 340 thousand miles, how can you even begin to compete with that?

The big epic fail is going to have to be marrying the creature that picked Bessie out. I’ve seen a special kind of pure evil, the kind of evil that doesn’t know it’s evil. So many of our little girls are being raised into women who spend their whole lives going around destroying people and things, not stopping long enough to realize that this is all life has to offer them anymore. And they think all they’re doing is chasing a dream. Kinda like some drivers have never been in an accident before, and God only knows how many they’ve caused. Don’t ask for details; I have very few to share. Between August of ’89 and November of ’91 I really can’t remember much. Nothing, really. Like aliens came in the middle of the night and killed off some brain cells — as an act of mercy. Oh well, I eventually paid it all off.

I don’t have too much sympathy for that “With Our Combined Salaries We Can Afford It” shit. In fact, I have a special name for it now: That “With Our Combined Salaries We Can Afford It” shit. I remember the nightmare started out with a sales pitch something like that…and me falling for it…and her deciding real life was a little too boring for her attention span, and suddenly combined salaries didn’t have much to do with anything. Not at all an unusual story. I’m ready to forget all about it entirely, except the next generation of gullible stupid males needs to be enlightened.

The Microsoft C compiler I bought in ’87 was a big win. I should think of it that way, I started a whole career off of it…and it’s still sputtering along.

The teevee set and the DVD/VCR combo that uploads pictures to it. The desktop computer. The “Daddy Fridge” outside, li’l tiny thing, which I taught my son since he was old enough to walk has all the beverages for him, and more important, for me. All these things have hung around for awhile by now and absorbed more than their share of abuse. Oh, yeah, and the boy himself who brings me my liquids from the Daddy Fridge. That one’s a win. He hasn’t been that expensive, really…except maybe in terms of aggravation. Oh, no wait. Counting everything, he’s been about as expensive as any other kid, which is plenty. What the hell, I think I’ll keep ‘im.

Not to name names or anything, but I’m ready to say any company that has ever automatically billed my bank account on a monthly basis, for any reason, without any exceptions at all, has been an epic fail.

My BikeOh yeah, and that trailer. I hadn’t thought of it, it was between 8/89 and 11/91 — that fog got in the way. Not ready to talk about it yet. (Shudder.) That there’s a certifiable case of PTSD, I think. Decades of nightmares. Young people, don’t live in trailers, ever. Nobody treats you decently, nobody respects you. Can’t blame ’em; they’re looking at someone who doesn’t think he deserves to live in a decent home. Epic fail.

The bike. It’s a reasonably high-quality 24-speed mountain bike hybrid. When you’re over forty, it’s important to do something…something…anything…that isn’t sitting still. And I’ve got a good number of some pretty nice pictures out of these adventures. Pictures and suntans. Without it, I’d probably piss away all my years in the Golden State sitting in a chair swearing at a computer, eventually leaving the state all fat, flabby, pale, ugly, knowing no more about my surroundings at that date than I did on the day I moved here, which would be tragic in the extreme. Big win.

Oh, I have one silly, unexpected thing. One December I had to get a Christmas tree, and I took the time and trouble to find some spring hooks that were sized perfectly for the reinforced brackets under my sedan. I bought twenty feet of the best brand of rope I could get, and used it to connect them together — for fifteen years after that, every Christmas season the rope would come out, and once the Christmas tree was up, the rope would be put away. Never even had to untie anything. Win. It’s mostly the simple things, you see.

I can see how this would easily turn into a handy piece of advice for young adults just starting out.

So here’s a piece of frosting on the cake: The instant you have an address that is not your parents’, get yourselves a fucking paper shredder. Cross-cut. Pick one night of the week that is free, make a ritual out of doing all your laundry, cleaning your rotten food out of the fridge, and feeding all that useless bullshit in your mail to your paper shredder. Any & all credit card offers need to be part of the meal, because a credit card you really want to have won’t be offered to you that way.

Don’t think about it, don’t question it, just do it.

In short: Be cynical, and when someone tells you to stop being that way, stay that way. Put some high-quality thought into how people who have nothing of value to offer, in services or in goods, get money out of other people. Then channel some serious energy into not being those other people. That means gym memberships, multi-level marketing, MARRIAGE, selling shitty single-wide trailers, high interest credit cards. You can fill in all the blanks in the list after those. Figure out what those things are, and then stay away from the “business end.”

Then learn to enjoy the passage of time.

A happy, enviable life is yours.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

Autism: The Extremely Male Brain?

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Autism isn’t nearly as big a part of my life now as it was just a few short years ago. My son’s pretty much decided to turn his brain on (for the time being), and all the well-wishers and buttinski educators who saw Rain Man one too many times have backed off on throwing the A-word around. In fact, they’re lining up to say “Morgan Freeberg, the Dad, boy he had it right all along, and we all wish we listened to him all those years ago instead of giving him all that guff we gave him.”

That last part I made up just now. That ain’t happening. Folks are coming around, they’re recuperating from their feverish infections of OCBASASBDII, but they’re going to amazing lengths to pretend it’s all their idea.

But a few years ago — although no one involved is going to back me up on this — I was a lonely voice in the wilderness. Everyone who was anyone, swore up and down that my son had some kind of learning disability, usually Autism or Asperger’s. My side of the story was that the boy was solidifying a personality type, one that was becoming more pronounced as he became older, but was actually selected before he saw his first birthday, probably. He was what, in generations past, was politely called a “nerd,” and nowadays is categorized into any one among dozens and dozens of LD’s.

Kids haven’t changed. Our expectations of them have changed. They are to be hyper-normal; if they aren’t, then into the yawning, hungry, steroid-saturated, explosively-growing special-ed system they go.

Dr. Helen has dredged up an interesting take on all this:

I read a good article in a recent copy of Forbes on Simon Baron-Cohen, the author of The Essential Difference: Male And Female Brains And The Truth About Autism. The article asks the questions, “What caused the explosion in autism diagnoses?” and “Why are boys more affected by this disorder?” Baron-Cohen’s answers provide a different way of looking at autism:

Baron-Cohen has been the first to advance and test some groundbreaking ideas in the field. But as for what has caused the increase in reported cases, he doesn’t put undiscovered toxins at the top of the list of suspects. “A good part” of the rise, he says, can be explained by better diagnosis and an expanded definition of autism.

Since autism was first described in 1943, the definition has shifted. Doctors have come to agree that autism is characterized by poor social skills, communication difficulties and strong, narrow interests and repetitive behavior. Once upon a time it was understood as categorical: Either you were autistic or you weren’t. Starting in the late 1990s, Baron-Cohen advanced the idea of an autism spectrum on which everyone falls, just as we would fall on a spectrum of height. As he sees it, we’re all a little bit autistic. …

Baron-Cohen is responsible for spreading the idea that the autistic brain is basically an extreme version of the male brain. He observed that people with autism were better at things for which men show more aptitude than women (like systemizing) and worse at things for which women show more aptitude than men (like empathizing). It’s noteworthy that boys are diagnosed with autism four times as often as girls. “There was this massive clue that nature was giving us that autism might be in some way sex-linked,” he says.

