Alarming News: I like Morgan Freeberg. A lot.
American Digest: And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. What can I say? I'm on an ego trip today. It won't last.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post!", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. I wish I'd written those.
Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler: ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. I like his common sense approach and his curiosity when it comes to why people believe what they believe rather than just what they believe.
Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant.
Dr. Melissa Clouthier: Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. The picture there is priceless--keep scrolling down.
Exile in Portales: Via Gerard: Morgan Freeberg, a guy with a lot to say. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Worth a read, or three. Or six.
Just Muttering: Two nice pieces at House of Eratosthenes, one about a perhaps unintended effect of the Enron mess, and one on the Gore-y environ-movie.
Mein Blogovault: Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads.
The Virginian: I know this post will offend some people, but the author makes some good points.
Poetic Justice: Cletus! Ah gots a laiv one fer yew...
What else is there to be said? You tell bald-faced lies, but if you have that lilt to your voice and There’s Just Something About you, hey it’s all good.
[President Obama] proved himself capable, too, of drama, as when he (figuratively) pointed a finger at the Supremes, sitting in their courtly robes directly in front of him, hands demurely folded, and accused them (in my opinion, unjustly, to say nothing of injudiciously) of allowing “foreign enemies” to influence our elections. I had been under the impression that it was called “free speech.” But never mind. It was an electrifying moment. Thank you, Mr. President.
Yeah I thought the guy was getting mad props because He was “no-drama Obama”; don’t know what happened to that.
I don’t understand these people, I really don’t. And I definitely mean that in the plural because Buckley is not the only one by any means. You know the type; yes it’s provably untrue, but it makes me feel so good I wanna fall for it anyway, and you should too. They’re still out there.
Buckley kicks off this fine piece of sermonizing with —
It is hard, indeed almost impossible, not to like Mr. Obama. In recent weeks, I’ve tried—tried my best. But Wednesday night he made it virtually impossible. Even discounting the perhaps 40 percent of the speech that consisted of the usual bromides and platitudes, even the most hardened skeptic must admit—the son of gun gives one hell of a speech.
The President’s gestures and comments were injudicious, unfair, untrue, imprudent, demagogic, snobbish and just plain rude. But “the son of a gun gives one hell of a speech” so this makes up for everything else?
Is it really impossible not to like Obama?
Let’s find out. Hmm. What’s Blogsister Daphne have to say?
I was going to wait until he was done, but I can’t.
I despise this shallow man and everything he stands for.
He’s either:
A) a full blown socialist.
B) an idiot.
C) a lobotomy patient.
D) a liar
E) demented
F) full of shit
G) a hypocrite
H) Poorly raised by a delusional hippie Boomer
I’m going for the full combo…
Advantage Daphne; you lose, Chris. Your slobbering hosannas weren’t true in 2008, and now they’re just outdated, and not a little bit.
Didn’t your Dad tell you? The millions of your fellow citizens who are now doing what you claim is virtually impossible, will be able to fill you in: Elections have consequences. Yes, a lot of Obama voters are still on your side — the first step to getting better is admitting you have a problem — but a whole lot more of them have started the long road to recovery, and are getting ready to apologize to the rest of us for putting the country through the entirely avoidable events of 2009.
It seems you have a keen eye for the hot new trend, or are trying to develop one. Hope you’re not the last to hop onto this one.
Update: Here’s one out of many possible examples of an issue that is just a touch more important than “giving one hell of a speech”:
The two police officers who ended the Fort Hood massacre viewed the State of the Union address from a spot reserved for national heroes: right next to first lady Michelle Obama.
Sgts. Mark Todd and Kimberly Munley watched the State of the Union address seated next to Michelle Obama.
President Barack Obama did not mention Sgts. Kimberly Munley and Mark Todd – or the Fort Hood shooting – during Wednesday’s speech. But the two officers joined in a standing ovation when the president addressed all of those who serve and support the military.
“All of our men and women in uniform – in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the world – they have to know that they have our respect, our gratitude and our full support,” Obama said. [emphasis mine]
On a tip from Towanda, commenter over at Buck’s place, responding to our New Mexico friend’s recap of Wednesday’s big event.
Just d-i-s-gusting. They were there. Right freakin’ there. Mister Wonderful didn’t feel it was worth His time to utter a single syllable. Too busy second-guessing the Supreme Court “with all due respect to the separation of powers.”
