Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
So over on the Hello Kitty of Blogging, this image appeared…
…and under the name of a male. One who is by no means left of wing, in general. So I’m assuming the sentiment behind it is one of true libertarianism, a “woman’s right to choose” being not an expression of modern liberalism, but a true desire for greater personal liberty across the board.
Nevertheless, even granting that and overlooking all the attendant contradictions, there is some passion behind it, and it is male passion. Which is part of a phenomenon I have been noticing: Men who are extremely opinionated that men…shouldn’t have opinions about this thing. I just don’t understand how that is managed. How do you do that?
Favorite question to ask the libs: If voter ID is an impermissible encroachment on one of our most sacred liberties, The Right To Vote…and abortion restriction, in any form, is an impermissible encroachment on one of our most sacred liberties, The Right To Choose…do I then enjoy a sacred right to vote yes on a law that will restrict abortion? Oh, my. What a crowbar to toss in the ol’ sawblade. The stammering, stuttering, bumbling incoherence you get back, the deer-in-the-headlights look you get. You can see “Do I get to phone a friend?” right in their big, wide, bulging eyes.
There is a pattern with modern liberalism, in which they elevate personal liberty above the policing and regulatory authority of the state when, and only when, it’s got something to do with sex. The deviant practices of sex, and the consequences that follow.
However, I’ve long picked up the vibe here that what we’re really talking about with the “men shouldn’t express opinions about abortion” issue is: How do humans breed. And the problem I call out is, if the decision to carry the child or to abort it belongs entirely to the woman, it isn’t such a great leap from there to say that raising the kid is also entirely the responsibility of the woman. And I fear there is the school of thought out there that says, yeah that’s exactly how it’s done. Men just kinda run around spreading, the women “get” pregnant and “have” children and raise them. Like cows raising calves. Humans are supposed to breed just like bovines.
Once again, we see nobody who believes that actually puts that together word-for-word and writes it, or speaks it. It would be too evident in its destructive energy and destructive intent. But that does seem to be the rule. And, we see at school when kids are hurt, or get in trouble, are accused of something…it has become part of the bureaucratic normalcy to make sure the mother is notified and once that’s done, well, mission accomplished.
It is clear how we got here. Feminism has become very powerful over the last several decades, and it has never been too fond of what it calls “the patriarchy.” And we all know what the patriarchy means: The poppa meets the momma, he provides a house which then remains his, and together they raise his family then he makes sure his sons can do big he-manly things so that they can start their households with their new wives who will raise their kids…so feminism comes along and says, more credit for the momma. More credit, more ownership, more responsibility, more privileges, more rights. Let’s be fair, it is the bureaucrats, actually applying the rules, who come to the conclusion that fatherhood doesn’t matter anymore. And they reached that by just thinking narrowly. The feminists just gave them a push in the general direction, then the pinheads did what pinheads will always do: Minimalist thinking. Kids have moms. They don’t have dads, not unless all kids have dads, for if all can’t have something then none of them can…and not all of them have dads. Next problem.
Question, then: If feminism is all about equal rights, and it doesn’t have anything to do with eroding the glory and the potential of the human equation, then how come it has never put too much energy behind a drive to carry surnames down the female line? I’m not talking about hyphenated names; that’s just a softly bubbling angry cauldron sitting on the back burner of our society, muttering away “look out lefty and feminist I am.” I’m talking about a complete reversal. They marry, his name gets lost, the kids get her name and carry it on. Carter spent all that energy trying to move us to the metric system…and in the middle of an energy crisis too, might I add. Lefties just love to flip society over like a pancake in other matters, why not here?
This has to do with personal ambition, desire to become a better person. Fathers are supposed to have this talk with their sons, are they not? I had it with mine: “There is a reason you have two names, and your job is to keep them both good.”
Perhaps the answer is as simple as: The feminism we know, has always been quicker about erasing inequalities that have to do with these “rights,” than about confronting other inequalities that have to do with responsibility. This one is obviously the latter. But if equality is the goal, and the family is to be re-wired and re-configured to prepare for a new matriarchy to displace the patriarchy, it nevertheless seems like this should be a natural next-step. Well, it hasn’t been. The energy hasn’t been directed here. It’s been directed toward making it easier to sue men in the workplace, for feelings of whatever in potentially unstable females that those men never even noticed were there. Followed closely behind by, left-wing male politicians whose policies are just a big hot mess on their local economies, getting re-elected by way of feminist-buzzword-gimmickry so they can do some more damage. Those two things, abortion and gay marriage, that’s where feminist excitement is directed and has been directed.
At any rate, I would offer that this has been the source of some of our societal decline: The desire for a decent personal reputation has been identified as one of the bits of baggage that are supposed to be tossed in the bonfire, with the rest of the hated patriarchy, and reduced to ash.
The cows raise the calves. But the calves do not share the cow’s last name. So they don’t serve the purpose of carrying any kind of reputation into the future. With that change made, children cease to function in their unique role of preserving any kind of immortality. The desirable attributes of youth, itself, are entirely lost. Kids become nothing more than a pain-in-the-neck, a bunch of curtain-climbers, trouble-making whelps who have to be constantly told put-that-down, don’t-touch-that.
Much like the calves. No place for them except maybe between the vegetables and the mashed potatoes.
But if the kids aren’t worth any more than just that, then neither are the rest of us. Uh yeah, that includes all classes of us, male and female, gay and straight, all colors. Two ninety-nine a pound with your Safeway club card, that’s all we’re worth.
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That chart is painfully stupid. Reproduction, by definition, involves two people. One man, one woman. Unless the chartmaker really thinks that men are to be treated as stud creatures. It would be the end path of the idiot “Men are Pigs” think women have been pushing so hard…..
- Robert Mitchell Jr. | 08/24/2012 @ 12:36I took the chart to be sarcastic – an indictment of people who think that way. Changes nothing, of course, because there are people who think that way.
Kids become nothing more than a pain-in-the-neck, a bunch of curtain-climbers, trouble-making whelps who have to be constantly told put-that-down, don’t-touch-that.
Oy, vey. You’ve just defined my 19 month old son. But we’re working on it, man.
- Andy | 08/24/2012 @ 12:53Nineteen months? Ah, he’s got time, I’m sure there’s potential there.
- mkfreeberg | 08/24/2012 @ 13:01I took the chart to be “ironic”.
So when does the US tax code adopt yet a NEW special “health care” subdivision based on POTENTIAL interstate commerce of
vagina (by birth OR “lifestyle” choice) related services-you know, like the mandatory car insurance in MOST states, or “special” registration (penalty of law blah blah blah…)of males, not-old-enough to “possess” Tobacco,ETOH , or personal firearms.
Is there any *ahem* disparate impact on the assignation of the title “felon” following
trials for the very same (even minor) “crimes”? Kinda’ puts a damper on the whole vote/second ammendment thingie ,….doesn’t it?
Will I be seen as a “felon” if I don’t labor to pay the new “special” tax that covers “free” (ie) law school girl’s contraceptive/abortion/lifestyle “choices?
Think it will alieve the number of “oops, I’m pregnant” or “oops, I’ve lost the virgin status” morning-after regret/ now pay my bills, cases?
- CaptDMO | 08/24/2012 @ 15:38