Baron-Cohen (his first cousin is Sasha Baron Cohen of Borat fame) doesn’t believe we should see autism as an epidemic. “The same genes that make a person good in a systemizing occupation, like math, physics or engineering, may also contribute to autism…Eradicating autism could mean eliminating genes from the gene pool that are probably key to such abilities as doing complex mathematics.”

It’s almost a word-for-word echo of what I said in that five-hour-long parent-teacher conference we had when my son was finishing up Kindergarten, as I was splitting up with his mother.

Now that all the air conditioning, refrigeration, e-mail and broadband have all been invented, and we have our water delivered to our doorsteps on exactly the same patch of land where our ancestors had to lift it out of a well — we just don’t have that much to worry about. We think we do, but we don’t. So we all want our kids to be bubbly, chatty and precocious. We don’t see value in any other personality trait at that age.

But talk-a-mile-a-minute youngsters can’t solve problems. Oh, a few of them can — the extraordinary bright specimens who can burn the candle at both ends. But even they, with a glut of success on the social-skills front, will find the cognitive skill challenges to be a bit of a bore after awhile, and abandon them.

And so, to continue surviving, we need this personality type now more than ever. In a milder form it is simply the Myers-Briggs INTP personality profile. In an extreme form it is a superlatively male brain…otherwise known as Autistic. Baron-Cohen may be on to something here.

Not In It For The Attention, Mind You… XXXI

Friday, June 12th, 2009

Fellow Right Wing News contributor Dr. Melissa Clouthier has picked out her list of hot, sweaty, sexy conservative blogger guys. And guess what. It’s completely unexpected now…but…wait for it…

We didn’t make the cut.

In spite of the fact that we look exactly like this*:

Well like they say, there’s no accounting for taste. And as has been the case since prehistoric times, the girls get to figure out which ones among us reproduce and which ones among us do not. Melissa is certainly one of the sharper ones, but do you think for a moment that, if they took pride in the way they were doing their selecting, we’d be in the world of hurt in which we find ourselves today? I think not.

Gals, you got some ‘splainin’ to do.

Ah well. I’m sure Dr. Mel was taking the quite reasonable approach of compiling her list of eye-candy from those masculine specimens who had their portraits available, and easy to find. Which is not us. Heck, we’re The Blog That Nobody Reads. So don’t be too hard on her.

*In the mind’s eye of blogsister Daphne. The facial features aren’t quite accurate, and the body style is slightly different, but she did get our early-morning blogging dress code right.

Spring Cleaning, 2009

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Spring CleaningThis is a little bit like making a point to haul the Christmas Tree down to the garbage before Easter…you’re not likely to stand accused of jumping the gun when you’re cleaning dustbunnies out of the computing hardware three weeks before the fireworks stands open up.

But better late than never.

The tower on its side belongs to the Lady of the House, the one in the background standing up is the older primary House of Eratosthenes hardware, serving nowadays as a backup.

They’re both nearing end of life now.

It’s a little bit difficult to justify the bucks nowadays for new desktops isn’t it? Those of us who are hardcore might have what’s called a “Gamer’s PC” stuck on our fantasy gift lists — maybe some of us have actually sprung for it. The depreciation factor is as massive as it ever has been, and aside from the graphics-intensive applications, most of them have moved online. Which means, clients have reverted back to being clients. They need to browse, and for the most part that’s just about it.

My Dad says life is kind of like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end of it, the faster it runs out. I’m finding the computing world is somewhat like that…the farther into it you go, the faster it spins. When I first got into this business, I thought things were exploding at an unprecedented rate. And they were. Kelly BrookBut now, it’s turned all strange and surreal. Hardware is becoming obsolete even faster than ever before, even in this Idiocracy age of “Technology = Portable Personal Tunes + Dogs-in-Purses.” Things that were, just a few years ago, your largest investment apart from the car, home and teevee, are now…junk. Real junk. You could replace them for $350 or thereabouts, and for that receive a replacement with triple the horsepower and ten times the disk space.

Back when people thought we’d be spending this year flying around in our rocket-powered vests so we could reach our floating cities in the sky — which we aren’t doing, of course — this computing power was unfathomable. So small wonder you need to blow some dustbunnies out of it now and then. It’s a fair trade.

We use it for what?

Reading blogs, and looking at pictures of beautiful women in skimpy clothes.

So here ya go.

Stitching, at Twilight, Bodega Bay, CA, June 2009

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

One of my less-incompetent stitching jobs. I was just looking it over and I thought, maybe that’s good enough to upload here.

I was really beat, what with driving around, getting sunburned, and then snacking and sampling fine wines. My body wasn’t adjusting to hotel beds that well. But the lady kept needling me and needling me, that I should get my fat ass up out of bed, because I said I wanted a sunset picture. I’m glad she insisted on it.

Click to blow ‘er up.

Bodega, CA, June 2009

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

The schoolhouse that was used in the filming of The Birds. Yup, this is it. You should come see, but you should see the film first.

Click the pic to embignify.

Dramamine Drive, June 2009

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

The dialogue is always the same.

She: Okay honey, it says 25 mph.

He: Yeah, whatever, don’t worry about it.


He: I am slowed down.

Toward the background you see some repair that has taken place because of a washout. The whole distance is like that. Guardrail that’s supposed to be there…wooden-steel reconstruction that shouldn’t be there…more evidence of washout…hairpin turn after hairpin turn.

The local coming up on your rear bumper would like you to speed more than you’re already speeding. The one in the car ahead of you, has all the time in the world. And your better half in the passenger seat? She’s hanging on for dear life.

Click pic to explodey it.

Update 6/4/09: Like your sense of humor, m’friend.

I should add, so I don’t get in troub the record is made accurate, that the new lady isn’t like this. Not like Phil’s wife either…somewhere in between the two extremes.

Dillon Beach, CA, June 2009

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

Good news, this one was taken the morning after I turned my brain back on and took the toy camera off one-megapixel mode. It had been set that way since Halloween when a couple of enterprising females were trying to take the blur out of some costume shoots…seven months later, they’re screwing up my vacation pictures because I just didn’t have picture resolution on my mind. Until the day before yesterday. Also, note, on this model picture resolution has nothing to do with blur.

Shoulda put my foot down. Sometimes I’m just not enough of a chauvinist pig for my own good.

Anyway — things are all fixed now. Click for glorious 2560×1920 goodness.

Oh, and to get here. I have to write this down because it’s a new discovery, and my over-forty memory is playing tricks on me lately. Here’s the secret: Proceed from Petaluma toward Bodega Bay. Follow the highway to the junction between Highway 1 S (toward Tomales) and Highway 1 N (toward Bodega Bay). Take the N, which means staying on the road and going straight. You pass through Valley Ford about a mile and a half later, which is a charming spot, kind of a “look both ways ya done seen it all” place. As you leave there is a road veering off to the left, toward Dillon Beach. Follow that about six miles, it ends on another highway that is unlabeled. You’ll know it because it’s the first time you see the ocean and there are two enormous rocks there by a vista, from which you can take some stunning pictures, I imagine…we did not partake. Anyway. Take a right and go another two miles, you’re there.

