Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
A week ago, legendary “football wag” Carly Zucker lost out to the goddess-like Beyonce Knowles — as all ordinary mortal women must. Today she has an opportunity to emerge victorious against the next letter in the alphabet, aptly represented by Daniella Sarahyba.
And my verdict is…
Carly. You are absolutely stunning…far more radiant and pleasing to the eye than most…and it is unfair you should be a two-time loser in this little tournament of ours. But sweetie, it’s shaking out that way. Not your fault. Doesn’t say anything bad against you at all, really. Just a bad place to be filling out in the alphabet.
The fact is, you cannot compete with Daniella. She’s amazing. You’re amazing. She’s just slightly moreso.
I’ll say this much for you though. I predict that by the time this whole thing is wrapped up, if I round up all the two-time losers, you’re going to be way up toward the top of that stack, and you’ll probably beat a lot of the one-time losers as well. I’m pretty sure of this.
But for today, you’re still a two-time loser. Daniella is warm, Daniella is personable, Daniella is the down-home girl-next-door. The girl-next-door who takes your breath away when you look at her, as if you were just hit in the gut with a sledgehammer like that guy in King of the Ants. Beyonce could beat Daniella. You, I’m sorry to say, cannot.
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And this is why God made us with different tastes, because (since I’m not familiar with either of them) going off of these two pictures alone I’d go with the one on the left, who I assume is Carly. To take nothing away from Danielle, whom I would gladly by a couple of Big Macs.
Both beautiful ladies, but then again, that’s how they got their jobs, then, isn’t it?
- philmon | 08/28/2009 @ 06:03I’m with philmon, who are these chicks? Man, I’m so far out of the loop on pop culture and I damn proud of it.
I dunn’o what neighborhood you live(d) in but if Daniella is the type that lived near you I’m moving.
Plus, I’m slightly confused; you picked Beyonce over Carly, big hipped, large breasted Beyonce. But now, Carly, the more curvaceous of the two above loses? Confused.
Also, why I agree Daniella is hot, she’s bordering on anorexic. Not just a “couple of Big Macs” is gonn’a do it but couple of Big Macs everyday for maybe 2/3 weeks.
Now, having said all that…crackers…bed…not kickin’ either of ’em out. No sir.
- tim | 08/28/2009 @ 06:38The one on the right looks like a tranni.
The one on the left looks like jailbait.
Neither one of them has breasts.
You need to let me guest post some amazing looking women since you seem to be no good at this hot sexy thing, Morgan.
- Daphne | 08/28/2009 @ 12:55I’m out of this pop loop, as well. And I like CURVY women, so the current crop of beauty-images… as defined of late… does next to nothing for me. These girlie images all look pretty danged androgynous to me, except for the plastic boobs. One sees WAY too much plastic boobage.
And just to remain in character: Get off my lawn!
- bpenni | 08/28/2009 @ 12:55Heh. Daphne. You most CERTAINLY have your head screwed on properly, young lady. 😉
- bpenni | 08/28/2009 @ 12:56Yes I do, Buck. I know a hot woman when I see one and I don’t get all jealous over it either.
How are you doing darlin’ man?
- Daphne | 08/28/2009 @ 12:59Hmmm … how much trouble do I want to get myself into?
Perhaps I’d better refrain. 😉
- philmon | 08/28/2009 @ 13:35Ya’ wimp philmon, I’ll take it form here.
“I know a hot woman when I see one”
“Woman, all of ’em a six pack away from a lesbian experience”
Author unknown
Oh crap, I’m so out’a here.
- tim | 08/28/2009 @ 13:44I knew a dirty mind would eventually surface. Tim you get the blue ribbon for naughtiest man.
- Daphne | 08/28/2009 @ 13:56On that note, here’s what I was GOING to say…
- philmon | 08/28/2009 @ 13:59…you picked Beyonce over Carly, big hipped, large breasted Beyonce. But now, Carly, the more curvaceous of the two above loses? Confused.
Just do some Google image searches on them both. Carly seems to have a penchant for the bare-belly gym pants look. Her curves are quite nice, but this is one of only two pics I could find that showed off her bodacious bod, hip-wise…and if it takes more than a certain quantity of work, she starts to lose points for hiding things.
This contest with Daniella is pretty much a face-off. Literally, it comes down to faces. I think Carly’s body is just fine, but I don’t like her lips. Kind of a Sally Kirkland thing she’s got going on. Almost looks like failed surgery. Daniella, on the other hand, accessorizes with large gold earrings, boasts just a light complement of freckles, has a pleasing doe-eyed look to her, girl-next-door thing. As for the lightweight frame, if the camera is telling the truth here, she must have been at the lighter end of her crash-diet cycle. Overall, she seems to have more meat than Carly, and it’s better developed in the torso. She has some ab definition Carly’s missing, not that it shows here. But overall she makes for a better portfolio…it comes down to that, really.
And I like CURVY women, so the current crop of beauty-images… as defined of late… does next to nothing for me.
Yeah I agree, but we’re going to try to stay out of the “retro” stuff here. And that means — I didn’t make it this way — Beyonce is probably the only one of that stature you’ll see in this gallery. Because when today’s fashion-plate girl has some thickness to those limbs, by which I mean any whatsoever, it’s usually because she’s trying to send a message. She perceives the “societal expectations” of the female form to be on the toothpicky side, she blames men for it, hates men, and is trying to dictate what people should like by taking the heavier profile WAY too far.
A lady who’s well-filled out, in a healthy way…other than Beyonce, and Ms. Johnson who’s five months away from being legal…I can’t think of anyone. Nobody who’s appeared in a magazine anyhow.
- mkfreeberg | 08/28/2009 @ 14:40[…] Goes Undercover Ten Things to Throw in the Casket With Him Top Ten Pain in the Ass Taxes in History C and D The Senator’s Corpse Recession’s Over, Business is Booming, Bonuses Paid Thanks to the […]
- House of Eratosthenes | 08/29/2009 @ 07:25