Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
First Lady Michelle Obama apparently wants to tie New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s fat-removal surgery, somehow, to her “Let’s Move” campaign.
First lady Michelle Obama didn’t directly address New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s decision to have weight-loss surgery in an interview that aired Wednesday, but she said his struggle shows why her “Let’s Move” exercise program is so important.
“I think that’s a very personal matter,” Obama, who has made tackling the nation’s obesity crisis one of her priorities, said on NBC’s “Today” when asked about Christie’s lap-band surgery. “It’s something between the governor and his family, and I try not to comment on people’s personal choices. I think Governor Christie is terrific and you know, his family is wonderful, and I wish them the best.”
But Obama did say people’s struggles with weight as they get older is an important reason to tackle childhood obesity.“There are millions of people like the governor who struggle with adulthood obesity, and that’s one of the reasons why I think ‘Let’s Move’ is so important,” she said. “Because we want to start working with kids when they’re young, so that they don’t have these challenges when they get older.”
Sometimes, when I disagree with the Obamas it’s because I oppose their various agendas. Sometimes it’s because, unlike their target audience, I can see those agendas. This time, what Michelle’s talking about is dumb, stupid, not even sane, doesn’t make sense. Having layers of fat carved off you & sucked into a tube doesn’t have anything to do with moving. You have to hold still for that, last I checked.
Alright, she’s not saying otherwise. So let’s just agree that her tie-in to the Let’s Move campaign is tortured.
Now, I’m actually not opposed to the idea of telling American kids to get off their fat ham-quarters and get moving. I like the message. And while I have libertarian misgivings against First Couples telling America to do things like eating fewer carbs, learning to read, running, moving, et al — can’t find any of this stuff in Article II, ya know — I acknowledge that some of my fellow citizens do look toward the leaders for this soft, parental-style “leadership” and I bow to the reality of it. If they do have this de facto “duty” to tell us how to live our lives, there are worse messages than the one Mrs. Obama has chosen. And, I think it’s good when First Ladies have causes.
Laura Welch Bush’s cause was literacy. She did a lot of book-reading for photo ops. She also, as President George Bush told us time and time again, had been a librarian. I’m inclined to think, although I can’t prove it, that when the photo ops were over and the cameras were all packed up and bussed away, that First Lady Laura Bush kept reading now and then.
Anybody see Michelle O climbing a rock wall or jazzercising lately? Or maybe just sling a hula hoop around on her curvaceous hips?
Again, to repeat: Not saying it’s a bad message.
It’s just a little embarrassing that my First Lady has to find a proxy to get it delivered. I recognize that with my lifestyle over the last year, I lack the proper standing to criticize others for being sedentary. I object to yet one more example of “Do as I say, not as I do,” and posturing, and phoniness. It’s really all getting rather tedious. The tortured segue from Gov. Christie’s surgery is really just another straw on the camel’s back.
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