We’ll be repeating this one, I think. The day-use is a little steep, seven bucks, and no camping or fires allowed. But it does have its purposes and unlike my more traditional spots, this one is mostly undiscovered.

Good thing I posted it in The Blog That Nobody Reads so things will stay that way.

Timber Cove at Sunset, June 2009

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2009

Click pic to embiggen.

Bodega Bay, CA, June 2009

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Click pic for 1024×768.

Jenner, CA, June 2009

Monday, June 1st, 2009

We’re just boppin’ up and down Highway 1 N. Perhaps a few more times than we should — which is a story unto itself. I’ll elaborate further, later, maybe.

This is a spot well known to me, “downtown” Jenner, somewhere around Mile 23. Russian River is three miles south, and another ten miles further than that is Bodega Bay.

Reno, NV, May 2009

Monday, June 1st, 2009

I’m disappointed. My excuse is that the 12th floor hotel window was un-open-able…didn’t seem like a problem at the time. Had I known my toy camera would so inadequately cope with the challenges, I’d have gotten off my fat ass and snapped a few pictures outside.

The image does not do justice to what was taking place. Desert storm approaching — twilight. Beautiful stuff.

We just got done meeting Kidzmom halfway between her place and ours, dropping off the boy for summer vacation after a long, harrowing school year. Final verdict — boy’s brain is turned ON. Hooray. He assures us it’ll still be that way at the end of summer. But you know how twelve-year-old boys are.

As our reward & celebration to him and to recognize a job well done, we saw the new Star Trek film, which you’ve probably seen by now. That review is for another post, I think.

Better pics tomorrow. Apologies again. Maybe we need to put a real camera on my birthday list. Giving it some serious thought…

Click for 1024×768.

Kate Gosselin

Monday, May 25th, 2009

Christ on a cracker (as Rachel would say). I just learned about this harridan.

I know this kind of woman well. Not currently…and I never will again. I’ve had my fill.

She hates men and boys, and isn’t willing to admit it.

She hates men and boys, and isn’t willing to admit it.

She hates men and boys, and isn’t willing to admit it.

Get the impression I can’t get this repeated enough? That’s because it defines her very existence. Listen to these poison words she has for her own sons, the poor little guys. And her husband stands around, when she’s got stuff to do, with his hands in his pockets. On that point, I actually have some empathy for her. Been there, done that…yes, it is truly aggravating. But guess what? You’re making it happen, beeyotch! He takes the initiative to do X, it’s wrong — he takes the initiative to do Y, it’s wrong. Of course, there will not be a Z. He won’t try. If he tried, and there was a Z, there’d be something wrong with him. Why f*cking bother after awhile?

Yech. How many kids is this, six or eight? What kind of child support would be involved in that? Thinking persons cannot escape entertaining the possibility there is a crude economy involved in this. If he’s semi-screwed in the event we split up…I can act like a halfway-nagging-bitch…if he’s completely screwed, then I can go full-tilt.

My advice?

Pick a woman who cares about making you happy. I know that’s out of style. But there’s a funny truth to be reckoned with here: Lack of middle ground. Women, by and large, are concerned with making their men happy, or with making their men miserable — no-in-betweensies. Ms. Gosselin seems to be from the second of those two camps…poor Jon. So start with a good hand, or else it doesn’t very much matter how you play it.

Hey Princess! Bring Me A Beer!Even good women have that “off-night.” You did this wrong. You did that wrong. You did some other damn silly thing wrong. I have a technique for dealing with that, too. “Sorry, dear, that’s the second thing you caught me doing wrong today.” “Sorry, that’s three things you found about what I did wrong today.” “Sorry, that’s four things I did wrong today.” By the time you get up to seven or eight, she’s wild about you.

Maybe not wild in a good way, but still wild.

The point is, you aren’t willing to put up with it. And that’s the thing you really have to get across. That’s the paradox about women; so many of them seem to be on a quest to acquire “permission” to make their men miserable. But it’s the kind of permission that, once they get it, they become very unhappy to have it. It’s like a test you have to go through, from time to time, to prove you’re a “real” man — one who thinks highly enough of himself not to become a whipping-boy.

There’s something way down deep in the primal layers of the female psyche, on this stuff — something that doesn’t seem to be entirely within their knowledge, or under their control. It’s like they’re hard-wired, down in the BIOS, with the software having nothing to say about it at all. They’re programmed to test their men, to make sure those men are real men. But with these substandard specimens, there is something else. The genesis of discord seems to take place as Kate Gosselin figures out such-and-such has to get done. How does she figure that out? She figures it out on her lonesome. Hubby Jon doesn’t seem to be up to the task of anticipating what she’s going to want to have done…and maybe he shouldn’t see himself that way. Kate’s accustomed to working in a bubble. It’s just Kate’s plan. If it’s just Kate’s plan, then of course Jon won’t know what’s coming. He’ll be waiting around to be told what to do.

Many a red-blooded man is familiar with the search for the “generic” task — that thing she doesn’t have time to do, that definitely needs to be done, regardless of what her plan is. See, after a little bit of experience with the fairer sex we figure out you’re better of predicting which way a football will bounce, than to figure out what your wife or girlfriend is planning to do. So we look at what’s guaranteed, or almost-guaranteed, to be harmless. Running the dishes through the dishwasher, maybe. A load of laundry.

And if we get that going, and end up chastised as a result for having done it wrong — babe, it’s all over. Fingertips…pocket liners…say hello.

My God, I would face the wrath of a woman who didn’t like the way I asked her to get me a beer, over and over and over again, before I could spend one precious minute of my remaining lifespan with a shrew like Ms. Gosselin. That’s why about the time my thirties came to a close, I stopped trying to be helpful and concentrated my energies on telling them what kind of beer I liked. They can insist on a “please”; they can insist on a “thank you.” That’s all fair, since Mrs. Freeberg didn’t raise any barnyard animals. But in my household, it is not unheard-of for the Lady to bring the Lord of the Manor a damn beer once in awhile. No E-Girls Allowed, period. Since then, my woman-situation has vastly improved. Now way back when, in my early twenties, during my “starter marriage” and in the years before then…heh…don’t even ask, m’kay?

Hmmm, a beer would taste pretty good right about now.

Update: Hah! That’s awesome, Rob. Thanks.

Someone Needs to Make a List

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

Someone with a spleen to vent…about The Blog That Nobody Reads…but nevertheless, so far as I know, has never seen fit to comment here.