How nice it would have been to hear Mister Dulcet Tone call out the heroes by name, ask them to stand up, and request a round of well-deserved applause. But would that fall into the category of “Failed Policies of the Last Eight Years”? Because I got a feeling President Obama’s successor would-a done it…no ifs, ands or buts. And at the end of it, there’d be good things for people to say about Bush’s State of the Union besides the pat-answer thrill-up-my-leg stuff. The country wouldn’t be so divided about it. Even with the declining approval ratings, Soros’ billions of dollars brainwashing people into thinking it was some kind of human tragedy or war crime to take down Saddam Hussein…that remained the case. Heroes were called out for positive acknowledgment, those who disagreed or obstructed were not publicly humiliated like that, and there was…you know…some measure of class.
An entire generation seems to be in need of learning the lesson: Class is not the same as charisma. It is not the same as giving “one hell of a speech.” It’s a different thing, and maybe it falls into the Louis Armstrong If You Have To Ask You’re Never Gonna Know file. I’m thinking Daphne, in the very moment in which she peels off with her potty-mouth, has more class in her little finger than Christopher Buckley has in his whole body.
Sorry, that’s just the way it is. You lost massive points. Your Holy Man loves to talk a lot about “those who caused this mess in the first place” — and this year that’s people just like you, more than any “fat cat bankers,” when you get right down to it. You caused the mess we’re in right now, in the first place, because you’re overly enamored of smooth-talking salesmen, you aren’t tuned in to the idea that things have a causative relationship to other things…and for reasons nobody can explain, you want to vote anyway.
Update: Oopsie! If indeed there is a great cross-section of Americana that remains slobberingly fixated on the Community Organizer, there is gathering evidence that the feeling’s not mutual: Obama is becoming bored with the job.
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Buckley’s a demented moron.
My husband just told me told me to hush up and leave him alone after I went off on a caffeine fueled rant castigating half the populace for their mindless, ignorant insistence on lip syncing the tripe laden, socialist paeans issued by the evil triumvirate currently running our country straight into the ground.
I am a little surprised that mass emails aren’t ripping across the land calling for the citizenry to grab their pitchforks and torches with a determined plan to throw our arrogant overlords into the Atlantic ocean. I figure it’s because half the populace doesn’t pay income tax and gets their cereal bowls filled by the people who do. These leeches sit around in front of the boob tube and ask, “Can I have more, please?” while mooning over that lanky bullshit artist occupying the white house.
- Daphne | 01/29/2010 @ 07:41Dude loves adulation and laurels. A relatively easy route to them is to keep moving from job to job on the wave of excitement your wave of excitement perpetuates, and never stick around long enough for people to figure out, “Hey. Thus guy sucks!”
- philmon | 01/29/2010 @ 07:41[…] I Made a New Word XXXIV America Slowly Recovers From Hangover, Christopher Buckley Still Drunk “I Forgot He Was Black Tonight for an Hour” Are Businesses People? Vancouver in Time […]
- House of Eratosthenes | 01/29/2010 @ 08:09No doubt there is much spinning in the grave of WFB, Jr.
- bpenni | 01/29/2010 @ 10:09He raised his son as Hard Yang.
Of this, I have little doubt. Chris Buckley has fulfilled the definition. He thinks if untruth is spoken in a golden tongue, it becomes truth; or if not truth, at least something so wonderful that truth no longer matters.
Shudder in fear of a future managed by a monopoly of these people.
- mkfreeberg | 01/29/2010 @ 10:17Gee Daphne, tell us how you really feel.
Just kidding. I’m there with you. I generally avoid referring to the president by name, preferring to call him Obambi, Jug Ears, or something. And to tell you the truth, ten years ago I never thought I could possibly dislike any politician more than I did Clinton, the last Democrat elected president. The man seemed determined to undermine our national prestige abroad, socialize the economy, and tell everyone precisely what they wanted to hear without having any core principles or character to back it up.
Sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it? In fact, I’m starting to detect a pattern here.
Does anyone else miss Bush?
- cylarz | 01/29/2010 @ 14:19I’d like to add one more thing.
Remember for eight long years, we were constantly hearing about how stupid Bush was supposed to be, and how we’re still hearing the same thing about Palin? To bolster the point, their enemies would cherry-pick a few quotes out of context or talk about how (s)he didn’t know about thus-and-so.
For me, I would never question the intelligence of some liberal politician. The last one I said this about was Gore, back when he was still veep. And the intervening years have shown me that while Gore is dishonest and a demagogue, stupid is the one thing he definitely ain’t. The man has more or less single-handedly snookered the entire country (and with it, much of the Western world) on a sham idea.
And that gets me to Obama. I would not dare suggest that Obama is merely “stupid.” I don’t question his intelligence.
I question his priorities, his judgment, his associations, his experience, his qualifications, his background, and his ethics.
Am I still allowed to do that?
- cylarz | 01/29/2010 @ 14:25Answer: No! Racist! 😉
- philmon | 01/29/2010 @ 14:47Answer: Off to re-education camp!
- Daphne | 01/29/2010 @ 14:54