Blogsister Daphne called out my attention to Eternity Road, where all kinds of derision was being dumped upon us. At first, she simply mentioned it…I assumed there would be a trackback I could follow, somewhere, or at least that I could Google it. But it was not to be. Not enough traffic from those parts. So I had to ask her for a link, to get a better idea of where I was going wrong. And she pointed me to a homepage that eventually led me here. The place is run by one Frances W. Porretto.

I actually agree with Frances’ overall point which is “There’s no substitute for knowing how to argue your case.” Trouble is, he himself doesn’t seem to believe in it. What would I be arguing, exactly? And against what? He doesn’t like that I can recognize these small-l libertarians…not the Large L variety, who believe in limited government, individual freedom, live-and-let-live…but rather the “legalize drugs is all I care about” variety. He doesn’t like me pointing that out. Why exactly? He disagrees with the point about drugs being bad? He thinks they’re good? Or he doesn’t want me to have contempt for things, for which he doesn’t think I should have contempt? If it’s the former, then he is, indeed, a dimwit; and if it’s the latter, then he has renounced his credibility as a “libertarian.” At any rate, we know he likes to jump to conclusions about who can & can’t argue a point, without testing them on it.

It seems he’d prefer to enter is comments into a blog that could lay real claim to being a Blog That Nobody Reads.

Daphne tried to set him straight, pointing out to her, my intended meaning was crystal clear (as the author of the original comments, I can vouch that she hit a bulls-eye). Porretto was having none of it. Faced with truth, versus his interpretation of it, he ricocheted a terse command to our defender that she stop wasting his time. Being a lady of intelligence, class and dignity, she complied.

Comment #3 really impressed me, but probably not in the way he hoped to. What am I saying? He took special care to make sure I’d never see what he had to say:

Mr. Freeberg, in his purple haze blog that he says nobody reads, just likes to make lists. List makers, of course, like loooong lists, and sometimes take poetic license with the elements of their fancy. Freeberg, in fact, often numbers his lists with Roman numerals to add a certain mystique and gravitas to the list itself and the items listed.

Formatting your opinions as lists may not be the best way to promote your position, but it helps you to keep your place in the discussion and creates the impression that you know what you’re talking about. “Here’s my list; what about that, a**h***?”

Santa’s list, enemies lists, shopping lists, potential terrorist lists, things to do lists, no fly lists, sex offender lists, guest lists, gun registration lists, list of crimes on your rap sheet lists, etc. Think about it, Mr. Freeberg will run out of purple long before he runs out of lists.

Run out of purple? Someone please drop something in the comments below, clueing me in on what exactly that is supposed to mean. It’s { red=64 green=32 blue=128} foreground, { red=198 green=198 blue=246 } background; six bytes of the same data, over and over again. How does one “run out”? And there’s something egotistical or sanctimonious about list-making? Just damn.

I’m flabbergasted. Who the hell ever gets anything of any complexity accomplished somewhere, without making a list first?

I think that guy needs to make a few lists himself. Something gives me the general impression he’d really, really like to, and has more than a few ideas about what should go on them.

I hadn’t given it a great deal of thought before, certainly not as much as this fellow seems to think I have. But I guess making lists is just one of those vital yet simple things that some people never learn how to do — which speaks volumes about how little they have attempted to achieve in everyday life. And, as usual, when people cruise through life avoiding doing the simplest and most vital things, whenever they see someone else doing ’em, sometimes they get a little pissed.

Thing I Know #246. He who does, is a bigger man than he who does not. He who does not, but thinks out what is done, is better than those who think not. He who does not and thinks not, but respects those who do, is a bigger man than he who respects not.

Stop Eating So Much

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

The Melbourne eggheads have figured out the reason we yanks are so pudgy, is because we eat lots of food.

The amount of food Americans eat has been increasing since the 1970s, and that alone is the cause of the obesity epidemic in the US today…”The food industry has done such a great job of marketing their products, making the food so tasty that it’s almost irresistible, pricing their products just right, and placing them everywhere, that it is very hard for the average person to resist temptation. Food is virtually everywhere, probably even in churches and funeral parlors.” [said the lead researcher]

Seems rather obvious. Like a case of real life imitating The Man Show.

Best Way To Lose WeightFunny home videos are a click away

But there is another side to this that raises red flags with me. I think we’ve either got some eggheads that aren’t up to the task of eggheadery, or something must have gotten horribly lost in the translation as the eggheads discussed their findings with the reporters —

Physical activity—or the lack thereof—has played virtually no role in the rising number of expanding American waistlines, according to research presented at the 2009 European Congress on Obesity in Amsterdam last week.

The finding is contrary to the widely held assumption that decreased physical activity is an equally important driver of overweight and obesity in the US, said lead author Dr Boyd Swinburn (Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia).

Okay now, if this is all because of something Dr. Boyd Swinburn knows that I don’t know, that would have to mean I’m incorrect in something I learned decades ago: Fat people really do get hungry. Actually, here I would now have to claim superior experience over the doc. I wouldn’t mind chowing down on a chicken drumstick right this very minute — and it’s not because chicken drumsticks are yummy, it’s because I’ve got a little bit of a rumbling in my gut. Which, by rights, I really shouldn’t have because last night’s dinner was scrumptious and wonderful. So in this case, I’m the hungry fat dude. Now, why am I hungry even though I’m eating? Lessee…last night I drove a car home on a 2 mile commute…after doing some stuff on a computer in a cubicle for nine hours…after driving my car 2 miles to work…after blogging.

This weekend I’ll be riding my bike. But most Americans don’t even do that much. Just a few of us go to the gym, and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk about how we went to the gym.

Very few Americans really sit around on their asses all of the time. Here’s the problem, though. You eat one cheeseburger, you’ve got to work and work and work to get your digestion process back to normal. Not to get rid of the calories, which would require even more work. Just to get your body back into the “frame of mind” that okay, that was a treat, we aren’t built to eat cheeseburgers, we’re built to do physical things…so pump up the muscles accordingly and spend that fat.

The typical workout regimen for us, though, is one that would work dandy if things were directly upside down. You do four miles on the Stairmaster, and then you need to put away cheeseburgers all week to get that energy back. Life would be pretty neat if things worked that way. That isn’t how it works.

Physical labor, and lack thereof, affects your appetite. That’s because it determines the environment to which your body is trying to adapt. The type of food you shovel down your gullet, likewise, is part of the environment to which your body is trying to adapt. If it’s rich in starch and salt, your body gets the message that hey, we’re not gonna get the vitamins and other nutrients we need unless & until we consume several gallons of this garbage. So let’s send a nerve impulse to the lardass upstairs that we’re hungry again.

Work makes you fat. Or rather, to be more accurate about it, the time you spend doing work…by which I mean, not physical exercise, but things that need to be done, because nobody else will do ’em and they’ve gotta get done…depletes your ability to determine what kind of body shape you’re going to have. It also determines how much food you’re going to be eating. It all comes back to your body being a marvelous chameleon, designed to fit into whatever kind of work/eating regimen you’ve set up for it. And America does more work than most countries. We must, because you haven’t got that long to wait before some other snotty European/U.N. study comes out saying we do.

What are you doing when you get hungry? I’m pretty much always “working” in the worst way possible — with my brain and not with my bod. Day-to-day, when the thought occurs to me that it’s time to eat something…I’m either figuring out why something doesn’t work, writing code to make it work, or writing something else designed to be read by humans. You’d better believe that when the craving hits, I’ll be eating a lot more than someone who got just a little bit peckish by sitting around. More hours working means fewer hours doing something that would deliver the body shape you really want. We’re the chubby, barrel-shaped hubby clocking in at the coal mines eighteen hours a day, so his beauty-queen wife with the perfect figure can go jogging and sunbathing all day long.

One more thing worth pointing out: There is a pretty consistent correlation between the cost paid for a meal, and the meal’s delivery of nutrients your body needs on a per-dry-ounce basis. We tend to forget this because the correlation between cost, and the meal’s ability to kill that “I’m hungry right now” impulse, is all over the map. And it is that helter-skelter correlation that is of greater concern to us. You can fill your gut for twenty bucks, you can fill it up for $3.50. You can fill it for a buck.

But the less money you pay to fill up your gut, the richer the gut-filling will be in the salt, grease and starch. Which means you’re back to screwing up that delicate assembly line made up of your digestive tract, your brain, the blood sugar delivery to it, and the “I’m hungry” nerves. The strength here is the weakness. Your system is designed to adapt to the environment, and what you eat is part of that environment. So it’s easy to screw it all up.

But of course, I’ve used a great many more words to nail this stuff down, than were available to poor Dr. Swinburn. I don’t think any of what I’ve said would be news to him, and I don’t think he’d even disagree. This, I think, is a textbook case of lazy reporting. It just isn’t even a thought worth pondering, that “physical activity or the lack thereof has played virtually no role” in turning us into a nation of lardasses. There’s very little physical activity being done anymore. I have some company out on the bike trails, but really not that much considering the population density of my area; over the years, I’ve come to think of it as one of my opportunities to get away from people. If I walk someplace — in Folsom — I get funny looks from the motorists sitting way up high in their nice big cars, like gee I’m dressed nice for a homeless guy, and I must be some kind of homeless guy if I’m out walking.

So what are people doing? Going to the gym?

The gym that “everyone” attends is right next door to the recycling station “everyone” uses. Neither one is really a day-and-night hotbed of bustling activity.

Our asses are getting fat because we sit on them a lot. I’d love to be proven wrong on this, but it doesn’t seem to me like something that’s even open for question.

Memo For File LXXXVII

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

Knight Rider.

Battlestar Galactica.

Wonder Woman.

The Dukes of Hazzard.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.

The Fall Guy.

The Lovely Catherine BachI got ’em all. If it was on the idjit box, somewhere around the time John Lennon was gunned down, and it was something you pleaded with your parents to watch, because on a Friday night there wasn’t anything else for you to do — I’ve got it. And…here’s the funny thing…I don’t really understand why. This was not the “golden age” of inspiring, thoughtful, deep or enjoyable television shows. But I got ’em. Several pounds of ’em. It’s like quicksand. You step into it, and some force that wasn’t there before, just kinda pulls you in.

I blame some of it on the kid. For someone born in 1997, he asks profound, insightful questions about this stuff. And he notices things I didn’t notice. Things, like Arsenio Hall used to say, that make you go “Hmmmm.” Like, for example — whenever The Incredible Hulk takes on a bad guy, the only thing he ever does to them is throw ’em. No hitting, no kicking, no gouging, no biting. And he never throws ’em into a brick wall, either. Or a plastic shredder or a vat of molten steel or a bottomless pit. Nope. It’s always a pile of squishy stuff. Raaaarrr!!! Aaaaiiigghh!! (Zoop!) Plop, into the pile of squishy stuff. The stagnant swamp water, the pile of foam rubber, the empty cardboard boxes in the warehouse.

Whenever Bill Bixby gets angry, there’s gonna be ugly middle aged white guys in leisure suits with muttonchop sideburns flying through the air like hackey sacks, yodeling, sailing headlong into piles of squishy stuff. And a big green guy.

Much of what is unexpectedly addictive, has to do with what is eerily consistent. The women are always docile but have lots of fashion sense. They’re gorgeous but don’t think about sex very much. They really, really do dream of settling down with a truly nice guy. I blame these television shows for the genesis of my miserable misadventures with girls and women, as I suspect most men my age do; it cost me serious money to figure out the hard way that women aren’t really like that. As for the guys — the footwear is always pointy. That’s a rule. The pants are flared at the ankles, up to the size of a basketball hoop. The butts are tight, tight, tight. Size 26. Size 24. Smaller still…which, by today’s standards, look a little silly when paired up with a flowy cowboy button-down shirt open down to the navel, with a shirt collar bigger than your dining room table. Back then, men didn’t shave their chests; quite to the contrary, they wore chest-toupees. If they really looked like that in real life, they’d have had to scrub their chests every other day to keep from getting dandruff. They could smuggle sandwiches in there. And another thing — they were amateur psychologists. They used unnecessarily extravagant magic-words like “self-esteem,” even if the most complex or exotic thing they’d ever done with their young lives was to smuggle moonshine past Roscoe P. Coltrane for their kindly uncle…and they recited canned pysch-babble phrases like “you can’t bottle up all your emotions inside,” and “you need to confront him with all this rage you’re feeling,” and “you mustn’t blame yourself.”

Princess ArdalaEveryone had to rescue a Russian gymnast. Everyone. This was a rule nobody even thought of bending. It was like taking your turn on KP duty in the army, everyone had to do it at some time or another. Coy and Vance Duke had to do it. Buck Rogers had to do it. Yup, Buck Rogers rescued a Russian gymnast in the 25th century. Even James Bond had to do it. Twice. I do believe The Bionic Woman had to do it too, I just haven’t nailed down exactly the right episode yet. Goddamn, it was just raining doe-eyed whiny Russian gymnasts. There were more Russian gymnasts in need of rescuing than there were flattened rodents on the highway.

It was a time of transition. Toward the beginning of the era, the bad guys who you could tell were bad, because they were male, white, over 45 years old and they wore nice three-piece suits even at night — worked for government agencies. That was the Watergate influence. After Reagan was sworn into office, the bad guys were still male, still white, still over 45 years old, but now they worked for “corporations.” Nobody put a lot of trouble into figuring out why the corporations wanted to kill the good guy and the charmingly waifish but plucky single-mom he was constantly rescuing. The consensus that eventually emerged was that the corporations wanted to dump some toxic waste into the river. Yup. A complicated, fiendish plot to dump goop in a river. That must be quite the lengthy corporate income statement. Hit men, paid by the hour, to rub out anyone who gets in the way of us dumping our toxic waste into the river. And the hit mens’ suits, and moustache wax.

You might not have all this wonderful cultural decadence on your own DVD shelf, because you’ve been spending all your money and energy building up some silly iPod music collection, or some such. But don’t agonize over it. You mustn’t blame yourself.

Real Man’s Barbeque

Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Had to mark this piece of human achievement properly…I was doing a GIS for “real man” to find some artwork that would appropriately complement the previous post.

What’s hosted below, didn’t quite fill the bill. But it certainly is good, so I felt the need to snag it somewhere else. And the page in which it is embedded, is even better. In addition to being timely.


Sunday, May 10th, 2009

Now that Bessie’s retired, it would seem the next-most-durable appliance in the household is a Memorex DVD/VHS combo unit that has done little-to-nothing to go above & beyond the call of duty, but has filled out an impressive lifespan of heavy use, with no grief involved whatsoever. I realized this all of a sudden when the remote went missing.

A missing remote is like nausea. Most of the time the “spell” is over in a flash and means nothing. Every now and then it flares into a real problem. And then there is the exceptional crisis that drags on and on. This was that. It ran on for just a little over twenty-four hours but it seems(ed) like so much more. Years. The coffee didn’t taste as good, the wine soured, the air didn’t smell as fresh — and it damn sure hasn’t felt like our living room. We lost some domestic tranquility as we proceeded to seriously entertain ideas that I, the wise and benevolent patriarch, had —

 • stuffed the remote into a dry cleaning bag with our laundry,
 • carried the remote into the bedroom and stuck it under my pillow,
 • stuck the remote into the junk drawer in the kitchen,
 • dropped the remote behind the couch and somehow ensconced it underneath,
 • carried the remote into my son’s bedroom,
 • walked out onto the balcony with the remote and left it in the rain,
 • …and my personal favorite, dropped it into the chest freezer.

Watching movies is not the same without a remote. Not now that we’ve had one and used one.

I should add that Thomas Jefferson was to books what I am to DVDs, especially of silly television shows from the 1980’s. I’m pretty sure we’re up to half a ton now. My DVD collection is almost a decent retirement vehicle. Me missing the living room DVD remote? It’s like a centipede getting athlete’s foot.

The lady of the house found the remote. I rewarded her by forcing her to recant only half of her wild-ass accusations toward her wise and benevolent patriarch, none of which turned out to be true. First order of business tomorrow, after a Mother’s Day session in which she’ll be plied with — what else? — DVDs — is to go out and score one of those remote-pockets. Time’s come. The deluxe model, please, that drapes over the back of the couch and has ten crazy-pockets. This cannot be allowed to happen ever again.

On the other hand…I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…it’s evidence of how good we have it, if this ranks real high on our list of problems. Of course it’s easy to keep that in mind now that we’ve found the goddamn thing.

Update 5/10/09: Alright we have some candidates — here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

I finally decided that second-to-last one was the champion.

Best Day EvahI have a number of rules that I am persuaded to violate when remotes go missing. One of these is, I really hate bringing my engineering-thinking home with me. A home already has an engineer, after all, and it is the Lady of the House. I step on toes when I do that. But…sometimes, women are blind to certain things. Like — “I put all the remotes on the living room coffee table, why did they ever go anywhere else? If they stayed on the coffee table none of them would ever go missing?” Me: “Because…they got USED.” Her: “So put it BACK on the coffee table when you’re done with it, does that require so much effort?” Me (crisply, haughtily, dancing closer to the edge, I’ve come this far why turn back now): “It’s not a matter of how-much-effort. When people accommodate inanimate objects, as opposed to inanimate objects accommodating people the way the Good Lord intended, your precious plan will be rent asunder. That’s not even a rule; that’s just things the way they are.” Her: (That awful, scolding silence)…

See how terrible this is for domestic harmony? The remotes have to stay found. Period.

The other rule this violates is — I’m really not pleased with myself when I have complaints about things a man living a hundred and fifty years ago would not have. Like, fr’example, where’s that f*cking remote. It tells me I’m turning into a soft-bellied twenty-first century veal calf.

And I don’t continue to wrestle and wrestle with problems, without solving them at some point once-and-fer-all. Because I’m a MAN, dammit!

So those last two rules are placed in direct conflict when the remote goes missing.

Thirteen dollars plus shipping to recover my manhood. Pretty cheap. Sure, a man can tolerate inconveniences, but there’s more to life than tolerating inconveniences. If you think that’s all a man does, you’re just a feminist shill. When the man’s done with the day’s work, it’s time for hot chicken wings, cold beer, and…let us get this one thing straight…the REMOTE!

As Yul Brynner said: Thus it shall be written; thus it shall be done.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News.

School Form

Friday, April 17th, 2009

This is me, filling out a form for my son’s field trip. I’ve been known to be ticked off by a lot of things that tick off a lot of other people…on the other hand, I’ve also been known to be confused and befuddled by things that are crystal-clear to everyone else. Over the years, I have learned when I find some matter of interpretation to be confusing, usually you could round up ten randomly-selected people — not only would all ten of them be decidedly un-confused…but eight or nine of them would be at a complete loss to explain how there could possibly have been any ambiguity about it.

I have zip-zero-zilch-bubkes of an idea which one this is. Leave your ideas in the comments below, and don’t worry about being kind. Insults-with-enlightenment, is a package I can use.

All I know right now is, in the course of trying to figure this thing out, my blood pressure must’ve easily doubled…

FORM: Name of student.

ME: Hmm, okay that sounds easy enough… I write kid’s name on form.

Language AdvisoryFORM: Parent.

ME: Alrightee, then. Morgan K. Freeberg.

FORM: Address.

ME: Oh, I know this one. Address goes in.

FORM: Phone number.

ME: Hmmm…they want to get hold of the kid, or they want to get hold of me. Must be me. I’ll write in the land-line, just in case.

FORM: Date of birth.

ME: Er…okay. Hmm. Um…lessee…yeah, that has to be me. July 15, 1966.

FORM: Age.

ME: (Right eye starting to twitch a little bit.) Let me think on this, now. There’s no way anyone can possibly give a flying fuck that I’m forty-two. They must be asking about the kid. Okay. Eleven. (Scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch…) I hate this form I hate this form I hate this form I hate this form. (Write in date of kid’s birth in the remaining space.)

What’s next?

FORM: Business phone.

ME: Son of a BITCH!! (Furiously scratch out kid’s date-of-birth, kid’s age, and as long as we’re at it, the land-line phone.) These fucking (write in cell phone #) assholes (write in my date-of-birth) don’t know how (write in my age) to make a goddamn (write in business phone) FORM!!!

(Hyperventilating now.)

What else?

FORM: Grade.

ME: GYAAAH!! (Eyes get a weird glow, skin starts glowing green, shirt rips…)

See, some of this frustration is cumulative, and it spills over from the maddening experience of finding Christmas gifts during the shorter days of the years, and movies during the longer ones. I have learned something about how this monstrous thing called a “civilized society” molds and shapes things just before they’re paraded under the eyeballs of these creatures called “parents.” It is not inconsideration. It is not lack of empathy. It is not lack of sympathy, it is not negligence, it is not simple laziness.

It is hatred. Perhaps it’s a subconcious thing, perhaps it’s not, but either way it’s clear to me there is some strong desire to deal injury to parents. Things that should be easy, are artificially difficult…not quite so much time-consuming to any great degree…but migraine inducing. And perhaps there’s nothing passionate about it. Maybe, like something out of The Godfather, it’s all business. Someone, somewhere, has figured out a way to create or accentuate a stream of income by giving migraines to parents…it works in some way that would be neutralized, somehow, if the parents did not receive migraines.

I don’t know how exactly that works.

But I swear to God — it must be there. The mothers, if not the dads, they must know what I’m talking about…especially if their kids were born in late summer. You know how it seems there’s a worldwide conspiracy in place to get you to faint, or vomit, or rupture your bladder as you carry that big ol’ belly around?

Well after the kid pops out and starts breathing air, it’s transferred to the dads. At which time, it becomes more real. Every little thing has that extra surplus of difficulty, or expense, or confusion, just to remind you of your inferior status. Usually it’s “family” movies that make the dad look like an ass, or a klutz, or a dimwit, or a workaholic, or a jerk or an acoholic or a strutting self-important martinet that everyone loathes. Things are two or three times as hard as they need to be. Two or three times as humiliating. Two or three times as frustrating.

Some of the other things are just five-or-ten-percent harder than it seems like they should be. Paradoxically, those are the more frustrating items. Like that damnable school form. It’s like they have to have that little frosting on the cake…some way of getting that middle finger in there.

It’s probably just my imagination.

But if that’s the case…suppose there’s a challenge to design a form more confusing than this one, without making it any more complicated. Would you know how to rise to a challenge like that? Because I wouldn’t be able to do it. If I had decades to think on it I’d never be able to come up with a way to “improve” it. Some form designer, somewhere, not only is childless, but really, really has it in for us.

Jack’s Rules to Ensure You Don’t Get Called Back

Friday, April 10th, 2009

Frustrated girlfriend writes in for advice to Jack M. at Ace of Spades:

Dear Jack M.,

You seem like the only regular coblogger who has ever dated a member of the opposite sex. You also seem like the kind of guy who gets dumped a lot.

I want to end a relationship with a guy, but I want him to think it’s his idea because I’m a wimp. Can you give me advice on how to do this? I’m sure you know.

*Name Withheld*

Blogger gold ensues…ten nuggets, of content equivalent to this…

No man sporting a pair of testicles (and I can probably widen the list to include uniballs like Lance Armstrong) gives a rats f’n ass about “Sex and the City.”

If you admit to watching it, you are announcing to the world that you identify with:

A) A 90 year old whorebag;
B) A red-headed lesbian;
C) A phony, holier-than-thou goody-goody or
D) Matthew Broderick’s sloppy seconds.

None, and I repeat, of these characters are attractive in the long term. Unless you, as the red headed lesbian, also have a hot and eager female friend.

Which seems unlikely. After all, if you did, why would you be wasting time watching “Sex and the City”?

Trust me on this: Just drop the phrase “I’m such a Miranda” into small talk and I guarantee you your phone won’t ring again. Unless the guy you are dating is gay and wants fashion tips.

I try to keep my comments to myself on the single life. Because I really haven’t spent that much time in it…at all…what was it, about eight months of dating some five years ago? And then before that, something like three weeks on the market a decade previous.

But there is something going on out there. A young, intelligent, hot & attractive single and available woman, is single and available for a reason.

From the more recent experience, I perceive it is the shopping that does ’em in. Not the spending of money — the impression that shopping leaves, upon the waifish, inexperienced mind, still learning how to perceive the world in which it lives. They were there to pick something out. And they didn’t have to do that good a job of it…they were well accustomed to dealing with an overly generous return policy…they were just gliding along, showing about as much cognitive thought as your average Obama voter, waiting to be dazzled by something. That the something could be picking them out, was a completely foreign concept to most of ’em.

And some of the things I heard coming out of their mouths; just tragic. Showing themselves just completely unready to reconcile on anything, challenges large or small, with a masculine consciousness. “I’m such a Miranda” — I don’t even know what that means but that captures it.

Don’t even get me started on how they wrote their personal ads. Over 50 percent of female-personal-ads, I would conservatively estimate, contain this phrase: “I’ve kissed a lot of frogs.” How much thought do you need to put into your draft, to figure out this might not be what a guy has in mind when he’s reading that section?

How did I get myself out of that pathetic existence? I used reason and logic. The “average” woman, after all, to the extent she exists in any form — she’s no dunce in the department of treating love and romance as a financial transaction. Girls are way ahead of guys here. And yet, when you advertise a product (herself) to its potential consumers, in terms of how happy they will make you (saleslady) by doing the consuming after all the frustration you’ve been through with getting it sold previously…that demonstrates just a mind-blowing lack of comprehension in exactly that area. You don’t place an ad for a car, using up your precious $2 words droning on about all the customers who bought the car before, and then for some reason demanded their money back?

And yet the “average” lady advertising her availability, thought there was great urgency in getting this mentioned. Her pitch was “Hey fellas, here’s a chance to make me happy,” and then we were all supposed to come running. They were accustomed to family members, and fictitious movie characters, behaving strangely, living out their lives for no higher purpose than to please Princess. Like I said: Available for a reason. And so I figured out, there’s some tiny slice of women who are in this market, who don’t really belong here…they understand things the rest of ’em don’t.

And so I defined the target, developed some ways to recognize it when it popped up, and zoomed in on it. Worked out pretty well.

“I’m such a Miranda.” That cracks me up. I wonder if there’s anyone anywhere with a penis & testicles who has even the slightest idea what that means.

Leave it in the comments below, if you’ve a mind to educate me. I really don’t care. Google requires such precious little effort, but somehow I can’t quite work up the give-a-damn.

Like Everyone Else, I’m Wondering…

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

…do I have to pay for all these stimulus packages and bailout programs Obama-self?

Not In It For The Attention, Mind You… XXIX

Saturday, April 4th, 2009

…but House of Eratosthenes is behind the Quote of the Day at Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air.

“I’ve met a lot of women who’ve achieved remarkable things in a man’s world. I have admiration for all of them. But I have a lot more admiration for the ones who managed to get it done, without becoming bitter. Such an extraordinary thing, in ordinary women.

But for the woman who aspires to lead us all? Lead us all, in that way we keep talking about? It seems like so little to ask. And Palin’s got it.

The ones who don’t have that…can’t stand it.”

As I was typing it in, I was thinking “I hope to God Becky never sees this.” (I think our respect was mutual, though neither of us would’ve admitted it…and holy cats, that woman was bitter, although she lost her bite as time wore on.) How ironic that because of that one occasional nice thing said about the fairer sex, The Blog That Nobody Reads is hit thousands of times in the space of an hour.

Now the world thinks I’m some super-polite, sweater-wearing politically-correct guy, rather being a somewhat-lovable somewhat-sexist jerk — “My favorite male chauvinist pig in the whole world,” in Daphne‘s words. Oh, dear. How damaging to my rep. How embarrassing.

We’re probably going to break an all-time traffic record over the weekend…possibly Monday as well…and all these thousands of people see us for the very first time, and form a mental image that looks something like…

You know, if there was a way to admire the awesomeness that is Sarah Palin and remain a decent sexist jerk at exactly the same time…I’d not only be doing it, I’d find a way to patent it. It does not seem the laws of physics, in this universe, will allow such a thing. So I’m gonna have to buy a whole fistful of these

Also linked by Free Republic, and Ace. Gerard got the ball rolling.

What Limbaugh Thinks of Bicycles

Monday, March 16th, 2009

I can see both sides of this one. Know why? Because I’ve been an innocent doe-eyed motorist contending with an asshole on a bicycle, and I’ve been an innocent doe-eyed bicyclist contending with a whole parade of assholes in cars.

The bike enthusiast being interviewed in the film clip at the end — he seems to be taking a rather selective approach in the responsibility he claims for knowing what’s going on behind him. Maybe I didn’t get a good enough look at that helmet…but he’s got two fancy cameras, and no mirror?

One villain I wish they mentioned: The automobile-driver who, when passing me, gives me not two feet of clearance, not three, or four, but ten. And then gives me a dirty look as if I forced him to drive in the other lane. Hey dickhead, I’m hugging the side of the road as best I possibly can; as long as you don’t make contact, we’re fine.

Use some common sense in choosing the route. If there’s no space for you, go somewhere else. I know whole neighborhoods are constructed that way — I used to live in one — but plan the route so you get the f*ck out. And, there were some pretty awesome shortcuts I had abandoned completely because the situation had degenerated past the point of reason. What would this guy have done, I wonder? Do I need to wonder about that?

One final note: The laws about bikes-versus-cars seem to vary municipally. Here in Folsom, bikes are expected to hug the right side; there is ample space for them to do so, I would guess, more than three-quarters of the time. Other places, the convention is that they are intermingled with the cars in whatever lane they want to choose. I think that is stupid and borderline homicidal. I’m not talking quite so much about the law, I am talking about what bicyclists are expected to do. Left lane, right lane, middle lane, la la de da, I’m pretending to be a car…not smart.

It’s a pretty decent pastime because it keeps your cardio in check, and if you don’t make sound judgment calls you end up dead. I like that. Makes you think better. But part of thinking better is: Make it no more dangerous than it needs to be, m’kay?

Just Figured Out What’s Missing From Tomb Raider

Monday, March 9th, 2009

Tomb RaiderSanta Claus in a Brown Uniform* just delivered the new Tomb Raider game, and in so doing informed me in a round-about way that the drive on my PS2 console is shot. Quick trip to Gamestop and I got me a slimline, so I can continue to play state-of-the-art games without shelling out $400 bucks for some piece of hardware that doesn’t mean too much more to me than an oil filter wrench. Everything works, and the game’s reasonably decent. Don’t expect too much. One or two new features, a bunch of new puzzles. Like you expected.

Um, she also balances on things. This is a little aggravating, and is the subject & inspiration of what you see below.

I have a fantastic idea for Tomb Raider 9, though. Actually not so much an idea, just a suggestion about what to do differently. This one’s for you, Daphne.

What is Tomb Raider? Think all the way back to the first one. Think about every single installment since then. Here’s my take on it…

Lara Croft is this hot chick. As such, she’s a girl-woman. A female. Now, I’m a guy. I sit down with my joystick (hah!), engage Lara, and tell her what to do. I mean, I do that after I open up my wallet and pay for a bunch of goods and services to make this possible.

As I tell her what to do, she makes a show out of doing what I tell her what to do. Which is to say, sometimes she does exactly what I tell her to do…sometimes she only pays lip-service to what I tell her to do, and does something completely different.

Sometimes I tell her to go straight ahead, and instead she goes off kinda North-Northwest.

If she doesn’t do what I tell her to do, she falls off from things, gets hurt, sometimes gets killed, sometimes gets eaten.

If she lives all the way through to the end of the level and gets hold of the key/treasure/map/icon/whatever, Lara solved the level. Yay Lara! She solved the level by doing what I told her to do.

If she doesn’t do what I told her to do, and ends up getting killed, I got Lara killed. Even though she got killed because she didn’t do what I told her to do.

If you’re bright, by now you’ve seen where I’m going with this. She gets all the credit, I get all the blame, even though if she’d just do what I tell her to do, she’d get killed maybe only one-tenth as often as she does.

It’s a little bit too much like real life, y’know?

How about, when I tell her to veer off to the left so the fireball doesn’t hit her, and instead she just walks right into it like a lemming over a cliff…she looks right into the camera, apologizes profusely, asks for a do-over, and takes extra-careful steps to make absolutely sure she understands which way I’m telling her to walk. And then, if it still doesn’t work out, pulls an ancient scroll out of the knapsack of hers with a mailing address of someone who’d be happy to ship me a brand new controller — on her dime. After all, I’ve already been hit in the pocketbook plenty hard enough, and the Countess of Abbington is supposed to be independently wealthy, haven’t you heard?

That would be a pleasant break from reality.

*The UPS guy. You knew that.

Not In It For The Attention, Mind You… XXVIII

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

One of our favorite female blogger/readers had some comments that made me laugh out loud. Really. I know “LOL” is a lie 99% of the time, but this time it was true; ask my kid, he was worried I was going to have a stroke. It’s from where we go to get our ribald lagniappes of jolly smut.

BeckhamMy favorite male chauvinist pig in the whole world has a couple of fine entries posted. This deserves some attention, but the prolific bastard’s loaded umpteen entries since this morning and I don’t have the patience to dig through his trough for the other one I liked. He deserves a full visit on general principal, though.

This is how I visualize MKFreeburg when I’m reading him… all hot and nasty. I want to smack and kiss him in the same breath, even though he’s totally in love with the mighty fine Miss Cassy and not me.

Ah, I’m fond of you both, Daphne. I might mirror more of Cassy’s work because she spends more space & time trashing the feminists, which appeals to my puerile interests.

My heart belongs to another, though, and she isn’t even online anywhere.

Regarding this young fellow I’m supposed to resemble: He does seem to have the post-reveille pre-shower blogging attire down pat, but there the similarity ends and this exercise regimen in which he appears to be engaged doesn’t reflect me either. I’m more of a lift-beer-bottle-to-lips kinda guy, and truth be told, the physique might reflect that somewhat.

Why the burst lately? We just got the broadband compny to get their act in gear and now we’re taking advantage of the improved performance.

There’s pictures of me to upload, but they’re all on the local drive of the desktop in the other room. Perhaps that’s for the best. Don’t want to give Mr. Beckham a complex…